An Eternity Together - Erk_Rauorfox (2024)

The empty gaming chair that sat unoccupied churned her heart in the most visceral way possible. The glow of the evening sunlight seeped through the windows, illuminating the room in a warm orange glow. Bookshelves filled with rows of comic books, mangas and figurines were filled clean and tidied, no speck of dust can be seen nor was there any disorderly mess in the otherwise male adolescent room. She let out a pent out sigh and sat on the bed, drinking in all of the nostalgia and memories she once had in her brother's room.

During the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, nationwide lockdowns forced everyone to be stuck in doors. It was a scary time, so much uncertainty over their future, their careers and life itself. She was still a freshman at the time, eager to make new friends in high school and a journey to self discovery. Yet the pandemic struck, a vicious virus that paralyzed global economies, destroyed families and severed social connections. It was a daunting time, but her brother saw it differently.

"We get to stay indoors and play video games all day, what's not to like?" His words echoed his optimistic and carefree nature, unburdened by responsibilities or the realities of making ends meet, he like many young teenagers thought the pandemic was a blessing by the gods themselves. No need to attend school physically and they can enjoy the comfort of their bed during online classes, it was everything a shut-in nerd like him could have wanted. It was during this time where the fear of the pandemic gradually became one of boredom and indifference, Mira was slowly desensitized by the constant reports of covid and the daily numbers that seemed to be going up. Days turned into weeks and then months, she had exhausted her catalog of her favourite dramas, scrolling TikTok became boring and texting her friends over mundane topics were repetitious.

She needed a new hobby.

"If you want, we can play video games together." When she first heard it, she just scoffed and laughed. The mere suggestion from him was just absurd, the two had never really done anything together before unless their parents forced them to. Certainly when it comes to taking out the trash, washing the bathroom and doing house chores they would work together and take turns, but voluntarily spend time with one another? That was unheard of for the siblings. And yet, despite dismissing the idea at first, she gradually warmed up to the idea. She wasn't necessarily a gamer like her brother, but she had her fair share of playing Animal crossing, The Sims and PS2 games back in the day.

"Alright Galen, what do you have in mind?" From that moment onwards, the two bonded over every video game they could play together. At first it was fairly awkward, finding the right game genres for the both of them became a contentious issue. Sweaty and tryhard games like FPS, Battle Royale and MOBA games were reserved for his friends while he disliked slow pace farming simulator type of games, calling them boring. It was nearly unworkable, until he suggested a game that both of them had played casually before.

"Minecraft, we play minecraft. You can do the building and I can do the killing." It was a mixture of their respective interests mingling together as one. He will do the lord's work by gathering resources and she will focus on building farms and aesthetic constructs. No creative mode, no cheats and a brand new world where the two siblings do whatever together. Mira took a moment and agreed, seeing that she had not played the game in a long time and the game had changed a lot since then.

"Sure, you create the world and invite me." The server was set and the world was created for both of them to explore. Galen's mastery over Minecraft made him a genius if not annoying given his desire to min-max everything they do while she wanted a more casual and relaxing experience. They were arguments, from where to set up their base, which biome is better and building design choices that ticked both of them off. But for all of their sibling squabbles, there was something nice playing minecraft together during late stormy nights. In the day, the two would do their own thing and at night, it's time for their daily minecraft session. Many milestones were achieved during their time together, from traveling to the nether, building their first iron golem farm and killing the ender dragon together, it was nice, fun even.

Gradually, the two moved onto other games once they were bored of Minecraft. Terraria, Stardew Valley, Valheim, Genshin Impact, FFXIV, so many games they never touched before quickly became their daily routine and obsession. Their parents were particularly proud and happy that they were getting along online and offline, it was obvious since the siblings would talk about what they want to do after dinner and the video guides they found on youtube. But a day only has 24 hours and Mira noticed that Galen had opted to spend less time with his own friend group to spend it with her, slowly pushing their gaming time together earlier from night, to dusk and then finally noon. She certainly didn't mind but she did occasionally make a cheeky comment on how desperate he is to play games with her, to which he always responded with a witty remark followed by a flushed expression.

Things were different, the mocking and patronizing tone she used to speak to him became one of endearment. Banters, conversations and private matters were a common topic between them as time went on, Mira was often caught off guard by how mature and sensitive he could be when he isn't an annoying little gremlin or online troll. Philosophy, trends, movies and music genres, many little things they never knew about each other were casually exchanged between siblings during their many conversations.

"What are you even watching these days?" Her character on the screen continued to build up their dream treehouse together, mixing spruce plank woods and oak logs together to create gradients and textures.

"Jujutsu Kaisen, it started airing and it's awesome! You should watch it." The enthusiasm in his voice was met with a meh from her, she wasn't necessarily a huge anime fan since she did have negative connotations when it comes to them. But her brother had already involved her in one of his hobbies, it doesn't hurt to learn more about them. She agreed to watch one episode with him and boy, did it leave her down a rabbit hole of spiral.

Vtubers soon followed into her content feed and with it streamers, travel bloggers and many content creators. Their lives and interests became more intertwined, with her brother even watching the occasional k-dramas with him when she asked him to. It was surreal, the two of them would sometimes crash over at each other's room to watch shows and movies together. It was during these more calm and private moments where she really felt a sense of connection with him, vibing with him in their silence without needing to say anything over how much they mean to one another.

Yet as quarantine days dwindled and the pandemic became an epidemic, lockdown orders and mask mandates gradually loosened and people were allowed to step out again. Nearly a year's worth of social isolation, sedentary lifestyle and couch potatoing numbed the siblings to any forms of social interaction with other people. Their time together was near an end and both of them knew they would soon go back to their usual routine of school work and club activities.

"Mira?" The sound of her mother's voice broke her stupor and train of thought. She turned around and smiled when her mother clutched both hands before her chest. She simply sat down next to her and placed a warm arm around her, eyeing the room where her son once stayed.

"You okay?" The sister merely nodded, putting on a brave facade to reassure her mother that she was over her brother's passing.

"Yeah I'm okay." It didn't take a detective to see through her lie, but her mother simply sighed and stared at her son's room again. The many toys, photographs and trophies adorned just made her quiver her lips. She remembered holding him in her arms when he was a baby, cradling gently in her arms as his little hands reached for her finger.

"I miss him mom." The cracking voice from her daughter didn't surprise her. She mustered a strong motherly look, holding back her own tears that choked her. Her son's warmth and infectious smile was still something she desperately wished to see again. His dreams and aspirations of traveling around the world and visiting iconic landmarks were dashed, along with any semblance of his presence in this house. His birthdays became a constant reminder of his absence and dinner tables were always one person short.

"I know you do, I miss him too." It was Monday morning when she first heard the news. Mira had just enrolled into college and was ecstatic to start her new semester, meeting new people from different backgrounds and diverse cultures always excited her. She was eager to learn about the world and make connections with others when her phone rang during one of her lectures.

"Your brother was involved in an accident." Her Mother's blunt and frantic words pierce her heart at that very moment. She could barely recall what happened next because she sat there paralyzed, unable to fully comprehend or absorb the information. Naturally, she assumed the worst had happened to him.

And it did.

Her brother was declared dead after paramedics failed to resuscitate him.

The following days were… difficult to say the least. Her brother was involved in a fatal hit and run with the perpetrator arrested and jailed for speeding over a red light near the school zone. To Mira, she wanted nothing but to kill the bastard for his reckless driving. Her little brother, filled with a bright future ahead of him, was gone just like that. She barely sorted out her emotions when learned the truth behind her brother's death, it felt like her whole world was shattered right in front of her without any warning. The abrupt passing of her brother changed her drastically, with devastating long-term consequences. The first few months was the worst state she had ever been in, her mental health was spiraling out of control and anything that even reminded her of Galen just twisted a knife through her heart. Barely eating, barely sleeping, her mind replayed the fun times they have together and how it simply wasn't enough.

He left her too soon.

She managed to recover and cope with his death by going out with her friends as much as possible. They were a sweet bunch and involved her in many of their outings, be it clubbing, swimming or hanging out by the cafes, anything to take her mind off the tragedy that happened to him and it worked! Throughout the many semesters, college assignments and part time jobs kept her busy, there was scarcely any time she had for herself. But during quiet nights where she lay down on her bed with eyes staring above the ceiling, she would always fondly remember his voice and chuckles. Her PC and laptop that sat on her desk was a constant reminder of the fun times they had together, along with the many figurines and shoujo mangas she bought out of his influence.

Now it is the year 2026, and she is 21 years old. Though everyone in her life had seemingly moved on from Galen's death, she still felt like she was relieving parts of it everyday. Her mother fondly held onto her brother's memories while her father buried himself in his work to distract himself from the sorrow that still weighed in his heart.

"But your brother would have wanted us to move on." The very words from her mother made her frustrated and appalled. She knew that, of course she did, but losing him felt like she lost a part of herself. Even after lockdown restrictions were lifted, the two were still a tight-knitted pair. He was her best friend, she confided many of her darkest secrets and personal fears onto him. He comforted her during rainy days and supported her throughout her many moments of triumphs and accolades. He was her best friend and brother, and now she was told that she had to move on from his warmth and love?

"I know mom." Those words were practically forced out from her mouth. She maintained a pensive smile when her mother kissed her cheek and squeezed her shoulders. The weight of the bed grew lighter when she left Mira to her own devices, seemingly ending the conversation they have frequently after his passing.

Her soft lavender blue eyes rested on his PC again, untouched since he last used it. The orange hue sky turned into a shade of purple and black, with the light of the stars and moon slowly illuminating the room. Her long dark blue hair cascaded down her shoulders, a little frizzled and scruff from the lack of proper self-care. It was a Friday night, semester break had started and she had yet to find a proper part time job to occupy herself. She let out a sigh and stared at the starry night, the flickering and blinking lights in the distance seemed so magical and calming. It was always her dream to go stargazing in the forest with a roasting campfire, it was arguably her favourite thing to do when Galen and her play any game together that had beautiful night skies, immersing themselves in the roleplay and fun.

Yet, right now she was tired and turning in early seemed better than doom scrolling on her phone again. She exited the room and entered the showers, tending her hygiene and hair care that she long neglected. Fresh from the showers, she turned on the air conditioning and sat on the edge of her bed to dry her hair. The monotonous session ended with Mira falling face first onto the bed. Emotionally drained and physically tired from club activities today, she wanted to sleep a thousand summers. She leaned forward and flicked the light switch off, engulfing her room in total darkness.

Her tired eyes stared at the ceiling, the constant thought of starting her life over in a foreign country where nobody knew her was increasingly tempting with every passing night. She wanted a fresh start, away from the trauma and emotional baggage. No more stressful college assignments, petty drama between friend groups or the worry of unemployment for her future, she just wanted to rewind time and play video games with her brother again.

She closed her eyes shut, desperately silencing the voices in her head that taunted her and screamed at her. Guilt is a hell of a feeling and despite knowing she wasn't responsible for her brother's passing, she still felt the survivor's guilt clawing her heart. But amidst the chaotic and loud voices, a moment of clarity and serenity fizzled out the noise. A warm and gentle voice silenced the needless rabbles, motherly yet stern, she was certain she was having another lucid dream again.

"Mira." Her eyes shot open at that moment before it quickly readjusted to the blinding light. She scarcely collected her bearings when she processed everything that was happening. No longer in the confines of her bedroom, she was in a prism like space, drifting aimlessly in the air as various geometric shapes of triangle, squares and arithmetic equations floated around in the background. Her eyes rested on a large crystal whose light shined so brilliantly. It was a joke to Mira at this point, perhaps she was too far gone and has become schizophrenic. This wasn't the first time where she had weird dreams. Still, she liked to entertain herself.

"Who are you?" Tired and indifferent, Mira perched one hand on her hips despite how absurd the situation she found herself in, talking to a diamond shaped being while grieving for her life, brilliant.

"I am your soulkeeper. You may think of me as a fairy or a genie, able to make your wish come true." Yeap she was too far gone, hallucinations had rendered her unable to tell apart between fiction and fact. Sassy and undeterred by her questionable mental health, she crossed her arms at the ludicrous words spewing from this false light.

"Uh huh." Sensing her increasingly sour mood, the soulkeeper went for a direct approach.

"Mira, you miss Galen don't you?" Instantly, her calm and indifferent facade shattered. She dropped her act and clenched her hands together, unable to hide her desire to see her brother again. Was this crystal here to mock her too? Taunting her that her brother was no longer here with her?

"I can help you reunite with him." She narrowed her eyes, her delirium was so bad that she dream of ways to be with him again. Even for a moment, she entertained that thought to escape reality. Who knows, false hope might be what she needed to live another day in this forsaken world.

"What do you mean?" The optimism within her voice was obvious, but the crystal was wise enough to not make a comment on it.

"Your brother is not dead, his spirit lives on in the realm of another." She floated closer to the crystal at that instant. She refused to believe that reincarnation was a thing and even more absurd that he essentially isekai to another world like those light novels or anime.

"H-He got isekaied?" The very words that came from her mouth made her cringed internally.

"I believe that term means transported to another world, correct?" Mira recovered from her embarrassment and nodded along. Though the oversaturation of isekai anime was annoying, she did understand that art is a reflection of our times and the fact the isekai genre is still so popular now is because of society's intense desire for escapism. Modern life is harsh and unforgiving, those who do not keep up with the times would be left behind by it. So as long as there is a demand to escape from reality, the isekai industry would continue to thrive.


"Then he has reincarnated in another world of his choosing." Mira floated around, her brother got to choose where he wanted to reincarnate? That was a new premise to her but it also gave her some concern that he didn't choose to reincarnate back on earth, mayhaps there were limitations? O-Or maybe he was tired of normal life on earth?

'God look at me, all of this is in my head and I'm acting so desperate.' She hated this, she knew all of this is but a fantasy and it isn't real. Yet a part of her was desperately clinging onto the hope of seeing him again. Even if this was just her imagination coping with grief and loss, she could take solace in the temporary relief and play along to dull the pain.

"Really? Where? How can I reach him?!" The crystal gleamed and glowed, the warm light basked her skin in the shade of white and yellow.

"Patience young one, allow me to explain." Mira sighed and moved around like she was underwater, the total control and mastery over her movements really made her fluid and capable of flight.

"Please do."

"When a person dies, their soul returns to the lifestream where all life begins and ends, Yet for young souls who had much to live for, they are granted a second alternative by the all-maker itself. In order to judge their character and actions that had yet to be tested by life's trials and tribulations, these souls are thrust to a foreign world different from their own with their memories intact. In this case, your brother has made his decision to reincarnate." Lifestreams, reincarnations and all powerful lord that decide the fate of mortals, this was incredibly familiar to her. Yet for all of the fancy explanation and exposition, Mira is a woman of action.

"Where?" The all important question was met with a disappointing response.

"I do not know, for I am not the soulkeeper who passed his judgment nor the one who granted his wish. But, I am able to give you a choice to reunite with him." The older sister would take anything she could get at this point. She took a step back in the air and thought more thoroughly through, this choice of reuniting with Galen seemed sudden if not impossible unless-

"This requires me to be dead right?" It was strange, death used to terrify her as a kid. She hated the thought of dying, leaving behind friends, family and unable to live out her dreams, but as she grew older and life began to slowly take away the people she loves. She was indifferent, content even, with the idea of her mortality coming to an end.

"Which is why I'm giving you a choice. Be warned, this decision cannot be reversed." The decision was a difficult and monumental, even if this was a figment of her imagination, what lengths was she willing to go if she was really given the chance to be with her brother again? She loved her parents and her friends, that much is true. But she also misses her brother, his death left such a gaping heart that this was the first time she experienced such pain from losing someone closer to her.

"I-I miss him." The truth was as simple as that, no amount of tears or bitter resentment would bring her brother back to life. The crystal perhaps for the first time in their conversation, changed her inflection and tone to a more concerned one.

"I know Mira, I will give you some time to think things over. You're still young and have much to look forward to, but-"

"No, I want to see him now!" Taken aback by how passionate and determined she was, the all-seeing crystal took her time to collect her thoughts. She by no means was one to deny Mira's wishes, but saner thoughts must prevail here.

"And what of your family? Your friends? Career?" Of course she knew the price she was paying, to trade everything she had right now in her life for a longing memory and reunion was nothing short of stupid. But she was attached to her little brother, so much so that she couldn't stop thinking of the various what if scenarios. She had accepted that she couldn't really move on from his death and it demotivated her to do anything.

"I haven't been the same since he left me… please, I just want to see him again." It was desperate, pathetically so but Mira didn't care. It wasn't just memories they shared, it was the deep connection they shared with one another in and out of their games. Even after when Covid was forgotten to the masses and people moved on, the two actively hangout with one another and spend a lot of time together doing hobbies like jogging, hiking and bouldering. Their bond has transcended from casual gaming buddies to genuine loved ones who they can spend all their free time with.

"This decision is not reversible Mira." She didn't need to be told twice, her soft lavender eyes sharpened and darker to violet shade.

"Then I will stay by his side."

"For all of eternity?" The immediate retort caught her off guard, she paused and took a moment to take a deep breath and clear her mind. Was she willing to trade away everything just for her brother? Painful as it is to lose him, to spend an eternity with someone was not an easy decision. Yet Mira's choice was resolute, she needed the closure.

"If it's what it takes, then yes." Unsurprised with her hasty decision, the crystal's light shone even brighter but Mira stood unflinching to the sudden intensity of light.

"Very well, if you are this resolute in your decision, I will not convince you otherwise." In a flash, thousands if not millions of panels surrounded her. Mira's eyes caught the reflection of different landscapes, worlds, inhabitants playing like large LED screens.

"W-What is this?" She could see tranquil garden scapes, war-torn dystopian landscapes, pastel cute animals and grizzled metal gear like machines salvaging the remnants of scraps metals. The juxtaposition of tones and realities overloaded her senses, a-are these worlds?

"There are many worlds, countless ones even. From fiction to reality, your brother has trillions of choices if not beyond to choose from." The information nearly broke her, the chances of reuniting with him was next to impossible then!

"How am I supposed to reunite with him then!? This is impossible!" The seething anger was met with a calm response from the glowing gemstone.

"This is where your bond and love for him comes in, you know your brother best. Remember all the fun and joyous times you had together. The cherished moments and the heartfelt love you two shared, remember the pain and sorrow you felt when he left you. Close your eyes and hold onto those tender and delicate feelings Mira." Eyes closed and emotions stirred, the deep yearning for her brother nearly made her shed a tear as her mind rapidly ran through all the childhood memories they have with one another. The sibling quarrels, the warm embraces and the intimate heart-to-heart conversation they have with one another. Unbeknownst to the grieving sister, every ounce of her memories slowly materialized in the form of orb shaped luminescence, engulfing her body with a large white glow as each longing memory of her brother intensified the aura surrounding her.

"Galen, please come back to me." A spark was lit and a brilliant flash of light soon transported her to her heart's desire.

Warm sunshine cast a gentle glow upon her dazed body, groggy and undeniably sloshed beyond repair, her delicate purple eyes slowly opened after the hardwon flutterings. The soft lush grass tickled her skin with the gentle breeze of the forest wind tussling her hair and clothes. Slow and steady, she sat upright and supported the weight of her body with her hands, feeling the earthly soil and grass carpet was barely tangible.

'Urgh, my head.' She winced at the numbing pain that pulsates with every wave. Had she done it? Was she in another world just like the crystal promised her? Her amethyst eyes stared at her surroundings and was immediately greeted by trees, mountains and rivers.

"A forest?" The sight of birch trees and their boughs sprawled around her, grassy fields tickled her legs and the sound of waves washing ashore made her realize that she is indeed somewhere foreign and far away. She slowly stood up and gathered her bearings, gazing upon the lush tranquil forest that was untouched by human civilization.

She glanced at her clothing and found it amusing she was no longer wearing her nightdress, instead she was wearing a tight fitted white shirt blouse, a navy blue corset with golden button adorned and long black leggings capturing her slender curves. The craftsmanship of her clothes was intricately made with materials of highest quality, at least that was what Mira thought.

'It's like I'm back in the renaissance.' Stylish and practical, she gave an approving nod and looked around her surroundings the woods looked normal, she noticed that the trees looked too perfect, almost artificial in the way with how symmetrical they looked. In fact, the more she stared at the world she was in, the more symmetry and repeating patterns seemed to overlap.

'There's no telling if Galen is here, all of this might be futile.' She wasn't here to give up, she had risked much life and limb accepting the soulkeeper's deal, she would reunite with her brother no matter the cost. I mean she practically had no choice now, this was no mere hallucination or dream to cope with her loss. Everything here seemed so real, the warmness of the sun, the gentle breeze of the wind, did it really matter if all of this was a figment of her imagination?

Her pensive and philosophical mood was pushed aside when gray storm clouds quickly rolled in from above, darkening the sky. With no cabin in the woods, she quickly took shelter among a large cave not far from where she woke up. Hopefully, she could call emergency-

"My phone!" It was apparent she did not have her phone with her, in fact she didn't even have a wallet, identification card or credit card. She rubbed her temples and sought refuge near the edge of an overhang cave as the pouring rain quickly drenched the forest. The occasional thunder and lightning flashing the sky made her sigh, she crossed her arms beneath her ample breast and wondered when the storm would end. As far as she is concerned, she is a fish out of water with no money or connections to her name. For a young woman like her to survive in the wilds with no skills in foraging or bushcraft, this was going to be difficult.

'I need to set up fire, hypothermia might be the end of me.' Her eyes darkened into a vibrant and sharp shade of beautiful violet, eyeing the soaked fields and forest that gave off the smell of petrichor. As a pluviophile, she loved everything about rain, the scent, the coldness and the tranquility. Yet now, it was obvious why ancient humans were terrified of the heavens opening up. Howling winds soon pierce her clothes and the ominous sound of the dark caves behind her send a chill down her spine. She glanced behind her and felt uneasy over how dark and deep the caves actually were, it was almost linear in a way.

Then she heard it, the sound of gurgling.

Her eyes dilated in fear when a figure from the darkness emerged from the caves, its sickly skin showed signs of leprosy and decay, tattered clothes and shambling movements made Mira froze in horror at the realization.

A zombie.

Their eyes locked and instantly, the slow walking undead screeched and sprinted towards her. Barely a moment to recover from her shock, The ravenous fiend tackled her down and attempted to rip her organs out for a feast, the carnivorous growls and rabid movement made her scream in panic. She knee kicked the fiend at the stomach to shove him aside and threw caution out of the window by running through the soaked fields and torrential downpour. Covered with mud, grime and dirt, she hastily runs as fast as her legs can carry her with the decaying corpse still in hot pursuit.

Climbing over hills and slopes, she managed to reach an elevation point by leaping over nature's obstacles of mounds and branches. She took a moment to recover her breath and still her rapidly thumping heart, wondering why the gods above hated her so much. Thoroughly drenched, she bitterly watched the zombie that came close to sinking its teeth onto her nape slowly walking into the nearby shade, as if it lost all sense of interest in her. She shuddered from the frigid cold and felt paralyzed when the skies above had no mote of light in it, twilight had descended and soon nightfall would arrive.

'I'm not going to make it.' How cruel for her supposed soulkeeper threw her out in the wilds with nothing to start with, this isn't how isekais are supposed to go right? She was supposed to be overpowered or have skills that break the laws and rules of this world! But there was little time for self-loathing or pity, she had done enough of that in her old world, now she had to pick up her feet and push on.

Out of spite for her situation and out of love for her brother, she trudged through the wind and rain, taking refuge and shelter under the boughs and leaves of the large birch trees. Drowned out by the sound of rain and storm, she failed to notice the creaking bones that inched closer to her. Booming thunder and rain deafened her senses, but the sound of a high velocity projectile whistling in the wind caught her attention when the barb of the arrowhead narrowly missed her head and lodged into the trunk of a tree.

She screamed and picked up the pace when a skeleton devoid of flesh and blood co*cked another arrow on its rusty bow. Its broken jaw and brittle bones slipped behind the foliage of the trees and disappeared from the view. Suddenly, the very forest she thought was magical and beautiful moments earlier, would be her tomb. She gritted her teeth and resisted the freezing cold numbing her blood flow. The sluggish movements and fatigue couldn't be more obvious, yet she pressed on. Her determination however did not last long when she spotted eight red eyes glowed ominously in the distance. The sound of skulking and hissing quickly froze her in place, her body refused to move and were glued in place when the creature crawled around the tree branch with dexterous limbs, and as the lightning above flashed to provide a brief form of illumination. Mira felt paralyzed beyond belief at what she saw.

It was a large spider monster hunting for its next meal.

Her arachnophobia skyrocketed and she desperately ran as fast as she could. Why? Why is everything in this f*cking forest trying to kill her? Was this a sick joke? She ignored the hot streaming tears falling uncontrollably in her eyes and felt her vision blurred from the stress and disorientating storm still pelting her. She ran and ran, no destination and no hesitation. Her legs carried her forward until she exited the maze-like forest and into the nearby plains. Fear clutched her heart when she realized the cover of the forest was no longer protecting her from the monsters that clawed and climbed their way to get her. Her rapidly pumping heart and trembling fear gripped her in place, her leather boots were stained and she was beyond exhausted. No shelter or warm meal insight, she was tempted to resign herself to the monsters' fancy.

'Galen please forgive me.' She limped forward and did a sprint burst to avoid the large horde of zombies that trailed behind her. Her eyes that radiated intelligence and grace were now lifeless and devoid of hope. She was alone, stuck in the middle of the wild with nobody to save her. Near the brink of exhaustion, her wobbling legs finally gave away with the weight of her body collapsing on her with the combined elements of the weather battering her. The sound of footfalls and groaning grew louder, and she braced for the carnivorous horde that would ravage her sacred body. She closed her eyes and clenched her fists, bitterly regretting that she accepted the deal in the first place and that she would never get to see her brother again. Strained by the exhaustion, Mira slowly slipped into unconsciousness and felt her cold body numbing everything.

"Stay away!" Volleys of arrows rained from above, the piercing barbs penetrated through the skin and bones of Mira's assailants, stunning and maiming all of the monsters. A shadowy figure emerged from the skies above and unsheathed his sword. He twirled his blade and swiftly decapitated his foes with one singular stroke, dispatching the spiders by plugging the tip into its head. He unleashed flurries of roundhouse kicks to the zombies to create distance and pulled out the blade from mangled spider corpse, slashing and cleaving the swathe of enemies like scythes to grass. Akin to a whirlwind of death, he materialized his rune-blessed halberd on his right hand and spun the polearm around, sundering the monsters apart caught in the serrated edges. The very horde of monsters that threatened Mira were gone at that very instance, the corpses littered across the forest floor oozed blood and mucus, diluted by the heavy rain pelting against his cloak. The mysterious savior recalled his weapons once he was certain all the monsters that hunted Mira were dead. His attention soon turned towards her and he swiftly came running with his headcover hiding his face. An audible gasp was heard when he caught a good look of her features.

Her eyes were closed, their soft lavender lids casting delicate shadows on her fair complexion. Even with her eyes shut, there was a serene beauty to her face. Her lips were full and inviting, painted a shade of crimson that hinted at passion and softness. Despite the rain and unruly hair, her beautiful silky navy blue locks cascaded down her back, a stark contrast to her porcelain skin. She was by all means a beautiful woman with a curvaceous and supple body all in the right areas.

She was also his sister.

"M-Mira? Oh god this can't be- hold on! I'm getting you home." Galen pushed aside his storm of feelings and disbelief, his survival and brotherly instincts flared intensely once he realized how soaked and vulnerable she was. He disrobed his cloak and wrapped it around her body, preserving any speck of body warmth that she was quickly losing. He reached for his leather bandolier and took out a light blue bottled concoction, he chugged the whole liquids down and instantly felt his body becoming lighter and swifter. He tightly held his sister in both of his arms and made a dash towards home, the high speed blur zooming past beaten paths and torch-filled trails. He weaved past the many temporary structures and outposts they built together, climbing high above the mountains where spruce trees and smooth stone lay abundant.

Within minutes, they finally reached the large main quarters of his abode. The large mountain side house was made with spruce, stone bricks and oak. Rustic, tall and undeniably awe-inspiring, the large flight of wooden stairs that led to the warm main floor of the building was quickly crossed. He kicked down the door open and gently laid his sister by the couch near the fireplace. The hearth came roaring to life when he threw firewood and lit it ablaze with flint and steel. The crackling fire was both warm and soothing, illuminating the room with a soft shade of orange.

'The defenses, I better set them up just in case.' The effects of the potion gradually wore off, but filled with the unyielding determination to care for his sister. He sprinted towards the side of the entrance to configure the switches. His warm amber coloured eyes pierce through the glass as he watched the redstone do its magic. Defensive palisade walls filled with jagged spikes suddenly protruded from the grounds, creating tall and formidable walls that deterred any foes from breaching their house. He let out a sigh and felt a sense of pride swelling within him for spending copious amounts of time building their redstone defense system. Given the strategic location of his mountain fortress, the only way to reach his abode was through the beaten trail path blocked by the walls.

But now was not the time for false vanity, he ran towards his sister and clutched her hand, feeling the freezing cold body akin to a frozen corpse. The source of her heat loss was apparent, her damp clothes that clung to her. Without any moment to spare, he sprinted upstairs to his living quarters and brought out multiple layers of fluffy wool blankets from the cupboard. He leaped downstairs and nearly tripped over, yet he managed to return to her side by placing the blankets on the couch and-

'I need to take her clothes off.' This was not how he envisioned the reunion with his sister to be like. He fidgeted and shook his head, he loved her too much to be cold feet and embarrassed, her life was at stake! He calmed his breathing and slowly unbuttoned her clothes, from her corset to the white blouse that was soaked through. He held his breath when the sight of his sister's large breast came to display, and doubled down his courage by removing the rest of her clothes such as her leggings, socks and boots. He ignored the burning heat from his loins and steeled his resolve by grabbing a nearby towel to dry her off. Slowly as he went, he sat down next to her and held her tightly in his arms, forgoing his own drenched and wet clothes that drew a sneeze from him. His fingers nimbly wipes away the moisture on her body, trailing across her feminine body that was thoroughly exposed to him. Water droplets continued to drip from her hair and Galen managed to wipe her body dry. The red flushed cheeks managed to increase his body's core temperature and he took the initiative to wrap her body with the fluffy wool blankets harvested not long ago.

The initial lust building with him became pure unadulterated love when his eyes laid on her sleeping form. His amber eyes softened and he placed her head on top of his lap, slowly stroking her silky long hair with his fingers running through her locks. The rhythmic inhale and exhale from her was comforting, she looked completely peaceful in her sleep despite what happened. Yet with his sister finally safe and sound, questions begin to pile up at why and how she got here.

'I would ask her once she wakes up.' Galen glanced at his sister's slumbering form and sighed that he couldn't really get up and leave without disturbing her sleep. He chuckled at the situation he found himself in and leaned his head behind the couch. Thank the stars above that he decided to restock the outposts of their provisions, otherwise he would be discovering her body in the morning. He let out a long exhale and patted her body wrapped in a wool blanket, feeling her lithe figure through his finger tips. He had so many questions yet he would save them for later, right now he was just glad she is here with him.

The warm crackling fire slowly lost its warmth as the rain continued pouring throughout the night. Galen closed his eyes and interlocked his sister's fingers with his own as he slowly succumbed to slumber.

The sound of bowls and plate clunking against the table stir her awake. She closed her eyes and nuzzled deeper into her pillows, savouring the comforting warmth that made her glued to her bed. Her fingers pulled her covers closer, until she keenly realized that her skin was directly grazing against the materials of her bed. A chill crept down her spine when she slowly uncovered herself from the blankets, she was naked! Her cheeks flushed red and she swiftly sat upright with the blanket clutched towards her chest to maintain her modesty. Her memories, though a little fuzzy, still recalled the events that happened last night.

But before she could panic, the smell of eggs and bacon quickly roused her spirits. She looked around her surroundings and found the rustic and charming wooden lacquered base to be spacious and beautiful. In fact, it seemed almost familiar with the warm lanterns adorned near the ceiling and beautiful crystal ornaments decorated at the shelves. The spruce coloured wood and stripped logs formed the majority of the structure, with flower pots filled with flowers, saplings and herbs liven up the place from the otherwise monotone colour scheme.

Then she recognized it, the painting.

"Wait, that's the sunset painting in Minecraft." She mumbled at the sight of the iconic painting hanging on the wall. Her eyes continue to dart around the room, everything here is made of minecraft blocks. The overuse of spruce trapdoors, the familiar patterns of spruce log pillars, the red brick fireplace with iron bars. All of this was all from Minecraft! Even the monsters that attacked her yesterday, they were the standard Minecraft enemies you will find at night. Zombies, skeletons and spiders… how could she not realize it? Her initial shock soon turned into worry when she heard distant footsteps, she poked her head out to the other hallways and made another startling realization.

This was her home, more specifically, the shared home her brother and she made in Minecraft.

The layout is the same as she last remembered it, albeit the decorations and details were more elaborate. Her signature style of using slabs, trapdoors to create shelves and tables were everywhere. Oh, the nostalgia flooded within her heart, the many nights spent breaking and placing the same block again and again just to get the right shape and design made her giggle. There was something magical to relieve the moments in her childhood as an adult, it really is a strange but warm feeling. Then, the sound of footsteps drew closer and closer until she heard the voice of a beloved she sorely missed.

"Hey, you, you're finally awake." It was deeper, coarser but still pleasing and soothing. The high pitched tone has now become huskier and smoother, the intonation was both warm and light-hearted but she recognized it the same despite the poor acting. Her heartbeat skyrocketed and she threw all reservations out of the windows. Her legs moved on their own and she crashed into his arms for a tight embrace.

"Galen!" The younger brother was taken aback by her affection embrace and softened his smile. His amber eyes became blurry when tears started to form, hearing her voice again after the years of separation was just so surreal. Like his sister, he threw caution out of the wind and embraced her bare body to him. His strong arms snaked around her slender waist with his chin right above her shoulders. He repressed his desire to sob and focused on hugging his sister. Tears between both siblings flowed uncontrollably, the floodgates opened and the years of pent-up sorrow and longingness were finally let loose. He leaned towards her ears and whispered words of comfort to her, reassuring her that he is here for her and that they are finally reunited again. The reunion soon cut short when the older sister realized she was completely bare and nude, her face flushed bright red and she gave an embarrassed yelp when she could feel her brother's chest pushing against her breast and his hands trailing around her slender and sensitive waist. She shuddered at the physical reaction from her body but fortunately, her brother managed to wrap his cloak around her body and chuckled at her reaction with his own cheeks flushed red too.

"Mira, it's good to see you." After years of solitude, he was finally reunited with a friendly and familiar face. He sorely missed his sister, with many lonely nights spent longing for the time they were together. It didn't help that the very world he chose to reincarnate in, was their shared Minecraft world. Naturally, everything that they built together reminded him of sister on a constant basis. He felt her warm hands cupped his cheeks, gently rubbing her thumbs against them with her eyes watering again.

"I can't believe it, you're real right? This is real?" He leaned against her hand and held it close, relishing the warm touch of a loved one. He didn't care about being reserved or shying away from physical affection, he was alone for too long now to maintain a manly facade.

"As real as it can be sis." Her bright cheery smile soothed his heart, god did he miss her. But given she was still, well naked, it was best they continue their conversation over a nice hearty breakfast and perhaps some much needed clothes for her.

"Let's get you some clothes and eat breakfast yeah? Bet you're starving." The keen reminder that she was still naked beneath her brother's cloak made her squeak and nodded bashfully. She closed her eyes in content when he patted her head and led up to the bathroom with her spare clothes in the basket. She let out a gasp and squeal when the quartz design bathtub blended beautiful with the rustic charm of the spruce plank filled walls and gray concrete tiles. Why was she ecstatic, well she was the one who built this bathroom!

"This is so cool." She couldn't get over the euphoric feeling of seeing something she built in Minecraft brought to real life, as if all of her efforts and hardwork to make things beautiful and functional was well-rewarded. I mean it made sense! This was her dream bathroom design and now she gets to enjoy it. After a much needed warm bath filled with scented flower petals her brother had prepared, she emerged from the bathroom fresh, clean and in a set of new clothes consisting of a white tunic and gray breeches.

Her face lit up considerably when she arrived on the dining table, fragrant sunny side eggs with thymes sprinkled onto them, strips of juicy bacon with generous fat portions, slices of butter bread with a familiar red berry spread, a warm glass of fresh milk and delectable chewy chocolate chip cookies. Her brother pulled out all the stops and her ravenous appetite begged her to devour the food now.

"I'm almost done, you can eat first, I bet ya starving." She pulled out the wooden chair that wasn't made of stairs for once and eyed the nice dining room. The kitchen furniture such as stoves, cabinets, drawers and sinks were all strangely normal like the real world. Actually now that she thinks about it, does his house have a proper pipe and drainage system?

"Galen we are in Minecraft right?" She resisted a smile when her brother was wearing an apron and looked like a househusband with how attentive and skilled he is with the stove. He leaned behind the kitchen counter and flipped the pancakes around with his spatula.

"Mhmm, you recognize this place." Of course she does, she helped build this place with her own hands. Every flower pot, decoration and painting were meticulously planned because of her OCD.

"How could I not! This is our base. You kept it the same after all these years." The warm smile from her brother told her everything she needed to know. He disrobed the apron and folded neatly aside to join her on the dining table. After placing the fluffy pancakes onto her plate and drenching it with honey from his bee farm. It was time to ask the burning question on his mind since yesterday.

"Mira, what happened? Why are you here?" The tension was palpable, his sister gripped the glass of milk and sighed. She explained everything, from her deep longingness to see him again, to the bitter resentment she held against life and of course the soulkeeper's role in transporting her here. For Galen, he was surprised by how much his death affected his sister. By all means she was very close and important to him, probably the most bonded and loved person too. But to hear her trade awayeverythingjust to have a chance, a slim chance to see him again was just- heartbreaking.

"Mira, I'm very, very happy that you're here but what about mom and dad?" She averted her gaze, knowing that their parents would have to deal with the traumatic loss of losing another child. It was incredibly selfish and irresponsible that she only cared about her own happiness and mental well-being, but she was tired and had drifted away from her parents despite her mother's best intentions of being there for her. She could only pray and hoped they could forgive her.

"I know it was a selfish decision but after you left, I felt no purpose in life. Everyday I was just going through the motions, like a small insignificant cog in a complex machine. I don't know why I have to get a degree, I don't know why I need to work and I don't even know what's the purpose of living anymore when it's just the same thing everyday. I thought that if I get to reunite with you and we go on fun adventures again like old times, it might give me some closure to move on." Had he known his death impacted her so much, he would have wrestled and found his way to reunite with his family. While he undoubtedly regretted his own tragedy, he felt the guilt of enjoying his newfound powers and freedom in Minecraft. Killing monsters, going on amazing adventures and seeing the beautiful sights and scenery, all of the pleasures of leisure and adventures were to sate his own wanderlust and fantasy. He grasped her hand and interlocked their fingers together, clasping with the guilt prickling his heart.

"I'm sorry, I should have been more careful that day." Mira's anger flared up instantly and shook her head. Her brother should never apologize for his demise, the bastard who ran her brother over deserves to die a thousand times over. Death penalty over his neglect and disregard for human life with his reckless actions, a child's life was robbed because he decided shaving a few seconds off the road was worth it.

"It's not your fault at all! That f*cking bastard was- look, I don't want to talk about it, I'm just glad you're here by my side again." His lips curled upwards, he would respect her wishes and move on from the unpleasant memories of being run over by a car. At least it wasn't truck-kun though.

"Same here, but wow, you're really grown." His sister has always been pretty, or at least conventionally attractive. His friends always made a passing remark about his sister at least once a while. But now years have passed and she has become a mature and sophisticated woman. A little cynical and weary given his death but she looked great otherwise. He had noticed that the colour of her eyes had become more striking and dark, perhaps a side effect of stress? Is that even a thing?

"Same thing can be said for you Gale, look at you! No longer a scrawny little nerd." By far, Mira didn't think her brother had such a glow up. No longer frail and skinny, he was still a little shorter than her but had considerably bulked up with tone muscles visible. His sunshine blonde hair and sparkling amber eyes was a juxtaposition to her midnight blue curls and soft lavender eyes. There was a joke within their family that Galen was the positive and energetic child while she was the more reserved and quiet one, their parents and relatives would often refer to the siblings as Little Sun and Lady Moon respectively. Still, her brother had grown out his hair and tied it in a neat ponytail fashion while wearing a black vest over his brown tunic, a pair of black leggings with ankle guards and padding. In fact, her brother looked like those pretty boys you will find in fantasy wuxia novels. Handsome and boyish in her eyes.

"The world of Minecraft is actually terrifying when you realize what Steve and Alex have to face. Thank god that we have already reached the endgame in this world so I don't have to start from scratch." It was a damn miracle that he remembered the landmarks of the place, no F3 button here. Try as he might, he couldn't bring out the coordinates of the place despite having access to his inventory panel and crafting powers.

"Tell me about it, the zombies look so real." She was still shuddering by the torn flesh ligaments spewing out from the zombie, the grotesque sight of their innards leaking from their gaping wounds with visibly decay was ugh.

"They are, which is why I never go out at night unless I'm fully geared." Granted Galen failed to mention to his sister that he was more than capable of wiping a horde of monsters out with just his barehands and fists. The leveling system actually has a use in this world other than enchanting weapons, books and items. Similar to your standard RPG system, his stats increased with every level and Galen had lived in this world for so long now, that he virtually mastered the most basic of skills he needs to survive. In a way, the progression in this world, if you can call it, is similar to the Runescape or Elder Scrolls series. The more he does something, the better is at it.

"So you have full enchanted diamond gear?" Mira distinctly remembered the two of them were maxed out in gear with the best enchantments. They had few ancient debris and nether scraps in their chest but neither did anything with it.

"Netherite." The way he said in such a suave and cool fashion that Mira rolled her eyes. Still a dork when it comes to showing off.

"You got full Netherite armor?" The flashback to the TNT chain reaction that blew up the entire nether brought back fond memories. Granted, he had the hindsight to evacuate every piglin from the area before the mass destruction and compensated by rebuilding their civilization and bastion in exchange for safety and trade with the villagers in the overworld, a story of diplomacy for another time.

"Yeap. Unlike the game, we can bend and break the rules of this world." Mira co*cked her head aside, what did her brother mean by that. To prove his point, he materialized the very first weapon he created. The shaft was sturdy and light, providing leverage and reach. The head, crafted from combined elements of polished iron and netherite is the most distinctive part of the weapon. The sharp pointed spearhead at one end was capable of piercing armor, the curved axe blade on the side was ideal for slashing and chopping, the pickaxe-like point was useful for breaking armor or defenses. A multipurpose weapon that is easy to use and formidable to all, the elegant and effective weapon was impressive.

"A halberd?" Her brother enthusiastically held his prized weapon in his hands, this weapon practically flattened out all competition or threats imposed onto him. Hordes of enemies? He needs to swing the weapon around. One on one duels, he wins by speed and reach. The only foe he has not killed with a halberd yet was the Warden, understandable given blindness in real life is a terrifying effect.

"Mhmm, a halberd is essentially a spear, axe and pickaxe combined together. Versatile, long-reach and deadly, this is my signature weapon that I always use. The only problem with a halberd is carrying it around buuuut we can just do this." Akin to video game logic, the weapon disappeared and reappeared whenever the user fancies doing so. Mira chuckled and leaned her cheek against her hand. She noticed that there is a runic glow on her brother's polearm, it was subtle but noticeable.

"I know how obsessed you are with polearm and spears, is it enchanted?" He nodded and dematerialized his weapon. The halberd had Curse of Binding on it, though normally a detrimental enchantment in normal Minecraft, this was actually good because the weapon is bound to him and grows with him too. So essentially the more he uses his halberd, the more powerful it becomes.

"Yes, enchanted and customized to my own design. I had the local blacksmith help me craft it with the schematics I drew. I had it enchanted with the help of the Librarians too since I was looking for new custom enchantments. The rules worked differently here since well, it's real life and not tied to gameplay segregation." That was very interesting to Mira and it was also like her brother to break the game just to try to find exploits. Still, why did he choose this world and not other fantastical or magical worlds he always gushed about? Eorzea from Final Fantasy XIV, Tevyat from Genshin Impact or even Pokemon! There are so many other fantastic or novel worlds he can transport to, yet he chose their silly little world.

"Of all places, why Minecraft and our world?" He softened into a more mellow look and stared at the very base they built together. Memories of them arguing that there is too much spruce wood and they should mix the colors up with deepslate and cobblestone still fondly ring in his ears.

"When the pandemic happened, I was ecstatic and happy that I could play video games the whole day. My friends and I are close but as guys, it's kinda hard to have meaningful conversations without coming off as cringe or sappy, especially in a group where everyone else can listen in. But playing with you was different, I didn't really need to crack jokes or make offensive comments every now and then to be edgy or fit in. I can be myself and just let loose, I don't need to worry about screwing up when I fail to make a clutch save or try hard at everything just to have validation from my friends. With you, I can take it easy and do what I want. Running around in Minecraft building artificial lakes, ponds and dock harbors nobody will use, I had so much freedom to do what I want without other people telling me that it's not cool." His amber eyes met her lilac ones, gazing softly into his sister whom he dearly missed and loved.

"I guess what I'm trying to say is- I feel at home whenever we play video games together, no matter the type of game we try. Minecraft was the first game we truly bonded over and it made me feel cozy and at home! And… I really miss home. So when I was given a choice to reincarnate anywhere I want, I knew it had to be this world. I- I really miss you Mira." Clasped hands were tightly squeezed, Mira's half lid eyes and whispering voice of comfort roused his spirits. The sentiment goes both ways, she misses him as much as he missed her.

"Home is wherever we are together." This would now be their new reality, no longer separated by mortality or life itself, they are now the masters and mistresses of their own destiny. If she is content to stay by his side for all of eternity, then he is content to support her anyway he could. The siblings are practically soul-bounded for life and Galen would not allow anything to get in their way again. He cupped his sister's cheeks and rubbed them with his thumbs, feeling the electrifying sensation and the lithe warmth emanating from the mere graze. Perhaps aware of how touchy they were with one another, the two stared at each other and chuckled at the pink tint cheeks and retracted their hands. No time to be sappy! Now it was time to eat before the food got cold.

"Let's eat up! This is the first time I cooked breakfast for ya right?" The culinary skills of her brother was practically nonexistent back then, in fact the only complicated dish he knew to make was pouring hot water into cup noodles. So to see him progress from instant noodles to the bonafide breakfast feast you always see in movies is honestly impressive. Mira took the first bite of the egg and felt her eyes turned to star shaped pupils at that very moment.

"Hmm, this is good!" She wouldn't deny that this tasted superb, runny egg yolk and fluffy pancakes with berries and honey drenched over was everything she would have wanted. It has always been her dream to have someone to pamper her by cooking a grand breakfast for her, preferably someone who is not related to her given the romantic implications buuuut her brother managed to satisfy her desire in spades.

"You can thank the locals then, Frank the butcher practically taught me everything." Mira blinked at his explanation, from her understanding Frank was that one villager they named that they frequently traded with in game. Unfortunately, he like the rest of his tradesman kin were placed behind cells for the sole purpose of trading.

Then, Mira made the horrifying realization.

'Oh gosh, this is horrible!' Given that what they did in Minecraft is transferred to real life, the poor villagers were just stuck in their one block cell with no sunlight, no food, no bed or anything that fulfilled their physiological needs. This was akin to torture!

"Umm Galen, are the villagers we trapped still-" Her brother immediately shook both hands, understanding that they practically tortured the poor folks when they weren't sentient yet.

"They are okay! I freed all of them immediately and uh, yeah they kinda didn't know it was us who did it since our Minecraft skins look completely different from how we looked in real life. So to them, I'm some kind of savior sent by the heavens that saved them, when in reality it was me who did infect them with zombies and then cure them for the discount." The existential crisis on their morality became more apparent with each passing second. But fortunately, Galen rectified their-questionablefarm designs for efficiency sake like iron golem farms, chicken farms and fox berry farms. Slavery has been abolished in the world of Minecraft through the means of administering the poison and the cure. These are real people now with their own feelings and life, at least to the young blonde.

The siblings continue to chatter, with Mira gushing over the many builds they did in the past. It was clear she wanted to see the sakura themed garden and the many building designs she copied from youtube tutorials. So infectious of his sister's energy that she bounced from build to build, earning a smile from Galen who remembered her little ramblings back at earth.

"I want to see what I build!" Indulging in her childlike innocence, Mira tugged his sleeves and pouted when he cackled at her antics.

"Sure, I will give you a tour around the base but first let's finish breakfast and I will teach you some basics." Satisfied with his explanation, the two devour the meal with Mira giving Galen a 9/10 score for his meal. She peered over his shoulders when he tossed the dishes into the cauldron sink and watched the water gushed from the dispenser like a faucet. So he does have plumbing and electricity installed!

"Ooh, where does the water come from?" He merely placed his hand onto the dispenser and the compartment opened, revealing a bucket filled with water standing there.

"What?" The disbelief on her face made him chuckle as he slammed the lid tight. He had learned not to question why certain things work the way it is and just accept its many benefits.

"The world still works on some Minecraft logic hehe, still is an infinite water source." Immediately, Mira thought about flooding the world by creating a skyblock wit 2, watching the whole world flooded like Noah's ark as the water levels slowly increase day by day. Intrusive thoughts aside, she did wonder what other laws of physics were broken in this world. But her brother dried his hands and ushered her to follow him. They descended down the basem*nt where the main armory and enchantment area resides. The many armor racks and weapon displays made her gush over the medieval design of this place, everything looked so amazing with banners, carpets and warm lanterns framed so meticulously.

Then she saw the storage room.

Large intricate conveyor belts made with bubble columns move all of the floating materials like minerals, bones, coals and materials to their respective hoppers, funneling and reorganizing all of the items into their chest stacks upon stacks of double chests. Hidden beneath the cozy mountain house was a massive factory of auto sorter and auto smelter combined into one factory. Her mouth was agape when the process of the item transportations, minecart hoppers resupplying fuel for smelters, complicated redstone circuits were brought to full display through the large pane of glass walls. She leaned onto the railings and saw the layers, upon layers of redstone systems, railway tracks and comparators working in perfect harmony in creating a fully automated factory. The midnight haired beauty turned to her brother who merely placed his hands behind his back and walked forward, eyeing the industrial complex he built with his own bare hands.

"I spent a few weeks building this, believe it or not, it's actually easier to build in real life than in game." Mira refused to believe that, so she walked up to him and pointed at the auto-sorter calmly.

"HOW!?" The younger brother perched one hand on his hips and tapped his fingers against his forehead, assuming a smug thinking pose.

"Muscle memory and the fact you aren't limited by your movements." The full control over your body and the increased stats boost he gains from level really made things easier. He wasn't necessarily a god in redstone like many people in the community are, but he had the basics down to the letter and that was good enough.

"Smarty pants, this is incredible!" The only reason why he never built it when Mira and him were playing together was the fact that industrializing and automazing everything takes the fun out of Minecraft. Sure it made gathering materials so much more efficient and easier, but these days it seems like players are building farms, after farms just rush to the endgame. The siblings' experience is different, starting fresh and starting easy. He knew his sister didn't like the min-maxing playthroughs so he avoided doing it, everything was handmade and manual.

But when your life is at stake and it's no longer a game, then of course you should optimize everything for the sake of survival. Galen had a few weapons that were akin to nuclear warheads stored some place discreetly. Why? Because he was aware that the mobs in this world are capable of breaking the game too, there's no AI or pathfinding here. They behave like real monsters and creatures, illagers and pillagers are essentially humans, capable of constructing trebuchets, using tactics and enslaving villagers. And yes, he had burned down entire woodland mansions before and even destabilized their operation through covert tactics to protect his realm, a story for another time.

"Come on, let's get you suited up." Finally they entered the enchanting room. Mira wasn't sure how to describe the ethereal and magical sight of the amethyst walls gleaming and glowing, working so well with the quartz and purpur blocks. It had an ancient greek design to it, super fascinating and cool with the tall marble pillars. The rows of bookshelves had individual books lodged inside of it, each actually filled with contents of ancient magics and lore of the world.

"Here, you need something to defend yourself." She turned to her brother and felt her lips curled up at the elegant weapon that swashbuckling duelist and rugged musketeers would carry on their hip. A weapon that signifies elegance, class and nobility.

"A rapier?" Sleek and elegant with a predominantly dark purple color scheme. The blade is long and straight, tapering towards the tip. The hilt is ornate, featuring intricate gold detailing and a large, circular guard to protect the user's hand. The crossguard is curved and has a flowing design to indicate fluidity. The pommel has a complex pattern of gold and dark metal with navy blue streaks adorning the hilt. It was a superb and beautiful looking weapon, both of her favorite colors blended beautifully, almost as if Galen tailored made this weapon for her.

"Yeap, I remembered how much you love rapiers so I figured I crafted one for memorabilia sake." Her heart melted at his explanation, she loved the Princess Bride as a child and she remembered how cool fencing looked. She slowly accepted the blade and felt a tingling sensation of warmth surging within her. Her eyes met her brothers and he simply smiled at her.

"It's not enchanted though, why don't you give it a few swings?" Galen stiffened a laugh when his sister swung the rapier around like a baseball bat, sluggish strikes but her thrusts were surprisingly sharp and precise just like a rapier should be. In reality, a rapier isn't the most ideal against what they are up against, zombies are not afraid of bleeding nor do they feel pain, skeletons require blunt force, creepers and spiders are the only ones that are effective but rapiers lack the cutting or stopping power. Yet where normal steel and logic fails, magic and enchantments fix everything. He crossed his arms and watched his older siblings continue to flourish and strike, though a little flamboyant with her strikes, she is quite the focused lady when it comes to striking. Given enough training, his sister would rival him for his money.

"This is so tiring." He cackled at her panting state, the moans and groans from her was indeed warranted since rapiers are actually heavier than people think, especially with the protective crossguard design like this. He took her rapier and went to the main enchanting room, the sprawling library of books with runic symbols and ancient language adorned made Mira gasp in awe. The enchanting table had its grimoire fluttering its pages when Galen stepped near its vicinity. The magical runes and sigils inscribed on the walls and banners seemed to glow when her brother entered the room, a testament to his innate magic he developed after years of practice.

Mira stood behind her brother and watched her rapier slowly floating mid air as the enchanting table's grimoire rapidly flipped through its pages and bright purple symbols began to appear from its supposed blank pages. Galen calmly pulled out a book from the nearby lectern attached to a table. The many scented candles, ink quills, scrolls and research materials sprawl on the table, completing the scholar and wizardry atmosphere of the place. His golden sun eyes skimmed through the pages and began to flip the enchanted book until he found the right combination.

"This will have to do." He took a nearby quill and dipped in ink, the glowing liquids soaked inside the feather with gleam and glitter. He inscribed the exact rune symbol onto the blank canvas, invoking the desired enhancement he wished to bestow to the rapier. Satisfied with his writing, he placed the quill aside and raised both of his hands, synthesizing the weapon using alchemic properties such as lapis lazuli until the weapon exudes a purplish glow. He clapped his hands and the bright light engulfed the weapon, streaks of dark purple lightning crawled along the rapier until it was finished, the weapon had ascended to its new form.

"Sharpness IV, Unbreaking III, Light Weight II and Lightning Aspect II. Those are some good enchantments for now, we can add the engravings and improve the weapon later." The lack of response from his sister made him concerned, he spinned around and waved his hands in front of her dazed state.

"Mira?" She recovered from her stupor and stared at her brother as if he was some deity that walked upon the earth. What her brother just did was incredible! She could feel the intensity of the air changing and the power exuding from the weapon.

"Galen, you are amazing!" The genuine praise made him scratch his cheek. This was a normal Tuesday for him but he would soak in the glory of her compliments for now. The rapier was now crackling with energy, quite literally as its power had manifested onto itself, now to give it to its rightful owner.

"Mira, this is your artifact weapon. Why don't you give it a name?" The importance of giving a weapon its name is important, not for vanity or sentimental purpose but a name carries weight and attachments. His halberd was named Reprisal, for the idea of the weapon came after fending off multiple wither skeletons in the nether and he had a hard time fighting all of them with the limited reach of his sword. Years of playing Fire Emblem had reminded him of the weapon triangle, and the rest was history.

"This is really important isn't it? Hmm…" His sister's face was serious and pensive but Galen thought it was the most adorable sight in the world. He cleared his throat and sighed inwardly at how attentive he was to his sister, perhaps the familial deprivation really made himtooappreciative and affectionate of her.

"Think long and hard sis." Mira stared at her brother and gripped the hilt of her rapier. She tapped the blade against her brother's shoulder, finding it surreal that she is living in a world her brother and her created together. To be reunited with him after all these years was nothing short of a dream and blessing.

"Reunion." Galen's lips curled upwards, a fine name indeed.

"It's yours and it's bound to you." Ancient letters inscribed the name of the weapon onto the blade, emitting a small purple highlight of runic words. Her eyes sparkled at how cool it has and suddenly felt her hands naturally flourishing the blade, skillfully weaving strikes and flourishes with no resistance or weight. The name tag tucked between Galen's fingers disintegrated after its use, looks like the blade has soulbounded to her.

"You mentioned Lightning Aspect and Light Weight earlier right? I don't recall those enchantments in the game." The blonde haired halberdier wagged his fingers, that is because he invented those enchantments. The 3 elements such as ice, lightning and fire were easy to create. He knew how much Mira loved electricity and how cool it looked, so it was a no brainer.

"Its similar to Fire Aspect but you deal electric damage instead, hence why it has lightning properties. Light Weight is just amazing enchantment in general as it makes your weapon much lighter, a well-made rapier is already pretty light to begin with so now it weighs practically nothing. Essentially Efficiency but for weapons." That explains why she handled the weapon with much finesse and dexterity after it was enchanted.

"How many custom and unique enchantments are there?" Galen grinned and crossed his arms.

"Infinite, it's only limited to our imagination. I discovered at least 346 enchantments but not all of them are particularly useful since it's trial and error." At this point she didn't know what to say, the fact he managed to discover and research so many novel and unique enchantments not available in the game is impressive. It wasn't even Minecraft anymore but something more grand and unique.

The siblings soon exited their home and into the large lush fields of the outside world. Mira gleamed and gasped at how high up they actually were, the mountainside cliff allowed her to see the lands below, the large canals and rivers flowering from the mountains, to the sprawling spruce forest filled with furry little foxes scurrying around. In the distance, misty mountains filled with fog and rime covered its summit, while large open plains and birch forests darted across the edges of the ocean.

"This is so beautiful, I remember why we chose to build here now." He smiled at his sister's sentimental and awe-struck tone. Seeing her smile and excited really tugged at his heartstrings, all of their efforts that went to making this world more exciting and beautiful was well worth it. Hand in hand, he led her down the cobblestone dirt paths with lanterns adorned on the lamppost. Critters such as rabbits and chickens hopped and wandered around, foraging for seeds and grub among the grass. Tree stumps with mushroom sprouting made for good ingredients for mushroom stew and Galen had just the idea for a hearty dish for dinner. Soon enough the siblings descended down to a large wooden bridge over the rivers and Mira recognized this rustic looking design.

"Hey I remember this, I spent so much time building this and getting the shape right." So much upside down spruce staircases and trapdoors just to give shape and dimension, she was honestly quite proud at how it turned out.

"It's one of the most beautiful builds too, simple and practical. I walk by this bridge everyday." She caught his nostalgic voice and leaned against his shoulders, placing her head on top of his shoulders for a brief moment to cheer him up. 3 years is an awful long time, how her brother managed to stay sane in his isolation was impressive if not heartbreaking.

"Let's begin with some basics, I want you to live and thrive in the world we created."

"Show me the ropes Gale." The endearing name was only reserved for the closest person to him, in this case was his parents and of course his sister. He nodded to her and led her across the bridge over a cabin with target dummies, campfires outside. It seemed like a training ground and Mira was well acquainted with sights like these in video games. Her brother stood in front of her and assumed an instructor cadence.

"As you know in Minecraft we can mine, build and craft. In our world it works the same, look." He knelt down and patted the ground, instantly digging up a large chunk of dirt beneath him. The pack dirt block was firmly held in his hand, no spillage or Newton's law at play here.

"You try." Mira had her doubts but she did it anyway. To her surprise, after patting and digging out the ground below her with her fingers, it began to morph itself to a compact cube shape for ease of holding.

"Good, notice how you are holding the block of dirt without gravity's interference? That's because you are in what I call building mode. If you place it down, it behaves like normal dirt in the real world." To prove his point, he opened the palm of his hand and immediately the dirt obeyed the laws of physics and fell to the ground like grain. Mira copied her brother's move and watched the dirt block in her hand break and fell to the floor, creating a small mound.

"You're right!" Galen chuckled at his student's enthusiasm and conjured a familiar crafting table from his hands. He slammed the block down and it expanded to its appropriate shape. On closer inspection, Mira realized that the recipe for the Minecraft crafting table actually doesn't make any sense. They were hammers, saws, wrench and by side of its textures yet you only need 4 wooden planks to create it. Where did the tools come from?

"When it comes to crafting, it's very forgiving unlike the real world where you actually need some knowledge and craftsman skills. Imagination is key here and the process is more like synthesization in alchemy than actually physical crafting. So no need for things like fiber cords, ropes or adhesives." His explanation was met with a perplexed and confused expression.

"Sorry I'm a little lost here." Right, he forgot that this was actually kinda difficult to explain to someone who never did this before. The best way for them to learn is to try out themselves.

"To put it bluntly, just remember the recipes in Minecraft and put them on the crafting bench and it would automatically create the thing you want. Start from what you know and slowly expand upon it, just like any skill. Here, why don't you try crafting something simple like a stick?" He materialized two wooden planks, though unwieldy and long, Mira somehow took the two and placed them down on the crafting bench. The materials soon shrunk into the grid system and Mira instinctively felt a flash of inspiration and rearranged the materials. The sound of tinkering and sawing soon echoed and her hands pulled out four sturdy wooden sticks. Her eyes lit up and she turned to her brother who gave her a proud wink.

"Okay now that's convenient!" The concept is easy to grasp once you have the basic Minecraft knowledge. But grasping the fundamentals is one thing, breaking the game and defying its logic is where the fun begins.

"It gets better, we can craft anything." The ominous sounding sentence made Mira raise her eyebrows, could he craft a gun or something? Actually now that she thinks about it, why didn't her brother create a firearm? There's gunpowder in the game and it shouldn't be too difficult.

"Anything?" The charismatic hunter materialized his halberd and planted the end of the shaft on the ground.

"As long as we have the materials, knowledge and skill, we can do it. When I first wanted to create my halberd, it required schematics, the craftsmanship of a blacksmith and materials. Now? I only need the materials and work bench since I already have the schematics unlocked. As long as I can imagine and put my heart into it, I can recreate it." Mira was impressed by how convenient this is, isekai fantasy without the boring and tedious system eh?

"So crafting here is more like real life ingenuity but video game logic." He snapped his fingers in agreement.

"Exactly, we aren't constrained to the rules of the game because it isn't a game anymore. The base Minecraft world gives us the tools, we work with the tools we are given to build sculptures, weapons and buildings." It's true, even in the game itself players were able to create very impressive builds or furniture to mirror the real world. Creativity allows people to use the stuff they were given to create something that developers would never even think of. But it also raised a lot of questions about whether this world seemed self-contained and untouched by external forces.

"Then when Mojang updates Minecraft, do we get the new stuff in this world too?" Galen gave a smirk, there were many things he had not yet told his sister yet. All in good time, he didn't want to overload her with all of the information just yet.

"Observe." He stepped far away from her and materialized a kinetic ball of white energy in the shape of a violet gale wind orb. With a mighty leap into the air and slamming the air projectile to the ground, her brother soared high above in the air with his polearm firmly on his hand. She let out a scream out of horror and concern over the dangerous height, but Galen defied logic and perhaps common sense by plunging to the ground akin to a torpedo missile. The sheer speed and force generated by his landing impact blasted and devastated the land, sending shockwaves and craters onto the forest floor. Rustling trees and rippling tides, Mira winced and closed her eyes over the gust generated by her brother's descent. She recovered her footing and swiftly ran towards him, only to find that he was completely unscathed with a co*cky smile on his face. He opened the palm of his hand and conjured another aero projectile.

"Wind Charge, drop from Breeze in the latest Trial Chambers update. If you use it correctly it propels you high in the sky and well, I just imagine I'm a dragoon from Final Fantasy and just plunge down with the spear. I killed the Ender Dragon that way too, super awesome." The epic battle against the Ender Dragon was a tale of ages, soaring high above the air the mighty dragon breathed its wicked flames against him. He nimbly leaped from obsidian pillar to obsidian pillar, climbing high above and launching himself high in the air. Using the forward motion of leap potions, he propelled himself by unleashing the penetrative force of his polearm and lodged his weapon deep into the dragon's hide. The sheer force generated pinned the entire beast down to the ground, and Galen made short work of the creature once its wings were clipped.

"Holy sh*t, can I do that!?" He bit his tongue lightly over his sister's desire to kill an Ender Dragon. She could barely fight against a zombie and now she wants to fight against a winged beast capable of destroying cities with one breath of fire.

"Sure but not now, you have to get used to your body first. I'm wearing Feather Falling boots too so you need to keep in mind that you're not immortal." These boots had saved his life many times, dropping from 200 meters with no consequences is a feat few people can achieve. His sister sighed and poked his chest repeatedly out of anger from worrying her. He let out a few yelps and whimpers with every poke, the pouty unamused face from her laced a genuine worry that he would accidentally hurt himself.

"Galen, have you died in this world yet?" The whisplash of a question made him gripped his halberd tighter. In truth, no. He took many precautions before he ever went mining or on an expedition. Life is fragile and he didn't treat this like a game.

"No. I've been here- god, what year is it now? I don't remember." The small chuckle hid the painful realization that he couldn't recall the years that went by. Mira gazed at the blades of grass that danced to the tune of the wind and closed her eyes, it has been 3 years now since he left her.

"2026." His 18th birthday had passed then.

"3 years then, 3 years and I never once died. I came close many times but I'm treating this like hardcore survival. I already died once, not going to risk that again." His words were cut short when she embraced him, seemingly relieving the memory of losing him again. He rubbed her back soothingly and winked at her by materializing a familiar if not comforting item that made him borderline unkillable.

"Hey, don't worry, I can't die as long as I have this." Mira's heart swelled at the sight of the death defying item.

"Totem of undying." In addition to his high stats, it would take a lot to take him down. He had survived a warden's direct supersonic strike before, granted the tinnitus was not pleasant and the constant ringing in his head nearly deafened him. Fortunately, he managed to escape the ancient city with none worse for wear.

"Next let's go over your inventory, or I like to call them God's Gift." Arms still wrapped around her, his sister tilted her head aside over the apparent specific name he referred to their inventory.

"Why God's Gift?" Why? The sheer convenience of having your own inventory slot where you can pull anything out of your ass without needing to carry it around is the coolest superpower ever. Screw super speed or teleportation, he could sneak in snacks to the cinema and no one would know!

"Can you imagine we have this in our old world? We don't need to carry books or groceries around with our hands! Anyway, try to bring up your inventory by imaging it." At this point Mira was sure everything was done through the power of imagination and will, not too different from real life she supposed. Her rapier sheathed in her belt soon disappeared and it soon reappeared at will. The sight of his sister doing the same thing again and again like a curious cat made him roll his eyes, and she was supposed to be the mature one.

"Your side weapon should be with you at all times for easy deployment. See? I have my sword sheathed by my belt too. The halberd comes later." It made sense, carrying a heavy and war-ready weapon around is cumbersome and tiring. Still, she liked to perfect her fencing and swordplay skills, dashing across the fields and slashing her foes down with elegance and precision.

"That's it for the tutorial, there is some more stuff but I can teach you over the coming days. Come on, let's explore our builds!" She giggled when he grabbed her hand to lead her to the cafes and garden they built together. The out of place structures in the middle of the fields now had landscaping and terraforming, with large wheat fields in the shade of glistering gold covering stretches of farmland. Everything looked so perfect and well-maintained, it was almost paradise on earth.

"It's beautiful, everything looks so picturesque and perfect." Galen didn't maintain all the site himself, he had the local villagers to routinely fix up the paths and tend to the crop fields. Though he enjoyed the optimization of Minecraft and breaking its limits, the aesthetic look of a paddy field during the evening sun can't be beat. Besides, having manual and routine work helps keep him occupied during quiet down time.

The two siblings continue to explore their old builds, gushing and reminiscing about the good old times. Conversation deviates sometimes to other topics at times, mainly about what their parents, friends and relatives. Galen still finds it hard to accept that certain world events happened and how fragmented the world is in their old world. Daylight swiftly dwindled to evening and the siblings who spent their entire day walking around eventually found themselves back at the large wooden bridge. Mira gazed at the awesome mountain view where their spruce filled home resides, the dark sky really brings out the atmospheric charm of a mountainside home and its enchanting glowing lanterns lighting up the path.

Their dinner was simple but filling, Mira offered to cook for her brother as thanks for showing her around. The two siblings catched up on lost time, talking about latest pop culture trends and how the internet changed in Galen's absence, certainly feeling left out by certain slang and lingo by his own generation. It made him realize that he missed out so much during the past 3 years, and he couldn't be there for his sister when she needed him. As she hummed a chirpy tune and washed the dishes, Galen approached her with a folded pair of wooly blankets in his hands.

"I want to show you something." She blinked her eyes but smiled nevertheless. The two climbed up stairs, passing up the flights of stairs that led to the summit of the mountain. The chilly gust of wind and veil of darkness immediately greeted the two siblings but Galen came prepared with a lantern on one hand. Among the rocks and stones were a patch of moss carpets, perfect to lay down and relax. He tugged their clasped hands and sat down next to her, blowing the lantern light out by opening the flaps.

"Why did you bring me out here? It's cold!" She huddled closer to her brother to generate some body heat, but the warm blanket over her body and the soft smile from her brother instantly seized her complaints. Intimate and within whisper distance, he placed an arm around her shoulders and pulled her in for some much needed embrace.

"Look up." His voice was husky and sweet, filled with longingness and an intense desire to stay with her. She slowly looked upwards and found the whole universe staring back at her. The millions upon millions of sparkling stars and the gradient shade of white and blue milky ways was just enchanting. Her dream of going stargazing in the forest in real life with a beloved, was fulfilled at that very moment. She held her breath for a moment, soaking in the indescribable and profound feeling of being in the moment when she felt her brother's arms wrapped around her waist.

"I remembered how much you like stargazing, so I built this spot myself. It's my little getaway whenever I'm feeling lonely." Barely above a whisper, he confessed his innate longingness that he too struggled to rid off. He felt a hand on his cheek and gazed at his sister, his eyes shimmered with emotions when she leaned her head against the crook of his neck. The soft nuzzles and inviting scent of her hair lured him into a more vulnerable mood. The silk-like fragility of their tension and the intense desire to be close, all of them accumulated to a wanton need to hold each other as long as possible.

"I'm sorry that I left Mira, I- I really am." The pain he inflicted onto her robbed her years of her youth, and now it robbed her the remaining years on earth. She had much to live for, and she traded that away all to be with him. Yet, he didn't need to feel guilty for she loved him very much to have any regrets. Mira tenderly kissed his cheek, half lid eyes and flushed cheeks seemed to be the sentiment among the two siblings. Her eyes darkened into a passionate intensity, her hands clutching onto his clothes for dear life. She slowly straddled above his lap, with her brother quickly holding onto her waist in response. The majestic sight of his beautiful sister caressing his cheek against the backdrop of a starry night sky made his heart race in delight. This closeness and tenderness, he yearned so much during his many nights of solitude.

And now he finally has it.

"We have all the time in the world to make up for lost time, little brother." Hush and close to touch, their lips slowly closed the gap between them until they met. Hands clawed among their garments, hairs tousled and pulled with their body desperately clinging onto one another. Any barriers or reservations were cast aside for this one fleeting moment, thawing and melting away the years of loneliness that consumed them both. The human need for companionship and solace overshadowed the societal values and taboos they created.

This world will be their new paradise and they will build a life together, for all of eternity.

An Eternity Together - Erk_Rauorfox (2024)


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Author: Jonah Leffler

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Author information

Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

Phone: +2611128251586

Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.