@TokuTakeover 10 месяцев назад +156
To answer one quick question that might be on a lot of people's minds when I make these compilations, I try to look for the best example of the Riders Henshin pose and jingle. Which is why some of the clips aren't from the Riders' first appearance as sometimes they just quickly henshin. Anyways thx for watching!!!
@ayyubmuhammadamir82585 месяцев назад +11
Dude I understand what you’re saying but why do you have to show Garren get the shit beat out of him like that😂
@TokuTakeover 5 месяцев назад +19
@@ayyubmuhammadamir8258 I don't like him
@ayyubmuhammadamir82585 месяцев назад +1
@@TokuTakeover Yeah he is kinda one of the most boring second rider and feel more like a third rider
@エイドリアンハビビです5 месяцев назад +1
@@TokuTakeoverTrans tv
@jonathanc.56094 месяца назад +1
@@TokuTakeoverpoor tachibana :c
@KGKSkull6 месяцев назад +339
To anyone that stumbled upon this. These are various heroes from a Japanese show called Kamen Rider
@Dx_Hearted6 месяцев назад +30
Kamen rider start on 1971 the same year Return Of Ultraman show
@akhilesh41146 месяцев назад +31
Not only heroes, even the villans are known as Kamen riders
@Dx_Hearted6 месяцев назад +22
@@akhilesh4114 yes such as kamen rider ouja
@KGKSkull6 месяцев назад +7
@@akhilesh4114 shhhh spoilers
@nuraqilasidek-qk7zp6 месяцев назад +7
@@akhilesh4114 Overlord of Darkness: How unsightly of you
@Vesperitis5 месяцев назад +125
All these years later, and the Gatack is still the best designed (and named!) Rider.
@AlthafDhaval4 месяца назад
@cashbrady40743 месяца назад +2
@cashbrady40743 месяца назад +2
Ok your right best designed secondary rider
@Aviator99993 месяца назад +1
accel best henshin 2nd rider
@BuildHazzard2 месяца назад +2
Cross Z is better than gattack, though almost they have similar personality
@anonenormous23762 месяца назад +10
This is actually way cooler than power rangers ever was haha damn. Missed out
@kant_non43855 месяцев назад +33
Knight’s design is far superior than the primary rider in the show 😂
@Tooneric52526 месяцев назад +106
Here before it gets marked for kids
(The main heisei rider video got marked for kids)@TokuTakeover 5 месяцев назад +17
working on an appeal i worked hard on it lol i want people to talk about it in the comments for feedback ;_;
@エイドリアンハビビです5 месяцев назад
@ezvrn4 месяца назад +5
And now the tertiary one, too, marked for kids.
@flareraptor17503 месяца назад +1
@@TokuTakeover I saw a Tokustatsu toy review channel put "this is not for f*cking kids" at the begining of the video and it didn't got flagged as kids content. Maybe try that.
@Sid4Day2 месяца назад
just put a swear word clip at the beginning so it's not for kids, i mean some channel use it and it works
@afikkusan5 месяцев назад +82
Knight, Kaixa, Gatack are the 3 coolest secondary Rider designs. Probably because their main rider looks absolutely cool too. Or rather, their series have the best looking riders ever.
@waiyukumnao54304 месяца назад
You got my vote . 🍆
@LemoNanora4 месяца назад +2
Add Zeronos, the base form looks cool too but it's final form not so much the bronze colour one
@illogical14212 месяца назад
I really don't get what people see in Kabuto and Gatack.
@BeanMan1573 месяца назад +10
Everyone: henshin!
G3: suit up
The Riderman of Heisei@son96265 месяцев назад +28
God G3 is always have a favorite place in my heart
@NexGenSaiyan215 месяцев назад +41
Giez is also the one of the first Secondary Riders to not only be in the first episode, but also to show a powered-up form before the Main Rider. I think he did the biggest flex out of all the Secondary Riders at the time.
@TieuBachHoLy5 месяцев назад +12
@GeorgeDCowley3 месяца назад +1
Technically, Tokiwa started in Oma.
@illogical14212 месяца назад +3
G3, the first secondary rider literally is the first to receive an upgrade before the main rider, and Knight did after him as well.
@DCPierrot485 месяцев назад +19
Mach being so dramatic and extra with his debut henshin
@S0ulAvenu34 месяца назад +4
That's Gou for you...
@RedOfFlames4 месяца назад +10
Gou (Mach) will forever have the funniest debut
@thestranger59112 месяца назад +1
See AlsoKamen Rider Ryuki: The Complete Series (Blu-ray) (US IMPORT) • $104.39"kamen rider helmet free" 3D Models to Print - yeggiHim speaking English will never not catch me off guard.
@Skylertoku3 месяца назад +6
G3 be like: henshin? Nah ill do it manual
@wamengxiong04094 месяца назад +6
I think the coolest part about Kabito and Gatack is the fact that their belts are opposite of one another, just like how Tendou Souji and Arata Kagami are
@chargemankent15 часов назад
Ixa is that one Closed Eyed Anime Character who fought with 1% of their power and opens their eyes only when they are serious and want to show 100% of their power.
@JamesCPotter133 месяца назад +12
Ixa is definitely in my top 5 secondary designs.
Vulcan, Brave, Cross- Z, and Blades are up there as well.@MAZZ0MurderМесяц назад +1
I guess I forgot about Mach's showmanship. Had some fun moments in the show where he spends too much time introducing himself that the villain gets away 🤣
@SilverDFoxy5 месяцев назад +15
Kamen rider Mach is officially have the longest secondary MC transformation
@TokuTakeover 5 месяцев назад +9
I honestly should have made it shorter I just enjoy his silly introduction
@JosephStevens-zd8dr2 месяца назад
Nah it’s Ibuki
@terryshadow905 месяцев назад +23
12:07 cut off the
BANANA BANANA BANANA part is sad 😭@TokuTakeover 4 месяца назад +5
felt like it ruined such a cool moment 😂 had to redeem it
@BolsonaroepeixeМесяц назад
@jethrotest5 месяцев назад +5
Gatack, Cross-Z, and Knight will always be my top 3 secondaries
@RufusKyura5 месяцев назад +12
Thanks for the cool compilation.
But how dare you skip the "BANANA?! BARON DA!" skit lol@TokuTakeover 5 месяцев назад +3
@RufusKyura it just makes the scene for me un-serious so I had to edit it lmaooo
@npcimknot9584 месяца назад +2
@@TokuTakeoverthe fruit Kamen rider has to be the funniest thing lool 😂 when kamen rider became sentai 😂
@ninebreaker27412 дней назад
didn’t know there was this many riders. I started with gaim recently, and I’ve been loving it.
@chargemankent15 часов назад
Should check out Kabuto.
My Number one Favorite Kamen Rider!
@trashtalkernabobosaml22694 месяца назад +4
My favorite secondary rider
Banjou ryuga@ayeee_183 месяца назад +2
5:03 fav👏
@gabrielmatthew40349 месяцев назад +20
Can You Make A Next Video For All Tertiary Heisei Rider (Gills To Woz) Please?
1. Ryo Ashihara/Kamen Rider Gills
2. Shuichi Kitaoka/Kamen Rider Zolda
3. Shuji Mihara/Kamen Rider Delta
4. Hajime Aikawa/Kamen Rider Chalice
5. Tomizo "Todoroki" Todayama/Kamen Rider Todoroki
6. Sou Yaguruma/Kamen Rider TheBee & KickHopper
7. Kotaro Nogami/Kamen Rider New Den-O
8. Taiga Nobori/Kamen Rider Saga
9. Yusuke Onodera/Kamen Rider Kuuga (A.R. World)
10. Sokichi Narumi/Kamen Rider Skull
11. Akira Date/Kamen Rider Birth Prototype
12. Nadeshiko/Kamen Rider Nadeshiko
13. Mayu Inamori/Kamen Rider Mage
14. Mitsuzane Kureshima/Kamen Rider Ryugen
15. Chase/Kamen Rider Chaser
16. Alain/Kamen Rider Necrom
17. Taiga Hanaya/Kamen Rider Snipe
18. Kazumi Sawatari/Kamen Rider Grease
19. Black Woz/Kamen Rider Woz@BuildHazzard2 месяца назад +1
16:18 HENSHING👍👍👍👍👍👍
@zilla2006able10 месяцев назад +9
this was ok video 👍
@TokuTakeover 10 месяцев назад +3
Glad you enjoyed it, I'll be working on more so I hope you'll look forward to that!
@zilla2006able7 месяцев назад +2
@@TokuTakeover so what is the update on your next video???
@NeomanSubs6 месяцев назад +2
@@TokuTakeovercouldn't you upload all main & secondary riders like reiwa era one's
Zero-One to Gotchard/Vulcan-Majade@TokuTakeover 5 месяцев назад
@@NeomanSubs Honestly now that Gotchard is about to end and Gavv is coming out I have enough content to go ahead and do it!!
@kamarulbahari1525 месяцев назад +12
Maybe its just me, but IMO both Cross-Z and Gaetz looks much better then the primary rider from their series.
@Laevant5 месяцев назад +3
A lot of secondary and tertiary riders look better than the main imo.
@illogical14212 месяца назад
Secondary riders normally have suits that tend to be on par with the main rider's suit, not always, tho.
@npcimknot9584 месяца назад +2
The belts just got bigger and bigger and bigger 😂
@tofu521Месяц назад
true but at the start of reiwa the belt starting to get smaller again but the add on for the belt just kept getting bigger
@h1murashi5 месяцев назад +8
Kamen Rider Kabuto had the best looking Riders suits IMO.
Theme-wise tho, I prefer Ryuuki more.@BuildHazzard2 месяца назад
Cross Z looks good too
@정현수-j7m5 месяцев назад +1
Biend, beast. ㅎㅎ ⭐️ ❤
@mikulitsi18195 месяцев назад +3
Kamen Rider is always cool
@nathanielbrown21105 месяцев назад +6
Shame it is so hard to find these on line to watch here in America
Love subs over english dumbery@vivisectt10 дней назад
I can't help but to laugh at garren 😭😭
Bro just transformed to get jumped instead 😭😭@LindseyLohan-k1y2 месяца назад
Noticed when Mach jumped from that roof, his pants turned from brown to green
@droses14Месяц назад +1
Makin modern rider nya makin kocak henshin nya 😂
@gregoryd.robinson86103 месяца назад
6:58 the coming of ONE of my favorite second Kamen Riders.
16:31 here's the second. Not mentioned... Vulcan.
0:56 sorry, Kaixa, I just remembered you.@BuildHazzard2 месяца назад +2
Anybody here who is a fan of BANJOU RYUGA?
@spamnitip5 месяцев назад +3
seriously where do you guys watch these HD old kamen rider series?
@TokuTakeover 5 месяцев назад +1
@spamnitip can't say where, but there are sources to find them, I will say it's not on some website to watch and pc space will get full pretty fast if u get what I mean
@chargemankent15 часов назад
You need to go full Gol D Roger on this one, my man.
@oswaldoayala91676 месяцев назад +17
This is even groovier than the sixth Sentai or power rangers
@TomsonHuynh5 месяцев назад +2
@illogical14212 месяца назад
Depends, and I'd say no one comes close to Twokaiser lmao
@Scorbunzx5 месяцев назад +2
Tokutakeover how would a sonic themed Kamen Rider sound to you just asking.
@TokuTakeover 5 месяцев назад +1
epic honestly, think It be cool to see a sonic inspired rider 😎
@Scorbunzx5 месяцев назад
@@TokuTakeover I thought about using the wisp inside usb sticks like w.
@shukorjali734 месяца назад +2
How does one acquire Kamen Rider in such high quality
@TokuTakeover 4 месяца назад
🤫 places
@AanPunjabi3 месяца назад
Kaoru Ichijou always become the best secondary rider in my heart!! Even though he is not a rider!
@LemoNanora16 дней назад
Zenoros (base)
They're all sk cool and sick looking@chargemankent15 часов назад
@nva_ddr_anthem_desu4 месяца назад
5:02 Legend form
@CARL_0938 дней назад
were is lion senki???? and wolf from zero one?
@chargemankent15 часов назад +1
They are Reiwa Riders. This is Heisei only.
@nathanielbrown21105 месяцев назад +2
Kamen rider de ind will be my favorite
Not good
Not bad.
He knows what he wants but he won't f others over. Decade is my favorite main of course@TwilightRBLXReal2 месяца назад
That face remind me of kurenai gai in ultraman orb
@OrificeHorus5 месяцев назад +4
Ah, yes, Kamen Rider.
AKA Power Rangers, minus the mecha, plus on the Shonen Protagonist.@Bolsonaroepeixe4 месяца назад +3
And better than Power Rangers
@BuildHazzard2 месяца назад +2
Power ranger/super sentai is a 5vs1 most of the time, where as kamen rider is 1vs1, sometimes 2v1.. so kamen rider is better
@Bolsonaroepeixe2 месяца назад +1
@@BuildHazzard And Kamen Rider have history, without "Week Monster"
@Rea_me5 месяцев назад +2
Wait, I thought Chalice is the secondary rider and not Garren?
@fernandovilcap89655 месяцев назад
Chalice is the third rider, Garren is the secondary of Blade
@BuildHazzard2 месяца назад
@@fernandovilcap8965its leangle i guess
@fernandovilcap89652 месяца назад
@@BuildHazzard leangle is the fourth
@BuildHazzard2 месяца назад
@@fernandovilcap8965 ohhhhhhhh
@chargemankent15 часов назад
I thought Joker is the secondary rider
@rizkywahyu18085 месяцев назад +2
wah keren banget bang kamen rider nya
@joaobaptista3533 месяца назад
Honestly camen rider ACCEL transformation is too cool❤😂
@fachrielfreda84195 месяцев назад +5
kuuga doesnt need second rider😅
@flywithartse3 месяца назад +2
the police partner works better than any 2nd rider
@MuhammadNur-nk6iv4 месяца назад +1
Ryuki and faiz need remake with amazon treatment
@willnack53156 месяцев назад +14
I get the feeling if they ever made a western adaptation of Gaim, one of the running gags would be everyone call Baron “Kamen Rider Minion” due to the banana theme! It would be pretty funny to see, even more so if it was done to the original version of Baron!
@なのだCult3 месяца назад
Ren (Knight) and Geiz really look alike
@LauJeff-q4c4 месяца назад +1
I'm so like a Kamen rider knight
@LauJeff-q4c4 месяца назад
i'm so like a Kamen rider knight and diend
@2007golo13 дней назад +1
Kaixa namber1
@chimichagas07825 месяцев назад +2
Poor kuuga
@simunator3 дня назад
ryuki will always be my goat
@asdf74838384 месяца назад
I had high hopes for ixa when it first appeared, but it turned out to be a letdown somewhat somehow
@ZackT92255 месяцев назад +3
So im confused about the Kamen Rider show. Particularly about the camera. I'm not sure what it is, but there is clearly a massive difference between this show and other Toku shows.
@renzgaces77564 месяца назад +1
mask rider Knight,Kabuto,Reukendo,Blade the best
@Brightyization5 месяцев назад +1
What about black sun
@chargemankent15 часов назад
This is Heisei Riders only.
@haziqzaidi711Месяц назад
Masa buat lesen kereta kena banyak ..banyak bersabar lah ,jangan lupa signal ya😂
@AstroCitra3163 месяца назад
@troylandzerep80455 месяцев назад +2
i dont considered g3 as a henshin more or less a suit up thing
@yangyi16223 месяца назад
Meteor my favorite
@kamu4487Месяц назад
Kamen rider fourth heisei please
@RifkiFadillah-h5sМесяц назад
kamen rider zio orega koushuke
@firmansyahabdurrochman15335 месяцев назад +1
Kamen rider knight
@MegaManDBZX5 месяцев назад +2
Wait. Why was Knight shown here? He’s the main Rider of his show.
@BuildHazzard2 месяца назад +2
Its kamen rider RYUKI, not kamen rider KNIGHT😂
@MegaManDBZX2 месяца назад
@@BuildHazzard Yeah. But Shinji is a terrible character and doesn’t deserve to be called a Kamen Rider at all let alone be referred to as the main Rider even in a show built off despising Kamen Riders and superheroes in general.
@Edy-mi4us6 месяцев назад +1
@adidas714095 месяцев назад +6
All of the henshin sound after wizard are noisy and annoying
@BuildHazzard2 месяца назад +1
Build is good though.
@CahyanYayan2 месяца назад
C_C.@smulyuutuper229312 дней назад
The new kamen rider is just stupid with the machine name screaming or somesht lol
@brianuuuSonicReborn5 месяцев назад +2
Ex-Aid ones looks the worst...
@akmahdi6165 месяцев назад +5
starting from fourze, the kamen riders look kinda meh
@MrHellboy1123 месяца назад +2
costumes in ex aid are just ugly as hell :/
@BuildHazzard2 месяца назад +2
The belt is bulky also
@chargemankent15 часов назад
No Cap
@YokomichiSilver6 месяцев назад +3
I'm sorry but the fruit based Kamen Riders are just too wacky.
@haydenfromsight6 месяцев назад +11
and somehow the wacky fruit one ended up being one of the best seasons of kamen rider
@YokomichiSilver6 месяцев назад
@@haydenfromsight I'm actually disappointed they didn't have a apple kamen rider. All those fruits and no Apple's?
@haydenfromsight6 месяцев назад +7
@@YokomichiSilver There are multiple apple riders actually
Gaim Kiwami Arms - Golden Apple
Kamuro Silver Arms - Silver Apple
Mars and Jam - Forbidden Fruit / Golden Apple
Idunn - Apple@YokomichiSilver6 месяцев назад +1
@@haydenfromsight oh, then why weren't they shown in the video? Seems like a lie then by OP if they say "hey here's all of them" and don't include those.
@Set2Seth6 месяцев назад +5
@@YokomichiSilver The reason why is KINDA spoiler reasons.
Tl;Dr, The Apple one's are a MAJOR deal in Gaim. Even got their own movies/lore behind them
@gedesuannataeih90802 месяца назад
I swear to God, design from Diend until Brave were total lame.. they saved again the 2nd rider design from CrossZ and Geiz.. again, Blades design also was lame..
@Hhhugggg44432 месяца назад
@yijunwu26366 месяцев назад +2
Kamen rider birth and g3 is the worst secondary riders ngl
@gammasx39305 месяцев назад +2
How come???
@ZeroConZx4 месяца назад
G3 is based as fuck, fuck you
@chargemankent15 часов назад
Bro! You did not just throw shade at my Boi G3!!
@CahyanYayan2 месяца назад
All Secondary Heisei Kamen Rider Henshin: Transformation (G3 - Geiz) (2025)
- https://www.yeggi.com/q/kamen+rider+helmet+free/4/
- https://picclick.com.au/Kamen-Rider-Ryuki-The-Complete-Series-Blu-ray-US-135482928285.html
- https://ruclips.net/video/klkYCyLu1os/all-secondary-heisei-kamen-rider-henshin-transformation-g3-geiz.html
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Article information
Author: Allyn Kozey
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Views: 5641
Rating: 4.2 / 5 (63 voted)
Reviews: 94% of readers found this page helpful
Author information
Name: Allyn Kozey
Birthday: 1993-12-21
Address: Suite 454 40343 Larson Union, Port Melia, TX 16164
Phone: +2456904400762
Job: Investor Administrator
Hobby: Sketching, Puzzles, Pet, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Dowsing, Sports
Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.