웅남이 (2023) Film Review

1. Woongnami (2023) directed by Park Sung-kwang • Reviews, film + cast

  • 신화를 활용한 아이디어가 기특하고 주인공 웅남이의 능력을 묘사하는 장면들은 ... 다만 일정 수준 이상으로 급한 느낌도 묻어나고, 무엇보다 그다지 코믹하지 않다는 점은 ...

  • The bear man who was once a bear become human by eating garlic and mugwort for 100 days. One day, after retirement as a policeman, a terrorist brings the deadly virus and he looks exactly the same as the bear man! With help of a detective and Youtuber, he tries to save the world now.

Woongnami (2023) directed by Park Sung-kwang • Reviews, film + cast

2. Bear Man - Steven D Rowe

  • Oct 23, 2023 · About. From IMDB: · Cast. Park Sung Woong (박성웅) as Woong Nam · Review. This was a very cute movie with a lot of comedy and some action.

  • Bear Man (웅남이) is a South Korean action comedy movie that was released on 22nd March 2023. About From IMDB: Based on the Danggun myth that bears become humans after eating garlic and mugwort, it depicts the story of twin Asiatic Bear brothers, who were managed by the Pro-North Korean Institute of Technology,

Bear Man - Steven D Rowe

3. 영화 웅남이 솔직후기 결말포함 줄거리 : 내 간은 빠지지 않았다네

영화 웅남이 솔직후기 결말포함 줄거리 : 내 간은 빠지지 않았다네

4. [리뷰] '웅남이', 사람이 된 곰의 흐릿한 웃음 발자국 - 씨네21

  • 순순한 사내와 고독한 남자를 오가는 박성웅의 일인이역 연기도 시선을 끈다. 다만 <웅남이>에는 낭비된 장면이 많다. 작정한 코미디 신들이 쓰임을 다 ...

  • 중년의 얼굴을 한 25살의 나웅남(박성웅)에게는 출생의 비밀이 있다. 그가 마늘과 쑥을 100일간 먹고 사람이 된 반달곰이라는 사실이다. ‘곰’ 웅남을 연구하던 과학자 나복천(오달수)과 아내 경숙(염혜란)에게 거둬진 그는 고된 사회화를 거쳐 어엿한 경찰이 되지만, 자신이 곧 죽는다는 얘기에 충격을 받아 근무 태만으로 해직된다. 백수가 되어 동네 친구...

[리뷰] '웅남이', 사람이 된 곰의 흐릿한 웃음 발자국 - 씨네21

5. Bear Man 웅남이 (2023) Director: Park Sung-kwang [New York Asian Film ...

  • Jul 17, 2023 · Ultimately, this is a fun and undemanding film that makes good on its premise. It carries plenty of emotions and a solid run of comedy that ...

  • Bear Man 웅남이 (2023), by director Park Sung-kwang, is a solid comedy/action/crime film about bears that turn into men. It makes good on its premise and offers an amusing time.

Bear Man 웅남이 (2023) Director: Park Sung-kwang [New York Asian Film ...

6. Bear Man (웅남이, Park Sung-kwang, 2023) - Windows on Worlds

  • Sep 17, 2023 · Quirky in the extreme and defiantly absurd, the film nevertheless has genuine heart in otherwise strange tale of wandering sons and bears of men ...

  • A pair of bare cubs decide to become human with entirely different results in Park Sung-kwang’s zany comedy.

Bear Man (웅남이, Park Sung-kwang, 2023) - Windows on Worlds

7. 웅남이> 티저 예고편 - 씨네21

  • 씨네21 · 검색. <웅남이> 티저 예고편. 웅남이 (2023). 15세이상관람가|98분|코미디, 액션. 페이스북 · 트위터. 웅남이. 인간을 초월하는 짐승 같은 능력으로 국제 범죄 ...

  • 대한민국 최고 영화전문매체 씨네21은 최신영화 정보, 전문가 평점, 박스오피스 영화, 시사회 이벤트 정보 등 최다 영화 관련 기사와 정보를 제공합니다.

8. Bear Man (2023) - MyDramaList

  • Jul 18, 2024 · Bear Man (Korean Movie); 웅남이; Ungnami;Woongnami; Based on the Danggun myth that bears become humans after eating garlic and mugwort, ...

  • Based on the Danggun myth that bears become humans after eating garlic and mugwort, it depicts the story of twin Asiatic Bear brothers, who were managed...

Bear Man (2023) - MyDramaList
웅남이 (2023) Film Review


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Author: Annamae Dooley

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Views: 5808

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (45 voted)

Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

Phone: +9316045904039

Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.