C2C e commerce: The Future of C2C E commerce: Trends and Innovations - FasterCapital (2024)

Table of Content

1. What is C2C E-commerce and Why is it Growing?

2. The Benefits of C2C E-commerce for Buyers and Sellers

3. The Challenges of C2C E-commerce and How to Overcome Them

4. The Current State of C2C E-commerce Platforms and Marketplaces

5. Emerging Technologies and Opportunities

6. How to Start and Grow Your Own C2C E-commerce Business?

7. Best Practices and Tips for C2C E-commerce Success

8. Case Studies and Examples of Successful C2C E-commerce Businesses

9. The Key Takeaways and Action Steps for C2C E-commerce Enthusiasts

1. What is C2C E-commerce and Why is it Growing?

One of the most dynamic and rapidly evolving sectors in the online retail industry is C2C e-commerce, which stands for consumer-to-consumer electronic commerce. This type of e-commerce involves the direct exchange of goods or services between individuals, usually facilitated by a third-party platform such as eBay, Etsy, or Craigslist. C2C e-commerce offers several benefits for both buyers and sellers, such as:

- Lower costs: C2C e-commerce eliminates the need for intermediaries such as wholesalers or retailers, which reduces the overhead and transaction costs for both parties. Buyers can find cheaper deals and bargains, while sellers can earn higher profits and avoid inventory or storage costs.

- Greater variety: C2C e-commerce enables buyers to access a wider range of products and services, from vintage clothing and handmade crafts to professional services and digital products. Sellers can also reach a larger and more diverse customer base, both locally and globally, and cater to niche markets and preferences.

- More flexibility: C2C e-commerce allows buyers and sellers to negotiate the terms and conditions of their transactions, such as price, delivery, payment, and feedback. Buyers can compare and choose among different options and sellers, while sellers can customize and personalize their offerings and marketing strategies.

- More empowerment: C2C e-commerce empowers buyers and sellers to participate in the online marketplace and create value for themselves and others. Buyers can express their opinions and preferences, and influence the reputation and performance of sellers. Sellers can showcase their creativity and skills, and build their own brand and community.

These benefits have contributed to the remarkable growth of C2C e-commerce in recent years, especially in emerging markets such as China, India, and Southeast Asia, where internet penetration, smartphone adoption, and digital payment systems have increased significantly. According to a report by Statista, the global C2C e-commerce market size was estimated at $684.9 billion in 2020, and is expected to reach $1.48 trillion by 2027, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.6%. Some of the factors that are driving this growth are:

- The rise of social commerce: Social commerce refers to the integration of social media and e-commerce, where users can discover, share, and purchase products or services through social platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok. Social commerce enhances the user experience and engagement of C2C e-commerce, by enabling users to interact with each other, get recommendations and reviews, and access live-streaming and video content. Social commerce also leverages the power of influencers, celebrities, and online communities, who can promote and sell products or services to their followers and fans.

- The emergence of new business models: C2C e-commerce platforms are constantly innovating and experimenting with new business models and features, to attract and retain users, and to differentiate themselves from competitors. Some of the examples of these new business models are:

- Subscription-based: Some C2C e-commerce platforms offer subscription-based services, where users pay a monthly or annual fee to access premium features, such as unlimited listings, free shipping, or exclusive discounts. For example, Poshmark, a C2C platform for fashion and lifestyle products, offers a Poshmark Pro Tools subscription, which provides users with tools to automate and optimize their sales and marketing activities.

- Commission-free: Some C2C e-commerce platforms do not charge any commission or transaction fees to users, and instead generate revenue from other sources, such as advertising, sponsorship, or data. For example, Mercari, a C2C platform for buying and selling new and used items, does not charge any fees to sellers, and only charges a 10% fee to buyers when they make a purchase.

- Decentralized: Some C2C e-commerce platforms are based on blockchain technology, which enables users to conduct transactions in a secure, transparent, and peer-to-peer manner, without the need for a central authority or intermediary. For example, OpenBazaar, a C2C platform for trading any type of goods or services, uses cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum as the medium of exchange, and does not charge any fees or impose any restrictions to users.

C2C e-commerce is a fascinating and promising sector that has the potential to transform the online retail industry and the consumer behavior. By leveraging the power of technology, innovation, and social interaction, C2C e-commerce platforms can offer users a more convenient, affordable, diverse, and enjoyable shopping experience, and create new opportunities and value for both buyers and sellers.

2. The Benefits of C2C E-commerce for Buyers and Sellers

Benefits of e commerce

One of the most prominent features of C2C e-commerce is that it offers a win-win situation for both buyers and sellers. Unlike traditional B2C or B2B models, where one party gains at the expense of the other, C2C e-commerce enables mutual benefits for both sides of the transaction. Some of the benefits of C2C e-commerce for buyers and sellers are:

- lower costs and higher profits: C2C e-commerce eliminates the need for intermediaries, such as wholesalers, retailers, or distributors, who usually charge high fees or commissions for their services. This reduces the operational costs for sellers and lowers the prices for buyers. As a result, sellers can enjoy higher profits and buyers can save more money.

- More choices and flexibility: C2C e-commerce provides a wide range of products and services that may not be available in conventional markets. Buyers can find unique, rare, or customized items that suit their preferences and needs. Sellers can also offer their products or services to a larger and more diverse customer base, and adjust their prices, terms, or delivery options according to the market demand.

- Greater convenience and accessibility: C2C e-commerce allows buyers and sellers to conduct transactions anytime and anywhere, as long as they have access to the internet and a compatible device. Buyers can browse, compare, and purchase products or services with just a few clicks or taps, without having to visit physical stores or deal with salespeople. Sellers can also manage their inventory, orders, and payments online, without having to rent or maintain a physical space or hire employees.

- Enhanced trust and reputation: C2C e-commerce relies on the feedback and ratings of the users to establish trust and reputation among the community. Buyers can check the reviews and ratings of the sellers before making a purchase, and vice versa. This helps to reduce the risks of fraud, scams, or poor quality products or services. It also encourages the users to provide honest and accurate information, and to deliver high-quality products or services, in order to maintain or improve their reputation and attract more customers.

To illustrate these benefits, let us look at some examples of successful C2C e-commerce platforms and how they benefit both buyers and sellers:

- eBay: eBay is one of the pioneers and leaders of C2C e-commerce, offering a global online marketplace where users can buy and sell almost anything, from new to used, from ordinary to extraordinary. EBay benefits both buyers and sellers by providing a secure and convenient platform, a variety of payment and shipping options, and a feedback and rating system. Buyers can find great deals and bargains on a wide range of products, such as collectibles, antiques, electronics, clothing, or cars. Sellers can reach millions of potential customers around the world, and set their own prices, terms, and policies.

- Etsy: Etsy is a C2C e-commerce platform that specializes in handmade, vintage, and craft items. Etsy benefits both buyers and sellers by providing a niche and creative marketplace, a supportive and engaged community, and a simple and user-friendly interface. Buyers can discover and purchase unique, original, and personalized items that reflect their style and taste. Sellers can showcase their talents and passions, and earn money from their hobbies and skills.

- Airbnb: Airbnb is a C2C e-commerce platform that connects travelers with hosts who offer accommodation in their homes or properties. Airbnb benefits both buyers and sellers by providing a flexible and affordable alternative to hotels, a diverse and authentic travel experience, and a trust and verification system. Buyers can find and book accommodation that suits their budget, preferences, and needs, in various locations and destinations around the world. Sellers can earn extra income by renting out their spare rooms, apartments, or houses, and share their culture and hospitality with guests.

3. The Challenges of C2C E-commerce and How to Overcome Them

Challenges of E commerce

C2C e-commerce, or consumer-to-consumer e-commerce, is a business model that allows individuals to sell goods or services directly to other individuals, without intermediaries or third-party platforms. C2C e-commerce has been growing rapidly in recent years, thanks to the proliferation of social media, mobile devices, and online payment systems. Some of the benefits of C2C e-commerce include lower costs, greater flexibility, and more personalized customer experiences. However, C2C e-commerce also faces some significant challenges that need to be addressed in order to ensure its sustainability and competitiveness. Some of these challenges are:

- Trust and security: One of the main challenges of C2C e-commerce is to establish trust and security between buyers and sellers, who may not know each other or have any previous transaction history. Buyers may face the risk of receiving counterfeit, damaged, or defective products, or not receiving them at all. Sellers may face the risk of not getting paid, or getting scammed by fraudulent buyers. To overcome this challenge, C2C e-commerce platforms need to implement effective mechanisms to verify the identity, reputation, and credibility of both parties, such as ratings, reviews, feedback, escrow, and dispute resolution systems. Additionally, C2C e-commerce platforms need to ensure the protection of personal and financial data, as well as the compliance with relevant laws and regulations, such as consumer rights, privacy, and taxation.

- Quality and standardization: Another challenge of C2C e-commerce is to ensure the quality and standardization of the products or services offered by sellers, who may have different levels of skills, expertise, and resources. Buyers may have different expectations and preferences regarding the quality, features, and specifications of the products or services they purchase. To overcome this challenge, C2C e-commerce platforms need to provide clear and accurate information about the products or services, such as descriptions, photos, videos, dimensions, and warranties. Moreover, C2C e-commerce platforms need to facilitate the communication and interaction between buyers and sellers, such as through chat, messaging, or video calls, to allow them to negotiate and customize their orders according to their needs and preferences.

- Logistics and delivery: A third challenge of C2C e-commerce is to ensure the logistics and delivery of the products or services from sellers to buyers, who may be located in different geographic areas, or even in different countries. Buyers may face the issues of high shipping costs, long delivery times, or lost or damaged packages. Sellers may face the issues of finding reliable and affordable delivery partners, managing inventory and packaging, or dealing with customs and taxes. To overcome this challenge, C2C e-commerce platforms need to offer various options and solutions for logistics and delivery, such as local pickup, drop-off, or delivery points, express or standard shipping, tracking and insurance, or cross-border e-commerce. Furthermore, C2C e-commerce platforms need to optimize the logistics and delivery processes, such as by using artificial intelligence, big data, or blockchain, to reduce costs, improve efficiency, and enhance customer satisfaction.

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4. The Current State of C2C E-commerce Platforms and Marketplaces

C2C e-commerce, or consumer-to-consumer e-commerce, is a type of online commerce where individuals sell goods or services directly to other individuals, without the involvement of intermediaries or retailers. C2C e-commerce platforms and marketplaces are online platforms that facilitate this type of transaction, by providing features such as listing, payment, delivery, rating, and dispute resolution. Some of the most popular C2C e-commerce platforms and marketplaces in the world are eBay, Etsy, Craigslist, Airbnb, Uber, and Poshmark.

The current state of C2C e-commerce platforms and marketplaces can be characterized by the following trends and innovations:

- Growth and diversification: C2C e-commerce platforms and marketplaces have experienced significant growth in recent years, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, as more consumers shifted to online shopping and selling. According to a report by Statista, the global C2C e-commerce market size was estimated at $1.3 trillion in 2020, and is expected to reach $1.5 trillion by 2024. Moreover, C2C e-commerce platforms and marketplaces have diversified into various niches and categories, such as fashion, art, crafts, books, electronics, home, travel, food, and services. For example, Depop is a C2C e-commerce platform that focuses on vintage and streetwear fashion, while Skillshare is a C2C e-commerce marketplace that offers online courses and workshops.

- Social and community-driven: C2C e-commerce platforms and marketplaces have become more social and community-driven, as they leverage the power of social media, user-generated content, and word-of-mouth marketing to attract and retain customers. Many C2C e-commerce platforms and marketplaces have integrated social media features, such as likes, comments, shares, followers, and stories, to enable users to interact with each other, discover new products, and build trust and loyalty. For example, Vinted is a C2C e-commerce platform that allows users to sell, buy, and swap clothes, and also has a forum where users can chat, ask for advice, and share their outfits. Similarly, Airbnb is a C2C e-commerce marketplace that enables users to rent and host unique accommodations, and also has a community center where users can share their stories, tips, and recommendations.

- Personalization and customization: C2C e-commerce platforms and marketplaces have also embraced personalization and customization, as they aim to provide users with more relevant and tailored experiences, based on their preferences, behaviors, and feedback. Many C2C e-commerce platforms and marketplaces have implemented advanced algorithms, artificial intelligence, and machine learning, to offer personalized recommendations, suggestions, and offers, to users. For example, eBay is a C2C e-commerce platform that uses AI to generate personalized product titles, descriptions, and images, based on the user's search query and browsing history. Likewise, Uber is a C2C e-commerce marketplace that uses machine learning to optimize the matching of drivers and riders, based on the user's location, destination, and preferences.

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5. Emerging Technologies and Opportunities

Technologies and Opportunities

Emerging technologies and opportunities

As the world becomes more connected and digitalized, C2C e-commerce is evolving rapidly and creating new opportunities for both buyers and sellers. C2C e-commerce refers to the online transactions between individual consumers, usually facilitated by a third-party platform or marketplace. Some of the emerging technologies and opportunities that are shaping the future of C2C e-commerce are:

- blockchain and smart contracts: Blockchain is a decentralized ledger that records transactions securely and transparently, without the need for intermediaries. Smart contracts are self-executing agreements that are encoded on the blockchain and triggered by predefined conditions. These technologies can enhance the trust, efficiency, and security of C2C e-commerce transactions, by reducing fraud, lowering transaction costs, and enabling peer-to-peer payments. For example, OpenBazaar is a decentralized marketplace that uses blockchain and smart contracts to enable users to buy and sell goods and services without any fees or restrictions.

- artificial intelligence and machine learning: Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are technologies that enable machines to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as understanding natural language, recognizing images, and making decisions. These technologies can improve the user experience, personalization, and recommendation of C2C e-commerce platforms, by analyzing user behavior, preferences, and feedback, and providing tailored suggestions, offers, and support. For example, Poshmark is a social commerce platform that uses AI and ML to curate and recommend products based on the user's style, size, and taste.

- social media and influencer marketing: Social media and influencer marketing are strategies that leverage the power and reach of social networks and online personalities to promote products or services. These strategies can increase the awareness, engagement, and conversion of C2C e-commerce platforms, by creating authentic and relatable content, building trust and loyalty, and generating word-of-mouth referrals. For example, Depop is a fashion marketplace that uses social media and influencer marketing to showcase and sell unique and vintage clothing, accessories, and art.

6. How to Start and Grow Your Own C2C E-commerce Business?

Start and Grow

Commerce Business

One of the most exciting and lucrative opportunities in the e-commerce space is the C2C (consumer-to-consumer) model, where individuals can sell their products or services directly to other consumers, without intermediaries or middlemen. This model has many advantages, such as lower costs, greater flexibility, higher customer satisfaction, and more creativity. However, starting and growing a successful C2C e-commerce business is not easy. It requires careful planning, execution, and innovation. Here are some tips and best practices to help you achieve your C2C e-commerce goals:

1. Choose a niche and target market. The first step is to identify what you want to sell and who you want to sell it to. You need to find a niche that has a high demand, low competition, and a loyal customer base. You also need to understand your target market's needs, preferences, challenges, and motivations. You can use tools such as Google Trends, Keyword Planner, and market Research to conduct your research and analysis.

2. Create a unique value proposition and brand identity. The next step is to differentiate yourself from other C2C sellers and establish a strong brand identity. You need to communicate what makes your products or services unique, valuable, and desirable. You also need to create a catchy name, logo, slogan, and design for your business. You can use tools such as Shopify, Wix, and Canva to create your online store and branding materials.

3. build trust and credibility with your customers. The third step is to earn the trust and loyalty of your customers. You need to provide high-quality products or services, excellent customer service, and secure payment methods. You also need to collect and display positive reviews, ratings, testimonials, and social proof from your customers. You can use tools such as Trustpilot, Yelp, and Facebook to collect and showcase your customer feedback.

4. Promote and market your business effectively. The fourth step is to attract and retain more customers for your business. You need to use various channels and strategies to reach your target audience, such as social media, email marketing, SEO, PPC, influencer marketing, and content marketing. You also need to optimize your conversion rate, retention rate, and customer lifetime value. You can use tools such as Mailchimp, Hootsuite, Google Analytics, and HubSpot to manage and measure your marketing efforts.

5. innovate and adapt to changing customer needs and market trends. The final step is to keep your business relevant and competitive in the dynamic C2C e-commerce space. You need to constantly monitor and analyze your customer feedback, market trends, and competitor actions. You also need to experiment and test new ideas, features, and improvements for your products or services. You can use tools such as SurveyMonkey, A/B Testing, and lean Startup to validate and implement your innovations.

An example of a successful C2C e-commerce business that follows these steps is Etsy, an online marketplace for handmade, vintage, and craft items. Etsy has a clear niche and target market, a unique value proposition and brand identity, a high level of trust and credibility with its customers, a strong and diverse marketing strategy, and a culture of innovation and adaptation. As a result, Etsy has over 81 million active buyers, 4.4 million active sellers, and $10.3 billion in gross merchandise sales in 2020.

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7. Best Practices and Tips for C2C E-commerce Success

Commerce success

As the C2C e-commerce market grows and evolves, so do the challenges and opportunities for sellers and buyers. To succeed in this competitive and dynamic environment, C2C e-commerce players need to adopt some best practices and tips that can help them stand out from the crowd, attract and retain customers, and increase their sales and profits. Some of these best practices and tips are:

- leverage social media and online communities. C2C e-commerce is largely driven by word-of-mouth, referrals, and reviews. Therefore, it is essential for sellers and buyers to establish a strong online presence and reputation, and to engage with their target audience through social media platforms and online communities. For example, sellers can use Instagram, Facebook, or TikTok to showcase their products, share customer testimonials, and offer discounts or giveaways. Buyers can use platforms like Reddit, Quora, or Pinterest to ask for recommendations, share feedback, and discover new products or trends.

- optimize product listings and descriptions. C2C e-commerce is also highly dependent on the quality and attractiveness of the product listings and descriptions. Sellers need to ensure that their listings are clear, accurate, and informative, and that they highlight the unique features and benefits of their products. They also need to use high-quality images and videos that showcase their products from different angles and in different settings. Buyers need to pay attention to the details and specifications of the products, and to ask questions or request more information if needed.

- provide excellent customer service and support. C2C e-commerce is based on trust and satisfaction between sellers and buyers. Therefore, both parties need to provide excellent customer service and support throughout the transaction process. Sellers need to respond to customer inquiries, requests, and complaints promptly and professionally, and to offer flexible and convenient shipping and payment options. Buyers need to communicate their expectations, preferences, and feedback clearly and respectfully, and to respect the seller's policies and terms. Both parties also need to leave honest and constructive reviews and ratings for each other, and to resolve any disputes or issues amicably.

- Utilize analytics and feedback. C2C e-commerce is constantly changing and adapting to the market conditions and customer demands. Therefore, both sellers and buyers need to utilize analytics and feedback to monitor and improve their performance and experience. Sellers need to track and analyze their sales, traffic, and conversion data, and to use tools like Google analytics, Facebook Insights, or Shopify Analytics to identify their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. They also need to collect and act on customer feedback, and to use tools like SurveyMonkey, Trustpilot, or Yelp to measure and improve their customer satisfaction and loyalty. Buyers need to compare and evaluate different products, sellers, and platforms, and to use tools like PriceSpy, ShopSavvy, or CamelCamelCamel to find the best deals and offers. They also need to share their feedback and suggestions with the sellers and platforms, and to use tools like Consumer Reports, Wirecutter, or CNET to find reliable and unbiased product reviews and ratings.

8. Case Studies and Examples of Successful C2C E-commerce Businesses

Case Studies and Examples

Studies Examples of successful

Case studies or examples of successful

Successful e commerce

One of the most exciting aspects of C2C e-commerce is the diversity and innovation of the businesses that operate in this space. From online marketplaces that connect buyers and sellers of goods and services, to platforms that enable users to share their skills and passions, to communities that foster social and environmental impact, C2C e-commerce businesses are transforming the way people interact, exchange, and create value online. In this section, we will explore some of the case studies and examples of successful C2C e-commerce businesses that illustrate the trends and innovations that are shaping the future of this industry.

Some of the case studies and examples are:

- Etsy: Etsy is one of the most popular and well-known C2C e-commerce platforms that specializes in handmade, vintage, and craft items. Etsy allows sellers to create their own online shops and showcase their unique products to millions of buyers around the world. Etsy also provides various tools and services to help sellers grow their businesses, such as marketing, analytics, payments, shipping, and education. Etsy has over 4.7 million active sellers and 90.6 million active buyers as of 2020, and generated $10.3 billion in gross merchandise sales (GMS) in 2020, up 106.7% from 2019. Etsy's success is driven by its strong community, its focus on sustainability and social responsibility, and its ability to adapt to changing consumer preferences and demands, such as the surge in demand for face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic.

- Airbnb: Airbnb is another leading C2C e-commerce platform that enables people to rent out their spare rooms, apartments, houses, or other properties to travelers who are looking for alternative and authentic accommodation options. Airbnb also offers experiences, such as tours, activities, and classes, that are hosted by local experts and enthusiasts. Airbnb has over 4 million hosts and 247 million guest arrivals in 2020, and generated $3.4 billion in revenue in 2020, down 30% from 2019 due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Airbnb's success is driven by its vision of creating a world where anyone can belong anywhere, its innovative business model that leverages the power of network effects and trust, and its ability to respond to changing market conditions and customer needs, such as the launch of online experiences and flexible travel options during the COVID-19 pandemic.

- Fiverr: Fiverr is a C2C e-commerce platform that connects freelancers and businesses who offer and need various digital services, such as graphic design, writing, programming, video editing, and more. Fiverr allows freelancers to create their own profiles and gigs, which are the services they offer, and set their own prices and delivery times. Fiverr also provides various features and tools to help freelancers and businesses communicate, collaborate, and manage their projects, such as messaging, feedback, payment, and quality control. Fiverr has over 3.4 million active buyers and 830,000 active sellers as of 2020, and generated $189.5 million in revenue in 2020, up 77% from 2019. Fiverr's success is driven by its mission of changing how the world works together, its simple and transparent pricing model that starts from $5, and its ability to cater to the growing demand for remote and flexible work, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

9. The Key Takeaways and Action Steps for C2C E-commerce Enthusiasts

Action Steps

After exploring the current state, the future prospects, and the challenges of C2C e-commerce, it is time to summarize the main points and offer some practical advice for C2C e-commerce enthusiasts. Whether you are a buyer, a seller, or a platform owner, there are some key takeaways and action steps that you can apply to make the most of the C2C e-commerce opportunities. Here are some of them:

- stay updated on the latest trends and innovations in C2C e-commerce. C2C e-commerce is a dynamic and fast-changing sector that constantly introduces new features, services, and business models. To succeed in this competitive environment, you need to be aware of the latest developments and adapt accordingly. For example, you can follow the news and blogs of leading C2C platforms, such as eBay, Etsy, Poshmark, and Depop, to learn about their new offerings and strategies. You can also use tools such as Google Trends, SimilarWeb, and App Annie to track the popularity and performance of different C2C platforms and categories.

- Leverage the power of social media and community. C2C e-commerce is not only about transactions, but also about relationships and trust. social media and community are essential tools for building and maintaining your reputation, credibility, and loyalty in the C2C e-commerce space. For example, you can use social media platforms, such as Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube, to showcase your products, share your stories, and interact with your customers and potential buyers. You can also join and participate in online communities, such as forums, groups, and clubs, that are related to your niche, interests, or hobbies. These can help you gain insights, feedback, and referrals from other C2C e-commerce enthusiasts.

- Optimize your C2C e-commerce experience. C2C e-commerce is not only about selling or buying, but also about creating and delivering value. To optimize your C2C e-commerce experience, you need to pay attention to the quality, convenience, and satisfaction of your transactions. For example, you can use tools such as Shopify, WooCommerce, and BigCommerce to create your own online store and customize your branding, design, and functionality. You can also use tools such as PayPal, Stripe, and Venmo to facilitate your payments and ensure your security and privacy. You can also use tools such as ShipStation, Shippo, and EasyShip to manage your shipping and logistics and offer your customers fast and reliable delivery.

C2C e commerce: The Future of C2C E commerce: Trends and Innovations - FasterCapital (2024)


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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

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