Danganronpa Class Swap 2 - Jabberwock Island - Heroman3003 (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Intro Chapter Text Chapter 2: Prologue - Welcome to Dangan Island Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 3: Chapter 1 – Panic at Despair Beach – Daily Life 1 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 4: Chapter 1 – Panic at Despair Beach – Daily Life 2 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 5: Chapter 1 – Panic at Despair Beach – Daily Life 3 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 6: Chapter 1 – Panic at Despair Beach – Daily Life 4 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 7: Chapter 1 – Panic at Despair Beach – Deadly Life Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 8: Chapter 1 – Panic at Despair Beach – Trial, Part 1 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 9: Chapter 1 – Panic at Despair Beach – Trial, Part 2 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 10: Chapter 2 – Love and Hate, Justice and Egoism, Against World's Evil! – Daily Life 1 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 11: Chapter 2 – Love and Hate, Justice and Egoism, Against World's Evil! – Daily Life 2 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 12: Chapter 2 – Love and Hate, Justice and Egoism, Against World's Evil! – Daily Life 3 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 13: Chapter 2 – Love and Hate, Justice and Egoism, Against World's Evil! – Daily Life 4 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 14: Chapter 2 – Love and Hate, Justice and Egoism, Against World's Evil! – Deadly Life Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 15: Chapter 2 – Love and Hate, Justice and Egoism, Against World's Evil! – Trial, Part 1 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 16: Chapter 2 – Love and Hate, Justice and Egoism, Against World's Evil! – Trial, Part 2 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 17: Chapter 3 – Lost in Mourning Fever – Daily Life 1 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 18: Chapter 3 – Lost in Mourning Fever – Daily Life 2 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 19: Chapter 3 – Lost in Mourning Fever – Daily Life 3 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 20: Chapter 3 – Lost in Mourning Fever – Daily Life 4 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 21: Chapter 3 – Lost in Mourning Fever – Daily Life 5 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 22: Chapter 3 – Lost in Mourning Fever – Daily Life 6 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 23: Chapter 3 – Lost in Mourning Fever – Deadly Life Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 24: Chapter 3 – Lost in Mourning Fever – Trial, Part 1 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 25: Chapter 3 – Lost in Mourning Fever – Trial, Part 2 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 26: Chapter 4 – Perseverance – Daily Life 1 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 27: Chapter 4 – Perseverance – Daily Life 2 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 28: Chapter 4 – Perseverance – Daily Life 3 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 29: Chapter 4 – Perseverance – Daily Life 4 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 30: Chapter 4 – Perseverance – Daily Life 5 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 31: Chapter 4 – Perseverance – Daily Life 6 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 32: Chapter 4 – Perseverance – Daily Life 7 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 33: Chapter 4 – Perseverance – Deadly Life Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 34: Chapter 4 – Perseverance – Trial, Part 1 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 35: Chapter 4 – Perseverance – Trial, Part 2 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 36: Chapter 5 – Hope, Despair, And Other Lies That Keep Us Going – Daily Life 1 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: References

Chapter 1: Intro

Chapter Text

???: Hey...

???: Are you alright?

???: You should probably get up...

???: I know this whole thing is pretty weird for you...

???: No, it’s weird for all of us.

???: But you can’t just stay like this.


What is happening? Why is this happening?

It was impossible. Unbelievable. Utterly incomprehensible.

My brain felt like a mush. This was too much to process even for me... I needed to gather my thoughts. To remember how I even got here... That’s right. Just refocus and think of how it all played out...


This day was very different from my normal day.

I mean, there I was, standing in the urban environment, in front of a giant building, about to go in completely unprepared for anything that might be waiting inside. Hope’s Peak Academy. I wasn’t sure it was a good idea. It’d be so different from everything I knew, but... Some part of me thought that it was for the best. I have long learned to trust my instincts. They really do sometimes know better.

Hope’s Peak Academy... Inviting someone like me. I seriously doubted that a person like that would be at all welcome in there. I mean... a prestigious school for elite best of the best? Crème de la crème? The school that keeps releasing the best artists, scientists, businessmen and athletes into the world... Wants someone of my kind? That was surprising in its own right. Although if I was an Ultimate in their eyes, I guess they really did. But I should start by introducing myself first.

My name is Mukuro Ikusaba. I’m... still not entirely sure why I’m standing here now, in front of this place. It feels... completely alien. Or maybe it’s just me who is alien to something like that. I never imagined going into a high school, and now I was going to go into one of the best in the world? What was even going through my head through my head through my head my head my head head head head head head head head—a person who would never fit in normal society. And yet I—



There is a door. A classroom door. In front of me.

I need to go inside this door. Yes. That is what I need to do. What I have to do.

So I approach the door. And open it.


It was a classroom. That much was obvious. And there was quite... a colorful cast of characters in there. A quick headcount gave me exact number – fifteen. Sixteen, counting me.

A guy spoke up... He looked pretty nondescript, aside from his Messy Hair.

Messy Hair: Oh, hey, someone else has arrived!

Next two people to speak up were other two guys. One was spectacularly Fat and the other looked like some sort of Hall Monitor.

Fat Boy: Counting her, that makes sixteen... Seems like a nice even number to cut off on!

Hall Monitor: Lady, while I am unaware of exact time, you are the last to arrive! You should put more effort in being punctual!

More people spoke up after that. A girl who looked more like a pretty Doll, a Sportsy looking girl and a Redhead guy.

Doll: Come on now, I’m sure she’s not yet late. After all, nobody showed up yet.

Sportsy Girl: Yeah, I’m sure she didn’t mean to come here last!

Redhead: Come on dude, give us a break, you gave me same crap when I arrived, and we weren’t even into double digits yet.

Wait... those people. They must be...

Mukuro: You guys... Are freshmen too, right?

Guy who looked like he had a giant Porcupine for hair spoke up next, followed by a rich-looking Snob.

Porcupine: Yep! We sure are!

Snob: You seem rather slow to catch on.

More people raised their voice. A girl with light hair and very Snow Queen-like aura and a pompadour guy who looked like a stereotypical Delinquent.

Snow Queen: I do believe everyone who was supposed to arrive has arrived now.

Delinquent: Huh? And what the hell makes you say that?

Snow Queen: The classroom has sixteen desks. There are sixteen people in the room. It makes perfect sense.

Suddenly that big burly guy that looks like an Ogre started speaking in surprisingly soft voice, followed by the luxuriously dressed Lolita girl.

Ogre: However, it appears that neither way we got here, nor way we can leave is clear yet.

Lolita: Indeed. And the window of opportunity created by our latest arrival is already lost.

I thought about what they said for a moment and quickly turned around, trying to force the door open. Despite my best efforts, it just wouldn’t budge...

Mukuro: Damn... It’s locked.

Lolita: It is pointless. We have all tried that.

Her comment was followed with two more. From the nervous-looking girl with Braids and a short timid girl who looked almost like a scared Bunny.

Braids: That m-means that we’re stuck here?!

Bunny: I just... hope someone comes soon...

Hall Monitor: As students, we should diligently wait for arrival of a teacher to give us further instructions.

Sportsy Girl: Hey, maybe you haven’t noticed, but something’s obviously strange about our situation! I mean, how did we even get into this classroom?

Porcupine: Through the door, right?

Snow Queen: That much is obvious. What’s more concerning, is the fact that none of us remember how we reached the door.

Messy Hair: Hey, that’s right... I don’t really remember that either.

Snob: You’re only realizing it now?

Braids: Oh god... What is this? This is definitely not normal.

Redhead: Yeah, there’s definitely something off about this, right?

Doll: Well, we can just hope for the best, right? That a teacher will come?

Delinquent: There better be some explanation to all this sh*t.

Ogre: Indeed. This is highly unusual.

Suddenly I heard the blonde girl who stayed silent the whole time speak up. She wasn’t even addressing anyone, just commenting out loud. She stood by the window, staring into it... And that voice. Could it have been... Her?

She: There’s something off about those windows...

Delinquent: f*cking seriously? We’re stuck in a weird-ass classroom and you’re admiring some sh*tty architecture?

???: Hey! No fighting your classmates!

That voice... it was so high-pitched and squeaky-sounding... It didn’t sound like anyone here. The Delinquent turned towards Fat Boy anyway.

Delinquent: The f*ck you say to me, fat*ss?!

Fat Boy: A-Ah, I may have a rather high vocal range, but that certainly wasn’t me saying that.

Delinquent: Then who the hell was it?!

???: It was me!

This time I could pinpoint the direction from which the voice was coming from, and not just me. Everyone looked over towards the teacher’s podium in the front of the classroom as something weird started to happen.

A colorful swirl. A pink swirl just appeared in the air, obstructing vision for a few moments and once it was gone, out of it and on top of the podium landed a big plush rabbit... angel... girl? With a magical wand? And then she was moving? This... this is ridiculous!

Sportsy Girls: Huh? What is this?

Bunny: It... looks like a stuffed toy...

???: That’s right! I am a squeezably soft stuffed animal!

Usami: Magical Miracle Girl ★ Usami. Aka, Usami!

Usami: I know that I don’t quite look like it, but I am actually your squeezably soft teacher.

Hall Monitor: What? That thing is... a teacher? That’s ridiculous!

Porcupine: Is this a trip? Am I on something right now? I quit that stuff a while ago!

Redhead: What the hell...?

Usami: Don’t you guys know what a rabbit is? It’s a squeezably soft animal!

Usami: And that’s what I am!

Fat Boy: A toy magical girl that walks and talks on its own? What is this?!

Snob: It obviously isn’t doing that on its own. Someone must be controlling it.

Snow Queen: I don’t believe that’s the important part.

Snow Queen: What is important is that you know what is happening here, do you not?

Usami: Of course! I am a lead teacher on this school trip of ours after all!

Snow Queen: School... trip?

Usami: An entire class of students going on a trip under kind observation of their teacher! A big event for any school year!

Mukuro: That’s not what she meant.

Usami: Now, let’s depart for the school trip!


Suddenly the weird toy started waving her want up in the air. And... something started happening. The roof... There was a bright crack of light going through it... And then it widened and widened... Until it opened and all the walls fell, revealing the outside of the classroom.

We were on the beach. To reiterate. We were on the beach. The entire room was just a set piece. I could see the sky. I could see the sand. I could see the palm trees and sea birds in the distance. This was not supposed to be possible. Everyone else was looking around with same shocked expressions. And first to speak up was... her.

She: What the actual hell?!

Doll: How... How did we get here?!

Fat Boy: This is going beyond any measure of weird!

Usami: Hey, there’s no need to be so alarmed. Look around!

Usami: Calming ocean waves... Cool breeze... Warm sand...

Usami: Doesn’t it all feel nice? Just let it envelop you and wash away everything bad...

Ogre: Hold it. You still haven’t explained anything to us. Where are we?

Usami: By the sea of course!

Lolita: Ahem... That still does not explain the crux of the question. Why exactly are we by the sea?

Usami: The school trip just started, is all!

Messy Hair: But what about the Hope’s Peak Academy?

Delinquent: Yeah, weren’t we supposed to start attending it or some sh*t?

Usami: Oh... I see. You’re concerned about Hope’s Peak Academy? Well, the answer is simple! Just forget about it!

Usami: You’re on a school trip! You’re here to relax and have fun!

Hall Monitor: Relax and have fun?

Snow Queen: Forget about Hope’s Peak Academy?

Snob: Hey... what are you? Just what are you scheming?

Usami: Wha-what? I’m not scheming at all! I’m just doing this for everyone’s sakes!

Usami: I only wish that a bright hope can bloom as a result of this trip!

Usami: I’ve made sure that there is absolutely nothing dangerous on this island whatsoever!

Usami: It’s been prepared just for us and us alone, so you don’t have to worry at all!

Redhead: Are you saying we’re on some island?

Sportsy Girl: And it’s uninhabited to boot?

Bunny: But... why? Why were we brought here?

Delinquent: Does it even f*cking matter? I’ll f*cking kill that thing!

Usami: Please, don’t say stuff like that! Especially not the word ‘kill’! Violence of any kind is not allowed on this island!

Snob: Then... what is this “school trip” you mentioned? What do you intend for us to do on this island?

Usami: All righty! I’ll just make it clear for all of you now!

Usami: While you are enjoying a nice and pleasant vacation, the only thing I expect of you is to get along and reinforce your friendships.

Usami: That is the main purpose of Heart-Throbbing School Trip!

Snob: “Heart-Throbbing School Trip”...?

Usami: And this Heart-Throbbing School Trip... Is all of you guys’ homework!

Mukuro: Wait, I don’t understand, what the hell are you talking about?

She: Yeah! Where the hell is the catch?

But she ignored us...

Usami: Now... Let the Heart-Throbbing School Trip begin!

This... was the last nail in the coffin for my sanity. Suddenly appearing before a weird door... A classroom full of strangers... A moving, talking stuffed rabbit... Suddenly finding myself in the middle of a beach... And now Heart-Throbbing School Trip?

I was just overloaded. I couldn’t comprehend it. I couldn’t process it. None of it made any sense whatsoever...

And so, I stopped processing things entirely for a short while.

Dangan Island Swap – Huge Panic at the Heart-Throbbing School Trip?

Chapter 2: Prologue - Welcome to Dangan Island


Mukuro recovers from the initial shock, and goes to meet her classmates.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Prologue – Welcome to Dangan Island

Messy Hair: Hey...

Messy Hair: Are you alright?

Messy Hair: You should probably get up...

Messy Hair: I know this whole thing is pretty weird for you...

Messy Hair: No, it’s weird for all of us.

Messy Hair: But you can’t just stay like this.

Well... I remember now. That doesn’t make any of what happened make any more sense... But I guess I remember. Now... To actually try and figure out what in the world is happening...

I blinked and focused my eyes. There was the Messy Hair boy, looking at me with a slightly concerned expression. Looking down at me... That’s right, I was sitting on my knees for some reason... Probably lost balance and didn’t feel like getting up afterwards.

So, first obvious thing to do. Standing up. Okay, that was easy...

Messy Hair: Oh, great! I was just worried you’ve got a sunstroke or something...

Mukuro: No... I just zoned out for a bit. This whole situation is way too confusing...

Messy Hair: Yeah, it kind of is. Everyone else went off to explore the island and try to figure out what is even happening... But I realized you stay behind, so I came to check up on you.

Mukuro: I see...

I looked around the beach again. The water looked... real. The sand was definitely real... I think some got in my shoe. Eugh. The trees, the wind... Even the smell of ocean air. It definitely wasn’t some oversized facility that just looks like an island. It really was an island...

Other than the fact that we were on a tropical island all of a sudden, what caught my attention were a monitor stuck to a tree and a camera just standing there. No wires or anything... Remotely transmitting? Probably meant to oversee us in some way.

Messy Hair: Uhm... So, uh... Hey, how about I introduce myself?

Mukuro: Ah? Oh, sorry, I was just thinking. Go ahead.

Messy Hair: It seems like you do that a lot, huh?

Messy Hair: Anyway. My name is Makoto Naegi.

Makoto Naegi, Ultimate Lucky Student

Mukuro: Nice to meet you, Makoto. I’m Mukuro Ikusaba.

Makoto: Nice to meet you too.

Mukuro: ...

Makoto: ...I guess I’ll tell you about why I was chosen by Hope’s Peak?

Mukuro: Sure, go ahead.

Makoto: Well... I don’t actually have an Ultimate talent. Not in the same way all of you guys do.

Makoto: Apparently, Hope’s Peak just... held a lottery to pick an Ultimate Lucky Student and I won.

Mukuro: Huh... That does sound pretty lucky of you.

Makoto: I mean, it was lucky, but I’d never actually consider myself that lucky. I’m more unlucky than anything...

Mukuro: Then maybe you’re the Ultimate Unlucky Student? Winning the lottery did get you into this situation...

Makoto: I guess, but it doesn’t seem so bad so far.

Mukuro: Not so bad? Do you get kidnapped onto uninhabited islands that often?

Makoto: Well, it’s not quite like that. It seems to actually be perfectly safe and the food and shelter is all provided to us.

Makoto: You know, I think this might actually be a real school trip organized by Hope’s Peak.

Mukuro: On the first day?

Makoto: Uhh... Hope’s Peak has never been orthodox in their ways?

Mukuro: Uh-huh.

Makoto: Anyway. I wanted to ask... What is your Ultimate talent?

Mukuro: My talent?

Makoto: Yeah. I didn’t see anything about you on that message board I was checking... I mean, I was only checking it to see what kind of classmates I was going to have out of curiosity and—Wait, that doesn’t right either, let me rephrase that...

Makoto kept talking about some website dedicated to discussing Hope’s Peak and its students and how it’s not creepy or stalkerish at all and is absolutely normal... But my mind was drifting elsewhere...

My talent... My... talent...

Why... am I drawing a blank? Why can’t I recall anything... regarding my talent?

Do I... even have one? I had to, I was here after all... But why can’t I recall it?

What’s... wrong. What happened... Why...

Makoto: ...and, well, I know there have been incidents of doxing, but I swear—

Mukuro: I don’t remember.

Makoto: Huh?

Mukuro: My talent. I forgot it.

Makoto: Wait... seriously? Are you sure you don’t have a sunstroke?

Mukuro: I’m fine. I just... my head’s scrambled...

Makoto: Maybe we should get off the beach... I think getting some shadow would be nice for starters.

Makoto: You have been sitting there for a while. Maybe it’s just shock?

Mukuro: Shock?

Makoto: You know? Getting so surprised you black out on things?

Mukuro: I... I don’t know. I don’t understand...


Huh? Did that come from my pocket?

I reached in there and took out... a pad. Looked like some sort of student handbook...

Mukuro: What’s that? When did I get it?

Makoto: Oh, Usami was handing them out when she was explaining the Hope Fragments.

Mukuro: ...

Makoto: Right... zoned out... Well, basically, these are our student handbooks. They have all the relevant things to help us get around the island. They also allow us to collect ‘Hope Fragments’ from one another.

Mukuro: And what is a ‘Hope Fragment’?

Makoto: I’m not sure... It does sound nice though. You get them by making friends and getting closer with one another. And Usami also said that once everyone collects all Hope Fragments, we can all go home!

Mukuro: Wait, seriously? That rabbit thing seriously brought us here to make us... become friends? Is this like a reality TV dating show or something?

Makoto: I’m not sure... But that still sounds rather fun.

Mukuro: You’re pretty innocent, aren’t you, Makoto?

Makoto: Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?

Mukuro: You... don’t seem to be suspicious of this situation. At all.

Makoto: Oh... Well, I’m just trying to think positively, is all.

Mukuro: Anyway... You said we should get off the beach.

Makoto: Yeah. Actually, we should go around so that you can introduce yourself to everyone! I think I just got last of my first round of Hope Fragments.

Mukuro: I mean... Sure. If I’m gonna be stuck on this weird island, knowing who I’m stuck with would be good.

Makoto: Alright! Let’s get going then. I, uhh... Read up on everyone and their talents on that website... And I met them all myself already. Plus, if you do have a sunstroke, it wouldn’t be good for you to walk around alone.

Mukuro: I do not have a sunstroke. But... thanks. I think walking around with someone is safer anyway.

Makoto: Relax, Mukuro. The island is perfectly safe.

Mukuro: I’ll believe it when I see it...



According to the map in the handbook, the island is actually a group of six islands connected by bridges. And only two, the Central and the First were available. Why one of the islands was called ‘First’, I had no clue.

Closest location to the beach to check out was... the Ranch. Or as the actual sign in front of it said, Usami Corral. There were two people there... Snow Queen and Porcupine. Porcupine was heartily trying to convince Snow Queen of something, but she just shook her head in disappointment. So he just stormed off to the other end of the ranch. Well, this was off to a good start...

Mukuro: Hey... guys...

Snow Queen: So, the sixteenth student arrives. I wondered where you were.

Mukuro: Hey, why am I the sixteenth student?

Snow Queen: You were the last to arrive to the classroom and you are the last student I am properly meeting.

Mukuro: Oh. I guess that makes sense.

Makoto: Hey, Kyoko. What was that with Hiro over there?

Snow Queen: Nothing worthwhile. Hopefully not a sunstroke. Anyway, I do think we should learn each other’s names. My name is Kyoko Kirigiri.

Kyoko Kirigiri, Ultimate Detective

Mukuro: I’m Mukuro Ikusaba. It’s nice to meet you, Kyoko.

Kyoko: So, what is your talent?

Makoto: Speaking of sunstrokes... Mukuro can’t quite remember hers...

Mukuro: Makoto!

Makoto: What? Wait, was I not supposed to say that? Sorry... I didn’t realize...

Mukuro: No, it’s fine. It just makes me sound like crazy when someone else has to say it for me.

Kyoko: Don’t remember your own talent... That is surprising. Most people here dedicated most of their life to their talent, in one way or another. And you simply forgot yours?

Mukuro: Yeah... I know it’s probably hard to believe, but... I really can’t pull a thing out of my memory that’s related to it...

Kyoko: I see. Well, you did seem to have some sort of internal breakdown when Usami was doing her announcements. Perhaps it’s just some short-term brain overload that will pass...

Mukuro: What about you? What’s your Ultimate talent?

Kyoko: Normally I prefer not to advertise or flaunt it. But we are going to be classmates for a long time, so you’ll have to find out eventually. I am the Ultimate Detective.

Mukuro: Huh... That sounds pretty cool.

Makoto: Right! And Kyoko’s been pretty good at keeping her talent down-low too. That message board didn’t have anything about her... Other than the rumors that Headmaster’s daughter would be attending.

Kyoko gave Makoto a stern glare.

Makoto: ...was I not supposed to say that either?

Kyoko: Sigh... No, it’s fine. Everyone will learn eventually. I just wished that I could explain it on my own terms, before anyone makes any assumptions about my connection to this School Trip ordeal.

Mukuro: And... what is that connection?

Kyoko: Simple. There isn’t any. Yes, Hope’s Peak Academy Headmaster is my father, however I have not seen him in years. I’m as much surprised as everyone else to have been transported onto this island.

She didn’t really look surprised. She looked pretty calm...

Makoto: Do you think your father has anything to do with it?

Kyoko: I don’t have enough evidence to make any conclusions yet. But if you’re asking for my opinion...

Kyoko: This sounds exactly like the kind of thing Hope’s Peak Academy and my father would pull.

Mukuro: Seriously?

Kyoko: Hope’s Peak has always been... unorthodox compared to normal high schools.

Makoto: Yeah. But that must mean that whatever is happening is perfectly fine, right?

Kyoko: Who knows? Again, I can’t make any concrete conclusions regarding our situation just yet.


Makoto: Hey, Mukuro, let’s go check up on Hiro.

Mukuro: Alright, sure...

Makoto led me to the Porcupine-haired guy.

Makoto: Hey, Hiro! You haven’t met Mukuro yet, right?

Porcupine: Oh? Oh, hey there! Will you at least believe me?

Mukuro: Huh? Believe you about what?

Porcupine: I’m telling you, it really happened! See this cow?

The gut pointed at the cow on the other side of the fence.

Porcupine: When I just came here, this cow was a chicken! That rabbit thing magically turned it into a cow! I saw it!

Makoto: What?

Mukuro: Uh-huh... And your name was...

Porcupine: I’m Yasuhiro Hagakure, although I’m fine with being called Hiro too.

Yasuhiro Hagakure, Ultimate Clairvoyant

Makoto: Hiro here is known as the Ultimate Clairvoyant. I heard he’s called Supernova between the psychics.

Yasuhiro: That’s right! It’s a title I earned rightfully! Have you seen the fourth season of the Psycompetition? I was the winner! Back then I was a bit cheesy, so I came up with a title. Didn’t think it’d stick tho.

Mukuro: Clairvoyant... Do you mean you actually can predict future?

Yasuhiro: That’s right! I even have certification of being at least 30% accurate!

Mukuro: That... doesn’t sound too good.

Yasuhiro: Hey, what do you know about fortune telling? 30% is great accuracy!

Kyoko: I’m actually inclined to agree with him, assuming he’s telling the truth.

Yasuhiro: Don’t you butt in! Wait, do butt in if that’s defending me.

Mukuro: I don’t get it. How is 30% great?

Kyoko: Don’t get me wrong. It is a horrible accuracy for a simple yes or no question. Even a coin flip is more precise.

Yasuhiro: Hey!

Kyoko: But Yasuhiro specializes in general predictions. Anyone can get 50% accuracy on questions like “will I find my love within next year?”. But do you think you can get question like “what will happen to me tomorrow?” with even 10% accuracy?

Mukuro: Well... When you put it like that, it almost sounds impressive. I kind of even want to give this fortune telling thing a shot.

Yasuhiro: Damn right! Now, I charge per session, all the tax and extra payments are available on my website and there are absolutely no refunds.

Kyoko: To note. Everything I said does only stand if his accuracy really is true. I do not have a way to verify that.

Mukuro: And it’s back to not being impressive.

Yasuhiro: Oh, come on!


Makoto: So, what were you two arguing about?

Kyoko: You could hardly call it an argument. Yasuhiro was simply trying to convince me that a chicken somehow turned into a cow through ‘magic’.

Right... he tried telling me the same thing. I quickly glanced at him... Well, he looked sane... Maybe a real sunstroke?

Kyoko: I had about the same reaction.

Yasuhiro: Come on, guys! What reason do I have to lie about this?

Makoto: No offense, Hiro... But you do know this sounds completely unbelievable, right?

Yasuhiro: Of course I know! And that’s why I’m not backing down till I get to the bottom of this mystery! Wait... does that mean if you made burgers from this cow, they’d be 100% chicken? It all makes sense now!

...I think I’ll just leave him to it, so I just gave a little wave and left, glancing back to make sure he’s not following. Whatever it is, it’s his problem and I don’t have to get involved. Makoto quickly realized that I was leaving and ran after me.


Hotel Grounds

Hotel Mirai... Future, huh? Well that’s a name with a lot of possible meanings. I guess this is where we are supposed to stay for duration of the School Trip. The hotel itself barely looked big enough, but there were cottages on both sides of the entrance. A quick count... Sixteen. Makes sense. What doesn’t make sense is complete lack of adults... And that rabbit thing doesn’t count.

Makoto: Hey, it looks like all girls are on one side and all boys are on the other.

Mukuro: Makes sense to separate them like that.

Makoto: Except Chihiro... She ended up on boys’ side. Probably because there are nine girls and seven boys...

Mukuro: Huh. That doesn’t quite sound right.

Makoto: I guess it wouldn’t be symmetrical otherwise?

Mukuro: Let’s just go meet the people around here.

Well... Let’s get the obnoxious one out of the way first. I approached that Snob in glasses. Hey, maybe it won’t be that bad?

Mukuro: Hello. I am Mukuro Ikusaba. And what’s your name?

Snob: Name’s Byakuya Togami.

Byakuya Togami, Ultimate Affluent Progeny

Byakuya: ...seems like that’s not enough. You. What is your talent.

Mukuro: Oh... Actually, well... I don’t remember. I think it may have been shock, but I forgot it.

Byakuya: ...seriously? What kind of absolute moron forgets their own talent?

Mukuro: What did you just call me?!

Byakuya: Exactly what I’m seeing. Whatever. It seems like this thing’s done. Get out of my sight.


Mukuro: Oh, I’m going to give you a piece of—

But before I could make a step closer, Makoto grabbed me by the arm and pulled me away from him. I let Makoto do it, but I could take that guy!

Makoto: Mukuro, it’s okay... Byakuya’s just... like that.

Mukuro: Well, if you didn’t stop me, I’d fix him right up and he’d stop being like that. So why?

Makoto: Well... it’s because of School Trip rules.

Mukuro: Rules?

Makoto: Did you not check the rules tab on your student handbook?

Mukuro: I didn’t check anything other than that I apparently have... four Hope Fragments now.

Makoto: Well, check the rules and you’ll see what I’m talking about.

I quickly went through the menus of the handbook and opened the rules...

Rule 1

Extreme violence is prohibited on this island. Please live peaceful and relaxing lives with your fellow students.

Rule 2

Be considerate of each other and work together to obtain Hope Fragments.

Rule 3

Littering is not allowed. Let us coexist with this island’s bountiful nature in “mutual prosperity”.

Rule 4

The lead teacher cannot directly interfere with the students. An exception to this rule is made if any student violates a rule.

I could see what Makoto meant by what he said. I almost broke Rule 1...

Mukuro: It’s a bit hard to be ‘peaceful and relaxed’ when there are assholes like him around. What’s his deal?

Makoto: Well, Byakuya’s known as the Ultimate Affluent Progeny. He’s the inheritor of his family’s massive gigantic conglomerate and, well... He did prove he has all skills necessary to control it in the future. He has an entire fortune purely on his own effort.

Mukuro: Since when is being rich a talent?

Makoto: I’m not entirely sure if that’s all his talent implies...

Mukuro: Whatever. Who’s next?

Well, on the other side of the pool was the Hall Monitor dude. After the last one, I preemptively let my hopes down.

Mukuro: Hey. I’m Mukuro Ikusaba. And who are you?

Hall Monitor: Greeting, Mukuro Ikusaba! My name is Kiyotaka Ishimaru! It is a great pleasure to meet you! And you can feel free to call me Taka.

Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Ultimate Moral Compass

Kiyotaka: I did not expect this to be an exception in institution as esteemed as Hope’s Peak Academy, but I have to salute the tidiness of your appearance, Mukuro!

Mukuro: Uh... thanks?

Makoto: You didn’t say anything like that to me when we were introducing each other...

Kiyotaka: That’s because your own appearance is opposite of tidy! Your outfit is very much unbecoming of a student, and your hair could definitively use a proper trim and styling!

Mukuro: Who cares? It’s not like it matters in our situation.

Kiyotaka: ‘Who cares?’ It seems I misjudged you greatly, Mukuro Ikusaba. I thought a student as tidy and collected looking as you would understand the importance of a student’s image!

Mukuro: But we aren’t even in a school right now. We’re on a trip. At least my uniform’s light. Yours looks like you’ll get stuffy in no time.

Kiyotaka: Well, if that is what it takes to uphold my image as a model student, then I shall greet this challenge and face it head on!


With that I just gave him a half-hearted wave, which was responded to with a way-too-over-the-top wave, and decided to move on. Makoto looked a bit saddened by his words though.

Mukuro: You look fine. Don’t listen to him.

Makoto: Well, it’s hard not to feel a bit down when the Ultimate Moral Compass tells you that you aren’t up to standard...

Mukuro: Ultimate Moral Compass? He did not seem too nice...

Makoto: Well, he is a perfect honor student, is perfect in his studies and helps out local Morals Committee. All while pursuing several sports. I think his title is meant to make him look like a perfect rolemodel...

Mukuro: Well, from a distance I can see that working...

There was one more person in front of the hotel. Saying I had hopes at that point would be a bold lie. Well, at least that Doll put on an appearance of nice girl.

Makoto: Hey, Sayaka! Meet Mukuro. Mukuro, this is Sayaka. We actually went to middle school together.

Doll: Hi! I’m Sayaka Maizono. I look forward to getting to know you.

Sayaka Maizono, Ultimate Pop Sensation

Mukuro: Huh... You two knew each other? Never would have guessed.

Makoto: Not really... We just went to same middle school. Maybe passed by one-another a few times.

Sayaka: Oh, Makoto. You’re so funny.

Makoto: I am?

Mukuro: So, Sayaka. What is it that you do?

Sayaka: Huh? You don’t know?

Mukuro: No.

Makoto: Wait, you seriously don’t recognize her?

Mukuro: No... I don’t.

Why were those two looking at me like they just discovered a living caveman?

Makoto: Have you never heard any of her songs? Not seen a single poster or piece of merch?

Mukuro: No? Are you a singer or something?

Sayaka: Well... Kind of. Sorry, I’m really not used to people not knowing me. It caught me by surprise. I am a member of idol pop group!

Mukuro: Oh, one of those. Sorry, I guess I never had any real interest in that sort of thing.

Makoto: Still, to miss someone as big as Sayaka?

Mukuro: Makoto, rude.

Makoto: Wh—Wait, I didn’t mean it like that!

Sayaka let out a short laugh.

Sayaka: It’s fine, Makoto. I know not everyone is a fan of our kind of music. I still look forward to becoming friends with you, Mukuro.

Her smile was... Nice. Everything about her was just telling me that she’s nice. Nothing else. That felt weird. Like she’s putting on a façade...

Sayaka: I’m being genuine, you know.

Mukuro: Huh? How’d you know what I’m thinking?

Makoto: She’s psychic.

Mukuro: What?

Sayaka: Makoto, that’s my line.

Makoto: Sorry...

Sayaka: But it’s just a little joke. I simply have good intuition.

Mukuro: Yeah...

Good intuition... More like good face-reading skills.


After letting Makoto say goodbye to Sayaka, we headed inside the hotel building itself.


Hotel Lobby

Well, this lobby looked rather small and comfy. More like a little lounge than a real hotel lobby, but makes sense considering the living quarters are the cabins. The only way to go from there was up. And this room had not one, but two elephants that were hard to ignore. I decided to start by approaching the one that looks less threatening.

Mukuro: Hey there. My name is Mukuro Ikusaba. What’s your name?

Fat Boy: O-Oh? Sorry, I’m not too used to being approached by women so directly... Ahem.

Fat Boy: I am Hifumi Yamada. Although you may know under my more known online alias... The Alpha and The Omega!

Hifumi Yamada, Ultimate Fanfic Creator

Makoto: Hey, Hifumi.

Hifumi: Good day to you as well, Mister Naegi. So, Miss Ikusaba, what compels you to approach me?

Mukuro: I... just wanted to introduce myself and learn about you?

Hifumi: I see... Then tell me this, Miss Ikusaba... What do you know about the great art form of fanfic?

Mukuro: Huh? What’s that?

Makoto: You know... Fanfic. Fan comics, stories and such based off of some original concept.

Hifumi: Indeed. Mister Naegi is correct in basic definition... But it does leave out so many wonderful aspects of it! Especially of my own art!

Mukuro: Huh... Well, I guess I never came across anything like that?

Makoto: Well, considering you haven’t heard of Sayaka that doesn’t sound surprising...

Hifumi: Wait, Miss Ikusaba hasn’t heard of Miss Maizono? Apologies if I’m a bit brash, but... What kind of rock have you been living under, Miss Ikusaba?

Mukuro: Hey, it’s perfectly normal to not have any interest in that kind of stuff! And I haven’t been living under a rock, I’ve been—


Just like my talent. What... Where have I been living for recent years? I am Japanese, so... I was living in Japan... right? Or... Why can’t I remember?

Hifumi: A-Ahh... I’m sorry. I guess I said something upsetting?

Makoto: Mukuro? Are you alright?

Mukuro: I’m fine.

Hifumi: Whatever it was that I said wrong, I can say with absolute certainty that I absolutely did not mean it!


Mukuro: Whatever... let’s go, Makoto.

Makoto: Mukuro? Wait, Mukuro—I’ll see you later, Hifumi. Mukuro!

I walked away from the game tables and clutched my head. What was wrong with me? Why... Why can’t I remember anything? I remember my name. My childhood. What else am I missing? Why didn’t I realize that I was missing something in the first place? How do you even not realize you’re missing your own memories?

I look around and out of the window. Something was very wrong with this place. And... would anyone believe me if I said I was missing so many memories?

Makoto: Hey, Mukuro... Is something wrong? You just suddenly froze and you had that intense look... I think you scared Hifumi.

Mukuro: Nevermind. It’s nothing for you to worry about.

Makoto: Alright, but if anything’s wrong you shouldn’t just stay quiet.

Yes, I should. This isn’t normal. Far from it.

But I should think about that later. When I am alone. For now, I have more people I need to meet.

And only now that I’m getting closer look, the Ogre appears to be wearing a dress. It was not a he, it was very much a she... sh*t. Hopefully I didn’t say anything out loud.

I came closer and looked at her. She looked back. I could recognize her look... She was evaluating me visually. And I was evaluating her. I tensed up myself... She wasn’t just a mountain of hulking muscle. She was a mountain of hulking muscle that knew precisely how to make use of her own strength. That much was obvious.

We continued this little staring contest for a bit, before she finally closed her eyes and dipped her head. I did the same before speaking up.

Mukuro: Mukuro Ikusaba.

Ogre: Sakura Ogami.

Sakura Ogami, Ultimate Martial Artist

Sakura: I can tell that you’re strong. Perhaps you will do well as my sparring partner.

In direct fight, I stand no chance... But it was a nice complement nonetheless.

Mukuro: Thank you. I’d say you’re strong as well, but I’d be stating the obvious.

Sakura: Perhaps, but your strength is subtle, unlike mine. That is a strength on its own.

Makoto: When we met, you just called me extremely ordinary...

Sakura: Take no offense to that, Makoto. I was simply stating facts.

Makoto: What, are you saying Mukuro is that much stronger than me? No way.

Well, someone needed to be taught a lesson. Without asking, I walked up behind Makoto, slid my hands under his armpits... and lifted him up about a foot above the ground.

Makoto: Wh—Mukuro, hey, what are you—stop!

He was actually even lighter than I expected. I guess his hoodie and jacket made him look a bit bigger than he actually is. Makoto tried to flail of course, but keeping him lifted like that was not that hard. Sakura simply chuckled.

Makoto: Okay, okay, I’m sorry, please put me down...

And so I did, smiling at Makoto. He looked a bit humiliated, but otherwise not too upset.

Mukuro: So, Sakura... I assume your talent is related to fighting?

Sakura: Indeed. Martial arts, to be precise. It’s been a family tradition, and I am continuing it.

Makoto: Sakura’s the strongest woman in the world!

Mukuro: I can totally see that.

Sakura: Although, I am not the strongest person in the world. Not yet.

Mukuro: And I can totally see you earning that title in the future.

Sakura: Thanks. And what sort of fighting is your talent related to?

Mukuro: I...

Makoto: Sorry, but... Mukuro seems to have blanked out on her talent. It’s probably the shock.

Sakura: I see. In that case, I wish you luck in recalling it.

Mukuro: Thanks.


Makoto: Hey, Mukuro, let’s go check out the restaurant next.

Mukuro: Sure. See you around, Sakura.

Sakura: Indeed. I look forward to our future meetings.


Hotel Restaurant

Seventh Island was its name. It wasn’t that big either, again seemingly just perfect to situate a single class. Well, at least it looked rather nice. Fitting for the whole tropical atmosphere too. Unlike the people who were currently in there. Well, let’s see what they’re like.

Mukuro: Hello. I’m Mukuro Ikusaba. And who are you?

Braids: Of c-course... An uneducated savage wouldn’t recognize me...

Mukuro: Excuse me?

Braids: I don’t expect you to r-remember my name anyway, but...

Braids: I’m Toko. Toko f*ckawa.

Toko f*ckawa, Ultimate Writing Prodigy

Mukuro: Look, I’m sorry, it seems like today I’m constantly meeting people I’m somehow supposed to know but I just never heard of.

Toko: Well, you look like someone who’d have never h-heard of me...

Makoto: Mukuro, Toko is actually a writer. She published multiple award winning romance novels, and her latest one is a bestseller!

Mukuro: Romance novels, huh? Sorry, I never really liked stories like that.

Toko: Well, that was obvious from one look.

Mukuro: And what the hell is that supposed to mean?

Toko: W-What? Don’t glare at me like that? What did I ever do to you?

Makoto: Relax, Toko, I’m sure Mukuro means no wrong.

Toko: How can I relax when there are s-so many brutish people around here? I bet you all w-want to kick this disgusting girl off the island...

Makoto: No, that’s not it at all...

Toko: Don’t lie to m-me!


Mukuro: Let’s go, Makoto...

Toko: That’s right... G-Get away from the filthy creature... I knew it, you hate me...

We stepped away from Toko.

Makoto: Sorry... I’m not sure what’s up with her...

Mukuro: Inferiority complex. Big one.

Makoto: Yeah, that does seem like it... Still, for a romance writer to be like that...

Mukuro: Are you sure her genre isn’t horror?

Makoto: No, I’m certain.

Mukuro: Would have fit her personality at least. Anyway...

We approached the Lolita girl on the other end of the restaurant, examining a table with curiosity.

Makoto: Hey, Celeste. What are you looking at?

Lolita: It’s nothing. I am simply examining the quality of wood. Oh, hello there. You are the one who was left behind staring blankly at nothing, are you not?

Mukuro: Uh... Yeah. I think I got a bit overloaded.

Lolita: Well, I suppose introductions are in order. My name is Celestia Ludenberg.

Celestia Ludenberg, Ultimate Gambler

Celeste: But please, just call me Celeste.

Mukuro: I’m Mukuro Ikusaba. Pleased to meet you. Are you a foreigner?

Celeste: I’m not sure what you’re talking about. I am one hundred percent Japanese.

Mukuro: But... your accent? And your name?

Celeste: I do believe I have said everything that needs to be said in that line of conversation.

Well, that was a sharp cutoff.

Mukuro: So, uhh... What about your talent?

Celeste: Oh, it is simple. I strip people of all their money and possessions purely based on their own poor life choices.

Mukuro: Ultimate Tax Collector?

Celeste let out a short amused laugh. Looks like humor works with this one.

Makoto: Celeste is the Ultimate Gambler. There are rumors that she won multiple underground gambling tournaments against millionaires.

Mukuro: Huh... Wait, aren’t we minors?

Celeste: Well, I do suppose legality of such may be dubious. But it’s not me who carries burden of proof that anything was done wrong.

Mukuro: I see...

Celeste: And what sort of trade brings you to this place?

Mukuro: Actually... I don’t remember.

Celeste stayed silent in response, looking at me with a coy smile.

Makoto: Celeste? Is something wrong?

Celeste: No, not at all. I was simply trying to see whether Mukuro really is an amnesiac or just a liar. And I couldn’t tell at first glance. Consider me impressed. But I can also see that you are telling the truth.


Makoto: So, Celeste, I didn’t ask you before, but... What do you think of this whole situation?

Celeste: Well, it is hard to gauge the rabbit thing’s intentions, but the general atmosphere seems to be rather peaceful. A tropical vacation is rather stylish, if not quite my preference, and to an island otherwise devoid of people...

Mukuro: So, you’re onboard with whatever is happening here?

Celeste: That is not what I said. But I will do my best to get what enjoyment I can out of this situation.

Makoto: That’s surprisingly optimistic of you, Celeste.

Celeste: Indeed. It is important to appreciate what positives you can from the situations you’re presented with. Now, I do believe you have more introductions to do, Mukuro, so I shall not hold you up. Farewell.

Mukuro: Okay. Bye, Celeste.

With that, me and Makoto left the Hotel through another staircase leading directly outside and went to next location past hotel grounds. We passed by a locked-down building called Entertainment Center and directly towards the supermarket.



Rocketpunch Market... Well, I’ll give it to people behind this, they knew how to name places. And people here at least looked more normal than ones in the hotel...

Well, let’s start with the timid Bunny girl...

Mukuro: Hey there. I’m Mukuro Ikusaba. What’s your name?

Bunny: Oh, hello. I’m Chihiro Fujisaki.

Chihiro Fujisaki, Ultimate Programmer

Chihiro: ...

Mukuro: ...

Chihiro: I’m sorry...

Mukuro: Huh? But I didn’t say anything...

Chihiro: I’m just... not sure what else to say...

Makoto: Hey, Chihiro, how about you tell Mukuro about your talent?

Chihiro: Well... I was invited as the Ultimate Programmer...

Mukuro: Huh... That sounds cool.

Makoto: Chihiro here specializes in AI innovation! Her prototypes are considered some of the most advanced AI in the world.

Chihiro: Huh? Makoto... How do you know that?

Makoto: Oh, sorry... I just was reading about my future classmates on the internet... It’s not creepy, I promise!

Mukuro: Yep. Just reading biographies of the people you’re about to meet.

Makoto: Mukuro!

Chihiro: No, I’m sorry... I didn’t think of the internet...


Mukuro: Speaking of AI... Chihiro, what do you think of Usami?

Chihiro: What do you mean?

Mukuro: She’s gotta be some kind of robot, right?

Chihiro: Well, she does look cute... And I’m not entirely sure. She looks just like a stuffed toy, but if I had to guess... Yeah, it makes sense for her to be a robot.

Makoto: Maybe she’s being controlled from somewhere else?

Chihiro: Well, if she is an AI... It’s definitely very advanced! Although it’s clearly limited from what I saw...

Mukuro: Limited... how? Could we use it somehow?

Chihiro: One thing Usami seemed to not budge about was following the rules... I think she was designed to prioritize them above everything.

Makoto: Well, it’s good thing rules are lax and are all about being nice then.

Chihiro: Sorry... I wish I could have been more helpful...

Mukuro: It’s no problem. You still knew more than anyone else.

Chihiro: Yeah... I’ll try to figure things out.

With that me and Makoto went onward. The Sportsy Girl was in the different part of the supermarket, eyeing a door with clear frustration.

Makoto: Hey, Hina! What are you doing?

Sportsy Girl: Oh, hey Makoto, hey New Girl! I was just thinking... Usami was just here.

Mukuro: Usami was here? Why?

Sportsy Girl: Well, there’s this weird door. I tried to force it open but she appeared and said we need to earn it first.

Makoto: Maybe she’ll unlock it for us later?

Sportsy Girl: Yeah, probably. Anyway, New Girl! Time to introduce ourselves!

Sportsy Girl: My name is Aoi Asahina! You can just call me Hina though. Sup?

Aoi Asahina, Ultimate Swimming Pro

Mukuro: My name is Mukuro Ikusaba. You seem to be taking things easy.

Aoi: Of course! I mean, it is a bit weird, but we’re on a tropical island! For free!

Aoi: And imagine all the swimming, and running, and swimming, and eating, and swimming we can do!

Mukuro: You seem pretty enthusiastic about swimming, huh, Aoi?

Makoto: That’s because Hina is the Ultimate Swimming Pro.

Aoi: Yeah, that’s right. Oh, and this supermarket! It’s super awesome! You can just take whatever you want as long as you check it out on the register, and it’s regularly restocked!

Aoi: Do you know what that means?!

Mukuro: Uhh... Everything’s free?

Aoi: Well, yeah, but especially... donuts! Donuts are free!

Mukuro: Well, yeah, that’s included in everything.


Makoto: Anyway, I don’t think you should worry too much about that door, Hina.

Aoi: Yeah, that’s right. So, what’s your talent, Mukuro?

Mukuro: Oh. It’s a bit weird, but... I don’t remember it.

Aoi: Oh, that’s a bummer! Wait, you’re probably something athletics related, right? Just from your appearance, right?

Mukuro: Well, I do keep myself in good shape, but I’m not sure...

Aoi: I actually managed to guess several others’ talents! I guessed Toko’s, Byakuya’s, Makoto’s, Sakura’s and Mondo’s talents just by their appearance! Well, not exactly but approximately.

Mukuro: That’s almost Yasuhiro-level accuracy...

Makoto: Wait, you guessed my talent?

Aoi: Well, no offense, but you do kinda just look... average.

Makoto: Oh, I see. Don’t worry about it.

Aoi: Oh! Mukuro! I am already planning to do morning jogs with Sakura! Do you want to join us? You look like someone who’d like to!

Mukuro: Sure? I guess?

Aoi: Awesome! Oh, and did you know that apparently Yasuhiro thought Sakura was a guy? So rude!

Mukuro: Ha... ha... yeah... Very rude...

Makoto: Hina, I know you’re excited, but Mukuro still hasn’t actually introduced herself to everyone yet...

Aoi: Oh! Then go ahead! I’ll just keep looking around here!

Thanks, Makoto... I’m not sure how I would have pulled away from this chatterbox. Well, she’s pretty nice, if only overexcited.



This was the last place on the island to check... Of the open ones at least. And... wasn’t it our way out? I rushed to the window and looked at the planes I could see parked on the other side...

Delinquent: Don’t bother. They’re all gutted.

Mukuro: Damn it...

Makoto: Hey... Mondo.

Delinquent: Yo, Makoto. And new girl too.

Mukuro: Hey. My name’s Mukuro. Mukuro Ikusaba.

Delinquent: I’m Mondo Owada. Nice to f*cking meetcha.

Mondo Owada, Ultimate Biker Gang Leader

Mukuro: You sure you checked all of them?

Mondo: Not much to check over there. Engines are simply gone. I don’t know much about those things, but that’s f*cking obvious.

Makoto: Someone went through the effort of removing engines out of the airplanes? Then why even keep them there?

Mondo: Probably to tease us or some sh*t. Or maybe they will fix them when we have to be getting out.

Mukuro: I see... So, Mondo. What is it that you do?

Mondo: Heh... Curious, huh? Well, I’m the official top dog of Crazy Diamonds! The toughest biker gang in the country!

Mukuro: Huh... Is that the logo on your back?

Mondo: Oh, you saw it? Pretty damn cool, right? You know... When we get out, I could give you a ride or two. You look like our kind of chick!

Mukuro: Hm... I’ll think about it.


Mondo: Hey, that’s a wicked tattoo! Can I see?

A tattoo? Oh, that’s right. He’s talking about the wolf tattoo on the back of my right hand. I held it up and showed it to the guys.

Mukuro: Thanks.

Makoto: I noticed but, but didn’t think to bring attention to it...

Mondo: Hey, where’d you get that made? I wanted to get one for a while, but finding a place that serves minors is hard as sh*t.

Where did I get it? Speaking of that... when did I get it? I definitely remember this tattoo... I’ve had it for a while... Is... Is that one of the things I didn’t remember? sh*t. More emptiness. More blanks. What the hell is happening...

Mondo: Hey... If you don’t wanna say, you don’t have to say... No need to start glaring all crazy like.

Was I glaring? Is that what scared Hifumi earlier?

Mukuro: My glare isn’t that scary. I thought you were top dog of toughest biker gang in japan?

Mondo: Of course I f*cking am!

Mondo: I was just, uh... Worried I said something wrong to a cool chick.

Makoto: But your glare can be pretty scary, Mukuro.

Mondo: The hell you say? You wanna insult girls, you better pick someone who actually can fight back!

Makoto: Th-that’s not what I meant!

Mukuro: Relax, tough guy. No need to get physical.

Mondo: Gh... Fine. But you better watch your mouth, got it?!

Makoto: Uh, yes sir!

Mondo: Good.

Mukuro: See you around, Mondo.

We went off, Makoto with much faster pace than me, to the reception part of airport. There, relaxing in the chairs was the Redhead...

Mukuro: Hey there. I’m Mukuro Ikusaba.

Redhead: Hey! Name’s Leon Kuwata!

Leon Kuwata, Ultimate Baseball Star

Makoto: Hey, Leon. What are you doing here?

Leon: Hey, Makoto! Well, everyone elsewhere was getting a bit excited with all the introductions, so I decided to sneak away somewhere quiet to relax.

Leon: I mean, that’s what the trip is meant to be about, right? Relaxing! I dunno what’s up with everyone being so suspicious.

Mukuro: Maybe people are suspicious because we suddenly got transported from Hope’s Peak to some supposedly uninhabited island without warning?

Leon: It’s a free vacation instead of school! That’s the dream!

Makoto: Anyway, Leon... Why don’t you tell Mukuro about your talent?

Leon: My talent? Well, I guess I am good at baseball... But I already told you, Makoto, I want to quit!

Mukuro: Wait, you were invited because you’re good at baseball and now you want to quit it? Won’t that get you kicked out of the school?

Leon: They can’t un-invite me, can they? Anyway, baseball just sucks. It’s boring practice after boring practice... I want to be doing something actually cool!

Leon: So, I was thinking of getting into music instead! I even grew my hair and changed my style to match.

Leon: Leon Kuwata, the Ultimate Rockstar! Now that’s a cool title!


Mukuro I see... Well, good luck in that endeavor?

Leon: Sure! See you around, Mukuro.

Mukuro: Yeah. You as well.


Central Island Park

I was done meeting everyone except one girl. Her. And Makoto suggested we look for the last person on the Central Island. It didn’t really have anything to it... Only a bunch of closed gates that had bridges to other islands on them and a park in the middle. And of course there She was in the park. As I got closer, She stared at me, before Her eyes widened.

She: Oh. My. God. It can’t be real, can it?

Mukuro: It’s... you, right?

She: Oh my god! It is! Mucus!

She ran up to me and wrapped me in a tight hug. I returned it after a moment of hesitation. Yep. She looked somewhat different, but it couldn’t be anyone else...

Makoto: Wait, huh? You two already know each other?

Mukuro: Yeah... I wasn’t sure at first, but seeing and hearing her up close. Makoto, meet my younger twin sister, Junko Enoshima.

Junko Enoshima, Ultimate Fashionista

Junko: Oh come on, you’re older than me by minutes and you keep bringing it up. Is there nothing else you can feel proud of? Oh, right of course not, stinky.

Makoto: Wait... twins? But... you look so different!

Mukuro: We don’t look that different...

Junko: We’re nothing alike. Well, maybe we were one day, but like... Mukuro’s got her dumb-looking freckles.

Mukuro: You also dyed your hair...

Makoto: Wait, Junko, you dyed your hair?

Junko: Duh-doy! What next, will you be surprised your middle school idol girlfriend isn’t a natural bluenette?

Makoto: No... I just... Didn’t really think about it...

Junko: Oh, hey, you and Mukuro already have so much in common!

Mukuro: Come on, Junko... Give him a break.

Junko: Fine. I have a way better target in mind. You... What in the world have you been up to? You disappear for years, with no trace, not even gift card for your best and only sister, and now you show up as a Hope’s Peak Ultimate?

Junko: What even is your talent? Ultimate Ditcher? Ultimate Milk Carton Model? Ultimate B.O.?

Mukuro: Well... it might sound weird... But I actually... don’t remember. I think it might be shock from all this or something...

Junko: Wait... Seriously? Are you an Ultimate Amnesiac then? That’d be just hilarious.

Makoto: Come on, Junko. It isn’t funny.

Mukuro: What about you, Junko? What have you been up to?

Junko: What have I been up to? Well, I had to pick up the family after you disappeared. It’s very hard being the only child, you know!

Mukuro: I’m sorry... I probably didn’t mean to disappear.

Junko: That bad, huh? Well, you were dropped when you were a baby, maybe it’s only taking effect now.

Mukuro: Don’t lie, Junko. You’d be too young to remember that.

Junko: Whatever. Anyway, I decided that best and least effort-requiring way to make a fortune would be to get into modelling! Especially with boobs like mine. So, after a year or so, I’m the most desired teenage model in all of Japan!

Mukuro: I would think the attention would get pretty tiring for you.

Junko: Yeah, I didn’t really think that part through. I found a way to deal with it though.


Makoto: Wait, if you’re twins... Why do you have different last names?

Mukuro: ...

Junko: ...

Mukuro: It’s a long story.

Junko: Yeah, and pretty boring too.

Makoto: Are you sure you two are actually sisters? You two don’t act like it at all.

Mukuro: What do you mean?

Junko: This is how we always interact. I call out Mukuro on being a stinky slob, and she ignores me while pretending to actually have multiple brain cells.

Mukuro: You know our scores have been the same last we compared.

Junko: Well, I’ll be getting it re-evaluated the moment we can have the tests ran again!

Makoto: Yeah, that! The way you two just... bicker. That’s wrong!

Mukuro: Huh?

Junko: Do you even have siblings, Makoto?

Makoto: Of course I do! I have a younger sister and we never call each other names!

Junko: Seriously?

Mukuro: Then what do you call each other?

Makoto: Well, our names. And when not that, I call her little sister, and she calls me big brother.

Junko: Little sister?

Mukuro: Big brother?

Makoto: What’s wrong with that?

Mukuro: And two of you never fight?

Junko: Or have petty arguments?

Makoto: No! If anything, she’s probably my best friend!

Mukuro: Your little sister...

Junko: ...is your best friend.

Makoto: Hey, why are you staring at me like that?

Junko: Okay, egg-boy, this may be harsh, but... What the hell kind of siblings are you two?

Makoto: We’re perfectly normal siblings! Siblings aren’t meant to fight.

Mukuro: Siblings always fight. It’s not just me and Junko either.

Makoto: What? No, that can’t be right. Why would siblings fight? They’re... siblings!

Junko: Mucus, I think we found an anime protagonist in the wild.

Mukuro: I don’t get it...

Junko: Ugh, nevermind. Of all the times for you not to pick up a reference!

Makoto: Hey, what’s wrong with me and my sister? We have a perfectly normal relationship!

Mukuro: I don’t think we’re convincing him, Junk...

Junko: Okay, I have a bit of reputation so here’s the deal. I don’t call you Mucus in public and you don’t call me Junk in public. Deal?

Mukuro: Deal.

Junko: Great! Nice going, stinky.

Mukuro: Wait, I don’t have any other names to call you...

Junko: Well, you better get creative, freckles!

Ding Dong Bing Bong

Suddenly the monitor in the garden made a school bell sound and lit up. On it was that rabbit, Usami...

Usami: Congratulations, everyone! Looks like you’re all finished gathering the first set of Hope Fragments!

Usami: Sniff... I’m so proud... And happy too!

Usami: And I’ve prepared a very special reward for all of you!

Usami: Please, gather at the beach where we all started!


Junko: Welp, I guess we’re going to the beach now.

Mukuro: Wait, you’ll just do what that thing tells you to?

Junko: You’ve got better ideas? I thought not.

Makoto: I understand that all this is a bit weird, but you don’t have to be so suspicious, Mukuro.

Junko: Actually, it’s perfect situation to be suspicious of. You’d be an idiot not to.

Makoto: Huh?

Junko: But, like. What else can we do other than go along for now? Not like we’ve got options anyway. So, are you two coming?

Makoto: Of course!

Mukuro: Yeah.



By the time we made it back to the First Island, everyone else was already gathered at the beach.

Kiyotaka: Mukuro! Junko! Makoto! You are being tardy!

Junko: Was there a schedule or time limit?

Kiyotaka: No... but...

Mondo: Then shut the hell up.

Kiyotaka: Grh...!

Usami: Everyone, please don’t fight!

Usami: So, you’ve been working diligently on producing those Hope Fragments so far... I’m so proud. It’s only fair that I reward all of you!

And so she pulled something out. A huge round pin, featuring Usami herself and captioned “I ♥ Hope”. Then she went around and personally handed one to each of us.

Leon: Is this some kind of joke?

Chihiro: It looks kind of cute...

Sayaka: It’s pretty, but I wouldn’t say it really fits my outfit.

Celeste: Excuse me, where is the closest recycling bin?

Usami: Huh? Why do you need one?

Celeste: I have just come to possess some undesirable object and I simply wish to rid myself of it in rule-compliant manner.

Byakuya: Coming here was a waste of time.

Kyoko: Maybe not a waste quite yet, if we can get some explanation as to what is actually going on here.

Mondo: Yeah, cut the sh*t!

Usami: Uwah... You mean kids. I did my best to give you this gift, and you’re just wanting to bully your teacher... I almost don’t want to give you the second gift...

Hifumi: A second gift? What could it be?

Toko: P-Probably something even dumber than the first...

Usami: Well, I just thought that since we’re on a tropical island, we could organize a tropical-themed event!

Aoi: Like a luau?

Yasuhiro: Or a huge campfire?

Sayaka: We could gather pretty seashells!

Kiyotaka: A study hall!

Usami: All wonderful suggestions, but I had something better in mind!

With that she pulled out something else. A bunch of packaged swimsuits. Where does she keep getting this stuff?

Usami: You kids should enjoy the sea to its fullest!

Sakura: Swimming... That does sound enjoyable.

Aoi: Oh, oh, gimme one, gimme!

Hifumi: Hmm... Yes, I do approve of this activity!

Mondo: You just want to f*cking stare at girls, don’t you, fatty?!

Hifumi: I-I’ll have you know that I already gave my heart away!

Junko: Seriously? I didn’t think your type would be into monogamy.

Hifumi: My heart is reserved exclusively for 2D!

Junko: Oh. Duh.

Usami: Come on, everyone! There’s enough swimsuits for all of you! And they’re right sizes too! Go to your cottages and get changed!

Kiyotaka: Miss Usami, Miss! I must voice my concern regarding safety and usefulness of this class activity!

Usami: Oh, don’t worry, Taka. Consider it like a gym class in the pool, just more freeform. Oh, and I have something extra special for you.

Out of her infinite... somewhere, Usami pulled out a Taka-sized lifeguard jacket.

Usami: It sure would be nice if some student was responsible enough to take on this hard role... Would you do it for your teacher, Taka?

Kiyotaka: I... Of course! I won’t fail you, Miss Usami, Miss! I will live up to your every expectation as I take on this responsibility!

Usami: I’m sure you will, Kiyotaka!

I saw Makoto going past me and back to Hotel with one of swimsuits.

Makoto: Mukuro, I know it’s a bit weird... But you should really try to relax. We’re on the beach by the sea! What’s the worst that could happen?

Mukuro: I can count hundreds of possibilities.

Makoto just smiled anyway, and ran off along with everyone else who took Usami’s offer. That left me with few people on the beach that I could chat with...

Mukuro: So, uh... Why are you guys not joining?

Byakuya: Is that meant to be a serious question?

Kyoko: I simply wish to question the rabbit some more.

Usami: You don’t have to be so intense, Kyoko!

Kyoko: I need to know about my father.

Usami: I’m sorry, but I’m not really supposed to talk about it...

Celeste: I hope you’re not trying to earn favors by using your familial connections?

Kyoko: No. But my father is the main reason I agreed to Hope’s Peak invitation.

Celeste: I sense a bit of history there.

Kyoko: History that is only between me and him.

Celeste: I see. Then I shall pry no longer.

Mukuro: Hey, Celeste, Chihiro, Toko... Why aren’t you three going with them?

Celeste: I’d prefer not to ruin my outfit. And while I do appreciate the tropical sun, I do much prefer calm indoor activities.

Chihiro: I’m sorry... I’m just... embarrassed of changing...

Toko: C-Can’t be worse than me... I’d bet everyone w-would really hate me if they saw me naked...

Kyoko: I’m pretty sure Usami wouldn’t allow you to go into the sea naked either way.

Usami: Of course not! Indecency is absolutely not allowed!

Suddenly, I heard a bunch of happy voices, as the group in swimsuits rushed onto the beach and directly into the sea.

Leon: Woohoo!

Aoi: Yeah! Now that’s a swimming pool! No limits, only swimming!

Kiyotaka: Aoi Asahina, no swimming too far!

Aoi: Booo!

Sakura: The seawater carries special properties. It is good to visit the sea at least occasionally for it.

Junko: Damn, I think I took the wrong swimsuit... This feels a bit too tight.

Hifumi: N-No... I’m sure it’s exactly what it’s supposed to be...

Mondo: The hell do you think you’re looking at, asshole?

Kiyotaka: Mondo Owada, no fighting other students! Hifumi Yamada, no inappropriate comments or staring!

Sayaka: Hey, Makoto! Let’s swim together!

Makoto: Huh? Sure, w-wait, hey, not too fast!

Yasuhiro: Here-here, little seashells... give daddy a pearl that will sell for a fortune...

Sakura: I recommend not doing that.

Yasuhiro: Here-here—Ow! It bit me! Ow! Get it off! Get it off my finger!

Kiyotaka: Yashiro Hagakure, no harassing local wildlife!

Leon: Dude, you’re taking this way too seriously...

Everyone... Was just having fun. And nothing was going wrong. Maybe I just got paranoid over my missing memories... Maybe I did get a sunstroke. What is wrong with me? Maybe the thing that’s wrong is that I can’t relax properly? Junko and Makoto are right. I should just stop thinking too hard and go with the flow.

Mukuro: Hey, Usami, do you still have my swimsuit?

Usami: Sure! It’s right he—

But before she even finished speaking, the bright sunny atmosphere disappeared. The whole sky was covered by dark stormy clouds in matter of moments.

Mukuro: What... what just happened?

Celeste: Oh my. That was sudden.

Kiyotaka: Everyone! Get out of the water! Swimming during storms is dangerous!

Byakuya: How the hell did it get so dark so quickly?

And before Usami could answer, screen lit up again. This time, there was only static to be seen. And voice was definitely not Usami’s, even if somewhat similar.

???: Ahem! Mic check, mic check, one two! Can everyone hear me? Okay, well then! To all students! This is your Headmaster speaking!

???: Surprised? You should be! Anyway, we all know what is about to happen, so let’s cut to the chase!

???: All of you, please gather in the park of the Central Island!


Chihiro: What was that?

Usami: Oh no! There’s no way he’s here! I... I need to do something!

Kyoko: Hey! Explain yourself!

Usami: There’s no time! I’m sorry!

With that, Usami... flew off? What the hell...

Mukuro: Kyoko, that wasn’t actually your father, right?

Kyoko: Of course not. We should still go. Whatever is happening, I’ve got a bad feeling about it.

Mukuro: What about those in the water?

Celeste: Well, it appears they are already getting out. I’m certain they’ll catch up to us. Now, if you’ll excuse me.

Byakuya: What a waste of time...

Toko: H-Hey, don’t just leave me here!

I sighed. There wasn’t much choice there... We had to go.


Central Island Park

It took a bit of time, but eventually even people who were swimming dressed up and caught up to us.

Leon: Hey, what is happening here, guys?

Kiyotaka: Is it true that the Headmaster is about to make an appearance?

Kyoko: That’s what the message seemed to imply... But I somehow doubt it.

???: No need to doubt! Because here I am!

The voice... It came from behind the statue.

Then once all our eyes were on that statue, out from behind it jumped out... A bear. A teddy bear. Similar in shape to Usami, except its one side was white and other was black. Black side also had a wicked grin and a red eye...

???: Why, hello bear! It is so nice to see you students. I am this school’s Headmaster... Monokuma!

Aoi: Is that... a teddy bear?

Chihiro: But it looks all... weird.

Junko: I dunno. It looks kinda cute. Especially with that clever design on the eye. It’s part of Hope’s Peak crest, right?

Hifumi: Teddy bear that talks!

Leon: Is that really surprising after the rabbit talked?

Hifumi: That means there might be more!

Byakuya: Seriously? Is this place just going to be a non-stop barrage of useless nonsense?

Monokuma: There is no nonsense here! It is completely true.

Kyoko: Who are you? Are you involved with my father?

Monokuma: Puhuhu... Ahahahahaha! Oh, look at you being such a daddy’s girl! Well, I guess that question will have to remain a mystery for now.

Kyoko: What?!

Usami: An opening!

Monokuma: Wuzzah!?

And then we were treated to something even more ridiculous. Out of nowhere, Usami showed up and simply jumped Monokuma, the two immediately becoming locked in a dust-cloud-covered fight...

Usami: You can’t do your wicked thing, Monokuma! I won’t let you!

Monokuma: Hey, that was my line! What do you think you’re doing?!

Usami: Stopping you before you can do anything!

Monokuma: Oh, you useless rabbit... I’ll do whatever I want once... you... go... down...

Usami: No way! I won’t give up!

Eventually the dust cloud dissipated, revealing the two oversized toys standing across from each other, visibly... panting?

Usami: No way... I can’t... overpower you...

Monokuma: How can I... not even beat... a useless rabbit...

Usami: Looks like... you still can’t do... anything... We’re evenly... matched... Monokuma...

Monokuma: Hm? Oh! You just gave me the best idea!

Usami: Huh?

Monokuma: I don’t need to beat you to do what I want to do! I only need you to be unable to stop me!

Usami: Uwah!

Monokuma: So, sorry for this distraction, kids, but it seems like we’ve come to a bit of cease fire. And now that we have, here’s the kicker!

Monokuma: Heart-Throbbing School Trip? Eugh, blegh, disgusting, get rid of it!

Monokuma: Instead... How about a good old fashioned Killing School Trip?

Sayaka: Killing School Trip?

Monokuma: You heard me right! I’m sure all of you in one way or another want to get off this island... Well, I agree! Keeping you here is very much unfair!

Usami: What... what are you saying... you mean Monokuma!

Monokuma: Oh, shut up.

Monokuma: Well, for those of you aching to get out... I prepared something special. An opportunity to leave!

Byakuya: Finally...

Monokuma: But there’s a catch! You see, the way things are... Just letting you leave isn’t possible. So, due to some complicated, ahem, paperwork...

Monokuma: The only way you guys get to leave is if you kill someone else!

Chihiro: W-What?

Toko: No w-way! You lie!

Monokuma: Me? Lie? Why I never! It’s the absolute truth! You kill, you leave! Well, there are few in-between steps, but...

Sakura: Killing... I won’t allow it.

Mondo: The hell you sayin’, you stupid toy? I’ll rip you in half!

Aoi: Yeah! We won’t let you go and make us kill each other!

Mukuro: Agreed. That won’t be allowed.

Kiyotaka: That is simply unacceptable!

Monokuma: Oh... you think you can defy me? Puhuhu... Puhuhuhu... Well then, time to summon those emergency enforcers that Usami here prepared!

Usami: Wait! You don’t mean—

Monokuma: I summon the guardians of this island! Come forth, Monobeasts!

And then the unbelievable started happening... The statue in the park, featuring a human and four animals started crumbling and shaking... Until it exploded, five giant robot creatures jumping right out of it and behind Monokuma...

Monokuma: Let’s see how brave your defiance is now!

Usami: You can’t! You can’t use them like that!

Monokuma: You tried to stop me and you failed! I’ll do as I please!

Usami: Wait... No! You added the rules already, you meanie!

Monokuma: And what are you going to do about it?

Usami: I... I...

Monokuma: Well, I gave you guys all the important information. What you do with it is up to you. Puhuhuhu...

And the bear disappeared...

Usami: I won’t let you!

...followed by the rabbit right after.

We were left there, shocked... Killing one-another to escape? Was this a joke? Was this serious?

Junko: So, uhh... The hell just happened?

Yasuhiro: Monsters! These monsters came out of the statue!

Chihiro: They look like machines...

Toko: F-Forget about the robots! I know you’re all plotting to kill me a-already!

Aoi: Nobody here wants to kill you, Toko.

Toko: Because I’m so useless and d-disgusting, right? Right?!

Sakura: Calm down, Toko. There is no reason to panic.

Celeste: I agree. The panic is baseless. Or else you really will end up the first victim.

Leon: What... victim? You guys can’t be taking this seriously...

Makoto: Of course we aren’t! There’s no way we’d kill each other!

Kiyotaka: Murder... Killing? It’s completely unacceptable!

Mondo: f*ck... But those monsters... We can’t do sh*t about them!

Celeste: Then it appears that the situation is clear.

Byakuya: Indeed. Kill and escape. That is very simple.

Hifumi: You say that as if killing itself is easy to you, Mister Togami...

Byakuya: That’s because I have no illusions. Seriously? Heart-Throbbing School Trip? Hope Fragments? This nonsense of a farce lasted long enough.

Celeste: It is good to finally see the true purpose behind this ordeal.

Chihiro: But Usami... She was nice...

Sayaka: Are we sure that it really is true purpose? What if that Monokuma thing just hijacked it?

Junko: Does it matter? We are still in the life or death situation.

Mukuro: But nobody here would kill, right?

Hifumi: Indeed... Unless... Miss Ikusaba is trying to get us to lower our guard... To take her own chances!

Yasuhiro: How’d I get caught up in something like that? Please, tell me it’s some bad trip...

Kiyotaka: I can affirm, Yasuhiro, that this trip has indeed turned very bad! Still, as students, we can work together to—

Mondo: Oh, shut your trap, you goody two shoes. Nobody here has patience for your bullsh*t.

Kiyotaka: What...?

Leon: Yeah, all this school rules crap doesn’t apply when you aren’t in school. And especially not in the life or death situation.

Kyoko: Everyone, quiet down. None of you are thinking about this rationally.

Celeste: Oh?

Kyoko: There is currently only one serious threat present to us. It’s not Monokuma, Usami or even those Monobeasts. And not each other either.

Kyoko: The biggest threat to our collective safety right now... Is our mutual distrust.

Kyoko: Brought to a faraway location, cut off from the world, with a group of complete strangers and getting told to kill each other...

Kyoko: The goal is quite simple. To set in paranoia, fear and distrust. And as we suspect the others more, we become more likely to give in and confirm their suspicion.

Kyoko: This, however instinctual, inability to trust others in dangerous situation... is the biggest threat currently facing us.

Nobody had anything to say to us. Instead we were all looking at each other, gauging reactions. Sixteen Ultimate high school students... And all you need to do to escape is to kill. Kyoko was right. I could see it in everyone’s eyes. They were looking at others and thinking “Would they kill? Would I be the target?”. And I was barely any different either...

This was how normal life I knew has ended. And the Killing School Trip has begun...

Prologue – End

Surviving Students: 16

Gift Received: Unused Swimsuit


Well, wait wasn't that long now was it? Don't get too excited, it's only the prologue. Do expect the pace t oslow down, but I used what little free time I had left wisely and just couldn't hold it out on you guys. Enjoy this little intro to an entirely new killing game!

Chapter 3: Chapter 1 – Panic at Despair Beach – Daily Life 1


Mukuro and her classmates try to adjust themselves to the changes brought by arrival of Monokuma


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 1 – Panic at Despair Beach – Daily Life

Rule 5

Once a murder takes place, a class trial will begin shortly thereafter. Participation is mandatory for all surviving students.

Rule 6

If the blackened is exposed during the class trial, they alone will be executed.

Rule 7

If the blackened is not exposed, the remaining students will be executed.

Rule 8

As a reward, the surviving blackened will be forgiven of their crime and allowed to leave the island.

Rule 9

The Body Discovery Announcement will play as soon as three or more people discover a body for the first time.

Rule 10

Destroying any essential facilities on the island is expressly prohibited. This includes the surveillance cameras and monitors.

Rule 11

You are free to investigate this island at your own discretion. Your actions in this regard are not limited.

Rule 12

Any given blackened cannot kill more than two people.

Rule 13

Each student is provided a unique perk based on their talent, accessible through student handbook. They can use it to give themselves an advantage during the killing game. Sharing the nature of the perk is up to students’ own discretion.

Final Rule

Additional School Trip rules may be added at supervisors’ discretion.

I finished reading all the freshly added rules. After Kyoko’s words yesterday, we ended up just scattering and going to our cottages. I don’t think anyone was ready to confront others so soon. Still, those rules...

I decided to check that perk thing mentioned in that last rule. I had no idea what that could mean, so I opened the newly present Perk section and...

Ultimate ???’s Perk

Locked Perk

Sorry, but you need to actually know what your talent is before accessing a perk!

...this is bullsh*t.

Still, I couldn’t sit in my room all day. I took some time to exercise... And eventually... There was a bell, and monitor in my cottage lit up.

Bing Bong Ding Dong

Usami: Hello, dear students! I’m sorry for what happened yesterday! But it is now new morning, and a new beginning! Let the bright hope shine within you a—

Monokuma: Give me that! What, do you call that a morning announcement? You didn’t even start with “This is a school announcement” or say the exact time!

Usami: Hey, it’s my announcement!

Monokuma: No it’s mine!

Usami: Give it back!

Monokuma: No, you give it up!


Well, this is shaping up to be annoying. I hope it won’t be a new regular...

Still. I didn’t eat anything since yesterday and was starting to feel a bit puckish. I can’t hide out in my cottage while waiting for everything to pass, so I decided to make my way to the hotel’s restaurant.


Hotel Restaurant

To my surprise, most people have already gathered. The only absentees were Kyoko, Junko and Yasuhiro.

Aoi: Oh, hey Mukuro! You showed up!

Mukuro: Of course I did. I wasn’t going to starve.

Aoi: Have you seen? There’s tons of awesomely-delicious looking food here!

Hifumi: Indeed, it truly is a feast!

Toko: B-But... who made it? It definitely wasn’t here yesterday...

Byakuya: Well, I am simply waiting on someone dumb and rash to taste-test it for me.

Sayaka: Oh, there’s no need to worry. Monokuma wasn’t the one who made it, Usami was.

Chihiro: Then, does that mean it’s safe?

Celeste: I wouldn’t put much trust into either of those things.

Makoto: But Usami was clearly nice... She even opposed Monokuma when he tried to start a killing game!

Celeste: Indeed, quite a show they put on out there. However, that doesn’t make either of them any more trustworthy.

Sakura: Sayaka, how come you’re aware that Usami was behind the dishes?

Sayaka: Oh, she simply told me! I was among the first to come here this morning and she was still here.

Kiyotaka: I can confirm Sayaka’s words! I was here as well and Miss Usami notified that she personally got all the food made for us.

Leon: Man... I’m actually getting hungry now. Is anyone going to actually try the food?

Celeste: Hifumi. You seem fitting with your eating expertise.

Hifumi: Uhh... I’m sorry, Miss Ludenberg, but I’m afraid I’m on a no-potential-poison diet...

Mondo: Well, someone’s got to try it, damn it!

That was when Yasuhiro and Junko finally arrived...

Junko: Hey, everyone. Man, getting my makeup to cooperate can be a pain sometimes.

Yasuhiro: Hey, everyone. Why aren’t you eating? Food looks delicious!

Before anyone could say anything, Hiro just walked up to food-filled counter, grabbed a piece of chicken and bit into it. Only when he swallowed it and turned around did he realize that everyone was staring at him.

Yasuhiro: What? Did... someone call dibs on that or something?

Byakuya: Well, you do fit the bill I suppose.

Celeste: Indeed. Food appears to be safe after all.

That’s when we all started grabbing portions for ourselves.

Kiyotaka: Of course it’s safe! Miss Usami made it for us and she is our lead teacher!

Leon: Hey, you refused to try it either.

Kiyotaka: I was just... Waiting for everyone else to arrive! It would be improper to start the meal any earlier. Even if they happen to be late.

Makoto: Speaking of late, did you guys see Kyoko?

Yasuhiro: Nope.

Junko: Sorry, but no.

Mondo: Where’d she get off to?

Sayaka: You don’t think... she could have...

Kyoko: Of course I couldn’t have.

Suddenly, Kyoko came in too. She used direct entrance from outside rather than staircase inside the hotel.

Kiyotaka: Kyoko! Your tardiness caused us unnecessary worry!

Kyoko: Well, you don’t need to worry about me.

Toko: Y-You didn’t even come to your cottage tonight, did you?

Mukuro: Hey, how do you know?

Toko: I k-know because I couldn’t sleep and spent all night spying on what happens through the window!

Junko: That’s just creepy.

Kyoko: Well, it doesn’t matter. She’s right, I was busy with other things.

Leon: What can you be busy with in the middle of the night?

Hifumi: Miss Kirigiri! To announce such in public!

Kyoko: It’s nothing like that. Here.

Kyoko dropped something on the table. Coming closer, I could see that it was a tourism pamphlet for... Jabberwock Island?

Aoi: Jabberwock Island?

Kyoko: Indeed. A tropical island that is actually a grouping of five islands around a central one. The photos generally match approximate shape of islands we’re on.

Leon: So, does that meant that we’re on Jabberwock Island?

Byakuya: I believe I heard about the island in the past. However, it was definitely not uninhabited.

Kyoko: Correct. And it’s not the only difference. According to the pamphlet, that park where everything went down yesterday isn’t supposed to be there. Instead it should have been an official building.

Makoto: But there are no buildings anywhere on the Central Island, much less in the park.

Kyoko: Furthermore, the islands of Jabberwock are not actually connected by bridges. Instead they used a system of ferries.

Mondo: Those bridges look tough as sh*t. There’s no way someone put them up overnight.

Leon: So, that means that we’re not on Jabberwock Island then?

Kyoko: I can’t say. The resemblance, similarities, even the statue in the park being a statue that was supposed to be on the island point to this place being Jabberwock Island. But lack of building, people or the bridges existing points to it not being Jabberwock Island.

Toko: Who c-cares if its Jabberwock or Bandersnatch or whatever Island. That doesn’t change the fact that we are all stuck h-here until we kill someone...

Sayaka: Don’t say that, Toko. We can also still escape by collecting all the Hope Fragments! That’s what Usami said.

Chihiro: Killing... It sounds horrible... Nobody would...

Byakuya: Are you certain nobody would?

Celeste: As much as the rabbit’s sentiments sound like a pleasant dream, it remains nothing more than a dream. There is no reason to believe someone here will put life of a stranger over their own freedom.

Chihiro: B-But...

Kiyotaka: Everyone! Listen to me!

Kiyotaka: I understand that everyone is concerned and suspicious. However, I do believe there is something we’re lacking that would allow us to avoid any unnecessary strife!

Kyoko: Information?

Aoi: Donuts?

Sakura: Perseverance?

Makoto: Friendship?

Leon: Relaxation?

Byakuya: Extra brain cells?

Kiyotaka: I... will ignore that last suggestion. But no. What I believe our class requires is firm leadership! A Class President, so to say. The person who, in case of panic and chaos, can bring everyone together and organize us!

Mondo: Let me guess. You’re volunteering?

Kiyotaka: I wasn’t going to say it, but since Mondo suggested my candidature, I am honored to accept!

Mondo: What?!

Leon: Hey, we haven’t decided that yet. Isn’t it supposed to be a vote? I object!

Sayaka: I disagree as well. Not that you’re a bad leader, Taka, but... I don’t think you are the best for current situation.

Kiyotaka: But in that case... Who else?

Chihiro: Maybe... Byakuya? His talent is related to leadership, right?

Byakuya: Seriously? You peons expect me to organize and manage you? Forget it. The only reason I’m here is to get food and information. I couldn’t care less what happens to the rest of you.

Chihiro: I’m sorry...

Mondo: Forget about him. He’s a dick.

Kiyotaka: So, since Byakuya refuses, does that mean there are no other candidates?

Makoto: How about Kyoko?

Kyoko: Huh?

Aoi: Oh yeah! Kyoko’s super smart, right?

Sakura: She has powerful fortitude.

Mondo: And she can be pretty scary at times... For a chick.

Toko: Well, at l-least she’s not a bimbo...

Junko: Hey! I’ll have you know I had smarts first, boobs later.

Kyoko: Hey, wait a second—

Leon: Kyoko is also kind of law enforcement, right? With her talent and all.

Sayaka: And that speech she made yesterday was pretty impactful.

Celeste: Capability to remain calm during an intense situation is a valuable quality for a leader.

Mukuro: Yeah, she did hold herself together pretty well throughout everything.

Byakuya: And she does have more brain cells than most of you combined, I’ll give her that.

Kyoko: Now, just a moment—

Mondo: I thought you didn’t give a damn about what happens to us?

Byakuya: I don’t. I’m simply acknowledging facts.

Yasuhiro: Hey, she’s also the Headmaster’s daughter, right? She has to have some genetic memory of how to organize stuff!

Hifumi: And having a female leader is definitely more inspiring to everyone!

Chihiro: Kyoko can also be pretty nice...

Kiyotaka: Well, if everyone is in agreement, then I have no choice but to concede this time! I shall endorse Kyoko as the up-and-coming Class President!

Kyoko: Everyone, stop!

Makoto: Huh? Kyoko?

Kyoko: Did any one of you even consider that just like Byakuya, I might not be interested?

Hifumi: Really? I thought a kuudere of your style would be exactly in line with position’s nature. “A calm and collected leader who always knows just the right kind of thing to say.”

Kyoko: I am not a ‘kuudere’. And I certainly don’t want the responsibility.

Kiyotaka: But everyone supports you! How can you turn down everyone’s expectations?

Kyoko: Same way Byakuya did. I do not want to be responsible in case something does happen. However... I will accept the position.

Makoto: But... you just said...

Kyoko: I don’t want to be responsible, yes. But I also did not want to be brought onto this island or made to participate in a life-or-death game either. And I’ll do my best in this position, even if it was thrust on me.

Kiyotaka: In that case, congratulations, Class President Kirigiri! What is our first order of business?

Kyoko: Nothing. I’m not about to start bossing any of you around or micromanaging your lives. Just don’t do anything stupid. The only time I’m planning to actually use this position is if I have to.

Leon: I knew you were the right choice! Hands-off leaders are the best.

Hifumi: It seems my judgement was correct after all!

Toko: B-But... really, what are we going to do now?

Celeste: Oh, I might have a conversation topic in mind. The perks.

Yasuhiro: Huh? What perks?

Junko: Seriously? Did you not even bother to read the new rules that Monokuma added?

Yasuhiro: Wait, there were rules?

Kiyotaka: Yasuhiro, you should immediately check your handbook!

Celeste: Well, judging by everyone’s reactions, it seems like he was the only one unaware of the perks.

Kyoko: So, what is it that you want to talk about regarding them?

Celeste: Nothing in particular. I simply thought having an official group stance on them would be for the best.

Aoi: We’re revealing what they are, right? After all, if they’re to help us kill... then we shouldn’t have a need of them.

Mondo: But they also might help us survive! Revealing it may mean that killer can just f*cking plan around it!

Chihiro: But... nobody here would kill, right?

Byakuya: So naïve...

Leon: Still, being able to protect yourself is kinda nice.

Mukuro: What are those perks? I can’t even see my own because of my amnesia.

Junko: I’ll show you mine later if you show me yours.

Mukuro: I told you, it’s locked out for me.

Junko: Oh, seriously? RIP. Well, I’ll still do it.

Sakura: I suppose then you have nothing to worry about, Mukuro.

Makoto: No, we should definitely share our perks. I mean, I already know everyone’s perks anyway...

Celeste: Excuse me?

Byakuya: What?

Kiyotaka: B-But... I never revealed it to you! Makoto, explain yourself!

Makoto: Uhh... It’s because of my own perk. It’s called ‘Talentless’ and it allows me to see what everyone’s perks and their status are.

Toko: Almost l-like reading up on us through your stalker forums...

Sayaka: Makoto, are you sure you’re okay revealing that?

He just says something like that outright... Did he even think of the consequences?

Kiyotaka: Since there is a clear divide, I propose we put it to vote. Do you agree, Class President Kirigiri?

Kyoko: Sure. However, I’ll be abstaining from the vote. I do not want to skew it with my opinion and I’m fine with either option.

Kiyotaka: Alright then! Who here is for everyone sharing their perks?

Taka himself raised his hand, followed by me, Junko, Makoto, Aoi, Chihiro and, surprisingly, Byakuya.

Kiyotaka: Alright. Then who would prefer we all keep our perks to ourselves?

Mondo, Celeste, Hifumi, Sakura, Sayaka, Leon, Toko and Yasuhiro all raised their hands.

Kiyotaka: I see. In that case, with vote of eight to seven, class will not be sharing perks publically!

Celeste: I would object to my perk being shared regardless.

Leon: Yeah, seriously, forcing people like that is not cool.

Aoi: But! Can we still reveal our own perks to others if we want to?

Kiyotaka: Well, I believe that is acceptable. The vote was only on making everyone reveal theirs!

Kyoko: And do not harass anyone in attempts to find out their perk.

Sakura: That much was a given.

Sayaka: In that case, is there anything else we should be doing?

Chihiro: Oh! We should gather more Hope Fragments for Usami.

Kyoko: Sure. I will look around and investigate some more. By the way, some extra places opened up overnight. The door in the supermarket and the Entertainment Center are now both open.

Yasuhiro: Entertainment Center? Sounds awesome!

Kyoko: That is all I had to say. I will be going now.

Kiyotaka: I see. Now, with Class President having finished their speech, our meeting is adjourned!

Everyone else started leaving. I decided that it would be better to explain something to Makoto, so I grabbed him by the sleeve and pulled him away from the direct exit that everyone else was going to and down to the lobby.


Hotel Lobby

After making sure that nobody else was around, I spoke.

Mukuro: What in the world were you thinking?

Makoto: Huh? What are you talking about, Mukuro?

Mukuro: You announcing your perk to everyone?

Makoto: Huh? Well, I didn’t think it would be a big deal.

Mukuro: It is a big deal. You do realize what you did to yourself, right?

Makoto: To myself?

Mukuro: Think for a moment. What if someone wants to commit a murder using their perk? They will see you as threat and danger and will either target you as main victim or to eliminate a potential witness.

Makoto: Mukuro? What are you talking about? Nobody here would kill! I’m sure of it!

Mukuro: Well, I warned you. You know a little important secret about everyone here. And I can see that some people... might actually be able to do it.

Makoto: I’m sorry. I just don’t want to believe that anyone here would do that. Plus, I don’t have everyone’s secret... I don’t have yours.

Mukuro: Huh?

Makoto: Your perk is ‘locked’ because you don’t remember your talent, right? And since perks are related to talents, that makes sense.

Mukuro: So you know even that. Well, I just wanted you to watch your back.

Makoto: Thanks, but I think I’ll manage. I’m trusting the others.

Mukuro: See you around.

Makoto: Stay safe, Mukuro.

He was pretty stubborn. Still, maybe it really is for the best that he revealed his knowledge. Might make others less likely to act rather than make them target him...

Well, I doubt I’m convincing him to beware any time soon, so I better go check out some of those newly unlocked places. One of those was in supermarket...


Ultimate Fashionista’s Lab

The locked door was the one Aoi was investigating yesterday. It was now unlocked, and on it was a fanciful plaque saying ‘Ultimate Fashionista’s Lab’. I stepped inside.

It was... a changing room. A very, very well-stocked changing room. Like, I couldn’t see the end of a giant clothing rack filled with various dresses and outfits. Not to mention a gigantic mirror and an entire display case worth of makeup...

Sayaka: Hey, Mukuro! Have you come to check out Junko’s lab too?

Mukuro: Junko’s lab... There sure are a lot of dresses...

Hifumi: As expected of the Ultimate Fashionista!

Junko: Duh-doy. Man, I was expecting something useful.

Sayaka: Do you not like it, Junko?

Junko: Nah, it’s fine. Would probably be cool to pick out something once I get bored of current outfit. Just was expecting something practical.

Mukuro: Practical how?

Junko: You know, something to help with either the killing thing or friendship thing.

Sayaka: Junko! Don’t say that!

Junko: What? I’m not saying I wanted something to help with killing, I just said I was expecting it. With ‘people’ in charge, that wasn’t particularly pessimistic, you know.

Hifumi: I can see what you mean, Miss Enoshima. You expected to be encouraged into committing a murder, because that is what our captors want us to do.

Junko: Pretty much, yea.

Sayaka: Well, I think it’s good that there’s nothing like that in the lab.

Junko: Yeah, it’s all fine and good. Now, this is kinda rude, but I don’t care. Can you two get out? I wanna chat with my sister one-on-one.

Hifumi: Two sisters wanting to be alone in a changing room... Could this be a scene of forbidden love?!

Junko: My foot will make forbidden love to your crotch if you don’t get out right now.

Hifumi: Eee! I’m sorry, Miss Enoshima, I was simply making a joke!

Sayaka: You two have fun!

With that the two left, leaving me and Junko alone.

Junko: So, what are you thinking about this?

Mukuro: It’s weird. It’s like we’re pawns and there are two people struggling to control us each in their own direction.

Junko: Well, there are sixteen of us, perfect for a chess analogy. I am calling being a rook!

Mukuro: A rook? Not a queen?

Junko: Pft. Queens get traded for advantages in midgame. Rooks win the lategame! Do you even play the game?

Mukuro: Sorry, I don’t think I have in a while...

Junko: Well, that’s why I’m the better child. So, who do you think would be best to kill if it came down to it?

Mukuro: ...probably Makoto or Chihiro. Both are very weak physically and very gullible.

Junko: Hm, not going for more risky ones? I think that baseball guy and idol girl would make better options. Trickier, but also more wiggle room.

Mukuro: I thought you’d go for smarter ones, like Byakuya or Kyoko.

Junko: Kyoko? Do I look like I have a death wish?

Mukuro: Well, you did bring up the idea of who could be killed.

Junko: Yeah. But with the way rules are set up, it’s pretty much impossible to not get caught, even if you go for safe ones. Not to mention, I don’t really feel like having conscience nagging at me for rest of my life if I sacrifice you to get out.

Mukuro: I love you too, Junko.

Junko: Ugh, please tell me that was ironic. I can never tell with you.

Mukuro: Anyway, what is your perk?

Junko: Oh? It’s simple. It’s ‘Changing Room’. Apparently I can lock any door anywhere on the island and keep it locked. Even if I don’t have a key, and even if the door doesn’t have a lock.

Mukuro: Huh. That sounds useful.

Junko: But only defensively. Plus, I can’t keep more than one door locked and to lock it, I need to have contact with it.

Mukuro: I wonder how it locks doors without locks...

Junko: Magnet locks, dummy!

Mukuro: Oh... that makes sense.

Junko: Well, that’s what I’m assuming at least. Anyway, what about your head? Got any of those memories back?

Mukuro: No, sorry. Even my perk says I can’t use it until I remember my talent.

Junko: Well, someone’s at a disadvantage already. Still, with everyone having different perks, I do wonder if someone has something completely useless or something unfairly advantageous.

Mukuro: What are you planning to do now?

Junko: I am planning to dig through this wardrobe and get the best back to my cottage. What about you?

Mukuro: I was thinking of checking what the Entertainment Center is all about.

Junko: Yuck, probably something pink and annoying. You have ‘fun’ there.

Mukuro: See you around, Junko.

Junko: Don’t forget to take a bath!


Entertainment Center

Well, this building was a bit out of place. I saw it when me and Makoto were looking around the island for everyone, but it was locked then so I didn’t really pay attention. It just looked like some sort of mall-like building with a large sign... Well, I guess heading inside is the only way to learn more.

Within was... A huge arcade. A bunch of cabinets with various games all around the place, and a huge prize machine in the middle. There were also two notable offshoots. One had a big sign saying Casino above it, and the other was The Great Supernova. Huh.

Well, for starters, let’s chat with people in here.

Mukuro: Hey, guys. What is this place?

Kyoko: It looks like a game center.

Leon: Aw, man, look! They’ve got all the latest stuff!

Chihiro: I checked the machines... None of them look connected to the internet.

Mukuro: That’s too bad... We might’ve been able to call for help otherwise.

Chihiro: I’m sorry...

Kyoko: It’s not your fault, Chihiro.

Mukuro: Oh, what’s that machine in the middle?

Leon: That’s the MonoMono Machine! According to label, you put in monocoins and just get prizes! And you can either find monocoins around or earn them here! This place is hella fun!

Kyoko: Don’t get too attached.

Leon: Hey, can’t a guy enjoy himself a little?

Mukuro: But we still are not going to stay here that long.

Leon: Which means we have to make full use of this vacation!

Mukuro: Sigh... Kyoko, what’s up with those two places?

Kyoko: Oh, they’re Ultimate Labs.

Mukuro: What is this whole Ultimate Lab thing anyway? I saw the one in the Supermarket and it was Junko’s but... I don’t really get it.

Kyoko: Supposedly it’s a place where you can hone your Ultimate Talent.

Leon: Man, mine is probably going to be a baseball field...

Chihiro: Is that bad...?

Leon: Eh, it’s okay I guess. Not like I’m planning to use it anyway.

Mukuro: Huh... I wonder if I can find out my talent when my lab unlocks...

Chihiro: Oh, did anyone see Usami or Monokuma since morning? Sayaka mentioned seeing Usami... But I’d expect they would show up more.

Kyoko: No. I do believe they’re still busy fighting for control of the trip.

Mukuro: That’s for the best. The less we have to deal with them the better.

Chihiro: I hope Usami will win...

Leon: Does it matter? We just collect the Fragments and go home, what else is there?

Kyoko: I doubt Monokuma specifically wants that outcome.

Leon: Well, it doesn’t matter what he wants. Rules say we leave after we have fragments, right? So, we just collect them and ignore Monokuma. Then nobody has to die!

Kyoko: That would be the best outcome. However, I doubt it will be achievable without at least some interference.

Chihiro: You think that Monokuma might try to do something else?

Mukuro: I think that’s obviously to be expected.

Kyoko: Anyway, the others are in the labs themselves.

Mukuro: I think I’ll go check it out. Thanks, Kyoko.

Kyoko: Take care.


Ultimate Clairvoyant’s Lab

The Great Supernova was apparently Yasuhiro’s lab, according to the plaque. And it looked like inside of a fortune telling tent... Complete with way too many carpets, pillows instead of chairs and a big crystal ball. And quite a bit of unusual trinkets, placed on wall and pedestals.

Yasuhiro: Oh, hey, Mukuro! Isn’t this place rad?

Mukuro: It looks... all mystic-like?

Yasuhiro: Yeah! It’s a perfect place! Man, too bad none of you guys have any money. I’d love to give out readings!

Kiyotaka: Yasuhiro, do you only ever use your talent for money?

Yasuhiro: Of course not! I also do readings for myself. And I’m planning on publishing them at one point!

Mukuro: Publishing your readings?

Yasuhiro: Yeah. Imagine that... Twelve Thousand Prophecies of Supernova!

Kiyotaka: But... If they are all related to yourself, what is the point of publishing them?

Yasuhiro: Well, you know how famous clairvoyants publish the collections of their prophecies? Same way. And it doesn’t matter what they’re related to. What matters is that they’re real prophecies!

Mukuro: So, you’re planning to sell a bunch of completely unrelated fortune tellings you did for yourself to people, and even then only thirty percent of it is correct?

Yasuhiro: I won’t be the one making them buy it! If the people choose to believe me, then it’s entirely their responsibility.

Kiyotaka: I admire your thriftiness, but I do not appreciate the idea of misleading people!

Yasuhiro: Fortune telling is serious business. Getting misled by accident is just part of that business.

Mukuro: Yeah, we get it. You’re in it for money.

Yasuhiro: Hey, I also want to promote my abilities! It’s rare to have a fortune teller of my caliber not be affiliated with some brand!

Kiyotaka: I do believe that being unaffiliated in such a way has certain moral high ground, but it is counteracted by other factors!

Yasuhiro: Don’t worry about it! I’m just a thousand prophecies away from getting to total of twelve thousand!

Mukuro: Why twelve thousand though? Why not make a book every thousand prophecies you make?

Yasuhiro: Because it’d be bad luck! Numbers matter. Way more than you think! There are good numbers and bad numbers. And twelve is very special number!

Update! Earned Yasuhiro’s 2nd Hope Fragment.

Mukuro: I see... Well, good luck here.

Kiyotaka: I still do not understand how fortune telling is related to school success, but I will stay here until I figure it out!

Yasuhiro: Well, that’ll take a while. See you around, Mukuro!


Ultimate Gambler’s Lab

The Casino had two plaques on it. Ultimate Gambler’s Lab and Ultimate Lucky Student’s Lab... I guess the talents are rather similar. And selection of entertainment inside the casino was rather different as well. Tables for card games, slot machines, roulette... Most peculiar thing was difference in style. While main hall of Entertainment Center was colorful and bright, the Casino was much darker, and even visually richer, with intricate patterns and gothic-looking portraits.

Celeste: Are you enjoying my lab? I do find its appearance extremely appealing myself.

Mukuro: Yeah... It’s different from way I’d imagined casino looks.

Celeste: Well, I can confirm that usually they look more like the main part of this building. But I really can’t help but appreciate the stylistic choice of this specific place.

Makoto: So, that means that we technically share this place, right, Celeste?

Celeste: Well, considering the similarities between our talents, I would expect that.

Mukuro: What would the difference even be? Between being good gambler and being lucky?

Celeste: It’s simple, really. Gambling takes more than luck. And luck applies in more than gambling.

Mukuro: Does it really take more than luck?

Celeste: But of course. Even in slots and roulette there are strategies to be found. Luck-reliant, in part, but strategies. And in real card games, even if luck is involved, skill at reading others and not letting yourself be read can be a much more powerful tool.

Makoto: So, if luck really is that different from gambling... Why am I sharing a lab with you, Celeste?

Celeste: Presumably, because it is the easiest way to accurately ‘measure’ one’s luck.

Mukuro: Huh... Speaking of, how lucky are you, Makoto?

Makoto: Well... I wouldn’t really call myself that lucky. If anything, I’m usually more unlucky than anything.

Mukuro: But you did get picked for Hope’s Peak Academy via a lottery, right?

Celeste: And it coincided with students getting kidnapped into a killing game.

Makoto: Celeste... do you think it’s actually for real?

Celeste: It’s hard to say. I simply go along with whatever reality presents to me and try to make the best of it. That is what adaptability is about.

Makoto: So... you’re saying you aren’t actually planning on killing anyone?

Celeste: Of course not.

Mukuro: But you would say that even if you were.

Celeste: Obviously. Still, what I said about adaptability is true. This island is far from truly luxurious, but there are things to enjoy about it. I do recommend you try and enjoy it as well.

Mukuro: Why? Shouldn’t we be focusing on getting out?

Celeste: Well, if we do happen to go along with the more friendly approach, it will take way more time. And I doubt becoming closer to others is easy if you constantly remain on edge. At that point, you either need to be better at masking your doubts, or find a way to relax.

Mukuro: And which are you doing?

Celeste: Both. Of course, I am concerned for my wellbeing. Everyone here is a stranger after all. But I also understand when I am safe and when I am not, so I can allow myself to relax at certain moments .

Celeste: It’s same as gambling, really. Sometimes being genuine when your opponents least expect it is the best way to throw them for a loop. Especially if they’ve been doubting your every move so far.

Makoto: So you’re saying you might be lying to us about how you feel... Or you might not?

Celeste: Well, I am not called Queen of Liars for nothing. You’d be right to doubt every word I say.

Makoto: No. I don’t want to believe that you’re lying.

Celeste: And why not? Maybe I am simply trying to lure you into full sense of security? Make you believe that I am a safe person to be around?

Makoto: Well... I...

Mukuro: Because there are countless better ways to do that, that’s why. You are making us doubt you intentionally, instead of trying to earn trust.

Celeste: I see you noticed that. At some point, I’d like to have a game of chance with both of you.

Makoto: Huh? Why?

Celeste: I wish to test your luck and Mukuro’s intelligence. Simple as that. It’s important to know capabilities of people around you, whether they’re a friend or not after all.

Update! Earned Celeste’s 2nd Hope Fragment.

Mukuro: I see... Maybe when there is someone to man the tables.

Celeste: Yes. That is the main obstacle at the moment.

Makoto: Well... I would enjoy that. Although I doubt I’d be able to win.

Mukuro: Anyway, I’ve just checked to see what this place is like. I’ll go now.

Celeste: Farewell, Mukuro.

Makoto: See you later!

By the time we were done, it was second half of the day. I had lunch at cafeteria and decided to spend the rest of the day walking around, searching for... something. To help us get out.


Jabberwock Park

Eventually, I checked everywhere on the First Island, and moved on to Central Island. Those giant beasts were around... They were guarding the bridges to other islands. What’s the point of that if the gates are locked anyway? Well, this island only had one noteworthy place, and that’s the park.

Which... changed. Of course, we all saw statue get destroyed. But now there was something else in its place. And I wasn’t the only one to notice it.

Mukuro: What... is that?

Mondo: It looks like a f*cking bomb!

Sakura: Timer on it does not leave much to interpretation either.

Mukuro: Should we... disarm it? Or try to?

Byakuya: Do you want to risk doing that and blowing us all to smithereens? You have to be joking.

Mukuro: Well, we have to do something!

Mondo: Hell yeah... But... What the hell do even do about a bomb? Does anyone here know how to defuse sh*t?

Sakura: Not to my knowledge.

Byakuya: It is a bold assumption that it’s a bomb in the first place.

Sakura: Why do you believe it’s something else?

Byakuya: Because if it’s a bomb, then it’s a very useless one.

Mondo: The f*ck do you mean?!

Mukuro: I think I get it... We could just stay away from it when timer runs out and avoid the blast, right?

Byakuya: Well, looks like amnesia left something in there. Yes, that is what I believe.

Mondo: But that thing is f*cking huge! It could blow the whole island away!

Byakuya: Then we just remain on the First Island. Is it that hard to comprehend?

Sakura: And if the blast is large enough to hit even there?

Byakuya: Then it would have to be a nuclear bomb. Which I severely doubt.

Mondo: Still... That f*cking timer is ominous sh*t.

Byakuya: We’ll just have to wait and see. Although, since it has several weeks of time left, I do doubt anyone will get to see the result.

Mukuro: What makes you say that?

Byakuya: I take my words back. You are still an idiot if you believe nobody will attempt to escape beforehand.

Mondo: The f*ck you just say?

Byakuya: What a wonderful meat circus has gathered here, discussing topics of bomb logistics. None of you get it, do you? This is a killing game we were dragged into. I don’t know why or by whom. But they are not going to blow us up after preparing everything else.

Mukuro: Meat circus?!

Mondo: I’ll knock some sense into you, you pompous dickhe*d!

Sakura: Stop it, both of you. He’s just trying to get to you.

Byakuya: And it worked first try. Amazing. I look forward to one of you becoming the first blackened and getting executed due to some emotional incompetence.

Mukuro: What, do you have the entire game laid out in your head already?

Byakuya: As a matter of fact, I do, assuming the stupid mascots do not interfere any longer. And it ends with me being the sole escapee.

Mondo: You son of a bitch!

Sakura: Mondo.

Mondo: Can’t you hear the sh*t he’s saying?!

Byakuya: Well, I’d love to educate you idiots more, but my time is worth more than that. And I don’t feel like staying to observe the brawl either.

With that, Byakuya left the park, as Sakura had to hold Mondo by the shoulder, and I had to mentally stop myself from running after him to give him a beating. Prick.

Mondo: What if he’s actually f*cking serious? And is going to kill someone?

Sakura: He is extremely prideful and arrogant. But he is not foolish. He wouldn’t try that before letting someone else take the fall.

Mukuro: So you think he will wait until other people fail before trying on his own?

Sakura: Indeed.

Mondo: sh*t... Sorry I acted like an idiot... In front of two girls too.

Mukuro: What does it matter if we’re girls? We can stand up for ourselves.

Mondo: Well, it’s not f*cking manly to act like that! And it doesn’t matter if you’re strong! You two are still chicks, and that means I gotta protect you.

Mukuro: Big damn hero.

Sakura: It’s nice to hear that, Mondo.

Mukuro: I could totally beat him up myself. I almost did when I first met him.

Mondo: You too? Damn. I thought I was the only one who had to be dragged away from him.

Sakura: Byakuya is not the most pleasant person. However, I do not believe that his exterior is all there is to it.

Mukuro: Well, his exterior has a very punchable face!

Sakura: Calm down, Mukuro. This isn’t worth it.

Mukuro: Fine, whatever.

Mondo: Sorry I got a bit heated... And I didn’t mean to say you two are weak or some sh*t. I can tell that both of you are tough as hell!

Mondo: But my brother has taught me that a man must always protect women! And I made a promise to be like that!

Sakura: It was nice of you stand up for us.

Mukuro: That’s quite a promise. Didn’t think bikers have such manners nowadays.

Mondo: Hey, we might be enjoying some good riding and reminding the streets who’s in charge, but we ain’t just thugs. Crazy Diamonds is not about that!

Mukuro: Then... what is it about?

Mondo: It’s about strength. And being strong means knowing when and how to use that strength! We ain’t gonna beat up some weak kids or girls. Only those that f*cking deserve it!

Sakura: That is admirable.

Mukuro: So you’re more delinquents than gangsters...

Mondo: Of course. What do you take us for, those crazy Kuzuryu mobsters? We’re just a bunch of dudes with passion! And desire to enjoy that passion no matter what some stupid idiots say! There’s nothing better than riding your hog at full speed with straight pipe... That’s what life is f*cking about!

Mukuro: Huh... You make your gang almost sound noble. As weird as it is to say that.

Update! Earned Mondo’s 2nd Hope Fragment.

Sakura: Well, I doubt we will earn any new information about the bomb just looking at it.

Mukuro: Does Kyoko know about it?

Mondo: She’s the one who told me it’s here, but she said it shouldn’t be a big deal.

Mukuro: She’s probably thinking same thing as Byakuya... That if it really is a bomb, we can just wait it out on another island.

Sakura: Let us hope that it simply isn’t a bomb then.

Mukuro: Yeah... that’d be the best case scenario.

With that the three of us said goodbyes and split up. I continued looking around for a bit, but didn’t see anything noteworthy.


Mukuro’s Cottage

As evening came, I got some dinner and came back to my cottage. Today was surprisingly more peaceful... Maybe we can avoid worst-case-scenario in the long run. Who knows?

Ding Dong Bing Bong

Or not. The monitor in my room lit up...

Usami: Good evening, everyone!

Monokuma: It is now 10 PM!

Usami: So, we were busy fighting all day...

Monokuma: But we reached a compromise!

Usami: Please gather in the cafeteria tomorrow by 9 AM!

Monokuma: Good night...

Usami: And have nice dreams!

Monokuma: Bleh...

Usami: I’m not wishing them to be scared!

Monokuma Well you should!

Usami: You mean Monokuma!

Monokuma: You stupid rabbit!


Compromise, huh? Well, I guess we’ll have to hear them out tomorrow. For now, I should go to sleep...


Monokuma Theater

Grah! That stupid rabbit! Rabbits are dumb! Rabbits are weak! Rabbits are best non-poultry diet meat! Why did she interfere like that?

Wait, are we on already? Uhh... sorry, I was a bit busy trying to wrestle one dumb long-eared rival of mine and forgot to write a script for today’s theater. So it’s time for improv!

Uhh... Compromises! Yes, today’s theme is compromises. What does it mean to make a compromise? Well, it’s simple. It means NOBODY is happy! It means that we take away what each side wants from the result until both sides are equally unhappy with it!

Huh? Making them equally happy instead? Why, if that was possible, there wouldn’t be a need to compromise in the first place! We don’t compromise to make sure our opponent gets more, we compromise to make sure we aren’t getting less! So we just take away from their keep until we are satisfied.

It’s only fair, after all. And being fair often matters more than everyone being in benefit!


And so Chapter 1 officially begins, with introduction of the special student Perks. Something little to spice things up, as usual you know.

Hope you guys enjoy and as usual, I love you all and will see you next time around.

Chapter 4: Chapter 1 – Panic at Despair Beach – Daily Life 2


Mukuro starts settling into a daily routine as more details of their situation are made clear and plans are planned.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Ding-dong! Ding-dong!

My morning routine was interrupted by the doorbell’s ringing. Opening the door I was surprised to see...

Aoi: Good morning, Mukuro! So, you up for a morning jog?

Mukuro: Huh? You’re still planning to do that?

Aoi: Of course! It’s always more fun to do it with multiple people! We can even take it easy and chat on the way.

Mukuro: I see. I just thought the idea was out of the window with the whole... kill each other thing.

Aoi: Of course not! Plus, I don’t believe anyone would kill anyone.

Mukuro: Alright. Then sure, let’s go.

Aoi: Yeah! Come on, Sakura is waiting by the hotel gates!

Mukuro: Sakura’s coming too?

Aoi: Of course! I asked Junko, Sayaka and Chihiro too, but none of them wanted to, so... It’s just us three!

Mukuro: Alright then. I'm already warmed up, I guess.


First Island Roads

Our route was a lap around the First Island’s road. Normally I’d go faster than this, but since Aoi and Sakura wanted to chat a little on the way, taking it slow was fine.

Sakura: I see you’re used to regular exercise, Hina.

Aoi: Yeah! I gotta get the energy out somehow! Of course, swimming is great, but I will save that for later! Jogs are important to build up endurance too!

Sakura: You as well, Mukuro. You were already exercising when Hina came to ask you to join, weren’t you?

Mukuro: Yeah, I was. I’m used to waking up early and training until the actual wake-up call.

Aoi: Did you always do that?

Mukuro: No, I don’t think so. I started about...

Blank. But I... I was used to this! I’ve always done this. Right? But why? When did I start? It was just... instinct to me to do the exercise, I didn’t even consider—

Aoi: You okay, Mukuro? You looked kind of scary here for a moment.

Mukuro: Sorry... Just another memory blank. Seems to be happening a lot lately.

Sakura: You have a very intense expression when you are in thought.

Aoi: Wait! Does that mean that your daily exercises are related to your talent?

Mukuro: Well... That might be it.

Aoi: Yes, of course it is! You don’t remember anything about your talent and you don’t remember why you started exercising!

Sakura: Perhaps if we try various athletic activities, we can find out what your talent was?

Mukuro: If only it were that easy. The exercise came to me so naturally that I didn’t even realize I didn’t remember the reason.

Sakura: Perhaps it is related to fighting in some way?

Mukuro: Maybe...

Aoi: Oh! Maybe you’re like, the Ultimate Gymnast or something? Something that requires general exercise and doesn’t have any specific direction?

Sakura: Do not underestimate gymnastics, Hina. Routines can have a lot of intricacy to them.

Mukuro: ...nope, either my memory is gone for good or it’s just not enough to jog it.

Aoi: Sorry about that, Mukuro.

Mukuro: It’s not your fault. I just wish I could at least know why it’s missing...

Sakura: It is a shame that there are no sports facilities on the island. Perhaps if there were, we could try to figure out there.

Aoi: Hey, that might be on other islands! I wonder what we have to do to open those though.

Sakura: Hopefully defeating those beasts is not the requirement. I doubt that even all of us working together would be able to take one on.

Mukuro: Maybe if we could make some sort of explosive...

Sakura: I doubt that is possible with our resources either.

Aoi: That sounds way too dangerous anyway! Plus, I trust Usami. I’m sure that once we befriend each other she’ll help us get back home!

Mukuro: I’m more worried about things happening before that point can be reached...

Sakura: Your fears are not unfounded. However, you shouldn’t let them control you.

Mukuro: Fine... By the way, you’re keeping up pretty well, Aoi.

Aoi: Of course! I love running. I mean, not as much as I love swimming, but I love it!

Mukuro: So you’re into both?

Aoi: Not just both! I was on track team, swimming team, volleyball team, basketball team...

Mukuro: That’s a lot of sports.

Aoi: Well, I have a lot of energy that I love spending!

Sakura: Be wary to not aggravate your habits. You eat a lot and you move a lot. It can be a detriment or a weakness both.

Mukuro: How about you, Sakura? How did you get into martial arts?

Sakura: Saying I got into it on my own would not be entirely true. I was moreso born into it, as my family owns a dojo.

Mukuro: Oh, like one of those traditional ones?

Sakura: Indeed. I have been trained since the moment I could stand on my own. I won’t say the journey wasn’t enjoyable, however.

Aoi: Wow! That sounds so cool, Sakura!

Mukuro: I heard you won many martial arts tournaments overseas...

Sakura: Indeed. Still, I am not the strongest person in the world yet.

Mukuro: Yet...?

Sakura: Yes. I know the truly strongest personally. And I plan to fight them for their title some day.

Aoi: Well, I’ll be rooting for you when that day comes, Sakura!

Mukuro: That will be a fight to see, alright.

Sakura: Thank you both. It has been a while since I’ve been able to just chat with other girls like that.

Aoi: No problem! We’re friends after all!

Update! Earned Aoi’s 2nd Hope Fragment. Earned Sakura’s 2nd Hope Fragment.

We continued jogging, though we all went our own paces. Sakura went faster than me while Aoi lagged behind a little. Still, we kept up our little exercise around the island until...

Ding Dong Bing Bong!

Usami: Hello, everyone! This is a school trip announcement! It is now 8 AM! Another wonderful morning in tropical paradise! Time to wake up and be ready to cultivate wonderful hope!

Usami: Oh, and please don’t forget that there will be a special teacher-student meeting in the Mirai Hotel’s restaurant at 9 AM! Please don’t be late!


I finished the last circle around the island and went back into the hotel grounds, proceeding to the restaurant. The others caught up behind me soon after and several other people were just leaving cottages as I passed by.


Hotel Restaurant

Well, this time everyone showed up on time. Once again, the food was all ready and served, and this time everyone was just grabbing it without much care. Makes sense, since we know it’s not poisoned by now. There wasn’t much in terms of meaningful conversation going on as we had breakfast. Taka was telling Mondo to sit properly, Makoto and Sayaka just casually chatting, Toko sneering at Hifumi’s attempt to socialize... Nothing too noteworthy. Everyone was anticipating the eventual appearance of the weird toy things. Wait, on my six...

Junko: Haii!

Mukuro: Gah! Junko! Don’t jump me like that!

Junko: Oh, phsht. What, can’t I give my least favorite sister a surprise hug?

Mukuro: You don’t have to sneak up on me like that.

Junko: Well, tables here can seat only four people, and you are sitting alone instead of with the little harem protagonist over there. Sorry, girl, Kyoko’s already got the kuudere niche covered way more than you can.

Mukuro: I don’t have a crush on him, Junko! And I have no idea what you’re even saying with these words...

Junko: Then why were you staring at him from across the restaurant? Trust me, I’ve seen the way people stare at me when I’m making public appearances.

Mukuro: It’s not like that.

Kyoko: I heard my name?

Kyoko was there, holding a tray of food.

Junko: Ohai, Ms. Class President. We were just talking about how pretty Makoto is.

Kyoko: Do you mind if I sit with you two then? I’d prefer not to look like I’m distancing myself from others.

Mukuro: Sure, you’re welcome at our table, Kyoko.

Kyoko: Thank you.

With that, Kyoko sat down with us, beginning her breakfast too.

Junko: So, what about your opinions on the hoodie boy, Kyoko?

Mukuro: Junko, stop lying, we weren’t talking about his appearance!

Junko: But you’d like to.

Mukuro: No!

Kyoko: I can’t say anything specific about his appearance.

Junko: ...that seems to imply you have something to say about other aspects~

Kyoko: Perhaps. But it’d be rude to talk about it like that.

Yasuhiro: Rude to talk about what?

Without even asking, Yasuhiro took the final seat at our table, loudly putting down his tray and sitting down, looking at the three of us with a smile.

Yasuhiro: What? Did I say something wrong?

Junko: Wow. Just wow. I don’t even have words.

Mukuro: Nevermind...

Kyoko: Good morning to you as well, Yasuhiro.

Yasuhiro: Yeah, it’s been great! Tropical sun, sea breeze! What’s not to love?

Mukuro: You’re not concerned?

Yasuhiro: About what?

Kyoko: Mukuro, there’s no need for that. I understand your concerns, and wariness is important, but paranoia is unnecessary.

Junko: She’s got a point though. How come you’re completely ‘chill’ with it, ‘dude’?

Yasuhiro: Man, if I got concerned every time something weird like that happened, my hair would be grey and I’d be bald!

Mukuro: Those... are mutually exclusive.

Kyoko: Do you often have run-ins with potentially deadly situations?

Yasuhiro: Deadly? Wait, you guys seriously think this whole thing is for real?

He looked between all of us again, as we looked back with deadpan looks.

Yasuhiro: Come on. Maybe it’s a little dangerous, but there’s no way a killing can actually happen. That’s just unreasonable!

Kyoko: I see.

Junko: And here I thought you don’t get any more naïve than Makoto...

Yasuhiro: Huh? Well, thanks!

Mukuro: I don’t think that was a compliment...

Before we could continue the conversation, there was a bright flash of pink and red... And Monokuma and Usami appeared in the middle of the restaurant, everyone standing up and turning their heads towards them.

Usami: Greetings, dear students!

Monokuma: Good morning, you rascals!

Byakuya: Finally.

Toko: So? W-Will you explain what is happening now?

Usami: Of course!

Monokuma: Okay, basically, what is happening is Usami sucks so much that she can’t even lose right!

Usami: Hey! You’re the one that interrupted our wonderful little trip!

Monokuma: It was super boring!

Hifumi: And there they go fighting again...

Monokuma: Yeah, you hear that? Back to explanation!

Usami: You’re the one who interrupted it!

Monokuma: Shut up! Anyway, so we fought for a while and realized that we can’t really beat each other. So we reached a compromise instead!

Usami: Since neither of us can run the school trip they want... We’ll just take turns! While it’s still horrible that Monokuma gets his way half the time, this is important lesson in friendship and compromises, kids!

Monokuma: Each day, one of us two gets to be in main charge of you lot. While the other takes a backseat and watches.

Usami: Of course, I made sure Monokuma can’t add any more mean rules!

Monokuma: And I made sure Usami can’t add any annoying friendly rules! Bleh!

Leon: So, uhh... What about the whole kill each other thing? That cancelled then?

Monokuma: Of course it isn’t. Thrills, chills, kills!

Usami: No, don’t listen to him! Please, just collect the Hope Fragments and everything will be just fine. I promise!

Monokuma: Jeez, stop being so saccharine! The fat one will die if he gets diabetes from you!

Hifumi: I’ll have you know, my weight is entirely harmless and not at all unhealthy!

Toko: I f-find that hard to believe...

Usami: Anyway. Monokuma, we did it, announcement is made. Now, today is my day to run the school trip! And the Heart-Throbbing School Trip can finally continue.

Monokuma: Like I’d want to stick around for something like that! See you bastards tomorrow, I’ll prepare a good event for you. More stimulating than anything the stupid rabbit can imagine. Puhuhuhu...

With that, Monokuma ran off, leaving us with just Usami.

Usami: See? You don’t have to fight each other anymore! With mutual trust and friendship we can—

Byakuya: I assume the rules about murder and trial still stand?

Makoto: Byakuya!

Usami: W-Well... Nobody can remove the rules and as teacher, I have to enforce them in some way... B-But! Why would you want to kill if you can just get along with everyone? That’s way nicer.

Byakuya: Then I am still considering this situation a killing game, even right now.

Usami: Uwah!

Aoi: What are you saying? Usami’s around right now and she’ll make sure we’re fine!

Chihiro: Yeah... I trust she’ll protect us and make sure we’re safe.

Celeste: That is a foolish belief. Our guard shouldn’t be lowered.

Makoto: Celeste, not you too...

Kyoko: She’s right.

Kiyotaka: Class President?

Kyoko: I don’t agree with Byakuya, of course. Avoiding any deaths would be for the benefit of everyone here. However, we shouldn’t simply lower our guards just because a different toy is overseeing us. As long as all of us simply stay on guard and don’t do anything stupid, we can be safe without getting blindsided.

Toko: Y-Yasuhiro won’t last long if that’s true...

Yasuhiro: Hey! I’m always on guard! Do you know how many psychics tried to challenge my talent?

Usami: Well... As long as you kids stay safe and don’t fight, I guess it’s the best I can do.

Mondo: So, the f*ck is happening now?

Leon: Yeah, you’re in charge now, right? Are you going to try and make another beach party or something?

Usami: Uwah... I was so busy trying to fight Monokuma I didn’t even prepare anything for today! But taking an easy day is always good too.

Sakura: Some more time to get adjusted to our circ*mstance...

Chihiro: Yeah... I don’t think I can handle any more big events...

Hifumi: But what about the day after Monokuma’s?

Kiyotaka: That’s right! We have to be planning ahead of schedule if we wish to succeed at the goal of escaping through power of mutual student bond!

Sayaka: I think we should throw a party. Just to get all our minds off of what’s happening.

Leon: Yeah! And we should totally do it outside. The cool ocean air and all.

Aoi: Oh! Oh! Can we involve the pool in the hotel courtyard? It could be a pool party!

Yasuhiro: Yeah! Under the stars too. Blessing of the Zodiac and all that.

Hifumi: A pool party lasting through the night? That goes against every trope convention!

Makoto: Huh? What do you mean, Hifumi?

Hifumi: Don’t you understand, Mister Naegi? Pool parties are meant to happen in the bright sunlight of the day, to highlight the beauty of swimsuits!

Kyoko: A distraction like that wouldn’t be unwelcome, as long as all proper precautions are taken.

Junko: Welp, I guess we’re throwing pool parties now. I hope we skip the friendship bracelets step, I totally suck at arts-and-crafts.

Chihiro: Friendship bracelets are about the thought you put into them, not about how well-made they are...

Mukuro: Do you know a lot about those, Chihiro?

Chihiro: Oh, sorry... Not really, I just read about it...

Toko: What? Those are a real thing? I thought they w-were only a thing for sappy manga tropes.

Byakuya: Well, if this is the direction of the conversation now, I’d prefer to save what sanity I have remaining.

Without even saying goodbye, Byakuya left the restaurant.

Mukuro: Dick...

Kiyotaka: Mukuro, language!

Junko: Yeah, what the hell, Mukuro? Just ‘dick’? That best you can manage? I have half a mind to say that we aren’t sisters anymore.

Kiyotaka: That’s not what I meant at all!

Makoto: Siblings shouldn’t fight like that...

Aoi: Oh, but I hope everyone will come to the pool party right? Other than Byakuya, of course.

Sakura: I’d be glad to spend time with all of you.

Sayaka: It sounds nice, Hina.

Leon: Yeah! Partying at the poolside through the night!

Hifumi: Well, I suppose moonlight has its own charm...

Mukuro: Sure, I’m down.

Junko: Eh, not like much else is going on around here.

Makoto: Of course I’ll come too!

Mondo: Well, there’s gotta be at least one real man at that party.

Leon: Hey!

Yasuhiro: You know what, I’m coming too! But drinks better be good.

Kyoko: I’ll do my best to help organize, but don’t expect me to do all the work.

Sayaka: What about you, girls? Chihiro, Toko, Celeste?

Chihiro: I’m sorry... I don’t really like anything related to swimming...

Aoi: Aw, but that’s okay! You can just relax at the poolside.

Chihiro: Thanks, but... I think I’ll pass.

Celeste: I shall turn the invitation down as well. While I do enjoy the luxury of the trip as a whole, event such as that would simply be not to my tastes.

Toko: You just want all perverted g-guys to stare at me as I swim? And c-comment on how disgusting my body is? No w-way!

Kiyotaka: I have a question! How is pool party conductive to our productivity as students?

Leon: Not everything in life has to be about studying, dude.

Sakura: Indeed. Even the most rigorous form of training includes proper breaks.

Kiyotaka: All the more reason to question the usual resting time – nighttime – being used for the event!

Usami: Oh, Taka, it’s simple! Think of it as overnight cram session. And topic of lesson is your classmates. Get closer to them and you’ll earn the best and only mark you can get! A Hope Fragment!

Kiyotaka: An overnight cram session? Of course! Why didn’t I see it sooner? The brain moved into full overdrive for best memorization!

Mondo: Man, that thing tricks him so easily...

Yasuhiro: See, I’m not the stupidest one here!

Kiyotaka: I will happily attend the overnight bonding event the day after tomorrow and do my best to both succeed myself and help everyone else succeed!

Mukuro: What defines ‘success’ at a party again?

Junko: Shush, or he’ll snap out of it.

Kyoko: Well, more people willing to help would be for the best. Right now the place isn’t best-suited for something like that.

Aoi: But the plan’s settled, right? Usami, we can have an overnight pool party on your next day, right?

Usami: So much initiative... Sniff... I’m so proud of you all! I’ll do the best I can to prepare for that day! But for now you kids should relax and enjoy the sea. And make good friends with one another!

And with that, in a pink flash, Usami was gone. How was she doing that?

Celeste: Well, while I certainly won’t be participating, I wish you luck in preparing. I will be taking my leave now.

Leon: I guess that’s the plan for now.

Toko: Hmph...

Hifumi: Hm... I should pick out a better swimsuit for myself. One Miss Usami provided was bit too tight...

Mondo: I think there was a camping tent section at the supermarket for that.

Hifumi: Eh? What is that supposed to mean?!

Yasuhiro: I think I’ll go and make some more personal predictions! For the good fortune, of course!

Kyoko: I’ll continue my investigation. Don’t do anything stupid.

Leon: Hey, Sayaka, want to go hang out by the airport?

Sayaka: Sorry, I already wanted to spend some time with Makoto. Maybe another time?

Makoto: Hey, come on, Sayaka, we can all be together, right?

Mukuro: Yeah, nothing is stopping you guys from being all together at once.

Sayaka: Mukuro, not you too...

Leon: So...

Sayaka: Sure, you can come as well.

Leon: Sweet!

Chihiro: I’ll just be in my cottage... In case anyone will be looking for me.

With that everyone started leaving the restaurant. All in all... productive morning. I got closer with someone, then had a good meal, then learned something and now I have plans for the day after tomorrow. I guess I can take it easy at least until the lunch...


Junko’s Cottage

Wondering around the island after the lunch, I somehow ended up in Junko’s cottage. I guess it was good to catch up with my sister, even if her stories were rather boring...

Junko: ...and like, that guy was an absolute creep, he wanted me to wear something he called a mini-mini-skirt, what he believed would be the newest in slu*t fashion trends, but it was basically a string you put around your waist that showed everything and—hey, smelly, are you even listening?!

Mukuro: Huh? Sorry, I wasn’t really focused.

Junko: Did you eat balloons for lunch or something?

Mukuro: No, I had some simple noodles...

Junko: Then why is your head is fuller of air than usual?

Mukuro: I guess I’m just a bit worried about everything.

Junko: You’re still hung up on the killing game? Jeez, relax a little, enjoy the island life?

Mukuro: I’m just worried.

Junko: What? Worried about someone killing you?

Mukuro: No, I’m pretty sure I could fight off most people here...

Junko: About someone killing me?

Mukuro: Junko, please...

Junko: Ooh! You’re worried because you have your own plans to kill!

Mukuro: Of course not!

Junko: Then maaaybe... you’re worried about someone committing a murder and getting away with it?

Mukuro: I’m pretty sure that’s impossible in our situation.

Junko: Well, then you have nothing to worry about. What got you so hung up?

Mukuro: That someone will get killed.

Junko: You’re worried about these dorks? Really?

Mukuro: They aren’t bad people, Junko.

Junko: Maybe. But they’re boring and I don’t really care. I guess the plain boy has a bit of charm and the overconfident snobs are fun to mess with for a little, but that’s about it. Maaaybe the detective girl too.

Mukuro: Snobs?

Junko: Rich boy and Lolita girl.

Mukuro: Byakuya’s a complete asshole.

Junko: He is, but that’s what makes him great! Here, check this out.

Junko quickly pulled out her handbook, showing to me the Students tab... Apparently she had earned second fragments with Kyoko, Byakuya and Sayaka...

Mukuro: Really? You managed to get information out of him?

Junko: As I said, he’s fun to mess with if you know right way to approach guys like him.

Mukuro: I just can’t stand him. He’s infuriating.

Junko: Oh come on, you stand my insults pretty well, why not his? Don’t tell me you are suddenly misandrist and think it’s okay if it’s a girl saying it.

Mukuro: No, I’m just used to you saying stuff like that. Other people is different. I expect decency.

Junko: Curb your expectations, this is highschool, not backstreets fight club, we don’t have rules or manners in here.

Mukuro: How did you get to him anyway?

Junko: Well, being a fashion model involves a lot of acting. Particularly acting around rich snobbish dudes and men who think they’re the best of the best in the entire world. The whole bimbo act works pretty well, if you ask me.

Mukuro: So you played stupid and got him to tell you more about himself?

Junko: Of course not, he may be a stuck-up prick, but he’s not that stupid himself. I simply challenged his ego and beat him at rock-paper-scissors seventeen times in a row.

Mukuro: You cheated, didn’t you?

Junko: Hey, it’s not cheating, it’s special technique. But trust me, nothing is more fun than seeing ego of perfection crumbling to pieces. By the twelfth loss he started telling me how he’s more than lucky rich born into wealth. And, imagine that, I think he actually believes that!

Mukuro: His behavior shows it...

Junko: But yeah, wanna play rock-paper-scissors?

Mukuro: We always end up tying, Junko. You know it.

Junko: Not always! Sometimes I manage to win!

As conversation continued, I noticed Junko pull something out from under her pillow and start casually playing with it. It looked like a prolonged, shiny object.

Mukuro: Hey, what do you have over there?

Junko: A knife!

Mukuro: Junko, no!

Junko: Junko, yes!

Mukuro: What are you planning to do with it?

Junko: Use in self-defense. Duh.

Mukuro: But if people find you carrying it around, they’ll just suspect you’re planning to kill someone.

Junko: No duh. That’s why I’m keeping it in my room. And before you even think of snitching, our glorious leader has already approved of it.

Mukuro: Kyoko’s okay with it?

Junko: Totes! As long as I actually keep it in my room. Plus, her knowing I have it gives me a valid excuse in case something does end up going down.

Mukuro: Do you really think a murder will happen at some point?

Junko: Hm... At this current pace? Nah. We’re gonna slowly warm up, chill out and whatever other temperature-based metaphors there are. Then once we have all fragments, we get to go home and learn some horrific truth about real reason for this trip or something,

Mukuro: You’re lying.

Junko: Nope, absolute truth. However, I really don’t think we’re staying at this current pace. You’re with me for once in your life here, right?

Mukuro: ...Monokuma will do something tomorrow. Something to try and encourage killing to happen. Probably some sort of a motive to present us with...

Junko: Bingo! For once in your life you actually sound like my sister would. Kind of smart.

Mukuro: Compliments don’t suit you, Junko.

Junko: And stink lines don’t suit you, but you have them 24/7.

Mukuro: Will you try to do anything to prevent a murder from happening?

Junko: Eh, I have no idea what exactly that cute bear thing is planning, so can’t say yet. I might or I might not. But at least we can rely on each other not killing, right?

Mukuro: Yeah. At least there’s this silver lining.

Update! Earned Junko’s 2nd Hope Fragment.

Junko looks down at her handbooks and groans.

Junko: Ughh... I only now realized... We have to earn those things with each other too... My eyes are already sore from staring at you for this long. How will I ever manage four more sessions?

Mukuro: Don’t be a drama queen, Junko.

Junko: You’re just jealous that, unlike you, I actually have a personality. Speaking of, that personality has just gotten bored and feels like getting some milkshakes from supermarket. Ciao-cacao!

Junko simply strolled out of her own cottage, leaving me alone behind. Then I heard the door click...

Mukuro: Junko... Junko, wait!

The only thing I heard is laughter and clopping of someone running off in heels. I ended up pounding at the door for a while... But without key I had no chance of opening it without breaking it down. So I had to climb out of the window and drop into the water below the cottage, drenching myself... Thanks, sis.


Mukuro’s Cottage

I ended up taking a shower and spending rest of the day drying off after I got back to my cottage. In the end, today was pretty uneventful. But if it stayed that way, maybe it would be for the best. Maybe we would be able to get out without any issues after all...

As the outside grew dark, a monitor eventually turned on.

Usami: Good evening, everyone! This is a school trip announcement! It is now 10 PM! Another wonderful day has come to an end! Get some good rest in preparation for cultivating tomorrow’s hope! Sleep tight, everyone!


There it is. I guess I really should get to sleep if I want to be up for a morning jog with Aoi and Sakura again...


Usami Theater

Monokuma is so, so mean... I have no choice but to comply with him. But that’s okay! Friendship is always about that. Even though I’m not friends with Monokuma, I hope everyone learned today’s lessons in compromise. Because, even though he’s the worst, meanest mascot you can ever think of, it’s important to remember your friendship lessons regardless of who you’re dealing with... Even if they’re threatening killing of innocent children. Wait, is that right? I’m not too sure... I’m sorry.

Anyway! Compromises! Aren’t they great? Everyone gets to walk away with same level of happiness! What can be more hopeful? Even though neither side got what they wanted... Uwah, I’m sorry! That’s not what I was meaning to say at all!

Uhh... compromises... preserve friendships? Yes! That’s right! Be friends and compromise and cultivate hope!

And don’t forget to brush your teeth and eat your greens!


So, this took suddenly longer, but hopefully in a good way. Those of you on the discord server know why, but I won't bother everyone with excuses. Instead I will say that the pace of writing has restored to more consistant, even if still slower than when I was on the break. This chapter is more of a chill daily life kind of thing, so enjoy this while you can~

As usual, hope you liked it, and I love you all as well. See you guys next time, whenever that is!

Chapter 5: Chapter 1 – Panic at Despair Beach – Daily Life 3


Mukuro goes by with another day, hanging out with her new friends, although uncertainty starts to creep through...


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

During the morning I met up with Aoi and Sakura again, but this time we all focused on jog more than we did on talking. Still, it was more fun doing it with them than it would have been doing it alone, so I’m glad I joined them for that again.

Eventually the morning came officially and roadside monitors lit up.

Ding Dong Bing Bong!

Monokuma: Attention! This is a school trip announcement. Good morning, everyone! It is now 8 AM! Get ready for another beautiful day of this killing school trip!

Monokuma: Oh, and by the way. I have an extra announcement to make later today, but that will have to wait for proper atmosphere. I expect you all to be gathered in Jabberwock Park and ready at exactly 6 PM in the evening. See you there! Don’t be late!


Aoi and Sakura quickly caught up to me. Seems like they watched the announcement on a different monitor.

Mukuro: What do you girls think?

Aoi: I don’t know... Do we have to go?

Sakura: Disobeying him would be foolish as long as he commands those machines.

Aoi: Yes, but... I have a terrible feeling about this.

Mukuro: Me too.

Sakura: Malice is to be expected. But we seem to have little choice other than facing it directly.

Mukuro: Damn it... You’re right, but it feels awful that we can’t do a thing.

Sakura: It is indeed a shame that we can do little. The best we can do is brace ourselves and prepare for whatever comes next.

Aoi: Let’s just go back to the restaurant. I’m hungry!

Mukuro: Yeah... Sure.


Hotel Lobby

Surprisingly enough, breakfast was also uneventful. Even Mondo having to be stopped from throwing a chair at Byakuya felt pretty mundane at this point, and no changes of plans happened either. So after the breakfast I found myself hanging out in the lounge with Kyoko and Sayaka. Toko was there too, but she was sitting aside by her lonesome, reading a book.

Sayaka: So, Kyoko, what were you talking to Taka about earlier?

Kyoko: I simply was talking about preparations for tomorrow and requested he obtain some proper lighting.

Mukuro: Lighting? What for?

Kyoko: I want the area well-lit to prevent accidents. However, I also want to avoid electrical hazard. I asked him to examine the supermarket or potentially make arrangements with Usami for something that fits the bill.

Mukuro: Huh... I thought you’d be a bit more hands on in that, considering you’re the leader and all.

Kyoko: I did say that I wasn’t going to just start bossing people around, and the party wasn’t really my idea either. Kiyotaka was simply very eager to do something, so I gave him a direction.

Sayaka: Oh... I’m sorry, Kyoko. I guess it was my idea at first, I should try to help too.

Mukuro: Don’t worry, Sayaka. You simply suggested a party. Everyone else caught on and made it something entirely different.

Kyoko: I’m not really sure if the combination of nighttime, pool and party is quite safe. But I don’t have a good reason to object either.

Sayaka: Well, speaking of safety... Have you managed to figure anything out? About who might be behind Monokuma?

Kyoko: I did not. There are no clues related to people behind Monokuma whatsoever. They were really meticulous about their intervention... But the whole island feels rather off to me. You get this feeling too, right?

Sayaka: I’m not sure I understand...

Mukuro: It’s too perfect. It’s always exactly perfectly sunny, except for night, there is never too strong a wind. Beach is perfect. Cottages and hotel are in perfect condition. Even supermarket is stocked perfectly down to lining out the products.

Kyoko: Exactly. This place was prepared with extreme care and caution. So if Monokuma really did come and take over without people behind original setup knowing, that either goes to prove Monokuma’s prowess... Or that the fight between them is but a façade.

Sayaka: No! I don’t want to believe that. Because if it is... Then- Then we really have nobody to rely on!

Mukuro: We’ve got each other.

Sayaka: Kyoko, are you sure you don’t have any idea on who it might be? Maybe it’s some murder-crazy maniac, like Genocider Syo?

Toko: Huh?

Kyoko: No. I’ve actually looked into Genocider Syo in the past. It’s a curious situation indeed, but I strongly doubt that they’re behind this.

Mukuro: Genocider Syo?

Sayaka: You didn’t hear about him, Mukuro?

I simply tap my temple, hoping that gives her a clue.

Sayaka: Oh, right, you don’t remember anything. Sorry, Mukuro.

Kyoko: Genocider Syo is a serial killer who has gained extreme notoriety. It has gotten to the point where they even have a nickname and online following in other countries. I believe there they’re known as Genocide Jack.

Sayaka: Yes, he killed dozens upon dozens of people and has escaped capture by authorities all along. The only thing that remains consistent is the bloody message they leave behind on all their crime scenes...

Kyoko: That is true. But there is more to a killer’s psyche than just to kill, especially to one such as Genocider Syo. I haven’t been involved with any investigations, but their notoriety did pique my interest and I looked into it further.

Toko: W-Why are you talking about some serial killer? Don’t you have more g-girl-like topics?

Sayaka: Oh, I’m sorry, Toko... I did not mean to worry you.

Toko: I’m n-not worried! It’s just very dumb to think that G-Genocider Syo is behind this.

Mukuro: You sound awfully confident.

Kyoko: I actually agree. Even with purely public knowledge, it’s unlikely that Genocider Syo is behind this.

Mukuro: What makes you say that?

Kyoko: They’re a killer. They always do the deed personally, to the point of wetting their hands in victims’ blood for the bloody message. They are clearly driven by emotion rather than calculation. To set up a killing game with a bunch of mostly unrelated people? That is way outside their modus operandi.

Toko: Y-Yeah! What she said!

Sayaka: I see... I guess that makes sense.

Kyoko: But that isn’t what your reasoning was, was it, Toko?

Toko: I am d-done with this stupid conversation! Why did you drag me into this?

Mukuro: You butted in yourself...

Toko: H-Hmph!

With that, Toko took her book and left...

Kyoko: ...I may be reading too much into this. I should apologize later.

Sayaka: I’m surprised at how well you managed to take apart Genocider Syo’s reasoning without even ever meeting them.

Kyoko: It comes with a specialty.

Mukuro: A specialty?

Kyoko: Detective can mean a lot of things. Different detectives specialize in investigation of different crimes. Theft. Fraud. Kidnapping.

Sayaka: And what is your specialty, Kyoko?

Kyoko: Murder.

Mukuro: Huh... I guess it really is for the best that you’re the official group leader.

Kyoko: Do you really think so?

Sayaka: I do. I mean, if a detective is in charge, then there’s no way anyone would ever try to kill!

Kyoko: Yes. But there is way bigger problem with me taking an active role.

Sayaka: What do you mean?

Mukuro: Painting a target on your own back.

Sayaka: Huh?

Kyoko: Exactly. Initially, I was even planning to keep my talent hidden. But the handbooks made it impossible.

Sayaka: I see... Well, I don’t think anyone here would kill for any reason!

Kyoko: I don’t entirely agree... But I hope for the best myself.

Update! Earned Kyoko’s 2nd Hope Fragment.

As I was checking out my handbook due to beep, someone walked into the lobby.

Sayaka: Oh! Hello, Hiro!

Mukuro: Hey.

Yep, it was Yasuhiro. Although he looked unusually shaken...

Yasuhiro: You! I know! I know what you’re plotting!

Kyoko: What?

Yasuhiro was pointing in general direction of us three. I couldn’t tell who specifically...

Yasuhiro: I’ve seen it! I—I’ll warn everyone! About you and the other one too!

And he was running off now too. Well then.

Sayaka: What? What was that about?

Kyoko: I don’t know. But I will find out.

With that, Kyoko stood up and calmly left after him, leaving me with just Sayaka, who now was holding herself uneasily.

Sayaka: Yasuhiro is the Ultimate Clairvoyant... What if... he really was predicting one of us plotting something?

Mukuro: Come on now. I’m sure he was just being stupid.

Sayaka: Maybe, but... I’m sorry, Mukuro, I want to be alone for now.

And with that Sayaka left as well. Damn it, Hiro, way to kill the girl talk mood.



I didn’t feel like getting involved with Junko again so instead I ended up idly wandering around the island, kicking rocks and generally being bored. I didn’t feel like swimming or tanning and there wasn’t much else to do. Eventually I ended up grabbing some lunch by myself and continuing the bored wanders until I arrived to the Usami Corral. Where an unusual pair was seemingly standing dumbfounded.

Mukuro: Heya, Makoto. Leon.

Makoto: Hello, Mukuro!

Leon: Hey there.

Mukuro: Did I just miss something?

Makoto: Yasuhiro was just here. He was trying to say something, but then Kyoko tackled him and dragged him away.

Leon: Yeah, man, he was saying some weird stuff.

Mukuro: Did he accuse you of plotting stuff too?

Leon: What? No, nothing like that! He said I should be careful because someone is going to try to kill me.

Mukuro: Seriously, what is that guy thinking, riling people up like that.

Makoto: Well, he did say he predicted it...

Mukuro: Yeah, but it’s still stupid to start panic over superstition.

Leon: Well, you’re right about one thing, I am kind of worried now...

Mukuro: What did Kyoko do to him?

Makoto: She just kind of... bent his arms behind him and pulled him away. She said to ignore him because he’s been going around trying to stir panic the whole day.

Mukuro: So, the guy’s crazy, that’s not big news.

Leon: I mean, he’s the Ultimate Clairvoyant, isn’t he? He even showed me his balls! Could he really be wrong?

Mukuro: Well, even if we assume he’s correct, then it’s at best a one in ten chance, no?

Makoto: I guess that’s true. But you shouldn’t underestimate Yasuhiro like that. His reputation is pretty high in the psychic community.

Mukuro: Not high enough for me to have heard of him.

Leon: You also never heard of Sayaka Maizono.

Mukuro: What? How do you know about that?

Makoto: I... kind of told him. Sorry.

Leon: I mean, seriously, who hasn’t heard of her?

Mukuro: Ugh...

Leon: She’s the biggest name in the idol scene! The best one!

Mukuro: Well, I don’t remember a lot of things, so get off my case.

Makoto: No offense, Mukuro, but you having not heard about Yasuhiro really isn’t much of indicator if you haven’t even heard of Sayaka.

Mukuro: Fine, whatever, what is the point you’re trying to make? That he’s right and Leon’s gonna end up getting killed?

Leon: Uh, yeah, I’d like to not believe that at all, if that’s the case.

Makoto: Well... I don’t really understand the whole psychic fortune telling thing myself.

Mukuro: Then why are you so insistent on Yasuhiro being right?

Makoto: Because he was picked by Hope’s Peak. Isn’t that enough?

Leon: Uh, I don’t get it.

Mukuro: Me neither.

Makoto: Guys, you both got picked by it too! Mukuro may not even remember, but you do realize what it means, don’t you?

Leon: That we’re the ‘Ultimates’?

Makoto: Yes, exactly. Hope’s Peak only scouts out truly best of the best in every field. The reason people are set for life after Hope’s Peak is mostly because their talent has already set them for life, and Hope’s Peak only helps sharpen and hone it.

Leon: Screw that! My talent blows.

Mukuro: I don’t even remember mine. I guess I’m a pretty lousy Ultimate, huh?

Makoto: Come on. You guys are both best in your fields... Even you, Mukuro, whatever that is.

Leon: Well, what if I want to pursue something else entirely? What, am I stuck being a baseball player forever? Life of practices, swings and home runs?

Makoto: That’s not what I meant... I just... wanted to say that you really are exceptional at it, aren’t you?

Leon: Eh, I guess? I never really put in any effort...

Makoto: Exactly! So why would Yasuhiro’s or anyone else’s talents be less than yours?

Mukuro: And what about people who don’t have a ‘proper’ talent? What about Byakuya or Junko. What are their talents? Being born into right family and being born with mom’s genetics?

Makoto: Well, Byakuya did prove that he has all capabilities to run his family business... And I’m sure Junko’s talent involves more than just looking pretty.

Leon: And what about you then? Is luck really a talent too?

Makoto: I... actually don’t know. I guess, Hope’s Peak wants some normal students too?

Mukuro: You seem rather taken with Hope’s Peak, huh?

Makoto: I’m not taken with it! It’s just that... it’s like a place so special, I never imagined I’d be able to get there. Literally! I could never comprehend being there, never dreamed of getting there. It was just like a beacon of hope on the horizon, beyond reach. And then I get invitation! To be set for life!

Leon: And then all this happens... With the killing game thing...

Mukuro: I guess you’re not as lucky as Hope’s Peak thought, huh?

Makoto: Well... I guess?

Update! Earned Makoto’s 2nd Hope Fragment.

Leon: Alright dudes... Uh, I mean, dude and Mukuro? Whatever, I just need some space...

With that Leon walked off, mumbling something to himself...

Makoto: I think Hiro’s words rattled him more than he lets on.

Mukuro: Damn that idiot... I’ll try to find him. Maybe I can get some proper answers.

Makoto: Good luck and... Please don’t hurt him too much? Seems like he already got enough from Kyoko as is.

Mukuro: I uh... I’ll try?

Makoto: Thanks, Mukuro! I’m glad you’re trying to help.

Mukuro: Huh?

Makoto: I mean, trying to help keep everyone friendly. You seemed very cautious at first. It’s great seeing you open up a little.

Mukuro: Uhm... thanks?

Makoto: Well, I won’t hold you up any longer.

Mukuro: Sure... Thanks, Makoto.

And so I left the ranch as well. I think the sun is getting to me. My face feels way too warm...


Hotel Grounds

Eventually as evening was coming, I tried to confront him. Yasuhiro seemed to be in his cottage, but blinds on all windows were closed. No amount of knocking or ringing the doorbell seemed to be getting him out. The most I got was a frustrated scream of “Nobody believed Cassandra either!”, whatever that might mean.

Celeste: Do you have business with him?

And looks like my attempts at confrontation were spotted.

Mukuro: Hey, Celeste... Just trying to talk to him about his stupid prophecy stuff.

Celeste: I’m afraid you’ll need to ask Kyoko about that. She put him on the house arrest for the day and explicitly forbade any ‘panic-causing’ from him.

Mukuro: You saw that?

Celeste: Yes. I happened to be a witness of her giving him those orders as she dragged him to his own cottage.

Mukuro: Well, maybe that is for the best after all.

Celeste: I do hope that such brutish methods won’t become a commonplace occurrence.

Mukuro: Trust me, he was just running about trying to scare people.

Celeste: Well, that is rather undesirable now. Wariness is in order in our circ*mstance, of course, but it should not be to the point of blind panic.

Mukuro: Exactly.

Celeste: Although, I do believe he will be coming out soon. Do not forget about the time.

I quickly pulled out my handbook and... Fifteen minutes till six. Monokuma’s announcement in the park. It’s happening very soon...

Mukuro: The park gathering...

Celeste: I was on my way there myself when I spotted your attempts to enter. I recommend leaving him be and going to the park before Monokuma gets antsy.

Mukuro: Fine... Yasuhiro, you heard that?! Gathering is happening soon! You’ll have to get out of there!

Well, no response. Good luck to him.

Mukuro: Let’s go, Celeste.

Celeste: Of course. I welcome the company.


Jabberwock Park

Some people were already in the park when we arrived: Kiyotaka, Byakuya, Kyoko... More people arrived over the next fifteen minutes, with Yasuhiro arriving last, exactly a minute before it started. He was surprisingly silent, aside from throwing angry glares at seemingly everyone, but particularly Kyoko.

It wasn’t just him. Nobody seemed up for conversation as the sky was turning dark. Plus, all attention was focused on a new thing for the event – a big stage, featuring a screen like one you’d see movies projected onto, as well as a single chair to the side, not obstructing the screen itself.

Kiyotaka: It’s exactly 6 PM now. It appears Monokuma is late!

Junko: So what? Are we legally allowed to leave after fifteen minutes?

Kiyotaka: Of course not! That rule is a myth, as it only exists in specific establishments that are particularly lax towards both students and teachers!

Chihiro: Yeah... I doubt Monokuma would let us off easy if we just left...

Mondo: What would that sh*tty toy even do to us?

Hifumi: Well, I do not think Monokuma himself is dangerous... But the Monobeasts he commands are definitely Stands of great power!

Monokuma: Oh, come on! Your headmaster is one minute late and you’re already plotting an escape?

Mukuro: You’re the one who told us to gather at six. We did and you weren’t there.

Byakuya: Such incompetence...

Monokuma: Shut your mouths! I was held up by the stupid rabbit. We had to hash out some more... blech! Compromises...

Kyoko: What were you arguing about this time?

Monokuma: It doesn’t matter! I have a show! So all of you shut up and listen, because...

Monokuma: I have a story to tell you.

Suddenly, all lights in the park have gone out, and from... somewhere a projector lit up the screen. Although it was blank white for now.

Monokuma himself hopped into the chair, now sporting a beard and a big pair of glasses for some reason...

Monokuma: Now, children... I gathered you in the evening. Do you know why?

Of course nobody responded. Except Kiyotaka, who raised his arm high up... Monokuma simply ignored it.

Monokuma: Why, it’s to tell you a nice little bedtime story!

The screen behind Monokuma changed, now displaying huge stylized text. ‘Bedtime Stories with Headmaster Monokuma. Episode 5: A Class That Forgot’. Well, that’s ominous.

Monokuma: Once upon a time, there lived a bunch of happy students, all part of same class...

The screen changed, now displaying a bunch of nondescript grey figures meant to represent people.

Monokuma: They weren’t your any students though. They were rather special, Ultimate students, all attending same school: Hope’s Peak Academy!

The image changed, now displaying Hope’s Peak Academy crest. Then it started switching between scenes of the grey nondescript silhouettes doing various school activities, all with cartoony smiles drawn on them.

Monokuma: They made many happy memories in Hope’s Peak Academy! And some not so happy ones too, but that’s not important. The important part is that they all had spent so much time, building memories and relationship, their lives changing for more than two years...

Monokuma: Until...

Suddenly the scene changed. Now the silhouettes were small, all in the shadow of big floating monster. Except the monster was just Usami who had a smile like Monokuma’s dark half.

Monokuma: A certain rabbit decided to take away all their memories, and take them to her own island, where she could force them to make new memories the way she thought was better! All while lying to them about what truly happened...

Scenery changed again. The silhouettes no longer were grey... Instead it was tiny cartoonish versions of us, all on the sandy shore, with Usami happily floating above us.

Monokuma: Thankfully, the students weren’t going to live in complete ignorance for the rest of time, as a kind bear of balance has arrived to the island to save the poor students from the torture of rabbit’s games!

And here comes cartoonish Monokuma, dropkicking Usami out of the air and on the ground, the two now standing opposite sides of us two.

Monokuma: But being a creature of balance, he couldn’t return the memories without it being earned... So he made the students an offer. Some memories will be granted as a reward to whoever ends up killing another student! A life full of memories to regain at least some of your own, a truly fair exchange!

Cartoon Monokuma now had a little halo around his head, while cartoon us were all around him, seemingly cheering and praising.

Monokuma: Of course... The evil rabbit’s deceptions didn’t end there. After all... One of the students actually was working with her! And they remembered everything... Who was it? I can’t tell you, I’m afraid.

The situation on the screen changed again as the cartoonish versions of us all had question marks above our heads, looking at each other.

Monokuma: But maybe if you earn your memories back... You can choose to remember who that was!

Monokuma: After all... That class was you guys.

One final change of the screen, big words saying ‘The End...?’.

After a few seconds of flickering like that, the screen went out, and lights in the park turned back on. Monokuma’s fake beard and glasses were gone too, and he wasn’t alone anymore...

Usami: Monokuma! What did you just do?

Monokuma: Oh, come on! I promised not to rat out your little pet and I didn’t, what’s the big deal?

Usami: You weren’t supposed to mention them being around at all! That wasn’t the deal!

Monokuma: Oh yeah? Then remind me please what it was, I’m afraid my hearing isn’t what it used to be.

Usami: Don’t pretend to be old! Deal was, if I get a student working with me, you can get one working with you! And neither can reveal identity of either mole!

Monokuma: Oh, gee! I’m sorry, Usami, I really am...

Usami: Don’t lie, you meanie!

Byakuya: Stop this nonsense. Are you implying that not one but two people here are already working against us?

Usami: Uwah! Th-that’s... No! Monokuma, you tricked me! Tricked me into revealing it!

Kyoko: One traitor working for Usami from the start... And one recruited by Monokuma...

Leon: Wait, forget about the traitors, what about our memories?!

Sayaka: That part... can’t be true, right? There’s no way we could just forget years worth of memories?

Monokuma: Of course it’s possible! Just ask Usami!

Kiyotaka: Miss Usami! Please, disprove these wild accusations!

Usami: I... Uhm... I’m afraid...

Celeste: She cannot lie at all, even if she wants to. It is rather obvious.

Aoi: No way!

Sakura: But... That would mean... Our memories are truly gone? We really did forget years of our lives?

Junko: Duh... And apparently we all went to Hope’s Peak too.

Hifumi: Years worth of work, all forgotten! What if I plagiarize myself doing ‘new’ art now?!

Toko: Th-that’s not the problem! The problem is th-that someone will kill to get them back!

Yasuhiro: I even know who it is! I predicted it!

Kyoko: Shut up. I warned you once and I won’t do it again.

Yasuhiro: You’ll see! All of you will see!

Chihiro: Please... We shouldn’t fight...

Makoto: Chihiro’s right, guys. Even if we lost our memories... Didn’t you see the slides? We were all friends before we lost them, definitely. Why is losing our memories enough to break us apart?

Byakuya: How naïve...

Mondo: You’ve got something to say, you smug sh*tface?

Byakuya: It doesn’t matter what happened in memories we don’t remember. Because we have no way of knowing what it was. This information is worthless.

Toko: I’m n-not trusting any of you either... For all I know, e-entire class just hated me...

Sakura: So much time has passed... Can we really be certain it’s true after all?

Kiyotaka: Miss Usami! Even if memory part is true, can you at least dispel the falsehoods of a traitor among us?

Monokuma: Oh, you mean traitors? Sure, Usami, just tell us there aren’t two students who agreed to work with us.

Usami: I! You! Mean Monokuma! Don’t listen to him, everyone! You should just work on gathering the Hope Fragments! And once you do, you can all get out to safety!

Celeste: And here is our answer. The betrayers really do exist.

Mondo: Who?! Who the f*ck is working with those sh*tty things?! I’ll beat the f*ck out of both of them!

Junko: Have you considered that traitors might be girls?

Mondo: I’ll figure it f*cking out!

Makoto: Please, stop! I’m sure if we just talk about it—

Mondo: Oh, you wanna talk, huh? How about you—

Mukuro: Stop. Now.

I got between Makoto and Mondo as Mondo started to raise his hand for a punch.

Makoto: Mukuro, please be careful...

Mondo: Seriously? You’re defending that goodie-two-shoes twerp?

Aoi: Hey, he’s just trying to help!

Byakuya: And the meatheads are ready to go here and now. How predictable.

Sakura: There is no need to insult people like that, Byakuya. All of us have a lot to process.

Byakuya: Maybe you do. I got the information needed and its obvious what situation we’re in.

Celeste: I’d have to agree. The facts were simply laid out in front of us. From this point it is simply matter of accepting them or denying them.

Sayaka: But... So much time has passed...

Leon: Seriously? Traitors? Memory loss?

Kiyotaka: Could Miss Usami really have done something like that?

Hifumi: Eeek! Multiple sides both recruiting traitors? What is this counter-espionage?

Kyoko: Everyone, quiet down.

Surprisingly, it did get everyone to go silent... I guess the stern tone with which Kyoko usually talked helped.

Kyoko: This changes nothing.

Mukuro: What? But the memories and—

Kyoko: I heard precisely what Monokuma and Usami said. And yet, it changes nothing. Monokuma attempted to give us a motive to kill and failed.

Yasuhiro: Seriously? Failed? How can you know?

Kyoko: He promises to give some memories back to whoever commits a murder. However, if anyone does that, they either get off the island and learn everything that happened in meantime anyway... Or they die and get executed. Either way, that motive is entirely worthless.

Leon: But what about the traitors?

Kyoko: They aren’t in position of any advantage either. The way situation is set up, they’re at best puppets for the people behind Monokuma and Usami. Plus, it’s not your place to worry about who the traitors are, but mine. Let me work on it.

Byakuya: Do you really expect this to be enough to quell all hostility?

Kyoko: No. But everyone needs to realize that both motives are moot because of the rules Monokuma set up for the killing game. Neither is worth anything, and they’re both just attempts at getting us to panic and make a rash choice. My words from before still stand. What we should do to survive is simply be cautious and not do anything stupid.

Aoi: Kyoko’s right, everyone! We shouldn’t fight!

Makoto: And we have a party tomorrow, too!

Sayaka: Well, it would take our mind off of this...

Sakura: I agree. That distraction will be more welcome now than before.

Kyoko: But for now, I do believe all of us should get rest.

Hifumi: Miss Kirigiri is right... this was an emotional overload for me...

Toko: You’ve probably just t-tired yourself out just getting over the bridge between the islands...

Hifumi: I’ll have you know I’m very much mobile!

Kyoko: Stop. No more arguing. No more fighting. Everyone goes to their cabins, or grabs lunch first if you didn’t have it yet. This day needs to end and we all need to calm down on our own.

Mondo: sh*t...

Sakura: Wise choice.

Sayaka: This is a lot to take in...

Kiyotaka: Everyone! Class President gave us a clear order! Proceed to the park exit in an orderly manner!

Celeste: Well, I suppose this is the evening. Good night, everyone.

And so, everyone started leaving the park, slowly and uncertainly, most throwing suspicious glance at one-another. I caught a glimpse of Junko looking at me with a serious expression. If this has got even to her...

Makoto: Thanks, Mukuro...

Mukuro: Huh?

Makoto: For standing up for me. I feel like if not for you, I would have been sent flying across the park.

Mukuro: Oh, it’s no problem. Mondo’s a bit of a loose cannon sometimes.

Makoto: I’m sure he’s a great guy... just a bit too intense.

Mukuro: Anyway, we should get going. Good night, Makoto.

Makoto: Yeah... Good night, Mukuro.


Mukuro’s Cottage

I didn’t have a lunch, but I wasn’t particularly hungry either, so I just went back. I spent a long time thinking about... things. Over two years of memories lost... How much? What exactly? Good memories? Bad memories? Friendships? Rivalries? Maybe I reconciled with Junko properly? What happened at Hope’s Peak? Maybe that was why I didn’t have my memories of years prior as well? I’d need to ask her about it tomorrow.

The traitors as well... One working for Usami, one for Monokuma... Who could it be? Byakuya could be working for Monokuma... That would be fitting with how antagonistic he was being. Usami... Someone upbeat and cheerful like her? Aoi? No, she wouldn’t be able to hold a secret if her life depended on it...

I shouldn’t be thinking so hard about it. Kyoko was right. In the end, neither thing changed anything about our situation. We didn’t have any more reason to commit a murder after the show than we did beforehand. And yet...

I felt like something was set in motion after the reveals.

Ding Dong Bing Bong!

Monokuma: Attention! This is a school trip announcement. Good evening, everyone! It is now 10 PM! Nighttime has officially come, so go and get some sleep to be energetic for tomorrow’s murderous plans! Sleep well!


Mukuro: That f*cker... Sigh...

I really should rest. Maybe leaving all the thinking to people like Kyoko and Junko really would be for the best...


Monokuma Theater

Ah, the good old memories... But how important are they really? Think of any personality trait you have. Absolutely any whatsoever that isn’t like a hobby or whatever. Maybe you’re excitable! Or have childish innocence! Or is it short temper?

Well, now think about how you came to be like that. What memory is the sign of that personality trait setting in? Hmm? Having hard time recalling a specific one? Oh, what if you just forgot? I mean, it’s entirely possible, don’t you think?

So, you have a personality trait that you have no idea how you’ve even gotten. Can you really say then that amnesia removes something actually vital? After all, you are never forgetting what kind of person you are, it’s entirely different thing altogether. All you’re forgetting is minute and unnecessary things, like friends, family and other stuff nobody cares about.

The only value memories have is value you yourself can attach to them. You can say a memory of spending a great night out in the restaurant on your tenth birthday with your mom is precious! But it is only precious because you chose it to be, not because it actually is.

So, how much are the memories you’ve long lost worth? Can you measure it? And how much would you be willing to give up just to get a chance to see if they are actually worth what you think they might be worth?


Third part of Chapter 1 and a motive is introduced... Missing memories, huh? How original~

As usual, I do hope you guys enjoyed it and I'll see you again, next time, whenever that happens. I love you all!

Chapter 6: Chapter 1 – Panic at Despair Beach – Daily Life 4


The party is today! Mukuro is feeling anxious and struggles to distract herself. But surely it will go well?


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text


Yeah, going to bed without a dinner was a mistake... I was now running along with Aoi early in the morning and I felt really hungry... Sakura went ahead of us, and I didn’t want to overexert myself right now.

Aoi: Huh? Mukuro, are you hungry?

Mukuro: Yeah... Don’t worry about it, I can make do till breakfast. I skipped dinner yesterday.

Aoi: Wait, seriously? Mukuro, you can’t do that!

Mukuro: I just wasn’t feeling hungry, is all.

Aoi: You still need to eat! At least something to tide you over until breakfast!

Mukuro: Well, we’re out running on the pathways of the island right now, there’s nothing there and I can just wait until breakfast.

Aoi: Wait, I’ve got you.

Aoi stopped and pulled out her handbook. I stopped as well, approaching her... She tapped the screen a few times and...

A pink flash. A bit too close for my tastes, at least not loud.

Usami: Hello, Hina! Do you want the usual?

Aoi: Yep!

Usami: There you go!

Usami handed Aoi a box. With big donut drawn on it.

Usami: Monokuma is really mean, but at least this perk he came up with wasn’t as mean... Anyway, I will go now! Have a nice meal!

And she suddenly was gone again. Stupid plushies with stupid disappearance flashbangs...

And here was Aoi, handing the box to me. I took it and opened it. As expected, a set of 6 soft-looking donuts...

Aoi: That’s my perk! It’s called Pit Stop and I can call a food delivery whenever I want and wherever I want.

Mukuro: Wow... I wonder how that is supposed to help with killing, if that is what Monokuma wants...

Aoi: I have no idea, but it’s been great! I can ask for pretty much anything too, though I usually ask for donuts. They’re delicious!

Well, they looked okay and Aoi was vouching for it, so... I simply took one and had a bite and—

Two donuts were gone within less than a minute, and I was already finishing the third. Man, I didn’t realize how much I needed some sweets...

Aoi: I know, right?

Mukuro: Mff... Thank you... I just hope I still have room for breakfast.

Sakura: Are you two having a break?

Looks like while I was having a snack, Sakura managed to get a whole lap ahead of us.

Mukuro: Sorry... I was feeling hungry because I went to bed without dinner.

Aoi: Can you believe it, Sakura?

Sakura: I understand. I had to force my own dinner down yesterday as well.

Aoi: Huh?

Mukuro: Monokuma’s words got to you?

Sakura: I wouldn’t say that. However, I did think about a lot. It was... complicated. But my resolve did not waver.

Aoi: Well, that’s great!

Mukuro: But, Aoi... Are you sure that just revealing your perk like that is a good idea?

Aoi: Well, it’s not like I can use it for anything nefarious... Plus, if it helps people trust me and one-another more, I’m down to tell anyone! And I trust both you and Sakura too.

Sakura: I appreciate it, Hina.

Mukuro: Yeah, thanks.

We ended up each eating one of three remaining donuts. Not the best breakfast, but let’s just say it’s a really late lunch instead.

Ding Dong Bing Bong!

Usami: Hello, everyone! This is a school trip announcement! It is now 8 AM! Another wonderful morning in tropical paradise! Time to wake up and be ready to cultivate wonderful hope!


Mukuro: Well, I guess we should go get proper breakfast.

Aoi: Right! Let’s go!


Hotel Cafeteria

Breakfast went about as normal as normal gets on this island. One-near fight, half an argument, thankfully I wasn’t involved in either so I could have some eggs in peace. Despite the donuts earlier, I was still pretty hungry...

Eventually after everyone ate, Kiyotaka stepped in front of the food counter and cleared his throat.

Kiyotaka: Attention, everyone! Schedule of tonight’s recreational activities has officially been settled on. It will start at 9 PM, one hour before the official nighttime announcement! There is no clear time set for its end, aside from people wishing to depart to sleep!

Kyoko: Thank you, Taka. I assume that preparations have been completed?

Kiyotaka: Not yet! However, I am certain that I can finish them on my own today!

Yasuhiro: Wait, the party thing? Seriously, you’re still having it? No way! I’m not coming and neither should anyone else!

Kyoko: Yasuhiro.

Yasuhiro: Fine! Don’t believe me! See if I care! Won’t cry at all your funerals!

And with that he stormed off... What is wrong with him?

Byakuya: Well, that was something. Regardless, don’t get too loud with your stupid party. Some of us will be trying to sleep.

And so he left.

Chihiro: They will be all on their own... And...

Celeste: You planned to skip the party yourself, did you not, Chihiro?

Chihiro: I was, but... I’m still worried about people being left out.

Makoto: You can still come, Chihiro. Invitation is open to everyone.

Chihiro: ...I’m sorry...

Toko: Well, I’ll just have to find some other place t-to read tonight...

Celeste: I am sure the event shall be entertaining, but my mind remains made up. Have fun, everyone!

With that, Celeste and Toko left as well.

Sayaka: Well, I’m certain we can still have fun, right?

Leon: Yeah! If those guys don’t want to be in on it, it’s their loss. We can party without them!

Mondo: Hell yeah! Maybe without that four-eyed asshole we can have a good time for once.

Aoi: Alright! So, where are we meeting then?

Kyoko: The party will be in front of the Hotel, in the area around the pool.

Sakura: That works well.

Kiyotaka: In that case, it’s settled! Let’s meet tonight and all have the most fun of time!

Hifumi: My swimsuit is all ready and waiting already!

Junko: Yay.


Hotel Grounds

The rest of the day ended up being surprisingly boring. I tried to help Taka haul those big ‘safe’ lights from Supermarket, but he completely refused to accept help from a girl. Kyoko was nowhere to be found, Makoto was hanging out with Sayaka and Leon already, Sakura was meditating in her cottage and Aoi decided to enjoy the ocean... Everyone found ways to busy themselves in anticipation of the party. I tried to do the same, but only ended up pacing around the island uncertainly. I didn’t have a good feeling about what might happen... Especially after Monokuma’s ‘bedtime story’ yesterday. I tried confronting Usami about my memories even, but she simply told me to collect more Hope Fragments and ran off. I wasn’t getting any answers out of her.

Eventually, sun started setting and time on my handbook signified that I should go back, so I returned to the hotel grounds.

The place changed a lot. On the sides of the pool there were two tables, one housing a huge variety of snacks and appetizers, while the other had a big variety of drinks, including a huge fountain of what seemed to be a strawberry punch... Looks like someone went all out on the food.

The lights Taka was carrying earlier were also there, bright but not overwhelmingly so. And supposedly running on internal energy too. Lined in rows on pool’s sides. As I passed by the cottages and to the pool area, I saw Hifumi, standing right at the entrance to party area make a note of some sort in a notebook.

Hifumi: And Miss Ikusaba as well! That makes... Twelve attendees in total!

Mukuro: What are you doing?

Hifumi: Oh, Miss Kirigiri asked me to keep a guestbook, just in case. Well, I’m always happy to help!

Toko: Hmph.

Toko made an annoyed noise as she passed us and went directly for exit out of the hotel grounds entirely, book in her hands.

Hifumi: And with Miss f*ckawa gone... Down to eleven. Well, I suppose that does account for everyone who promised they’d be here!

Mukuro: I see. Thanks, I guess?

Hifumi: Any time, Miss Ikusaba.

He was right. Indeed, everyone was here. Makoto, Sayaka and Leon were chatting by the punch fountain. Mondo seemed to be idly chewing on some appetizers. Kyoko and Taka were having idle conversation aside. Sakura and Aoi were together as well. And Junko...

I walked over to Junko by the and grabbed her hand right as she was about to tip a tiny bottle into the punch fountain.

Mukuro: Junko, no.

Junko: Oh, come on! A little bit of alcohol never hurt anyone!

Mukuro: What if someone gets hurt?

Junko: What kind of party is it if someone doesn’t? But fine, whatever, have it be boring. I’ll get my chance to get these nerds actually loose another time.

Mukuro: I don’t think I want them loose...

Junko: Oh, I’m sure you don’t. But imagine that guy...

She points right at Makoto, innocently laughing at some joke Leon just said. If Sayaka’s expression was any indication, it wasn’t that funny.

Junko: ...all red in the face and hot and stumbling right into your strong grasp and—

Mukuro: Junko, shut up!

Junko: Come on, sis, relax a little. That’s what the party is for.

Junko: Unless you don’t want to enjoy it and wish to disappoint your girlfriend...!

Junko looks over at Aoi.

Mukuro: She’s not my girlfriend! Stop it! You’re the one who just put me on edge.

Junko: Eh, fair. But so is what I said.

With that, Junko took a single glass of soda, put a few drops out of her little bottle into it, and downed it.

Mukuro: That’s illegal.

Junko: So is public indecency and yet you showed up without a paper bag on your face. So I’m sure that’s alright. Now, who wants to make this ‘party’ into a PARTY?!

Junk pulled out a huge music player from under the table and hit ‘play’, as loud dance music started blasting. Surprisingly, that seemed to put everyone into the right mood, as they stopped having their little individual conversations and started all dancing together. Kyoko was the only one standing out, so I decided to approach her.

Mukuro: You’re not joining in?

Kyoko: I could ask you the same.

Mukuro: I don’t know how to dance.

Kyoko: Neither does Taka, and yet...

Yeah. Taka’s movements looked more like a gym class exercise than a dance. Well, at least he was trying...

Then I noticed someone familiar pass by. Byakuya went right by the snack tables and into the Hotel itself... I quickly ran over to him.

Mukuro: Hey! Where are you going?

Byakuya: Isn’t it obvious? To have dinner. Out of my way.

And he simply walked around me. I guess that makes sense... Going through the party was the only way of reaching hotel, and that was where Usami put out the food for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I wonder if she made those appetizers on request too.

Well, despite him going by, party went on. People were dancing, drinking and snacking... I guess this wasn’t that—

Crash! Crack clack!

I turned around again to see quite a scene. Looks like Hifumi tried to pull off a dance move and knocked over tiny table where all the glasses were. Thankfully table with drinks themselves was spared.

Hifumi: Eek! I am so sorry, Miss Maizono! I simply wanted to avoid bumping you with my pirouette...

Sayaka: No, it’s okay, Hifumi. Although we don’t have empty glasses anymore...

Kiyotaka: I got those from the supermarket! If any more are required, I can make a shopping trip.

Sakura: I will go.

Aoi: Huh? Sakura? Why?

Sakura: Taka has been working all day to set this all up. It feels unfair to have him be the one doing all the work.

Leon: Yeah, man, you should relax with us.

Kiyotaka: W-Well... If Sakura is volunteering, then I can only embrace this gesture!

Sakura: Very well. I will bring more glasses soon.

And with that Sakura left... but party went on of course. I heard Mondo mumbling about “making girls do work for him”, but decided to ignore it. The music kept blasting. Junko seems to have spiked some more of her own glasses before they got broken, as she now was going full wild dance... Not undressing thankfully.

I decided to join in... But moving like that with people who could see was pretty weird, so after a few minutes of dancing I went back to sidelines with Kyoko.

Aoi: Hey! We should use the pool! This is a pool party, right?

Sayaka: I think I’ll save it for later. It sounds fun, but I prefer swimming as more relaxing.

Junko: Woo! You can’t pull moves like mine when you’re in the water! Yes! Party!

Aoi: Oh, come on you guys! I’ll be right back, I just need to change!

In five minutes, Aoi was back with us, wearing a swimsuit, jumping into the pool with... I think it was two and a half midair flips? And that girl really could swim. Her laughter confirming how much she was enjoying it too. But it didn’t last too long before she decided to raid the snack table again...

At some point Byakuya made his way back to the cottages. He didn’t say a word to anyone, and nobody acknowledged him either. Well, when it’s like that, he’s almost bearable.

And then, in wildness of dance, something happened... I heard a sudden yelp.

Sayaka: Makoto, watch out!

The huge punch fountain was falling right onto Makoto. I tried to rush over to catch it, but I was on the other side of the pool... So I was too late and by the time I ran over, it already fell onto Makoto, pushing him right into the pool.

Sakura: Makoto!

I saw Sakura, who just came back from Supermarket, rush over and jump right in, clothed as well... Before getting out, holding Makoto by hood of his hoodie.

We all crowded around the two.

Mukuro: Makoto, are you alright?

Leon: Damn! That was scary for a moment.

Makoto: Ugh... I’m fine. I can swim, you know! Not very well, but I can.

Kyoko: Still, getting knocked into the water like that can be dangerous.

Mondo: How the hell did you even tip that thing over?

Makoto: I didn’t do anything! I was just standing by it and then I saw it falling and... then I was wet.

Sakura: Looks like I returned just in time.

Aoi: Oh no! We can’t use the pool anymore! It’s all sweetened punch water now...

Hifumi: What? But Miss Maizono’s swimming!

Sayaka: I think I’ll be fine. The party is fun either way!

Junko: Hell yeah! Who needs water when you got these drinks!

Leon: You sure get energized a lot by sugar, huh?

Junko: Yeah! ‘Sugar’!

Kiyotaka: Sakura! Makoto! Both of you should change! Wearing wet clothes at night is dangerous if it’s not a swimsuit!

Sakura: Of course. Let’s go, Makoto.

Makoto: Yeah... I feel heavy with all this water...

And so, the two of them left. Surprisingly, Sakura came back pretty quick. And not long after...

Ding Dong Bing Bong

Usami: Good evening, everyone! This is a school trip announcement! It is now 10 PM! Another wonderful day has come to an end! Get some good rest in preparation for cultivating tomorrow’s hope! Sleep tight, everyone!


Junko: f*ck you, bunny rabbit! This party will last till dawn! Mondo, c’mere, I need a dude who has strong legs for this next dance!

Mondo: H-Hey, what are you—Get off!

I couldn’t help but chuckle at Junko’s antics, as well as Mondo’s complete confusion at what to do.

But Makoto wasn’t coming back... Minutes were ticking and I started worrying, so...

Mukuro: Hey, Taka... Do you think Makoto is alright?

Kiyotaka: He is sure taking his time getting changed. I will go and remind him of dangers of tardiness!

Without answering, Taka marched off towards the cottages. I simply sighed...

Party was in full swing. Hifumi was spinning, this time a safe distance from any tables, Mondo was desperately trying to stop Junko from climbing onto him, Leon was doing some suave dances at Sayaka who simply seemed to be enjoying herself, Sakura and Kyoko were quietly drinking some juice, Aoi looked with sadness into the berry-tainted pool... Maybe—

Kiyotaka: Graaaaaaah!

I heard the scream over Junko’s music. And everyone’s reaction seemed to show they did too. Something was wrong. Taka was checking on Makoto. My legs moved before I could think. I could hear Kyoko’s shoes right behind me as I rushed towards the cottages. As expected, Taka was standing at the boys’ side, looking into one of cottages’ windows.

I rushed over and looked in as well.

Inside was Makoto Naegi, staring back at us with wide eyes and shock. In his hands... was... a large curved blade, end of it dripping with blood. And beside him, sitting down and leaning against the wall, was the unmoving body of Yasuhiro Hagakure, the Ultimate Clairvoyant, with a huge stab wound in his chest.

Ding Dong Bing Bong

Usami: Oh no... This is so horrible... why...

Monokuma: That’s not the script! You should read the script!

Usami: Sniff... A... sniff... A body has been... discovered... Everyone, please... sniff... Gather at Yashiro Hagakure’s Cottage... After... sniff... Uwaaaaah!

Monokuma: Oh, you crybaby. After a certain amount of time has passed, a Class Trial will begin! There. Was that so hard?

Usami: Waaahh... Uwehhh...

Chapter 1 – Panic at Despair Beach – Deadly Life


And so, the Jabberwock Island claims its first victim. Let me know what you think in the comments!

I love you guys as usual, and hope you enjoyed this chapter. By this point you know what happens next, I suppose, so the only thing left to say is... See you next time~

Chapter 7: Chapter 1 – Panic at Despair Beach – Deadly Life


A dead classmate. An uncertain investigation. And a rabbit that's surprisingly useless due to all the grief-stricken crying.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 1 – Panic at Despair Beach – Deadly Life

Yasuhiro was dead. And Makoto was standing over him with a bloodied sword. I heard more footsteps as people were rushing over, and someone ran into the cottage, which turned out to have been open, before anyone else managed to say anything.

Mondo: You motherf*cker!

Makoto: W-Wait, this isn’t what it—


A punch to the side of the face sends Makoto flying across the room, sword dropping down on the ground.

Kyoko: Mondo, stop.

Mondo: Seriously? You’re f*cking defending him? He just killed a dude!

Kyoko: We do not know that yet. Makoto is the main suspect for now, but you shouldn’t rush to conclusions. We have to question him and you just made it way harder.

Makoto was just lying unconscious on the floor now...

Junko: sh*t, is that dude really dead? Man, I thought he was too dumb to live, but not literally.

Hifumi: Mister Hagakure! Is he really...

Aoi: Hiro!

She rushed over into the cottage after Kyoko and Mondo, immediately grabbing Yasuhiro’s hand and recoiling as she felt it.

Aoi: No... It can’t be... Why... Would anyone...

Kyoko: Stop. Both of you, get out of the cottage. The scene was disturbed enough already, and we don’t need any further disruptions.

Mondo: What about this sh*thead?

Mondo motioned towards unconscious Makoto.

Kyoko: Sakura, could you lock Makoto in his cottage for the time being?

Sakura: Of course. I am sorry for this, Makoto...

She said that, picking the boy up with just one hand by the hoodie again, walking away towards the neighboring cottage.

In meantime, people who weren’t at the party started gathering as well.

Byakuya: Well now. This is getting interesting.

Celeste: So, it appears that death truly was inevitable.

Chihiro: No... No-no... Yasuhiro... why would...

Toko: It’s... it’s... b-blood...

Toko’s voice was particularly shaky. I looked over and saw her eyes roll up as she fell right into Leon’s hands, who managed to catch her.

Leon: sh*t! Is she that sensitive?

Sayaka: There’s a dead body! You can’t just say she’s too sensitive!

Leon: Look, do you think I’m not freaking out right now? But you don’t see me passing out!

Kyoko: Sayaka, Leon. Take Toko to her cottage. Do not lock her though, just lay her in bed and give her time to recover.

Leon: Uh, sure...

Mukuro: Kyoko, are you going to be investigating this?

Kyoko: Obviously. I am getting to the bottom of this and exposing whoever did this.

Mondo: It’s obviously that plain-looking f*cker!

Kiyotaka: I do have to say, Makoto appeared to be in extreme shock when I spotted him through the window! Perhaps he himself discovered the body?

Hifumi: And picked up the obvious murder weapon just to test its weight? Nobody would be that foolish!

Aoi: Who! Who did this?! Why?!

Suddenly a familiar pink swirl appeared in the room and Usami’s appearance followed. How a plushie can look like it has eyes red from crying is beyond me, but that’s exactly how she looked.

Usami: Uwuuuh....

Hifumi: Eeek!

Sakura: Calm yourself. It’s just the rabbit.

Sayaka: Wait, Usami’s here now?

Leon: Hey, we just got Toko into bed. Did something happen?

Usami: I’m so sorry, everyone... I’m a failure as a lead teacher... I’m—

Byakuya: Can you get to the relevant part already?

Aoi: Byakuya! Stop being so mean!

Byakuya: Did you not hear the announcement? We’re supposed to be on a time limit here. If she is just going to waste our time, then listening to her is a detriment.

Celeste: Indeed. Unless you have some relevant info to provide, your presence is unnecessary.

Usami: I’m sorry... But I have to give you the... The Monokuma Files...

Kyoko: Monokuma files?

Usami: They... have a summary of the murder... and body state... That’s all. I’m sorry for being such a bad teacher, but... here!

Usami passed out tablets to all of us...

Usami: I’ll... just go and leave Makoto’s and Toko’s near them... for when they wake up... uweehhh....

And she puffed away.

Junko: Good riddance. So, Monokuma Files, huh...

Kyoko: I suppose it makes sense. Relying purely on me for investigation wouldn’t be right.

Celeste: Not to mention that if you’re the killer, you could simply obfuscate the case if left to investigate all on your own.

Aoi: No way! Kyoko would never!

Kyoko: However, that is true. I will do my best to investigate, but I should not be the only one investigating. Everyone else is welcome to join.

Hifumi: Really? We have to go through full evidence-gathering segment on our own?

Kyoko: Remember, there has to be a killer here, among us. We don’t know who it is yet, but... We have to find them if we’re to survive.

Mondo: Well, Makoto’s locked in his f*cking room if you’re looking for one.

Sayaka: Makoto just doesn’t seem like the type to do something like that!

Junko: Or maybe he has a dark psychotic side that he hid from us all this time?

Mukuro: Junko!

Junko: Kidding, kidding. Man, tough crowd.

Kiyotaka: Junko Enoshima! Please treat investigation seriously!

Junko: Bah, sure, whatever... Man, the hangover will be an absolute killer...

Sakura: I suppose we should proceed with investigation then.

Kyoko: Indeed. But I’d still need some help. Sakura, please watch Makoto’s cottage and alert us when he wakes up.

Leon: If he wakes up... That punch looked like it could put you in a coma.

Mondo: Heh, I always had a good swing.

Kyoko: Mondo, Leon. You two stay in the cottage. Try not to disturb the scene too much, but also make sure nobody else tries to get rid of anything. No taking items out of there or planting anything.

Byakuya: Taking all the precautions already. But are you sure it’s going to work?

Kyoko: No. But it’s more likely to that way.

Byakuya: Ah, so idealistic...

Mukuro: Do you wanna go?

Kyoko: Stop. I won’t allow fighting. Especially not now. What we need to do now is start investigating. I am expecting everyone to at least attempt to contribute.

Kyoko: It seems we are not getting any further assistance from Usami either, so we’re on our own solving this.

Chihiro: She probably doesn’t want to participate in all this either... But rules force her to...

Celeste: Perhaps it would be for the best if Monokuma was around. At least he seems capable of explaining the situation properly.

Kyoko: We’ll just have to work with the hand we were dealt. Let’s get to it. We don’t know how much time we’re given on this.

Aoi: Wait! Couldn’t Monokuma have killed Yasuhiro? He wanted the killings, right?

Celeste: Considering his approach, I doubt that is the case.

Kyoko: And even if it is, investigation will reveal so.

Chihiro: We have to do this... For all of ours sake... Right?

Mondo: Don’t worry, Chihiro. We’ve got the bastard who did it and nobody else will get hurt.

Sayaka: Could it really have been Makoto...?

Hifumi: Mr. Naegi definitely did not have killer’s nature...

Leon: So, we gotta investigate right? I guess not just here too?

Byakuya: Of course. If the killer was involved with your stupid party, there has to be evidence left.

Junko: Dude, our party was rad. Until now of course.

Kiyotaka: Everyone! We have to give it our best to uncover the truth behind this heinous crime!

Sakura: Then let us proceed.

Investigation Start

Kyoko: We should examine the Monokuma Files first. That is obvious first step.

I looked down at the tablet Usami handed out to me. It pictured Yasuhiro’s portrait and outline of his body, with big red circle in the abdomen, where he was stabbed... I scrolled down.

“The victim was Yasuhiro Hagakure, the Ultimate Clairvoyant.

The victim’s body was discovered in Yasuhiro Hagakure’s cottage at 10:08 PM.

The fatal wound was dealt between 9:25 PM and 9:45 PM with a long sharp object.

No other wounds were detected on the body, and no traces of poison were found in victim’s bloodstream.”

So, this is the kind of summary we get, huh?

Truth Bullet Added: Monokuma File 1

Leon: Seriously? How are we meant to figure anything out just from that?

Kyoko: We aren’t. I assume that even this was only given to us in order to prevent complete reliance on me for body examination. Still...

Junko: Hey, so, the cottage is gonna get damn crowded if we all get in there. Should we like, split up or something?

Kiyotaka: Great suggestion! Class President and assigned guards should stay as well as few students entering at a time! This will avoid unnecessary confusion.

Aoi: I’m sorry, I just want to go check up on Toko. To make sure she’s not hurt.

Sakura: That is kind of you. I will attend to my post near Makoto’s cottage in the meantime.

Hifumi: Well, I suppose someone has to investigate the party area...

Celeste: I am curious of what alibis everyone can provide.

Sayaka: Then... then let’s all do whatever we can.

Mukuro: Yeah... let’s.

And with that, many people started moving out and away from the cottage. Unsurprisingly, few wanted to stay near the body. Kyoko, Leon and Mondo obviously remained, and beside them... Byakuya and Junko. And myself, I guess... Still quite a crowd, but not the entire class at least.

We entered the cottage... I took note again that the door was simply open. But key wasn’t in the hole. As everyone else proceeded closer to the body I lingered on it. Yasuhiro was extremely paranoid for the last two days... Would he really just let someone into his cottage?

Truth Bullet Added: Yasuhiro’s Door

Junko: Hey, this is where the sword came from, right?

I looked over at where Junko was standing... Right by the body. Kyoko and Byakuya were examining the body itself, but she seems to be looking at something at the wall above the body. I approached to take a better look.

Leon: Hey, yeah, it might be.

There, on the wall, there was affixed... a rack? Specifically for holding some sort of a blade or sword. Right under it was a little plaque... ‘Lemurian Mageslayer, circa V century BCE’.

I looked around the room... And realized it wasn’t the only oddity like that. There were a few more, all looked like museum pieces dedicated to faux civilizations and conspiracies... Looks like Yasuhiro’s room was tailored to his own interests, including the sword.

Truth Bullet Added: Sword Rack

Mukuro: Hey, Junko, look.

I pointed to the section of wall right beside the rack, and right above the body... It looked a bit cracked and scuffed.

Junko: Huh? What?

Mukuro: Junko, please pay attention.

Junko: I am paying attention, you numbskull... Yeah, some uhh... Cracks? Evidence. Yeah, totally.

Mukuro: Junko, are you actually drunk?

Junko: I’m not drunk drunk, I’m... slightly tipsy. In a ladylike way.

Mukuro: I don’t think anything you do is ladylike...

Junko: Ugh... Wait, I need a moment outside... Fresh air...

Junko rushed out of the cottage. Damn it, why did she have to pull a stunt like this right before a murder? Then again, not that she could have known...

Truth Bullet Added: Signs of Struggle

I guess there was no choice but to join Kyoko and Byakuya with examining the body itself.

Yasuhiro looked pale and... even in death, he had a panicked look on his face. His clothes were stained with blood around his chest, where the sword presumably was. And looking to the sides, his hands were by the sides of his body, palm-up. And there is a curious detail...

His middle and right finger on the right hand were also covered in blood, while everything else on both hands was relatively clean... Weird.

Truth Bullet Added: State of Yasuhiro’s Body

Kyoko: You noticed it, right?

Mukuro: The blood on the fingers? Yeah, it’s weird.

Kyoko: I believe this was written with it...

Kyoko moved aside, to reveal that on wooden floor there were words and numbers... “I was right. 11037.”... Huh? Is that meant to be a dying message?

Kyoko: It was covered by his hand when we discovered the body. It only became visible when I moved it.

Byakuya: Assuming it is a dying message, he was trying to hide it from the killer in case they came back.

Kyoko: That much is obvious.

Mukuro: But... The numbers. What do they mean?

Leon: Hey, maybe they aren’t numbers but english letters? Like, if 0 is an O and 3 is an E backwards...

Mukuro: If they are, then it’s the curviest E I’ve ever seen.

Leon: Hey, I’m just trying to throw a suggestion here!

Kyoko: Mukuro is right. They are definitely numbers. But what do they point towards?

Byakuya: Probably some cryptic conspiracy nonsense. That idiot was clearly obsessed with it.

Leon: Hey, pal, don’t go speaking like that of the dead.

Byakuya: Well, he did end up as first victim. It isn’t that big a compliment to his intelligence.

Mondo: Are you sure I can’t just throw this guy outta the window?

Byakuya: Don’t bother. I’ve seen all I need. As if it wasn’t obvious already.

With that Byakuya left the cottage on his own... Good for him, I was ready to help Mondo with giving him an alternate way out.

Truth Bullet Added: Yasuhiro’s Dying Message

Done with the body I moved onto examining the weapon on the floor, without touching it. The blade really was shaped... peculiarly. The whole thing was wavy all throughout, which seemed really impractical. Looks more like a décor piece than a good weapon, but I could tell edges were definitely sharp. The handle looks to be silver-coated as well, with good quality. And of course, there’s blood all over the top half of the blade. Yeah, this sword was definitely the murder weapon.

Truth Bullet Added: Relic Sword

I took another look around the cottage and noticed Mondo standing by the bedside, looking at the window with frustrated expression.

Mukuro: Hey, Mondo, what’s up?

Mondo: Ah, nothing. Just those damn blinds on the back... Maybe if they were open, we’d be able to see if commotion was happening from the party.

Mukuro: I doubt it. Yasuhiro’s cottage has its back towards the wall, not towards the pool.

Mondo: sh*t...

Thinking about it, all cottages I could see from the pool area had the blinds on their back side closed, including mine. If anything was happening in any of them, we wouldn’t have been able to see it.

Truth Bullet Added: Closed Cottage Blinds

Looking down at bedside table, I noticed another thing... A large notebook, with “1000 prophecies of Supernova, vol. 12 (WIP)” written on it in handwriting that seems distinctly similar to Yasuhiro’s dying message. Looks like he wasn’t lying about writing down all his prophecies. But looking through this one, it only had forty... Out of curiosity, I checked the last 10.

“- One of people present on this island is not a human, but a machine pretending to be one.

- The cursed Funhouse will claim an even amount of lives. (What Funhouse?)

- The bear and the rabbit are one and the same.

- After the first challenge of deduction, fifteen people will be left alive.

- One dubbing herself Ludenberg is hiding her true Swedish origin.

- A betrayer shall attempt to kill everyone except a single person.

- The ogre will fail the test of will in one of the motives.

- Togami holds the perk most dangerous of any.

- Ikusaba and Enoshima are only lying about their sisterhood.

- Maizono shall be the one to take Kuwata’s life.”


Well, I can see why he tried to warn Leon and was angry at us, thinking that I was a liar and Sayaka was a killer-to-be... Did he seriously believe the prophecies that much?

Regardless, this notebook proves that dying message was written by Yasuhiro himself and not someone else.

Truth Bullet Updated: Yasuhiro’s Dying Message

Kyoko: Mukuro, I am going to stay here and do some more dirty work. Can you go around and get some testimonies or evidence from elsewhere?

Mukuro: What? Am I being disruptive?

Kyoko: No, but I do think you will be wasting time by staying here.

Damn. She was right. I looked around the room again and nothing I could see stood out to me...

Mukuro: Fine... I guess I’ll check up on Makoto.

Mondo: Tsch...

Kyoko: Make sure to stay critical.

Mukuro: Don’t worry, I will.


Makoto’s Cottage

Sakura let me into Makoto’s cottage pretty easily. I guess after Mondo knocked him out, he wasn’t seen as that threatening. I found him sitting on his bed, clutching his jaw...

Makoto: Oh... Hey, Mukuro... ow...

Mukuro: Makoto. Tell me the truth. What happened there?

Makoto: Nothing! I swear! I was just on my way to my cottage when I just looked to the side and... Saw him! Yasuhiro! With sword through his chest. So I ran in!

Mukuro: And door was just open?

Makoto: Yes, it was. I was surprised too, but... I tried checking his pulse and asking him to respond, and even shook him... But he wasn’t responding. I thought maybe if I remove the sword, I could apply first aid, but... That’s exactly when Taka spotted me and screamed.

Mukuro: Seriously?

Makoto: You don’t believe me either...?

Mukuro: More like I don’t believe how stupid it was. Trying to pull out a sword to help treat the wounds? You do NOT pull anything out without professional environment unless you want to make it worse!

Makoto: Wait, seriously?

Mukuro: How in the world were you planning to apply first aid if you don’t know even something so basic?

Makoto: I just thought I’d... wrap a sheet over the wound...?

Mukuro: ...you’re hopeless.

Makoto: I’m sorry! I didn’t mean any harm, really... I just panicked and thought he was still alive and—

Mukuro: it’s fine. But I have to ask you something else. You said the door was open, right? Isn’t that weird?

Makoto: Well... It is weird. Yasuhiro was pretty paranoid lately, I doubt he’d leave it open like that.

Mukuro: I was thinking... You know everyone’s perk. And seeing how Junko has a perk that can lock any door, including ones without locks... Is there a perk that can do the opposite?

Makoto: I... Yeah... There is. There’s a perk that can open any locked door with exception of Island Gates.

Mukuro: Hah! I got it! Then that person was probably the killer! Who is it?

Makoto: I... can’t tell you.

Mukuro: What? Why?

Makoto: I just... don’t want anybody suspected yet! It’s entirely possible that Hiro just opened door for them when they rung the doorbell or forgot to close it... Just having a perk like that doesn’t make you a killer.

Mukuro: Ugh... Fine. Whatever...

Truth Bullet Added: Makoto’s Account

Makoto: Mukuro... You don’t suspect me, do you?

Mukuro: No. Not really. You don’t have the heart for it. But you’re pretty stupid for not revealing who has the unlocking perk.

Makoto: Sorry, but I won’t back down. I don’t want people to jump someone like Mondo jumped me.

Mukuro: I’ll go check up on others and you... Well, stay here I guess. Sakura’s watching the cottage.

Makoto: I’ll be fine... I need a rest after that punch anyway.


Hotel Grounds

Seems like most people were simply mingling around here... Well, I had someone to talk to first and foremost, so I approached them.

Mukuro: Hey, Hifumi. You kept that guestbook thing going throughout the whole party, right?

Hifumi: Oh, Miss Ikusaba! Yes, I was just finishing showing it to Mister Ishimaru right now.

Kiyotaka: Indeed! It will prove to be an incredibly valuable clue for us!

Mukuro: Let me see.

Hifumi: Right here! Although I would ask you not take it with you. Other people might want to take a look as well.

He opened a notebook he was holding, showing me an almost schedule-like list...

9:00 PM – Party is beginning. Sayaka, Sakura, Aoi, Mukuro, Junko, Kyoko, Leon, Kiyotaka, Mondo, Hifumi and Makoto are present. Toko is briefly present before departing.

9:05 PM – Byakuya passes by and enters Hotel building.

9:15 PM – Sakura leaves for Rocketpunch Market.

9:35 PM – Aoi leaves for cottages.

9:40 PM – Aoi returns, dressed in swimsuit.

9:45 PM – Byakuya leaves Hotel building and departs for cottages.

9:50 PM – Sakura returns from the supermarket. Sakura and Makoto depart for cottages.

10:00 – Nighttime Announcement. Sayaka, Aoi, Mukuro, Junko, Kyoko, Leon, Kiyotaka, Mondo and Hifumi are present.

10:05 – Kiyotaka leaves for cottages.

Hifumi: I stopped writing there when Mr. Ishimaru screamed a minute later... Everyone rushed so quickly!

Mukuro: I guess that does gives us a timeline for when people had alibi and were present at general Hotel Grounds...

Hifumi: Not quite. I wasn’t really keeping track of Grounds entrance, only the party entrance! I suppose someone could easily have went from entrance towards the cottages or the opposite without me seeing them.

Kiyotaka: Hifumi! That is extreme negligence of duty!

Hifumi: I have to object that statement, Mr. Ishimaru! I did my job exactly as guided, recording anyone who enters, leaves or passes by party! But the party did not include the Cottage area of the Grounds!

Kiyotaka: Well! I suppose that is indeed fair, but next time you have to work beyond what is assigned!

Hifumi: I know... But it would have been hard to keep track either way, unless I myself was just standing at the entrance the whole time.

Kiyotaka: Aha! So you simply wished to enjoy frivolities along with all of us! That excuses your less-than-exceptional performance! My apologies, Hifumi!

Truth Bullet Added: Hifumi’s Guestbook

Mukuro: Anyway, thanks for showing me the notebook.

Hifumi: No problems, Miss Ikusaba! Although I do believe that there have been some obscure discoveries near the pool.

Mukuro: Really? I’ll go check it out.

Kiyotaka: Do your best in your investigation! As will I! I have to assist in examining the body as well!

Kiyotaka marched off. Somehow he seemed even more stiff than usual... I guess deaths hit everyone differently, huh?

Still, I went over to the pool. Looks like Toko was already up... Aoi, Chihiro and Celeste were there too. All gathered near where Makoto fell into the pool.

Mukuro: Hey girls... Something wrong?

Aoi: Yeah... Someone’s dead, that’s what!

Celeste: Yes, we’ve got that already. You do not have to repeat yourself so much.

Aoi: How can you be so heartless?

Celeste: Because that is what it takes to survive. I do not plan on dying because someone else wants to escape. And neither should you.

Toko: Sh-she’s right...

Chihiro: I... I don’t want to go... through this... But I have to...

Aoi: Augh!

Celeste: Regardless, it appears Hina has discovered something about the broken punch fountain.

Mukuro: Really? What is it, Aoi?

Aoi: Well... I was looking at it and... I noticed that some shards don’t fit!

Mukuro: Huh? Don’t fit?

Aoi: Yeah! Look!

She pointed to a specific piece of glass. There was a huge amount of them, since the fountain itself was gigantic... How did nobody drop that thing while getting it here and on that table was a bigger mystery.

And among the shards of huge glass fountain there were some... surprisingly unfitting. Aoi was right, there was something that wasn’t made of glass, but fake crystal, clearly way more opaque and shiny... What could it have been?

Truth Bullet Added: Unusual Shards

Mukuro: I see... I guess that is suspicious. That thing looked very stable. Hard to believe it fell over without some ‘help’.

Aoi: Wait, are you saying someone may have knocked it over?

Mukuro: It’s possible...

Celeste: I’m afraid I wasn’t present at the party, so I cannot comment.

Chihiro: Neither can I...

Toko: What? D-Don’t look at me, I wasn’t there either...

Mukuro: Speaking of, are you feeling better, Toko?

Toko: I’m fine! J-Just... be glad that I’m fine...

Mukuro: What’s that supposed to mean?

Toko: Why are you prying? It’s none of y-your business!

Celeste: So, it appears you have hemophobia, Toko?

Toko: Y-Yeah. So what? Going to say that I am useless at investigating or s-something?! Then say it!

Celeste: There is no point now that you have said it yourself.

Aoi: Celeste!

Toko: D-Don’t try to defend me! You think that too...

Aoi: No I don’t! Toko, it’s okay if you can’t handle the blood. None of us were prepared for any of it...

Toko: W-Whatever...

Truth Bullet Added: Toko’s Hemophobia

Mukuro: Hey, no time to fight. Murder to solve, remember?

Aoi: ...you don’t have to remind so harshly...

Celeste: But that is true. We have no time for pointless squabbles.

Mukuro: Hey, speaking of... Celeste, Chihiro, Toko... Where were you while the party was happening?

Chihiro: Well... I was at the entrance to the Hotel, on the outside...

Aoi: Huh? What were you doing there?

Chihiro: I didn’t want to attend the party but... I wanted to be close and maybe help, so I thought standing on guard outside the main gate would be it... But eventually I felt bad and just went to the beach to the Entertainment Center.

Toko: So that’s why you stood at the entrance so long!

Chihiro: Huh? How did you know, Toko? I saw Sakura leave the Hotel... and then I left before she was back... But I never saw you.

Toko: W-When I was coming back to Hotel, I s-saw you there... Standing like a h-hawk, so I hid in the b-bushes... I thought you were p-plotting something, but you just left... And that’s when I c-came through and into my c-cottage!

Aoi: So, you stalked Chihiro because you thought Chihiro was stalking someone?

Toko: Sh-shut up!

Celeste: I do believe my alibi is airtight, same as Chihiro’s. I was in the supermarket at the time party was supposed to start and happened to meet Toko. After a passing comment about her fashion sense and a needlessly heated argument, she left, while I went to my lab. I saw Chihiro there as well.

Chihiro: Yeah... And, Toko, I’m sorry... I didn’t mean to scare you... I didn’t even realize you were there.

Toko: D-Don’t say that!

Celeste: It is worth noting, that I did see Sakura at the supermarket, although I left before she did.

Mukuro: That makes sense. She went there to grab spare glasses when Hifumi knocked over ours.

Celeste: Hifumi? That does sound like something his actions would result.

Aoi: So you guys all saw each other at different points throughout the night, right?

Toko: I g-guess...

Truth Bullet Added: Non-Attendees’ Accounts

Chihiro: Do you think that helps, Mukuro?

Mukuro: I don’t know yet. I should go check back in with Kyoko.

Celeste: Hopefully she will be able to reveal the culprit. I’d really prefer not to be a sacrifice for someone else’s freedom.

Aoi: Yeah! Whoever killed Yasuhiro has to pay!

Toko: N-Not like I can help in any way...


Yasuhiro’s Cottage

When I went back to the cottage, I saw Sayaka, Sakura and Makoto in there, as well as Mondo, Leon and Kyoko, as expected. Kyoko was seemingly examining Makoto’s hands.

Mukuro: Hey, Sakura. What’s happening?

Sakura: Kyoko requested Makoto to be brought here. It seems she has managed to improvise some forensic tools.

Mukuro: Huh, I see. What about you? How are you feeling?

Sakura: I will not lie, tonight has left me shaken. But my determination and resolve will stay strong. I will get through this. My training hasn’t been purely physical, but mental as well, after all.

Mukuro: I guess it makes sense for a martial artists to have strong will.

Sakura: You have strong will of your own.

Mukuro: Maybe. Have you seen Junko?

Sakura: Yes, she has been vomiting into the water below the cottages. I wonder why she is feeling sick.

Mukuro: She added alcohol to her drinks.

Sakura: What? The drinks were spiked?

Mukuro: Don’t worry, I stopped her from spiking all of the supply, but she still decided to add some to every glass of her own.

Sakura: I see... That is extremely reckless, but at least not towards others’ safety.

Mukuro: Reckless is one way to describe her alright... Hey, I just wanted to clarify. When you were going to the supermarket, did you see anyone?

Sakura: I did. I saw Chihiro outside the Hotel gates, I saw Toko when entering the Supermarket and I saw Celeste in the supermarket itself. But none of them were present when I was on my way back.

Mukuro: I see. That makes sense. It lines up with everything they said.

Seemingly, Kyoko was done with Makoto as I saw him stand up and come up to us.

Kyoko: While I’m certain you didn’t do it, for your own safety, its best you stay put in your cottage. Sakura, please make sure nobody tries anything stupid.

Sakura: I will do my best.

Sayaka: I knew it, Makoto!

Kyoko: So, Mukuro. I guess you’ve gathered accounts from everyone?

Mukuro: I did.

I recounted what I learned from visiting the party area to Kyoko.

Kyoko: Hm... I guess that narrows things down a lot... And I have conducted my own investigation.

Mukuro: Were you just taking fingerprints right now?

Kyoko: In fact, I was. It was a crude makeshift setup, with regular ink and paper... But sometimes it has to do.

Mukuro: Did you learn anything?

Kyoko: The handle of that sword had at least 3 sets of fingerprints. Some matched Yasuhiro’s and some matched Makoto’s. However there were some that didn’t match either of them. I can’t tell if those all came from a single person or multiple. I’ll try my best to gather everyone’s fingerprints while there’s still time.

Truth Bullet Updated: Relic Sword

Kyoko: There is something else as well. A minor autopsy on Yasuhiro helped me pinpoint approximate time of death. He died around 9:45 PM. After that, he was definitively dead already, from blood loss and shock.

Truth Bullet Added: Kyoko’s Examination Results

Mukuro: Huh... By the way, did you check his perk? Yasuhiro’s that is?

Kyoko: I did. It was called ‘The World’. It allowed him to spend up to an hour per day viewing live feed from any camera on the island, but it was already all spent for the day when I checked.

Mukuro: Huh... Do you think it’s related to the case?

Kyoko: I doubt it. If I had to guess, he spent it all long before party even started.

Mukuro: I see... I guess I shouldn’t hold you up. You have thirteen more fingerprints to take and—

Ding Dong Bing Bong

Usami: Uwh... I’m sorry... But the time you were given is... Hnk... It’s up... Please gather at the... Rock of Justice at the... Central Island...

Monokuma: Oh stop your stupid whining! Will you be doing that throughout the whole trial as well? I’ll be sitting next to you, I won’t tolerate this!

Usami: Uwaaaahhh...


Kyoko: Damn it... We don’t have time.

Sayaka: But the fingerprints... Won’t those be necessary to determine the culprit?

Kyoko: Not necessarily. They could help shorten things, but we have pieces either way. So we’ll have to work with what we have.

Leon: Oh, I think I get it! The Rock of Justice has to be that statue they put up!

Mondo: A statue?

Leon: Dude, weren’t you at the Central Island recently? There’s a huge statue of Usami and Monokuma fighting.

Mondo: sh*t, the only time I left this island is for that stupid motive yesterday...

Kyoko: Let’s not waste time and get moving.

Mukuro: Of course.


Rock of Justice

Leon was right. There was a large statue at previously empty spot on the Central Island. It depicted Monokuma, with huge claws out of his paw trying to strike at Usami, who was blocking the strike with her magic stick... So dramatic. And at the bottom, between their feet was a small rectangular chamber, closed right now. An elevator... Huh. I expected something more... out there. I guess Trial will be happening somewhere underground.

Kyoko: Alright. Is everyone here?

Mondo: Of course I’m f*ckin’ here, we walked here together.

Sayaka: I’m here as well.

Celeste: It would be rather foolish not to come here.

Byakuya: Obviously.

Makoto: Uh... I’m here...

Sakura: Avoid unnecessary violence, Mondo.

Aoi: I’m here and I’m ready!

Toko: N-Not that anyone cares about me being here...

Chihiro: We... we really have to do this... Don’t we...?

Junko: Ugh... I don’t know if I’m mad or glad that I didn’t drink more...

Hifumi: Miss Enoshima, why are you so pale?

Junko: Because I feel like sh*t, duh.

Kiyotaka: Junko! Please avoid vomiting again! This time there is no water present!

Junko: Shut up! I know! I just went a little overboard...

Mukuro: A little is an understatement, Miss Party Animal.

Junko: Shut your garbage can, stinky.

Makoto: Please don’t fight...

Kyoko: Well, everyone seems to be accounted for. Usami, Monokuma! We’re ready!

And as she said that a screen lit up...

Monokuma: Great! Then elevator is open! And don’t worry about me taking over announcements, its only for the trial that two of us are together. Once that’s done, we’ll once again return to our switching schedule!

After those words, monitor dimmed, and elevator between the statues opened up. All of us have entered... All of us except...

Kiyotaka: Leon, do not dawdle! You have to come as well!

Leon: Actually... I kind of don’t.

Sayaka: What?

Leon: Look, it’s obvious that I’m not guilty and I’d really rather not put my life on the line, so... here!

He pressed something on his handbook...

Leon: Man, this perk is great! Practice Skip! I can simply choose not to attend any Class Trial if I want to! Isn’t that great?

Mondo: You son of a bitch! You’re ditching us!

Leon: Hey, I helped guard the body, didn’t I? Plus, if I’m not at the trial, they can’t kill me if you guys screw up!

And screen lit up again...

Monokuma: Puhuhuhu... Do you really think so? The rules never said anything about needing to attend the trial. It talked about all students... Whether attending the trial or not. So if they happen to screw up... You’re still going down same chute as them! Not to mention that they can still vote for you too! Puhuhu... Bahahahaha!

Leon: ...huh?

Leon: Wait! I changed my mind! I want to go with! I didn’t realize!

Monokuma: Too late! Perk activation has already been accepted! But you can watch the trial through the monitors!

Leon: Guys! Guys, please, for the love of everything, get it right! I’m sorry, okay!

Byakuya: Idiot.

Leon tried to rush towards the elevator, but it was already closed. I could hear him banging when suddenly I felt movement... We were going down, Leon being left alone on the surface.

Once the elevator started moving, mood changed as well. Leon’s sudden stunt was pretty much forgotten and everyone was now focused on not looking at each other. I stood beside Junko, even if she smelled terribly right now, she was someone I could trust...

And eventually we reached the bottom. A giant courtroom awaited us, with seventeen podiums arranged in a circle.

Each had a name on it...

Monokuma: Now that you’ve arrived, please take your assigned spots and get ready for the Class Trial.

He was sitting on the large throne up there... And right beside him, on equal level was another chair, in which Usami was sobbing uncontrollably.

Not wasting any more time, we all took our spots. One spot was left empty and another was occupied already as we came. Yasuhiro’s portrait on a stand was where he would have stood, with a bloody X painted on, extremely stylized, almost like a hieroglyph.

Somebody killed him. And that somebody is... One of us.

Junko. Mondo. Hifumi. Leon? Byakuya. Yasuhiro.

One of us committed a murder... And we had to expose them to save ourselves.

Makoto. Sakura. Aoi. Kyoko. Toko.

Who? Why? I had no idea yet. None of were prepared for this... And yet...

Kiyotaka. Celeste. Sayaka. Chihiro.


I had to do this. I had to fight. For myself, for my sister, for the friends I’ve managed to make so far, for Yasuhiro.

To live through this Class Trial.

Class Trial Start

Evidence Review:

Monokuma File 1

The victim was Yasuhiro Hagakure, the Ultimate Clairvoyant.

The victim’s body was discovered in Yasuhiro Hagakure’s cottage at 10:08 PM.

The fatal wound was dealt between 9:25 PM and 9:45 PM with a long sharp object.

No other wounds were detected on the body, and no traces of poison were found in victim’s bloodstream.

Yasuhiro’s Door

Yasuhiro’s door was already unlocked when the body was discovered and had no signs of break-in on its lock.

Sword Rack

A rack affixed to a wall in Yasuhiro’s cottage. Supposed to bear a relic Lemurian sword.

Signs of Struggle

The wall above Yasuhiro’s body has cracks and scratches on it, being evidence of notable struggle.

State of Yasuhiro’s Body

Yasuhiro was found sitting up against the wall in his own Cottage. He had a large wound through his chest and no other visible wounds, but his index and middle fingers were covered in surprising amount of blood, while rest of both of his hands were mostly clean.

Relic Sword

An ancient sword, dubbed Lemurian Mageslayer. Is a perfectly real weapon, with tip covered in blood.

According to Kyoko’s analysis it has Yasuhiro’s, Makoto’s and someone else’s fingerprints. Potentially multiple other people.

Yasuhiro’s Dying Message

“I was right. 11037.”

I have no idea what that means, but handwriting definitely matches Yasuhiro’s.

Closed Cottage Blinds

All cottages visible from the party had blinds on the back windows closed, making it impossible to see inside.

Makoto’s Account

According to Makoto, he discovered Yasuhiro’s body and simply wanted to help when he pulled out the sword. That’s when he was spotted by Kiyotaka.

He also confirms that someone has a perk that allows for unlocking of locked doors, but refused to reveal who has it.

Hifumi’s Guestbook

A log of everyone entering and leaving party area since its start.

9:00 PM – Party is beginning. Sayaka, Sakura, Aoi, Mukuro, Junko, Kyoko, Leon, Kiyotaka, Mondo, Hifumi and Makoto are present. Toko is briefly present before departing.

9:05 PM – Byakuya passes by and enters Hotel building.

9:15 PM – Sakura leaves for Rocketpunch Market.

9:35 PM – Aoi leaves for cottages.

9:40 PM – Aoi returns, dressed in swimsuit.

9:45 PM – Byakuya leaves Hotel building and departs for cottages.

9:50 PM – Sakura returns from the supermarket. Sakura and Makoto depart for cottages.

10:00 – Nighttime Announcement. Sayaka, Aoi, Mukuro, Junko, Kyoko, Leon, Kiyotaka, Mondo and Hifumi are present.

10:05 – Kiyotaka leaves for cottages.

Unusual Shards

Along with shards of broken glass punch fountain, there were some distinctly different shards made of crystal material.

Toko’s Hemophobia

Toko f*ckawa is hemophobic and passes out at mere sight.

Non-Attendees’ Accounts

Chihiro was outside the Hotel gates when the party started, and saw Sakura leave for supermarket, before going to Entertainment Center, where she saw Celeste.

Celeste was at the supermarket when the party started and had an argument with Toko there shortly after. She also saw Sakura arrive to the supermarket and left for the Entertainment Center afterwards.

Toko left the Hotel just as the party started and went to the Supermarket. After an argument with Celeste, Toko wanted to come back to the Hotel, but saw Chihiro in front, so she hid and waited for Chihiro’s departure before returning to her own cottage.

Kyoko’s Examination Results

According to Kyoko, Yasuhiro was definitively dead of blood loss by 9:45 PM.


Investigation is here. As it usually happens after a murder. Yes.

Class Trial will come, as usual, when its ready in its entirety. No change in that regard!

As usual, I hope you enjoyed, I am sending my love to all of you readers and hope to see you next time, whenever that is!

Chapter 8: Chapter 1 – Panic at Despair Beach – Trial, Part 1


The trial begins, as does the search for the culprit. Many are suspected, but how many will remain by the end?


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Class Trial Start

Monokuma: Now that you’re all gathered up, we can get on with the basic explanation of the Class Trial.

Monokuma: During the trial, you will debate which one of you is the killer, and convince everyone else using your evidence.

Usami: At... At the end... The votes will determine the results of who is chosen as the blackened...

Monokuma: If you vote correctly, then the killer will be punished with an execution!

Usami: But if you do it wrong... Then... everyone else gets killed... And the blackened gets to escape...

Monokuma: Now then. Let the Class Trial begin!

Monokuma: See, that wasn’t so hard. Now stop your sobbing, it will interrupt the best part.

Celeste: Before we begin... I do have a question. Regarding the trial room... Why are there seventeen podiums? There is only sixteen of us after all. Well, fourteen with Yasuhiro dead and Leon absent, but their podiums are present too.

Monokuma: Oh? Well, I’d love to answer, but Usami would be way better suited to explain that. So, Lead Teacher, how about it? Why the seventeenth seat?

Usami: Uhh! Uhm! I! Hope Fragments!

Monokuma: And there you have it.

Kyoko: She’s avoiding answering questions again...

Celeste: To be expected at this point. I suppose that will have to remain a mystery.

Sayaka: I have a question too! Why... why is Yasuhiro’s portrait here? It’s so grim...

Monokuma: Oh, that one I can answer myself! It’s so that your friends are with you in your most perilous moments!

Usami: Th-That’s right! Friendship persists forever... Even... even... uwaaah...

Monokuma: Shut up!

Makoto: Is that why Leon also has a portrait?

He was right. In Leon’s spot, there was a portrait too, although with no sorts of bloody marks on it...

Monokuma: Of course! He’s there with you in spirit too, after all!

Hifumi: So... How are we meant to figure out who it was?

Kiyotaka: I am certain that Class President Kirigiri has a good guess already!

Kyoko: That may be true, but you shouldn’t rush to that. We have to all be on the same page by the time voting comes.

Makoto: That’s right! We have to be completely certain... Whoever it ends up being.

Mondo: You have the audacity to open your damn mouth?!

Makoto: I told you! I didn’t kill him!

Hifumi: And yet, you were found by the body, holding the murder weapon, Mister Naegi.

Toko: S-So, that means that the boring boy is the c-culprit!

Junko: Ugh... Do you guys have to shout...?

Makoto: No! I—

Kyoko: Stop. The discussion will go nowhere if we just keep pointing fingers. What we should start with is discussing how exactly the crime was committed.

Mukuro: That makes sense. Process of elimination will get rid of any innocent people.

Sakura: Then let us discuss the murder itself.

Nonstop Debate Start!

Kiyotaka: I assert that the one who was murdered was Mister Yasuhiro Hagakure!

Chihiro: He was probably killed in his room...

Sayaka: The killer probably did it during the party.

Celeste: But can we be certain about that?

Toko: That’s r-right! He could have been killed long before the stupid party!

> Monokuma File 1

No, that’s wrong!


Mukuro: No... That’s impossible. Yasuhiro definitely was killed during the party.

Toko: Huh? What d-do you know about that? Did you do it?

Mukuro: No. But Monokuma File clearly states that the time period when he was stabbed falls entirely within the timeframe of the party.

Toko: The M-Monokuma File?

Aoi: Toko, did you not take a look at it?

Toko: I s-saw it beside me when I woke up, b-but... I didn’t look...

Byakuya: Ridiculous...

Sayaka: So it was specifically during the party then...

Junko: No duh... Can we get to more relevant discussions? Before my headache gets any worse...

Hifumi: It would seem Miss Enoshima has had quite a night...

Mondo: Fine, what-f*ckin-ever, how about that weird-ass sword? Where the f*ck did it come from?

Byakuya: Is that seriously not obvious enough yet?

Mondo: The f*ck is that supposed to mean?

Mukuro: Calm down, Mondo. That sword came from the scene of the crime itself. We know because of...

> Sword Rack

Mukuro: The sword rack in the cottage. It clearly was used to hold the sword that was used to kill Yasuhiro.

Mondo: Wait, he got a real sword in his f*cking cottage? All I get is the old pickaxe...

Sakura: My room has several training devices. Not enough to replace proper equipment, but it helps me stay in shape.

Makoto: Wait, you guys are getting special stuff in your rooms?

Kiyotaka: It probably has to do with the Ultimate Talents!

Aoi: Of course! Yasuhiro was the Ultimate Clairvoyant, so it makes sense for him to have some weird magical artifacts!

Celeste: Well, magical is a big word. Although they did seem to be real antiques at least.

Mondo: Fine, whatever, we figured out the sword. Can we talk about the obvious things now?

Kyoko: You mean Makoto, right?

Mondo: Damn right!

Nonstop Debate Start

Mondo: He’s the f*cking culprit! It’s obvious!

Makoto: No! I’m not! I swear!

Makoto: I just happened to find the body and tried to help!

Sayaka: Makoto... You do realize that you should have just called for help instead?

Makoto: I panicked! I found a dead body! Already stabbed!

Celeste: But do you have proper evidence to back up that claim?

Makoto: I...

> Hifumi’s Guestbook

I agree with you!


Mukuro: No, there’s no way Makoto could have done it. Assuming Hifumi’s guestbook timetable is correct.

Hifumi: It absolutely is!

Mukuro: Then Makoto has only left the party after the stabbing has already happened. He couldn’t have killed Yasuhiro!

Chihiro: Which means that Makoto is innocent...

Junko: If only completely brainless. Seriously... Pulling a sword out to help...

Makoto: I’m sorry...

Sakura: It’s fine. Heat of the moment often clouds one’s judgement.

Kyoko: Indeed. Makoto has left the part at 9:50, while Yasuhiro was stabbed at latest at 9:45.

Mukuro: Making Makoto being the culprit completely impossible!

It is too early to make that call!

Celeste: Indeed, it is unlikely for Makoto to have stabbed Yasuhiro.

Mukuro: Yeah... that’s what I said.

Celeste: However... him being the culprit is not out of question yet.

Celeste: Simply listen to what I have to say.

Rebuttal Showdown Start!

Celeste: Makoto may not have been the one to stab Yasuhiro...

Celeste: However that does not make sure...

Celeste: That he did not cause Yasuhiro death himself.

Celeste: As long as that uncertainty exists...

Celeste: We cannot remove our suspicions from Makoto.


Mukuro: But if Makoto didn’t stab Yasuhiro, then how could he have caused Yasuhiro’s death?

Celeste: It is obvious, is it not?

Celeste: If Yasuhiro was still alive when Makoto found him...

Celeste: Then his attempt to remove the sword...

Celeste: Could have been the cause of Yasuhiro’s death.

Celeste: Way more so than the stab itself was.

Celeste: Now, do you see my point?

> Kyoko’s Examination Results

I’ll cut through your words!


Mukuro: Celeste, you’re precisely right. If Makoto discovered Yasuhiro still alive and killed him by pulling the sword out, then Makoto could have been the blackened.

Celeste: There. I am glad we could come to an agreement.

Mukuro: However... We know for certain that Yasuhiro was already dead by the time Makoto found him. Thanks to Hifumi’s schedule and Kyoko’s examination.

Celeste: Hm? We... do?

Hifumi: Mister Naegi has left the party at precisely 9:50 PM!

Kyoko: But Yasuhiro had to have already been dead by 9:45 PM... It means that Makoto, same as everyone else who was at the party during the stabbing time mentioned in the Monokuma File has perfect alibi.

Celeste: I see. I was not aware of your examinations. I retract my statements.

Mondo: Giving up so easily?

Celeste: There is no point in pursuing an argument when you already know you’re wrong.

Byakuya: That is... assuming that Kyoko is telling the truth.

Sakura: Are you implying that Kyoko may be lying about Yasuhiro’s time of death?

Sayaka: But why would she do that? If she did so, she’d put all our lives in danger, even her own!

Byakuya: It would make sense for a killer to conceal evidence.

Kiyotaka: It is impossible for Class President to have committed the crime! She was present during the entire duration of the party! Hifumi’s guestbook confirms it!

Mondo: Take that, dipsh*t. Hey, maybe you’re the one who snuck off to kill the guy? I saw you sneaking at the party!

Byakuya: First of all, I wasn’t sneaking. I had no choice, since to get a meal of any quality you have to visit the restaurant. And second of all, if your guestbook you keep talking about is as good as you claim, then it should be obvious I couldn’t have been the killer.

Aoi: He’s right... There’s no way to get out of the Hotel without passing the party area, and he did go to have dinner during the time Yasuhiro was stabbed.

Byakuya: See? Even the dim-witted ones get it.

Mondo: Grh...

Junko: Ugh, can we like, make a proper list of everyone who has a perfect alibi already? Going through everyone one by one is making my head worse...

Sayaka: That would be... Me, Makoto, Kyoko, Mukuro, Taka, Hifumi, Mondo, Junko, Leon and... I guess Byakuya?

Sakura: Which leaves me, Hina, Toko, Celeste and Chihiro.

Aoi: Wait, me too?!

Kiyotaka: While I do not wish to cast direct doubts just yet, your absence was noted in the guestbook!

Hifumi: Indeed, Miss Asahina’s changing trip did not go unnoticed.

Kyoko: To make things clear, I think the people who weren’t at the party in the first place should be cleared up first.

Celeste: There is little to clear up here. But if you insist...

Nonstop Debate Start!

Sayaka: People who weren’t at the party...

Sayaka: That’s Toko, Celeste and Chihiro.

Celeste: I already provided my alibi. I have no more to say.

Toko: W-What? You’re going to gang up on me like that?

Hifumi: But... nobody is doing that yet.

Toko: ‘Yet’! I heard th-that ‘yet’!

Junko: What next, one of you will suggest the programmer loli did it?

Chihiro: L-Loli?!

Chihiro: I... Couldn’t have! I was in front of the hotel before leaving to Entertainment Center!

Sakura: But nobody has seen that... I saw you when leaving, but...

Chihiro: I really didn’t enter the hotel area at all! I swear

> Non-Attendees’ Accounts

No, that’s wrong!


Mukuro: Actually... Putting all your girls’ testimonies together, you support each other pretty well.

Mukuro: Celeste’s account is supported by Toko seeing her at the Supermarket and Chihiro seeing her at Entertainment Center.

Mukuro: While Chihiro’s account is supported by Sakura and Toko both seeing her at the entrance, and then Celeste meeting her at Entertainment Center.

Celeste: Which is precisely what I meant by my alibi.

Byakuya: I see we’ve completely eliminated possibility of two people working together already?

Mondo: What will it even take to make you shut your damn mouth?!

Kyoko: Calm down, Mondo.

Kyoko: It’s true, the possibility is there... But it’s extremely slim.

Kyoko: Monokuma, if the culprit has an accomplice... Only the one who did the killing would be blackened, right?

Monokuma: Oh? Of course there would only be one!

Kyoko: Which means that only they get to leave, while their partner would get executed.

Usami: That’s... true... How horrible... such horrible way to punish friendships...

Sayaka: That doesn’t sound like the kind of friendship that should be rewarded...

Kyoko: There you have it, Byakuya. Now you tell me, why would anyone work together?

Byakuya: You... do have a point. Fine. I do still believe that possibility exists, even if not in context of this case specifically...

Junko: The hell’s that supposed to mean?

Byakuya: Funny that you ask.

Aoi: Hey! Can we get back to the point? Yasuhiro! We need to figure out who killed him!

Celeste: Well, with my and Chihiro’s alibis established, that does leave Toko unaccounted for after Chihiro has left the entrance.

Toko: H-Huh?

Hifumi: Eh? Miss f*ckawa?

Kiyotaka: The timeframe would line up perfectly with time of the murder! This is not an accusation, but a statement of fact!

Toko: Y-You! You! You’re t-trying to set me up, aren’t you?!

Sayaka: I think it couldn’t have been Toko... We’ve all seen what happened to her, right?

What happened to Toko... Sayaka must be referring to...

> Toko’s Hemophobia

Mukuro: You’re talking about Toko’s hemophobia, right? She passes out whenever she sees blood.

Sayaka: Yeah! She felt so weak when me and Leon were taking her to her cottage...

Toko: D-Don’t you call me weak...

Kiyotaka: Oh! I see! If Toko is afraid of blood, then there’s no way she could have committed such a bloody murder!

Junko: Yeah, she’s gonna need to find some poison or choke a bitch if she wants to kill.

Mukuro: Junko!

Toko: Yeah! I d-didn’t do anything! So, stop accusing me...

Hifumi: But, if Miss f*ckawa didn’t do it... That leaves no suspects!

Kyoko: Not quite. There are still two suspects.

Mondo: Yeah... And both are girls... Damn.

Hifumi: Oh, Miss Kirigiri! Do you mean Miss Asahina’s and Miss Ogami’s absences?

Kyoko: Precisely.

Kiyotaka: But... which one? Both line up with the time in which Yasuhiro was stabbed!

Sayaka: And neither has an alibi...

Toko: I b-bet it was the swimmer girl... Look at her b-boobs quivering in fear...

Aoi: My boobs got nothing to do with it!

Celeste: I lean towards the culprit being Hina as well. I myself have seen Sakura at the supermarket. However, I do not believe anyone saw you getting changed.

Aoi: No! I didn’t do it! Really!

Hifumi: Could the swimsuit change have been... To hide the bloodstains?!

Mondo: No way...

Aoi: It wasn’t! I just wanted to swim! Please, everyone!

Aoi... everyone’s ganging up on her... But... Was she really capable of doing something like that? The possibility is so slim... And I... I...

I don’t believe she could have committed this murder. The tears she shed at Yasuhiro’s body were genuine, there couldn’t be any doubt about it... But that won’t be enough to convince everyone.

I’ll have to save her, and everyone else here...

Nonstop Debate Start!

Toko: It was t-totally the idiot swimmer girl!

Aoi: No! I would never kill anyone! Please! Believe me!

Kiyotaka: Does anyone have any specific evidence pointing towards her?

Kiyotaka: Anyone at all?

Celeste: Her alibi is notably flimsier than Sakura’s. One was at least seen at supposed destination.

Byakuya: And there was a good point made just now about a change of clothes being a suspicious move, considering circ*mstance.

Aoi: No, please! I didn’t do it!

Kyoko: Everyone, calm down...

Makoto: Hina couldn’t have done it!

Mondo: sh*t... And nobody saw her get changed...

Chihiro: It... can’t be right...

> Closed Cottage Blinds > Open Cottage Blinds

I’ll do what I must...


Mukuro: Wait! Mondo! Just now, I realized!

Mondo: Huh? What is it?

Mukuro: Everyone, listen... Aoi is innocent. I saw her get changed.

Kyoko: You... saw her?

Mukuro: You know the windows on the backs of the cottages? Aoi’s cottage has its back towards the party area. And it... happened to have open blinds when you were changing.

Aoi: It... what?!

Junko: Time-out. Mukuro. What the. Hell. Are you doing?

Mukuro: Junko... trust me. I know it wasn’t Aoi. It’s. True.

Junko: ...

Junko: Fine, whatever, I believe you. On that second part specifically. My head is throbbing way too much to deal with this kind of sh*t right now...

Hifumi: Wait! Are you telling you, Miss Asahina’s bare body was hidden in plain sight and... everyone just missed it?!

Mondo: You don’t have to sound so f*cking disappointed.

Celeste: You really do not have to be, Hifumi. Considering that Mukuro, however well-intentioned, has just told a lie.

Makoto: What? Mukuro, did you really?

Mukuro: No. That’s the truth.

Sayaka: I can’t believe Aoi would really kill someone...

Makoto: Neither can I!

Junko: I already agreed to play along...

Kyoko: Tsk...

Byakuya: Such a ridiculous spat...

Hifumi: I refuse to believe that such sight would be missed by me!

Mondo: Yeah... Why the f*ck didn’t you open your mouth till now?

Sakura: Your words waivered, Mukuro.

Kiyotaka: The party was checked thoroughly! Why did nobody else make such an observation, Mukuro?

Mukuro: Maybe they just weren’t paying attention to the windows? Other cottages were pretty unrelated.

Kiyotaka: I see. But I still struggle to believe it! I apologize but I must continue to suspect Miss Aoi Asahina!

Toko: She t-totally did it... like b-bimbo she is...

Chihiro: No... Aoi is so nice... She’d never—

Please, don’t fight!

Usami: Oh, uhm... Well, you see... There’s this special thing there! It can allow everyone to stop fighting and discuss things in proper, orderly manner! It’s very helpful to solve conflicts like this one!

Monokuma: Morphing Feature. It’s called the Morphing Feature.

Usami: Anyway! I am going to activate it so everyone stops fighting and starts being nice and calm again!

I way to properly talk our points out, huh... Suddenly I felt like ground below me was giving out as the podium ejected itself from the ground and started raising into the air on a huge pole... Well, that was perfectly safe. The movement continued as the podiums all raised way up high, rearranged in two rows...

I know Aoi couldn’t have done it. My lie was flimsy, Junko was expected, but Celeste caught it too... I had to prove it. To prove that Aoi couldn’t have been the killer. To convince them.

Debate Scrum Start!

Question: Is Aoi the killer?

Team Mukuro: No, she isn’t!

Members: Mukuro, Junko, Aoi, Makoto, Sayaka, Chihiro, Kyoko, Byakuya, Yasuhiro.

Team Celeste: Yes, she is!

Members: Celeste, Hifumi, Sakura, Mondo, Kiyotaka, Toko, Leon?


Kiyotaka: Aoi has left the party at a convenient time!

Chihiro: But... she wasn’t the only one absent during the party...

Hifumi: Miss Asahina certainly had no reliable alibi...

Sayaka: But Toko and Sakura have no clear alibi either...

Toko: You know why I c-couldn’t have done it!

Makoto: Maybe, but that does leave room for doubt, Toko...

Sakura: Are you trying to say that I am the culprit?

Junko: Well, it certainly is possible that someone else is the culprit.

Mondo: sh*t... Did someone here really have guts to commit a murder?

Aoi: No! I’d never kill! I’d never murder Yasuhiro!

Celeste: All this hinges on Mukuro’s lie. Do you really believe her that much?

Mukuro: Whether it’s a lie or not doesn’t matter. We have to work through all possibilities first.

Team Mukuro: This is our answer!


Mukuro: If you believe that I have lied, that’s fine. But you can’t deny that we have to view all the possibilities first before jumping to immediate conclusions.

Mondo: Damn... Still, what f*cking options do we have? The only ones that could have done it are her and Sakura.

Aoi: No! There has to be someone else... Right? Some other possibility! I haven’t done it, but Sakura...

Hifumi: Perhaps... the culprit was Yasuhiro himself?

Junko: No... please, don’t tell me... you’re seriously? Really? Now? Ugh... My head...

Hifumi: I mean, the possibility is there, right? We should totally talk it through!

Nonstop Debate Start!

Mondo: Yasuhiro committed suicide?

Mondo: What a load of bull!

Kiyotaka: It is a possibility indeed! However, I have to admit it is a slim one!

Toko: W-Would suicide even count for the murder rules...?

Chihiro: It probably would...

Hifumi: Indeed! Killing yourself is killing someone, right?

Makoto: I guess... It’s possible Yasuhiro didn’t fight anyone after all...

> Signs of Struggle

No, that’s wrong!


Mukuro: No. Yasuhiro definitely put up a fight against some attacker... There’s no way those marks on the wall behind him could be anything else.

Kyoko: Indeed. Right there at the scene, there were definitive cracks on the wall behind Yasuhiro. It is likely they were caused during an active struggle.

Hifumi: So... Mister Hagakure really couldn’t have killed himself?

Sayaka: Is it possible that Yasuhiro did that...? I mean, caused the marks by himself while struggling with himself?

Celeste: Sayaka, not you too...

Sayaka: I know, it does sound rather stupid, but... I don’t want anyone to die! And, well... It is Yasuhiro. What if he thought he was possessed?

Junko: You know, you’ve got a point there. With Yasuhiro we can’t really rely on victim actually acting reasonably.

Kyoko: No. I am certain that it could not have been a suicide. There is clear evidence pointing to the fact that someone else had to have stabbed him.

Byakuya: Well, will you reveal it to us then, detective? Or perhaps you want us to keep guessing ourselves?

Evidence that points to someone else stabbing Yasuhiro. Kyoko’s talking about...

> Relic Sword

Mukuro: It’s the fingerprints, right?

Chihiro: The fingerprints...?

Kyoko: Correct. I have managed to hastily throw together a simple fingerprinting kit. I managed to pinpoint that there are at least three sets of fingerprints on the sword’s handle. Two were rather expected. Yasuhiro’s and Makoto’s. But the third is someone else, undoubtedly.

Aoi: So, a third person did end up touching the sword...

Sayaka: But... But how? Who could have done that?

Byakuya: Well, there is only one option left, since all others are eliminated.

Sakura: Byakuya...

Sayaka: That’s not what I meant. I mean, to enter the room, you’d need either Yasuhiro’s permission or the key... But he was so paranoid over the last few days!

Celeste: That is true. He was acting jumpy and scared. It would be surprising that anyone managed to break into his room.

Kyoko: But his room wasn’t broke into. It was simply left open.

Kiyotaka: Maybe it was simple negligence on Yasuhiro’s part?

Mondo: No f*cking way. Guy was jumping at shadows over his own dumb prophecies, no way he’d just forget to close the door.

Chihiro: Maybe then someone did break it open? Or lockpicked it?

Junko: There’d be signs of stuff like that, you know.

Hifumi: What about Mister Hagakure’s own key? Maybe it was stolen?

Kyoko: I found his key on his body. And while its true that it could have been planted, I doubt he’d stay silent when he realized his key was missing.

Byakuya: So, what you’re saying is the culprit didn’t steal the key, didn’t lockpick and wasn’t let in. Are you implying there was another entrance somehow?

Junko: I’d suggest that they climbed in through the window, but, like... Then why leave the door open?

Kyoko: I think it’s time for one of us to speak up.

Aoi: Huh?

Mondo: The f*ck do you mean?

I know what Kyoko means... The person that needs to speak up in order for this to progress is...

Select a person.


Mukuro: She’s right, Makoto. You can’t keep it hidden anymore.

Makoto: Mukuro...

Mondo: I knew the f*cker was hiding something!

Kiyotaka: Makoto was hiding evidence? That is extremely irresponsible and counter-productive!

Makoto: I just didn’t want suspicions to be cast before any actual evidence is found! Having a wrong perk doesn’t make you a killer!

Celeste: I agree with that. However, if some happens to have a perk that is obviously related to the case at hand, it is your obligation to reveal it.

Makoto: I... alright. Someone here has a perk that lets them freely open doors. Any door locked by another student.

Junko: Well, this is bullsh*t...

Mondo: Huh? Why?

Junko: Don’t mind me... God, does anyone have some water?

Kyoko: Well, Makoto? It’s about time you showed us how your own perk works.

Makoto: I... alright. I’m sorry about this, but with all the evidence, I...

Makoto simply taps his handbook a few times before holding it up. The text is displayed plainly.

Ultimate Martial Artist’s Perk

The Strongest

Can open any locked door, as long as it has been locked by a fellow student.


With that, all eyes were on Sakura. I knew it. Deep down, I knew it all along, since I knew what Aoi’s perk was, but still... I didn’t want to consider this.

Sakura simply dips her head...

Class Trial Suspended


Trial part 1! Part 2 will be out tomorrow as usual.

Overall this trial ended up being a bit shorter than usual, though I do hope it won't be too much of a damper in the long run.

As usual, I do hope you guys enjoy it and as always, I love you all!

Chapter 9: Chapter 1 – Panic at Despair Beach – Trial, Part 2


The trial continues and tensions rise as new accusation occurs... What resolution will this day hold?


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Class Trial Resumed

Everyone was staring at Sakura silently. She was simply dipping her head, silent herself. It has been a few agonizing moments since Makoto has revealed her perk, but they felt so slow. Nobody wanted to break the silence, everyone was waiting for her to say something in her defense... Even me. Sakura...

Aoi: Sakura! Say something!

Sakura: Hina...?

Aoi: Come on, say something! Makoto’s got to be wrong, right? You’re not the culprit, right?

Sakura: Hina, I...

Aoi: You can’t be the culprit! Because I... I thought... I thought we were friends!

Sakura: ...

Sakura: I’m sorry, Hina. But I must remind everyone of something here.

Aoi: Yeah, what is it Sakura? Come on, shatter this case open!

Sakura: ...

Sakura: You were never clear of suspicion either.

Aoi: ...huh?!

Celeste: Oh my. Such a callous backstab.

Kiyotaka: Wait, you’re accusing your own friend?

Sakura: I am simply stating the truth. Hina’s case was simply put to side when Mukuro’s words were doubted. Sure, I could have done it, but I am not the only one still.

Byakuya: So, you’re choosing to say that she has done it?

Sakura: Correct. There is no other way.

Aoi: S-Sakura...

Toko: I knew it!

Kyoko: Wait just a second. The door. It—

Sakura: Does it matter?

Mukuro: Huh?

Sakura: We already discussed Yasuhiro being irrational lately. It’s entirely possible that the culprit simply deceived him and he let them into his own cottage. With him dead, we can never know.

Sayaka: But... his paranoia...

Sakura: Can you truly rely on that? It’s weak evidence, Sayaka.

Mukuro: Aoi doesn’t have strong evidence against her either!

Sakura: Yes. However, your lie was called out and you still refuse to properly acknowledge it as either truth or lie.

Mukuro: Gh...

Mondo: There’s also the swimsuit sh*t, right...?

Hifumi: Swimsuits? I mean, surely enjoyable, but how does that connect back to the case again?

Sakura:As someone pointed out earlier, if the culprit were to stab Yasuhiro like that, they would have been covered in blood. Asahina changing made perfect excuse for that.

Aoi: Sakura... Why...

Kiyotaka: But when Sakura arrived, she was wearing same thing she did as when she left! There’s no way she could have changed!

Sakura: Indeed. If I really did stab Yasuhiro, then where would the blood that would have been on me go?

Mukuro: You could have simply changed into another outfit yourself!

Sakura: And go through between boys’ and girls’ cottages, risking being spotted?

Mukuro: Aoi took the same risk, according to you!

Aoi: S-Sakura... how... how could you...

Celeste: Are we at an impasse yet again?

Kyoko: No. This is but a desperate accusation of the cornered.

Sakura: Is it now? Then perhaps you can tell me what happened to the blood I would have had on me?

Mukuro: I can tell you. Easily. I know exactly how you got rid of the blood. You simply used...

> the pool

Mukuro: Just before you ‘came back’, a fountain of strawberry punch got knocked over into the pool, along with Makoto. And first thing you did is rush directly to jump in!

Hifumi: Oh, I see! If she jumped in while blood was still fresh, it would simply wash off!

Mondo: And the color wouldn’t even be seen... Punch was same color!

Toko: A-Are you saying that pool really w-was... b-blood...?

Celeste: Toko, please do not pass out at a mere memory of blood.

Toko: Gh!

Kiyotaka: But this is ridiculous! What were the odds of that happening? Sakura would have no way of knowing that the fountain would fall over! Especially not with such a convenient timing!

Sakura: Indeed. It was a mere accident and I was simply trying to help Makoto.

No, that’s a lie... There was a way to ensure that the fountain would fall, and you did just that. I just have to show it to everyone...

Nonstop Debate Start!

Sakura: The fountain falling over was just a coincidence. There is no way to ensure stuff like that.

Kyoko: Was it really a coincidence, though?

Byakuya: Why did you even bother with that gaudy thing? It was a stupid idea to bring it from the start.

Sayaka: Well... It looked pretty...

Junko: But, like, it’s totally possible to make sure ‘a thing falls’, isn’t there?

Makoto: As in setting up a trap?

Kiyotaka: Not possible! I made sure that the party area was trap-free prior to beginning of it!

Hifumi: Maybe Miss Ogami just threw something at it? From the gaps between the cottages?

Mondo: Hitting that giant thing would be pretty easy...

> Unusual Shards

I agree with you!


Mukuro: You’re right, Hifumi. I believe Sakura threw a certain object at the fountain. I think that because when we were investigating, I noticed something was definitely wrong with the glass fountain. Particularly, its shards.

Celeste: You are talking about unusual crystal shards mixed in with the glass, are you not?

Mukuro: Yeah. I don’t know about you guys... But to me they looked like they could totally have been from a crystal ball.

Chihiro: Oh! Thinking about it... It probably was from that...

Mukuro: Which would have made for great and convenient throwable.

Kyoko: Coincidentally, Yasuhiro didn’t have any crystal balls on his body. I do not know if that is normal or not, but if he lost his during the struggle...

Mukuro: Then the culprit could just have used it to knock the fountain over from between the cottages and then rushed into the stained water!

Makoto: Then... me getting knocked over only helped add an excuse for Sakura to do it?

Sakura: No. That is a flimsy theory. It is too reliant on luck of circ*mstance and not being spotted.

Mukuro: All the same things that apply to your theory about Aoi!

Sakura: Then we’re at an impasse. And there is no more evidence left to present, is there?

Mukuro: No... you’re wrong. There is evidence. One final piece of evidence that Yasuhiro left for us.

> Yasuhiro’s Dying Message

Mukuro: 11037. I was right. That is the message Yasuhiro left for us with his own blood. And that is—

Your weakness is showing!

Sakura: Yasuhiro’s message? Can you be certain?

Mukuro: Sakura... Please!

Sakura: Your words are as weak as your will. Now listen...

Rebuttal Showdown Start!

Sakura: You claim that Yasuhiro somehow...

Sakura: Has left us a dying message...

Sakura: Written in his own blood...

Sakura: While bleeding out with the sword in his chest?

Sakura: There’s nothing pointing to message being his.

Sakura: It could simply have been an addition by the culprit.

Sakura: Do you see the weakness of your ideas now, Mukuro?

> State of Yasuhiro’s Body

I’ll cut through your words!


Mukuro: No! I’m certain the message was written by Yasuhiro himself.

Mukuro: His own fingers are covered in blood, while the rest of his hands weren’t. He clearly used them to write out the message.

Sakura: Even so. Those numbers have no meaning.

Byakuya: I do have to admit, she has a point there. Sounds like some cryptic nonsense to me.

Hifumi: Perhaps we replace numbers with letters...? Like, 1st, 10th, 3rd, 7th... AJCG?

Sayaka: Are we certain they weren’t actually letters?

Kyoko: No. They were most certainly written to be numbers.

Sakura: See? The numbers have no meaning, Mukuro. Even if that message was written by Yasuhiro himself, it does not incriminate me at all.

Sakura: Hina has done it. That’s all there is to it.

Aoi: S-Sakura...

Toko: I... I c-can’t get it... which one of those idiots did it?

Sakura: It was Hina. There is no other option.

No, Sakura. You’re lying... I don’t understand why you would do this. Why you would kill Yasuhiro and blame it on Aoi when opportunity came, but... I have to expose you. I have to expose you in front of everyone and show them the true meaning of Yasuhiro’s final message!

Sakura: Admit your failings, Mukuro. Your theory is weak. And my own resolve is absolute.

Argument Armament Start!

Your theory is weak.

You lack the resolve to overcome things.

My determination will not waver.

I will not give in.

Asahina is the murderer.

The only way for me to have done it...

Is too convoluted to be true.

Both you and I know it, and yet...

You refuse to acknowledge reality.

Your accusations lack strength.

Your words are filled with deceit.

I understand wishing to protect others...

But blind faith leads only to ruin.

Do you really trust Asahina more than me?

Are we not friends as well, Mukuro?

If you truly believe that I have killed Yasuhiro...

Then simply tell me this.

Final Blow!

How are those random numbers connected to me at all?




of Supernova

It all ends here!


Mukuro: ...Twelve Thousand Prophecies of Supernova. The book Yasuhiro wanted to release at one point. That is what holds the answer.

Sakura: Didn’t you just say that the book is unfinished? Are you going to claim that the answer is hidden in something that doesn’t even exist?

Mukuro: The full volume will never exist now. But when we were searching the cottage, I found what would a part of it. A notebook, designed to contain exactly one thousand prophecies of his, numbered with twelve. This would mean it could contain the prophecies 11000 through 12000...

Byakuya: ...seriously? Don’t tell me that idiot actually...

Mukuro: And if we go to 37th prophecy in that book... it explicitly mentions you, Sakura. “The ogre will fail the test of will in one of the motives.”

Mukuro: That’s what happened, isn’t it, Sakura? Monokuma’s motive got better of you?

Aoi: Sakura... You... you traitor! I can’t believe I trusted you!

Sakura: Do not feel bad, Hina. I had nothing against you specifically.

Kyoko: So, you finally admit it?

Sakura: Hm.

Kyoko: Mukuro, since you managed to finally make her give up this fruitless resistance, maybe you should do the honors. Please summarize the case again, from beginning to end. One last time. To make sure everyone is convinced.

Mukuro: Alright... I can do it. Sakura, I did consider you a friend. Even if briefly. But this has to end.

Everything happened like this!

Closing Argument Start!

The murder occurred during the party we held at the pool area in front of the Hotel tonight. When the murder was occurring, most people were at the party. Only exceptions were... Byakuya, who was at the Hotel itself. Chihiro and Celeste, who were at the Entertainment Center. Toko, who was at her own cottage. And the culprit, who was coming back from the Supermarket, bringing spare glasses. But after reaching the Hotel Grounds they didn’t immediately go to the party itself. Instead, they went towards Yasuhiro’s cottage.

I am uncertain of what happened between the two, but the culprit clearly made their way into the cottage. And to do that against a door locked by the paranoid Yasuhiro, they used their own student handbook and unique perk that only they had.

Once inside, a confrontation ensued, that quickly turned violent... Yasuhiro probably tried to draw the sword first, but was disarmed and killed by it, which would explain why it had both his and culprit’s fingerprints.

Having committed the murder, the culprit had to do something to cover their tracks. Not bothering to mess with crime scene or even checking if Yasuhiro was still alive, they simply grabbed a crystal ball off of his body and left the cottage. Yasuhiro was, in fact, still alive by then, and he used his final moments to write a dying message. Pointing to prophecy he made, fulfillment of which he got to see.

The culprit, meanwhile, made their way outside, and spotted their chance. From between the cottages, almost unseen, they could throw the crystal ball at the huge punch fountain in the party area, knocking it over into the pool. Coincidentally, that knocked Makoto into the pool as well. Once that was done, all they had to do is rush and jump into the pool before anyone could see them covered in blood. Color of punch and blood in the pool mixed together, making sure nobody knew that the culprit was bloodstained in the first place.

With that, their little cover-up was complete. But the murder had one final aspect. When Makoto, wet from his fall, was going to his cottage to change, he walked past Yasuhiro’s cottage, spotting him through the window by chance. Panicking, Makoto rushed inside, trying to help, but ending up only pulling the sword out of Yasuhiro’s chest... And that’s exactly when all of us spotted him.

Only one person had the perk that would allow them to open Yasuhiro’s cottage, and his dying message pointed to that same person. That person is you, Sakura Ogami, the Ultimate Martial Artist!


Mukuro: There you have it. This is how you killed him, isn’t that right, Sakura?

Sakura: ...it would appear it was my own resolve that wasn’t strong after all.

Monokuma: Puhuhu... What’s that I hear? Lack of objections? Lack of proposals? You know what that means!

Usami: Uwuh... Let’s just end this already!

Monokuma: It’s voting time!

Usami: And please, everyone, do vote! If you don’t, Monokuma will execute you regardless!

Monokuma: Hey, there’s an exception! That absentee lazy bastard Leon won’t be executed for missing a vote! Might be if the vote is wrong though...

Suddenly, without any warning, screens on our podiums lit up. Without much hesitation, I voted for Sakura... And after a bit of waiting, a large screen lit up above Monokuma and Usami. Revealing vote tally. Fifteen votes for Sakura...

Usami: I just hope everyone made the right choice...

Monokuma: Oh, don’t worry, Usami! They did! The bastards got it right.

Usami: I’m sorry, Sakura...

Aoi: Why... Why?!

Trial End.

The trial was over. Votes were cast and tallied and we all knew who the blackened was. Sayaka and Makoto rushed over to try and console Aoi, who broke down crying. Rest of us gathered around Sakura, though most were keeping a safe distance...

Mukuro: Sakura... Why? Why did you do it?

Sakura: You said it yourself, didn’t you?

Kyoko: The motive. You let yourself be tempted by promise of your memories back?

Sakura: Indeed.

Hifumi: For Miss Ogami to give in... What could possibly you be forgetting?!

Mondo: Seriously!

Sakura: I suppose I should tell you the full story of how it happened. Mukuro’s version was mostly right. With one exception... I encountered Yasuhiro before he went into his cottage...


I was coming back with the packaged glasses in the bag. Chihiro was no longer at the entrance when I came in, and there I saw him... On the boys’ side, he was peeking at the party, probably observing it. As he spotted me, he yelled...

Yasuhiro: Stay back! I know what you planned!

Before rushing back into his cottage. I wanted to know what was wrong, so I left the glasses by the intersection and without checking in with the party I went towards his cottage.

I tried knocking and talking, but he wouldn’t respond. I simply wished to confront him properly, to try and get him to cease his fear. So I unlocked the door and tried to force the conversation...

Yasuhiro: No... Leave! Get out! Help!

Sakura: Yasuhiro. You need to calm down.

Yasuhiro: I know... you gave in, didn’t you! I was right! I was right, the ogre gave in! I—I won’t go down!

Sakura: What? Gave in...?

Yasuhiro: Don’t pretend! You gave into the motive! But you won’t kill me! I won’t die so easily! I’m not dying like this damn it!

And so he grabbed the sword off the rack and tried to rush me. I had easy time disarming him and pinning him to the wall with one hand, holding sword with another... And that’s when I realized. That this was my chance. To learn what happened. Learn what I lost. The motive lingered in my mind for a while by then and in that moment of opportunity... I lost my resolve.


Yasuhiro: Grhh--!

Sakura: ...

Yasuhiro: I... knew... it...


Byakuya: So you saw an opportunity and simply couldn’t resist it? How pedestrian.

Mondo: sh*t! I thought you were like, strong! What the hell was it that made you kill?

Sakura: ...love.

Celeste: Love? Really?

Sakura: I am still a girl, after all. And I had a person I loved... Who also was the only person in the world still stronger than me. His name was Kenshiro.

Junko: Wait... You killed because you wanted back memories of your combat buddy boyfriend? Girl, that’s sad... In, like, both ways.

Sakura: No... Kenshiro, he... He was sick. When I was going to Hope’s Peak, he had 6 months left to live, according to doctors... He promised me he’d be strong and would overcome it. And then we’d fight again... So that I could truly earn the title of the strongest person in the world.

Sakura: But in reality... Years have passed already. Kenshiro... What happened to him? I... I had to know. I couldn’t... Let go of the thought. To the point where it consumed me.

Chihiro: Sakura... I’m so sorry...

Sakura: There is no need to feel sorry for the wicked, Chihiro. In the end, I wasn’t strong enough... And did something unforgivable. Even if I were to live through this, I’d never be able to face Kenshiro again...

Junko: Hmm... Hey, Monokuma~ A question? Sakura here did kill, so she gets her memory back now, right?

Monokuma: Hmm... You know what? I say... It’s going to be 50/50! You killed but you also failed, so I’ll do something Usami really loves!

Usami: Oh no...

Monokuma: A consolation prize! Instead of all your memories, you get one hint as to the answer to the main question you hold!

Monokuma: Look at the name of your perk again. It’s true, you know.

Sakura: What? What is that supposed to—GH!

Mukuro: ...The Strongest...

Sakura: That means... Kenshiro... I... Monokuma!!!

Hifumi: I see! If Miss Ogami is ‘The Strongest’, that means that her lover no longer is!

Kyoko: I think the implication is a bit more grim than that...

Hifumi: More grim? Do you mean...

Sakura: Grraaah!

Monokuma: Puhuhu... That rage on your face mixes so well with despair you’re facing, but we’re not done yet! Because now is the best time!

Usami: I’m... so sorry, Sakura... But I can’t do anything about it, because of the rules...

Kiyotaka: This isn’t right! None of this is right! That’s no justice!

Mondo: sh*t, can’t we do something? She killed a guy, but seriously, we can’t let that little f*cker have her either!

Monokuma: Now then, I’ve prepared a very special punishment for Sakura Ogami, the Ultimate Martial Artist!

Sakura: Gh... Hh... No... I won’t give into rage. Not in my final moments...

Kyoko: One last thing, before you’re taken, I have one final question. Why did you resist the interrogation so much? Why didn’t you just admit it?

Celeste: I have same question as well. In retrospect it’s obvious you forced yourself to resist Mukuro’s accusation.

Monokuma: Let’s give it everything we’ve got!

Sakura: ...because I’d rather have Hina see an execution of a traitor, rather than that of a friend.

Mukuro: Sakura...

I looked over at Aoi, not listening and still being consoled by Makoto and Sayaka...

Monokuma: It’s punishment time!

Mukuro: I’m sorry about this.

Sakura: No. It is I who should be apologizing... But I’m afraid I won’t be able to earn anyone’s forgiveness any longer...

Sakura has been found guilty!

Time for punishment!


Weight of Sin

Ultimate Martial Artist Sakura Ogami's Execution: Executed

A collar suddenly snaps around Sakura’s neck, its chain dragging her away and behind the doors. Screens light up as we can see she was moved to an empty room with nothing in it, only a very tall ceiling. And way above it we could see Monokuma and Usami, staring down at her...

Suddenly a large rectangular wooden platform fell down. Sakura easily caught it, holding it up above her as she couldn’t turn it inside the narrow room... And then it began. Monokuma and Usami took turns, throwing things down the room, all landing onto that platform that Sakura was forced to hold up...

Monokuma threw heavy things, such as weights, gym equipment and simple iron bars, while Usami threw down plushies and pens, small and tiny things. Still, despite her efforts... Weight was building up. Sakura was struggling to hold it up, even as Monokuma was increasing size of his objects, throwing a whole barbell down, a full-sized motorcycle, a broken TV... But Sakura was holding strong. Eventually camera showed us above the room with all the heavy things on Monokuma’s side that he kept throwing and light things on Usami’s.

Even as Monokuma was running out of stuff to throw down onto Sakura, she held strong, holding up weight many times her size above her head to avoid being crushed by it... Her knees were starting to tremble, her face and body glistening from sweat...

Eventually, Monokuma ran out and only one thing was left to throw on Usami’s side. A single feather. She gently picked it up and threw it down the well... Sakura, holding the platform, squeezed her eyes shut as her arms were starting to give out under the immense weight. And the moment that feather landed on top of giant pile of things...


The platform lands on the ground. Blood can be seen seeping between the boards. Sakura is nowhere to be seen anymore.


Monokuma: Puhuhu... So strong, and yet she couldn’t hold up a single feather? Guess that’s ‘strength’ for ya!

Usami: No... Sakura! You’re the one who exhausted her with heavy things first!

Monokuma: Well, that’s about it for today. Oh, but after you do leave the trial grounds, do stick around near where you came from. I have one final surprise for tonight!

Usami: Another surprise? Wait, Monokuma, come back!

The two of them left...

Kiyotaka: This is... This isn’t justice! This is horrible!

Mondo: Holy f*cking sh*t...

Celeste: So that is what Monokuma’s executions are like. How gruesome...

Byakuya: I see...

Aoi: She... she didn’t deserve it...

Mukuro: Aoi?

Aoi: Even if she did betray me... And try to set me up... She didn’t deserve this...

Celeste: Are you certain? Not only did she kill someone, she directly accused you, attempting to get us all killed just to escape with her life.

Aoi: Yes! I’m certain! Even... even the most horrible people don’t deserve to die like that!

Sayaka: Hey, let’s just go back to cottages already...

Celeste: Indeed. I do apologize, Hina. I simply wanted to make sure.

Kyoko: Yes. We all need to rest, especially after that.

Junko: Yeah... jeez, as if I was getting any sleep tonight before that...

Byakuya: Really now? You don’t look too shaken.

Junko: Ughh... Go get f*cked by an entire palm tree, I’m not in a mood for this...

Toko: I l-looked away... I was afraid of seeing blood...

Makoto: It’s okay, Toko. I... I could barely look myself...

Toko: D-Don’t you try to console me!

Mondo: Damn... I just froze up like that... sh*t....

All mumbling their own thoughts, we went towards the elevator and it raised us back up to the surface.


Chapter 1 – End

Surviving Students – 14

Gift Received: Master Belt


Rock of Justice

First thing we saw upon leaving it was...

Leon: Holy sh*t, you guys did it! That was awesome! I mean, not the end of it, but...

Mondo: As if you helped, f*cker!

Hifumi: That was a very cowardly thing to do, Mister Kuwata!

Makoto: Hey, Leon didn’t realize it! He thought he was just saving himself.

Byakuya: Indeed. A simple, logical attempt to protect oneself. Even I can’t criticize it, aside from lack of planning.

Leon: Hey, don’t you give me compliments, it makes me feel more like sh*t than I already do when you’re the one doing it!

Chihiro: Didn’t Monokuma ask us to stick around...? For another surprise...?

Junko: He did... Where is it?

Toko: Right here, everyone!

Sayaka: Huh, Toko?

Toko: I’m r-right here! I didn’t s-say that!

Toko?: Not her, you numbskulls! Me!

We looked over to where the voice was coming from... And there she was. A second Toko, just standing there, twirling a pair of scissors on her finger... She looked different from Toko we knew, but not in body. Her mannerisms, her speech were different. Voice and appearance though...

Toko: N-No... that’s impossible... it c-can’t be?

Toko?: Oh it can and it is! Freedom! Freedom to take showers whenever I want and kill whoever I want! This is everything I’ve ever wanted!

Kyoko: Freedom to... kill?

Toko?: Oh, I guess I should introduce myself, huh?

Syo: Hi, everyone! So nice to meet you! Genocider Syo desu! I look so forward to being a member of this class! Kyahahahahaha!

Genocider Syo, the Ultimate Murderous Fiend


Surviving Students – 15


And here is the end of Chapter 1. A bit simpler than your average Danganronpa chapter, but fitting for Chapter 1, I'd like to think. Hope it won't make the resolution any less interesting!

How do we go forward from here? Well, admittedly, my fiction writing fire has been running a bit lower than usual lately, so I might take some time again before starting Chapter 2. Not too long, but just making sure that if there is a delay, it's nothing particular.

In the meantime though... I hope you all enjoyed it, I love you all and I'll see you next time around when we move on and into Chapter 2... Whenever that is.

Chapter 10: Chapter 2 – Love and Hate, Justice and Egoism, Against World's Evil! – Daily Life 1


A whole new world opens up for the students as they deal with the aftermath of the trial in their own ways.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 2 – Love and Justice, Hatred and Egoism, Against World’s Evil! – Daily Life

I was looking down the rows of cottages... Two of those would never be occupied again. Yasuhiro... he was ridiculous, crazy and stupid... But in the end, he was just scared and wanted to live. Sakura... she was wise and calm and collected. And yet, the passion she was hiding burned her from inside out... Two lives were lost yesterday. And yet, it was far from over. After all...

I look over Toko’s cottage. It now looks different from all the others, being a two-floor one. And her sign now has a second nameplate. Genocider Syo... How is that really possible? Is what they told us yesterday true...?


Syo: Kyahahaha! That’s right! I’m my own person now!

Byakuya: Your own person? That’s a curious choice of words. Explain yourself.

Syo: Isn’t it obvious? For long time I was stuck sharing a body with that absolute loser whose name is disgusting to even spell! But now! Now... Kyahahaha!

Toko: N-No way... That means y-you’re... really gone...

Syo: Gone? No, I’m most certainly in the reality, more real than I could ever imagine being! Ah, this is true genesis of the spring within my heart... Kyahahaha!

Kiyotaka: She’s insane! Toko’s twin is insane!

Mondo: She had to be bullsh*tting us, right? There’s no way she’s really Genocider Syo!

Toko: B-But... how?! How are you n-not in my body anymore?!

Monokuma: Surprise! I appear to offer explanation! Hey, explanation, come out and explain!

Usami: Uhm! I! Uwah!

Kyoko: ...she’s still hiding things from us.

Chihiro: Usami... Why...

Sayaka: Did you really bring a serial killer onto the island with us?

Usami: Hope... Fragments...

Monokuma: Well, Ms. Explanation failed, so I will fill in as vaguely as possible!

Monokuma: Remember how I said years of memories got taken from all of you? Have you considered the changes world suffered in meantime? The advancement of technology, perhaps?

Toko: W-Wait... are you saying that at s-some point she... Got extracted out of m-me using some technology?

Chihiro: That... sounds plausible... The advances in fields of neural science...

Syo: Oh, who cares, the important part is, the worst part of me is no longer part of me!

Monokuma: I said as much as I’m going to say! Pester Usami if you want better answers.

Junko: As if she’ll ever give any.

Usami: I’m sorry... But she is one of your classmates too... She wasn’t supposed to show up until she got better... But Monokuma released her early...

Syo: That’s right! No padded cell can contain this blood-gorious fangirl! And it’s time to paint the world red again!

Kyoko: Not so fast. Do you really think we will allow something like that?

Celeste: That is correct. It is still a killing game, and rules affect you same as anyone. If you kill, you will get found out and executed.

Syo: Oh, are you trying to make this sound like a threat? Because all I’m hearing is a challenge!

Leon: She’s... completely nuts!

Syo: Kyahahahaha!


Yeah. We couldn’t do much about her, but she couldn’t do much either, so we were left like that, at an impasse where we had to tolerate one another. Either way, morning announcement just sounded and I should stop staring at the buildings, so I made my way to the restaurant.


Hotel Restaurant

Of course, it couldn’t be anything else. It was complete chaos...

Syo: Kyahahahaha!

Kiyotaka: We can contain her somehow... right?

Sayaka: But what can we even do?

Aoi: Maybe if Sakura was here, we could tackle her and lock her up somewhere... Like that deprecated building beside the Hotel.

Celeste: However, she isn’t. And it would appear that the second best we have is being unusually hesitant.

Mondo: Look, I know it sounds stupid, but she hasn’t done sh*t yet... And you can’t expect me to raise a fist against a girl for nothing!

Chihiro: Plus... if something happened to her because she was locked up... then someone would become the blackened anyway.

Leon: Seriously, can we really not do anything about it?

Kyoko: If you have any suggestions, I am open. However, for now we will have to tolerate her presence. Still, I do recommend everyone take extra caution. Particularly, the boys.

Hifumi: The boys? Why is that?

Syo: Oh, pft, you relax, Huffy, I heard you squeal when I first came here, no man can make sound this pig-like! Kyahahaha!

Hifumi: How dare you insult my masculinity!

Junko: It was a pretty girly scream.

Hifumi: Ghh!

Mukuro: I see everyone’s coping with the new arrival well?

Junko: You said it, girl.

Kiyotaka: Junko, please avoid misleading Mukuro! Our situation is opposite of well-coped!

Junko: Did none of your textbook ever explain the definition of sarcasm either? Might want to look that up.

Makoto: Hey, Kyoko... Why did you mention that the boys should be extra cautious?

Kyoko: Because that’s the theme of Genocider Syo’s killings. She only ever kills men.

Syo: Ooh, someone’s done their homework! You get an A+, missus Class President!

Mondo: Wait, f*ckin’ seriously?!

Syo: Exactly! This ravenous killer only commits crime of pure emotion and unadulterated passion, so strong that it simply cannot be contained and has to be spilled onto the world! Kyahahahaha!

Mukuro: Hey, by the way... Where’s Toko and Byakuya? They seem to be the only two still absent.

Kyoko: It seems like Toko chose to stay holed up in her cottage. As for Byakuya, I believe he went off to investigate the Second Island on his own.

Kiyotaka: Second Island? But it’s locked off!

Kyoko: It appears that it isn’t anymore. And the robot guarding the entrance is gone too.

Junko: Why the hell didn’t you say anything earlier then?

Kyoko: I simply hoped that everyone else will arrive first, but it appears that Toko is not coming.

Leon: So, wait, shouldn’t we go explore out there?

Monokuma: That’s right!

Leon: Gah!

Monokuma: Oh, don’t be surprised. Today’s my turn, after all!

Kyoko: What do you want, Monokuma?

Monokuma: Oh, I simply wanted to confirm that, yes, indeed! Island was unlocked for all of you to shut up Usami’s whining about ‘proper reward mechanism’. From now on, if you clear a trial, you get an extra Island!

Celeste: I see. And I presume there are new facilities available on that new island?

Monokuma: Of course! More Ultimate labs, more general stuff! Usami apparently wanted to unlock them for you as you got more Hope Fragments, but we all know that ain’t happening now that the Killing Game is in action!

Aoi: No! That’s not true!

Monokuma: Huh?

Aoi: Sure... Someone may have killed... But it won’t happen again! We won’t let it!

Leon: Hell yeah! Like any of us would ever do something stupid after what we’ve seen.

Sayaka: Yes... That punishment... Nobody should ever go through something like that. It’s horrible.

Kiyotaka: And now that a murder has occurred, we can better work towards preventing any more!

Monokuma: Oh, really now? Well, then I wish you good luck with that! Puhuhu... I want to see just how long that determination can last.

Kyoko: Was that all you had to say?

Monokuma: Hmm... Yeah, I think it was.

Kyoko: Then off with you.

Monokuma: Awh... Shunned headmaster...

Kyoko: You’re not the Headmaster.

Monokuma: Hm? Puhuhu... Ahahahaha!

With sudden bout of laughter, Monokuma disappeared, leaving off a sense of unease.

Syo: So, are we going on to check that sh*t out or what?

Makoto: Well, we have to see if maybe that island has some way of escaping.

Hifumi: It feels more and more unlikely by the second...

Mondo: Stop f*ckin’ ruining the mood! As if the scissor-crazy bitch hasn’t ruined it enough...

Syo: Ooh, you’re so foul-mouthed and big and strong and biker... You’d look great with your arms spread out if you get what I’m saying. Kyahahahaha!

Junko: That’s one crazy bitch, alright. She’s stealing my vibe!

Chihiro: But... the new island. It might be dangerous, right? Should we really just go there?

Mukuro: I’m pretty sure Byakuya will have triggered all the potential traps for us, then.

Chihiro: Don’t say that...

Leon: Can we just go? The sooner we split up to search the better.

Kyoko: Fine. Our goal is to examine as much of the island as we can, then gather back here at lunchtime. Syo, you’re coming with me.

Syo: Huh? Who are you to order me around?!

Kyoko: If you want to keep privilege of free movement, you will have to prove that you aren’t that crazy. That involves doing what I say.

Syo: Ghh... To be bossed around by some ice queen... Fine! Whatever! I wanna see new places, meet new faces, find new maces, bash in some cases~


Sports Center

Generally, the Second Island looked similar to the First... Although obviously the buildings and such were different. I made a round around the roads. There was some old ruin I didn’t bother to check, a sports center, a pharmacy and a library... Past the library there also was a road down to a small beach with its own beach house. Why did the archipelago need two proper beaches anyway?

Regardless, knowing what’s where, first place I went to was the Sports Center. And inside was... Well. It was a very large public gym. Tons of exercise equipment, various racks of dumbbells, several Ultimate labs... And Celeste.

Celeste: Ah, Mukuro. Here you are.

Mukuro: Hey, Celeste... Didn’t expect to see you in a place like this?

Celeste: And can I ask why not?

Mukuro: Well... You’re all... ladylike. And this is a gym.

Celeste lets out an amused chuckle... Did I just get baited into some joke?

Celeste: Of course, I’d usually never go to a place like this. However, we are on an otherwise uninhabited island with little amenities. It is worth at least seeing every options, even ones you aren’t using, am I wrong?

Mukuro: No, you’re right. Sorry.

Celeste: There is nothing to apologize about. However, it would appear whatever your talent is, it is not related to sports.

Mukuro: Huh? How do you know?

Celeste: Because I examined this place closely. Maybe you can come to the same conclusion as I did?

Well, now that was a challenge. I went around the place, checking out the plates on the Ultimate labs... Ultimate Baseball Star’s lab seemed to be leading outside, on the other end of the center. And Ultimate Swimming Pro’s lab was probably a pool. Finally... Ultimate Martial Artist’s lab... Yeah, I don’t think I should be checking that one.

Mukuro: Wait... That’s it. There aren’t any more labs. Which means...

Celeste: Indeed. All the sports-related talents are accounted for in this building. Similarly to how Entertainment Center and Supermarket on the First Island did for their appropriate talents.

Mukuro: Huh... I guess it makes sense that the labs get attached to appropriate venues. Wait, that doesn’t make sense. Where’s Sayaka’s lab then? Wouldn’t it be in the Entertainment Center too?

Celeste: I can’t say. Perhaps future islands have a location more directly related to music?

Mukuro: If more people have to die, then I don’t want to find out.

Celeste: Hm. I disagree. It is good to be rewarded for our efforts. However disappointingly.

Mukuro: I guess... Better than nothing.

Celeste: I am glad we can see eye to eye on this.

Deciding to leave Celeste be for now, I headed into one of the labs... Not Sakura’s obviously, but...


Ultimate Swimming Pro’s Lab

I can’t say I expected anything different. It’s just a normal indoor pool, with the lanes and such. There are also some high boards, but generally... It was just a pool. Well, at least there were some people of note here...

Mukuro: Aoi, Sayaka! How are you?

Sayaka: Oh, hey, Mukuro. We were just checking out Hina’s lab...

Aoi: Hey, Mukuro... I didn’t really get to properly thanking you for defending me earlier, but... Yeah, thanks...

Mukuro: Anyone would have done that. I knew you had to be innocent. You’re... not the kind of person who would do something like that.

Aoi: But... neither was Sakura and...

Sayaka: Hina, calm down... Remember, deep breaths...

Aoi: Yeah... You’re right. Thanks, Sayaka.

Sayaka: Don’t worry. If you need a fellow girl’s shoulder to lean on, I’m always there.

Mukuro: That’s kind of you, Sayaka. And, Aoi, you can rely on me too if you feel bad, alright?

Aoi: I... yeah... Thanks, both of you... I just still can’t get over how Sakura betrayed us... And tried to get us all killed...

I bit my lower lip, remembering Sakura’s words... Looks like everyone was decent enough not to let Aoi know about her choice. I wasn’t about to break the bubble either... Maybe it’s for the best. Sayaka didn’t hear that either, being busy consoling her, but... I think she realized something looking at me now, if serious look is any indication.

Mukuro: Uhh... To change the topic. How’s your lab?

Aoi: Oh... It’s cool, I suppose. It’s a great pool, I’m just not really in the mood.

Sayaka: Hey, you could still take a swim. Maybe it will help you get your mind off of bad things?

Aoi: I don’t know...

Sayaka: Hey, how about this! Let’s swim together and relax a little. It’ll be fun!

Aoi: I... okay! Sure!

Sayaka: Can you go grab us swimsuits then?

Aoi: Uh-huh! Sure! Mukuro, will you join us?

Mukuro: No, I think I should still check out the rest of the island.

Aoi: Alright then!

With that she ran off to the closet on the other end of the lab... Leaving me alone with Sayaka.

Mukuro: Hey... Thanks for looking out for Aoi.

Sayaka: So, what was it that Sakura said?

Mukuro: Huh? How did you know?

Sayaka: Like I said, I’m psychic.

Mukuro: ...

Sayaka: Just kidding! I simply have good intuition. But you gave it away already.

Mukuro: She... She didn’t want Aoi to see her death as something sad or traumatic, so... Main reason she accused her was to make sure she’s seen as an enemy, not a friend when she got executed...

Sayaka: Oh... That’s... That’s awful...

Mukuro: Yeah... I can’t bring myself to tell her either. I think nobody can. And those that can just don’t care enough.

Sayaka: I see... Thanks for telling me. Seeing how bad she was feeling I just couldn’t help but offer her help. She still took it all too personally...

Mukuro: Yeah. Hopefully she can move past it. Seeing her in the downs is just depressing.

Sayaka: Well, cheering people up is kind of my profession and my dream! So I can’t just ignore someone who really needs it.

Mukuro: Oh, yeah... You are an idol singer, aren’t you?

Sayaka: Mhm... Have you forgotten already?

Mukuro: No, it’s just that it kind of slipped my mind.

Sayaka: That’s why I always wanted to be an idol. Idols are, well, idols! Someone people can look up to and feel encouraged by! To be cheered up and strengthened. And helping people is important part of that.

Mukuro: I see... I suppose that does make sense... For some reason I always imagined it being way more... drama-filled. And that idols are more like Celeste than, well, you.

Sayaka: Oh, that’s true as well... But myself and my bandmates are not like that at all. I really just want to bring smiles to people’s faces.

Update! Earned Sayaka’s 2nd Hope Fragment.

As I heard the beep from my handbook, I also saw Aoi coming back...

Aoi: Hey, Sayaka! Here’s swimsuit for you. I picked out a pink one, like that dress you wear on stage!

Sayaka: Ah! It looks so cute! Let me try it on... Oh, see you around Mukuro.

Aoi: Yeah, thanks again!

Mukuro: I’ll see you around girls.

Waving to them as they headed for changing rooms, I left the lab myself, heading towards the other one...


Ultimate Baseball Star’s Lab

How is this a lab? No, I get it, baseball and such, but it’s just a big baseball field! It’s not even indoors, the lab door just leads to Sports Center’s backyard and there’s a baseball field there! There’s not even a fence! How is that any sort of ‘lab’?! ...I should probably not be as confused about it as I am. Especially since I can see two people looking over the field itself.

Mukuro: Hey, guys. You’re checking out the ‘lab’ too, huh?

Kiyotaka: Indeed! This looks like an extremely well-designed baseball field!

Leon: Whatever...

Kiyotaka: Leon, are you not happy? I always assumed Ultimate students would be happy to partake in their own talents?

Leon: Happy? Seriously? It’s just a practice field. Screw that!

Mukuro: Practice field?

Leon: Yeah. Not like there’s anyone I could actually play with here. I mean, sure, it’d be fun to maybe try and get a real game going... But we don’t have enough people or anything. Right now all this place is good for is practice.

Kiyotaka: That is great! This means you can put all effort into preparation for your next game, and push yourself to next level!

Leon: ...seriously? You actually expect me to train on my own? No way, dude!

Kiyotaka: What? Why wouldn’t you?

Leon: Because I don’t care about these stupid practices. I don’t even wanna look at this place anymore. See you guys later.

With that, Leon walked back into the Sports Center...

Mukuro: Well, looks like he’s serious about his idea of quitting baseball...

Kiyotaka: What a completely unacceptable behavior!

Mukuro: Unacceptable? Why so?

Kiyotaka: He’s simply abandoning his sports success because he refuses to put any effort into it! That kind of laziness can not be tolerated!

Mukuro: Well, maybe he doesn’t like baseball really much. He’s just talented at it.

Kiyotaka: I apologize, Mukuro, as you are most likely an Ultimate in some regard too, but I do not believe that talent is all there is to it. Hard work, effort and dedication are things that truly give one success! Talent is but a stopgap, and I’m certain that Leon will come to learn it the hard way!

Mukuro: Well, he does want to try doing something of his own. Learning music, right? How is that not a good thing? It would require effort too.

Kiyotaka: Clearly, it’s because he is not the type to be able to succeed at it. Music is even more complicated than sports! I have to admit, even my own attempts at it, with best of my efforts, yielded little success. Much less someone like him!

Mukuro: You don’t have to bash on the guy so hard. He just likes to take it easy. Maybe you should relax a bit more too, you know. I know, there’s been... things going on, but you don’t have to be on guard all the time.

Kiyotaka: I appreciate your concern, but I decline. A real student must dedicate himself completely at all times! Maybe with my own personal effort I can prove that hard work overcomes any sort of talent, and show people like Leon that practice does make perfect!

Update! Earned Kiyotaka’s 2nd Hope Fragment.

Mukuro: Okay then... Uh, I’ll go check out the other places on the island for now. Will you be fine by yourself?

Kiyotaka: Don’t concern yourself, Mukuro! I’ll go find Leon and perhaps some more talking can get him to come to his senses!

Mukuro: I see... Well, good luck with that.



Well... this looks like an average drug store. Shelves lined with various medicines and such, all labeled. No obvious poisons or anything at first glance either. I guess if someone gets sick, this will be of help.

Junko: Well, that’s disappointing!

Mukuro: Hey, Junko. What’s disappointing?

Junko: Isn’t it obvious? It’s all just... medicine! No poisons, no drugs, nothing... interesting! This place is just boring!

Chihiro: Well... I think it’s good that there’s nothing dangerous here...

Junko: Oh, there’s plenty dangerous here. Just nothing interesting!

Mukuro: Dangerous? Like what?

Junko: Have you ever mixed caffeine tablets with sleep medicine? I still don’t remember those two days! It’s just that... There’s nothing obviously interesting here. I expected, I dunno, a big shelf of poisons or maybe some gacha machine with heroin in it, but nope. Actual, normal pharmacy.

Mukuro: I think I have to agree with Chihiro here. The less dangerous things are around, the better it is.

Chihiro: Yeah... I don’t like the idea of someone poisoning someone else...

Junko: Bleh, you two are boring.

Chihiro: I just... don’t want anyone else to die... Because Yasuhiro... And Sakura too...

Junko: Oh no, don’t tell me...

Chihiro: I was there... Outside the gates because I wanted to help... To be on guard in case something happens... Maybe if I... noticed something I...

Mukuro: Chihiro...

Chihiro: But... I was too weak and useless... I couldn’t do anything, and now both of them are—

Junko: Oh, shut it, will you?

Mukuro: Junko!

Junko: Don’t Junko me. Listen here, lil’ g-.. girl. You got nothing to do with those two idiots attacking each other. It’s plain stupid to take blame for irrelevant bullsh*t like that. We don’t need anyone with martyr complex around here.

Chihiro: I... Alright, I’m sorry... I just... can’t stop thinking about what I could have done differently to have... helped...

Junko: Who cares? It’s useless to focus so much on “what if” when it changes nothing. Just make conclusions on what you have actually done wrong, realize it was nothing and move on.

Mukuro: Easy for you to say.

Junko: Yeah. It is. Because I live healthy lifestyle and don’t get hung up on boring stuff like that.

Chihiro: I... Thank you, Junko. And you too, Mukuro.

Junko: Oh, Mukuro, have you checked it out yet? There’s a library by this island’s beach!

Mukuro: I saw it, but I’m yet to actually look into it.

Junko: You should try! There’s a big picture book section, just for someone who can’t read!

Chihiro: Junko, why are you always mean to Mukuro...?

Mukuro: Because she’s a bitch. That’s her thing.

Junko: Gah! Owh! Yuck! Oh no! A body has been discovered! Your words have shattered my heart!

I simply rolled my eyes as Junko dramatically fell on the ground, sticking out her tongue.

Mukuro: I’ll just go check out the library. Stay safe you two.

Chihiro: You too, Mukuro.

Junko: What, not even a reaction to your dear sister’s demise? That’s cold. Who’s the bitch here now?



This place was... huge. Like, 5 floors huge with giant atrium, from which you could see all the other floors right past the entrance and big ornate staircases leading to second floor... There was even a freaking fountain in the middle, and a chandelier size of it hanging at the ceiling...

But on first floor, past the ‘general’ section bookshelves, on two sides there were two lab doors. I guess I’ll start with one on the right side of the building... Ultimate Fanfic Creator’s Lab...


Ultimate Fanfic Creator’s Lab

This was... Surprisingly library-like too. Except shelves were lined not with books, but with issues of manga and cases of anime discs... There was a TV rig, probably for watching that, with a couch and all. And there was a drawing table, big and well-lit. With Hifumi sitting at it.

Mukuro: Hey, there...

Hifumi: Eep!

He quickly shuffled some paper. As he turned around, I could see him stuffing what looked like a manga volume into his pocket.

Mukuro: You’re checking out your lab?

Hifumi: But of course! I am glad you came by as well, Miss Ikusaba! This is pristine environment for creation of comics!

Mukuro: And what’s with all the anime and manga then? It almost looks like Ultimate Otaku’s lab...

Hifumi: Oh, don’t underestimate the critical importance of having good amount of reference material, Miss Ikusaba. A... very good amount of it. Of... very good... reference material...

And he’s drooling like a creep. I get the feeling that I don’t want to properly examine most of the shelves in here.

Mukuro: I see... And what was that you were reading?

Hifumi: Oh! I was surprised to find it here... But it looks like a proper print copy of one of my best works involving Princess Piggles! Looks like whoever designed this lab truly is a fan of my own fanwork!

Mukuro: Or they’ve just done their research well...

Hifumi: But other than that I don’t think I have much to actually show you... Yet! Now that this is at my disposal, my creativity can flow!

Mukuro: Uh-huh... Well... Good luck with that, I’ll go check out the other lab.

Hifumi: Farewell, Miss Ikusaba! I promise my creations will shock you when I have them ready!

I wonder if that will be a good kind of shock or not...


Ultimate Writing Prodigy’s Lab

This was obviously expected... Toko’s lab. Again, just like Hifumi’s, it was actually library like, though shelves were lined with... Well, literature. There were even display cases, showing Toko’s own books, neatly lined up. What wasn’t expected is seeing Toko and Byakuya both in this lab.

Mukuro: Hey, you two. I thought you weren’t joining us?

Toko: Gh- What are you d-doing here?

Mukuro: I’m exploring the island? Checking out the labs?

Toko: Well, th-there’s nothing to help us escape here... Only a quiet place to write... Or it w-was until you showed.

Mukuro: So, why weren’t the two of you at the breakfast meeting?

Byakuya: Are we obliged to report to you? Or anyone here, really.

Mukuro: No, but you can’t stop me from asking.

Byakuya: It should obvious if you remember the current circ*mstance. Use your brain, I know you have one.

Mukuro: ...you two are avoiding Syo, aren’t you?

Toko: Of c-course! She’s like my impersonator now... L-Looking and sounding like me...

Mukuro: Well, with tones of your voice, I’d say she barely sounds like you... Plus, you don’t constantly wave scissors around.

Toko: Hmph... The only positive quality you could see in me is n-not being a psycho?!

Mukuro: That’s not what I said. And you, Byakuya?

Byakuya: ...I simply went ahead to explore the new island. And yes, I do believe there is nothing unreasonable about wanting to avoid a serial killer. Speaking of... There is another lab in this building. Right through this door.

Byakuya motioned his head to the door... Not the door back to library, there was another. Huh.

Byakuya: That is all. And before those who came through here come out, I’ll be taking my leave.

Toko: W-Wait, don’t leave me alone!

Byakuya: Ugh...

With that Byakuya left, Toko scampering right after him. What is up with those two...? Well, regardless, I have another lab to check out it seems...


Ultimate Murderous Fiend’s Lab

Well, this didn’t fit the library aesthetic at all. This small room was more like some occult shrine, with a giant wall of photos... All men, all... decently attractive. All pinned to it with scissors. Candles burning around, more scissors pinned into walls and floor and pretty much everywhere, an entire rack of unused ones... A workshop table of some kind too... Looks like it really was her lab.

Syo: Oh, look, someone else showed up! Hiii!

Kyoko: Mukuro. Good to see you.

Mukuro: Hey... So, this is the killer lab...

Syo: Indeed, a wonderful lab... A bit too gloomy for my tastes, but look at this! A beautiful wall, with all my favorite men...

Kyoko: You mean your past victims.

Syo: Poteyto-Potahto.

Mukuro: I see... Kyoko, how are you holding up?

Kyoko: Well enough. Why do you ask?

Mukuro: You know. You’re kind of the one watching her... So I’m just making sure.

Kyoko: I appreciate the concern, but trust me, I can keep myself safe if needed.

Syo: Oh, girl, you’re safe from me, I told you already, so relax your braid.

Kyoko: I am not planning on letting you run loose.

Syo: Didn’t we talk about it earlier? I can’t kill even if I wanted to without getting found out and executed! Stop being silly.

Mukuro: Somehow I doubt that’d stop you anyway...

Kyoko: Exactly. Which is why I’ll keep watching you for as long as needed.

Syo: Ugh... Stuck with an ice-queen-type girl, I’ll never be able to hook up a guy...

Mukuro: You mean hook up with a guy?

Syo: I said what I said~

Kyoko: Well, this lab doesn’t have anything new... She already had scissors on her, and her cottage has some as well.

Syo: And I won’t hesitate if you’ll try to take my signature away from me!

Kyoko: I won’t. But I won’t let you use it either.

Syo: I WoN’t LeT yOu UsE iT eItHeR, Oh I’m Miss Law Enforcement, look at me!

Kyoko: ...

Mukuro: I’ll just leave you two... to it. Good luck, Kyoko.

Kyoko: Thank you.


Chandler Beach

Passing past the library and through a tunnel in the rock formation, I headed to the beach... Well, it looked a little more private than the one on the First Island with the rock formations blocking off other entrances aside from just swimming through to over here... It even had a little beach house, with separate changing rooms, working shower stalls, vending machines, a closet full of various equipment... All you’d need for a fun beach time, I guess. On the beach itself, Makoto and Mondo were looking at the sea itself... Those two together, huh?

Mukuro: Hey, guys! What’s up?

Mondo: Oh, hey there! We’re just looking for f*ckin’ anything useful.

Makoto: Maybe those surfboards in the storage could be useful to try and get around?

Mondo: Are you stupid or something? There’s no f*cking way anyone can swim over to land, especially not on a surfboard!

Mukuro: Maybe Aoi could... Though without a surfboard.

Makoto: That’s right, she’s the Ultimate Swimming Pro! Maybe if we can get her waterproof supplies, she could try and swimming somewhere...

Mondo: Are you two crazy? We’re in the middle of a f*cking ocean! Even if there was a bridge to closest land, we’d f*cking die before we could cross it, and you’re suggesting sending someone swimming? A girl even?!

Mukuro: Easy there.

Makoto: I just... Didn’t think about it...

Mondo: Tch... This place is useless...

Not even bothering to say anything else, he angrily left the beach... Well, someone’s on edge. I get why, but lashing out like that...

Mukuro: Sorry about that... I think he’s still angry about what happened...

Makoto: Yeah... But speaking of talents, Mukuro, have you managed to remember anything about your own talent?

Mukuro: No, nothing at all... None of the labs on the island were mine either.

Makoto: I see... Sorry, I wish I could be of help.

Mukuro: I doubt anyone can be... It feels like... vacuum.

I sit down on the beach, looking into the horizon as I struggle to recall anything from my past... But it’s nothing. There’s my childhood, Junko, and then... it fades. And then I’m there, in front of Hope’s Peak Academy on the entry day. It’s... years of memories... Just like Monokuma said was taken from everyone, but why more from me?

I look at tattoo on the back of my hand. The wolf almost feels like it looks back at me... It has to do something with my talent. But what-

I feel a hand lay on my shoulder. I have to suppress my instinct to not instantly throw the owner over myself...

Makoto: Hey, Mukuro... It’s alright. I don’t know why Usami did it, but... I’m sure she meant no harm... And that you’ll remember eventually and it’ll be something great.

Mukuro: Do you really think so?

Makoto: Of course! I’m sure of it.

Mukuro: Heh... thanks, Makoto. You know, I’m surprised how well you’re handling all this, considering you seem the most... normal around here.

Makoto: ...you were going to say ‘average’, weren’t you?

Mukuro: But I didn’t.

Makoto: It’s alright, I’m kind of used to people pointing it out. Well, you could say that I’m used to things... working out somehow.

Mukuro: How in the world can you get used to things just... working out?

Makoto: It’s kind of ironic that Hope’s Peak picked me as the Ultimate Lucky Student, considering that if I had to call it anything, I’d be Ultimate Unlucky Student. Things rarely go in my favor naturally...

Mukuro: Hm... Yeah. Considering what happened yesterday, I can see that.

Makoto: But! I also am used to the fact, that even when something really bad happens... Things work out in the end. It’s usually a wild ride, but... I just got used to believing, that no matter what... There’s always something to look forward to in the end.

Mukuro: That’s... surprisingly hopeful. Maybe you’re right...

He walked in front of me and offered me a hand. I took it and stood up. I didn’t really use his help, because it felt like I’d simply pull him down into the sand if I actually tried to put my weight into it, but I guess it’s the thought that counts...

Makoto: Hey, I have an idea! Let’s go for a swim!

Mukuro: A swim...?

Makoto: Yeah. The sea here is great!

Mukuro: Is... now really a good time?

Makoto: Well, nothing is happening and there’s nothing important on this island. Why not relax and have some fun to take our mind off of everything? Have you even tried the sea since coming here?

Mukuro: No... I was about to on the first day, but then... Everything happened.

Makoto: Then come on! There’s swimsuits in the beach house and changing rooms!

Makoto, still holding my hand started running towards the beach house as I let myself be led by him.

A few minutes later both of us were swimming in the sea, lit by bright tropical sun... The feeling of saltwater, pleasantly warm by this hour, Makoto laughing as I have to push him out of the way of a particularly shark rock, the waves breaking over the rocks surrounding this private beach... Maybe Makoto was right. Maybe... things will just. Work out after all... In one way or the other.

Update! Earned Makoto’s 3rd Hope Fragment.


Mukuro’s Cottage

I spent rest of the day relaxing on that beach with Makoto. Of course, we didn’t get full privacy, some other people came and went to check the place... We skipped the reunion at lunchtime too. Thankfully it didn’t seem like anyone was bothered by it. Two of us just relaxing, swimming, sunbathing... It was a good way to get my mind off of everything. I felt tired when I came back after grabbing some dinner in the restaurant. But despite how recent yesterday was... I let myself feel like things are actually looking up.

Ding Dong Bing Bong!

Monokuma: Attention! This is a school trip announcement. Good evening, everyone! It is now 10 PM! Nighttime has officially come, so go and get some sleep to be energetic for tomorrow’s murderous plans! Sleep well!

Screw you too, you stupid bear.


Monokuma Theater

Crab. I absolutely love crab! Who doesn’t? It’s a delicious meal, it looks so appetizing on your plate, and it’s a very healthy kind of meat too! It goes with almost anything, can be eaten raw or cooked and is just so beloved! Who wouldn’t love some crab?

Which is why one of my most hated things is imitation crab! It’s a fake thing that’s made to look like crab, and has a taste that is different from most things, so people who never tasted real crab will think that it’s a ‘crab taste’! When in reality it has nothing to do with the crab!

A bunch of processed fish, repainted white and red, rolled up into pretty cylinder and pretending to be crab... What reason does anyone have to love something like that? That’s just a cheap copy of something delicious and expensive! Unless you’re just someone who doesn’t know better and believes imitation crab is actually equitable to real... In which case I can only offer you pity, imitation crab lover. If only you ever had a chance to try the real thing, the fakeness of this fake would stick out like a sore thumb!


Well, that took a while, huh? Yeah it kind of did. Apologies for that, as there was an unrelated personal project I was undertaking on the side that took away a good chunk of my motivated time. But now that it's been semi-completed I can start dedicating time to writing this properly, and... Well, hopefully I can pick up the pace again.

Thank you everyone who was patient, and I hope you enjoy. As always I love you all and will see you with the next one, whenever that may be.

Chapter 11: Chapter 2 – Love and Hate, Justice and Egoism, Against World's Evil! – Daily Life 2


Mukuro goes on with her daily life on Jabberwock island and witnesses quite a few conflicts along the way


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Ding Dong Bing Bong!

Usami: Hello, everyone! This is a school trip announcement! It is now 8 AM! Another wonderful morning in tropical paradise! Time to wake up and be ready to cultivate wonderful hope!


I was doing a morning jog around the first island when the announcement sounded. Aoi was nowhere to be seen... I guess she’s skipping out on it now. I can see why, but I’m still worried about her. Either way... I myself don’t really feel like going to breakfast meeting much, so I decided to finish the jog and go to restaurant later.


Hotel Restaurant

I ended up arriving a full hour later, and by then it seems everyone has went around doing their own thing... Which probably also meant that nothing too important was said there. Either way I was having my breakfast in peace and quiet when I heard some shouts coming from downstairs... And coming up.

Kiyotaka: You’re a complete disgrace, not a student!

Mondo: Grh! When will you actually learn that I don’t give a sh*t about your stupid f*cking lectures and f*ck off?!

Kiyotaka: I will not be intimidated by the likes of you! Only weaklings would use force like that to threaten others!

Mondo: Weaklings?!

Kiyotaka: Yes! It’s obvious that you are too weak to actually be a proper student! Incapable of following a schedule or simple rules. That’s just shameful!

Mondo: Listen here, dipsh*t! Don’t you get your good boy panties in a twist over the way I choose to live! We aren’t in the school and I have no reason to listen to you spewing bullsh*t like that!

Kiyotaka: And still, you have nothing to offer other than empty threats!

Mondo: So, you really think I’m weak, huh? Huh? Huh?!

Kiyotaka: Indeed! Strength of character is the only kind of strength that matters, and you lack any!

Mondo: I’ll show you strength of character! I’ll f*cking show you!

Kiyotaka: Ah, so you want to prove it then? Fine. Then how about a contest?

Mondo: A contest? You want to die that much huh?

Kiyotaka: A contest of endurance. A test of will, so to say.

Mondo: And if I win, then will you f*ck off once and for all?

Kiyotaka: Of course. But if I win, then you will have to behave yourself when told!

Mondo: Hah! As if that’s going to happen.

...seriously? Right in front of my breakfast?

And someone else is coming up too...

Leon: Hey, what’s even going on here? I heard shouting from all the way outside.

Kiyotaka: Leon, you are right on time! We require your assistance!

Mondo: Yeah. I’m about to show that asshole what strength really means and we need a neutral party!

Kiyotaka: Someone to watch over the contest and be the witness of Mondo’s true colors.

Mondo: More like witness of you having nothing to back up your mighty-ass words!

Leon: ...seriously? You guys are seriously trying to have a contest? What even happened?

Kiyotaka: I simply pointed out unnecessary inappropriateness of Mondo’s language, as well as his cowardice in his violent behavior!

Mondo: That asshole thinks he can say sh*t like that like it’s nothing!

Leon: Come on, man! You know better than that!

Kiyotaka: Indeed. Foul language is completely unnecessary and—

Leon: He’s just being an uptight jerk to get a rise out of you.

Kiyotaka: What?!

Leon: C’mon, Mondo, relax. He’s got nothing he can do against you. Only whine and complain. And if you get angry, then you just gave him a valid excuse to be even more of a stick in the mud.

Mondo: Grhh...

Leon: Let’s ditch this loser and hang out somewhere. You don’t need to waste your time with his types.

Kiyotaka: Leon? What are you saying?!

Leon: Come on. I’ve dealt with those hall monitor types a lot. ‘Do your best’, ‘follow the rules’, whatever. Nobody cares about what I wear or color of my hair or how good I do at the practice except for likes of you.

Kiyotaka: Of course people care! Society is—

Leon: Mondo, you coming?

Mondo: Yeah... Thanks, bro. Been a while since I had to deal with a prick like that.

Leon: Hey, what are friends for, right?

Mondo: Hell yeah!

Kiyotaka: I refuse to be ditched! In fact, I am making a choice to... Uh... ‘ditch’ the two of you instead! I have tried to adjust your behavior, but it seems like you refuse to be educated. Goodbye!

With that, Taka stormed off. I think he was genuinely upset here at the end, actually... Still, that left me, quietly eating breakfast, and Leon and Mondo, laughing at something about Taka.

Leon: Oh, hey, Mukuro! Didn’t see you there.

Mondo: Wait, sh*t, were you there the whole time?

I simply nod in response.

Mondo: f*ck, I, uh... Didn’t mean for a chick to see sh*t like that.

Leon: Relax, dude.

Mukuro: Yeah, it’s fine. I’m just having my breakfast.

Leon: Hey, why weren’t you at the breakfast meeting today anyway?

Mukuro: I... just didn’t feel like going. I wanted to finish my exercise too, so...

Leon: Woah. Now that’s respectable! Well, you didn’t miss much other than Syo being crazy...

Mondo: That bitch...

Mukuro: Yeah... She’s just going to cause more trouble, I feel.

Mondo: Damn... I really did almost fall for that asshole’s bait there, huh?

Mukuro: I don’t think it was a bait or anything. He probably does believe all that he said.

Leon: Does it even matter? He’s still a stuck-up jerk who should mind his own damn business.

Mukuro: You seem... Involved with this.

Leon: It’s just annoying to see types like him try to make other people into same no-fun-allowed mold. I constantly get people on my own case for actually doing things the way I want, and I’m not hurting anybody either. But it’s ‘wrong’ for some reason.

Mondo: Do things your way? I mean, I get with me, we’re a bike gang and sh*t, but what bone do those assholes have to pick with you?

Leon: Dye your hair back to normal, Leon. Go practice properly, Leon. Dress more appropriately, Leon. Take it more seriously, Leon. All the time! Everyone thinks that just because I happen to be good at baseball, I also gotta be a rolemodel like Taka. Screw that!

Mukuro: Yeah, I can see where the pressure is coming from. But honestly, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with more discipline and such.

Mondo: Are you seriously taking his side here?

Mukuro: No. It is kind of annoying how he tried to push it onto everyone else. But if he actually tried minding his own business, I’d see nothing wrong with way he acts.

Leon: If only. Ultimate Moral Compass my ass. These hall monitor types only ever care about their ‘moral superiority’, not about what’s actually good for people. I just want to live my life the way I want, man... Is that so much to ask?

Mondo: Hell yeah! Now that’s a view I can f*ckin’ get behind.

Mukuro: To each their own, I guess.

Update! Earned Leon’s 2nd Hope Fragment.

Mondo: Hey, wanna go hang out at the ranch?

Leon: Sure. I just planned to relax the whole day anyway!

With that the two left. Well, I just witnessed... something. I guess I can understand these guys a little better. But my breakfast has gone a little cold... Eh, I’m full by now anyway.


Ultimate Fanfic Creator’s Lab

I thought that doing something other than jogging and exercising would be a good change of pace, especially now that library was here. I guess reading some lighthearted manga would be nice so I entered Hifumi’s lab... What I wasn’t expecting was to see him already giving recommendations to a visitor... And they were oblivious to my presence, which I thought to not change for now.

Hifumi: Well... You see... I do have some options, but...

Syo: Oh, come on! Stop the mumbly part, I’m not going to stab you, just give me the good stuff!

Hifumi: I’m just not sure it’s exactly the kind of thing you’re looking for is all?

Syo: The hell’s that supposed to mean? Look. A girl has her needs. And this girl’s needs happen to be BOYS! Cute boys. Pretty boys. Doing boy things. To each other.

Hifumi: N-No! I understand that, I understand it well! But, you see... My lab has no ‘explicit’ material.

Syo: What?! Seriously? What the f*ck kind of manga den is it then?

Hifumi: There is a lot of things that are very close, but nothing directly... ahem...

Syo: Oh, I got it, Huffy. Fine, just give me the best thing you’ve got. Man, this place sucks, can’t kill, can’t go to sleep and let Miss Gloomy Snob take over, can’t even get some good p*rn! I thought murder islands are supposed to be fun!

Mukuro: Ahem...?

Hifumi: Oh! Miss Ikusaba! Thank goodness you’re here!

Mukuro: Is there a problem?

Syo: Problem? What problem? No problems at all, I’ve just been looking for some nice ‘reading material’. Kyahahahaha!

Syo: You heard it all didn’t you? I saw you creeping there, you know. Whaaat, did you get a crush on me? Cuz it sure can’t be Huffy!

Hifumi: Hmph! Don’t listen to her, Miss Ikusaba. Rather, uh... What are you doing here? I didn’t think you’d be interested in this section of library.

Mukuro: Neither did I, to be honest... I’ve just been looking for some light manga. Relaxing stuff.

Syo: Girl, I know of good ways to ‘relax’, but too bad there’s no proper stuff for that in here. Well, writer’s imagination works wonders, kyahahaha!

Mukuro: Seriously? You’re looking for p*rn?

Syo: What? We’re teenagers! On an island! Stranded! Without adults! Jeez, it seems like only me and the blonde bimbo actually get what the f*ck the rabbit thing tried to preach. It's even a rabbit mascot! A rabbit!

Hifumi: Huh? Are you saying...

Syo: Isn’t it obvious? If it wasn’t meant to be a death game from start, it can only be one of those dating shows! By the way, before you even think about it... The rich boy is mine!

Mukuro: The rich boy...? Huh? You mean Byakuya?

Hifumi: What does Mister Togami have to do with it?

Syo: Oh, nothing. I’m just marking my turf, is all. Ooh, his cold attitude and heartless expressions... That’s a man who knows no love! And I want to fill his heart! With love AND steel! Kyahahahaha!

Hifumi: Wait, are you planning to kill Mister Togami?! And you’re just admitting it?

Syo: Hello? I’m a serial killer. I express my love like that. Some do paintings, other do serenades, I do scissor stabbing, please respect my individuality... Oh, who am I kidding, kyahahahaha!

Mukuro: Isn’t Kyoko supposed to watch over you?

Syo: Oh, I just ran off! I’m sure she’s looking all over for me right now!

Hifumi: And you came to me for... ahem... reading material?

Syo: Why else would I get away? Some things are meant to stay private. Girls must have secrets, you know.

Hifumi: But... you revealed what you wanted to me directly!

Syo: Eh, you don’t really count. Not like you would do anything with the intel.

Mukuro: What’s your game, Genocider Syo?

Syo: Sorry, I don’t like games! Or maybe I do... McMelancholy never did own any so I never could try... Oh, this is exciting! Kyahahaha!

Mukuro: You know what I mean.

Syo: Oh, you mean you think I’ve got some sinister plan? Sorry, but you’re going at the wrong crazy girl here! I’m but your average run-of-the-mill serial killer of passion.

Mukuro: And yet you admitted to wanting to kill Byakuya.

Syo: Of course! Honestly, half the boys around here are pretty damn decent! Don’t worry, I’ll leave the plain one to you though. Kyahahahaha!

Hifumi: So... you are planning a murder after all!

Syo: Planning? I don’t do that! And while I won’t deny, that I’d love to make him into a little angel on a wall... I can’t really do that!

Mukuro: Because of Killing Game rules?

Syo: Yes! I can’t believe I’m saying this, but a chance to live a life of my own is not something I’ll throw away so easily... Ohoho, no-no. I’ll get out of here first and then begin the killing spree of true love!

Update! Earned Syo’s 2nd Hope Fragment.

Hifumi: Here are your volumes, Miss Genocider... Hopefully it will... ahem... satisfy you.

Syo: Hell yeah! Okay, gotta run before Miss Lawful Boring catches up! Byee! Kyahahahaha!

Cackling and clutching the stack of manga Hifumi gave her, Syo ran out of the lab, leaving the two of us.

Hifumi: Thank you for coming, Miss Ikusaba... I was getting worried for a moment.

Mukuro: Well, at least some confirmation on her not planning to kill is good.

Hifumi: Surely. However, I do believe that a killer like that... cannot be trusted at all! Anyway, you were looking for light reading material? Oh, there are some good recommendations... Hmm... It does sound like you’d enjoy more slice-of-life kind of thing, so—

I zoned out for next twenty or so minutes, but I did walk out of Hifumi’s lab with a volume of manga that looked like a good time killer.


I was walking towards the bridge to the Central Island when suddenly, something jumped out at me from the bushes! I managed to dodge to the side, but as it straightened out, I quickly relaxed.

Mukuro: Junko, what are you doing?

Junko: What am I doing? Really, that’s the question here! What am I doing wrong that I let my sister become a f*cking otaku!

Mukuro: Huh? A what?

Junko: Exhibit A: Antisocial – missed yesterday’s meeting after the island search!

Mukuro: I was just hanging out with Makoto and—

Junko: Exhibit B: No sense of schedule – missed today’s breakfast time!

Mukuro: I still had it in time and my schedule is fine. Listen I just wanted some—

Junko: Exhibit C: That thing you’re carrying.

Mukuro: You mean manga? Come on, I just wanted something light to kill time, there’s—

Junko: Exhibit D: Not knowing of anything that happens around the place.

Mukuro: What do you mean? I may have missed a meeting or two, but I still know of everything happening around the island.

Junko: Really now? Then you know precisely what this is?

Junko motioned to the side of the road. I looked past and saw... a building. A huge building, stone, but mostly covered with vines and almost blending in with surrounding rock... How did I not notice it on first day?

Junko: But, little sister—

Mukuro: I’m the older one...

Junko: —worry not! I will save you and bring you up to speed! And will put nails in your bed stuffing if you start missing meetings again.

Mukuro: Whatever. So what is it?

Junko: Isn’t it obvious? It’s the

Ancient Ruin

Junko: Duh.

Mukuro: And what is it about?

Junko: Here!

She grabbed me by the wrist and dragged me to the entrance... Which, on closer inspection, didn’t look like entrance to any ancient ruin at all and more like an overgrown bunker hatch. Including a not-so-overgrown-looking machinegun and a functional keypad panel beside the door.

Mukuro: That’s... a fortified building.

Junko: Yes, and the sky is blue. But, to be honest, that’s about as much of a conclusion as anyone managed to have yesterday.

Mukuro: What are your thoughts on it?

Junko: Older sisters first!

Mukuro: ...fortified and protected building without clear purpose... Maybe that’s where Monokuma or Usami are controlled from? As well as those giant mecha monsters...

Junko: Mmm... Good guess. I think that inside this place is our escape.

Mukuro: Junko, we’re trapped on an island. How can a building have an escape?

Junko: It’s gonna sound weird, but... It’s just a gut feeling. There’s this vibe I get from it, you know?

Mukuro: Your gut feeling is only ever trouble.

Junko: Fun trouble that ends up with both of us safe!

Mukuro: But still trouble.

Junko: Bah! When did you get so boring?

Mukuro: I... don’t know.

Junko: Still no thoughts, head empty?

Mukuro: Nope. Not a thing.

Junko: Eh, whatever.

Mukuro: You don’t sound too sad about it.

Junko: Neither do you, and it’s your memory that’s lost. Why should I be worried?

Mukuro: All of our memories were taken, Junko. Years. I just... had more for some reason.

Junko: No, that makes no sense. Not a bit of it.

Mukuro: Huh? Why?

Junko: That motive from the past case? It didn’t make any sense. Like, at all.

Mukuro: I don’t understand.

Junko: Of course you don’t. That’s why I’m the smart one and you should leave figuring it out to me.

Mukuro: ...sure.

Junko: Seriously? No snippy comeback?

Mukuro: I just don’t feel like feel like trying to figure it all out. We have you, Kyoko, even that snob Byakuya. I’m struggling with my own past and memories...

I looked at the wolf tattoo again...

Mukuro: I think I’ve got enough mysteries for myself for now.

Junko: You really are all melancholy-like, huh? Next thing I know, you’ll be writing poetry and become a stutterslu*t.

Mukuro: A whatnow?

Junko: Whatever. Go on, read that manga. As usual, the big sister has to do all the thinking...

Mukuro: I’m the big sister.

Junko: In all but brain size!

Update! Earned Junko’s 3rd Hope Fragment.

With that, Junko just... walked off. Although she did turn around, saying one last thing before running off entirely.

Junko: Oh, by the way. I think Byakuya said something about your tattoo. You should talk to him at some point, he might know something interesting!

Mukuro: Huh? Byakuya? Junko, wait—

But she was already gone. Damn it. Well, I’m definitely not bothering today... There’s been a few too many confrontations already... So instead I just went ahead and returned to my cottage for the day.


Mukuro’s Cottage

True to my choice I spent most of the day back in my cottage, reading the manga. It was a slice of life, about a group of middle school girls getting on with a rather comedic-coincidence filled lives. I guess Hifumi was right in recommending it, it was pretty fun. Junko tried throwing some defrosted food at my windows at some point, but quickly got bored and left once she realized I was ignoring her. In the end, not much has happened until the evening. When I had just came back from grabbing some dinner, but still too early for the nighttime announcement...

Ding Dong Bing Bong!

Usami: Hi, everyone! Sorry for interrupting whatever you may be doing, but I have a very important gift prepared for all of you! I may have had to compromise with Monokuma to make it, but I sure hope you will all still love it! So, please gather in the Jabberwock Park for its presentation!


...this can’t end well. But not like I have much of a choice...


Jabberwock Park

It didn’t take long for everyone to gather up. The park changed only a slight bit, having the familiar stage, akin to one Monokuma used when presenting us his ‘bedtime story’ the other day... And a small arcade cabinet beside it. Wonder what this is about...

Kyoko: It seems everyone has gathered.

Toko: D-Did you seriously have to bring her too?

Syo: You mad?

Sayaka: It’s not like we have a choice. Everyone has to gather here.

Kiyotaka: Indeed, you should not bother Class President with such stupid questions!

Mondo: Look at you being all subservient... I thought you were tough sh*t, huh?

Kiyotaka: What? I simply am obeying the proper chain of command! There is nothing shameful in that.

Leon: Yeah, right, keep telling yourself that. You’re probably just compensating for not being picked as leader yourself.

Kiyotaka: Of course not! I’d—I! I never—

Kyoko: Stop it. All of you. You too, Taka.

Kiyotaka: Gh--!

Hifumi: Don’t worry, Mister Ishimaru. You get used to it...

Byakuya: Will that thing get its nonsense on with already? This is a waste of time.

Celeste: Indeed, with all of us present, I do not see why it is not starting.

Junko: Come on, there’s some fun infighting drama happening, why not enjoy it?

Kyoko: Let’s not.

Aoi: Still, Usami's taking too long to show up, isn't she?

And almost as if on cue... The usual pink flash, announcing Usami’s arrival, happened on the stage and there she was.

Usami: Good evening, everyone! Sorry for making all of you wait. But I do know that it’s going to be worth it!

Usami: I know that everyone is very much worried about all the bad things the mean Monokuma has done... But I made sure that this one, while having some of his mean surprises, is almost harmless! And it will give you something all of you rightfully deserved by now too! Ta-dah!

With that Usami pointed to the arcade cabinet.

Usami: It’s a game! “Magical Girls Unite! Hope’s Peak Edition”

Hifumi: But Magical Girls Unite! series has been discontinued entirely in favor of spin-offs and the follow-up series that was complete corporate trash! Such wonderful game ideas if only they were done in style of the originals...

Usami: Oh! Someone knows! Well, I am a magical girl myself, so I thought I’d pick a game based on that! Plus, it’s not just a game. It’s a game containing your memories!

Aoi: Containing... our memories?

Usami: Well, not literally of course. But if you play it, those with keen eye might be able to figure it out! Tee-hee-hee!

Kyoko: So, you’ve hidden clues to our lost memories inside the game?

Usami: That’s right! And there’s even special physical prizes too! The game comes with three special difficulty modes, all telling a story of a different magical girl! Complete each route and earn its prize first!

Hifumi: That’s exactly the premise that the original Magical Girls Unite! games had! Well, aside from the prizes that is.

Makoto: I see! I think I’ve played one of the new series’ games...

Hifumi: Mister Naegi! Those ones are blasphemy against all that is magical girls! I’ll just have to educate you on proper choices!

Kiyotaka: Educate? Is there really a lot to learn from games like those? They always seem frivolous to me!

Hifumi: Mister Ishimaru, not you too! That’s it! A true lesson in modern culture is needed!

Kiyotaka: A lesson in culture is one I’d always welcome!

Mondo: Tch, nerds.

Chihiro: Uhm... N-Not to interrupt, but... Usami... You said we need to earn the prize ‘first’... What does that mean?

Usami: Oh, that’s simple! There’s only one of each prize in the machine, so you need to be the first person to beat the difficulty mode if you want to have it! But it’s perfectly fine to get it and then share it with everyone!

Usami: Well, with that the presentation is complete! I hope you all enjoy it, despite some mean surprises Monokuma forced me to add...

And then she was gone...

Sayaka: So... Do we play it now?

Kyoko: No. We don’t. It’s obviously a motive.

Chihiro: But if what she said is true... Then it might tell us about our missing memories...

Kyoko: I know. And the games will be played.

Makoto: But didn’t you just say—

Kyoko: I said we aren’t going to play it now. It’s late. We should all go to sleep. Sayaka, please come visit me first thing next morning. I’ll need help, using that one thing you showed me.

Sayaka: Of course! I’d be glad to help.

Junko: Oooh, now that’s interesting... What sort of secrets are you girls hiding?

Syo: Is it erotic? Please tell me it’s erotic, that’d be so fun! The Doll Idol melting Ice Queen’s frozen heart... And dusting off a few cobwebs too, kyahahahahaha!

Kyoko: You will see tomorrow morning. But for now we should go to sleep.

Celeste: Agreed. Whatever it is, it can wait.

Mondo: Yeah, I’m f*ckin’ tired, man. Let’s go, bro.

Leon: Yeah, some rest sounds really nice about now.

Makoto: I think I know what the thing is, but I’ll keep it secret for you, Kyoko.

Kyoko: Thank you.

Byakuya: Well, this was a waste of time...

With that everyone started dispersing. I couldn’t not notice some longing glances thrown at the gaming cabinet as some people left. Hifumi, Chihiro, Makoto... And even I found myself staring at it a bit too long before finally heading back to my cottage. Could it contain some of memories I’m missing from before Hope’s Peak? Although filling any gap at all would be nice... I guess I’d just have to wait and see.

Ding Dong Bing Bong

Usami: Good evening, everyone! This is a school trip announcement! It is now 10 PM! Another wonderful day has come to an end! Get some good rest in preparation for cultivating tomorrow’s hope! Sleep tight, everyone!


With those thoughts, once I arrived back to the cottage, I went to sleep...


Usami Theatre

Remember to consider your friends’ feelings in everything that you do! After all you wouldn’t want to offend a good friend by accident. That’s a big no-no. However, this is just a little reminder before the real talk of the day!

Sometimes bad things can happen to your friends. And sometimes your friends may not even know of it! And in that case, it’s very important to not just jump to their defense behind their back!

You may think that you’re doing a good thing... But always take care, since your friend may not consider what happened that bad at all! Or they might, but they want to defend themselves instead. What if you do something even worse in the process?

It’s very important to let your friends know of anything bad before you choose to defend them. That’s the takeaway! Yes! I think... Uh... Well, that’s all I got? So be good friends, share your troubles and don’t act on someone’s behalf without their permission!

And don’t forget to brush your teeth and eat your greens!


And here's daily life 2... Well, I've been somewhat getting back into writing moods, but it's still rather sporadic and amount of time I do have to write isn't that plentiful either. Still, making consistent progress is what's really important in situations like that, right?

Either way, as usual, I hope you all enjoyed it, and I'll see you with the next one, whenever that is. I love you all and thank you all for the support!

Chapter 12: Chapter 2 – Love and Hate, Justice and Egoism, Against World's Evil! – Daily Life 3


The new motive has been presented. How will the students handle it? And how will they handle new relationships and rivalries within?


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

I was jogging alone yet again. I hoped Aoi would join me but it seems like she’s still not feeling up to it... Or maybe she doesn’t know I’m still doing this? I should ask her tomorrow. Too late today though, as...

Ding Dong Bing Bong!

Monokuma: Attention! This is a school trip announcement. Good morning, everyone! It is now 8 AM! Get ready for another beautiful day of this killing school trip!


Well... Time to go to the morning meeting.


Hotel Restaurant

Will these meetings ever be normal?

Well, this one mostly was. Kyoko was to the side, discussing something with Sayaka, Byakuya was sharing his table for once, and it was with Toko of all people and Leon and Mondo were having a laugh... But at the center of attention were a particularly loud pair. Hifumi and Taka.

Kiyotaka: This was one of the greatest nights I’ve ever experienced!

Hifumi: Oh, I’m so glad to have found capable of appreciating true art the same way.

Kiyotaka: Indeed! All art deserves recognition and appreciation in equal way. I am ashamed to have dismissed so much due to my biases!

Hifumi: Oh, don’t be so hard on yourself, Mister Ishimaru. It’s easy to dismiss the wonderful media of anime and manga as childish. What matters is you were able to look past it!

Kiyotaka: Indeed! And I am extremely grateful to you for opening my eyes, Hifumi!

I shuffled close to Celeste...

Mukuro: So, uh... What’s happening?

Celeste: From what I could gather, after yesterday’s evening debacle, Hifumi wished to help Taka’s poor mood. And then they spent nearly the whole night binging anime in Hifumi’s lab.

Mukuro: Seriously? Neither looks tired...

Celeste: Well, both are used to pulling all-nighters from what I can tell, if only for different reasons. And it appears the experience brought them close... too close even.

Aoi: Yeah... Like, not that I don’t like Hifumi, but I don’t really want Taka to start acting just like him.

Junko: Well, the dude was pushed around. Gonna need something to hold onto.

Chihiro: I think it’s nice that people are making friends like that...

Syo: Ooh, Little Loli is a geek too, right? Do you wanna join them maybe? C’mon, these groups always come in threes! Kyahahaha!

Chihiro: I’m not—I mean... Well... I’d like to, but... I don’t think they’d want to...

I couldn’t help but squint at that. I also noticed that Junko had that smug ‘I know something you don’t’ look on her face as she quickly glanced at me. Is something up with Chihiro too?

That’s when the final person to show up arrived.

Makoto: Hey, everyone... Sorry for being late. My handbook got stuck between the floorboards...

Kiyotaka: Good morning to you, Makoto! While I cannot condone your inability to arrive on time, I will show leniency, since retrieval of one’s handbook does sound like a valid reason to be late!

Hifumi: Oh, oh, Mister Ishimaru, I still want to ask... What was your favorite aspect of the show?

Kiyotaka: Well, it was fantastical indeed, but if I had to say, I can’t help but admire the level of strength the authors chose to give the Student Council! I can only wish real Student Councils had similar levels of authority... Of course, the story was quite enjoyable as well! And its ability to teach simple life lessons through such entertaining means...

Makoto: Uh... What happened to Taka?

Junko: A body has been discovered. Taka is dead, Otaka takes his place.

Aoi: Junko, don’t joke like that!

Syo: Kyahahaha! That was a good one!

Mukuro: Well, maybe it’s for the best. For him to have someone to rely on, that is.

Chihiro: Yeah... That does sound nice...

Kyoko: Everyone? Now that everyone’s here, can I have your attention?

Even Taka and Hifumi’s heated anime discussion got silenced by Kyoko.

Kyoko: I’ve decided what we’re going to do about the game.

Byakuya: You mean the motive?

Aoi: The game was made by Usami! There’s no way it could be a new motive!

Chihiro: But... she did say Monokuma put something into the game too...

Toko: P-Plus, we can’t trust that thing any m-more than the other one...

Kyoko: I agree with you, Byakuya.

Aoi: Huh?

Kyoko: I do believe the game contains the next motive. Which is exactly why we’re going to make sure everyone sees it.

Leon: Make sure?

Kyoko: Everyone who wants to be involved in the viewing of the game being played directly, please gather in the park by 10 AM today. But even if you won’t be there, we have a way to ensure that you will see the game being played.

Mondo: And who the f*ck is ‘we’ here.

Sayaka: Uhm... Yeah. I’m helping Kyoko here!

Mondo: Oh, uh... Nevermind...

Kyoko: Also... Makoto, Hifumi, Chihiro... I’ll need help from at least one of you.

Makoto: One of us?

Kyoko: Someone experienced with games.

Hifumi: I volunteer! I have played the entire series, from the great originals to the crappiest latest entry! I am practically a professional Magical Girls Unite! completionist!

Kyoko: Well, if you’re going to play the whole thing, then that works. Anyway, I’m done with the announcement.

With that, Kyoko sat back down and returned to her breakfast.

Celeste: Hm. I’m surprised nobody objected to her.

Mukuro: Huh? Why?

Celeste: Exposing a motive like that rather than avoiding it could lead to a melting pot of emotions.

Junko: But there’s no way to keep it hidden either, right? Without total guard duty of the arcade cabinet, someone will play eventually.

Celeste: I’m not saying her choice was right or wrong. I do not claim to know the correct answer either. I am simply surprised at everyone’s compliance.

Aoi: Well, Kyoko’s the leader and we have to follow her. If we can’t trust her... Then we can’t trust anyone.

Chihiro: Yeah... But I am still worried about surprises put in by Monokuma...

Hifumi: --Oh! I should totally show you the School of the Lost! That is a classic!

Celeste: Ahem... if you excuse me, I think it’s time to put an end to this.

With that, Celeste approached Hifumi...

Mukuro: What is she about to do?

Junko: Probably the same thing as yesterday morning...

Syo: Ooh, the little piggy will squeal like obedient puppy again, that was almost adorable!

Celeste: Ahem... Hifumi, would you please make me some tea?

Hifumi: Oh... Miss Ludenberg... I’m sorry, I was just explaining to Mister Ishimaru about—

Celeste: Hifumi. I didn’t ask what you were doing. I merely asked you to make me some tea.

Hifumi: R-Right! Of course, I promise to not mess up this time, Miss Ludenberg!

Kiyotaka: Hifumi, stop! Celeste, I am sorry for bluntness, but you should do that yourself.

Hifumi: Mister Ishimaru, that is alright, I am always happy to—

Kiyotaka: I will not stand for someone simply putting up with abuse! Yesterday, you completely destroyed Hifumi’s efforts!

Celeste: I have. Because he did it wrong.

Kiyotaka: Purely because you failed to instruct him on correct way!

Celeste: And now he knows, so there is no problem, no? Why are you getting in the way of this anyway?

Kiyotaka: Because... I will not let my friend be bullied by a spoiled brat!

Celeste: What.

Hifumi: Mister Ishimaru... You...

Suddenly, Celeste grabbed Taka by the collar, pulling him close, almost lifting him up... That was surprising.

Celeste: Just who the hell do you think you are, you worm?!

Kiyotaka: Gh—Celeste?!

Celeste: What do you know about being spoiled, little Mister Pretend-Perfection? You lived out your perfect life of perfect student, in center of attention of every teacher and adult, didn’t you? Well, guess what. You’re the only spoiled brat in here!

With that Celeste shoved... And Taka went tumbling down on the floor, knocking the plate off the table... and onto himself. His normally pristine uniform now covered in spaghetti...

Celeste seemed to forget about him immediately, turning back to Hifumi, her expression going back to her normal mask of a smile.

Celeste: Now. Hifumi... My tea, please?

Hifumi: I... I’m sorry, but you will have to do it yourself. I have to help Mister Ishimaru...

With that Hifumi stood up and rushed over, helping the still-dumbfounded Taka stand up...

Celeste seemed completely frozen for a bit... Before simply announcing to no one in particular...

Celeste: Well. This was an enlightening meeting. I shall see you at our next gathering later on.

And she left... Quickly followed by Hifumi leading Taka away, probably to get cleaned up...

I’m pretty sure I heard Mondo and Leon just barely suppressing laughter.

Junko: Well, that was unnecessarily intense.

Mukuro: ...hopefully this won’t keep escalating further.

Beyond that, the breakfast was rather quiet... Thankfully.


Jabberwock Park

I arrived to the park at the time given by Kyoko. It seems everyone else has gathered as well, except Byakuya, Toko and Celeste... Although the park itself changed a little. The arcade game and the stage were still there, but now there also were chairs on the sides of arcade cabinet, fourteen in total, plus one directly in front. Arcade cabinet itself had some sort of... camera holder affixed to the top now as well?

I took a sit among everyone else who has gathered. It seems only Kyoko and Sayaka were still not seated, Hifumi having taken the seat by the cabinet.

Sayaka: It looks like Byakuya and Toko didn’t come...

Mondo: That’s to be expected at this f*ckin’ point.

Syo: Oh no... Are they on a secret date?!

Junko: I mean, one of them probably thinks so at least.

Chihiro: But Celeste didn’t come either...

Aoi: Maybe it’s for the best... I’ve seen enough fighting today.

Leon: Yeah. Let’s just get going already.

Kyoko: Fine. Sayaka, if you please?

Sayaka nodded and tapped something on her handbook. Then suddenly...

Ding Dong Bing Bong!

I looked to the side... And there she was. Sayaka. On the monitor. Comparing real Sayaka and monitor’s perspective, it seems like her handbook actually had a frontal camera?

Sayaka: Uhm... Hi! Yes, this is my perk. It’s called Cheering Crowd and I can simply access the broadcast system to make announcements or just broadcast things. That’s how we’re going to make sure everyone sees the motive!

With that, she moved, affixing her handbook to the camera holder... The monitors now broadcasted the game screen, if at a slight angle. Huh...

Mondo: Wait, seriously? So we can actually just be anywhere and still watch it?

Kyoko: Yes. However, if you want to participate in discussion of what’s happening...

Leon: Hey, let’s go hang at the beach!

Mondo: Hell yeah!

Makoto: Wait, but you’ll miss the game!

Leon: Didn’t you heat what they just said? We can just listen and see it from literally anywhere on the island.

Mondo: Yeah, the f*ckin’ monitors are all over the place. Plus, I’d rather be somewhere actually fun than watching some stupid game being played anyway.

Kiyotaka: I have no objections to size of audience being reduced!

Leon: Nobody asked you!

With that, those two left as well. Kyoko sighed.

Kyoko: Anything else before we begin?

There were no objections, so Kyoko took a seat. She took out a notebook and pen, and seemingly so did Hifumi...

Kyoko: Hifumi. What’s that for? I told you I’ll be noting down anything that might be relevant.

Hifumi: Oh, Miss Kirigiri, it’s not for that. It’s for hunting secrets and backtracking! You’d be surprised how many hidden things these games had!

Kyoko: I see... Carry on then. I presume there will be a lot to go through.

With that Hifumi finally pressed the start button. And what greeted us was... the difficulty choice selection. Featuring three girls... Black Magical Girl, Yellow Magical Girl and White Magical Girl? Appropriately dressed, there were three girls to choose from, ranked by difficulty. Each also had a subtitle. Story of Loyalty, Story of Fun, Story of Justice...

Hifumi: The characters in the original series never had names. This was such an endearing thing!

First thing Hifumi did was pick the third, seemingly most difficult one, with chain as weapon of choice... huh.

What followed for next few hours was Hifumi playing the game itself... I don’t really get games, but from what I could gather most of time was spent in some ‘magical worlds’ where the main characters and her allies, magical girls from other difficulties as well as two more, Blue and Purple one, were fighting evil magics invading their home. And inbetween, there were segments of them simply attending school and interacting with classmates. Notably there were no names for any character at all, all described after their position or physical appearance. Kyoko was seemingly making some connections though.

White Magical Girl’s story seemed to be about finding the root of evil, while at day being close friends with adults of the school, mature and leader of the team. In the end, school’s headmaster was revealed to have been corrupted by evil and was the final enemy of the final level, and purified by the end of it. Once Hifumi was done with that, Kyoko started speaking.

Kyoko: It really does appear that this game is caricature of Hope’s Peak...

Aoi: I think that one girl character that was all big and bulky was meant to be Sakura...

Kyoko: I think so as well. From the ‘daytime’ segments I think I can connect most characters to ourselves already.

Sayaka: Really? It kind of went over my head.

Makoto: Go ahead, Kyoko.

Hifumi: The camera is listening so everyone else will know too.

Kyoko: Indeed. So, for starters... The five magical girls. Blue one appears to be Sayaka, also being a singer. Purple one seems to be Toko, a melancholic loner...

Syo: An understatement of millennia!

Kyoko: Black one is Mukuro. Quiet but otherwise friendly. Yellow one is Junko, hyperactive and... jolly.

Junko: ‘Jolly’. You just hate saying word ‘fun’, don’t you?

Kyoko: And White one is... myself.

Makoto: Is there anything that could tell us Mukuro’s talent then?

Kyoko: No. Unless her using guns as magical girl weapon may be connected...

Hifumi: I doubt it. It’s normal in the genre to mix medieval and modern weapons nowadays! The variety is wonderful though. Guns for Miss Ikusaba, battleaxe for Miss Enoshima, dual blades for Miss f*ckawa...

Kyoko: Back to the topic. I also think I identified most NPCs, including my father. There is however one issue I can see...

Kiyotaka: What sort of issue?

Kyoko: The class features eight girls and eight boys. But...

Kiyotaka: That can’t be right! Out group had seven boys and nine girls!

Syo: Hey, what am I, a wet rag?

Hifumi: Well, you would count as part of Miss f*ckawa, Miss Genocider...

Syo: Oh, I guess that makes sense. Doesn’t mean I have to like it!

Kyoko: Indeed. And the one member of the class I couldn’t quite match because of it is—

Chihiro: It’s me. I’m sorry...

Syo: Whaaaaat?!

Aoi: Chihiro? What are you talking about?

Hifumi: Don’t tell me--! Miss Fujisaki is actually a traitor infiltrating our group, replacing one of original members?!

Junko: Ugh... No. It’s far simpler than that.

Kyoko: I didn’t want to put you on the spot like that. However, it is something you’d need to address sooner than later.

Chihiro: I’m... I’m sorry for lying to all of you but... I’m not... actually a girl... All this time I’ve... been lying... I’m actually a boy...

I can see tears already welling up on her—Crap, his face... Sayaka immediately stood up and rushed to give him a hug...

Sayaka: Hey, please don’t cry... It’s okay...

Kiyotaka: What... But... why?!

Aoi: Taka!

Kiyotaka: I just... don’t understand! It’s a perfectly reasonable question! Why would you hide your gender?

Hifumi: Oh, Mister Fujisaki...

Syo: Oh my god. That’s so hot!

Junko: Jeez could we not have left this one behind? Like locked in her cottage?

Chihiro: I just... am so weak... and useless... Nobody would... want a guy like me... Everybody always... made fun of it... So I thought that if everybody thought that I... wasn’t a guy... it’d go away, but... I’m still weak and useless... and a liar as well... Awful liar who can’t do anything...

Sayaka: Shh... It’s okay... It’s okay, Chihiro. We won’t judge you if you aren’t strong. Even if you are a guy.

Junko: Yeah! Relax, just look at Makoto. Nobody hates him.

Makoto: Hey... I know I’m not that strong but still...

Mukuro: It’s fine, Chihiro. I’m sure nobody here will judge you for just... not being a strong guy. It doesn’t really matter much anyway.

Kyoko: I’m sorry for forcing the issue.

Chihiro: No... it’s fine, Kyoko... you did what you... sniff... had to... I just... You guys are... so nice... I can’t... I’m so, so sorry... for all the lying...

Aoi: It’s okay, Chihiro! You don’t have to feel guilty or bad anymore. And if somebody here does try to bully you again... Well, I’ll beat them up!

Mukuro: Count me in.

Kiyotaka: Violence is not appreciated in school environment... But I cannot deny that bullying deserves proper punishments!

Hifumi: Indeed!

Junko: Hey, I’m always down to beat up people who deserve it!

Kyoko: If someone threatens you, you can always talk to me. I may not have wanted the role of a leader, but I’ll make sure it gets used properly.

Syo: Such a cutie little patootie.... How dare someone put down a boy like that! I’ll stab them so hard! So hard! Kyahahaha!

Sayaka: See? Nobody here thinks it’s wrong. So please, don’t cry...

Chihiro: I’m... still sorry... I’m still so weak... And I want to get... stronger too... To help you... To help everyone...

Update! Earned Chihiro’s 2nd Hope Fragment.

Aoi: Well... you could work out with us!

Junko: Yeah! The Sports Center. It had all equipment and such. Pretty fun time waster.

Aoi: We could... Hey, we could have a group workout there! Me, you, Junko... Who else?

Mukuro: I’ll see about it.

Kyoko: I’ll join you.

Syo: Blegh. I hate workouts, but I’ll have no choice since the White Magical Girl has got me on the leash.

Kyoko: Don’t call me that.

Aoi: Tomorrow morning! How does that sound?

Chihiro: Hina... you... Thank youu...

As Chihiro said that, Hina hugged both Sayaka and Chihiro... And then Junko grabbed me and forced both of us to join too...

Junko: Hug pile! Yeah!

I think Syo joined too at some point as I felt her slobbering on my shoulder... After a few moments the Big Chihiro Hug dissipated. Chihiro’s face was still red, but not crying anymore at least.

Chihiro: I... that does sound nice...

Sayaka: Oh... I would love to join too, but I have made plans for tomorrow already, with Leon and Makoto.

Makoto: Yeah, that private beach hangout does sound nice.

Sayaka: Thanks, but that’s just how I’m used to inviting people.

Makoto: Huh? How’d you guess that I was about to ask about those invitations?

Sayaka: Like I said, I’m psychic.

That caused everyone to laugh... Well, at least sad mood dissipated for now. Although I’d have to wonder how the rest of the people who just heard it all would react...

Hifumi: Uhm... Not to distract from the moment, but it appears the prize for clearing the route has been dispensed.

Indeed, on the bottom part of machine, one of three receptacles was open, the rightmost one. And inside was a single... DVD case?

Kyoko came over and grabbed it.

Kyoko: I will check over the prizes first and then have them available to everyone. For now let’s just get the game over with.

The next several hours were spent with us just watching Hifumi playing through the game as the other two routes.

Junko’s Yellow Magical Girl seemed to be about mostly bringing laughter and fun to everyone around, although often at expense of creating chaos in the wake. Generally, her route was simpler than Kyoko’s, which makes sense as it was a medium difficulty one. Her final boss was extremely obvious caricature of Celeste, corrupted to be a giant doll that would swap out extremely fake looking masks as expressions... It was a bit funny, but also rather rude to Celeste herself. The prize for this route turned out to be a file containing what seemed to be freshly printed photos... Kyoko took them as well.

Finally, my route... Seemed to be most generic. It was just a new girl struggling to fit in and adjust to new life in high school and being new to being a magical girl too. No hints of talent anywhere, nothing special, just befriending classmates as such... Final boss was even something called a Faceless Swarm. A bunch of grey vaguely humanoid blobs all attacking at same time. Kyoko couldn’t find any symbolism either. The final prize was... Another file, but that one seemed to just have a piece of paper. Kyoko pocketed it.

And with that the game was complete. Kyoko made another readout of her notes, connecting all NPCs to characters, this time with Chihiro included, noting down relationships (Sakura and Aoi were besties, and Kiyotaka and Mondo were being friends as well, though that part was probably being made up by Usami) and minor peculiarities... In the end, nothing really worth murdering over except for, maybe, prizes, but Kyoko had them all now.

Kyoko: I’ll take a look over the prizes and announce the contents in tomorrow’s morning meeting. Thanks everyone for the help... But I think that this motive is done with.

Hifumi: Uhm... Miss Kirigiri? Is it alright if I keep playing?

Junko: Seriously? We got all the prizes already, what else is there?

Hifumi: Yes, but I didn’t get all the collectibles! And this game made me feel such wonderful nostalgia for the old Magical Girls Unite!

Kyoko: Fine. It doesn’t matter anymore, so feel free.

Hifumi: Thank you very much!

Sayaka: Okay, I’m turning off the broadcast now... Sorry to anyone who’s been distracted by it!

With that, Sayaka took down her handbook from the stand and turned it off. The broadcast on the monitor turned off at the same time with a familiar click.

Syo: Finally, I can stretch my body! So, Miss Cold Shoulder, what next? I want to do something active!

Kyoko: Let’s go.

Kiyotaka: I shall escort Chihiro to his cottage to prevent any possible bullying along the way!

Chihiro: Ah... Thank you, Taka...

Mukuro: I think I’ll head to the cottages as well.

With that everyone dissipated. The three of us however left towards the hotel to go back to the dedicated cottages.


Hotel Grounds

Kiyotaka: Who... Who would do such a thing?!

As we arrived one certain cottage changed a little... Taka’s cottage had several tomatoes and eggs staining walls and windows... a roll of toilet paper on the roof... And on the door in giant black letters, there were two words spray-painted. “Useless Loser”.

Chihiro: Oh no... Taka....

Leon: God, that’s hilarious isn’t it?

Leon came out of his cottage, grinning with mild amusem*nt.

Kiyotaka: So, you are the one behind this vandalism?!

Leon: Nope. I found it like that already when me and Mondo were back from the beach. Totally.

Kiyotaka: You two were together in on this?! You.... You--!

Leon: Dude, are you even listening? We were just hanging out, we didn’t do this.

Kiyotaka: Nobody else is petty enough of a delinquent for something like that! That’s it... I did not want to use it, but it appears that circ*mstance leave me with no other choice. I invoke my perk!

Suddenly Taka took out his handbook and started furiously inputting something... And as soon as he finished...

Ding Dong Bing Bong!

Monokuma: Uh-oh! Looks like the Rules and Discipline perk has been invoked! A new rule has been added to all your handbooks! It will become active in exactly 1 hour. Remember, punishment for breaking it will be no different from one for other rules!

Mukuro: Huh...?

Chihiro: Taka... Why?

Leon: Seriously? The hell’s your problem, man?!

I took out my handbook. Of course... First the Usami rules, then Monokuma rules... But at the very end there was now an extra rule, past even the ‘extra rules may be added’ rule, accompanied by cartoony picture of Taka...

Rules and Discipline Perk Rule

Damaging or destroying property of other students without their consent is expressly prohibited.

Kiyotaka: If neither my words, nor my example can change your behavior, then I will have to use whatever means I have at my disposal instead!

Leon: I f*ckin’ told you, I haven’t egged your stupid cottage! Neither did Mondo!

Kiyotaka: Your lies do not convince me. I will maintain this rule in place until I can see actual improvement in your act!

Leon: Screw you!

With that Leon took a moment before spitting right at Taka’s uniform and walking back to his cottage, muttering swears. Taka was perfectly still, and yet looked like he was shaking...

Kiyotaka: A second uniform today. Doesn’t matter! Once an hour passes, he will not be able to do such delinquent acts anymore! I need to get changed. And clean my cottage. Excuse me!

And so, he marched on towards his own cottage, expression frozen in sternness...

Mukuro: Damn...

Chihiro: Poor Taka... Do you really think Leon and Mondo vandalized his cottage?

Mukuro: No clue. On one hand, they may have... But on the other. That seems a bit too petty.

Chihiro: I just hope Hifumi can help him find his footing again...

Mukuro: Yeah. Same...

Without much else to do we split up. Chihiro went towards his cottage... I guess it makes sense why it’s on boys’ side now. And I went to my own.


Mukuro’s Cottage

Rest of day was uneventful. At some point I heard what appeared to be another argument outside, between Taka and Kyoko... It seems she wasn’t particularly fond of his way of enforcing order either. But she seemed more concerned about Taka not consulting her first, than the rule being put in at all. Either way that one didn’t go anywhere and beyond that... I just kept reading my manga. It was a great way to pass time.

Ding Dong Bing Bong!

Monokuma: Attention! This is a school trip announcement. Good evening, everyone! It is now 10 PM! Nighttime has officially come, so go and get some sleep to be energetic for tomorrow’s murderous plans! Sleep well!


Well... I guess it’s time to sleep. I put away the manga, undressed and went to sleep.


Someone was outside.

It’s the middle of the night but some light move outside. It was split second but it interrupted my sleep and woke me up... Whatever it was... I had to find out who would be out this late at night. I dressed in matter of seconds and headed outside...


Jabberwock Park

I couldn’t find whatever was the source of light outside the cottage... or even in the streets. Following a simple hunch however, I walked the roads until I reached the Central Island and the park... and as I arrived, I saw it... It...

It was floating above ground. A creature I could barely make out in the dark, with moon obstructed by clouds... But silhouette was almost human... And yet not... There was something so repulsive and grotesque about it even when I couldn’t make out a single feature... It was there, in the middle of the park... And arcade cabinet was now torn in half, one half embedded in the back wall of stage, the other simply flattened on the ground beyond repair.

Then the thing looked at me. I remember seeing an eye glinting for a moment in the dark. It was completely red as blood. I thought I was stoic and could handle anything. But something about that look... It was wrong. And it was... f a m i l i a r...

I screamed in pure terror... And then everything was dark...


Mukuro’s Cottage

Junko: Wake the hell up!

Toko: D-Do you want to choke her or something?

Mondo: Yeah, ease up on her.

Mukuro: Ugh... what...?

I blinked my eyes open. I was back in my cottage... Lights were on. And literally everyone else was standing inside, Junko having been shaking me awake by the neck...

Aoi: She’s alright!

Byakuya: Of course she is. She was found unharmed after all.

Makoto: Can anyone even explain what happened? I kind of missed it while I was getting dressed.

Kyoko: It appears for some reason Mukuro went out at night. Junko followed her, then heard a scream... And then found Mukuro passed out in the park. The game cabinet was completely destroyed as well. Junko dragged her back and woke everyone up.

Hifumi: Miss Ikusaba! How could you?! The singular-edition of new Magical Girls Unite!

Kyoko: Don’t jump to conclusions. Mukuro... What happened?

Mukuro: I... it wasn’t me! I saw something... Like, a glint of something outside. So I wanted to follow it but I lost trace until the Park. And it was... there. It was a monster...

Sayaka: A m-monster?

Celeste: That sounds like a badly written horror story.

Mukuro: It’s true! I swear! It was... floating and I couldn’t make out the features, but... It was... terrifying...

Byakuya: Seriously? You couldn’t make out the features but were scared anyway? And here I took you for one of the smarter ones.

Mondo: You wanna f*cking go?!

Kyoko: Stop.

Kiyotaka: Indeed. Jumping to violence is beneath a real man.

Kyoko: You stop too. Ugh...

Aoi: What... if monster’s real?

Leon: No way! No way there’s a monster on the island! Monokuma wouldn’t do that, would he?

Syo: Hey! I didn’t approve of any competition in most terrifying thing on the island category!

Hifumi: I agree! I think one horrible creature is enough monsters for us...

Chihiro: Maybe it was just a dream?

Junko: Hey, actually, are you sure you saw it? Pretty sure I saw that light myself, but I just was about to go back to sleep instead.

Toko: C-Can we just go to beds? This is s-stupid!

Sayaka: But what if monster’s real...?

Celeste: Please.

Kyoko: I agree. We should get back to sleep. Whatever it was Mukuro saw, it’s gone now. Nobody else saw it, not even Junko.

Chihiro: I hope so too...

Kiyotaka: Everyone! Get back to your cottages and get some proper rest!

Mondo: Psht.

Byakuya: I can’t believe I bothered waking up for this.

With that everyone left my cottage... Except Junko.

Junko: Don’t you dare do that again!

Mukuro: Huh? Do what?

Junko: Sneak out at night alone. You could have gotten me to go with you, you know. Instead I had to sneak after you and find you there just... laying. After screaming like that. What the hell caused you to scream like that?!

Mukuro: I...

I tried to think of it. Of what that thing... Made me feel from just looking at it...

Mukuro: I just felt so... Desperate...

Junko: ...fine. Thanks for ruining my beauty sleep. If I’m late tomorrow morning, it’s your fault!

And so Junko left too, shutting lights off on the way out... Leaving me alone again. I went to sleep. I had no dreams or nightmares. I also wasn’t disturbed anymore... But what I saw that night remained ingrained somewhere in the back of my head...


Monokuma Theater

What makes us afraid? What makes us feel terror, chilling us to the bone?




You know the answer for yourself already. It doesn’t matter what I say now. I can’t change anyone’s mind on this. Fears are different for everyone...




Think about it. About your deepest fear. About your most primal horror. What causes you to always shudder...




Are you sure you’re safe from it?



Are you sure it’s not looming over you right now?



Puhuhu... Sweet dreams...


So, I have 0 self-control, 0 ability to estimate time it takes to make things happen and 0 sense of schedule. So here we are. Part 3. Let's go. Enjoy! I lowkey expect this one to be divisive in several ways, but hey.

Anyway, as usual, I hope you all enjoy it and I love all of you for the support. As usual, I will see all of you with next one... Whenever that will be...

Good night~

Chapter 13: Chapter 2 – Love and Hate, Justice and Egoism, Against World's Evil! – Daily Life 4


The rewards from the arcade game are revealed. Things seem to have passed... Or have they?


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Ding Dong Bing Bong!

Usami: Hello, everyone! This is a school trip announcement! It is now 8 AM! Another wonderful morning in tropical paradise! Time to wake up and be ready to cultivate wonderful hope!


Damn... I think this is the first time since coming here that I slept in late enough to wake up to announcement as my alarm. Last night... I don’t even want to think about it. I just need to get to the morning meeting for now.


Hotel Restaurant

And I’m last one to arrive... I’m also getting few rather weird stares, but I just ignore them as I sit down. And once I do, Kyoko stands up, taking her ‘making an announcement’ tone.

Kyoko: I reviewed all the prizes from the game.

Leon: So? What is it?

Toko: It b-better be something important... If s-so much fuss was made about the s-stupid game being destroyed...

Hifumi: That game was extremely important already!

Kyoko: The first prize was for my route. I will be keeping it to myself, but if anyone wants to watch it, I can show. However, I do advice against it...

Kyoko demonstrated the DVD.

Kyoko: It only contains a single video recording... of my father’s death.

Aoi: Oh no...

Sayaka: That’s so terrible!

Makoto: Wait, does that mean that the real Headmaster is dead?

Kyoko: I can’t tell if it’s real or fake... But it appears he was killed in an exaggerated execution, similar to one Sakura faced.

Celeste: Then... It is reasonable to assume that the culprit behind this Killing Game and behind that recording is one and the same?

Kyoko: Indeed. But I understand if some of you may not wish to see something like that. So I will not force you to.

Sayaka: Thank you, Kyoko... I don’t think I want to see another execution like that ever again.

Aoi: Agreed...

Byakuya: And what if she’s lying about the video?

Kiyotaka: What are you saying?! Class President would never lie!

Byakuya: Well, if you’re so inviting, then I shall be seeing so for myself.

Kyoko: That’s fine. You can come by my cottage in the afternoon. In the morning, however, we already made plans.

Byakuya: Hmph.

Kyoko: Moving on. The second prize was for Junko’s route... And it had two photos. I can guess as to what they are hinting at, but I do think you’d prefer to explain it yourself.

Kyoko took out a familiar file and demonstrated two photos.

One was of... Just Junko, smiling at the camera. And the other was of very familiar-looking girl, smiling at the camera in almost the same way... She had long, straight red hair... But something about her was just so similar to Junko... Wait. It was Junko! In a wig! And wearing normal clothes...

Junko: Wait. Seriously? That’s supposed to be a motive?

Makoto: I don’t understand... Who is that other girl?

Aoi: She kinda looks like Junko...

Junko: Duh. Because that’s me.

Mondo: What? Seriously? No way...

Junko: Well, it’s easy to confuse. Ryoko is my disguise after all.

Leon: Ryoko?

Junko: Yep! You know, I like to get away from all the stupid fashion and paparazzi and stuff. So I made up this persona of Ryoko Otonashi, forgetful ditz of a girl, got myself a wig, some makeup, contacts... And viola. I can be an entirely different person on moment’s notice, plain and unnoticeable.

Kyoko: I see. My conclusion was about the same. Perhaps this was meant to be some sort of blackmail?

Junko: I doubt it? Like, it’s annoying that if it got leaked I’d need to come up with something else, but also, like, whatever.

Syo: Do I smell something salty?

Junko: Ugh...

Kyoko: Regardless... Last one is Mukuro’s route reward. It appears to be an internal letter between Hope’s Peak staff. You can have it.

Kyoko handed me the letter and I skimmed through it...

“I’ll admit, Jin, I did not expect that invitation all the way to the Middle East would be successful, much less to someone of her talent. I’m uncertain as to how well she’ll adjust to being back to normal school life here in Japan, but I’ll give you this, I was wrong about her ignoring our invitation. Still, Mukuro Ikusaba’s proposed talent... Are you certain this is a good idea? We’re already on rather shaky ground with the Reserve Course about to open year after this. PR risks should be taken into account when admitting students.

Also, I’ll leave the beer crate I owe you by your parking spot. Don’t forget to share!

- Koichi”

Mukuro: That’s...

Kyoko: It appears to be a letter to my father from some other staff member. It mentions Mukuro being in Middle East prior to coming to Hope’s Peak, as well as her talent being something that could cause some PR concerns for the school.

Mondo: sh*t, they invited me! What sort of f*ckin’ talent could be a bigger PR concern than that?

Kyoko: That is something I wonder myself.

Junko: Middle East... hmmm...

Kyoko: Mukuro? Do you remember anything?

Mukuro: I...


Mukuro: No. I’m sorry. This letter doesn’t... feel wrong, but I still can’t remember a thing.

Syo: Oh, so deepens the mysterious mystery of our most mysterious girl! What dark secrets might she hide, they all pondered...

Mukuro: I really don’t remember, okay!

Leon: Hey, calm down. Don’t let the psycho get the rise out of you.

Syo: Kyahahahaha!

Kyoko: That’s fine, Mukuro. Either way, we have our plans for the day.

Aoi: Yeah! Chihiro’s coming with us to exercise!

Mondo: ...

Well, he’s looking... annoyed for some reason.

Byakuya: I still can’t believe you hid it.

Toko: B-But... if he’s a guy... Then why is he still w-wearing a skirt?!

Chihiro: Oh... I just had no other clothes in my cottage... And getting other ones would take a while, when I just wanted to rest yesterday... Is it that bad for me to still wear it... even after you know?

Aoi: Of course not!

Syo: It makes you even more killable if anything!

Chihiro: Uh... Thanks...?

Makoto: Oh, Sayaka, regarding your invite...

Sayaka: Oh, it’s alright if you’ve lost it. You know when and where still and that’s what matters!

Leon: Huh? He lost it? Dude...

Makoto: Yeah... You’re really good at reading me, huh...

Sayaka: Nope, I’m just psychic...

As that conversation trailed off into laughter, I was approached by someone unexpected.

Celeste: Good morning, Mukuro. I hope you are faring well.

Mukuro: Hey, Celeste. Something up?

Celeste: I simply wished to suggest we spend time together today. Play a game of wit and smarts, and perhaps get to know each other better. How does your cottage at 9 AM sound?

Mukuro: Uh... Sure? I guess that works.

Celeste: Then, we shall meet then.

Mukuro: Why are you even asking?

Celeste: Because it’d be a shame if I came to your cottage and you won’t be there, no? That and showing up uninvited is rather rude, wouldn’t you agree?

Mukuro: I guess that’s true...

Celeste: Indeed, it is. Till our meeting, then.

With that she went to sit down alone. Rest of breakfast went by more uneventful. Taka shared more of his newfound experiences with anime to Hifumi, although the two seemed to have different plans for today, Sayaka, Makoto and Leon were all laughing together about their beach trip, Aoi and Junko were cheering up Chihiro... This was rather nice. And it seems like rewards weren’t really motive enough for anyone after all.

Eventually everyone had their fill and started leaving, me included. I went directly to my cottage.


Mukuro’s Cottage

Celeste was rather punctual. She arrived carrying a bag and after I welcomed her in, took out the game she had in mind...

Mukuro: Chess...?

Celeste: Indeed. You sound surprised.

Mukuro: I just thought that as a gambler, you’d prefer a more... Luck-based game.

Celeste: Gambling is not all about luck either, you know. It’s about intelligence, and fooling your opponents.

Mukuro: That makes sense, just... didn’t expect that to be the first game you wanted play.

Celeste: Well, I have brought cards as well, just in case you’d want something else.

Mukuro: No, it’s fine. Let’s do it. I’m down.

Celeste: That is nice.

Celeste set the chessboard up and arranged the pieces... The game started out normally, although I could see that either she wasn’t that experienced or was intentionally going for most predictable and simple moves...

I quickly managed to get a bit of pawn advantage... She... really wasn’t winning at all. Playing defensively in her position was inviting me to just press the advantage and I did. Soon, after a few advantageous trades, I was one piece and three pawns up...

Celeste: Hm... I appear to be a bit parched. Do you have any water?

Mukuro: Hm? Not tea?

Celeste: Please. One does not drink tea for hydration, but for the taste and experience...

Mukuro: I don’t. Do you want me to grab some?

Celeste: I’d appreciate it a lot.

That smile... She’s probably planning to adjust board position while I’m gone. Heh... Well, I remembered the positions of all the pieces perfectly before I left the cottage... I only took a few minutes to grab a bottle from the restaurant, giving Mondo a quick wave on the way, and bring it back.

To my surprise, board was in the exact same state... I was certain of that. And Celeste was just sitting there, smiling with her usual fake-looking pleasant smile as I handed her the bottle.

Celeste: Thanks a lot, Mukuro. Now, shall we continue the game?

I achieved checkmate in 12 turns. Well, that was underwhelming...

Celeste: It appears I was bested.

Mukuro: That’s... kind of why I expected a different game. Something more up your alley.

Celeste: And what do you think would be more ‘up my alley’?

Mukuro: Poker? Blackjack? I guess?

Celeste: Well, chess is a game of bluffs and deception too. Is it not?

Mukuro: Kind of, but you also lost.

Celeste: I lost this game. But, I have learned a lot and avoided letting you learn anything about myself. We’ll have many an opportunity to play more games, and as long as I can best you in the long term, would that not be the real victory?

Mukuro: I suppose it makes sense, but I’ll need to see whether you can actually apply anything or if you’re bluffing right now.

Celeste: There’s no need for underestimations, Mukuro. I always put exactly as much info on the table as I have to, and not a bit more.

Mukuro: I see. Well, that makes sense. I suppose, I can only hope the next game I’ll actually be able to see some of the secrets you’re hiding...

Celeste: Perhaps if situation pushes for it, you shall. Either way, I appreciate you humoring me. This was highly enlightening and entertaining. I will be taking my leave now.

With that Celeste put away the pieces, and put her board back into her bag before leaving. Well, I guess that’s that then...

Update! Earned Celeste’s 3rd Hope Fragment.


Hotel Restaurant

After a while of reading manga, I decided to grab a little snack. Mondo was still there in the Restaurant, fiddling with his handbook.

Mukuro: Hey, Mondo. Sup?

Mondo: Oh... Nothing, just, uh, sh*t... Messing with that uptight asshole a bit.

Mukuro: Messing with... Taka?

Mondo: Yeah. The idiot put in an extra f*cking rule! Have you seen it?

Mukuro: I did. But I don’t think it was wrong, considering his cottage was kind of messed up.

Mondo: Well we didn’t do it, so why the hell were we blamed?! Nobody here likes him that much except for fat nerd anyway, it could’ve been f*cking anyone.

Mukuro: Maybe because you keep butting heads so much? Just give him some room, I’m pretty sure he’ll let up, especially now that he’s got more distractions.

Mondo: Damn... Fine, whatever, won’t do it after this time anymore.

Mukuro: Wait, if you weren’t vandalizing the cottage, then what is ‘this time’?

Mondo: Uh... sh*t... Forget about it, okay? Just... I won’t mess with the guy afterwards.

Mukuro: ...sure.

Seeing that I can’t get more out of him without just making him mad I decided to let it go for now.



After eating a few fruits for a snack and taking another break I decided that it’s finally time. It’s probably going to be infuriating, but... Well. I had to at some point one way or another. He was at the supermarket when I found him.

Mukuro: Hey, Byakuya!

Byakuya: Hm? What do you want?

Mukuro: To talk to you.

Byakuya: How quaint. And do I have a reason to respond?

Mukuro: Gh... Fine, I want your help.

Byakuya: Really now? Well, I suppose if you have something to offer in return—

Ding Dong Bing Bong


Usami: I’m... So, so sorry everyone, but... It happened again!

Monokuma: Just get to the point!

Usami: A... a body has been discovered... Everyone, please gather at the Library...

Monokuma: Aaaand?

Usami: After a certain amount of time passes... A class trial will begin...

Monokuma: Good girl! Eugh, I can’t believe I’m saying this...


Byakuya: Well now.

I needed to get to library quick... I grabbed Byakuya by the wrist, and ignoring his protests and stumbling started sprinting right for the library...



Still dragging Byakuya behind me, I rushed past Toko, who was shaking right outside and refusing to come in, and entered. Inside a giant mess presented itself. Glorious fountain in the middle of the atrium was crushed to pieces by the huge chandelier having fallen down, water leaking all over the floor... And in the midst of all that mess was laying a crushed body of someone who could only be Hifumi Yamada, the Ultimate Fanfic Creator... His blood leaking all over, mixing with spilling water...

Kiyotaka: Let go of me! Let go!

Leon: C’mon man, you’ll mess up the crime scene!

Mondo: Get a f*cking hold of yourself!

Aoi: Hifumi... he’s really dead...

Kiyotaka: No! That can’t be! Hifumi!!!

Kiyotaka: Graaaahhh!

Chapter 2 – Love and Justice, Hatred and Egoism, Against World’s Evil! – Deadly Life


A body discovery chapter. Short, sweet, almost to the point.

Maybe predictable for some, a surprise for others, a full-on twist for the thirds... But here it is. And so begins another murder mystery...

As usual, I hope you all enjoy, and I thank you for your appreciation. I love you all and will see you again next time, with the investigation chapter... Whenever that is ready that is.

Chapter 14: Chapter 2 – Love and Hate, Justice and Egoism, Against World's Evil! – Deadly Life


The investigation for another death begins, and weird contradictions as well as uncertain evidence starts to arise.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 2 – Love and Justice, Hatred and Egoism, Against World’s Evil! – Deadly Life

Hifumi’s body is a mess... If not for his rotund frame and clothes, from this far, it’d be impossible to tell who it was... The crushing did not spare him at all. How... And more importantly, why?

Kiyotaka: Hifumi! Hifumi!!!

Kyoko: You two. Take him outside. Dunk him into the ocean. Something. Get him out of here and calm.

Mondo: Yes, ma’am...

Kyoko was being more authoritative than usual... I guess that makes sense, but her tone was harsh enough to make even Mondo straighten out. Either way, Leon and Mondo drag Taka out of the Library...

Aoi: No... again... it can’t have... happened again... Somebody’s dead again...

Byakuya: Was a matter of time, really.

Aoi: What are you saying?! Stop that!

Syo: Oh no! Doesn’t this whole ‘found the body’ thing mean we’re in trouble now?!

Celeste: Indeed. We will have to investigate, find the culprit and bring them to justice. Simple as that.

Sayaka: Wait... Maybe it won’t happen like that? Maybe it was just an accident?

Junko: An accident?

Makoto: Hifumi was... crushed by a chandelier, right? If it snapped on its own...

Usami: I’m sorry...

Makoto: Agh!

Usami: Oh no! I scared you, Makoto! I didn’t mean to.

Chihiro: Usami... what were you going to say?

Usami: Well, you see... the only way a death can happen on the island without a trial... Is dying due to sickness and things like that...

Byakuya: Which means this ‘accident’ has someone to blame behind it...

Makoto: Can’t you tell us who it is?!

Usami: I’m sorry... That’s not... I can’t do that... The best I can do is... give you all this...

Usami took out familiar-looking tablets. Monokuma Files...

Kyoko: Damn it... The motive was supposed to have been negated... why...

Aoi: But how? How could an accident like that even happen intentionally?

Usami: I... can’t tell you anything... I’m sorry... But I’m sure that if you work together, like good friends you are... You will find all the answers! Yay...?

Byakuya: Just get out.

Usami: Uwah...

And so she’s gone... With us holding the files.

Byakuya: Well then, the game is afoot. Good luck. You’ll need it to solve this with your intelligence.

And so he left...

Aoi: This is so horrible...

Junko: Well, let’s get to it.

Sayaka: You say that so easily...

Junko: What else is there to do, stand around and hoping it will solve itself? That’s not how things work. We have to get to it.

Mukuro: Junko’s right. We have to find the one responsible for Hifumi’s death...

Aoi: I guess you’re right...

Syo: Kyahahahaha! That’s like, the opposite of killing someone! I totally want to try!

That’s when Mondo came back, grumbling and holding a Monokuma File of his own.

Mondo: The hall monitor nerd’s fine. We threw him in the ocean at Chandler Beach. Leon’s making sure he isn’t doing something f*cking stupid. At least there’s beach so close by...

Aoi: It’s good to know that Taka’s fine...

Kyoko: ...let’s just get to it.

Investigation Start

I started with the obvious. The Monokuma File.

“The victim was Hifumi Yamada, the Ultimate Fanfic Creator.

The victim’s body was discovered in the Chandler Library at 11:44 AM.

The victim died from his whole body being crushed with a huge object. Death was instantaneous. Time of death was 11:27.

No drugs or poison were found in victim’s bloodstream.”

Truth Bullet Added: Monokuma File 2

Mukuro: Huh... That was surprisingly recent... It’s just minutes till noon right now...

Mondo: Damn it...

Syo: Hey, the body’s not warm anymore!

Kyoko: Hey, don’t touch it! It’s due to all the spilling fountain water.

Syo: Oh, don’t be a sourpuss.

Kyoko: I still need to investigate it, see if anything’s off.

Syo: Ooh, I wanna see, I wanna see!

Kyoko: Just don’t get in my way.

Well, I guess between those two, there is enough dead body expertise for that, so I look around the place. It looks utterly thrashed... Mostly due to the water, still slowly spreading from the broken fountain. But there are some curious things to look at.

I approach an object laying on the floor.

Mukuro: That... looks like a hammer.

Celeste: Yes, I do believe that’s correct.

A hammer... painted bright colors with words written on the hammerhead. Justice Hammer.

Chihiro: Justice Hammer...? That sounds familiar...

Mukuro: Familiar how?

Chihiro: I’m not sure... I think it’s from an anime?

Celeste: Robo Justice. A robotic hero, wielding a hammer as a weapon of choice. It’s a popular anime.

Mukuro: Huh? How did you know, Celeste?

Celeste: Oh, I simply happened to see a poster of it one day. I do not have much interest, so I don’t know much else other than the appearance.

So, a hammer resembling one of anime character’s weapon... It doesn’t look like the murder weapon, but still, what is it doing here?

Truth Bullet Added: Justice Hammer

Junko: Hey, Mukuro, over here.

Junko was waving to me, standing by the entrance wall... I came over and saw what she wanted to show me. A winch with cable rising straight up to the ceiling.

Mukuro: Is that what I think it is?

Junko: It’s a winch that suspends the chandelier. You’re supposed to use it to regulate how high it hangs, but look.

She points to the actual handle... it’s just hanging, loose.

Mondo: Hey! The f*cking brake is gone!

Mukuro: A brake?

Mondo: Yeah. sh*t like that always has a brake to make sure it doesn’t unwind on its own. And here it looks like a piece broke off!

Junko: Yeah, and the rope itself is completely unwound.

I see. It probably happened when the brake was broken off, causing the chandelier to fall as the rope unwound from the winch. Was that what caused the fall then?

Truth Bullet Added: Winch

I looked back over the chandelier that crushed Hifumi... It was huge, that thing falling on anyone would be an instant death. I’m surprised his body is as intact as it is, but it’s obvious it just crushed him. Although one thing is off... The rope is not reaching up to ceiling, but is simply laying strewn around the thing. If I had to guesstimate, there were about 70 feet of rope around, enough to reach the ceiling. Does that mean it was actually cut?

Truth Bullet Added: Chandelier

Sayaka: Hey, look, I found something!

I looked over and wanted to approach Sayaka, but almost stepped into a puddle of something... vile.

Mukuro: What... is this?

Sayaka: Oh... I’m sorry, that was... me...

On closer examination, puddle on the ground was vomit...

Sayaka: I... I was the one who found him... It looks so gruesome, at first I passed out... And then when I awoke moments later, I threw up...

Aoi: It’s alright, none of us were meant to handle something like that...

Sayaka: I know...

Mukuro: We need to focus on the investigation. What did you find?

Sayaka: Oh, I thought to check the trash can for clues, like they always do in detective movies. And look!

Sayaka showed me what appeared to be a very crumpled note, in it written with pretty cursive was... an invitation letter.

“To the murderous monster,

I know what you did. Not just the obvious, but beyond that too. The crimes you committed are unforgivable. Come and find me at the library at 11:30 AM today. We shall settle this.”

Mukuro: Is that...

Sayaka: I don’t know... But it does seem like the culprit threw it out, right?

Mukuro: Maybe... Who would send a note like that though?

Truth Bullet Added: Trash Can Note

Kyoko: Hey, Mukuro, Hina, can you two come over?

Aoi: Oh, sure, Kyoko! Hey, Sayaka, go outside and breathe, alright?

Sayaka: Of course... I think I’m still a bit sick...

With that, Sayaka left the library... I saw Celeste depart the premises as well. That didn’t leave many people in here, which made sense... Most wouldn’t want to stick around a body like that. Well, the two of us approached Kyoko.

Kyoko: I have tasks for both of you. Hina, here.

Kyoko handed her a key.

Kyoko: I want you to go to Hifumi’s cottage, find his notes on the game and examine them. Then bring them to me, and do not show it to anyone.

Aoi: Huh? Didn’t you take your own notes?

Kyoko: I did. However, if my hunch is right... There might be a clue in there. And that clue should stay hidden until the time is right...

Aoi: I got it! I’ll be back soon!

With that, she sprinted off. She probably wanted an excuse to get away from the body too... I don’t blame her.

Kyoko: Mukuro, for you... I want you to go around and gather everyone’s alibis.

Mukuro: Huh? Why me?

Kyoko: Because you’re not as trusting as Hina or Makoto. I will be busy with the body here... and Syo.

Mukuro: I’ll see what I can do.

I guess it would be the best to start by finding and questioning those that left...


Library Outside

As I left the library and was about to go behind the back to reach Chandler Beach, I ran into Celeste and Toko.

Celeste: Ah, Mukuro, I believe I have discovered something curious.

Mukuro: What is it?

Toko: Incriminating evidence a-against you!

Mukuro: Huh...? Me?

I rushed over to what the two were looking at. There on the ground was a half open duffle bag with a canister of gas beside it, and as I reached inside the bag...

Mukuro: Those... are my clothes...

Exact copy of the outfit I was wearing right now. But how?

Toko: You planned to burn it as evidence, d-didn’t you?!

Celeste: I do not believe it is so simple, Toko.

Toko: Huh?

Celeste: It is obvious somebody tried to frame Mukuro by bringing her outfit here.

Mukuro: But how’d they even get it?

Celeste: That is a rather juicy question now, is it not?

Truth Bullet Added: Duffle Bag

Celeste was being vague... I rummaged through the bag some more, when...

Mukuro: Huh... Is that a note of some kind?

Toko: What does it s-say?

I unfolded the note and read it... It was a bit hard with messy handwriting, but intelligible.

“To the dark-haired witch,

Your vile deeds are unforgivable crime! And I shall exact justice upon you, for ones of past, present and future, forgotten and not! Come to library at 11 AM and confront me, or have your dark secret revealed to all!”

Mukuro: This is almost like a note in the library... But it has different time and wording...

Celeste: Oh? There was more than one note?

Mukuro: Yeah, we found another one thrown into the trash in the library.

Celeste: That is rather curious...

Truth Bullet Added: Duffle Bag Note

Mukuro: Anyway, that’s not what I came here for. Do you two have an alibi for the time of the murder and before it?

Toko: Alibi? N-No... I was just in my cottage for over an h-hour before the announcement... So don’t t-try to pin it on me!

Celeste: I was simply... around the first island since our own meeting.

Mukuro: And nobody can confirm either of that?

Toko: I knew it! You’re t-trying to pin it on me!

Celeste: I’m afraid not.

Well, that won’t work as real alibi then...

Celeste: To note, if you want to question Byakuya, I recommend you use that ladder.

She pointed at long ladder attached to side of library building. Looks like it can be used to access the catwalks near library’s ceiling from outside...

Mukuro: Well... I guess here goes nothing.


Library Catwalks

This was really high... At least I wasn’t afraid of heights. And indeed, Byakuya was there, right beside the spot where the chandelier’s suspensions were supposed to be.

Mukuro: Hey! You!

Byakuya ignored me as he was examining something on the catwalk itself... I approached to look as well, and... Is that a miniature guillotine?!

Mukuro: What the...?

Byakuya: It’s affixed to the chandelier rope... I see...

He... was right. The end of rope that was connecting the winch and the chandelier pulley was affixed was running through the tiny... toy... guillotine. It sounds like the kind of toy only Monokuma would come up with... And it even has a tiny antenna! That thing is totally remote controlled... Wait...

Mukuro: Was it used to cut the rope then?

Truth Bullet Added: Toy Guillotine

Byakuya chuckled, ignoring me and standing up... And as he turned around to face me, he simply deadpanned.

Byakuya: What do you want?

Mukuro: Ugh... Whatever, just tell me what you were doing at the time of the murder?

Byakuya: I believe you’re aware already? Don’t tell me your memory is this short.

That’s right... I saw him literally right as body discovery announcement sounded, and he was on the First Island.

Byakuya: And before you ask, while I have visited the library today, while I have been here before, it was perfectly fine, and I’ve been gone for over an hour by the time he died, at least if Monokuma File is to be believed.

Mukuro: And who can confirm that?

Byakuya: No idea. Toko may have been spying on me. Either way, I have found what I was looking for.

Pushing past me he left for that ladder to the outside... Actually, looking around, it looks like the little hatch from the outside was the only reasonable way to access catwalks at all. I looked down... I could see Kyoko and Syo arguing over something by the body, the water flooding slowly getting worse, and blood in the water making it look awful. Makoto, Junko and Mondo have went elsewhere too it seems. This is a pretty good vantage point, all things considered... But this didn’t seem too relevant, so I went back to the task I was given.


Chandler Beach

Leon was standing by the cottage, simply overlooking as Taka, drenched wet was sitting down with his legs crossed, staring into the sea... Well, at least he wasn’t violently trying to get to the body anymore.

Mukuro: So...? How is he?

Leon: He’s... Damn, man... He’s a prick, but nobody deserves this.

Mukuro: ...that bad?

Leon: He’s responsive. Cold water probably helped. But man... This is just depressing, and I’m worried about leaving him alone.

Mukuro: I see... Well, before I ask him... What was up with you and Sayaka and Makoto?

Leon: Oh, the beach party... Heh, it was right here.

Yeah, there were three towels spread out on the beach. One just thrown down messily, another looking extremely pretty and third half-washed away by the waves...

Leon: Sayaka invited us the other day. To turn down a cute invite like that, what a monster would do that?!

Mukuro: So all three of you were there?

Leon: Yeah, until we found out Makoto’s sunscreen bottle was leaking. So Sayaka went to grab another one at the pharmacy and a few minutes after she left... boom, the announcement!

Mukuro: Can you tell me exactly when it happened?

Leon: Sorry, not much for clocks when enjoying the sea. But all three of us were here together since 10:30 at least.

Truth Bullet Added: Leon’s Account

Mukuro: Thanks... Any advice on asking Taka for his story?

Leon: Uh... No clue, seriously.

Mukuro: Sigh...

Hesitantly I approached Taka and touched his shoulder. He turned around, looking up at me... Geez, those were some empty eyes...

Mukuro: Hey... I just wanted to ask... What were you doing before the body was found?

Kiyotaka: ...am I one of the suspects?

Mukuro: Sorry... I just need to know where everyone was. I doubt you could’ve done it—

Kiyotaka: Central Island. I was stuck there.

Mukuro: Stuck...?

Kiyotaka: I took it upon myself to keep watch of stundets’ movements. I thought that by monitoring that... I could prevent a potential murder...

Kiyotaka: But when I decided to leave... Those giant robots actively stopped me... I couldn’t leave Central Island...

Kiyotaka: If I chose to spend time with Hifumi... Do you think I could’ve... prevented this?

Mukuro: I have no clue. But... Can you tell me more?

Kiyotaka: ...here.

He simply handed me a notebook. It was wet, but flipping through it, it seems like most text was relatively intact...

“9:40 – Junko goes to 2nd Island

9:50 – Aoi goes to 2nd Island

9:55 – Kyoko and Syo go to 2nd Island

10:05 – Byakuya leaves 2nd Island

10:06 – Toko leaves 2nd Island

10:10 – Sayaka goes to 2nd Island

10:25 – Makoto and Leon go to 2nd Island

10:40 – Mukuro goes to 2nd Island

10:45 – Hifumi goes to 2nd Island

11:?? – Celeste leaves 2nd Island”

Kiyotaka: I started watch at 9:30...

Mukuro: I see... This might be helpful. By the way, regarding the last entry... is it me or is there no exact time here?

Kiyotaka: I tried to leave at around 11 on clock... And I was too confused by the robots... I remember Celeste leaving at some point, shortly before announcement, but... never noted down time...

Mukuro: I see... there’s another thing... It says I went to Second Island. I never did that. I was on First Island the whole day. Well, until the announcement that is.

Kiyotaka kept looking at me with those wide, blank eyes... Until suddenly his pupils shrank, like a cat’s...

Kiyotaka: That’s a lie! I saw you! I saw you, Mukuro Ikusaba, going to the Second Island at exactly 10:40 AM!

Mukuro: But I didn’t...?

Kiyotaka: I see! You are trying to lie! And yet, nobody but the culprit would have reason to lie! Henceforth! You are the killer!

Mukuro: What? Look, there’s got to be a reasonable explanation to—

Kiyotaka: Leon! I need your help! I do doubt I’ll be able to apprehend her myself!

Leon: Uh... Dude, I seriously doubt it’s a good idea. Plus, I don’t think Mukuro’s lying.

Kiyotaka: Then... are you claiming that I am lying? I would never lie! Fine, I shall bring the killer to justice myse—

As Taka grabbed me I simply pushed him and he fell backwards, into the sand. His movements were stiff and he was pretty much falling apart mentally. After he fell, he didn’t even bother getting back up, simply staring into the sky, his speech reducing back to mumbling.

Kiyotaka: I didn’t lie... You lied... You’re the killer... One who killed Hifumi...

This was just too pathetic to look at... I took the notebook, and waved to Leon as I left.

Truth Bullet Added: Kiyotaka’s Observation Schedule


Sports Center

This was a good idea of a place to check. Mondo and Chihiro were here, but he seemed to have no luck finding clues at all.

Mukuro: Hey, Mondo!

Mondo: Oh... Hey. sh*t, seriously? No clues at all?

Chihiro: I’m sorry...

Mondo: Nah, you tried...

Mukuro: No luck, you two?

Chihiro: It seems like this place is unrelated to the scene...

Mukuro: Well, while I’m here, I am trying to gather everyone’s alibis. For Kyoko that is... Can you tell me what you were doing before the murder?

Chihiro: Oh... All the girls were helping me train here. Kyoko, Hina, Junko... even Syo. We gathered at 10:00 and then we had a fun time... But then Sayaka ran in, looking scared and told us to come to the library. So all of us rushed over and...

Mukuro: I see... That does line up with what Sayaka and Leon said... So Sayaka discovered the body in the library and then ran to here to get you all?

Chihiro: Yes... It was 11:42 when she ran in...

Truth Bullet Added: Chihiro’s Account

Mukuro: That is helpful, thank you, Chihiro.

Mondo: sh*t... I should’ve been the one helping you train and not messing around with stupid-ass—What kind of man am I?!

Mukuro: Mondo. What about you?

Mondo: Huh? The hell about me? I was in the restaurant whole f*cking morning. Until the announcement. You even saw me there.

Mukuro: Right... I remember. When I was grabbing water, right?

Mondo: Yeah... sh*t.

Mukuro: That was about... 10:40 if I remember correctly.

Mondo: Yeah, something like that.

Mukuro: ...and did you see anyone else there?

Mondo: Not a f*ckin’ soul.

Truth Bullet Added: Mondo’s Account

Chihiro, Aoi, Kyoko, Junko and Syo in the Sports Center... Sayaka, Makoto and Leon on the Chandler Beach... and rest don’t have solid enough alibis, including myself. Sure, I can say I saw Byakuya and Mondo on First Island, and they saw me, but is that reliable enough if neither was around the time of death? Not to mention Taka’s weird schedule...

Either way, I did what Kyoko asked of me. It was time to go and report back to her. I waved goodbye to Mondo and Chihiro as I left the Sports Center.



Kyoko: Ugh, you’re insufferable! I’m telling you, that is not admissible evidence! Any professional coroner would just laugh it off.

Syo: Professional coroners only cut the bodies that have been dead for hours! My bodies die as I cut them, so I am more professional than they will ever be!

Kyoko: So what, I should just trust your killer hunch that the bruising didn’t form because it was so shortly before death?

Syo: Of course! I mean, you’ve seen his f*ckin’ crotch! It’s hilarious, kyahahahaha!

Kyoko: The bruising could’ve just been the chandelier falling.

Syo: Blah blah, could’ve and would’ve, your theories are dumb. I’m telling you, I know from practice how a dead body that got kicked in the nuts before death looks, and this is one of them!

Kyoko: So, you are the new group coroner then?

Syo: Oh wow, I guess I am! I am Missus Steal Your Usefulness I guess... Kyahahahaha!

Mukuro: Uh... what is happening?

Syo: Oh, nothing special, just detective missie getting owned.

Kyoko: Nobody is owning no one here. She’s just more certain of her ‘killer expertise’ than she is of cold facts.

Syo: If you keep being so icy, you won’t just have cold facts, but cold farts too! Kyahahaha!

Kyoko: Grr...

I think this is the first time Kyoko is this angry...

Mukuro: So, uhm... What did you find?

Syo: Okay, so, Huffy did totally die from getting squished by the chandelier... But he also took a bit of beating before it too!

Mukuro: A beating?

Syo: Yeah! Like, fistfight kind of beating! And a good ol’ kick in the family precious... Kyahahaha!

Truth Bullet Added: Syo’s Examination Results

Kyoko: Well, if we’re trusting ‘killer’s expertise’ over the actual facts, then yes. However, that is not a 100% certainty.

Syo: Stay salty!

Kyoko: But that’s not all. While examining the body we also found this...

Kyoko showed me... a bent plastic toy. It looked like some sort of... Halloween noisemaker shaped like a bat?

Kyoko: It was hidden on top of the fountain before it was broken. It’d be impossible to spot it, but it’s waterproof, so it would have worked, were it not crushed.

Syo: It’s some remote controlled ‘spook prank’ kind of thing!

Mukuro: I see... I guess that is related to the case if it was there.

Kyoko: Of course.

Truth Bullet Added: Broken Noisemaker

After that I recounted my findings to Kyoko, including both evidence and alibis.

Kyoko: I see... Hina did deliver Hifumi’s notes, and they do have some serious information. I can’t say what it is just yet, but... It might change the entire case.

Mukuro: Why can’t you say it?

Kyoko: Because if what you told me is true, then you are one of the suspects.

Mukuro: Oh... I see.

Kyoko: Don’t worry. I don’t think it was you, but there are a lot of inconsistencies we’ll have to clear up before—

Ding Dong Bing Bong

Usami: I’m sorry, but... The amount of time is... based on a very complex formula, but... you’re all out. I really really hope you found all the evidence, because now it is the time to gather at the Rock of Justice! Uwah...


Kyoko: ...damn it. They won’t give us enough time for complete investigation ever, will they?

Mukuro: Monokuma probably wants the trials to still have some function.

Syo: Then let’s goooo!


Rock of Justice

Everyone was gathered up now. Even Taka, still looking rather empty, and although he did mumble some accusations as he pointed at me, it seems like everybody was ignoring him now.

Byakuya: And so, another fun game begins.

Aoi: Seriously? This is all a game to you? Someone is dead!

Byakuya: Yes. And? That doesn’t change anything. It’s still a game of life and death.

Celeste: ...a true gamble. But one would expect gambles like that involve a more... satisfying reward for winning than just survival.

Aoi: Ugh, you two are terrible.

Sayaka: Yeah, this is all just too morbid...

Leon: Hey can you guys stop bickering? Man, today has been soiled enough as it is.

Makoto: Yeah! We’re all in it together, so we should work together to try and find the culprit!

Mondo: Yeah! Whatever asshole did this is going to get it!

Monokuma: Of course they will! Assuming you manage to find them that is!

And here are those two, with sulking Usami and cheery Monokuma.

Monokuma: That’s what executions are for after all!

Mondo: Huh? Wait, sh*t I didn’t mean it like—Damn it, f*ck you!

Chihiro: Someone... will still have to die...

Celeste: And it is very likely that said someone is deceiving us right now.

Kiyotaka: Whoever killed... Hifumi... deserves execution...

Leon: Hey, man, come on...

Toko: H-How long will we be waiting? Where’s the elevator? I j-just want to get it over with...

Junko: The culprit’s not that obvious, you know.

Syo: Aren’t they...?

I realized that many pairs of eyes were side-eyeing me now... yeah, even if Taka’s accusations were meek, they all suspected me at least a bit. But trying to deny it now wouldn’t matter. I’d need to wait until the trial for that.

Then, finally, elevator opened up and the two plush mascots waved.

Monokuma: Go on now, get in! I can’t wait!

Usami: Good luck and do your best! And please, remember your friendships! Oh, this is so sad...

Not much else to do, all of us got into the elevator. Including Leon...

Celeste: Not staying behind this time around?

Leon: Huh? Of course not! My life’s on the line here too, you know. If I knew, I’d never do it in the first place, I told you!

Past that, there wasn’t any talking, only some incoherent mumbling from Taka and occasional bout of psychotic laughter from Syo as the elevator descended.

Eventually, it reached its destination. The trial grounds, where we all took our positions. That extra podium spot open before, was now taken by Syo.

Hifumi Yamada... He wasn’t the most pleasant of guys, but he was well-intentioned and tried his best. And yet, despite all that... He ended up killed. And the killer is someone in this trial room...

Junko. Mondo. Hifumi. Leon. Byakuya. Yasuhiro.

Was it really a freak accident? Or was it an intentionally set up trap?

Makoto. Sakura. Aoi. Kyoko. Toko. Syo.

If so... who could’ve done something like that? Who would have?

Kiyotaka. Celeste. Sayaka. Chihiro.


The suspicion is definitely hanging on me right now... I have no choice but to do my best to dispel it. And find the real killer, whoever it may be.

For all of our sakes.

Class Trial Start

Evidence Review:

Monokuma File 2

The victim was Hifumi Yamada, the Ultimate Fanfic Creator.

The victim’s body was discovered in the Chandler Library at 11:44 AM.

The victim died from his whole body being crushed with a huge object. Death was instantaneous. Time of death was 11:27.

No drugs or poison were found in victim’s bloodstream.

Justice Hammer

A large wooden hammer, repainted to resemble one wielded by a cartoon show character, found at the scene of the crime.


A winch with rope used to suspend the chandelier in the main library atrium. It was found completely unwound, with a brake broken off.


A gigantic ornate chandelier that crushed Hifumi and the fountain. It remained intact even after the fall. Still has about 70 feet of rope attached.

Trash Can Note

A note, found in library’s trash can. Handwriting of two notes doesn’t seem to match.

“To the murderous monster,

I know what you did. Not just the obvious, but beyond that too. The crimes you committed are unforgivable. Come and find me at the library at 11:30 AM today. We shall settle this.”

Duffle Bag

A discarded duffle bag, found behind the library beside a can of gasoline. Contains a set of clothes identical to Mukuro.

Duffle Bag Note

A note, found in the duffle bag behind the library. Handwriting of two notes doesn’t seem to match.

“To the dark-haired witch,

Your vile deeds are unforgivable crime! And I shall exact justice upon you, for ones of past, present and future, forgotten and not! Come to library at 11 AM and confront me, or have your dark secret revealed to all!”

Toy Guillotine

A peculiar toy, remote controlled guillotine with perfectly sharp blade. Was found in catwalks of library, with rope from winch below still affixed to it, and cut.

Leon’s Account

Leon, Sayaka and Makoto were all at the Chandler Beach since 10:30 AM. Shortly before the body discovery, Sayaka went to grab some sunscreen from the pharmacy.

Kiyotaka’s Observation Schedule

A notebook, containing schedule of students’ movements through 2nd Island’s bridge from 9:30 AM onward.

9:40 – Junko goes to 2nd Island

9:50 – Aoi goes to 2nd Island

9:55 – Kyoko and Syo go to 2nd Island

10:05 – Byakuya leaves 2nd Island

10:06 – Toko leaves 2nd Island

10:10 – Sayaka goes to 2nd Island

10:25 – Makoto and Leon go to 2nd Island

10:40 – Mukuro goes to 2nd Island

10:45 – Hifumi goes to 2nd Island

11:?? – Celeste leaves 2nd Island

After 11:00 AM Kiyotaka tried to leave Central Island, but claims that the Monobeasts stopped him for mysterious reasons.

Chihiro’s Account

According to Chihiro, from 10:00 AM onward, himself, Junko, Aoi, Kyoko and Syo were all in the Sports Center. At 11:42 AM Sayaka rushed in, and called them all to the Library, having been first to discover the body.

Mondo’s Account

Mondo claims to have spent the whole morning in the Hotel Restaurant. He also confirms seeing Mukuro there at about 10:40 AM.

Syo’s Examination Results

According to Syo’s ‘killer expertise’, Hifumi took a beating extremely shortly before he died, including some rather dirty moves.

Broken Noisemaker

Remote controlled toy that makes loud noises, found hidden in the library's fountain. It has been broken by chandelier’s fall.


Whew, this chapter was a doozy. I lost about 70% of progress to a power outage after going on a big writing spree a week back and had hard time getting back into it for most of week... But here it is anyway. A bit shorter than average investigation, but they can't all be extra long.

As usual, I love you all, I hope you enjoy it and I am thankful for all the comments and love. I will see you guys again with the trial chapters... whenever that will be.

Chapter 15: Chapter 2 – Love and Hate, Justice and Egoism, Against World's Evil! – Trial, Part 1


Trial begins, and so does search for culprit. Is it as obvious as it seems? Or is there more to this after all?


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Class Trial Start

Monokuma: Now that you’re all gathered up, we can get on with the basic explanation of the Class Trial.

Monokuma: During the trial, you will debate which one of you is the killer, and convince everyone else using your evidence.

Usami: At the end, the votes will determine the results of who is chosen as the blackened...

Monokuma: If you vote correctly, then the killer will be punished with an execution!

Usami: But if you do it wrong, then else gets killed... And the blackened gets to escape...

Monokuma: Now then. Let the Class Trial begin!

Usami: This... Is still so, so cruel!

Two new portraits were adorning the room... Sakura’s portrait, with a bloody K.O. written over her face, and Hifumi’s, with two small X’s over his eyes...

Celeste: Will you be explaining this every time like that?

Leon: Hey, not everyone has properly attended yet.

Syo: Yepperoni!

Kyoko: Anyway, we should get to it. To figuring out who killed Hifumi.

Aoi: But... how do we do that? He was killed by an accident, wasn’t he?

Byakuya: Didn’t you listen before? There are no accidents on this island. It’s clear that toys have everything under strict control.

Celeste: So, you’re suggesting that someone caused that accident then?

Byakuya: That much is obvious. We wouldn’t be here otherwise.

Kiyotaka: But nobody had a reason to kill Hifumi!

Leon: Uh, what if there was no reason?

Junko: No reason? So what, somebody set an elaborate trap for no reason at all?

Leon: No, I mean what if there wasn’t a sane reason? Just hear me out, okay.

Nonstop Debate Start!

Leon: So, there was no real motive presented at all, right?

Celeste: That is correct. Game provided us with no proper motive.

Sayaka: I’m not even sure it was meant to be one anymore...

Leon: Then what if the person who killed Hifumi...

Leon: Was just crazy?!

Toko: Y-You mean...

Leon: That’s right! The serial killer!

Syo: What-what-what?! No way I’d kill someone that fat! Especially without scissors!

Chihiro: But... uhm... that doesn’t sound right...

Mondo: But is there anyone else crazy enough to do that?

> Chihiro’s Account

No, that’s wrong!


Mukuro: While Genocider Syo is a crazy serial killer... There’s no way she could have done it. She was with Kyoko and the others.

Kyoko: Indeed. I’ve been keeping an eye on Syo the whole day. There’s no way she snuck away, even during our gym time.

Syo: Yes! So stop accusing me! Geez, a murder so un-cute... Who do you take me for?!

Makoto: I don’t think any murder is cute...

Kiyotaka: Well, I do in fact have another potential culprit in mind! Especially with your own rashness to accuse, Leon!

Leon: Huh? What are you talking about?

Kiyotaka: Both you and Mondo had rather unfavorable view of me and Hifumi. While I do have good reason to believe Mondo was unable to do it... That does not clear you up at all!

Sayaka: Uhm... actually...

Leon: Seriously?! The hell, man?!

Mondo: Yeah, there’s no f*cking way!

I need to intervene before it becomes a full on shouting match... Leon couldn’t have done it either, because of...

> Leon’s Account

Mukuro: Guys, calm down, all three of you. Taka, you’re wrong... because there is no way Hifumi could’ve been killed by Leon either. Makoto, Sayaka and Leon all confirm each-others’ alibis.

Makoto: Yeah! I hung out with Leon before going to beach, and Sayaka was already there. And then we had a fun day...

Leon: Yeah, that’s right! Don’t go accusing people out of the blue like that!

Kiyotaka: I... see... But then...?

Makoto: Taka, I know you’re upset... But we can’t just start accusing each other. We have to believe in one another if we want to find the culprit.

Toko: B-But... where do we even start...? Th-the alibis are confusing....

Sayaka: Well, there has to be something that could point someone on the scene, right?

Something that could point to someone... Maybe there is.

Nonstop Debate Start!

Aoi: Something that could point to someone? What does that mean?

Celeste: Perhaps there is a hint on the crime scene that could point one to a specific person to question.

Chihiro: But... what kind of hint?

Leon: Maybe they left something behind, like a piece of their clothing!

Syo: Ooh, or maybe the murder had their own signature flair to it!

Mondo: What, are you saying there are more killers than just you?

Syo: Well, someone offed Huffy, right?

> Trash Can Note

I agree with you!


Mukuro: Actually, Celeste, you’re right. There is a hint to someone specific on the crime scene... Sayaka found it in the trash can there.

Celeste: There... is?

Mukuro: Yeah. It’s a note, addressed to ‘the murderous monster’, inviting them to the library at 11:30.

Byakuya: Just before the time of the murder.

Kiyotaka: That can’t possibly be related! Hifumi was no murderous monster!

Syo: Wait, everyone, hold your horses! Can I see that thing?

Mukuro: Huh?

Junko: Looks like we’re getting somewhere.

Kyoko: Mukuro, could you show Syo the note?

Mukuro: Sure... here.

I passed the note over as Syo looked over it... Before just shrugging and handing it back.

Syo: Nope, never mind.

Makoto: What was that about...?

Syo: Oh, I just thought that it might be the note that I received this morning! But nope, some other ominous invite to the library.

Kyoko: What?! You received an invite to the library too today?

Syo: Oh, yeah, I forgot to say! It had different time and was written more poetically and stuff... But, you know. I just threw it on the ground and ignored it! I’m not an idiot to come alone when ominous someone invites you to meet them alone.

Kyoko: You what—Why didn’t you tell me?!

Syo: Eh? I didn’t think it’d matter and nobody asked. If I didn’t go there, then nothing would happen anyway.

Sayaka: But... something did happen...

Syo: Oh, well, now you know. Happy?

Celeste: I think I am starting to get a better picture. Mukuro, I do believe you are also in possession of the note that Syo received.

Mukuro: Yeah... you’re right.

> Duffle Bag Note

Mukuro: Here, check this one out. Is that your note, Syo?

Syo: Hmm.... Yes! That’s the note that I got! Where’d you get that? Did you just pick it up off the ground?

Toko: W-Where did you throw it anyway?!

Syo: Oh, it was slid under my second floor door, but when I read it I just threw it out of the window. It was probably just laying there on the ground between girls’ cottages! Kyahahaha!

Chihiro: But... doesn’t that mean that anyone could have picked up that second note and thought it was for them...?

Kiyotaka: Dark-haired witch... That definitely fits more people here than murderous monster!

Aoi: But if someone did get that note... Then who?

Kiyotaka: I believe that much is obvious. It was none other than Mukuro Ikusaba!

Makoto: Taka! Not again!

Kiyotaka: Oh, trust me, I have plenty of evidence!

Nonstop Debate Start!

Kiyotaka: For starters, she is in possession of the note as of now!

Toko: A-Actually... we found it t-together... in a bag behind the library...

Kiyotaka: But who’s to say she didn’t only pretend to find it there? And that’s not all!

Kiyotaka: I distinctly remember Mukuro going to the second island shortly before Hifumi! And never coming back!

Mondo: What the...? That doesn’t sound right...

Makoto: Wait, so Mukuro was on the second island, but not with either of our groups?

Kiyotaka: Indeed! That, and fitting with description in the note, may mean she is the one that went there!

> Mondo’s Account

No, that’s wrong!


Mukuro: Taka, I couldn’t have been there! Mondo is my alibi!

Mondo: Yeah! I was in the cafeteria, just... messing around at the time. I definitely saw her!

Kiyotaka: But... But...

Aoi: Hey, can I ask something? Why are we talking about person receiving the note like they’re the culprit?

Sayaka: Huh? Aren’t they?

Aoi: Well, the note made it look like the person writing it wanted to attack the person receiving it... right?

Syo: Obviously! That’s why I didn’t go!

Celeste: And it appears that both notes carry similar meaning...

Leon: So are you saying that Hifumi is the one who received one of the notes?

Mondo: No f*cking way... The guy has nothing to do with either of the notes!

Kyoko: Maybe that’s because Hifumi wasn’t entirely blameless in all of this.

Kiyotaka: What... What are you saying?!

Byakuya: Well, why else would he be there in the library otherwise?

Kiyotaka: It... it could’ve just been a coincidence!

Taka is wrong... I need to show him that.

Nonstop Debate Start!

Kiyotaka: I refuse to accept this! Show me some evidence!

Makoto: But there wasn’t anything implicating Hifumi at the crime scene, was there?

Celeste: Are you sure about it?

Leon: I don’t know... I saw the place like once...

Kyoko: Whether there is or not, I know for certain that Hifumi was one with the motive.

Kiyotaka: Without evidence, it is just conjecture!

> Justice Hammer

No, that’s wrong!


Mukuro: Actually... The Justice Hammer from the scene...

Sayaka: Uh... What about it?

Mukuro: It wasn’t used, but it was clearly a weapon prepared in advance. Isn’t that weird?

Byakuya: It’d be idiotic to prepare a weapon when you have set a trap using chandelier.

Junko: Exactly. Which probably means that it was different people setting trap and bringing hammer...

Mukuro: Not only that, but its design too... It just screams ‘Hifumi’...

Chihiro: It was from that one show he liked, right?

Kyoko: Indeed. But that’s not all. Isn’t that right, Hina?

Aoi: Y-Yeah... the stuff we found in Hifumi’s cabin...

Kyoko: I suppose now I heard enough to reveal the motive behind this crime. It was hidden in Hifumi’s own notes...

Mondo: His notes? About that game sh*t?

Kyoko: Yes. It appears that playing it afterwards... He discovered all the secrets. And doing so opened up two more routes to play.

Makoto: W-What? Two more routes?

Kyoko: Exactly. Blue and Purple Magical Girl weren’t just secondary characters... But secret playable ones. Although, from what I gathered, Hifumi only had time to complete the Purple route before the arcade was destroyed...

Junko: It’s still kinda weird that it was...

Kyoko: The route was story of a girl extremely powerful, but desperate to keep her power hidden... To the point where at the end of the story a policeman confronts her, wanting to ‘expose’ her. So she transforms and defeats him alone, as her Final Boss.

Celeste: I do not see how it could be relevant to our situation...

Sayaka: Purple Magical Girl... was Toko, right?

Toko: Y-Yes... So what?! I was in that stupid g-game too! So what? I’m not a k-killer!

Kyoko: I’m not saying you are... But this was the reward.

Kyoko pulled out a file and opened it for us. It was a police case file, describing murder of police officer... Takaaki Ishimaru... who was conducting independent investigation... And was killed in exactly same manner as victims of infamous serial killer Genocider Syo... There was even a photo of a man in police uniform, crucified on the wall with a bunch of familiar scissors... And his face... was familiar too...

I looked at Taka. His expression was one of horror...

Chihiro: Taka... I’m so sorry... This is horrible...

Kiyotaka: That’s... that has to be fake! Genocider Syo killed my father...? That’s ridiculous!

Toko: Oh... n-no... It happened even d-during missing memories...

Syo: Kyahahaha! Okay, consider me officially mad! Whoever runs this gig, how dare you rob me of precious memories of such beautiful kill, huh?!

Kiyotaka: Beautiful? It—It has to be fake!

Kyoko: I don’t think it matters if its fake or not.

Syo: What?!

Aoi: Wait, Kyoko, but didn’t you say it was probably real...?

Kiyotaka: W-What...?

Byakuya: Modus operandi matches real Genocider Syo. Even she believes this one was hers.

Syo: Indeed! Nobody could fake something like that!

Mondo: Wait a f*cking second! All we’re talking about is the stuck-up over here. What about the fat guy? How the hell would he have the motive?

Makoto: Taka and Hifumi did become good friends lately...

Mukuro: And Hifumi was already afraid and hateful towards Genocider Syo too.

Syo: Yep, he squealed more than anyone else whenever he saw me!

Junko: So, he played the game, got the file, and finally decided to kill her when he realized she murdered his new bestie’s father?

Kyoko: Not only that, but his perk, Canon Non-Compliant, allowed him to secretly keep another student’s perk disabled, without them even realizing. And at time of death, it was locked onto Genocider Syo too.

Syo: Ooh, a revenge-fueled scheme like that... Okay, you know what, physically he wasn’t my type, but he definitely had the passion of a beautiful boy!

Leon: Can you just... not...?

Kiyotaka: So... Hifumi was... getting revenge... on my behalf?

Usami: Uhm... Everyone! Please! Don’t get sidetracked!

Monokuma: Oh, come on! I was enjoying it! They were wasting time talking about semantics of ‘why’ so much that I wanted to see their time run out before they got to ‘who’!

Usami: That’s wrong! You need to work to discover the culprit... And while I’m glad you’re taking time to understand one another like that, I really wouldn’t want that to come at the cost at lost trial!

Sayaka: Uhm... But where were we again?

Mondo: We just discovered that something was f*cking off with sh*t he said. He and I both saw Mukuro at the same f*cking time! And I ain’t lying here!

Celeste: I do not believe either of you is lying.

Toko: B-But how is it possible to see s-same person in two different places at once?

Chihiro: That does seem impossible...

Mukuro: But I’m telling you, I was there! With Mondo!

I raise an objection!

Kiyotaka: This is impossible. I am certain of what I saw and I stand by every single word.

Mukuro: But Mondo said—

Kiyotaka: He clearly is covering for you due to his own crush!

Mukuro: His what—How is that relevant?

Kiyotaka: I would never lie in a debate! Do not accuse me of that!

Rebuttal Showdown Start!

Kiyotaka: I was there since 9:30 AM sharp!

Kiyotaka: I observed movements of every student!

Kiyotaka: Admittedly it was from a distance...

Kiyotaka: But a case of mistaken identity is impossible!

Kiyotaka: It couldn’t have been anyone else!

> Duffle Bag

I’ll cut through your words!


Mukuro: You say you were observing from a distance... If that person had similar hairstyle and wore clothes similar to mine... Could you have made a mistake?

Kiyotaka: I won’t deny my flaws, my eyesight does not happen to be truly perfect, so it is possible. But the notion of someone dressing up as you is ridiculous!

Mukuro: If so, then how do you explain a duffle bag we found behind the library, that has a set of my clothing in it?

Kiyotaka: A what?

Toko: Y-Yeah... It had a copy of h-her outfit... Just like ones we get in our own c-cottages... No b-blood on it either...

Celeste: So, it would appear the person Taka saw was someone else who stole the outfit... put it on... and pretended to be you while passing by.

Kyoko: That does sound like a possibility.

Junko: Wow, I can’t believe you get cosplayed before I do.

Sayaka: So, whoever did that has to be the culprit then, right? Who is it?

Who was it that disguised themselves as me? Who could have pulled off similar appearance, with minor adjustments? Who could have gotten their hands on a copy of my outfit?


There is only one possibility...

Select a person.

Celeste: Mukuro? Do you want to say something?

Mukuro: It was you, Celeste. You disguised yourself as me, didn’t you?

Celeste: Ah. There it is.

Aoi: Wait a second! But how would Celeste get her hand on Mukuro’s clothes?

Leon: Yeah, we only have our copies in our cottages, right?

Mukuro: Just before the murder, Celeste came to hang out at my cottage... and at certain point she tricked me into leaving. That’s when I met with Mondo, but during that... she was all alone in my cottage. She also had a bag with her, so it’s possible she stole it.

Makoto: Celeste... stole your uniform...?

Kyoko: Also, remember the note.

Byakuya: Dark-haired witch... I can think of someone who would think it’s addressed to them.

Chihiro: Celeste... was it really...?

Celeste: Fine. I’ll confess.

Syo: Whaaaaat?!

Leon: Well, that was easy...

Mondo: sh*t, seriously?

Celeste: I did steal a set of your clothes, Mukuro, to impersonate you. I do apologize for attempting to frame you for murder, though. It was nothing personal, you were simply the person closest to me in appearance.

Junko: That’s a half-assed apology if I ever heard one.

Celeste: I also was the one that set the trap. The trap consisting of noisemaker and guillotine.

Byakuya: How like you. Guillotine? Seriously? Could it have been any more obvious?

Celeste: I myself was surprised at the fact that such toys existed within the machine. But it was the perfect tool for the plan I had.

Celeste: I did find the note that, as it turns out, Genocider Syo threw out. I assumed it was for me, as it was laying in passageway between girls’ cottages. And so I formulated a simple plan. Disguise myself as someone else, prepare a trap for my would-be-killer and get them instead.

Aoi: How... how can you be so calm about this?!

Kiyotaka: You murderer!

Makoto: But why didn’t you just come to anyone else? At least Syo just ignored the note, but you—

Celeste: Because I felt threatened, you dumbass!

Makoto: H-Huh?!

Celeste: Ahem... Apologies for this outburst... But my desire to escape has been rather high since before Killing Game even started. And when I felt threatened... Especially with way I... sabotaged my public opinion during one of breakfast meetings, however unintentionally... I felt it would be seen as falsehood if I tried to ask for help.

Kyoko: I told you. All of you... If you just came to me...

Celeste: Let’s not talk about ‘what-ifs’ there, shall we? My confession is not over. I have many more things I can confess. Do you wish to know who vandalized your cottage, Kiyotaka? That was my doing as well.

Kiyotaka: You?! But—But why? And in such crude manner?

Celeste: Crude, but gratifying. That and I simply was mad at you stealing away my morning tea maker. That was all.

Sayaka: How vain can you be?

Junko: Yeah, damn.

Celeste: Do you wish for me to confess more? I shall. I shall reveal my perk to you. Gambler’s Luck, it’s ironically called. Any machine with random outcomes on the island will give me my own desired result. That is how I so easily obtained elements of the trap.

Leon: She’s... still going...

Toko: C-Can’t we just call a vote already?! I’m s-sick of this!

Kiyotaka: Indeed! The crime needs to be punished!

Celeste: At-ta-ta... You seem to be misunderstanding something. I am confessing every secret of mine, simply in hopes you believe my sincerity.

Byakuya: You? Sincere? Please.

Chihiro: I want to believe you, but...

Celeste: Well, I want to point out there is exactly one, very specific thing that I did not confess to... Perhaps you noticed it?

One thing she never mentioned in this rant of reveals... That’s right. She never said that she is the one who...

Class Trial Suspended


This was a doozy to write, but I finally managed to get it out. This trial is split a bit less... evenly than previous ones, but I do think you will be alright with shorter chapter today, for sake of longer tomorrow~

As usual I hope you enjoy, I love you all, my dear readers, and I will see you with Part 2 of this Trial tomorrow!

Chapter 16: Chapter 2 – Love and Hate, Justice and Egoism, Against World's Evil! – Trial, Part 2


Trial continues, as true culprit evades the eyes... or do they?


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Class Trial Resumed

> Killed Hifumi

Mukuro: You... admitted to setting the trap, vandalizing cottage, pretending to be me and even revealed your perk... But... You never said you were the culprit. Is that why you’re confessing right now?

Celeste: Indeed. I know for absolute certain that I could not have been the one that killed him. I am not denying the fact that I attempted to do so. And for that, I can only apologize. Should it happen again, I will definitely resort to your help, Kyoko.

Kyoko: It’s too late now.

Kiyotaka: A liar to the end! How fitting!

Leon: Yeah... No way I’m buying that crap.

Mondo: sh*t, I hate agreeing with stuck-up, but it’s totally true...

Makoto: Wait just a moment... What if Celeste is telling the truth?

Sayaka: I... don’t think I can believe something like that...

Toko: She has t-to be lying?

Syo: Liar-liar-pants on fire!

Kyoko: Hold on. We have to explore all the possibilities first.

Chihiro: I... want to believe in Celeste... With way she poured her heart out just now...

Aoi: I... I think we should at least hear her out properly.

Byakuya: Seriously? You can’t be considering wasting time on that.

Junko: And failing to explore every possibility may mean letting the real killer get away you know...

I remembered the thing Celeste said to me back when she just successfully stole from me... She never lays out all her options on the table unless she has to... So why would she be revealing all those things? Her perk, which puts her at disadvantage... Fact that she vandalized Taka’s cottage, which only makes everyone dislike her more... I think she genuinely wants us to trust her... So maybe...

Mukuro: I think we should listen to Celeste. She may be telling the truth...

Believe in one another!

Usami: No! Fighting like that is wrong... Please stop fighting over it... Here, I can help! The uh... Morphation?

Monokuma: Morphing Feature, you long eared dolt!

Usami: Oh, that’s right! Morphing Feature will help everyone decide!

Podiums started moving in familiar manner... Lining against one another as two sides were confronted. Celeste may be a liar by nature, but I do believe that this time, she is being honest... And we have to listen her out or else, we’ll all be doomed. I just have to make everyone else believe too!

Debate Scrum Start!

Question: Is Celeste lying?

Team Mukuro: No, she isn’t!

Members: Mukuro, Junko, Celeste, Kyoko, Chihiro, Makoto, Aoi, Sakura.

Team Kiyotaka: Yes, she is!

Members: Kiyotaka, Mondo, Leon, Sayaka, Toko, Syo, Byakuya, Hifumi, Yasuhiro.


Syo: The lolita goth totally killed him!

Kyoko: It’s still possible someone else had killed him.

Leon: She even disguised herself as Mukuro, right?

Junko: Just because she disguised herself doesn’t mean she was a killer.

Sayaka: Celeste did confess to being one who made the trap, right?

Makoto: But what if trap wasn’t the ultimate murder method...?

Toko: Th-there’s no one else who could have done it...

Mukuro: There are still people without alibi that could have done it.

Mondo: But she thought that note was for her!

Aoi: The note might as well be unrelated at this point!

Kiyotaka: She is a murderer! She killed Hifumi!

Celeste: I have nothing to hide now. I am being honest, I did not kill Hifumi.

Team Mukuro: This is our answer!


Mukuro: We should listen out. Even if Celeste is lying... we’ll just see that.

Celeste: I appreciate it, Mukuro.

Mondo: Fine, then let’s get this f*cking over with.

Celeste: Now, to explain exactly why I believe that my trap has somehow failed... I activated the noisemaker at precisely 11:29 AM, according to handbook. And exactly a minute later, I activated the guillotine, which was supposed to cut the rope.

Leon: Oh, I get it now! One was to lure the target closer, and a minute later boom!

Celeste: That was the plan, yes.

Toko: B-But... how does that mean that you didn’t k-kill him?!

It’s obvious, actually... The piece of evidence that supports Celeste claim, if what she’s saying is true, is...

> Monokuma File 2

Mukuro: Well, if that’s true, then... Celeste’s trap really couldn’t have been what killed Hifumi... Monokuma file clearly states that time of death was 11:27 AM.

Monokuma: And time on your handbooks and in Monokuma Files is perfectly synchronized!

Celeste: That is what I suspected. The moment I saw the Monokuma File, I knew that I was not the killer.

Kiyotaka: But.. How?!

Celeste: I do not know. This is why I confessed. I would have preferred my involvement and attempt stay hidden, obviously. But my reputation isn’t worth my life.

Toko: W-Well... that almost sounds reasonable...

Celeste: That’s because it is. The reasoning behind why I chose to try it matters little now. What matters is that I failed. And not only did I fail... I did that after someone else has succeeded. And they are still deceiving us to this very moment.

Leon: So? Who is this ‘they’?

Celeste: I do not know.

Kiyotaka: So, you don’t even have someone to accuse?!

Celeste: No. I simply leave it to those more involved with investigation now.

Mondo: sh*t, the way you say it... It makes it sound like you’re f*cking lying even more!

Kiyotaka: That’s... That’s because she is! She is lying!

Celeste: I am not. Perhaps if I explain the workings of the trap, you will see the truth?

Kiyotaka: Explain? How can you explain it?!

I am not sure of just how truthful Celeste is being... But there’s definitely some evidence of her trap failing.

Nonstop Debate Start!

Celeste: The trap consisted of a lure – the noisemaker, and the trigger – remote-controlled guillotine.

Byakuya: Does that have to be explained again?

Celeste: Hifumi was already dead when I activated the noisemaker. And definitely so by the time I activated the guillotine.

Sayaka: But... is that really possible? Wasn’t the falling chandelier definite cause of death?

Chihiro: Then... maybe it already fell before trap was activated?

Kiyotaka: That’s preposterous!

Mondo: How the sh*t does something like that even happen?

Celeste: I simply do not see another possibility myself.

Junko: Jeez, what a time you picked to go all passive...

> Chandelier

I agree with you!


Mukuro: I think Chihiro is right. One look at the chandelier itself and we will see that it was already down on the floor when rope was cut.

Leon: Huh? How can you tell that?

Syo: Is this witchcraft? Are you the dark-haired witch after all?

Mukuro: No, it’s simple deduction. Just remember how much rope there was attached!

Kyoko: About 70 feet of it or so...

Mukuro: Exactly. Enough to reach up to the ceiling.

Leon: Well, duh, how else is it supposed to be lowered otherwise if it’s not that long?

Mukuro: The length of overall rope is not the issue, but how much of it was cut. Remember, if it was near the ceiling and fell because of rope being cut...

Mondo: Then there would be barely any rope attached as it fell! Holy sh*t!

Sayaka: Oh! I see... So if it was already on the floor... Then so much rope was attached because it was cut after it fell all the way down...

Mukuro: Exactly. And it matches up with Celeste’s testimony too!

Toko: Then th-that means... she really was telling the truth?

Kiyotaka: I see... So she was not lying. However! There is another critical possibility that remains un-examined!

Junko: What is it again? Jeez, you got so much more annoying with your revenge quest...

Kiyotaka: How exactly did the chandelier fall then?

That should be simple to answer... It’s because of...

> Winch

Mukuro: It’s the winch on the first floor, on the same wall as the main entrance. When we found it, it’s brake was broken off... And it was almost entirely unwound. If that happened, the chandelier would be in free fall...

Makoto: ...and land right down in same way it would if rope was just cut!

Kyoko: Indeed. Which means, that the crime is not at all the way Celeste’s was meant to be.

Mukuro: I see... Then the truth of the crime scene is...

Logic Dive Start!

How was the chandelier dropped onto Hifumi?

> By breaking the winch brake

Where was the culprit at the time of the murder?

> Library first floor

How was Hifumi positioned under the chandelier?

> By force

I see the connections!


Mukuro: If the culprit and Hifumi both were on the first floor at the time of the murder... Then the only way Hifumi could have died is if the two had a fight. And Hifumi was just shoved under the chandelier as it was already falling...

Makoto: The culprit and Hifumi... had a fight?

Usami: Oh, how awful... friends shouldn’t fight...

Byakuya: Shut up. Stop butting in.

Kiyotaka: I see... It appears I was misunderstanding aspects of situation. I do believe truthfulness of Celeste’s words now.

Celeste: Really? Your tone seems surprisingly sardonic...

Kiyotaka: Of course! After all, the possibility of you being the culprit never disappeared!

Celeste: What? B-But I—

Junko: Actually, that’s true... You were alone on second island around the time of the murder...

Celeste: Well, yes, but I never came back to library’s first floor or confronted Hifumi directly! I told you that already!

Sayaka: Then, when exactly did you return to first island...?

Celeste: It was... about 11:25 AM, I believe, when I passed Taka on the way back.

Kiyotaka: Was it now? Or is it a fabrication?

Celeste: You... You kept a schedule! How can you not know when I passed?!

Kiyotaka: I happened to be distracted at the moment of your specific passing back!

Byakuya: Speaking of... You changed back to your clothes. After going through all the trouble of acquiring a disguise. Why such a useless waste?

Celeste: Oh, that is simple. I realized on my way there that Taka was keeping a schedule of people coming and going. At first I wanted to just avoid being accidentally seen, but with that schedule, I thought I could secure myself a perfect alibi by leaving and being seen doing so before the death could happen.

Kiyotaka: But it is possible you fabricated that time just now! To cover for yourself!

Celeste: How was I supposed to account for you being incompetent for once?

Kiyotaka: Incompetent?!

Celeste: Exactly! You were supposed to be a perfect alibi! And you failed to be both that and a crucial evidence!

Kiyotaka: All I know is that you passed me at some point beyond 11:00 AM. It could have been before or after the murder as I cannot tell for certain!

Leon: Seriously...?

Mondo: f*ck... That’s one big ball of lies...

Sayaka: Celeste might have just done everything else to distract us...

Everyone is starting to distrust Celeste again... But... For some reason... The way she is right now...

She’s scared. She’s genuine when she is pleading that she did not kill. She is afraid of what happens... And she really is trying to be honest in ways she can. I know this is risky, but... I don’t care much for my reputation either, just like her. And we can’t risk this distrust getting in the way of the deduction, not when we’re so close. I’ll... have to defend Celeste myself...

Nonstop Debate Start!

Celeste: I swear, I am not lying! I did not kill Hifumi!

Kyoko: I wish... if there was proper evidence then maybe...

Leon: Yeah, that is starting to stink.

Celeste: Please! If you don’t believe me, then we all die!

Byakuya: Is that your defense now?

Syo: Kyahahaha! Almost cute. Not quite tho!

Kiyotaka: I wish I could be more certain myself... But it’s possible you passed me after murder!

Kiyotaka: And nobody else saw you!

Chihiro: I want to believe Celeste... But...

> Kiyotaka’s Observation Schedule > My Own Observations

I’ll do what I must...


Mukuro: You’re wrong, Taka... I didn’t bring it up till now, because it didn’t provide a real alibi... But knowing what we know... Celeste could not have done it.

Celeste: What...? How do you know?!

Kiyotaka: Huh?!

Mukuro: I was wandering the First Island myself at certain point... And I saw Celeste entering it. She did look... concerned. I don’t think you actually noticed me.

Celeste: I... was rather on edge having prepared what I believed to be a deathtrap, yes...

Mukuro: Well, when I saw Celeste, I just decided to check the time and... it was 11:26 AM.

Kyoko: Ah... finally, the missing piece...

Byakuya: And you seriously thought it was irrelevant? How idiotic.

Junko: ...yeah, whatever, I’ll roll with that.

Makoto: Which means that Celeste does have perfect alibi!

Kiyotaka: B-But... nobody else could have... Everyone else has a perfect alibi too! With my schedule, even muddled at the end...

Byakuya: Everyone except you.

Kiyotaka: W-What?!

Chihiro: Byakuya... Are you saying Taka... and Hifumi...? But they were such close friends?

Byakuya: Friendships are irrelevant in a Killing Game. When will that get through your thick skulls?

Kyoko: I do not think Taka could have done it...

Byakuya: Then who is his alibi? Celeste saw him before murder and that’s it. More than enough time to go over to the library and commit the crime. Since he’s the one with schedule, he didn’t have to write down his own movements.

Kiyotaka: I’d—You! I never! How dare—

Mondo: Shut your pompous f*cking trap! He didn’t do sh*t!

Kiyotaka: Huh...? Mondo?

Mondo: A real man... owns up to his f*ck-ups. And this one’s all on me. I’m the one who kept you trapped on the Central Island. Road Rage is name of my perk. I can get robots to block passage for a specific person.

Kiyotaka: But... Why would you do such a thing?!

Mondo: Because it seemed fair f*cking revenge for sh*t you pulled with your rules! I didn’t do crap and you accused me and my bro! I had to get back somehow and I thought this was harmless enough.

Byakuya: This is nonsense... All of you are morons.

Mondo: Wanna say that to my face, tough guy?!

Kyoko: Not now. We have to get back to the case.

Makoto: But... We’re completely out of possible culprits, right? Nobody else was alone during the time of murder right?

Junko: Well... there’s one possibility...

Chihiro: Is there...? Haven’t we gone through everyone on Second Island...?

No... Makoto’s wrong and Junko’s right. One person and only one person had a chance to commit this crime. Person who was subtly steering the trial... Person who was alone around time of crime. The real killer... That person is...

Select a person.

Mukuro: Sayaka. When exactly did you leave the Chandler Beach?

Sayaka: Uhm... what brought that on all of a sudden?

Mukuro: Answer the question, please.

Leon: Wait, are you seriously suspecting Sayaka? Are you nuts?

Mukuro: Then maybe you or Makoto can tell me when it happened?

Makoto: Sorry... It’s hard to keep track of time when swimming.

Leon: But, like, she left... Uh, I don’t know when but announcement was soon after!

Mukuro: And how soon is ‘soon’?

Leon: Well, I—I don’t know! It’s easy to lose time when you’re having fun!

Mukuro: Sayaka. Please, tell me when you left...

Sayaka: I... I don’t know, okay! I didn’t think to check the time!

Kyoko: But Mukuro’s not wrong in her thinking. Sayaka is the only person who now has no alibi at the time of the murder...

Sayaka: W-What? Are you sure? There has to be... someone else! We’re overlooking! Let’s just all think together and—

Byakuya: Speaking of... I do feel like there’s something rather bewildering about your own behavior that could be explained with you being the killer...

Kyoko: You’re talking about what she did after discovering the body, right?

Byakuya: At least someone here catches on quick.

What was suspicious thing that Sayaka did after discovering the body... It must be...

> Alerting people at the Sports Center first

Mukuro: Sayaka went to Sports Center first thing after she discovered the body... But that is illogical!

Sayaka: What are you talking about? I had to alert as many people as I could, right?

Mukuro: Then why didn’t you just use your perk?

Sayaka: Ah!

Mukuro: Your perk makes announcements to whole island that nobody can ignore. If you just used it, everyone would be there...

Sayaka: I... I just forgot I had it! I panicked!

Junko: And if you just wanted to get people there as quickly as possible, then why wouldn’t you go and get them from the beach? That was way closer than the Sports Center?

Syo: I don’t get that one. Why? People are people, does it matter?

Mukuro: It did matter to Sayaka... Because even if she just forgot about her perk in panic, going to a place way farther away just to call more people when she had enough to trigger announcement on a close-by beach was ridiculous... Unless she was the culprit. And the two people from beach seeing it wouldn’t be enough for announcement to trigger.

Syo: Oooh! I get it now! She knew a bunch of girls and one femboy were at the sports center, so she went there to make sure many people saw body at once! Kyahaha! That’s genius!

Chihiro: Then... Since we all did see it at once... And didn’t realize it took an extra person to trigger announcement... Then Sayaka...

Sayaka: Stop it! I didn’t do anything wrong!

Kiyotaka: So... You were the one who fought Hifumi... And killed him!

Mukuro: It would appear so. I can’t think of anyone else...


Leon: Stupid! You’re so stupid!

Mukuro: Leon, please, we need to be logical.

Leon: I am being logical! I am logic incarnate!

Rebuttal Showdown Start!

Leon: Fought Hifumi? Get real!

Leon: Sayaka isn’t a fighter! She’s a girl!

Leon: A normal girl, I mean! Not like you or Hina!

Leon: Uh.. well, you know! Not sports girl!

Leon: There’s no way she’d physically fight him and come out unscathed!


Mukuro: She did say she had a bump on her head, right? Maybe that was from that fight?

Leon: She just passed out on hard floor! Don’t make fun of that!

Leon: Any girl would pass out like that at a sight of something gruesome!

Leon: Plus, even if she did fight him, there’s no way she’d win!

Leon: How would she even get Hifumi into fountain? Lifting him?

Leon: I doubt even Mondo could get him off the ground!

> Syo’s Examination Results

I’ll cut through your words!


Mukuro: Leon, there’s a certain fighting move that can be used only against guys... And when used against someone unprepared, like Hifumi... It could totally stun him enough so that just a simple strong push would send him tumbling into that fountain!

Syo: Oooh! You’re talking about that kick in the nuts he got just before he died!

Kyoko: I can’t believe we’re relying on your killer’s hunch instead of forensic facts...

Syo: Get owned, detective girl!

Sayaka: I... you... this is ridiculous! I was never in the library! Stop accusing me like I’m the killer! I didn’t do anything wrong!

Celeste: Actually... there was a certain piece of evidence that you ‘found’ that I myself think is rather curious. Kyoko, could you compare the handwriting between Hifumi’s game notes and the note that I found?

Kyoko: I already have while examining both. They’re the same.

Celeste: And the other note?

The other note...? Oh, right, there’s also...

> Trash Can Note

Mukuro: This one, right?

Celeste: Indeed.

Kyoko: Hm... Well, structure of writing in general is similar, but handwriting is definitely someone else’s...

Celeste: Is it perhaps possible that culprit tried to mimic Hifumi’s writing style to accuse someone?

Toko: A m-murderous monster... They were g-going to accuse her....

Syo: Meee?! Accused of murder?! Wow, never would have expected...

Kyoko: That does seem likely.

Sayaka: W-Wait, are you saying that the note was written by me? That’s... hahaha... that’s funny! I can prove it! Easily! Just let me write something now and compare handwriting again!

Byakuya: Absolutely not. You know about the check happening, and if you’re the culprit, you might just fake the results.

Chihiro: But that note... Is only connection we have to potential true culprit, right?

Sayaka: That’s right! No decisive evidence! No proof! Nothing! This accusation is just stupid! I did nothing wrong!

Junko: Oh no, she’s breaking down...

Sayaka: You! Mukuro! You accused me... You made everyone think I’m the killer and you have no proof!

Mukuro: But the head bump you said you had, the lack of alibi, the fact that you ‘found’ the clearly fake note in the trash...

Sayaka: That’s all suspicions! Nothing calls me out on being guilty! And now you made everyone distrust me even with a simple handwriting test! It’s your fault! I did nothing wrong!

Mukuro: Yes you did! And I can prove it!

Sayaka: Shut up! I’m not guilty! I’m not the blackened! I’m not a killer!

Argument Armament Start!

I did nothing wrong!

Stop accusing me!

You just hate me, don’t you?

Stop it, stop it! I’m innocent!

Celeste is one to blame! She set the trap!

Syo! She! She’s a killer and she was invited!

What do I have to do with any of this?!

Even you are more suspicious than I am! Stop with it!

Why is nobody helping me?

You guys can tell that I’m innocent, right?!


I did nothing wrong!

I’m not the culprit!

I’m not the blackened!

I’m not the killer!

Why am I being treated like a murderer?!

You think you figured it out!

But you have no evidence at all!

That note doesn’t put me at crime scene at all!

And you even refuse to check my handwriting!

So you have no choice but to accept!

I did nothing wrong!

Final Blow!

How in the world are you going to prove I wrote the fake note, if you don’t check my handwriting?





It all ends here!


Mukuro: We don’t need you to write anything, especially with possibility of you faking a different handwriting...

Sayaka: See? I’m not guilty!

Mukuro: Leon! You still have Sayaka’s invitation to that party, right?

Leon: Yeah, of course I do! That’s like a personal letter from a superstar idol! I may just put it in picture frame later!

Makoto: I am still sad I lost mine...

Sayaka: You... still have it... Wait, no, no-no-no...!

Leon: Huh? Sayaka?

Mukuro: Leon... give the invitation to Kyoko. Let her compare Sayaka’s older, unbiased writing with the note.

Leon: Uhm... Sure, here.

Sayaka: No-no-no-no-no!

Kyoko: ...these were written by same person...

Chihiro: But... that means Sayaka...

Celeste: So, this is the real killer then.

Sayaka: No! I’m not a killer! I did nothing wrong... I didn’t murder anyone....

Junko: Hey, Mukuro? Can you just recap it all? Maybe she’ll budge under pressure then.

Mukuro: Yeah. It’s time. It’s time to finish this...

Closing Argument Start!

This crime wasn’t originally planned by the culprit, or even supposed to involve them... It was actually a plan made by the victim. Hifumi Yamada himself. He, having discovered that Genocider Syo had killed Taka’s father, decided to get rid of her once and for all, sending her a note and inviting her to meet with him in the library. He also brought a decorated hammer with him, a weapon to use against his target.

However, when Genocider Syo discovered the note, she simply tossed it away and completely ignored it. Instead the person who actually received the note ended up being Celeste... And unlike Syo, she was feeling threatened enough to take action of her own. Creating a plan to kill the person who sent the note instead.

Celeste proceeded to carry out her plan. She used her perk to guarantee the toys she needed for her idea. She also tricked me into leaving her alone in my cottage, allowing her to steal my clothes. Then all she did was disguise herself as me, and go to the library, to set the simple trap that would lure the victim before dropping a Chandelier on them.

On her way there she also saw Taka noting down everyone passing by Central Island... And her plan changed on fly. He would become her perfect alibi. So when she was leaving the island, she changed back and left as ‘herself’. And soon after leaving she triggered the trap. What she didn’t know at the time, that it was pointless... The noisemaker has already been broken and the chandelier already fell... And Hifumi was dead.

That brings us to what really happened. The real culprit. The culprit who simply happened to enter the library while on their was from Chandler Beach to the Pharmacy. There they confronted Hifumi, and I assume figured out what he was doing there with the hammer. The two had a fight, and during it... The brake on the winch holding up the chandelier was broken off. And at the same time, Hifumi was stunned with a dirty move, before being pushed into the fountain. That ensured that by the end of it, he was crushed.

The culprit however, was probably not prepared for this turn of events. They needed a way out of this, so they decided to try and plant fake evidence, leaving behind a fake note that they imagined Hifumi would send his own planned victim, as well. They also deliberately alerted the people at the Sports Center, and didn’t use their perk or go to Chandler Beach... because if they did do so, then the body discovery announcement wouldn’t trigger and they would be exposed immediately.

The only person without alibi... And person who would even go through those motions... It could only be you, Sayaka Maizono, the Ultimate Pop Sensation. You’re the blackened, no matter how much you keep denying it!


Mukuro: There... Does that make it clear enough?

Kiyotaka: But... why? Sayaka! Why would you do something like that?

Sayaka: I didn’t do... anything wrong... I’m not a killer... I’m not...

Byakuya: You keep saying that. And yet not once did you deny causing his death, did you?

Aoi: Huh? She keeps saying she’s not a killer even when exposed...

Sayaka: I’m not... I didn’t mean to... Damn it! It’s his fault, not mine! It’s all his fault!

Monokuma: Woah-woah! Hold it up! Save that for after trial is concluded. Speaking of conclusions, it’s time for the most thrilling part! Voting time!

Usami: Please make sure to vote! I’d hate to have to punish anyone who doesn’t... But I would have no choice...

Monokuma: Will you make the right choice...

Usami: Yes! They’ll get it right! Because they worked together!

Monokuma: Awh, my catchphrase...

Then the voting screens lit up again. Without hesitation I voted. Even if Sayaka still refused to admit it... There’s nobody else it could have been. After a few moments, the big screen came down... Thirteen votes for Sayaka. Single vote for Celeste...

Usami: Oh, I’m so sorry, Sayaka... but they were correct! So it’s good for the most... Uwah, staying positive at times like this is hard...

Monokuma: Well, you bastards got it right again!

Sayaka: I... didn’t do... anything wrong...

Trial End.

Sayaka looked like a broken doll. She was in tears, shaking and shivering, clutching her shoulders.

Kiyotaka: Sayaka... Why?! Why of all people an upstanding person like you? Why would you kill him?

Kyoko: I doubt it had to do with original motive, that’s certain...

Sayaka: Why? WHY?! You wanna know why, huh?!

Celeste: Yes, we would like to actually know what truly happened.

Sayaka: It wasn’t my fault! I didn’t mean to! That’s what happened!

Syo: Come on, give us the juicy deets!

Sayaka: Fine! Not that it matters anymore...


I was just walking past the library... But the door was half-open and I heard an exasperated groan from inside. I thought to just come in and check when...


Hifumi: Ah-! Miss Maizono! I’m so sorry! Good thing I held back last moment!

I was hit on the head with something! And Hifumi tossed that something aside as he rushed to support me... I didn’t pass out thankfully. But I did realize immediately what was happening...

Sayaka: Hifumi... You... were ambushing someone?

Hifumi: Oh... You realized, huh...

Sayaka: No, don’t tell me... you... are planning a murder!

Hifumi: Miss Maizono, wait, please!

Sayaka: I should—I should tell everyone!

Hifumi: No, please, you can’t! Just listen me out first at least? I swear, I have a plan!

Sayaka: What plan?!

Hifumi: We need to get rid of Genocider Syo somehow! She’s... she’s a monstrous murderer! We can’t have her just running about!

Sayaka: And that’s who this trap is for? But if you kill someone, then—

Hifumi: I had a plan for that too! I would simply bury the body!

Sayaka: What?

Hifumi: If nobody discovers the body... Announcement will never get triggered. And I will just tell everyone the truth once it’s fully hidden! That way we get rid of that fiend, while I remain safe!

Sayaka: That... That is insane!

Hifumi: Huh? Miss Maizono, please, trust me, my plan is absolutely—

Sayaka: Killing someone like that is wrong! She... She may be a killer but... No! I... I have to tell everyone...

Hifumi: I see... In that case, Miss Maizono... I’ll just need you to stay quiet for a little while... At least until after I’m done...

Sayaka: What are you doing? No! Stay back!

I backed off but hit the wall... and Hifumi was approaching as he reached his hands for me. Then something inside me just... clicked. I feared for my life. Only in retrospect did I realize that he was simply trying to subdue me, not hurt or grope... But at the time I thought I would die. So I fought back like that... At some point I hit the winch beside me, but I didn’t even realize it... And then I saw my way out. I kicked Hifumi between legs and shoved him with all my strength, sending him tumbling back, as without balance he swayed all the way until he hit the fountain... And moment after...


...I was shocked. I didn’t even realize that the chandelier was falling when I pushed him. And yet I did push him into his death... First thing I did after it happened was throw up...


Sayaka: And... you figured the rest out by now...

Makoto: So... it was an accident?

Kiyotaka: Why would you ever feel threatened to death by Hifumi? He’s perfectly innocent!

Junko: Uh, that perfectly innocent guy was literally about to murder a bitch himself. I get why someone would be scared like that.

Sayaka: Plus, when someone that large approaches you with hands like that... I was... I didn’t mean to! I didn’t do anything wrong!

Leon: sh*t... that’s awful! Can’t we do anything about it?

Mukuro: It was... self-defense. Or at least, perceived one. I see...

Celeste: If you are truly sorry, though... Then why did you cover up your crime instead of confessing it?

Mondo: Yeah, we would all be goners if we didn’t find you out!

Sayaka: W-What? Do you seriously expect me... to just keel over and accept my death, huh?

Aoi: What...?

Chihiro: Sayaka...

Junko: Here it comes.

Sayaka: Of course not! I wasn’t about to just die! I know what happens to blackened! I didn’t want to go through that! So I... I... I had to do what I did to try and live! To survive! I just didn’t want to die!

Byakuya: And yet, here you are.

Sayaka: Shut up! And you all, stop staring at me like that! Would you do anything different, huh?! Would you just give up your life if you accidentally killed someone? Would you?! WOULD YOU?!

To that nobody had an answer... Even the more innocent ones like Aoi and Makoto seemed completely stumped by her question...

Celeste: ...I understand you. I did what I did for similar reasons, after all.

Sayaka: Understand... Understand? You understand nothing! I’m about to get killed! Right here and now!

Aoi: Sayaka... I’m so sorry...

Sayaka: I... I have an idea... I might just live... if I do this!


Suddenly Sayaka reaches inside her uniform and takes out a small knife... I reacted in time but was out of position. I had no way of reaching her before she—

Then there she was, behind Hina, with the blade held to her neck... Aoi looked scared, and Sayaka... she looked both terrified and terrifying...

Sayaka: You’re not taking me!

Aoi: S-Sayaka...?

Mukuro: Are you crazy? What are you doing?!

Sayaka: You can only execute me and not her! That’s the rules! Right? RIGHT?!

Monokuma: Well... yes...

Sayaka: Hahahah... Then let me go! Because while I’m holding her... You won’t be able to get me alone!

Kyoko: Sayaka, stop this!

Toko: She’s g-gone full nuts!

Celeste: She is simply clinging to her life at all costs.

Sayaka: Didn’t you hear me?! I want a way off this island! Now!

Usami: But... we can’t provide it...

Sayaka: Don’t lie!

Leon: Sayaka, please! This is insane!

Makoto: Hina did nothing wrong... Please let her go!

Sayaka: I... I can’t! I don’t want to die! I don’t... want to...

She hesitated, lowering her blade for a moment... and the moment she did.

Sayaka: Ackh!

Kyoko rushed in, knocking Sayaka back and grabbing Hina, dragging her off... Sayaka’s blade clinked as it went sliding away across the floor...

Monokuma: Oh, that solves that then.

And as Sayaka was free, chains came down from somewhere, binding her wrists and neck. She writhed against them, screaming at the top of her lungs...

Sayaka: NO! No! Let me go! Please! I don’t want to die! I’ll do anything!

Junko: Hey, you okay...?

Aoi: Yeah... I’m fine...

Syo: Wow, and you guys call ME the crazy one!

Monokuma: Now then, I’ve prepared a very special punishment for Sayaka Maizono, the Ultimate Pop Sensation!

Sayaka: No! Please! I beg of you! Anything!

Usami: I wish... I wish I could change this...

Chihiro: This is horrible...

Monokuma: Let’s give it everything we’ve got!

Sayaka: Nononononononono!

Celeste: I am sorry for what you are about to go through.

Mondo: sh*t! I can’t watch a girl struggle like that!

Makoto: No, Sayaka!

Monokuma: It’s punishment time!

Sayaka: No! I don’t want to die! Please! Let me live! I don’t want to die! I DON’T WANT TO DIE!

Sayaka has been found guilty!

Time for punishment!


For the Fans~

Ultimate Pop Sensation Sayaka Maizono's Execution: Executed

Sayaka is on stage, held in place by chains. Behind her a stage assembles for what seems to be an idol performance with one final prop being put in place... A giant score meter. As the assembly is finished, Sayaka is let go of as chains retract. But the moment they are... She rushes forward and jumps off the stage and into empty audience area of a giant concert hall. Suddenly the meter behind her beeps... Before sliding away. And where Sayaka was just standing, from the floor, raises a cardboard version of her.

On the other end of concert hall double doors swing wide open, with green Exit sign lighting up among them. Sayaka starts running towards it... As behind her, a recording of her own starts playing, while cardboard Sayaka sways from side to side as she is singing. And the moment music starts, the place gets flooded with countless Monokumas, all holding up various signs in support of Sayaka, declaring love for her, some even wearing cosplay of her!

And they all ignore the real Sayaka, instead rushing towards the stage with cardboard Sayaka... Real Sayaka has to fight against the current of giant Monokuma crowd to try and make her way to exit, as they all act as if she doesn’t exist, knocking her side to side until suddenly she trips and falls down...

Sayaka struggles to get up, but crowd doesn’t care for her. Monokumas kick her, stomp her, push her, all while trying to get to the fake Sayaka on the stage... Eventually, it’s impossible to see the Real Sayaka in the sea of black and white, with how thick the crowd has got.

The concert only lasts one song... And once its over, the fake Sayaka is retracted back into the floor, while the ‘fans’ all leave through that exit. As last Monokuma leaves, the doors shut and the sign’s light dims.

The only thing left in the entire concert hall, on the floor in the middle of audience area, is trampled, broken, body of Sayaka... Completely unmoving.


Monokuma: Ah, they say love blinds... I guess her fans were too blind to see her!

Usami: Stop it! It was all you!

Monokuma: Aw, shucks, you found me out... Well, either way... I think we’re done here, right?

Usami: Hey, you forced me to control that cardboard cutout! I had no choice!

Monokuma: Yep, because executions are part of the rules!

Usami: That’s so horrible... Everyone, you should go to your cottages and get some rest! This was an awful day, but I’m sure it will get better!

Monokuma: Well, with that all done and sealed, I kind of agree!

With that, both mascots disappear. Leaving us all in state of shock...

Leon: Sayaka... she’s really dead...

Kiyotaka: You!

Taka was pointing both his hands and Syo and Celeste...

Kiyotaka: You two are to blame for this!

Syo: Uh, how am I to blame for this exactly? I’m the only one here who was smart enough to not fall into obvious trap, apparently! Kyahahaha!

Kiyotaka: But... the motive! My father! If that is true then—

Syo: I don’t even remember killing any police officers! Sure, men in uniform can be fun, but I’ve yet to go that far in kink territory... Kyahaha!

Toko: Y-You’re depraved...

Celeste: I wonder how exactly I’m at fault here as well.

Kiyotaka: Well, Genocider may have only been tangentially related, but you... You’re the one who actually tried to kill Hifumi!

Celeste: Yes. And I regret it.

Byakuya: She says with flat tone.

Celeste: Yes.

Kiyotaka: But... If you didn’t try it, then—

Celeste: It would have been the same.

Kiyotaka: Huh?

Celeste: If I did same thing Syo did and ignored the note, Hifumi would still have gone to library and Sayaka would still be attacked and would have ended up killing him. My involvement made case harder to solve, to be sure, but... It did not affect the outcome.

Kiyotaka: But... but... someone has to bear the blame! Hifumi was trying to do the right thing! Sayaka was simply scared! And if you two aren’t either, then...

Makoto: It’s Monokuma.

Kiyotaka: Huh?

Makoto: He’s the one who put in that motive... Remember, Usami mentioned Monokuma only put in secrets, right?

Chihiro: Yeah, and death of close one... sounds like something Monokuma would try to do...

Makoto: Monokuma is trying to force us into killing one another. And with both Hifumi and Celeste... It worked! We can’t let that continue!

Kyoko: No. There’s someone else to blame.

Mondo: Huh? f*ckin’ who?

Kyoko: Myself. I’ve been taking my leadership duty way too lightly. And I let things slip past. Hifumi finding extra motive. Syo receiving the note. Celeste being shunned. If I noticed these details and acted...

Byakuya: Please. As if anyone would be able to keep this gaggle of idiots cohesive.

Leon: Shut up!

Aoi: Everyone stop fighting and blaming one another! Can we just go back to cottages already?!

Junko: Finally, something smart is said.

Mukuro: Hey, Aoi... You alright...?

Aoi: I’m fine... Let’s just go...

Kyoko: Sigh... yeah. We all need to rest after this...

With that, all of us boarded the elevator that took us back to the surface... It was nearing night, so we just went to sleep, exhausted.


Chapter 2 – End

Surviving Students – 13

Gift Received – Idol’s Pink Bow


Jabberwock Park

Usami: Are you sure this was the right move? Doing what you did?

???: ...

Usami: I know... And it did cause a death to happen... But Monokuma, he—

???: ...

Usami: I see... I’m sorry I can’t be of more help... the rules are so binding!

???: ...?

Usami: I’m trying my best to maintain control! You can trust me with this one!

???: ...

Usami: I’ll come up with something. You just hang on tight!

???: ...

Usami: Uwah... I’ll try...

Usami: For the sake of bright future... And to prevent the resurrection of Ultimate Despair...


Okay, so here it is. The end of chapter 2. Man, IRL has not been kind to me, but I am not giving up, not even close. I do hope you all still enjoy the story despite the longer wait times! I should be able to catch a bit of a break in due time, and I'll be able to output a lot more story during that. For now though, I hope you enjoy this conclusion, whether you find it climactic or not, emotional or not... That's not my judgement to make~

As always... I love you all, and thank you all for reading. And I will see you next time, with Chapter 3... whenever that happens!

Chapter 17: Chapter 3 – Lost in Mourning Fever – Daily Life 1


New island is unlocked in aftermath of trial. Mukuro seeks revelations.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 3 – Lost in Mourning Fever – Daily Life

Ding Dong Bing Bong!

Monokuma: Attention! This is a school trip announcement. Good morning, everyone! It is now 8 AM! Get ready for another beautiful day of this killing school trip!


Lonely jogging isn’t that fun... But Aoi needed the rest. Still... I should at least try to get her to exercise with me again another day.


Hotel Restaurant

Mood was bleak, as expected. At least everyone was present... Although everyone was also eating in silence. I sat down beside Junko.

Junko: Man, this is a bummer of a morning. Everyone’s so damn glum.

Mukuro: It makes sense though... Almost everyone had something bad happen last trial. Taka, Makoto and Leon lost friends, Mondo, Kyoko and Celeste are all feeling guilty over what happened, Aoi just got taken hostage and Chihiro is always sensitive like that.

Junko: Damn... And those two aren’t biggest rays of sunshine in general, huh...

She motioned to Byakuya and Toko.

Mukuro: Yeah. I guess Syo’s the only one still in the high spirits.

Junko: Well, this needs to have something done about it.

Mukuro: Just let people deal with their feelings, Junko.

Junko: But I’m bored! I mean, sure, kinda sucks to lose people, but, like... This is unacceptable! Where’s the drive, where’s the spirit, where’s the energy? Everyone just sitting, eating silently and looking defeated is just, ugh!

Mukuro: Stop being so restless.

Junko: Easy for you to say, meathead. Do you think I didn’t notice those morning exercises you’ve been having on your own?

Mukuro: It’s just my routine. It feels natural to do that.

Then, suddenly, Monokuma was there, making an announcement.

Monokuma: Congratulations, everyone! You’ve caught another killer and beat another trial! Doesn’t that feel great?

Makoto: Of course not! Sayaka, she... She was innocent! It was just an accident!

Monokuma: Oh, you know what they say, accidents are not accidental and all. Come on, one of you must be happy about the outcome! Miss Detective, surely you’re glad to solve a mystery?

Kyoko: I’m still no closer to the answers that I’m truly looking for. And just because I got an answer doesn’t mean I should be happy about what answer is.

Monokuma: Seriously, what’s with the mood? None of you are satisfied? The mystery girl isn’t happy to lose a romantic rival? Gym bros not happy to get rid of a nerd? Togami not happy to see another death happen?

Mukuro: I—She wasn’t a rival! You don’t know what you’re talking about!

Mondo: Who the f*ck would be happy about someone dying?! Sure, he was gross, but that’s still f*cking wrong!

Leon: Yeah, why the hell would either of us be happy about it?

Byakuya: I don’t particularly care either way. I have my own concerns. So stop the annoyance and tell us what you really came here to say.

Monokuma: Awh... And here I thought at least someone is happy...

Syo: Well, I sure am!

Monokuma: You’re always happy, you creep! That doesn’t count!

Syo: Oooh, the bear can’t handle my eternal positive energy! Kyahahaha!

Monokuma: Anyway, I just wanted to congratulate you on a new island being permitted! I have some things in mind, and you’ll totally need it for what’s coming soon.... Puhuhuhu...

Chihiro: What... What is coming soon...?

Monokuma: Oh, you’ll see, unless Usami tattles first. Anyway, enjoy the exploration!

And he disappears... As usual. Damn thing.

Leon: So... what now?

Toko: M-Maybe that island has a way to escape...?

Kyoko: I doubt it. Still... We have to check it out.

Kiyotaka: Class President! What about the more dangerous members of our group? Will you be overseeing both of them now?

Syo: Both? Do I get a bestie in crime?

Celeste: ...I understand your concern considering my actions prior to last trial. However, I think everyone would agree that me attempting anything with everyone’s suspicion would be foolish at best and suicidal at worst, no?

Mondo: It sure f*ckin’ would... Damn... I’m never using my f*cking perk again. It’s useless anyway.

Kyoko: ...no. Syo, that applies to you too.

Syo: Whaaat?!

Byakuya: You can’t be serious.

Kyoko: I’ve had enough of this babysitting duty. If last few days constantly being around her showed me anything, it’s that her dedication to both her murder method and to surviving the Killing Game are unquestionable. Within obvious decency, you are free to move as you choose now.

Syo: Oh, finally, the terrible probation period is over! Time to go out into the world as totally reformed ex-serial killer! Kyahahahaha!

Byakuya: Do you even—That’s idiotic!

Kyoko: What’s wrong, Byakuya?

Byakuya: ...

He almost looked angry... No, frustrated? Condescension in his expression was always present, so it’s hard to say.

Kiyotaka: I see, Syo is not an active threat. However, Celeste—

Kyoko: Are you questioning my choice? I said I’m done babysitting anyone. If Celeste is stupid enough to try to kill again, she will either end up like Hifumi or Sayaka.

Celeste: And neither is fate I myself find desirable.

Kiyotaka: But—

Kyoko: I said what I wanted to say.

Aoi: ...yeah... I think Celeste is really sorry for what she did too...

Kiyotaka: Hah! As if remorse is within dictionary of such person!

Leon: Dude, I get that you’re mad, but no need to be so antagonistic yourself!

Kiyotaka: I will not be lectured on moral high grounds by a slacker!

Kyoko: That’s enough.

Celeste: ...Both of you are correct. Hina, Taka...

Chihiro: But... they said opposite things, didn’t they?

Celeste: I’m... not used to this. Every choice I made in my life was with absolute certainty, every gamble would surely pay off. But this time... not only it didn’t, but I came close to death myself. I’m not sure how to describe the feeling I have... But neither Sayaka’s nor Hifumi’s death feel cathartic or even ignorable...

Junko: Looks like fear of death has awoken someone’s dead conscience... Mukuro, please strangle me if I ever get like that.

Mukuro: I’ll elect to let you suffer through it instead.

Makoto: Come on, you two! Celeste is trying to be sincere!

Kyoko: Regardless. Taka. I have made the decision. If group as a whole feels me unfit to lead anymore, they can say so. But you were the one who suggested the leader be chosen.

Kiyotaka: I—Fine. It appears I will just have to work extra hard to compensate for increase of danger around the island!

Kyoko: If I hear about you harassing either Celeste or Syo, I will find a way to enforce discipline.

Kiyotaka: Harassment is not something I would ever even let happen, much less participate in!

Kyoko: Good. Then we should proceed to the Third Island.

Toko: F-Finally...

Junko: Exploration time! Wooo... so totally-exciting-and-not-at-all-boring...



Third Island... Looked arid and suburban. Abandoned living buildings, shops... All empty. Only a few buildings were worth properly checking... This hospital is one of them. Generally a regular hospital building. Even has three rooms for patients, upstairs staff bedroom and storage... But what interested me more was the rules in the lobby.

Hospital Rules:

1. Everyone is permitted to visit and take care of patients during the day, however overnight stays are only allowed for one non-patient staying in the staff bedroom.

2. Visiting during nighttime is not allowed, and if more than one non-patient enters the hospital, they will be punished.

3. Only physically sick or hurt people are allowed to be admitted as patients, and must be evicted within a day of reaching healthy condition.

4. Administering medical help cannot be used to make someone the blackened, as long as there is no intent to harm the patient. If someone dies due to malpractice or insufficient medical skills, person administering aid is not considered at fault, unless they caused the injury in the first place.

5. These rules are considered final and cannot be revised.

Byakuya: Seems pretty specific, doesn’t it?

I looked around... Other than me and him, Toko and Syo were also in the room, but both standing aside and intently staring at Byakuya, while throwing glances at each other...

Mukuro: Are you... asking me?

Byakuya: No, the sign. Who else?

Mukuro: Ugh... Yeah, it does. The visitation, and the whole... Rule four...

Byakuya: The Good Samaritan rule. Wouldn’t expect one here.

Mukuro: Yeah, that’s the word I was looking for... It is surprising that they’d include one, and so exhaustively... Probably one of Usami’s compromises.

Byakuya: And here I thought to entertain the idea of you being a worthwhile time spending... Do you seriously believe them not to be one and the same?

Mukuro: No. I do not.

Byakuya: Hmph. Well, either way I’m done here.

Syo: Ooh, where to next, then~?

Toko: Shut up! S-Stop following Master around!

Syo: Says one who started following him first!

The best way I could describe look on Byakuya’s face as he observed the exchange was someone trying very desperately not to react to blackboard being scratched. Without saying another word, he simply went for the exit, which shut the two girls up, making them push each other aside as they hurried after him. ...It can’t be what I’m thinking, can it...?


Ultimate Detective’s Lab

The hospital was outfitted rather well. On first floor, there were four patient rooms and an emergency room. On the second there was staff bedroom, a storage room with various stuff and... morgue. Which appears to be doubling as The Ultimate Detective’s Lab.

Inside was... Grim. Room was dimly lit, other than extremely uncomfortable looking metal table in the very middle, shined on by bright light. There was also a desk on the other end of room, with simple lamp, though rather dim. Beside desk there were shelves with countless files and drawers... And on the right side of the room I could see a different kind of storage. Huge, metal drawers embedded in the wall. With large labels... I approached closely, and the moment I saw one of them, I felt a shiver...


...this must be...

Kyoko: This is where the bodies are kept after the death.

Mukuro: Gah!

I instantly spin around, raising my leg up in a kick to try to hit whoever snuck up on me... But miss. Thankfully. Because it’s only moments later that I realize it was Kyoko... Good thing she managed to dodge out of the way, even if narrowly...

Kyoko: Gh... What’s this about?

Mukuro: Ah! I’m sorry! It was just a reflex...

Kyoko: ...what kind of reflexes must one have to attempt a roundhouse kick when surprised from behind?

Mukuro: I’m... not sure.

Kyoko: I suppose my dark clothes make it hard to see me in the dim lighting. I should be the one apologizing here.

Mukuro: It’s alright... Anyway, this is your lab?

Kyoko: Yes. And it appears to be a coroner’s office. Disgustingly fitting... Considering I specialize in murders...

Mukuro: So, the bodies...

Kyoko: They’re really there. I verified all of their identities.

Mukuro: Wait, you looked? But that means... Hifumi’s and Sakura’s bodies...

Kyoko: Weren’t in the best state, as we all saw. But I had to make sure.

Mukuro: I see...

Kyoko: There are also a bunch of old case files. Some even rather familiar...

Mukuro: I guess that makes sense for a detective.

Kyoko: It does. I will stay and read them in more depth for now. We will reconvene as usual later.

Mukuro: Alright, I’ll go check out the other places myself then.


Movie Theater

Apparently, I arrived at Movie Theater just moments after Junko and Makoto did...

Monokuma: Oh, more viewers, how wonderful! Welcome, welcome and hurry to the viewing area! The next run of my movie begins in a few moments!

Usami: Yes! It’s so good to see Monokuma find non-violent and non-murder-motive-based creativity outlets! Even if they come at my expense...

Mukuro: Uh... What’s going on?

Monokuma: Come on! I made a wonderful animated feature! The Wizard of Usami! Get in the theater and enjoy!

Junko: Eh, can’t be more boring than the empty music venue...

Makoto: Uh... sure...?

Mukuro: I guess?

Monokuma: Then... here!

Monokuma handed each of us a ticket, with our names and today’s date...

Monokuma: Now, in, in! You’ve already missed the trailers!


The Wizard of Usami

We were seated in the otherwise empty theater as screen lit up. Junko also procured popcorn from somewhere and was already loudly chewing...

Narrator: Monokuma was born in a remote village, full of old people, because they were bad parents and were abandoned by their children.

Narrator: One day, a tornado from a rogue podcast filming drone camera picked Monokuma up and whisked him away to Usami’s land.

Narrator: There Monokuma met three wonderful friends.

Narrator: First, Monokuma met Usami Scarecrow. She had no brain, so when he asked her to kill herself, she did and hung herself.

Narrator: Then, Monokuma met Usami Woodsman. She had no heart, so Monokuma, took her apart in pieces to make sure.

Narrator: And lastly, Monokuma met Usami Lion. She had no courage, so just for fun, Monokuma pinned her to a tree with sharp knives.

Narrator: Eventually, Monokuma arrived to the big green city, and met Usami Wizard.

Narrator: Deciding that Usami Wizard sucks, he simply beat her up and let her starve to death in the dungeon.

Narrator: After taking over the big green city, Monokuma took all the riches of it and returned home, so he could again scam old people into signing unfavorable inheritance contacts.

Narrator: The End.


Movie Theater


Makoto: ...huh. That’s it I guess...

Junko: Sister... Please... I beg you...

I turned to look at Junko... She was pleading with tears in her eyes.

Junko: Please... one final mercy... This was... so horrendous... I can’t go on...

Mukuro: ...go bend yourself. You wouldn’t mercy-kill me if roles were reversed.

Junko: Well, sure, I would leave you to suffer, but c’mon, be the better person or whatnot!

Mukuro: Junko, I’m not killing you. This was absolutely awful, but not awful enough to be executed over it.

Junko: Hm... Hey, Makoto, feel like getting a double-kill? That’s within Monokuma’s limits, right?

Makoto: What? Wait, a-are you two serious?! I mean, the movie was weird, but, I’d never!

Junko: Sigh... Guess I’ll have to live with memory of this pain forever.

Mukuro: Life is pain.

Junko: True!

Makoto: You two—What’s wrong with you?!

Junko: This is the price you pay for being smarter than others... Dark price of genius...

Mukuro: Stop being pretentious. It doesn’t suit you.

Junko: I’m not wrong though!

Mukuro: ...yeah, you aren’t.

Makoto: W-What? I don’t understand...

Junko: Well, Mukuro may be a slow little dummy compared to me, but both of us were way above the norm since early childhood. The genius sisters!

Mukuro: Geniuses that very quickly just got bored of most things.

Junko: Yeah, you know it! When everything comes so easy, nothing is interesting you know. And what’s the point of living in world of boredom?

Makoto: That’s awful... I’m sorry that happened to you two, but that’s not a reason to give up living on a whim!

Junko: Oh come on, we were just playing around just now.

Mukuro: Yeah. If push came to shove, I’d absolutely mercy-kill you, Junko.

Junko: Awh... You’re gonna give me diabetes!

Makoto: Girls!

Junko: Ugh, stick in the mud. Whatever, fine, no more talk of death.

Mukuro: But the part about our childhood is true. It got to the point where we were only looking for new sources of excitement. Hey, Junko, remember?

Junko: Oh, that stupid game? ‘Despair Sisters’? God, we were such cringy kids. That was such a stupid name too.

Makoto: Does that mean... you’re past that now?

Junko: Nope.

Mukuro: I dunno. Probably not?

Makoto: But... you seem so normal! When you’re not talking about killing one-another.

Junko: Eh, some things you learn to live with, be it an idiot sister or chronic boredom. Hey, I never stopped looking for new sources of stimulation. There’s definitely a lot to find when you actually bother trying to look!

Mukuro: I’m glad you managed well, Junko. I wish I remembered how well I fared myself...

Smack! Ow... She just slapped me on the back of the head.

Junko: Hey! Only I’m allowed to treat you like trash.

Mukuro: I’m supposed to be older you know...

Junko: You rushed out of womb a few minutes earlier yet clearly that just resulted in you being undercooked. We’re twins, it doesn’t matter! I’m still the better sister.

Update! Earned Junko’s 4th Hope Fragment.

Junko: Anyway, I’m off to keep exploring on my own. See you around, slowpoke dorks!

Not even, giving us a chance to say goodbye, she ran out of the theater. I could see Monokuma sulking in the corner, probably in reaction to our post-viewing talk... Well, let’s not poke the resting bear.

Mukuro: I’ll go keep exploring too. What about you, Makoto?

Makoto: I will just check this place in more detail... Just please tell me you were kidding about killing Junko?

Mukuro: ...sure. I will tell you that.

Makoto: Phew... Thanks, I was actually worried there for a second. See you around then!

He’s like a kitten. An innocent kitten.


Electric Avenue

At first this place, a series of small electronic stores with various specific machinery seemed promising. But anything actually useful like phones, TVs or computers was just fake plastic molds. Well, at least we have a huge supply of fridges, washing machines and microwaves if we ever need them... And at the dead end of the street, there was another suspicious thing. Right in front of a large garage, there was a terminal... an active one.

I looked at the screen and it simply said, ‘Observer Contact Point Gamma – Connection Lost’. And trying to hit the keys of the keyboard... no effect. Huh...

Mondo: Whatever that thing is, it doesn’t work. f*ckin’ junk...

Mukuro: Any idea what it could be for?

Mondo: No f*ckin’ idea.

Aoi: Well... It did seem like it was used before we got here...

Mondo: Oh yeah, right, the screen is covered in dust, but also freshly wiped, I think...

I looked more closely... And they were right. There was a sign of screen having been recently wiped with a palm.

Mukuro: Do you guys think somebody tried to use it before we got here?

Aoi: ...I don’t know...

Mondo: I swear, if someone botched our chances at escape, I’ll cave their skull in!

Mukuro: Well, nothing we can do now. Anything else of note here?

Aoi: Not much... Just appliances and Mondo’s lab...

Mondo: Oh yeah! Hey, check this sh*t out!

With that Mondo grabbed the bottom of the garage door, rising it up... To reveal a huge area inside. It was... a bike shop. A variety of motorcycles on display, and a ton of tools and spare parts on shelves, in boxes... I didn’t even notice it at first, but beside the garage door there was a plaque, which made sense in retrospect. Ultimate Biker Gang Leader’s Lab.

Mondo: This place is a f*ckin’ dream. I wish I could bring the boys here...

Aoi: Wouldn’t it make more sense to bring this place to the boys? Since...

Mondo: sh*t, well... You know what I meant!

Mukuro: Huh... Are they functional?

Mondo: You f*ckin’ betcha! And with roads around the islands, I could totally go ridin’ again! Could give you girls a ride too and all.

Aoi: Uh... Thanks, but I don’t think it’s a good idea.

Mukuro: Yeah, I still need to check out the rest of the island myself.

Mondo: Oh... Well, I’m always down to ride with some cool chicks!

Mukuro: Gotcha. By the way, Aoi... are you feeling alright?

Aoi: Huh? No, I’m totally fine!

Mukuro: You seem to be a bit... unenergetic.

Aoi: I just had a bit of a hard time sleeping is all. And I was sad but! I’ve just eaten my worries away with donuts! This perk was totally made for me!

She quickly tapped her handbook... And out of nowhere Monokuma strolled close with frustrated expression, tossed a box of donuts on the ground and grumbling something left...

Aoi: ...he seems annoyed that I keep ordering so much, but it’s my right, you know?

Mukuro: Well, have a good meal then... I will go see what else is around.

Aoi: Sure! See you, Mukuro!

Mondo: Yeah! Don’t forget about the invite!



A motel... Why? We already have our sleeping quarters in the Mirai Hotel. I get why there would be beds in the Hospital, but here...? What’s the point?

Chihiro: Hey, Mukuro. Good morning.

Mukuro: Good morning, Chihiro. How are you doing?

Chihiro: I’m fine... I just still can’t believe that both Hifumi and Sayaka are gone...

Mukuro: Yeah... It’s tragic...

Chihiro: I just... feel like if I’ve only done more... Maybe they could still be around...

Mukuro: Come now, it’s not your fault... It was just an accident after all. There’s nothing anyone could have done about it.

Chihiro: Yes, but... It was an accident born out of a murder plot. Maybe if I was stronger... If I revealed myself sooner and didn’t fall apart like I did when we were playing the game... Maybe I could have noticed something off before Hifumi...

Mukuro: Chihiro, please. It’s not your fault at all. And, well... There’s nothing we can do but keep moving now. What happened, happened. Death isn’t something you can undo.

Chihiro: I guess you’re right...

Mukuro: Hey, do you know how Taka is handling it?

Chihiro: Well... He was pretty quiet when we were checking out the rooms here together. He left just before you arrived.

Mukuro: I see. I was worried that after morning’s remarks, he’d try to go after Celeste...

Chihiro: I hope not... And, well, if I had to describe it in one word... He seems lost.

Mukuro: Lost?

Chihiro: I mean... It’s clear that he just has no idea what to do now, so he just tries to do things that always worked for him before. I... know how it feels to just fall into usual habit when you’re uncertain.

Mukuro: I see... Is it related to the whole... you know?

Chihiro nodded in response, his expression growing sadder.

Chihiro: I didn’t want to keep this secret so long... But it almost worked too well at first, pretending to be a girl... So every time I thought about trying to be myself I wanted to be... I was so scared of people’s disappointment, that I just kept lying... Because it’s something that worked...

Mukuro: I’m sorry to hear. At least you escaped the bullying...

Chihiro: ...sometimes I wish I didn’t... All the lies I surrounded myself with just make me forget who I am supposed to be.

Mukuro: Well, now it’s out and you don’t have to pretend anymore, right? That’s what is important.

Chihiro: Yes, right. But! That’s why I’m certain that I can understand both Taka and Celeste... And I want to help them. To make sure no more deaths happen.

Update! Earned Chihiro’s 3rd Hope Fragment.

Mukuro: I see. Well, I’ll keep that in mind.

Chihiro: Mhm! I don’t think there’s anything special about motel... But we could stay here if we need.

Mukuro: Got it. I’ll check out other places for now.

Chihiro: I’ll stay here for the moment, in case something else happens... And thanks, Mukuro.


Music Venue

Titty Typhoon. Real mature here, Monokuma. Or Usami. Whichever of you came up with it. Probably Monokuma... Even inside looked fitting to the name. Dingy, half-decorated, with only bright parts being the large glowing signs. Lights hanging from the ceiling, a disco ball that looked old and scuffed, a stage that seemed like it wasn’t even part of building but just built in it. There were also two doors, one bearing a familiar plaque.

Celeste: Such an unrefined place, wouldn’t you agree?

Mukuro: Yeah... It looks like it’s just a warehouse that was refurbished into a music venue.

Leon: Oh, come on, it’s not that bad. It’s just got that special ‘underground’ atmosphere to it!

Celeste: Hm. Perhaps. It still ill-suits my personal tastes.

Leon: Oh, come on, why do you gotta be like that. Spit it out already, you hate this place.

Celeste: That would be an overstatement. Sure, I dislike its appearance, but places like these are, sadly, all too commonplace.

Leon: Man, do you never put things like you think them?

Celeste: Oh? Do you think I’m being insincere?

Leon: Well, kinda... Not in a rude way though. I just don’t get you.

Celeste: Then perhaps an explanation is in order. I put things the way I mean them. Always. I simply use a language befitting of my social standing when doing so. Dancing around issues is rarely helpful, so I put things as they are.

Leon: But... you don’t even sound sincere! I heard you losing your accent when you’re nervous too, I think. During the trial.

Celeste: Maybe my tone of voice wavering made it seem like that, but I assure you, this is just me acting like my normal self.

Leon: Ugh, whatever...

Mukuro: Guys?

Leon: Oh, sorry, Mukuro! I kind of forgot you were here.

Celeste: Do excuse us for leaving you out. We just got done examining this place.

Mukuro: So, what’s it about then?

Leon: It’s just a club. That’s it. Nothing too special.

Celeste: And you will leave out freely accessible alcohol that you were so excited about?

Leon: Hey! Don’t bring attention to that, what if Taka finds out?

Mukuro: Well, considering that supermarket and pharmacy get restocked, I don’t see a reason this place wouldn’t.

Leon: Oh, I guess that makes sense.

Celeste: Beyond just the main venue, there are also two backrooms. Ultimate Pop Sensation’s lab and the basem*nt.

Mukuro: You mean, Sayaka’s lab?

Celeste: Indeed. It’s tragic she didn’t live to see it, but it was not particularly spectacular. A simple changing room with a small stage to practice vocals on and a lot of merchandise with her likeness.

Mukuro: I see... What about the basem*nt?

Leon: That seems to be for general supplies. There’s music instruments, decorations, mirrors, whatnot. Dance club stuff.

Celeste: And it’s worth noting, ceiling here is similar to the library’s. There is a catwalk system, accessible from outside. Presumably to control strobe lights and that tacky disco ball.

Mukuro: I see... Well, I think I’ll leave it to you then, since you seem like you have got it already.

Leon: Well, we were just done and about to leave.

Celeste: Indeed. Looking at the time, it does look like we should be gathering back at the restaurant soon.

Mukuro: Well, then let’s go.


Hotel Restaurant

We arrived to the restaurant to find Makoto, Taka and Chihiro already there. Eventually the rest joined us too, we all had lunch, and there was some short talk about what we found. Obviously, nobody found anything that would help us escape the island. That left more secondary finds...

Kyoko: ...I saw the terminal in that Electric Avenue too... But I couldn’t get it to work at all. Chihiro, did you examine it?

Chihiro: I did... But it seems like whatever its for, it doesn’t work anymore. I will try more later, but for now, we only have the current display. I’m sorry...

Makoto: No, Chihiro, it’s fine. If you can’t figure it out, then that means it really is not working.

Kyoko: Except it is. Just that the ‘connection’ it needed has been severed.

Aoi: There’s also the rest of the message! ‘Observer Contact Point Gamma’... What could that mean?

Leon: It almost sounds like some sort of military communication thing...

Kiyotaka: Military? You think that console might belong to armed forces?

Mukuro: No, I doubt it. It’s too bulky and was clearly meant to be stationary. No way a military force of any kind would use it, unless they were stationed right there.

Kyoko: Observer... Hm...

Toko: D-Don’t just quietly hum... If you have s-something to say, then say it!

Kyoko: ...very well. Mondo, you were the first to discover that console, right?

Aoi: Actually... it was me. Well, technically. I only arrived a few minutes before Mondo.

Kyoko: I see. And was console already used when you arrived, Hina?

Aoi: Used? You mean the wiped screen? Yeah, there was already the smudge.

Kyoko: As I thought. If I had to guess, that console had been used by one of the traitors.

Toko: T-Traitors?!

Celeste: You mean, the ones employed by Monokuma and Usami?

Junko: Like we have some other ones.

Kyoko: Yes. Contact point carries rather obvious implications, wouldn’t you agree?

Byakuya: Indeed. Question however remains. Who was it?

Kyoko: It could have been anyone. Damn it... I should have employed Mondo’s perk the moment trial was over.

Mondo: My perk? Why the f*ck would you need that?

Kyoko: To make sure nobody can interfere and hide potential clues on new island before rest of us can discover them. It appears that is precisely what happened with that console.

Syo: Ooh, I get it! Overnight, our mysterious betrayer has wandered into the darkness of new unexplored land, and locked the console, forever sealing the dark secrets within it from us! Kyahaha!

Kiyotaka: That is most troubling! Perhaps I should adjust my rule to prevent that sort of behavior in future?

Kyoko: Sigh... What’s done is done. Without another trial there won’t be another island, and I’m not planning to let another trial occur. We’ll just have to work with what we have.

Celeste: I take it that is all there is to the situation?

Kyoko: Yes. Unless someone else has something to say, the meeting is—

Kiyotaka: Class President! What about the alcohol?!

Leon: God damn it...

Kyoko: What about it?

Kiyotaka: We have to take measures to prevent any behavior unbecoming of a student!

Kyoko: We had access to the pharmacy for a few days now, and nobody tried anything there. I doubt the alcohol racks in the music venue are any more dangerous.

Kiyotaka: B-But! I’m not talking about danger! I’m talking about underage drinking!

Syo: You’ve really got your priorities all twisted up, huh, Tik-Tok?

Kiyotaka: I did not permit any nicknames other than Taka!

Syo: Kyahahaha!

Kyoko: My point remains the same. Don’t do anything stupid and don’t harass others.

Kiyotaka: I... I see. Well, then I’ll just have to use alternative measures! Neither directly targeting anyone, nor is unbecoming of a student!

Byakuya: Ridiculous. Well, this was a waste of time. I’ll be going.

Toko: W-Wait for me!

Syo: Hey, hands off!

Toko: Or w-what, are you going to s-stab me? I know you’d n-never...

Syo: Oh, miss Gloomyface thinks her tongue is sharper than my scissors? Care to have a more direct comparison?

Toko: He’d n-never want to engage with a murderous m-monster!

Syo: Hah! At least the murderous monster has more charisma than the rotten floorboard! Kyahahaha!

Realizing that the two are too busy arguing to follow Byakuya, I quietly followed him myself, along with others starting to disperse. I had some questions and needed some answers.


Ultimate Writing Prodigy’s Lab

He went all the way here of all places... And there he was, sitting in Toko’s lab, although as I approached him, he almost twitched before scowling with his usual condescending look.

Byakuya: It’s you.

Mukuro: What, were you hoping for one of your girlfriends?

Byakuya: Oh, please. I’d rather be in a company of a pig herd than either of them. But what do you want?

Mukuro: Why are you here? I mean, when they start looking...

Byakuya: Their own labs will be the last place they look, obviously. Why would they think that I’d hide from them in their own labs? And stop dodging my question.

Mukuro: That does make sense. Anyway. I want to know about something.

Byakuya: Really now? And what do you have to offer?

Mukuro: I expected something like that. What do you want?

Byakuya: Straight to the point then. Well, since I’m feeling generous, a simple offer. Your company for the rest of the day, in exchange for my knowledge.

Mukuro: My... company? Wait, don’t tell me... you’re trying to make those two think you’re interested in me?

Byakuya: Do I look that simple? I have my own reasons and I have given pretty simple terms. I thought you might find them very much in your favor, while I would find them in mine.

Mukuro: Okay. Fine. Deal, I’ll stick around you for the rest of the day. Just don’t be a pompous prick.

Byakuya: That wasn’t in the deal. Regardless, I suppose I should deliver on my own end. What do you want to know?

I showed back of my hand to him.

Mukuro: Tell me everything you know about this.

Byakuya: Hm. I wondered if your amnesia is real, but it appears it really is. Very well.

Mukuro: So, you know something about this tattoo?

Byakuya: Yes. It’s a sign of membership for a certain international organization.

Mukuro: What? But, nobody ever mentioned anything like that about my tattoo!

Byakuya: I wouldn’t expect so. After all, that group keeps their customs to themselves, not to mention that not many people would even know anything about the group in the first place.

Mukuro: Cut the vagueness.

Byakuya: Fenrir.

Mukuro: Fenrir...? Like the wolf of northern mythology?

Byakuya: Still not stirring your memory? Then either your head trauma is worse than you think, or this is a coincidence of impossible extent.

Mukuro: Fenrir is name of organization, but what kind? What’s it about?

Byakuya: It’s an international military mercenary force. Well known for being best of the best, even a lowest ranking member of Fenrir is considered to be worth hundreds of your usual troops. And every member has that precise tattoo somewhere on their body.

Mukuro: Mercenary force...?

I looked at my tattoo... The wolf... Fenrir. That made sense, but... Me? A mercenary? I mean, I was a genius, just like Junko, but... Is that really possible? A soldier worth hundreds of normal troops? Me? I...

I tried to imagine it. And as I did, my mind went blank... I tried again... I... tried to imagine myself holding a rifle. Tried to imagine myself on the battlefield, shooting people. And yet... I just couldn’t bring those images. To my logical mind it was possible. But when I tried to imagine it... it was completely incomprehensible. No way I was a soldier...

Mukuro: There’s no way I’m...

Byakuya: I thought that far-fetched as well. Although your face just now...

Mukuro: It’s nothing. I just tried to imagine it and recall my lost years again... It didn’t work.

Byakuya: Hm. Then perhaps coincidence is an option.

Mukuro: Coincidence?

Byakuya: In your years, as an act of rebellion you got an artisan tattoo, which just happened to be a perfect mimic of Fenrir’s symbol.

Mukuro: That’s... so unlikely.

Byakuya: But which is more unlikely? A coincidence or you being part of it?

Mukuro: ...

Byakuya: That settles it then.

Mukuro: How... do you even know about Fenrir?

Byakuya: What kind of question is that?

Mukuro: You just said they’re professional international military force, with secretive customs. And yet you know something so specific about them?

Byakuya: Perhaps you forgot who I am. I am Byakuya Togami, Ultimate Affluent Progeny, destined to inherit the great Togami Congolomerate. My future lies among the true leaders of this world. Of course I have access to information that common rabble wouldn’t even dream of.

Mukuro: That sounds farfetched in its own right...

Byakuya: Perhaps it might, to a close minded commoner. But to me, impossibility is not an option. After all, I am to join elites of hidden council that rules the world... And perhaps even lead them.

Mukuro: A hidden council? Seriously?

Byakuya: There’s always amusem*nt to be found in people’s reaction to this revelation.

Mukuro: Ugh... At least I can see why you act like you’re the center of the entire world.

Byakuya: I’m obviously not. Not yet at least. But inevitably, one day, that is my destiny. Of course, first I must get out of here, but... That’s only a question of time.

Mukuro: So, you’re planning to kill somebody?

Byakuya: If that’s what it takes to escape.

Mukuro: And you really would damn everyone else to die in progress?

Byakuya: A small price to pay.

Mukuro: Ugh...

Update! Earned Byakuya’s 2nd Hope Fragment.

Byakuya: I suppose that answers all your questions?

Mukuro: Sure. Whatever. So what now?

Byakuya: Now, until the end of the day, you remain present around me. Just don’t distract me from my reading.

With a groan I looked through the shelves. Finding some sappy romance novel to pass time, I sat down across from Byakuya and started reading. Best way to pass time in his annoying presence would be to ignore him throughout...


Mukuro’s Cottage

Surprisingly, Byakuya didn’t have any other smarmy comments for the rest of the day, focusing on his... detective novel of all things. By dinner time, he just got up and left, giving me a half-hearted wave, which, I guessed, meant I was free, so I got some dinner for myself and returned to the cottage.

Ding Dong Bing Bong!

Monokuma: Attention! This is a school trip announcement. Good evening, everyone! It is now 10 PM! Nighttime has officially come, so go and get some sleep to be energetic for tomorrow’s murderous plans! Sleep well!


Monokuma Theater

Hates me... Hates me not... Hates me... Hates me not...

You know what! Putting my fate in metaphorical hands of a flower is kind of stupid. I mean, it’s a plant, it barely has capacity to turn towards a source of light, how can you expect it to foretell future? No, I prefer taking matters into my own hands!

How about I instead make everyone hate me, rather than try to guess using stupid flowers! Burn down the whole place!

Why, you ask? Because no respect for good movies! Not a single person liked it! Not one! I know these stupid things are meant to be noncanon intermissions, I don’t care! What are you going to do, stop me? I’m mad! My movie bombed! My whole career ruined... Boo hoo... Some even refused to watch entirely! How is that fair?!

...oh well. Guess if being professional director slash producer slash actor slash scriptwriter isn’t working out, it’s back to good ol’ providing people with daily dose of despair in more orthodox ways than bad cinema. Puhuhu...


It took a while huh? Well, here it is. Sorry for the wait, and hope it will still be worth it in the longer run. Heh~

As usual, thank you all for reading, I love you all and appreciate your support and patience. I will see you all next time, whenever that happens to be. Hopefully not after as much time again!

Chapter 18: Chapter 3 – Lost in Mourning Fever – Daily Life 2


Mukuro attempts to enjoy peace and quiet of Jabberwock Island


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Ding Dong Bing Bong!

Usami: Hello, everyone! This is a school trip announcement! It is now 8 AM! Another wonderful morning in tropical paradise! Time to wake up and be ready to cultivate wonderful hope!


Another morning on this stupid island... At least I haven’t been skipping out on my morning exercise routines despite everything. But with announcement, I better get to the meeting quick.


Hotel Restaurant

Well, today seemed to have better atmosphere than before. People were actually chatting and eating together.

Makoto: Hey, Mukuro! Over here!

I sat down with Makoto, where he was waving. Looks like Junko wasn’t there yet.

Mukuro: Good morning. Anything new?

Makoto: Ah, doesn’t seem like it, but Kyoko did ask that we wait till everyone gathers up. Might be something after all.

Mukuro: Really? Maybe she finally figured something out...

Makoto: Yeah!

While we were eating, Junko finally showed up, giving me a quick dismissive glance before sitting alone. Moments after she did, Kyoko started rising from her own seat next to Chihiro, but before she could say anything...

Syo: Okay! You bunch of losers! I have an announcement!

Byakuya: Ugh... What is it this time?

Pushing Kyoko aside, Syo grabbed Toko by the wrist as she dragged her out in front of everyone...

Syo: So, I heard you lot have trouble telling me apart from this disaster of a bookworm. Well, what do you think now?!

Toko: Huh? W-Wait... You...

Syo: Shh! You’re supposed to make them guess, that’s how it works!

Leon: Huh? I don’t get it... Both of you still look the same, right?

Aoi: Yeah, I still have hard time telling you apart, whatever it is you changed...

Celeste: Oh. I think I realize. Although difference is subtle enough that I do not judge those missing it.

Makoto: Huh? They look different?

Syo: What?! Seriously?! Come on! Look!

She waved a palm in front of her own face... Then in front of Toko’s. Only then did it hit me.

Mukuro: You don’t have glasses...?

Syo: Yes! Finally! I mean, come on, those ugly round glasses are awful! Contacts are the future!

Toko: Y-You just don’t understand how they make p-people look more intellectual... Like me or m-master...

Syo: Well, you look like an ugly nerd, and master looks like a dashing prince!

Byakuya: Can both of you just shut up?

Kyoko: I appreciate you getting everyone’s attention, but I have some things I’d like to go over as well. First of all... Chihiro. Can you share your findings with everyone else?

Chihiro: Alright... Well, I examined the terminals in front of Ancient Ruin and in the Electric Avenue thoroughly...

Junko: About time.

Chihiro: And, well... I’m afraid I can’t tell much... One in ancient ruin is clearly just a door control. I can’t exactly tell if it’s connected to machine gun there or not, though.

Syo: We could just have Toko try it!

Kiyotaka: Please, do not interrupt Class President’s presentation!

Kyoko: Continue, Chihiro.

Chihiro: As for one in the Avenue... Well, it’s a communication device of sorts. It’s clearly been used but connection was cut afterwards. I managed to get inside the components, and it seems it’s not even really a proper computer...

Leon: So, what, is it an oversized phone or something?

Chihiro: Oh! That’s a good way to put it.

Kyoko: Can we use it to contact outside?

Chihiro: I’m sorry, but I don’t think so... Whatever means of connection it had, I couldn’t find anything... No antenna, no signal catching parts, no cable connection...

Kyoko: Then our traitor covered up their tracks pretty well.

Byakuya: So, this was a waste of time.

Celeste: I do disagree. Sure, we obtained no new information, but managing to ascertain suspicions we already had as facts has to be worth something, no?

Toko: If m-master thinks it’s a waste, then it’s a waste! Stop a-arguing!

Kiyotaka: Is there anything else, Class President?

Kyoko: Sigh... No. Not at the moment. However. Monokuma is likely to present another motive tomorrow.

Mukuro: He has been following a pattern thus far...

Kyoko: Last two motives were different in nature, so I can’t exactly guess what it’s going to be next. But... I do hope you have actually learned the lesson from previous trials.

I could see Mondo and Celeste wince.

Byakuya: All it takes is someone wanting to escape. At that point, for them it’s matter of rationalizing risk versus reward. Reason has little factor when someone succumbs to basic desire.

Mondo: Are you f*ckin’ starting sh*t again?!

Byakuya: I am simply stating the truth. I’d love a world where everybody is perfectly reasonable all the time as much as anyone. However, being surrounded by irrational stupidity is a simple reality for those greater.

Kyoko: Byakuya. What are you trying to say?

Byakuya: Your leadership is lacking. I’d even dare say you aren’t leading at all. You just stand on sideline and throw advice at everyone, hoping they’ll follow it. Which obviously didn’t work, twice by now. What’s to stop a third?

Kyoko: I understand the downsides to my approach. And if you would like to take my place...

Byakuya: Oh? Don’t misunderstand me. I still intend to play this game for my own benefit. I’m not putting myself into such a detrimental position.

Kyoko: Then what is your goal? Are you trying to sow discord by undermining me specifically?

Byakuya: Hah. As if I’d be so stupid to do it in such a blunt way, were that my goal. No. It’s simply hard to stand someone who thinks they figured out leadership, as someone for whom leadership is a way of life.

Kyoko: Well, you aren’t willing to show it or offer better. And nobody objects to me remaining the leader so far either.

Syo: Well, I don’t like any authority! Although if master were to be a leader, I’d definitely support him! I like men who take charge! Kyahaha!

Toko: B-Byakuya was born as leader... Of c-course he’d make a better leader, if y-you lot were worth his time...

Aoi: I’m pretty sure you’re included when he says he doesn’t like any of us.

Toko: Sh-shut up! I can’t tell what has m-more air in it... Your head or y-your boobs!

Syo: Kyahahaha! Nice one!

Aoi: Gah!

Kiyotaka: Please, stop confrontational behavior!

Kyoko: Indeed. That’s enough of that. I’m assuming nobody else has anything else to say?

Junko: I do! But just to you personally after this is over.

Makoto: Huh? Junko?

Junko: Shh! It’s going to be a surprise!

Kyoko: Alright. If that’s the case, then meeting is adjourned. Have a good day, everyone. And, Junko, I’ll be in my cottage.

Junko: Let’s goooo!

Those two left. Byakuya didn’t stick around either, with Toko and Syo rushing after him the moment they realized he was gone. Well, if he were planning to ‘win’ the game, those two would definitely not make it easy.

I finished my breakfast together with Makoto and left the Restaurant to wander the Island. Maybe I happen to stumble into a clue...


Ancient Ruin

This is frustrating... There are multiple combinations that I’d like to try on that stupid door, but the gun... Maybe if we could haul a small pile of sandbags from the beach, then I could jump to cover before the gun could aim at me after a failed try. Hm... The heat of today’s sun is making thinking about it harder than it has to be.


What? I turned around to look back at the road going across the island to see... Someone collapsed on the street...? No way, it couldn’t be...

I rushed over and realized that it was Toko of all people. And she was mumbling, sweating and panting as she tried to crawl onwards.

Mukuro: Toko...? Are you... alright?

Toko: Must... get to... master... protect him... from... the monster...

Mukuro: The monster...? Wait, what’s happening?

Toko: She’s... going after him... to... to...

Mukuro: She? Are you talking about Syo? Are you saying she’s about to kill Byakuya?!

Toko: No! W-worse... she... will... confess her love...

Mukuro: What.

Toko: I m-must... stop... her... And beat h-her... to it...

Mukuro: ...

I see now. Well, there is someone to be concerned about here, but it’s neither Byakuya nor Syo.

I lifted Toko up and threw her over my shoulder. I needed to get her to somewhere with shade... And ideally some water too. Having her die of heatstroke wouldn’t be good.

Toko: W-Whuh...? What... are you... doing...


Sports Center

I lay Toko down on a bench in the Sports Center as it was the closest place to the ruins. At least she was lucky enough to collapse near someone like me. If she was alone or with Byakuya, she might have just been left to cook in the heat...

Toko: Gh... Why... here...

Mukuro: Because you need some shade and water. Speaking of... here.

I handed her a glass of water that I got from the gym’s cooler. She grabbed and greedily gulped the whole thing down within seconds, sitting up, though still swaying and panting.

Toko: Damn it... I need to... find him before she d-does!

Mukuro: Well, will you be able to do that if you really pass out in the middle of empty street?

Toko: Ghh!

Mukuro: Plus, it seems like Byakuya is pretty good at avoiding you two anyway.

Toko: What d-do you know? He’s only t-trying to hide because of... her...

Mukuro: I’m not too sure about that.

Toko: Of c-course you wouldn’t get it... You don’t know a th-thing about true love!

Mukuro: What? True love?

Toko: Yes... Master Byakuya, handsome and beautiful, well-bred and well-mannered... he truly was the love I’ve been waiting for! And I’m not g-going to let that s-schizo lay a finger on him! M-much less confess her insane n-notion of love...

Mukuro: I’m pretty sure you two actually love him about the same way...

Toko: Are y-you stupid? I don’t want to kill master! And she d-does! That’s what she always d-does... She finds some vain man with ‘p-pretty’ face and murders him and I’m l-left to try and hide... But now that I’m f-free... I can finally act for myself!

Mukuro: And that act for yourself is to get a crush on same guy as her.

Toko: I w-was first one to lay claim on M-Master! She just c-copied me!

Mukuro: I’m pretty sure Byakuya himself would debate that.

Toko: Hmph... You d-don’t understand at all. You may be a g-girl but you know nothing about tales of t-true love...

Mukuro: Well, then maybe you could ‘enlighten’ me?

Toko: It’s not s-something you can explain... It’s something you have t-to feel... The love at first sight, blooming in your heart and expanding your m-mind... True feelings for someone...

Mukuro: And here foolish me thought that love is something that happens as your relationship with someone develops and deepens.

Toko: So s-stupid! That’s no t-true love, that’s fake love... R-Relationships like that are bound to f-fall apart. True love is r-rooted in soul immediately recognizing it’s partner, it cannot be undone! And th-that... developed love... Is taken apart as easily as it’s b-born...

Update! Earned Toko’s 2nd Hope Fragment.

Mukuro: Sigh... Whatever. I don’t get you. Either way, you should rest for a bit. Don’t go back out in that heat for at least a bit.

Toko: And s-stay in this castle of meat degeneracy? Never! I’ll j-just get back to my cottage... M-Master will easily avoid her, p-probably...

With that, she stood up, wiping away sweat with her own sleeve before leaving. She’s still breathing heavily, but no longer panting or swaying from side to side. Well, I did all I could to help, if anything happens from now on, that’s on her.


Ultimate Biker Gang Leader’s Lab

After grabbing some lunch, I ran into Leon who told me that Mondo wanted to meet up at his lab. With nothing better to do, I made my way over, but was surprised to find out he wasn’t alone there.

Byakuya: I go where I want. Last I heard, none of the labs were off-limits.

Mondo: Well, I am telling you to f*ck off!

Byakuya: And what if I simply wanted to admire some technology?

Mondo: I don’t give a f*ck! I have plans and—

Mukuro: Hey... guys.

Mondo: sh*t—Hey, Mukuro!

Byakuya: Hm. I see.

Mukuro: And what are you doing here, Byakuya?

Byakuya: Why should I tell you?

Mukuro: ...wait... is it same reason you asked me to spend afternoon with you yesterday?

Mondo: He f*ckin’ what?!

Byakuya: Well, you’re showing some signs of familial relationship to your twin.

Mukuro: Just answer the question.

Byakuya: And yet, you didn’t get the memo, it seems. I don’t have to answer. And so I won’t.

Mondo: Well, if you won’t f*ck off I’ll just have to move you out via my own means...

Mukuro: Mondo, please—

Byakuya: Really now? This irrelevant microbe thinks he can stand up to me?

Mondo: You really love running your f*cking mouth, huh?! Don’t you look down on me!

Byakuya: How can I not, when there is no other perspective for me to lay my eyes on you?

Mondo: How about a perspective of my foot grinding your face into sand?!

Byakuya: Please. You don’t have the guts to do more than threaten.

Mondo: That f*cking does it!

Mukuro: Mondo, stop! He’s just getting a rise out of you.

Mondo: That doesn’t f*cking matter! He thinks he’s better than me! Well, I will prove him wrong, here and in front of you!

Byakuya: Oh, really now? Consider me interested. As long as it’s not a simple pedestrian brawl that is.

Mukuro: Seriously? You’re willing to take up a challenge?

Byakuya: To put this idiot in his rightful place down in the gutters? Sure. Not that I was preoccupied with anything important.

Mondo: Oh, it’s f*cking on! We ride!

Byakuya: A race then? Well, this will be even simpler than I thought.

Mukuro: Do you really think you can win a bike race against Mondo?

Byakuya: Naturally. It’s not a test of strength after all, but a simple matter of driving better.

Mondo: Hah! As if. Go on then. Pick a hog. You’ll be choking on dust no matter what.

Byakuya went over to what looked like the most decorated and piped-up motorcycle in the garage and put his hand on it.

Mondo: Of course you’re going for the fastest f*ckin’ one. Well, guess what? It’s not all speed of the hog, it’s also the driver!

Mondo came up to another bike, way more normal looking one, not even with any stickers or paint.

Byakuya: Please. Just get on so that we can get it done with.

Mukuro: Wait, guys, are you seriously about to race?

Mondo: Hell yeah!

Byakuya: It’s going to be mildly amusing in the end, I expect.

Mukuro: That doesn’t sound like something you’d do.

Byakuya: Nobody asked your opinion of my choices.

Mondo: Stop f*cking around. How are we doing this?

Mukuro: Well, if it’s going to be a race...

I pointed towards a big box I noticed earlier. I guess it makes sense a bike garage would have one.

Mukuro: Might as well use photo finish camera.

Mondo: Wait, that’s what that f*ckin’ thing is for?

Byakuya: Fine by me.

Mukuro: So, say... I set this thing to count three laps with two competitors. Just three circles around this island should be enough, right?

Mondo: Yeah! But I’ll carry it out!

Byakuya: Such misplaced attempt at chivalry.


Third Island

Mondo carried the racing camera to the street and I configured it. It was surprisingly programmable, but it seems like that’s what it was for. All I had to do was attach small beacons to the bikes and it would not only count laps whenever a beacon passed camera’s line of sight, but also display a live map of island with positions of each beacon.

Both Mondo and Byakuya mounted their bikes and were even at the imaginary starting line right before camera’s shot.

Mukuro: Okay, I count... Three... Two... One...

Mukuro: Go!

Instantly, the roar of two powerful motorcycles getting revved up near-deafened me. And seconds later I could only see two clouds of smoke disappearing down the road, so I just turned my attention towards the tracker display.

Seems like Byakuya managed to get a good early lead... But whenever it came to turns, it seems like he lost some of it to Mondo. By the end of first lap, he was still ahead, but by the end of the second Mondo was only a few meters behind. And by third and final one...


I heard camera shutter, as two bikes passed by, almost perfectly at same time, screeching as they grinded to a stop slowly. In meantime I checked the photo taken by the camera and...

Mondo: I did it! Suck it up, sh*thead!

Byakuya: You only passed me after we crossed the line.

Mondo: No I f*cking didn’t!

Mukuro: Guys... according to the camera...

They both looked at the photo. In it you could see the front of Byakuya’s motorcycle... at the very edge, with Mondo’s crossing the line right in the middle. It was very close, but winner was clear.

Mondo: I knew it! Even with a faster bike you’re all just talk!

Byakuya: Well, I must applaud you. You, a professional with years of experience have beaten an amateur who was on his first race ever by a sliver of a hair. Truly a victory worth celebrating.

Mondo: What?! You piece of sh*t! You’re still smug?!

Byakuya: Why wouldn’t I be? It’s obvious I’m superior in every way. Repeat this race and I would win. And my true talent is leadership. Which, I believe is part of yours too? How pedestrian. A biker gang...

Mondo: What the f*ck do you know about leading? Have you ever rode at the helm?!

Byakuya: Please. Leadership isn’t about being strongest. It’s about making everyone respect you. And there are many ways to achieve that, but just brutishness will earn one no respect. Only behind the back ridicule.

Mukuro: ...like you with your insults?

Mondo: Yeah, heard that?

Byakuya: Nice try. Just because I don’t care about you lot, doesn’t mean I couldn’t do a way better job if I were in charge. There’d be no murders happening at all if I decided to be in control.

Mukuro: Nobody would want to follow someone who acts like they’re superior all the time.

Byakuya: You still don’t get it, do you? People want to follow those that are superior. That is nature of commoners. Why do you think Kyoko was the one chosen? She presented bare minimum qualifications, along with family history and that’s all it took for everyone’s approval. I have same, along with years of experience leading some of lead companies in their fields.

Mukuro: That’s different!

Byakuya: How is it? If I wished to, with some minimal show of tolerance to the idiocy around me, I could quickly earn the respect I deserve. I just don’t see the need to.

Mondo: You bitch... Then tell me this. Do you really think you could lead my boys better than me?

Byakuya: A scarecrow mounted on a motorcycle instead of a seat could do it better. I know how to organize, how to plan, how to consider possibilities. I have skills to motivate and demotivate people, and resources that allow me to do whatever I wish in the world. You only have a fast motorcycle and bicep larger than your brain.

Mondo: Grhh... gh... Ghahahaha!

Byakuya: What?

Mondo: f*cking... I should have realized... You’re so damn pathetic... How the f*ck did I not see this earlier?

Byakuya: Pathetic?!

Mondo: You really don’t know what the real world is like, do you? I thought Taka was a sheltered f*ckin’ dude, but at least sh*t he yells comes from someone who knows what it’s like to fight for it! I may not like his schtick, but he is a real man! But you? Hah!

Byakuya: Do you dare imply I don’t know what it’s like to fight?! I have fought on level you cannot comprehend to earn my position! And don’t even think about implying otherwise?

Mondo: Can’t even comprehend? Yeah, that sounds right. You stinking rich assholes probably think that the real world is that f*cking fantasy you built up? News flash, asshole! It’s the world we, the real f*cking people, with real f*cking lives live in that’s real. We fight to live! To be free! And that’s why you can’t understand simplest f*ckin’ thing! And here I thought you really thought you were better than me!

Byakuya: This is nonsensical. Of course I am—

Mondo: Man, even punching you seems kinda excessive now. You spout all that crap about skills and motivation and resources... Nobody gives a sh*t! Not a single boy from my gang would follow someone like you, because you just don’t get us!

Byakuya: What’s there to get about a bunch of freaks obsessed with riding motorcycles?

Mondo: Hah! Exactly! Man... Taka f*ckin’ infuriates me, because sh*t he says is actually something that makes sense! But you... I can’t even take you seriously, like god f*cking damn. The only thing my boys and I care about is true freedom that riding gives! High speed, roar of your hog, wind in your hair and nothing to stop you! The only people they respect are the ones who ride better and are strong enough to fight for freedom they get while riding.

Byakuya: I fought—

Mondo: So did I! I f*cking fought to be where I am! And guess what?! I won. I sacrificed more than I ever wanted, but I won, and that’s where I am now, with pretty much every biker dude in the country dreaming to be part of Crazy Diamonds vanguard. While you what, did math or whatever it is you stock broker types do?

Byakuya: I’m done here. This was a waste of time. You wouldn’t understand the kind of fighting I myself had to go through.

Mondo: Hah! Finally. Losers don’t belong here.

Byakuya stomped off... I think this was first time I saw him actually ticked off. But something about his words of fighting... I get what Mondo meant about Byakuya knowing nothing of real world, but Byakuya probably also meant what he believed...

Update! Earned Mondo’s 3rd Hope Fragment. Earned Byakuya’s 3rd Hope Fragment.

Mondo: So, uh... About why I asked Leon to fetch you... You’re a pretty cool chick, you know? Wanna, like... ride together?

Mukuro: ...sure, why not.

Mondo got onto the bike Byakuya rode earlier, and patted the back of it, looking at me with a grin. Only for his eyes to widen as I myself mounted the bike he himself rode for the race.

Mukuro: What? You think I can’t handle my own?

Mondo: No, I just—I mean—

Mukuro: Catch up if you can!

Without any waiting, I started the engine and rode down the road, leaving Mondo behind in a cloud of smoke... I quickly heard another engine revving up behind me, approaching. It wasn’t a particularly serious race, mostly just for fun... But I could appreciate what Mondo meant about the whole ‘freedom of ride’ thing...

We rode around the third island for a bit, and then made a big loop across roads of all islands. I’m pretty sure I heard Taka angrily yell something about helmets as we passed him at some point, but neither of us cared much. Eventually we returned to Mondo’s lab, where we parked the bikes and parted ways.


Mukuro’s Cottage

A day of physical activity left me a bit more tired than usual, so after coming back I went to sleep earlier. If my hunch about pattern so far serves me right, tomorrow Monokuma will present a new motive. I want to be well-rested and prepared for it...


Usami Theater

You know, memories we make are very important! On this very island, I’ve been trying to make sure everyone makes a lot of happy memories together! But all memories have big problem... A sad problem!

You see, no matter how happy memory is, something may happen that makes a happy memory into a bad one. And that’s just awful! After all, not only does that mean we gain a sad memory, but we lose a happy one! That’s double the loss! And yet, there’s nothing that can be done.

I’m not saying remembering all the good times you had is bad... But sometimes it might just be better to forget them, if only so that they never have the chance to be a source of sadness or regrets when you recall them in the future! That does sound more appealing, no? A memory forgotten, but always happy, rather than a memory well-remembered, but having spoiled and become sad...

Anyway, what I hoped you understand is, cherish the good times and good memories you have! But don’t hold onto them too hard either! You never know when that may become a source of sadness instead!

And don’t forget to brush your teeth and eat your greens!


Well, this chapter was way harder to write than it should have been, but it's here now, and, well... I do still feel like something's off here, but I also struggle to see what or reasons not to release it, since it's ready. So I just hope it's good for you guys. And yet again, thanks for being patient with this slower pace.

As always, I hope you enjoy it, and I appreciate all of your support. I will see you with the next chapter... Whenever that is.

Chapter 19: Chapter 3 – Lost in Mourning Fever – Daily Life 3


Junko comes up with a brilliant idea. Mukuro dreads.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Ding Dong Bing Bong!

Monokuma: Attention! This is a school trip announcement. Good morning, everyone! It is now 8 AM! Get ready for another beautiful day of this killing school trip!


Well. Here goes nothing. Hopefully whatever it is Monokuma will have prepared for us today won’t be that bad... Although it was suspiciously cloudy and not sunny.


Hotel Restaurant

Junko was excited. Things will be bad. I could see it in her wide grin... Whatever it was she talked to Kyoko about yesterday, it was not a good sign. Well, at least everyone else was showing up. I was kind of surprised to see Byakuya at the meeting too. Well, as we all had our breakfast, eventually, Kyoko and Junko stood up for announcement. I braced myself mentally. Makoto put his hand on mine, surprisingly... I guess he sensed my concern.

Makoto: What’s wrong, Mukuro?

Mukuro: Junko... She’s about to pull something.

I didn’t say more instead watching. As Kyoko cleared her throat, Junko’s expression changed... She now was looking somewhat solemn...

Kyoko: Yesterday Junko proposed we hold an... event of sorts today. I do not see reason not to.

Toko: W-What kind of event... Haven’t we h-had enough?

Junko: Guys, this is serious. You all know that bodies of those who died are stored in Kyoko’s lab, right?

Leon: Yeah, it’s like a morgue, right? What about it?

Junko: Well, I thought and... Don’t you guys think it’s wrong?

Celeste: I’m afraid I do not follow.

Junko: Shouldn’t we like... Properly bury them and stuff? To keep their bodies just frozen like that, in a lab of all places, it’s wrong. So, how about we get a proper funeral for them?

Kiyotaka: I see! Paying proper respect to the dead is indeed very important! I agree that this venture is worth the time!

Toko: W-What...? Just... bury the dead b-bodies? There’s no g-graveyard anywhere...

Junko: Well, we’ll make our own, duh. Come on!

Makoto: I... I think it’s the right thing to do. Everyone who died, they... deserve better.

Leon: Yeah! I’m with Makoto on this one.

Kyoko: I would like my lab to be body-free myself... And it could be good closure

Chihiro: I’m not sure I can be useful, but I want to help too...

Syo: Ooh! I know people get buried when they die, but I’ve never actually seen it happen! I want in on it too!

Celeste: A funeral... That is a rather grim event. But it is only fair that I offer to participate too.

Aoi: We can’t just leave them in freezers forever!

Mukuro: ...yeah, sure, I’m down for it too.

Junko... What the heck are you plotting?

Byakuya: Hm. Well, I definitely won’t be taking part in it as menial labor, but I wouldn’t mind seeing you stumble your way through this.

Toko: M-Master... Then I will b-be watching too...

Byakuya: Make yourself useful for once.

Toko: I mean I w-want to help! Yes!

Junko: Everyone is in agreement then! We’re doing it!

Kyoko: We have quite a few things that need preparing then.

Junko: Well, not too many, actually. There are coffins in the supermarket’s Halloween section, but some would need to be adjusted, because, you know. Hifumi and Sakura.

Mondo: I might be able to help there! I, uh... Know my way around carpenter tools.

Kiyotaka: That is something that is important to be calculated correctly! I will oversee this matter too.

Mondo: Gh—You?

Junko: Oh great, you guys will totally work great together!

Kiyotaka: ...

Mondo: f*ckin’ fine.

Junko: Next, we’ll need, well... graves, duh.

Leon: I can handle the digging. And Makoto will help me, right?

Makoto: Huh? Oh, yeah, sure. I guess it is something guys would need to do...

Junko: Bodies will also need to be prepared.

Kyoko: Leave it to me. I’m not too used for burial arrangements, but I have worked with corpses enough to not be squeamish about it.

Syo: Oh, oh! I know all about arranging corpses to make them look pretty! I am helping out!

Kyoko: ...all the more reason for me to be there.

Junko: Cool! Next, gravestones... Again, our Halloween section of supermarket is overstocked. But they’re all kinda... blank.

Chihiro: Do you think we could have... ‘clean’ portraits for Class Trials from Usami and Monokuma?

Junko: Well, how about you handle that then? If you can’t get that, you could try to download their photo from our handbooks and printing it out or something.

Chihiro: I’ll try...

Junko: As for inscriptions... Hey, Toko, that sounds something just for you!

Toko: H-Huh?

Junko: You know. Gravestone inscription. Something nice about the departed? Are you a writer or what?

Toko: Sh-Shut up! I can easily w-write inscriptions like that...

Junko: And then... a remembrance ceremony.

Mukuro: A what now?

Junko: Well, after we do bury them, we have to, you know. Give the departed a proper sendoff, right? Dine and toast to their spirits moving on.

Celeste: Ah. I understand. Perhaps the music venue could be redecorated to portray a more somber mood and have tables brought in?

Junko: Well, that’s exactly what I was thinking. Me, Celeste, Hina and Mukuro will prepare the music venue to have a dinner in remembrance of the dead!

Aoi: Yeah! I’ll do my best to help!

Mukuro: Sure, why not.

Leon: And what about Byakuya?

Byakuya: I already said that I’m only planning to watch and participate in process itself, not help with preparation. Be glad I’m gracing you with my presence at all.

Junko: Eh, not that there’s anything useful he can do to help anyway.

Byakuya: Your attempt at reverse psychology has been noted and ignored.

Junko: Anyway, let’s get to it! I’m sure that if we start now, we can begin in late afternoon!

Makoto: So soon?

Junko: No reason to put it off.

Kyoko: Alright then. Everyone has their assigned tasks.

Junko: Oh, right. Leon, Makoto... Lemme... Here!

She pulled out Leon’s handbook, and pointed to a spot on the map of it.

Leon: Third Island?

Junko: Yeah. That’s where we’re digging.

Makoto: Why there exactly?

Junko: Because it’s not nearly as beachy as other islands, duh. That and it’s close to both hospital and music venue, so we won’t have to walk far!

Celeste: And so far, third island is one with least convenience that we use, so we won’t have to pass the graveyard too often.

Aoi: Okay! I’m pumped now! Let’s do this!

With that everyone started getting up, talking about their assigned task. It’s like a breath of fresh air has been given to our group. I was still suspicious of Junko’s motives, but maybe it’s for the best.


First Island

Why did I not question location of ceremony again?

Me and Aoi were carrying our third table all the way from the supermarket on First Island to the music venue. And we’d have to carry at least three more afterwards. And what was Junko’s reason for us two doing it? Celeste’s not fit for menial labor and she herself is the boss, so she doesn’t have to.

Aoi: Mukuro, careful!

Mukuro: Ack! Thanks...

I almost stumbled due to being so deep in thought.

Aoi: You seem off today. Is everything alright?

Mukuro: No, it’s fine. I just found it weird that Junko of all people would do something like this.

Aoi: I dunno. She seems nice and it’s surprising, but also very thoughtful!

Mukuro: Ah, nevermind me. How about you? I noticed that you... stopped exercising in the morning.

Aoi: Ah! Well, you see, after first trial, I... I just...

Mukuro: I understand. Take your time if needed.

Aoi: But I shouldn’t need to! I just feel so... useless and helpless... And then... I just want to not feel that way and I get me some donuts or other sweets sometimes and eat until I feel good!

Mukuro: That... sounds unhealthy.

Aoi: The whole ‘meal three times a day’ thing is overrated! Did you know, that hunger doesn’t tell you how much you need to eat, but how soon? Eating whenever you feel like it is way healthier!

Mukuro: That doesn’t sound right, but I guess I’ll take your word for it. Although that’s not what I meant. I meant about it being all sweets.

Aoi: Oh... Well, I still move a lot during the day! I think my body burns calories ultra fast on its own at this point!

Mukuro: Well, that’s to be expected of athletes, but with that much sugar...

Aoi: You know what they say, the body adapts!

Mukuro: I am not sure I heard anyone say anything like that in the past, but if you’re certain you’re alright, then it’s okay.

Aoi: Of course I am fine... Well, my body is at least. I’m just, still not sure how to feel about what happened with Sayaka...

Mukuro: I’m sure she didn’t target you specifically for any reason other than you being close. And, well... she was extremely desperate. She probably thought this was the only way she could survive.

Aoi: I know that! Still, even knowing she didn’t mean to hurt me... It hurts. It just hurts.

Mukuro: Uh... Not to question anything hardly, but... didn’t mean to hurt? She did hold you at knife point.

Aoi: Mukuro... her hand was trembling like a leaf. There’s no way she could have hurt me other than accidentally. I’m surprised Monokuma even took her seriously... But even knowing that... nevermind. It’s something I need to figure out on my own.

Mukuro: I see. Well, I hope you won’t forget that we’re there for you.

Aoi: Thanks, Mukuro.

Update! Earned Aoi’s 3rd Hope Fragment.

Somehow, carrying rest of the tables over to the music venue didn’t feel like as much of an annoying task.



Eventually, we all gathered again, at our own makeshift graveyard. Four holes have been dug out, with coffins beside and gravestones already in place. Each gravestone had a trial-style portrait attached to it, as well as years of birth and name inscribed below. And further down... A short epitaph, one for each of the four dead.

Junko stood before the crowd, this time looking genuinely uncomfortable... Well, seems like she didn’t expect it to get this serious.

Junko: Well... Uh... We’re gathered here today to honor those departed. This... was sure tragic. That this killing game happened, I mean. Well...

She shook her head and started speaking more clearly.

Junko: Okay, I hate this whole overdramatic shtick. This whole situation is absolute bullsh*t. Put in a killing game, with no control over your own life, forced to dance to tune of some stupid bear for entertainment? Nobody deserves this. Not us, and definitely... Not any of these guys.

Junko: But... they fought. All of them fought, maybe not really in a way that was right, but they fought for what mattered. When push came to shove, they didn’t just let their hands flop down and gave up, they did things they had to for what they believed in!

Junko: Yasuhiro believed in his prophecies and defending himself. Sakura believed in her love and reuniting with him. Hifumi believed in avenging his friend’s father. Sayaka believed in protecting her own life from unfair circ*mstance.

Junko: Not one of those things was wrong. Maybe if this killing game wasn’t there... None of this would have happened, and them doing what they did wouldn’t bring us so much suffering. But they didn’t give up on moving forward. And, well. We should remember this, and move forward. Be it suffering or pleasure that awaits us. That’s what they fought for.

With that, Junko sighed and dipped her head. There was quiet. Even weather was still, despite it only being afternoon, it was rather dark due to gathering storm clouds. Nobody clapped, of course. But I could feel that Junko’s speech definitely did something. After that, she simply waved over to the boys, who quickly got to work. Mondo and Taka lowered the coffins into the graves, while Leon and Makoto started filling them in.

I took another look at the gravestones’ epitaphs. “The clairvoyant who foresaw his own end.” “The warrior who fought for love.” “The artist who believed in justice.” “The idol who shone bright till the end.”

I could see people getting emotional. Makoto and Leon both had tears on their faces. Aoi and Chihiro were huddled close, both sobbing. Mondo and Taka were clenching their teeth. Even the less expected ones were somewhat sad. Toko avoided looking at whole procession, but her face was unusually focused regardless. Celeste simply closed her eyes and lowered her head, shamefully. Kyoko, on the other hand, looked at the whole situation with determined resolve. Even Byakuya didn’t say a word or have smug look on his face. For once, he simply faded into background and let things happen. The only one who didn’t seem particularly somber was Syo, but she also was surprisingly respectful. Hopefully not just due to curiosity about burial rites. And Junko herself came up to me, leaning onto my shoulder, letting out a defeated sigh.

After some time and work, all four graves were complete. And at about same time, I could hear thunder in far distance.

Junko: Let’s go to music venue.


Music Venue

As if on cue, once everyone was inside, a rainstorm started outside. Thankfully, music venue was soundproof enough that only lightest clattering of rain could be heard once doors were closed. Eventually all of us were seated at the table. Food variety was... the usual food like one provided in the restaurant. Thanks to Aoi’s perk we didn’t have to carry that all the way here though. What was out of place were...

Kiyotaka: Is that alcohol in those bottles?! Unacceptable!

Junko: Ugh... Seriously? This is a remembrance ceremony! And it’s just some sake shots.

Kiyotaka: We’re still technically minors! Alcohol is prohibited!

I looked over at the bar. Yeah, while it looked normal now, when we first started redecorating the venue, it was plastered in handmade alcohol health risk PSAs, obviously made by Taka in his free time.

Junko: Maybe you forgot, but we also lost at least two years of memories, so we’re at least two years older and this is perfectly fine. What, would you rather disrespect the dead?

Kiyotaka: Disrespect?!

Leon: Come on, man. Don’t be like that.

Mondo: Yeah! Be a man!

Kiyotaka: I—I will allow this to be a unique exception!

Junko: Great! Well, if nobody else has any objections... To those we lost!

And so, each one of us downed a small shot of the warm drink. I breathed out in relief for first time since morning. This was what Junko was hoping for with arranging it all. Nothing actually ominous. She really did just want an excuse to get people drunk. Well, the closure of the funeral and some light alcohol might be the rejuvenating energy we need after all.

That toast marked the beginning of the ceremony. At some point later, there was a familiar announcement...

Ding Dong Bing Bong!

Monokuma: Attention! This is a school trip announcement. Good evening, everyone! It is now 10 PM! Nighttime has officially come, so go and get some sleep to be energetic for tomorrow’s murderous plans! Sleep well!


But it just went on anyway. In the end, we weren’t focused much on dead, not all of us at least... And rather on just talking to one another. Some refused to drink any more sake, while others were way too eager to get their hands on some. Effect it had seemed to vary wildly too. Some were just chatting...

Aoi: So this isn’t your first time?

Celeste: Well, the real gambling does happen in places beyond law’s reaches. Curiosity and excitement of new experiences have gotten better of even me in the past. Still, this might be the most pleasant drinking experience to date.

Aoi: Wow... Hahah! Celeste, I didn’t expect you to be the rebellious kind.

Celeste: Rebellious? Well, that is one way to put it I suppose...

Others were getting emotional...

Kiyotaka: He... he said I could help him copy his pages... and help him sell them... Why does every great artist’s life end in tragedy?!

Mondo: Hey, hey, come on, man, hold it together...

Kiyotaka: Graagghhh!

Taka was nearly bawling as he clutched at Mondo.

Leon: Here... have another. It dulls the pain or whatever.

Kiyotaka: Th-thanks...

There were also people completely unaffected.

Kyoko: ...I am starting to feel some mild regret.

Junko: Relax, girl, we all needed this since moment it started.

Kyoko: I should have guessed, but... I did approve of it. I guess blame is mine.

Junko: Oh, stop being so high and mighty. You’re not in control of everything. Life is pain, but it hurts so good!

With that, Junko offered Kyoko a shot, while holding one for herself already. When Kyoko turned down, she just shrugged and downed both shots at same time.

Junko: Ahhh!

And it appears sake had different effect on different people.

Chihiro, surprisingly unaffected, was firmly, but gently trying to shake Makoto awake, who seems to have simply dozed off on a particularly comfortable napkin... This little ‘ceremony’ is getting out of control.

Then suddenly, as if to reinforce my thoughts...

Toko: I said he’s mine! Hic!

Toko stood up and pointed a table knife at Syo. Her hand wavered and shook, as did most of her body. Her face was red, but full of rage.

Syo: ...oh come on! Seriously? You can’t be that drunk already!

Junko: How much did she have?

Byakuya: She didn’t drink a sip since that first toast.

Toko: You shut up, my Romeo in making... Let the Juliet handle this fiend!

Syo: Yeah, I just casually brought up the fact that we’re still having this romantic rivalry thing going and suddenly she is all defensive.

Toko: Well, I wanna... Hic! Kill you anyway! You ruined my life for so long... Well, you know—Hic!—what? No more!

Leon: Ruined your life?

Toko: You know what it’s—Hic!—like living when there’s a serial killer inside you? Always scared, paranoid, out of control? Well, I’m—Hic!—getting revenge now!

Syo: You can’t even hurt me without passing out, you closeted nincompoop.

Toko: I dun care! I’m brave enough to protect my—Hic!—man! Hiyah!

Surprisingly quickly, Toko lunged at Syo... Who barely dodged in time. The attack only left a small gash on her arm... Which started bleeding.

Syo: sh*t, for real?!

Toko: Yeah! And there’s more... where that came... fr... hehe... red... liquid.... bloooood......


Celeste: She... passed out.

Junko: Looks like even liquid bravery can’t defeat internalized phobias...

Syo: Ugh! Why can’t she just leave me be! I want to be my own person but this sad lump keeps clinging to me!

Chihiro: Shouldn’t we... take Toko somewhere safe?

Syo: Ugh, fine, I’ll go bring her to her cottage and then be back.

Kyoko: And you two will be going alone?

Syo: I’m an insane serial killer, not a stupid one. Learn your neurodivergents.

With that, Syo grabbed Toko by a single braid and dragged her outside by floor.

Update! Earned Toko’s 3rd Hope Fragment. Earned Syo’s 3rd Hope Fragment.

Junko: Now, sure, accidents happen, but we can’t let that stop the feast!

Kiyotaka: Yes... we have... so many... beautiful moments to remember...

Celeste: Hehehe... I suppose it’s to be expected of Ultimate Moral Compass to struggle with liquor holding.

Leon: C’mon man, you had enough...

Kiyotaka: We have to toast!

Junko: Yeah!

Kyoko: Sigh...

I looked around... To realize that Makoto is... half-awake. Looks like commotion between Syo and Toko awoke him.

Makoto: Whuh...? Komaru...? No, my bed is dry...

Mukuro: ...c’mon, you need to get some rest too, you know.

Makoto: Huh...? I was already resting though...

I picked Makoto up and threw him over my shoulder.

Mukuro: I’ll get Makoto to bed and then get ready to sleep myself... Goodnight everyone.

As I saw Junko making a smug face and wagging eyebrows at me, I repaid her with a murderous glare before leaving.


Makoto’s Cottage

His cottage was pretty normal, all things considered... Similar to my own actually. I laid him in bed, helped him undress somewhat, though not all the way. I may have had to drink, but not enough to fall for Junko’s eyebrow-wagging suggestion. Well...

Makoto: I can... undress myself...

Mukuro: You can’t even stand on your own two legs. And you are not sleeping in that many layers of clothing, drunk or not.

With Makoto down to his underclothes, I tucked him into the bed and covered him with sheets... Well, I can’t deny, he is rather cute... But it’d be wrong of me to abuse his weak state like that, wouldn’t it? Even if he were to agree, he might only do so because of that one shot he drank...

What am I even thinking of?! No! I’m not—Ugh, Junko! I swear, I’ll strangle you tomorrow... stupid sake mind tricks...

Makoto: Mhmmm... Thanks... Mukuro... You’re so nice...

My heart. My poor heart. No! Bad substance-addled brain. Uh, think of something distracting, think of something—Wait, I need to respond first, right...

Mukuro: Uh, right, thanks... Anyway, sleep well... I’ll be going now...

There. Now, distracting topics. How about steps to disassemble an AK-47... Yeah, that’s a... Wait, no, I don’t know how to do that, uh... crap, what about...

Makoto: Mhh... Can’t you stay? It’s cold...

Mukuro: It’d be weird if I stayed! And, uh... I think you’re just overheating because of alcohol...

Makoto: Yeah... you’re right, it’d be weird... goodnight...

Mukuro: Ahuh...

Seven infuriating twin sisters strangled... eight infuriating twin sisters strangled... nine infuriating twin sisters strangled... Did she actually increase alcohol content in it? No way sake is that concentrated normally!

Update! Earned Makoto’s 4th Hope Fragment.

Seriously? This counts as friendship deepening? He probably won’t even remember it by the morning... Whatever. Time to go. And time to sleep... Tomorrow morning will be painful for everyone.


Mukuro’s Cottage

I forced myself to bed and continued counting strangled infuriating twin sisters... In the end, it felt like that was first time I had long and dreamless sleep in a while.


Monokuma Theater

Ah, youth... I wish I could have it back. Youth is a time to make mistakes, after all! Mistakes that may or may not follow you till end of your life, but importantly, mistakes that you can excuse by being young and dumb! What else is time when you are young for, other than being dumb and rejoicing in it?

Really, if you made no absolutely stupid decisions for the sake of trying new things or because you thought you knew best, did you even have a fulfilling youth?

Just remember to not let the stupid youthful you define who ‘you’ are for the rest of your life. It doesn’t really last forever for a reason, after all!


Am I going too far? Probably. Will it get even farther? Who knows...

I hope you enjoyed, and I thank you all for your support and enjoyment. I love you guys. And as usual, I will see you next time... whenever that is.

Chapter 20: Chapter 3 – Lost in Mourning Fever – Daily Life 4


The awakening this morning was going to be rough either way, but Mukuro didn't expect it to be that bad...


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Ding Dong Bing Bong!

Usami: Hello, everyone! This is a school trip announcement! It is now 8 AM! Another wonderful morning in tropical paradise! Time to wake up and be ready to cultivate wonderful hope!


My head is throbbing... Ow... Regret. Regret and sisterly hatred. Two things I feel right now. Also headache... Ow. Right, restaurant meeting...


Hotel Restaurant

I arrived to the restaurant to see a... stranger?!

???: ‘sup.

Mukuro: Huh? Who are you?!

It was a girl... With hairstyle similar to my own... A lithe body, wearing a generic tracksuit... Surprisingly generic features too. Even voice was unfamiliar... And she was just sitting there, playing some game on a handheld console?!

Taeko: Of course... Name’s Taeko Yasuhiro. I guess I should say that it’s nice to meet you, but we already met, so whatever.

Taeko Yasuhiro, Ultimate Gambler

Mukuro: Wait... that voice... Celeste?! What happened to your hair? And your clothes? And your eyes?! And your accent too!

Taeko: I ditched it all. Not really worth it.

Mukuro: What?

Taeko: And for the love of everything, don’t call me Celeste, okay? It just makes me cringe. Seriously, Celestia Ludenberg? How pretentious can you get?

Mukuro: Huh...? Is... everything alright?

Taeko: Yeah, yeah, ‘what happened to you’, get over it, I’m done pretending. It’s pointless to do that by now.

Mukuro: What...

Interrupting my confusion, someone came in from the kitchen and stared at two of us, completely confounded.

Leon: Man... I’m seeing two Mukuros... Guess I’m not the only one acting crazy this morning...

Taeko: Ugh. I’m not Mukuro. Taeko. Yasuhiro. Man, explaining it to everyone is gonna be such a pain in the ass...

Leon: Taeko Yasuhi... Celeste?! What happened to you?

Taeko: Ughh....

Mukuro: Cel—I mean, Taeko has been acting not her usual self...

Leon: That makes two then.

Mukuro: Two? What do you mean?

And, as if to answer my question, another figure emerged from the kitchen...

Mondo: Hello, my dear friends... I finished making enough pancakes for everyone... If you... want them... that is...

Mondo... with hunched shoulders... Gentle expression... And avoiding eye contact in what can only be described as shy manner?! Not to mention, hushed, higher pitched voice!

Leon: Isn’t it hilarious? He’s been trying to act ‘sweet and kind’ all morning. I thought it was due to how much he drank, but...

Mondo: Please, forgive my awful behavior yesterday! I can make it up, I swear! How about... I polish everyone’s shoes for them for next three months?

Leon: ...well, a really nice thing to do would be to, uh... Get some tea going with those pancakes?

Mondo: Oh no! Of course! I’m such a dummy! Please, I’m sorry, how did I not think of it? I will make best tea you can think of!

Taeko: Coffee for me. I need a proper pick-me-up, not some leaf water.

Mondo: Yes, yes! Right away!

With that, she simply went back to playing that game...

And then rest of people started arriving... Everyone except Junko and Aoi, actually. Leon and I quickly filled them in on situation with Mondo and Cel—Taeko.

Byakuya: I do not see an issue. They both seem a lot more bearable like this.

Kiyotaka: Of course there is an issue! No amount of alcohol can change a person so drastically overnight! Something has to be wrong with them.

Taeko: Up yours.

Kiyotaka: See? She’d never normally say that!

Taeko: Just because I was sugarcoating things before doesn’t mean I didn’t think them.

Mondo: Please... can you guys not fight...?

Toko: Can y-you stop making that soft v-voice? It’s creeping me out to hear someone like you do it!

Syo: Yeah, for once I agree, that is ultra creepy!

Mondo: Eep! I’m sorry, but I don’t understand...

Chihiro: Guys, please don’t be mean to him. Whatever it is, they seem completely certain they’re acting normal.

Taeko: I am normal, twink.

Makoto: You said your real name is Taeko, right?

Taeko: That is my only name. And you better remember it.

Kyoko: This is... definitely unnatural.

Mukuro: Of course it is. But what is it exactly?

And as we were talking, finally last two people arrived. Aoi literally leading Junko in by hand.

Aoi: Hey, everyone! Something’s wrong with Junko!

Mukuro: What...?

And it took just looking at her appearance to see aspects of this ‘something’. She was wearing way too much makeup! She looked like a 6-year old girl’s doll! And... did she actually pad out her chest even more?!

Junko: Like, I totally don’t get it. Can’t, like, a girl look pretty for a change?

That tone of voice... Junko is no stranger to making fake impressions of people, but this was genuine... and it also sounded like almost a different person talking through Junko’s over-lipsticked mouth!

I rushed over, grabbing her by shoulder, and looking closely at her.

Mukuro: Junko, what happened? What’s wrong?

Junko: Oh. Mah. Gawd. It’s my sistie-bestie! Muah-muah!

She did air-kisses on the sides of my face. I recoiled in shock. What the hell... I mean, Taeko and Mondo things were one... But this was Junko! Junko!

But in the brief moment of touching her, I did realize something.

Mukuro: She’s burning up...

Kyoko: What?

Byakuya: Don’t tell me...

I looked to the side and saw Taka holding hand to Mondo’s forehead.

Kiyotaka: Mondo has fever too!

Taeko: ...don’t touch me. Yeah, sure, it’s kinda chilly in here, I guess.

Aoi: Does that mean they’re all... sick?

Usami: Oh, that’s right!

Usami came out of nowhere...

Chihiro: Usami, please, explain what’s happening to them!

Usami: Oh, but it’s so awful... It’s another of Monokuma’s motives, but now I have to introduce it! How cruel...

Kyoko: Get to the point.

Usami: It’s called ‘Despair Disease’! Monokuma sent out a special artificial virus into the air yesterday, and it infected multiple students! I did manage to alter virus’s formula, but only to make it not make people as dangerous...

Mondo: Danger is scary...

Usami: Looks like Mondo is now acting all nice and gentle and sweet!

Leon: The hell is wrong with you? He hates not being seen as cool and tough! And right now, he’s... he’s uncool! And untough!

Taeko: Psh. Edge factor does not make you cool.

Usami: Oh, and it looks like Taeko has become truly honest! Not just with everyone else, but even with herself!

Taeko: About time.

Makoto: So, that’s why she ditched her Celestia Ludenberg pers—

Mukuro: What about Junko?!

Usami: Oh, well, it seems like she always pretended to be an... unbright but pretty girl for her career... So disease made her act like that!

Mukuro: It made her into an actual stupid bimbo?!

Usami: Well, when you put it like that...

Syo: Who cares?! This is creepy! How do we fix them?

Usami: Fix them...?

Byakuya: It’s an artificial disease. Which means, there must be some sort of cure.

Usami: Oh, no... this is cruel... so cruel... You see, the only way to make people cured is... When someone commits a murder.

Aoi: Ah!

Chihiro: Oh no...

Kyoko: Damn it!

Junko: Oh, like, murder is, like, totally bad, right?

Usami: I’m sorry... I couldn’t change that aspect... It was a motive for the Killing School Trip after all.

Makoto: Then, maybe we can just take care of those three! I’m sure if we find a way to escape, then doctors can cure it!

Usami: Well... changing way they act is not the only thing Despair Disease does...

Makoto: Huh?

Usami: It’s also infectious, and it progresses like a real disease... The change in personality is only one of the symptoms!

Toko: S-So they’re feverish... and then?

Usami: Then... then... Oh, I’m sorry, I can’t make myself say it!

And in puff of pink, vanilla-smelling smoke, she just disappeared. Useless!

Leon: What the hell?! Is it actually deadly?

Kiyotaka: Surely not... They wouldn’t do something like that, even for a murder motive!

Byakuya: On the contrary. Erratic behavior and imminent threat... It’s a perfectly unfair murder motive.

Aoi: Unfair? That’s weird for you to say.

Byakuya: Nothing weird about it. This motive is clearly not designed to perpetuate the same kind of killing game we’ve been subjected to so far.

Syo: What? How’s it different? A reason to kill is a reason to kill, right? Not that I ever need one! Kyahahahaha!

Byakuya: Perhaps you’re missing the point. Both previous motives were challenges presented to us. One could either overcome them and be above them, or submit and fall into a trap of committing an irrational murder. This however, is not some dilemma. It’s simple, barbaric ‘kill or die’.

Kyoko: You almost sound offended.

Byakuya: Why wouldn’t I be? I expected this Killing Game to be entertaining and to eventually participate properly and win, but with this motive’s revelations... Well, it’s clear that the mastermind simply wants to see bodies pile up.

Chihiro: Byakuya... Do you mean...

Byakuya: Don’t look any deeper into those words. I still have some thinking to do for myself. What you should concern yourself with, is them.

Junko: Uh... us? Like, I dunno what you mean. Although, like, I totally... Kinda feel like crap and junk...

With that, Junko’s eyes rolled up as they closed... I rushed and supported her as she fainted. Looks like fever is even worse than expected... What do I do?!

Aoi: She passed out!

Toko: Oh n-no! We need to get rid of them before w-we’re all infected!

Taeko: What the hell is that supposed to mean?!

Leon: Stupid, you’ll soon be feeling like her too, you know!

Makoto: We have to help them somehow, right?

Syo: But the only cure is a corpse appearing somewhere, no?

Mondo: Please stop shouting, everyone... It’s scary...

Kiyotaka: Class President! What is our course of action?

Kyoko: ...gh... Okay. First priority is to get all the sick to the hospital. Then... We’ll set up isolation. We’re splitting into two groups. One will be all the sick and caretakers. Everyone else will stay behind.

Leon: Stay behind?

Kyoko: Me and Hina will be the caretakers. We’ll live in the Motel on the Third Island, and will be taking turns watching over the sick in the Hospital.

Aoi: Huh? Me? I mean, I get why you want to be there, because you know anatomy or something, but... Why me?

Kyoko: Because, with your perk, neither of us will have to leave the island at all.

Chihiro: So, you two will isolate yourselves with all the sick... But then, what if one of you gets infected...?

Kyoko: That’s why we’re getting two people. Then the other can request assistance.

Aoi: Okay! I’m still not sure if I’m ready for it, but I’ll do my best to help!

Kyoko: It’s settled then. Mondo, help us carry Junko. We’re going immideately.

Mukuro: Hey, what about me?

Kyoko: What about you?

Mukuro: Junko’s my sister! Do you really expect me to just leave her behind in the hospital I won’t be allowed to go to?

Kyoko: Mukuro, please be rational. I know you want to help, but we have to properly isolate.

Mukuro: ...

Makoto: Junko will be fine, Mukuro. Hina and Kyoko will take good care of her.

Mukuro: Fine. Just go fast, before anyone else gets infected.

Mondo: Uhm... Of course... Oh, geez, sorry for touching you like that, Junko... I hope you’ll forgive me when you wake up.

Taeko: Fine, whatever. I guess passing out in the middle of nowhere with huge fever would be pretty bad.

With that, Kyoko, Aoi, Taeko and Mondo carrying Junko all left... Leaving the rest of us with uncertain mood hanging in the air.

Byakuya: I will be in my cottage. I have some thinking to do.

Chihiro: Wait, shouldn’t we—

Ignoring Chihiro, Byakuya left the restaurant... With Toko and Syo rushing to follow, as usual.

Chihiro: ...talk about what we should do...

Leon: But what can we do? Not like we can help with them healing. You heard what stupid bunny said.

Chihiro: But... What if because of this... another murder happens?

Kiyotaka: Worry not, Chihiro! I plan to overcome this skull-splitting headache I have and return to patrolling Central Island to monitor any potentially suspicious movements from any students!

Makoto: Is that a good idea?

Kiyotaka: Of course! That means I can insure that Third Island’s quarantine remains unbroken! And function as a messenger between it and the rest of you!

Chihiro: Thanks, Taka.

Leon: I think you should take a rest. You totally overdid it yesterday...

Kiyotaka: Yesterday was a great shame that I’d rather leave behind and avoid ever acknowledging again.

Makoto: Come on, Taka, it wasn’t so bad.

Chihiro: Makoto, you’ve been asleep for most of it...

Leon: Well, I’m surprised at how well you handled it, Chihiro.

Chihiro: Oh, uhm... thanks...?

Kiyotaka: I am concerned, Chihiro! Did you also have previous practical experience with unrestricted drinking?

Chihiro: O-Of course not! I just, uhm... G-guess I’m a natural?

Leon: Good on you!

Kiyotaka: Nothing about this is good! In fact, I believe my head has started hurting even more over course of this conversation!

Leon: Dude, if you’re hungover, you gotta drink water and use inside voice.

Kiyotaka: ...I appreciate the advice, however I do not appreciate the fact that you even have that kind of knowledge to begin with!

Leon: Hey, yesterday was my first time too, you know. But some of my older friends kinda told me about their own times, so. I just knew it!

Kiyotaka: Older friends... I see. Regardless. I will--! I mean... I will speak quieter. I do feel like I failed at my responsibility yesterday.

Leon: Dude, yesterday was the first time I saw you relaxed since we got here. I honestly half-expected you to still be standing and shouting like a wooden soldier even after the sake.

Chihiro: Yes. Taking breaks is important, Taka.

Kiyotaka: But if I don’t take responsibility, then nobody else will.

Leon: Well, you can still do it. You just gotta pace yourself. You don’t want to break down like you did yesterday again, do you?

Kiyotaka: Of course not! I mean... Of course not.

Leon: It’s not slacking to take breaks for one’s own good.

Kiyotaka: I... Argh! I feel desire to argue, but my headache prevents me from finding a reasonable argument, so I shall temporarily concede. I would like to continue this debate at a later juncture, but first I need to acquire some medicine and hydration. Stay safe, everyone.

Update! Earned Kiyotaka’s 3rd Hope Fragment. Earned Leon’s 3rd Hope Fragment.

With that, Taka left the four of us. I heard the whole conversation and paid attention, but was mostly focused on my own thoughts. This motive... It’s basically a—

Makoto: Hey, Mukuro... are you alright?

Mukuro: Huh?

Makoto: You... were looking very intense there. Is something wrong?

Mukuro: Yes. But I’ll be fine.

Chihiro: You’re concerned about Junko, aren’t you?

Mukuro: Well... I am. About all three of them, obviously, but...

Leon: Nah, it’s alright, I get you. Of course your sister would be more important than a bunch of other guys you only recently met.

Mukuro: Still, this motive is... different.

Chihiro: Yeah. It’s as if Monokuma is just trying to create chaos at this point...

Leon: Wasn’t it the same with previous motives?

Mukuro: No. They were targeted at specific people... Vulnerable people.

Chihiro: Yeah... First motive has probably affected people with most to lose due to passage of time...

Like Sakura... Potentially Sayaka or Mondo too...

Leon: Oh, I get it! Then the second motive was aimed at... Taka, right?

Yes... With Taka’s father’s death being revealed to have been by Syo. And I’m sure Sayaka’s hidden route that remained unplayed, contained something particularly incriminating as well...

Leon: We never did figure out who broke the game, did we?

Chihiro: I don’t think it matters at this point.

Makoto: Yeah! What matters is this motive. Byakuya was right, it feels like it’s just unfair chaos.

Leon: What could possibly make Monokuma switch gears then?

No. They were wrong. If we’re to believe that people affected by disease were hand-picked, then... This motive is targeted too.

Chihiro: Mukuro, where are you going?

Mukuro: I need to think about it... Sorry, guys.

Ignoring their calls, I left. I did need some time to think everything over...


But I couldn’t. I also had some aftereffects of alcohol... And couldn’t focus. Not to mention concern about Junko. In the end, I spent the whole day exercising in the Sports Center to distract myself. With almost half of us being isolated on Third Island, I didn’t run into anyone, and nobody interrupted me either. To both my surprise and my relief.


Mukuro’s Cottage

Maybe tomorrow I’ll be able to come up with something... For now I needed a rest. This day... Was too painful. In more ways than one.

Ding Dong Bing Bong

Usami: Good evening, everyone! This is a school trip announcement! It is now 10 PM! Another wonderful day has come to an end! Get some good rest in preparation for cultivating tomorrow’s hope! Sleep tight, everyone!


At least it was finally over...


Usami Theatre

I know this might seem inappropriate to do it now, but I feel like this is actually a perfect opportunity to go over good old rules of epidemic management in closed spaces! I hope you brought your notebooks, because this is the kind of things that should be taught in school!

Well, first rule is to make sure you properly isolate infected people and areas from uninfected! Or don’t! It depends on how exactly the infection you are dealing with transfers. Sometimes, it may be better to have as many hands as possible taking care of the sick, and sometimes it’s best to have as little people exposed as possible!

Second rule is to use proper protection when helping the sick! Or don’t! It depends on what kind of infection it is! Not all infections require proper protection, and some materials can be quite allergy-inducing. But sometimes they can also save your life!

Third rule is... To call for a real doctor! Uh... Well, let’s just move onto rule four...

Fourth rule is to record everything you can about the infection! That’s important because when the real doctor arrives, they’ll need... all the... information they can... get...

Anyway fifth rule! That’s... Wait, there’s no fifth rule! The handbook ends there! Oh... Well, anyway, I hope that by following those four... I mean three... And probably two... rules useful...

And don’t forget to brush your teeth and eat your greens!


This chapter is a bit shorter than usual daily life chapters, and this will be a bit of a thing for when the daily life sections start drawing out for story purposes. Don't worry though, I'm not planning on reducing general overall length of the sections, it just means that where they are drawn out, they'll be longer as a whole, but split over more smaller chapters!

As usual, I love you guys and thank you for all the support. I hope you enjoy this chapter and I will see you with the next one... whenever that happens.

Chapter 21: Chapter 3 – Lost in Mourning Fever – Daily Life 5


With new motive introduced and in effect, Mukuro feels unease. She confronts it directly.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Ding Dong Bing Bong!

Monokuma: Attention! This is a school trip announcement. Good morning, everyone! It is now 8 AM! Get ready for another beautiful day of this killing school trip!


I was already awake when announcement sounded. My sleep wasn’t good... Either way, before getting to what I want... I first have to meet the others.


Hotel Restaurant

Everyone who wasn’t isolated has gathered. That was surprising, especially with Byakuya also being here.

Makoto: Good morning, Mukuro!

Mukuro: Oh, hey, Makoto...

Kiyotaka: Good! Now that everyone is here, I have a status update!

Chihiro: How are the sick doing?

Kiyotaka: Well... It appears that hospitalization was a success! Junko is still unconscious, but according to Class President, she’s stable enough for now!

Mukuro: Stable enough...? What’s that supposed to mean?

Kiyotaka: Well... I suppose it means she’s not feeling any worse? I will clarify more later today. I will make another check on Third Island in the evening!

Syo: Man, this place has become so dull! Too many people gone, we need some action going! Kyahahaha!

Byakuya: Please, shut up.

Leon: Hey, Byakuya... didn’t you ditch us yesterday?

Byakuya: For me to have ‘ditched’ you, I’d need to have been part of the group in the first place.

Leon: C’mon, man...

Mukuro: Then what are you doing here now?

Byakuya: It’s simple. I’m joining your little attempt at ‘friendship’.

Makoto: Huh? Byakuya?

Byakuya: Don’t misunderstand. I don’t care about that. I simply want to resist the Killing Game.

Leon: Hey, then what happened to you winning it?

Byakuya: There’s no worth in winning a rigged game, and no point in trying either. Really, I’m disappointed in myself. The moment perks were introduced, I should have known the game wasn’t going to actually be a fair deadly entertainment. This simply confirms it.

Makoto: That’s great! That means—

Byakuya: That means nothing. I will now cooperate with group’s plans, but don’t expect me to play into the whole ‘make friends’ nonsense either. That is all there is to it.

Chihiro: Still... I’m glad you’ve come around.

Toko: And w-wherever Master goes... I follow...

Kiyotaka: Wait! Does that mean that there are no uncooperative students anymore?

Syo: Ahem...

Kiyotaka: Right...

Syo: Hey! I’m totally cooperative! I’ve been more cooperative than half of you lot so far!

Leon: I dunno. You’re still a serial killer.

Syo: I am a serial killer with standards and goals! Isn’t that enough to deem me safe?

Leon: Of course it isn’t!

Toko: ...I think sh-she’s being genuine...

Makoto: Huh? Toko?

Toko: L-Look! I absolutely hate her... But I c-can tell you, she isn’t lying about this.

Syo: That’s right! Sure, I do have certain... cravings. But you know what I crave way more? Life! My own, personal life! And if that means resisting urge to spill some boy blood, then it’s going to be so damn worth it! Kyahahahaha!

Byakuya: This makes me sick...

Makoto: But isn’t it great? With everyone onboard, we can certainly resist whatever Monokuma throws at us!

Byakuya: Such misguided optimism. Don’t forget, the main reason I’m even joining on your ‘resistance’ is because I believe that the game is no longer fair. It absolutely would have worked if it still was, but...

Kiyotaka: So... you think that because the game is no longer fair, then even with everyone working together we can’t resist?! That’s ridiculous!

Byakuya: You’re welcome to prove me wrong. In any case. That is all I wanted to say. Just don’t do anything stupid.

With that, Byakuya yet again left, with his usual entourage following him out.

Makoto: Well... at least he won’t be as antagonistic anymore, right?

Chihiro: Yeah! That sounds nice.

Mukuro: ...

Leon: Hey, Mukuro, you okay?

Mukuro: I’m fine. Just... thinking.

I sat alone when eating my breakfast. Once done I left. Taka probably won’t be patrolling Central Island just yet, so it’d be perfect place to have an isolated meeting.


Jabberwock Park

I ignored the ominous ticking bomb and immediately got to the point.

Mukuro: Monokuma! Come out. I know you can hear me and I want to talk.

Monokuma: You call for me and so I appear! Eh, how about it? A borrowed catchphrase, but I think it fits wel—Gah!

As he started spouting usual nonsense, I simply grabbed him by the area that normally would be neck and lifted him off the ground. His short stubby limbs flailed, and he tried to wriggle out but to no avail.

Monokuma: What do you think you’re doing?! Violence against the Headmaster is strictly prohibited! I can eradicate you with Monobeasts any moment if I so—

Mukuro: And what rule says that?

Monokuma: ...huh?

Mukuro: What rule says that I can’t grab you and lift you up?

Monokuma: Are you seriously that slow?! Obviously, it’s the...

Monokuma: ...

Monokuma: ...I never did add a rule like that this time around, did I?

Mukuro: Which means you can’t execute me.

Monokuma: Gah! What the hell do you want? Even if you break me, I’ll just come back stronger!

Mukuro: That’s all the more reason for me to just hold you here then.

Monokuma: But! But! But! Graah!

Mukuro: Now. You will answer my questions. And will answer them truthfully.

Monokuma: Oh? Is that all you wanted? Well, you could have always just asked politely and I’d have no reason to not answer! Seriously, kids these days think violence is all life is about. I blame videogames!

Mukuro: How do you cure Despair Disease?

Monokuma: You get a body discovery announcement to trigger!

I squeezed my hand.

Monokuma: Owowow, careful! My stuffing doesn’t retain its form that well!

Mukuro: Wrong answer.

Monokuma: Hey, it’s not a wrong answer! That disease is artificial in more ways than one! It was literally programmed to progressively shut down its activity when an investigation starts!

Mukuro: So, it’s like... a nanomachine-based virus?

Monokuma: Erh... Yeah! Exactly! And before you ask... The nanomachines were not designed with any sort of outside input in mind! Once released they’re active until they receive shutdown signal!

Mukuro: Damn it! Why!

Monokuma: To provoke the killing of course! It’s a motive for a Killing Game after all!

Mukuro: Motive targeted at me specifically... With my sister’s life on the line!

Monokuma: Uhh, actually, no! I wasn’t in charge of distributing disease at all! Usami was!

Mukuro: ...huh?

Monokuma: Well, general idea was entirely mine, I simply dumped distributing task on her. We did agree that most, ugh... Fair way to implement it would be at random, but since we’re still locked in a fight for control of the island, I can’t really say if she actually did that or chose her targets manually! I will say though, I’d never infect either you or your sister for a motive like that.

Mukuro: And why am I supposed to believe that?!

Monokuma: Well, isn’t it obvious? You two want to get out together! Unless motive provides an opportunity to do that... It’d be a total waste to try and get either of you to kill! Isn’t that obvious?

Mukuro: ...that’s exactly why I’m confronting you right now. Junko seems to be worse off than the others too.

Monokuma: Shouldn’t have chugged so much sake! It probably messed with her immune system! Either way, given time, all three will be goners.

Mukuro: And what if someone does die of disease?

Monokuma: Nothing! It’s a natural death, so there will be no trial or executions! And motive won’t end until all infected die before spreading the disease or someone kills!

Mukuro: Damn it! Is there seriously nothing I can do?!

Monokuma: Oh! You want advice from the Headmaster? Well, I can oblige! I can’t actually help with execution of whatever plans you make, rules and all... But I can offer you a potential way out of this.

I squeezed his neck even tighter. I couldn’t feel any hard parts yet, but the way his body gave way under my fingers was ridiculous in its own way.

Mukuro: I’m listening.

Monokuma: Instead of committing a murder, arrange one!

Mukuro: ...elaborate.

Monokuma: Instead of actually killing someone, you could try to get someone else to kill another someone else! Then, not only a killing will have ended the motive, but class trial will be extra easy due to you knowing the culprit!

Mukuro: So if I get someone to give someone else poison or something...

Monokuma: Oh, no, trust me, that's not how it works. They need to be aware of what they're doing, even if you're pulling the strings, to count as the blackened! Only if nobody is aware of anything can someone become an unknowing blackened.

Mukuro: Damn it! Do you think it’s that easy? Not to mention that it means... more people have to die.

Monokuma: Well, I guess it’s matter of whether they are worth more than your sister? Puhuhu...

Mukuro: Shut up!

I tossed him on the ground, one of his ears popping off from the impact, and before he could do anything, I pressed my foot on top of his body, holding him down.

Monokuma: Gah! It’s a déjà vu!

Mukuro: I have one last thing to ask. Why? What’s the point of all this Killing Game bullsh*t?

Monokuma: Oh? Well, it’s to preserve the world order!

Mukuro: What?

Monokuma: Well, you did figure out a loophole in the rules to interrogate me, so I guess you deserve some credit. Not to mention how pissed off Usami will be when she realizes I spilled the beans! Puhuhuhu!

Mukuro: Get to talking before I flatten you.

Monokuma: Ever heard of World Ender?

Mukuro: No.

Monokuma: That’s right! It’s an organization that was formed after your time at Hope’s Peak after all! Did you guys know that you all remained friends after graduating, and even fought against World Ender?

Mukuro: Fought against them? Why?

Monokuma: Because they seek to destroy the order of the world as it is, and rebuild it into their own image!

Mukuro: What?!

Monokuma: Better yet... Both Usami and her spy are part of World Ender! The whole trip was part of their plan too!

Mukuro: ...and you? Where do you fit into this?

Monokuma: Well, isn’t it obvious? I have to preserve the way world is! No matter the cost! I mean, yeah, I don’t really care about you lot personally, and seeing you die is all amusing and stuff. But my real goal is to save the way world is, you know!

Mukuro: Save the world... But... Killing Game?! Executions? Interrupting that stupid Heart-Throbbing Trip?

Monokuma: I can’t spill all the beans, you know! I have already spilled enough that I won’t be able to get most back in the can!

Mukuro: So you’re saying you’re pure hearted savior making some sort sacrifice out of us?

Monokuma: Puhuhu... Didn’t you listen? Of course not! I simply am preserving the state of the world from total reconstruction, and enjoying doing it by arranging a wonderful killing bonanza! Puhuhuhu! Ahahahaha!

Mukuro: Gah!

That did it... I started stomping down on Monokuma. Stomping and stomping, as his laughter grew more and more distorted, until it shut down, with only noise left being sparkling of his now-exposed internal electronics in a heap of singed stuffing.

Then, I heard a voice from somewhere within the bushes.

Monokuma: I let it slide this time, but don’t think I’ll forgive that boldness again!

And then rustling, followed by silence. He did have a backup after all. Damn it! Does that mean I really have to...

. . .


Kiyotaka’s Cottage

Nighttime was approaching. I just rung the bell of his Taka’s cottage. I need to know.

Kiyotaka: Oh! Mukuro! Good evening! Whatever is your business?

Mukuro: You checked up on Third Island again today, right? How... how was Junko?

Kiyotaka: Well... I did not personally see any patients, I simply had Aoi relay information to me. It appears that nobody is getting better, and both Junko and Taeko are getting worse, actually.

Mukuro: Worse...? Wasn’t Junko already bedridden?

Kiyotaka: I cannot say for certain! However, Aoi believes that it’s not going to get any worse from now on!

Mukuro: ...what does she know about artificial diseases...

Kiyotaka: Uh... I suppose it would not be her specialty, but I do trust that she and Class President will give it their absolute best!

Mukuro: Okay. That was all I needed to know. Good night, Taka.

Kiyotaka: Good night, Mukuro!

So, getting worse, huh...


Mukuro’s Cottage

Ding Dong Bing Bong!

Monokuma: Attention! This is a school trip announcement. Good evening, everyone! It is now 10 PM! Nighttime has officially come, so go and get some sleep to be energetic for tomorrow’s murderous plans! Sleep well!


Sleep did not come easy. But I needed to rest. Once I woke up, I’d... have a choice to make. And a mind to make up.


Monokuma Theater

Okay, freaking finally! This day! This day! Oh, I have so much to rant about after this day! Oh you won’t believe it! Okay, first of all—

Huh? Wait, what? We’re getting interrupted? Tonight of all nights? When I need to get a lot of unspent anger out of my system by ranting at a noncanon humor segment?! Who the hell dares to inter—


Another short one, and more short ones to come, but what can you do when protagonist gets unsociable and cant access half the cast amirite? Hehe.

As usual, I thank you all for your interest and support and appreciate it. I hope you enjoy this (short but quick) chapter, and I as usual, I will see you guys with the next one... whenever that comes!

Chapter 22: Chapter 3 – Lost in Mourning Fever – Daily Life 6


Mukuro almost goes through.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

I had a plan.

It was twisted and sick, but... This is the only way. I need to save Junko. I need to...

I was making my way over to the Third Island. In my hand I had a simple survival knife. Supermarket had plenty of supplies like that.

Monokuma’s idea was right. I’d need to get someone else to commit a murder, but... There was another option. What I could also do is...

Get someone to commit suicide.

That would make it so that only one death is needed. All that is required is leverage.

I passed the bridge from First Island to Central Island.

Kyoko... she is committed to her role. After last trial especially. That makes her a perfect target. I’m sure smarter students like her and Byakuya already realized that suicide is an option to end this motive. All I’d need to do is to force her to do it.

And for that, I’d need something to push her.

It really is convenient that two healthy people isolated themselves on a different island, with nobody to hear cries for help in case someone breaks the quarantine and takes control of situation. But just holding Aoi hostage wouldn’t be enough. Kyoko knows I can’t threaten killing her, or I’d be putting either my own or Junko’s life in jeopardy.

In that case, all I’d need to do is threaten nonlethal torture. Kyoko may hide behind her ice queen mask, but she isn’t one. With no way to get help... She’d only have one way out. Saving both Aoi from me and all the sick students from the disease...


I passed the bridge from Central Island to Third Island.

The hospital was right there. The night was cloudy, but I could see the shape of the building in what little light there was.

...was this a right thing to do?


Was this even an justifiable thing to do for someone in my circ*mstance...?

I’d be pretty much killing Kyoko. And traumatizing Aoi to do so. There’s no way rest of them don’t find out, either... They’ll all hate me. Makoto...

Is Junko really worth it?

I felt a tremble in my knife hand. Obviously, I wasn’t experienced wielding knives... But somehow, this felt off. Why is my hand trembling? Am I... hesitating?

If I don’t do anything now, Junko will probably die.

...but what would she think if I did what I plan to do to save her...?

She’d probably say something like...



. . .

I passed the bridge from Third Island to Central Island.

I wasn’t giving up on Junko. Not at all. But perhaps, it’s me... Having hope that things will work out without anyone having to die. At the very least, Junko isn’t actively dying. She’s doing badly, but I doubt the disease developed as a motive would kill suddenly. There’d be a sign of some kind that death is imminent. And if that happens and there is still no solution... I might return to that plan. For now though...

I checked the map. Four people in the hospital, as it should be. Nobody is dead... That’s good.

I passed the bridge from Central Island to First Island.

I returned to my cottage, hid the knife under the pillow and went back to sleep.


Hotel Restaurant

I woke up early as usual, but after tonight, my mind wasn’t on working out. I arrived to the Restaurant extra early, but was surprised to find out that I wasn’t the only sleepless one.

Mukuro: Chihiro? What are you doing up so early?

Chihiro: Oh, uhm, good morning, Mukuro. I just had hard time sleeping... I couldn’t stop thinking about Celeste, Mondo and Junko...

Mukuro: Oh.

Chihiro: Hey, Mukuro... Are you... alright?

Mukuro: Not really, but... what gave it away?

Chihiro: Well, you look like you didn’t sleep at all.

Mukuro: ...Junko.

Chihiro: Oh... I’m sorry, Mukuro. I wish I could help in some way...

Mukuro: ...wait, maybe you can. Yesterday, I managed to squeeze information out of Monokuma. About the trip and about why we’re here and such.

Chihiro: Really? He told you about all that?

Mukuro: Yes, but important part is that I learned something about the Despair Disease. It’s a nanomachine-based virus. Programmed nanomachines. Do you think you could... hack them? Or intercept them?

Chihiro: Oh! I... I’m sorry, but I don’t think so... There are no advanced enough computers anywhere on the island to do anything... I’m useless.

Mukuro: No you aren’t. Who knows, maybe next island will have your lab! That’s gotta have computers in it, right?

Chihiro: Probably... But to get a new island would mean—

Mukuro: Scratch that. Sorry for bringing it up.

Chihiro: I... I really want to help everyone. Especially now that we’re properly united and are working together again! But I can’t do anything...

Mukuro: Well, at least you’re more concerned about safety of us as a whole than... some others.

Chihiro: I guess...

A change of topic is in order...

Mukuro: By the way, I was curious. Everyone knows that you really are a boy, right? So, uh... no offense, but... Why are you still wearing female uniform?

Chihiro: ...supermarket has no clothes my size.

Mukuro: Huh?

Chihiro: In our cottages the only clothes we have are copies of outfits we arrived in, and in supermarket the selection is limited...

Mukuro: I guess that makes sense. That tracksuit Taeko was wearing did look a bit baggy.

Chihiro: Well... there are some clothes in the supermarket that’d fit me... But they’re even girlier than my uniform.

Mukuro: Sounds cute...

Did I just say that out loud? I didn’t, did I? Chihiro isn’t reacting... Unless getting this red all of a sudden is a reaction. I totally did say that out loud.

Mukuro: I mean, uh... Yeah, you’re, uh... Fine. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with boys being cute. Plus, you know... Nothing stops you from being both cute and strong.

Chihiro: Huh?

Mukuro: Well, you have this whole thing about wanting to get stronger to be seen as a boy, right? But, well. You can still be a cute boy while doing that. Uh... If you know what I mean?

I really hope you do because I don’t. This was a wrong train of thought to board this early in the morning.

Chihiro: Hehehe! Thanks, Mukuro! I’ll keep that in mind.

Update! Earned Chihiro’s 4th Hope Fragment.

Makoto: Hey, everyone! Guess who I just met!

Mukuro: Hey, Makoto and hey—

Chihiro: Kyoko? What are you doing here?

Kyoko: I am only here for a quick visit to restaurant. I will be going back to Third Island once I grab some food.

Mukuro: Isn’t that exactly why you had Aoi isolate there with you, so you don’t have to do that?

Kyoko: Yes. However...

Kyoko: Sigh... Over last two days I haven’t had a single bite of anything that wasn’t sweet. I understand how she manages to stay so energetic now... And with how hard she’s trying after everything she’s been through, I don’t have the heart to tell her that I can’t stomach things she keeps ordering anymore.

Makoto: Oh! That sounds like Hina, alright.

Kyoko: Anyway, I’ll just get some food and eat it back at Third Island. It’s good to see that everything is still in order here.

Mukuro: Wait, Kyoko, before you go—

Kyoko: Junko’s fine.

Mukuro: But... yesterday, Taka said...

Kyoko: Junko’s condition did worsen over yesterday. Taeko’s too, she’s bedridden now as well. But by the nighttime, they both stabilized and didn’t seem to be getting any worse.

Mukuro: Okay. That is... Good to hear.

Kyoko: In any case, I need to get going back to the Third Island. I broke enough of my own rules today.

With that, Kyoko piled a few dishes from the kitchen into a lunchbox and left.

Makoto: Uh, so, what are you guys doing up so early?

Mukuro: It’s 6 AM. I usually get up around this time to exercise. Although... I couldn’t sleep well tonight.

Chihiro: Me neither...

Makoto: Yeah... I almost got used to waking up to morning announcements myself.

Mukuro: ...you know... I think I’ll actually go jog a little. You guys wanna join?

Chihiro: Sure!

Makoto: I think I’ll pass. I am still waking up myself.

Mukuro: Oh, uh... Alright. I didn’t expect you to agree, Chihiro, but... Let’s go.

Well, that was unexpected... But I think I can still get away with what I really wanted to do even with Chihiro being with me.


Third Island

Chihiro: Huh? Mukuro, are you about to break the quarantine?

Mukuro: Chihiro, I... It’s going to just be a quick visit, okay? Same way Kyoko quickly came and went, I want to quickly check up on Junko, just... See how she’s doing for myself. And then we leave immediately.

Chihiro: But... It’s still nighttime, isn’t it? Someone is staying over in the staff room, which means we can’t visit.

Mukuro: The patient rooms have windows.

Chihiro: Oh! I see. That means we also won’t get exposed to them directly!

Mukuro: So, can I go check up on her?

Chihiro: Well... Only if I go with you!

Mukuro: ...fine by me.


Outside Hospital

There they are. Lined up in a row, four windows of patient rooms. I had to tiptoe somewhat to see into any of windows without climbing, but that should do it.

Chihiro: Do you know what room Junko is staying in?

Mukuro: No... But we can find out the usual way, right?

I peeked into the window of what should be Patient Room 1. And inside... was not at all what I was expecting to see.

What I saw was a sea of red splattering the whole room, and in the middle of that crimson whirlpool was the body of Mondo Owada, the Ultimate Biker Gang Leader... Pierced with countless scissors and mounted to the wall with them, with giant bloody letters spelling ‘Bloodlust’ right beside him.

Ding Dong Bing Bong

Usami: A body has been discovered! Everyone, please gather in the Hospital’s Patient Room One! After a certain amount of time has passed, a Class Trial will begin!

Usami: Whew... I managed to do it... and not cry! I’m a strong girl! Oh, and also, Hospital’s visitation rules are not in effect for the duration of investigation!


Chihiro: Huh? A body? What happened?

Mukuro: It’s Mondo! Quick!

I grabbed Chihiro’s arm and rushed inside, dragging him behind me. We could enter the hospital freely now, so I needed to make sure...


Patient Room 1

There it was. Undeniable. He was dead. And...

As bad as it is to admit it, first thing I felt was relief. Someone was dead and it wasn’t Junko. But after relief... Came confusion, frustration and anger. Why?! This murder was horrible. He was one of the sick, not to mention the way it was done...

Chihiro: M-Mukuro... It says... ‘Bloodlust’... do you think...?


Kyoko: What is going on her—

Kyoko rushed into the patient room. She looked taken aback by the sight in front of her...

Mukuro: Kyoko, someone—

Kyoko: We need to find Syo.

Mukuro: But isn’t it possible that someone framed her?

Kyoko: It is. But we need to find her first. Because if she did snap... Then there may be more victims.

Chihiro: But a blackened can only kill two people, right...?

Kyoko: One is too many already. Two...

Mukuro: Okay, let’s go. We should split up and—

Kyoko: No. Splitting up is dangerous. If Syo snapped and finds Chihiro alone...

Chihiro: N-No!

Mukuro: Fine, then where do we start?

Kyoko: She may still be on this island. Let’s check every location here before moving onto other islands.

Mukuro: Sounds good.

We rushed out of the hospital, and towards the closest location. Music Venue...


Music Venue

As we entered the music venue, we saw her. Just standing there, twirling a pair of scissors on her finger.

Kyoko: Syo! So you broke the quarantine too!

Syo: Kyahahaha! So what if I did? I’m sick in the head already, aren’t I? Kyahahaha!

Mukuro: Was it you who killed Mondo then?! You awful—

Byakuya: What the hell?!

Wait... was that Byakuya’s voice? Coming from above?

My reflexes acted before I could process it. I grabbed Kyoko’s and Chihiro’s collars and pulled them back as something from above came swinging right at us. And as the object on the rope settled... A horror of different kind set in for us.

A dangling corpse of Toko f*ckawa, the Ultimate Writing Prodigy, rope around her neck, was the object that nearly hit us as it came down from above... Swaying lifelessly.

Ding Dong Bing Bong

Usami: Oh no! Oh no! Another one! Another body has been discovered! Uwaaah! So horrible! So cruel! I’m crying anyway! Uh... Everyone... please gather at the Music Venue instead! The Class Trial... begins after time passes... Uwaaahhhh...


Syo: Kyahahaha! Would you look at that! The gloomy bitch is dead! Long live the me!

Syo: Kyahahahahahaha!

Chapter 3 – Lost in Mourning Fever – Deadly Life


Well, that was a long time coming by now, wasn't it? Also, I do apologize for a bit of deception-esque attitude on the whole 'whenever that is' in last chapter, as this one was in the making almost simultaneously, but keeping the suspense for much longer didn't feel right. Either way, bodies! Here they are! And that marks the end of this streak of shorter chapters for obvious reasons.

I hope you guys enjoy and thank you for all the support. And as usual, I will see you guys next time, with next chapter... Whenever that is~ (for real this time).

Chapter 23: Chapter 3 – Lost in Mourning Fever – Deadly Life


The group investigates a double murder. Or perhaps it's two different murders? Whatever case may be, the evidence seems to lead in circles.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 3 – Lost in Mourning Fever – Deadly Life

Two people dead. Mondo, crucified on a wall of his patient room with Genocider Syo’s scissors. And Toko, hanging limply on the rope in the music venue. How? Why two people? Who would do this? What is the point?

Kyoko: Syo! Are you behind this?

Syo: What? Of course not! I’m in front of you! Kyahahaha!

Mukuro: Answer us!

Syo: Hmm... Well, I guess I coul—Holy sh*t!

She suddenly pointed towards our side. We all looked, but... There was only the empty stage of the music venue.


And when we looked in direction of that noise, the door of venue was swinging on its own, Syo nowhere to be seen.

Kyoko: Damn it!

Chihiro: Should we chase her?

Kyoko: ...no. We need for everyone to gather first.

Before long, people started showing up.

First those that were already nearby

Byakuya: Did I just see the serial killer run out of here?

Aoi: Oh no! Toko! When I saw Mondo I thought it was about him, but this...

And then, everyone else...

Kiyotaka: There were two announcements! What happened?!

Makoto: Is everyone okay—Wait, is that Syo?!

Leon: No way! It’s Toko! We saw the crazy one running and laughing on the way here, remember?

Kyoko: Everyone, stay calm. We have two murders on our hands.

Kiyotaka: T-Two?!

Byakuya: I see...

Leon: Wait, who else is dead? Is it one of the sick?

Aoi: It’s... It’s Mondo.

Leon: Mondo? Seriously?! Who could take down a guy like him?!

Chihiro: And... why would someone... kill two people...

Mukuro: Not necessarily. It is entirely possible that the killer didn’t kill two people.

Byakuya: I’m certain that Toko’s death wasn’t a suicide. She was hung, not hung herself.

Mukuro: That’s not what I mean. It’s possible those were two completely separate murders.

Makoto: With two separate culprits?

Aoi: Wait! So we gotta find two culprits this time? Oh, man...

Kyoko: That would be a question to Usami.

Usami: That’s right, it would be a question to Usami!

Byakuya: Talk.

Usami: Two deaths... So, so cruel...

Byakuya: This century, please

Usami: Well... There can only be one blackened... So me and Monokuma agreed that whoever did the first killing would be the real one... But also... If the original blackened is killed by someone else, their status is passed onto their killer!

Kyoko: I see... At least we won’t have to work on assumptions, but it does complicate the case.

Kiyotaka: I’m not certain how it complicates it!

Kyoko: I doubt she would clarify the part about blackened’s status being passed onto their killer if that wasn’t going to be significant.

Usami: Uwah! I w-was just being thorough explaining the rules! That’s all!

Chihiro: But then, whose killer is the blackened? Mondo’s or Toko’s?

Byakuya: We’ll have to see from the Monokuma Files. Speaking of... Where are they?

Usami: Boohoo... so mean... so disrespectful... here... I’m sorry I can’t help much more...

With that, Usami passed out files... Two per student. I guess that makes sense, since there were two bodies. Still, they’re tablets, why not list both murders in the same one?

Once done, she flew off and out of the music venue.

Mukuro: Wait! Does that mean that Despair Disease is done with? Does that mean...

Aoi: Oh yeah! I checked on Junko and Taeko—I mean, Celeste, before coming here! Both of them have woken up!

Kyoko: That’s good. We won’t have to worry about them then.

Kiyotaka: What about Syo? Where is she?

Kyoko: She escaped. She was also our prime suspect.

Byakuya: Really now? Care to explain why?

Mukuro: Mondo. He... he was killed with scissors, mounted to a wall and ‘Bloodlust’ was spelled beside him in his own blood.

Leon: That’s f*cked up!

Byakuya: That does seem to match up with Genocider Syo’s modus operandi.

Aoi: Speaking of suspects, Byakuya! I just saw you climbing down the ladder from library catwalks outside!

Byakuya: All will be clear in due time. For now we need to get to investigating.

Makoto: Yeah! We need to take Toko down too. Her just hanging there, swaying... It’s making me nauseous...

Kyoko: Let’s start by seeing what we can gleam from the Monokuma Files.

Junko is safe for now... But this situation... Mondo, killed in Genocider Syo method, in his own patient room. And Toko, hung in music venue. Those two situations... are they connected? Are they separate? Why are there two bodies...

And why would someone do this? The only way to find out is to investigate.

Investigation Start

Well, let’s start with the obvious.

“The victim was Mondo Owada, the Ultimate Biker Gang Leader.

The victim’s body was discovered in the Patient Room 1 of the Hospital at 6:59 AM.

The victim died from a singular stab wound through the neck. Death was almost instantaneous. Time of death was 0:57 AM.

Several medicinal drugs were found in victim’s bloodstream. The victim was also afflicted with Despair Disease at the time of death.”

Truth Bullet Added: Monokuma File 3.1

“The victim was Toko f*ckawa, the Ultimate Writing Prodigy.

The victim’s body was discovered in the Music Venue at 7:05 AM.

The victim died of suffocation due to crushed windpipe. Time of death was 6:02 AM.

No drugs or poison were found in victim’s bloodstream.”

Truth Bullet Added: Monokuma File 3.2

These do give us some estimation of what happened... Mondo was killed in his room, with a scissor stab. And Toko choked due to the hanging... So recently. I was already awake for some time when she was dead... Does that mean I could have...

Wait. Mondo’s death... It happened just around the time I visited Third Island at night too! Could it mean...

Kyoko: So, it appears whoever killed Mondo is the blackened. In that case, I will focus on examining his body first and foremost.

Makoto: Wait! Didn’t you just say that it’s possible someone took blackened’s status by killing them? If Toko killed Mondo...

Kyoko: That’s not possible. Mondo was killed bloodily. Extremely so. And Toko...

Leon: She has her bloodophobia, right?

Kyoko: Exactly. Either way, I do want someone to examine Toko’s body still. Mukuro, could you?

Mukuro: Huh? Me?

Kyoko: Syo is not available and I want someone trustworthy. You and Chihiro triggered Mondo’s body discovery, so I doubt either of you is the culprit.

Chihiro: Actually... I didn’t trigger it. It was just Mukuro.

Byakuya: So, only Mukuro saw Mondo’s body before announcement triggered?

Chihiro: Yeah... I couldn’t reach to look through the window even if I wanted to... Without hopping up. I just saw Mukuro look through, then the announcement... Then... she dragged me in.

Kiyotaka: Chihiro! Your honesty is appreciated, even if it potentially incriminates you!

Byakuya: Speaking of honesty. Does anyone happen to have any sort of alibi for Toko’s time of death?

Leon: Toko’s? What about Mondo’s?

Byakuya: It was in the middle of the night. I doubt anyone has anything for that time.

Nobody spoke up about that...

Chihiro: Well... Mukuro and I were together since at least 5:45 AM. Makoto arrived shortly afterwards at about 6 AM, and Kyoko quickly visited too, right around that time.

Mukuro: Oh, I didn’t realize you’ve been keeping track of time, Chihiro.

Chihiro: Oh... It was just because I couldn’t sleep.

Makoto: Well, I guess that gives us some alibi for Toko’s time of death, right?

Truth Bullet Added: Chihiro’s Account

Byakuya: I have something to add, although it is not at all verifiable.

Kyoko: Not verifiable?

Byakuya: One of people who could is dead and the other is a suspect on the run.

Kiyotaka: Are you talking about Toko and Syo? Did you happen to meet with them?

Byakuya: More than that. I woke up early myself, and as usual, the two were stalking me. I thought to make use of their devotion and sent them to check on state of the patients to notify me personally.

Kyoko: You ordered them to break the quarantine?

Byakuya: I did. I wanted confirmation on how they are doing, so I gave the two an order to look through windows of the hospital and report back to me.

Aoi: Why would you send poor girls to do it instead of doing so yourself!

Byakuya: I didn’t feel like it. And one of those ‘poor girls’ is a serial killer, in case you forgot.

Kiyotaka: Byakuya! Can you provide details on timing of your meeting?

Byakuya: ...I met with them at about 5:30 AM. It was in hotel’s lobby. Once they were gone I went to library.

Truth Bullet Added: Byakuya’s Account

Kiyotaka: I have one final thing to add! It may not be particularly relevant, however. Syo did not return to her cottage by nighttime yesterday!

Byakuya: That matches what she told me. Seems like she’s been taking swims under starlit skies. Something about romantics.

Leon: Hey, how do you know she didn’t return? Were you spying on her or something?

Kiyotaka: Incorrect. I was spying on everyone!

Leon: What?

Kiyotaka: Mukuro! No offense, but you looked particularly unsettling yesterday! You had one of those... very intense looks to you! So I watched to make sure you were in your cottage by nighttime, and in process saw everyone else enter their cottages as they went to sleep, except for Syo! I have departed to sleep myself once the announcement sounded.

Chihiro: I see... That is why you passed by my cottage just after the announcement...

Kiyotaka: I did not mean to intrude on anyone’s privacy! Simply ensure everyone’s safety!

Truth Bullet Added: Kiyotaka’s Account

Kyoko: It seems like this is everyone’s accounts. I will be at the hospital, examining Mondo’s body. Mukuro, I hope you can handle Toko.

With that, she left the venue. And following shortly after, multiple other students left to go investigate on their own. Makoto, Leon and Chihiro were ones who stayed here. Kyoko, Aoi and Kiyotaka left together to the hospital. Byakuya left somewhere on his own...

Okay. I have two places to investigate. First handle everything in the music venue, including Toko’s body. Then check out the hospital and look for clues there. Lastly... I should make time to check up on Junko too.

Leon: We... should really take Toko down first...

Mukuro: I’ll go up to the catwalks and get it.

Makoto: Thanks, Mukuro.


Music Venue Catwalks

I had to go outside, climb the ladder and open the hatch to get there. And first thing I noticed, was... a rather obvious trap of a rope system. Tied to the hatch’s inside handle, it was thrown over several catwalks, with a large knot in a certain spot. If my guess was correct, if someone opened the door too wide, which anyone would, it’d result whatever’s on the other end flying down. And the only thing hanging down there right now was... Toko’s body. Thinking about everything that happened earlier, including Byakuya’s voice coming from up here, I have a guess at what might have happened.

Truth Bullet Added: Catwalks Trap

In the end, I simply cut the rope using my knife and then slowly lowered the body until I felt like there was no weight on the other end. With that done, I returned to the music venue.


Music Venue

I came back in, with everyone... doing anything but examining the body. I guess I understand why, even though it’s really not helpful. Well, gotta do it myself then. I’m no autopsy expert like Kyoko, but I guess I can gleam at least something from state of Toko’s body.

I took off the noose and examined her neck and... Wait. It was... snapped. The neck was just broken. I took another look at Toko’s face. It was grimacing, her death must have been painful. But if that was due to hanging, then...

Not to mention the way the rope left trace around her neck... That must be it. She was definitely choked forcefully and not due to hanging. No doubt about it.

There was one more thing to check, considering the cause of death. I lifted Toko’s hand... Damn, that girl took no care of her fingernails, although it makes sense that she disregarded all her hygiene equally. Either way... A bit of scraping from under them and there indeed was weird debris under the fingernails. Rope fibers were expected, but... Wood splinters? That’s weird.

Truth Bullet Added: State of Toko’s Body

With her neck like that, I can’t gleam much more in terms of detail, like strength of the attacker. And trying to determine cause of death is pointless since Monokuma file mentions it anyway. So I turned my attention to the rope...

...that’s definitely not a rope from the supermarket. It had some selection, but this was bigger and thicker than anything there. I would know, I considered grabbing rope from there when I was getting my knife. I guess it came from somewhere else. It was even sturdy enough to hold Toko’s body, which is notable.

Truth Bullet Added: Rope

Well, I guess this is all the body examination I’m doing. Now, did the others find anything, I wonder...

Leon: Hmm...

Mukuro: Anything interesting?

Leon: Well, yeah. Look, this chair!

Leon pointed to a chair standing next to the door to basem*nt. Its back was weirdly bent and had some... bronze foil on it?

Leon: It definitely wasn’t like that when we were leaving music venue back after party. Who would break a perfectly good metal chair?

Mukuro: Hmm... Ah!

It suddenly hit me. I checked the underside of basem*nt door handle...

Leon: Hey, what are you doing?

There it is. Underside of handle, which was cheaply painted in bronze color, was all scuffed and scratched. And as I tried to open the door... it swung towards us.

Mukuro: This chair was propped up against this door, and someone was trapped inside.

Leon: Huh? How’d you come to that conclusion?

Mukuro: The back is bent and it has paint from the handle on it. If someone was trying to force the door open with chair propped up...

Leon: Oh yeah, I get it! Wow, I didn’t even realize! But wait, why would anyone do something like that?

Mukuro: I don’t know...

Truth Bullet Added: Bent Chair

Well, that means there’s another place to investigate. The basem*nt. So I left Chihiro and Leon to investigate the venue itself and went down. I could already see Makoto looking around...


Music Venue Basem*nt

It looked... well, like a typical storage room stuff, other than the fact that it was in a basem*nt. Spare stage lights and disco balls, but most conspicuously... Spare rope lengths.

Mukuro: Anything interesting?

Makoto: Hey, Mukuro... Well, this looks mostly normal. But... someone was definitely here recently for some reason. Most of the place is dusty, but railing and floor in certain spots are just... Not!

Mukuro: I guess that makes sense... But are there any specific clues?

Makoto: None that I can see.

Well, maybe his luck will help him find one. I had something to check out regarding that rope. And yep... That was definitely same kind of rope as one used to hand Toko. So this is where it came from... But on closer examination all rope in here was perfectly intact. She was probably strangled with same rope she was hanged with...

Truth Bullet Updated: Rope

Makoto: Hey, Mukuro... Are there any animals on the island?

Mukuro: Well, the ranch place had a cow.

Makoto: Ah, no, I mean... A cat?

Mukuro: ...I’m pretty sure I never saw any animals other than that cow and a few birds flying by.

Makoto: Then who would scratch the wall like that?

Mukuro: Huh?

Makoto was standing by the staircase back to venue, looking at the wall. I came up and examined it closer. Yeah, he was right, there were lines of fresh scratches on wood-paneled walls of basem*nt. Very fresh... And exactly five parallel ones.

Mukuro: I’m pretty sure those were left by a human...

Makoto: A human? But they look so... violent!

Mukuro: Maybe that’s because the circ*mstances were violent too...

Truth Bullet Added: Basem*nt Wall Scratches

Makoto: Well, I don’t think there’s any real clues to be found here.

Mukuro: Yeah, I think I’m done here too. I’ll go check up on Kyoko and the others at the hospital.

Makoto: Oh, alright. See you later then, Mukuro.

Mukuro: Mhm...


Patient Room 1

Back here again... Mondo’s body was still hanging on the wall with all these scissors stuck into him. And Kyoko was meticulously going over the wounds it seems.

Mukuro: Hey there... How’s your investigation going?

Kyoko: ...poorly. There’s no useful information to be gleamed.

Mukuro: Huh? Really?

Kyoko: Time of death and cause of it are listed in the Monokuma File and I confirmed them to be correct. Other than that... There is absolutely nothing suspicious about any other wound. They were all post-mortem.

Mukuro: But it must have taken some time to do them all, right?

Kyoko: Indeed. If I had to guess, to arrange a body like that... One would need at least half an hour of work. If a professional was at work that is. More if one is inexperienced with mounting a corpse.

Truth Bullet Added: Kyoko’s Examination Results

Kyoko: Sigh... We even know exactly where the murder weapons came from.

Mukuro: Syo, right? She always has some on her.

Kyoko: Not quite. Sure, she does carry some on her... But that alone isn’t enough, as her lab has ample extra supplies. Anyone could have taken them. Although I do doubt that it matters much.

Truth Bullet Added: Special Scissors

Mukuro: I see... As for me, when I examined Toko—

Kyoko: No need for now. Save that for the trial.

Mukuro: Huh? But wouldn’t you want all the evidence first?

Kyoko: ...thinking completely impartially and logically will be the key to solving this case. I want to have as little bias as possible. For now, knowing that you can be trusted is enough. There is a lot more to consider, though.

Mukuro: I... see. Alright, I’ll bring it up at the trial as needed then.

Leaving Kyoko to it, I checked the rest of the room. It was pretty... blood covered. Which makes sense, considering Mondo’s state. And yet, in that bloody mess, there was nothing special. The window through which I peered was now open, probably to freshen up the stale stench of death in the room. The only other thing of note was...

There it is, on the ground, covered in blood... A pin that would normally be attached to a uniform. It looked familiar... wait... could it be...

Kyoko: I took note of that too. However, I left it where it is to preserve the crime scene.

Mukuro: I get why, but wouldn’t it make sense to take it with us to present at the trial if needed?

Kyoko: That is what I will do once the investigation is over. You did realize who this pin belongs to though, did you not?

Mukuro: Yeah. No doubt about it.

Byakuya... what do you really have to do with all this?

Truth Bullet Added: Bloody Pin

Mukuro: I’ll go check up on Aoi and Taka. They were in the lobby.

Kyoko: Of course. Do be careful with Hina though. I think she is taking this a bit too personally.

Not too surprising, considering how much she’s been going through lately...


Hospital Reception

Yep, two of them were in reception.

Ding Dong Bing Bong!

Usami: Hello, everyone! This is a school trip announcement! It is now 8 AM! Another wonderful morning in tropical paradise! Time to wake up and be ready to cultivate wonderful hope!


Huh... I guess investigations don’t cancel those out. Regardless, it seems I still had time to talk to people.

Mukuro: Hey, guys. Anything interesting found?

Kiyotaka: Mukuro! We have conducted search of entire hospital. There was nothing irregular except for a particularly large stash of sweet pastries in staff bedroom!

Aoi: Taka, I told you, those were mine.

Kiyotaka: Indeed! Which is precisely why I’m saying it’s irregular! Proper diet is key to proper functioning of a student!

Aoi: Look, I just wanted to eat food that made me feel happier, okay?!

Mukuro: Taka, relax. Aoi’s fine, see?

Aoi: Yeah, I am!

Mukuro: By the way, I wanted to ask. Aoi, you and Kyoko were taking turns spending night at the hospital. Who was sleeping here tonight?

Aoi: Oh... well, it was me... But don’t worry! I definitely was here the whole night! And, I know it sounds unlikely, but... I never saw or heard anything weird throughout the whole night...

Kiyotaka: Were you not getting sleep tonight?

Aoi: I was, but I woke up and fell back asleep a few times... I can’t say precisely when though. But I was in the staff room the whole time until the Body Discovery Announcement woke me up!

Mukuro: What about the sick ones? How were they feeling?

Aoi: I checked up on them in the evening, but... Taeko and Junko were both too feverish and unconscious. Mondo was awake, but sleepless.

Truth Bullet Added: Aoi’s Account

Mukuro: I see... that’s good to know.

Kiyotaka: That also raises a question! How did the culprit get in?

Mukuro: Huh? Through the front door probably?

Kiyotaka: But would they not break the hospital rules in process?

Mukuro: Huh... Wait...

I walked over and double checked hospital rules, still written there...

Hospital Rules:

1. Everyone is permitted to visit and take care of patients during the day, however overnight stays are only allowed for one non-patient staying in the staff bedroom.

2. Visiting during nighttime is not allowed, and if more than one non-patient enters the hospital, they will be punished.

3. Only physically sick or hurt people are allowed to be admitted as patients, and must be evicted within a day of reaching healthy condition.

4. Administering medical help cannot be used to make someone the blackened, as long as there is no intent to harm the patient. If someone dies due to malpractice or insufficient medical skills, person administering aid is not considered at fault, unless they caused the injury in the first place.

5. These rules are considered final and cannot be revised.

Taka... did raise a valid concern. One I could not answer just yet.

Truth Bullet Added: Hospital Rules

Mukuro: I guess there’s not much else to be found here.

Aoi: Sorry... We tried hard, but it seems like the culprit didn’t go anywhere but Mondo’s room...

Mukuro: Don’t worry, Aoi. I’m sure we’ll find them. And... it’s not really your fault that he died.

Aoi: But... I was supposed to be keeping watch! And I failed!

Kiyotaka: Not at all! Your testimony may just prove to be the final clue we need! As could mine! As long as everyone does their absolute best, we will definitely find the culprit!

Aoi: I... see...

...I should just give her some space. Not to mention that there is a reunion that cannot wait until the trial. I assume she will be back at the cottages, changing out of hospital clothes, so I left the Third Island and headed back to the hotel.


Hotel Lobby

There those two were. Just relaxing in the lobby’s chairs with tired expressions. Both looked normal again, Taeko in her overcomplicated dress and Junko with reasonable amount of makeup.

Mukuro: Hey, you two.

Junko: Hey... Damn, this disease just suuucked...

Mukuro: You don’t say.

Taeko: Ahem... Perhaps there should be something clarified. Mukuro, if my memory serves me right, then while I was diseased I ended up so deluded, that some fake persona took over. Even using a different name, right?

Mukuro: A fake? I thought it was your re—

Celeste: My name. Is. Celestia Ludenberg. My real name and the only name I ever had. Though Celeste is fine, as usual. Whatever you heard from me while I was sick was nothing more than fatuity and delusion. It had no basis in reality.

Mukuro: Okay, well... Good to have you back, Celeste?

Celeste: The pleasure is all mine.

Junko: What are you doing here anyway? Aren’t you supposed to investigate?

Mukuro: All of us are, and I’ve done more than enough already.

Junko: Hey, give us some slack, we were on our deathbeds less than an few hours ago.

Celeste: It was just dreadful. Although not as dreadful as fates Mondo and Toko suffered it seems.

Mukuro: You know already?

Junko: Monokuma files are given to everyone, you know.

Celeste: Speaking of clues, however. I do have one to present that may be of relevance, considering one of the victims.

Mukuro: What is it?

Celeste: Once I self-released from the hospital, I wanted to... restore my normal appearance. I had to make a stop by pharmacy.

Probably for her colored eye contacts...

Celeste: There I discovered a certain object. A pair of round glasses, on the floor, obviously having been intentionally destroyed.

Mukuro: A pair of... glasses on the floor?

Celeste: Round glasses. And intentionally destroyed. I’m sure you’ll figure out what it may mean as we discuss it at the trial.

Truth Bullet Added: Broken Glasses

Junko: Hey, I know where I can get my contribution minimum! Hey, Mukuro, what is your alibi?

Mukuro: Huh? Well, I was with Chihiro, Kyoko and Makoto when Toko was killed. But for when Mondo was killed, I...

That’s right... It was around 1 AM according to Monokuma File. Which means... If I tried going through with my plan, could I have discovered the body first?

Mukuro: I was visiting Third Island.

Celeste: Oh my. Not only did you break the quarantine, but you also did that right around the time of murder. To confess to something like that, you must also have some irrefutable proof of your innocence already, no?

Mukuro: I do actually. Kyoko is certain in me for the same reason.

Junko: ...what were you doing there then?

Mukuro: I... I was just worried and considered visiting you, but decided against it.

Junko: But didn’t you do it anyway just a few hours later? Isn’t that how first body was found? Don’t try to hide things from your sister.

Mukuro: I’m not hiding anything from my sister.

I quickly glanced at Celeste, who watched our conversation curiously.

Mukuro: ...I just changed my mind after all.

Junko glanced at Celeste as well before rolling her eyes.

Junko: Eh, whatever. If you’re innocent, then it’s probably irrelevant anyway.

Truth Bullet Added: My Account

Mukuro: By the way, how are you guys recovering?

Celeste: Unnaturally quick, if I had to say.

Junko: Well, it is an artificial disease.

Mukuro: Hmm... Wait, I got an idea.

Junko: Oh no, she’s all despair diseased too, she thinks she’s smart!

Mukuro: Usami! Hey, Usami, get over here.

Celeste: I doubt she’s close enough to—

Usami: This is your Usami, right here! What can I help you with?

Celeste: Or perhaps I was merely mistaken.

Mukuro: Despair Disease as a motive is over, right? Does that mean you can explain how it works now?

Usami: Explain how it works? Well, it’s uh... You see... very... complicated!

Mukuro: I’m not asking biology. Just symptoms and effects and stuff like that. It may be relevant.

Usami: Oh! I have just the thing for that!

Usami suddenly pulled out a pamphlet, styled black and white. It seemed to be titled ‘Monokuma’s Guide to Despair Disease for Total Losers’... And it contained literally all the info we needed!

“Despair Disease is a special, artificial disease with no real cure available. It can spread by air, though chance is somewhat low, as well as nigh-guranteed spread through fluid exchange.”

“First symptom shows within minutes of infection, and is a radical change of personality to most despised version of oneself. Over time, other symptoms such as fever, weakness, loss of consciousness, nausea start showing up. When disease reaches its final stages, dark and pale spots start appearing on victim’s body, signifying imminent risk of total organ failure.”

“Despair Disease is only cured when a Body Discovery Announcement is triggering on Jabberwock Island. There are no other ways to cure it. Once it is cured, however, the symptoms recede the faster, the longer victim of it was infected, allowing those near death to make complete recovery in less than an hour. In aftermath of disease, memory lapses may occur related to events happening during the disease, due to personality-changing nature of primary symptom.”

...this file even lists treatment that could delay the disease’s progress and give us over 10 days before the ‘spots’ part of symptoms starts happening! And all of that is stuff I’ve seen in pharmacy before! Wait a second...

Mukuro: Usami... This doesn’t look like a retroactive explanation... This looks like something we should have had when disease was still in action.

Usami: O-Oh! Well, you see... It’s just got such a mean-spirited title!

Mukuro: What.

Usami: Monokuma made these for you, but when I had to announce a disease... I couldn’t bring myself to make everything even worse by giving you guys out such mean-spirited pamphlets!

Junko: Are you saying you seriously let us get mistreated because you didn’t want people to read a pamphlet that calls them ‘Total Losers’? That’s messed up!

Usami: Uwah! I didn’t mean that! Plus... it’s not like Despair Disease can be cured anyway... I’m sorry...

And before we can question her more, she’s gone... Damn that thing! If we knew treatment, maybe I wouldn’t get desperate so quickly... And maybe even the actual killer...

Celeste: I have to say, while I do still agree that Usami and Monokuma are opposing each other, I am starting to have my doubts that either of them actually has our wellbeing as any sort of priority.

Junko: You don’t say.

Mukuro: Yeah, that does sound about right at this point.

Especially with all that I’ve learned from Monokuma the other day... But that is irrelevant to the trial too. What is relevant is this pamphlet. If disease was the motive, then it has to be connected somehow.

Truth Bullet Added: Monokuma’s Guide to Despair Disease

Ding Dong Bing Bong

Usami: Okay everyone! Monokuma is saying that you guys are out of time, and I didn’t really keep track, so I have to go along! I really, really hope you managed to figure out everything you needed to quickly solve the case together! Now, everyone, please gather at the Rock of Justice!


Junko: Looks like we rattled her into starting the trial. Ugh, I just got comfy too. Mukuro, carry your poor, weak, recently sick sister!

Mukuro: You can walk.

Celeste: Indeed, and walk fast, I’d suggest. Being late is doubtfully way to succeed.


Rock of Justice

With three of us arriving, everyone was here. Including Syo, who stood a distance apart from everyone else, scissors at the ready. The moment we arrived, Kyoko approached us.

Kyoko: Be careful. There’s no need to try and get information out of her now, or she may attack. We’ll get our chance at the trial.

Mukuro: Right... Of course. Did she say anything herself?

Kyoko: ...only that she’s refusing to say a thing until the trial begins.

Junko: Wow, sounds lame. I’d think a testimony from victim’s twin would be key here.

Kyoko: I do not understand why she would keep it so quiet... Unless she is heavily involved.

Byakuya: Obviously she is.

Celeste: Not an unreasonable assumption to make of someone choosing to stay so silent.

Then it arrived. The elevator out of the ground, at usual spot. We all got in, with Syo entering last, scowling with a psychotic grin at everyone.

But despite that, elevator ride was silent. Standing next to a known serial killer last trial was one thing. Now standing next to one actively suspected of murder was entirely other.

Eventually elevator arrived at its destination. The trial grounds... All of promptly took our spots. We all knew what we had to do... again.

Mondo Owada. A hotheaded, yet well-meaning guy who believed in trying the right thing, even with zero regard to authority. Toko f*ckawa, not the most pleasant person, but still someone who was ultimately completely innocent.

Junko. Mondo. Hifumi. Leon. Byakuya. Yasuhiro.

They were both dead. Was it by hand of same person? Was it two unrelated cases? Or was it something more than both options?

Makoto. Sakura. Aoi. Kyoko. Toko. Syo.

We had no other option. Only to find the truth. Find out who and why would do all this. This motive was truly unfair, but... Now there was another challenge to overcome to move forward.

Kiyotaka. Celeste. Sayaka. Chihiro.


I have benefit of being clear of suspicion for both murders. Which means, I have chance to make sure that no mistakes are made. That we find who really did it.

Whatever that may mean for us all.

Class Trial Start

Evidence Review:

Monokuma File 3.1

The victim was Mondo Owada, the Ultimate Biker Gang Leader.

The victim’s body was discovered in the Patient Room 1 of the Hospital at 6:59 AM.

The victim died from a singular stab wound through the neck. Death was almost instantaneous. Time of death was 0:57 AM.

Several medicinal drugs were found in victim’s bloodstream. The victim was also afflicted with Despair Disease at the time of death.

Monokuma File 3.2

The victim was Toko f*ckawa, the Ultimate Writing Prodigy.

The victim’s body was discovered in the Music Venue at 7:05 AM.

The victim died of suffocation due to crushed windpipe. Time of death was 6:02 AM.

No drugs or poison were found in victim’s bloodstream.

Chihiro’s Account

Chihiro was at the Hotel Restaurant since at least 5:45 AM, when he met up with Mukuro. At 6 AM Kyoko and Makoto joined him, although Kyoko left shortly after resupplying on food.

Byakuya’s Account

Byakuya met with both Toko and Syo at 5:30 AM in the hotel lobby, where he ordered them to check on state of patients on Third Island.

Kiyotaka’s Account

According to Taka, at 10 PM of previous day everyone who wasn’t isolated on third island except for Syo were in their cottages. Chihiro confirmed that he saw Taka in cottage area around same time.

Catwalks Trap

In music venue catwalks, a trap was designed. First person to open the hatch to enter the catwalks would trigger it, causing Toko’s body suspended at catwalk level to plummet down to the floor level.

State of Toko’s Body

Toko’s neck wounds seemed to match up with strangulation, rather than hanging, although her neck was also snapped.

Under her fingernails, were rope fibers, as well as tiny wooden splinters.

Bent Chair

A metal chair with a somewhat bent and scuffed back, found in music venue. It is rather obvious that it was used as a doorstop to trap someone inside the venue basem*nt recently.


Rope that was used for Toko’s hanging. It appears to be rather unique, as it’s extra sturdy and is only available in the basem*nt of the music venue.

Basem*nt Wall Scratches

Basem*nt wall shows a sign of recent struggle in form of scratches on the wooden paneling near the door.

Kyoko’s Examination Results

Mondo’s body was arranged in a complex way that would require no less than 30 minutes of work.

Special Scissors

Genocider Syo’s signature weapon, these scissors were also available for anyone to get in the Ultimate Murderous Fiend’s lab.

Bloody Pin

A uniform pin belonging to Byakuya Togami, bloodied and found at the scene of Mondo’s death.

Aoi’s Account

According to Aoi, she never left hospital throughout the night, but also didn’t hear anything suspicious. She did wake up and fall asleep throughout the night though.

Hospital Rules

1. Everyone is permitted to visit and take care of patients during the day, however overnight stays are only allowed for one non-patient staying in the staff bedroom.

2. Visiting during nighttime is not allowed, and if more than one non-patient enters the hospital, they will be punished.

3. Only physically sick or hurt people are allowed to be admitted as patients, and must be evicted within a day of reaching healthy condition.

4. Administering medical help cannot be used to make someone the blackened, as long as there is no intent to harm the patient. If someone dies due to malpractice or insufficient medical skills, person administering aid is not considered at fault, unless they caused the injury in the first place.

5. These rules are considered final and cannot be revised.

Broken Glasses

Celeste discovered a pair of broken glasses in the pharmacy. She specifically described them as ‘round and intentionally broken’.

My Account

At 1 AM I visited the Third Island. However, I only crossed the bridge and didn’t visit any specific location. On my way back, I double checked the map and there were four people present at the hospital, as expected, although I didn’t think to check who it was.

Monokuma’s Guide to Despair Disease

A pamphlet that was supposed to be handed out when the motive was announced. Some excerpts that may prove relevant are:

“Despair Disease is a special, artificial disease with no real cure available. It can spread by air, though chance is somewhat low, as well as nigh-guranteed spread through fluid exchange.”

“First symptom shows within minutes of infection, and is a radical change of personality to most despised version of oneself. Over time, other symptoms such as fever, weakness, loss of consciousness, nausea start showing up. When disease reaches its final stages, dark and pale spots start appearing on victim’s body, signifying imminent risk of total organ failure.”

“Despair Disease is only cured when a Body Discovery Announcement is triggering on Jabberwock Island. There are no other ways to cure it. Once it is cured, however, the symptoms recede the faster, the longer victim of it was infected, allowing those near death to make complete recovery in less than an hour. In aftermath of disease, memory lapses may occur related to events happening during the disease, due to personality-changing nature of primary symptom.”


The investigation is here. A double murder is always so complicated and confusing, isn't it? Well, as always, whenever trial chapters come, they will come one after another, and first wont be released until both are ready.

Either way, I thank you all for reading and enjoying this, and I appreciate all your support. As always, I will see you next time, whenever that is... With the third trial.

Chapter 24: Chapter 3 – Lost in Mourning Fever – Trial, Part 1


The class trial begins, as confusing combination of two murders seems to be going in circles


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Class Trial Start

Monokuma: Now that you’re all gathered up, we can get on with the basic explanation of the Class Trial.

Monokuma: During the trial, you will debate which one of you is the killer, and convince everyone else using your evidence.

Usami: At the end, the votes will determine the results of who is chosen as the blackened...

Monokuma: If you vote correctly, then the killer will be punished with an execution!

Usami: But if you do it wrong, then else gets killed... And the blackened gets to escape...

Monokuma: Now then. Let the Class Trial begin!

Usami: Two whole killings! This is so horrible...

Monokuma: Yeah! Such a waste of opportunity! The more people are alive the more future cases can happen, you know.

Usami: No! Maybe... Maybe it was two different people!

Monokuma: Oh please, as if you don’t know the tropes.

Leon: Can you guys can it? We are yet to start figuring it out.

Usami: Oh, sure!

Kyoko: Now, that that part is over, we first need to figure out how to proceed.

Kiyotaka: How to proceed? What do you mean?

Leon: Isn’t it obvious? We gotta figure out who killed Mondo!

Celeste: But what about Toko’s untimely demise?

Aoi: It seems... unfair to just ignore her.

Leon: But we have to figure out Mondo’s death to actually get out of this alive, right?

Byakuya: That’s true, however... We must examine the case as a whole. If only to confirm that. Although I doubt timing of Toko’s death to be mere coincidence.

Kyoko: While I agree, I’d prefer to focus on more relevant matters first.

Makoto: We can’t just ignore her! What if trial just ends once we figured out Mondo’s case, and then Toko’s will remain a mystery forever!

Syo: Toko-Schmoko! Bitch is dead and that’s all that matters. I’m way more interested in beautiful death of the biker man!

Leon: Yeah... You know what, screw her! I was holding back, but I want to know what exactly happened to Mondo!

Kiyotaka: I will simply follow Class President’s opinion. If she thinks that reviewing more important case first is the priority, then I have to agree.

Chihiro: But Toko’s case may prove very much relevant to the situation... We can’t just ignore it...

Junko: You don’t have to be so downtrodden when you say that. Because you’re right. Coincidences are not a thing in this game.

Celeste: As callous it may seem of me, I disagree. Hifumi’s case is a perfect example of a coincidence cascade resulting in a very unfortunate situation. If we find a link to Toko’s case in Mondo’s, we can just review it then, no?

Mukuro: But maybe the link is one-directional! And even if there isn’t one... We have to find the truth. About both deaths.

Kyoko: And we will. But we cannot risk wasting time.

Leon: Like we’re doing now?

Junko: Oh, f*ck, you actually said something smart! That was unexpected.

Leon: Oh, shut up! I can say smart things when I want!

Work towards truth together!

Usami: Oh, I know it’s very, very early in the trial, but it’s right time to do this anyway, right, Monokuma?

Monokuma: Hmm... Well, they do seem to just be starting to go in circles arguing over same pointless topic, so sure! Why not! Let’s spice the order up!

Usami: In that case, I invoke the Morphing Feature! Please discuss your differences in civil manner!

As usual, podiums began to move... We didn’t discuss anything, and yet we’re already at an impasse. But I just have to show that we have no choice but to begin with looking into Toko’s case if we want full truth of what happened that night. And I’m not alone...

Debate Scrum Start!

Question: Which case to review first?

Team Mukuro: Toko’s!

Members: Mukuro, Junko, Byakuya, Chihiro, Makoto, Aoi, Toko, Sakura.

Team Leon: Mondo’s!

Members: Leon, Kyoko, Kiyotaka, Syo, Celeste, Mondo, Hifumi, Yasuhiro, Sayaka.


Kiyotaka: Mondo’s blackened is the one that we have to find!

Byakuya: It might as well be same blackened as Toko’s.

Celeste: There is no tangible connection between the cases.

Junko: Establishing a connection can only be done by reviewing both cases properly.

Kyoko: We can get to Toko’s case after dealing with Mondo’s.

Makoto: Monokuma will probably end trial before we can discuss Toko’s case!

Syo: What does it matter? We only need the truth of one situation here!

Chihiro: But can we really move on without knowing full truth of what happened?

Leon: We can’t just ignore Mondo’s death! We have to get to the bottom of it!

Mukuro: We will not ignore his death, but we also can’t only focus on that!

Team Mukuro: This is our answer!


Mukuro: Look... I know not many people here care for Toko that much, not as many as for Mondo... But can you truly say that her death didn’t matter? If there was only one blackened behind both deaths, Toko’s case will offer original clues, while if there were two... We can’t really ignore another killer in our midst.

Junko: Almost well put here.

Kyoko: Alright. I concede to your reasoning. I suppose my frustration with lack of tangible contribution from the body examination got better of me for a moment.

Kiyotaka: The investigation must be as thorough as possible!

Leon: Gah... Fine. It just felt wrong, you know...

Aoi: It’s okay, Leon. Losing a friend is not easy...

Leon: ...let’s just get on with it.

Celeste: Okay, but where do we even start with Toko’s case?

Kiyotaka: I propose the topic of cause of death!

Makoto: That seems as good place to start as any...

Toko’s cause of death... A simple, yet complex topic...

Nonstop Debate Start!

Leon: How she died? That’s a stupid question to ask.

Kiyotaka: Not exactly! Even though she was hanged, she may have died before then!

Kiyotaka: Through use of poison or another weapon!

Chihiro: But there weren’t any attack wounds...

Aoi: Then... it’s obvious, isn’t it? She hanged herself.

Kyoko: Or was hanged by someone else.

Aoi: Yeah, or that. The important part is, hanging was the cause!

Makoto: I guess that’s process of elimination for you...

> State of Toko’s Body

No, that’s wrong!


Mukuro: No, Hina. Even though the body was hanged, there was a wound that showed the true cause of death. The strangulation marks.

Aoi: Huh? How is that different from being hanged?

Mukuro: It leaves different kind of mark on the neck. To untrained eye it may be no different, but with a bit of knowing, you can tell if someone has been strangled or hanged. And I’m fairly certain that Toko was strangled.

Not so fast!

Kyoko: Stop right there, Mukuro.

Mukuro: Huh? Kyoko?

Kyoko: Your logic is certainly sound, but it is taken apart by other evidence you provided. Let me explain...

Rebuttal Showdown Start!

Kyoko: The matter of true cause of death...

Kyoko: Lies in your own examination of the body.

Kyoko: If I remember correctly...

Kyoko: You told me that Toko’s neck wasn’t just strangled...

Kyoko: But also snapped.


Mukuro: Yes, it was. But I don’t see how this changes my argument.

Kyoko: It’s simple, really.

Kyoko: If body is dropped from sufficient height...

Kyoko: Rather than suffocating, victim dies instantly, due to snapped neck.

Kyoko: I believe it’s possible that...

Kyoko: Toko was only strangled to unconsciousness...

Kyoko: And then hanged. Resulting in her death at the moment of hanging.

Kyoko: Does that explain my objection?

> Monokuma File 3.2

I’ll cut through your words!


Mukuro: Kyoko, your theory is also sound... But it contradicts an important piece of evidence. The Monokuma File. Particularly, Toko’s one.

Kyoko: Ah... I did read them, but only sparingly. I did not want my opinion of body examination to be affected by bias coming from them... But did not review them properly again afterwards, so let me... Ah. I see now. It says...

Byakuya: That Toko’s cause of death was explicitly suffocation. And since we know she was strangled, it’s fair to assume that she was suffocated as that happened, and her neck snapped when the body fell down from the catwalks, long after she was dead.

Kyoko: I see. In that case, Mukuro’s theory seems to be the only possible explanation.

Celeste: While I don’t doubt that, does that not also point us in direction of a rather glaring suspect?

Leon: Huh? What suspect?

Celeste: I am talking about Byakuya of course.

Kyoko: Might I ask why him precisely?

Celeste: Well, this is a second-hand account as I was not there, but. From what I’ve been told, moments before Toko’s body fell down from the rafters, you heard his voice coming from up there. I think it’s only fair we learn how exactly those two events came to happen at the same time.

Byakuya: Really now? Answer should be obvious to you.

Answer is so obvious, Byakuya doesn’t want to spell it out... But is everyone else aware of it?

Nonstop Debate Start!

Celeste: Byakuya’s presence there at the time is most certainly suspicious.

Syo: Hey, don’t slander master!

Aoi: But it’s true, isn’t it? Byakuya was there, he’s definitely related to the case!

Kiyotaka: I agree. It’s hard to imagine there is some other explanation to the timing.

Chihiro: I was there, but I still think Byakuya was there by coincidence...

Chihiro: He sounded more surprised than malicious when we heard him...

Leon: That’d be one hell of a coincidence.

Leon: Plus, wouldn’t he see the real culprit when they were dropping Toko’s body?

Kyoko: Not if some kind of trickery was involved.

Byakuya: How long are you going to let this drag on?

Byakuya: Just speak up already.

> Catwalks Trap

I agree with you!


Mukuro: Kyoko’s guess is correct. There was a rope-based trap in the catwalks... that would cause the body to fall down should someone carelessly climb there and open the hatch to enter.

Kyoko: I see. In that case, body was hanging there before Byakuya even got there, and simply fell as he entered the catwalks.

Byakuya: Correct. My surprised exclamation was at the fact that first thing I saw as I opened the catwalks hatch was a lifeless body rapidly descending down.

Celeste: I see. That explains that, but it does not explain what you were doing there in the first place.

Byakuya: It’s simple, really. As I was heading to the Third Island due to Body Discovery Announcement, I spotted none other than our resident serial killer ignoring hospital to head elsewhere. I followed her and saw her enter the Music Venue. So, I decided to observe her from safe distance, and climbed the catwalks.

Chihiro: And while you were doing that... We were searching for her ourselves, and entered the venue through main entrance at about same time.

Kyoko: I see. Then I suppose the mystery of the falling corpse is solved then. If I had to guess, the culprit wanted to use the trick to frame whoever happened to check the catwalks, and Byakuya simply fell for it.

Byakuya: That trap was extremely obvious. Only a total idiot wouldn’t realize it’s a framing by just looking at the place.

Leon: Okay, but where does that get us? We just decided that whole hanging thing was completely irrelevant to Toko’s actual death, right?

Junko: Yeah, it kinda is. Still, with filler out of the way we can now just figure out where she was really killed.

Kiyotaka: Answer is obvious! The Music Venue!

Aoi: But is it really that obvious? What if the body was moved from another location?

Makoto: It was early morning at the time, and Third Island was under quarantine. I guess it would require some luck, but it’s not impossible...

No, I’m pretty sure there’s something that connects Toko’s death in the venue to the location...

Nonstop Debate Start!

Aoi: Was Toko really killed at the Music Venue?

Aoi: Maybe it’s all a misdirection by the real culprit!

Byakuya: What sort of moron would risk carrying the body between different locations?

Makoto: Well, it was early morning at the time of death, and island was quarantined...

Makoto: It’s possible that nobody spotted the culprit.

Celeste: But lack of testimonies is not sufficient proof, no?

Leon: Well, no real evidence was found in the Music Venue itself either.

Aoi: Yeah, not even in storage rooms!

Makoto: So, we agree then? The body was moved?

Kiyotaka: That explanation seems very logical! Culprit attempted to confuse us!

> Basem*nt Wall Scratches

No, that’s wrong!


Mukuro: Aoi, you weren’t part of people investigating the venue, right? How can you be so sure?

Aoi: Well, I thought if there was some evidence, it’d totally get brought up by now!

Mukuro: Well, there is. When I was in venue basem*nt, on the wall I found scratch marks.

Makoto: Oh, I remember! You said they were probably left by someone, right?

Mukuro: Yeah, and they seemed fresh. Fresh sign of struggle in the basem*nt seems to point to obvious truth. That’s where Toko—

Slice and dice!

Syo: Wrong! Wrong, wrong, wrong! That’s so obviously wrong!

Mukuro: Why are you speaking up now of all times?

Syo: Because you’re wrong! And it’s my time to shine!

Rebuttal Showdown Start!

Syo: Seriously? Scratches? That’s all you have?

Syo: Kyahahaha!

Syo: That’s nothing! My crime scenes are blood-filled bonanzas!

Syo: My body arrangements are beautiful art pieces!

Syo: And you’re saying some scratches is enough?

Syo: Even my scissors can make scratches like that!


Mukuro: Are you just trying to waste time or derail the argument? Make your point already.

Syo: Well, duh! Anything could have left those scratches!

Syo: But there’s no sign in the basem*nt that Ms. Gloomyface was ever there!

Syo: And no sign on her corpse either!

Syo: So who cares about some stupid scratches!

Syo: Kyahahaha! I’m good at it!

> State of Toko’s Body

I’ll cut through your words!


Mukuro: It seems like you never did examine Toko’s body, Syo.

Syo: Why would I? It’s creepy to touch one’s own body you know. Even if it’s a copy. Or would I be a copy? Kyahahaha!

Mukuro: Well, I can tell you for certain that shortly before her death, Toko struggled really hard. Not only were there rope fibers under her fingernails, probably due to her trying to pull away the rope around her neck... But also splinters of wood.

Kyoko: I see. If she tried flailing about as she was being suffocated, she may have scratched the wall near her, causing the splinters to get wedged.

Syo: Gah, fine, whatever, losers, you win some, you lose some.

Leon: Okay, so we know for sure that Toko has been killed in the basem*nt. But so what? It’s not like there’s anything special about the place.

Mukuro: Actually there is.

Junko: Oh, my sister is finally taking initiative! My pride is almost as big as my disgust.

Piece of evidence that points to significance of basem*nt as place where Toko’s murder was committed is...

> Bent Chair

Mukuro: Leon, remember the chair we saw?

Leon: Oh yeah! You figured that it was used to block the basem*nt doors recently, right?

Mukuro: Exactly. That’s the significance of the basem*nt. Someone was trapped there...

Aoi: Someone? Wouldn’t it just be Toko?

Celeste: No. That does not make much sense. She wound up dead after all, so why would the culprit trap her when they could have just killed her on the spot?

Chihiro: I guess we should talk about it and figure out what really happened there...

There is more to the attempt to trap Toko in the basem*nt. I know it... And it’s not that simple...

Nonstop Debate Start!

Chihiro: So... why would someone trap Toko in the basem*nt?

Kiyotaka: Maybe the culprit wanted to prepare the trap in the catwalks first?

Byakuya: They’d need the body for that already.

Celeste: Perhaps they had some other business to attend to?

Leon: But wouldn’t they risk Toko being found and revealing their identity to everyone?

Aoi: I think it’s way simpler! The culprit needed to fetch the rope for the killing!

Kyoko: Procuring the murder weapon... That does seem like a good guess.

Kyoko: However, there’s something off about it.

Junko: No duh. It would still be extremely stupid reason to leave someone trapped behind that you plan to kill.

Junko: It would make more sense to just do it on spot with whatever you have.

Aoi: But they needed the rope for their trick, right?

Makoto: I guess that makes sense...

> Rope

No, that’s wrong!


Mukuro: We know for certain that killer wouldn’t need to leave Toko in that basem*nt in order to get the rope. Because that rope only comes from that very basem*nt.

Aoi: Huh? Seriously?

Mukuro: The rope in question is stocked in the basem*nt of Music Venue. It’s way sturdier than anything at the Supermarket and matches perfectly with one used to hang Toko.

Kyoko: If that’s the case, then culprit’s action make no sense whatsoever.

Junko: Maybe that’s because we assumed something that we shouldn’t have without evidence.

Chihiro: ...ah!

Mukuro: Assumed something...?

Something that we assumed, that when dropped could explain why the trapping in basem*nt would happen in such bewildering manner... I guess it would be...

> Whoever trapped Toko and her killer are same person

Mukuro: Of course! What if Toko wasn’t actually trapped and killed by the same person? What if there were two different people?

Byakuya: Two different people... And perhaps the reason murder occurred in the basem*nt itself...

Junko: Was because she was trapped there, and not alone. Her killer was in there, trapped with her. That’d explain why such a makeshift weapon was used. It was probably what little there was in that basem*nt.

Chihiro: Yeah... I guessed the same...

Makoto: Wait, I don’t understand! You’re saying that someone else probably trapped Toko and her killer in the basem*nt? But why would anyone do that?

Junko: Perhaps because they were the real blackened.

Celeste: Ah, I understand. A true blackened, one who killed Mondo, was probably discovered by Toko. And it was a shoddy attempt to conceal their crime.

Byakuya: Then I guess we can already say for certain just who exactly it was that ended up trapped with her.

Aoi: Wait, we can?

He’s right. We can... With this!

> Byakuya’s Account

Mukuro: You said it yourself, Byakuya. Toko and Syo headed for the Third Island together on your orders. What reason would they have to split up?

Kiyotaka: And the killer tried to trap them to conceal the truth!

Kyoko: That is a long series of assumptions, but I don’t see any logical fallacies or good alternatives to explore. Because of that, it’s only right that we hear it from the horse’s mouth. So, Syo, got anything to say for yourself?

Syo: ...

Syo: Hm? You talking about me?

Syo: Oh, right, I’m the only Syo in existence! Or the only one worth acknowledging at least, kyahahahaha!

Byakuya: Just answer the question. Did you, or did you not kill Toko after being trapped with her in that basem*nt?

Syo: Well, maybe I did... or maybe I didn’t! I’m a serial killer, guys, you can’t trust me to just confess! Did you not get the memo?

Byakuya: What? You won’t speak?

Syo: Oh, I’m always glad to speak! As long as topic is cute boys, like you, master!

Chihiro: There’s something that bothers me here... Doesn’t Syo have a very specific murder ruleset?

Byakuya: Kill with scissors, arrange with scissors, victims are all male.

Chihiro: Yeah, that... Well, none of these are present in Toko’s death...

Syo: Oh gee! Well, you know, rules schmules, when it comes to ridding world of someone as repulsive as her, standards have to make way! That is what I would say if I killed her at least! Kyahahaha!

Kyoko: She’s not being helpful, so I suggest we just ignore her for now.

Aoi: Ignore her? But... she obviously did... something! Probably the culprit in both cases!

Mukuro: But that’s impossible. We concluded that the culprit in Toko’s murder was most likely trapped with her... And the only person who would make sense to trap the two would be Mondo’s murderer. Two different people.

Leon: And with the way that chair was, it’s definitely only possible to block the door like that from outside the basem*nt.

Syo: Gah, you’re all so boring! Fine, fine! I shall do the worst sin of serial killer... I... confess...

Byakuya: What?!

Aoi: H-Huh?

Syo: It’s true! Bloody arrangement of the hot biker dude! Strangling of my worst side! I did it! I did it all! ...probably. Eh, either way, no regrets for the wicked, or however you say that. Kyahahaha!

Makoto: Probably?! How can you be not sure about killing someone?

Kiyotaka: More importantly... to confess just like that... Why in the world?!

Byakuya: ...her perk.

Makoto: Wait... Byakuya, you know?

Byakuya: Yes. The most dangerous perk so far belongs to Genocider Syo.

Syo: Kyahahaha! Master, it was supposed to be our little secret! But instead of getting closer after I revealed it, you started huddling to others, always trying to be in someone’s company... Were you that scared of lil’ ol’ Ginny Syo?

Byakuya: Shut up.

Celeste: I feel as if all of us, bar Makoto, Byakuya and Syo, are out of the loop. What perk are we talking about exactly?

Syo: A picture is worth a thousand words! Tatarata!

With that, Syo pulled out her handbook, with perk page opened. It read the description obviously and clearly.

Ultimate Murderous Fiend’s Perk


Once per entirety of the Killing Game, can be discovered as the blackened and avoid execution, remaining in the game as if they were spotless.


Syo: Kyahahaha! I was given an extra life! In more meaning than one!

Leon: No way! That’s a perk?! How in the world is that fair?!

Syo: All’s fair in love and killing! Kyahahaha!

Kyoko: I see. So, I take it that’s why you’re confessing to your actions?

Syo: Yepperoni!

Makoto: But... why?!

Syo: Eh, I got bored of this whole charade. Yeah, I killed them both. You figured out my gloomy side’s death already, Mondo was only inevitable. So I decided to cut it short!

Makoto: That’s not what I meant! Why would you kill them?!

Syo: Because I’m an insane serial killer with insatiable thirst for blood who had the perfect opportunity to kill and get away with it? Hmm... Nah, probably just that time of the month for me. Kyahahahaha!

Junko: And how exactly did you kill them both?

Syo: Is it not obvious? I stabbed the biker guy and nailed him down the usual way. Then I strangled the stupid version of me in the basem*nt! What else is there to it?

Mukuro: But it doesn’t make sense...

Junko: Yeah. Exactly.

Syo: Awhuh?

Chihiro: Right... Someone locked you and Toko in the basem*nt, right? That means there’s another person involved...

Syo: Hmm... Maybe? I don’t know, ell, oh, ell.

Kiyotaka: Ell oh ell?

Aoi: How can you not know? You just said you were there!

Syo: Oh, I was, I was. It’s just that my memory is unusually fuzzy about entirety of last night... Actually, it’s just fuzzy in general!

Celeste: Your memory is... fuzzy?

Junko: Like those black spots that appear after you hold your eyes tightly shut, but all over your memory instead of vision?

Syo: Hey! Are you a psychic?! How did you describe my memory loss so well?!

Junko has a good reason to know exactly what that kind of memory loss is like. After all, it can be explained by...

> Monokuma’s Guide to Despair Disease

Mukuro: Syo... are you sure you didn’t have Despair Disease?

Syo: Huh? No clue! How would I know?

Celeste: That would explain the memory lapse...

Kyoko: And it could point to a potential motive.

Byakuya: A potential motive? What could that be?

Kyoko: Think about way Syo has been acting since we met her. What was one desire she expressed the most throughout our time here?

Leon: She kept going on and on about living her own life, right?

Kyoko: Exactly. That’s why she supposedly resisted killing anybody... until her personality got altered.

Kiyotaka: So, she forgot all about that one great desire she had... And killed people?

Kyoko: Indeed. Although, her perk does seem to give her a convenient way out.

Junko: But doesn’t that mean we can’t trust a single word she said so far?

Makoto: Huh?

Junko: If she was infected when committing murder, then forgot. Her confession may just be a delusion itself. So we’re right back to before she confessed.

Byakuya: If disease tampers with memories in order to induce personality changes, then indeed, whatever testimony she has is unreliable. Unless you remember actual process of committing the crimes...

Syo: I’m telling you! I definitely remember strangling Toko! That one thing is clear as day to me! Although the rest does kind of blend together into unrecognizable mesh... But nobody but me could have killed Mondo either!

Mukuro: Why do you say that?

Syo: Oh ho ho? Got your attention now, huh? Well, listen well!

Nonstop Debate Start!

Syo: Only I could have killed Mondo!

Junko: We get that, get to the point so that Mukuro refutes it for me.

Syo: Well, think about it! Scene replicated my crime style perfectly, from what I heard!

Syo: Only I could have done that!

Byakuya: With how much you brag about it, I’m sure anyone could have copied your style.

Syo: Maybe that’s true...

Syo: But they wouldn’t be able to copy my scissors!

Makoto: Syo’s scissors are particularly distinct... I don’t think it’s possible to fake them.

Aoi: So it had to have been her!

Syo: See? Told ya!

> Special Scissors

No, that’s wrong!


Mukuro: I’m not sure if you didn’t know or you forgot... But anyone could have gotten these scissors from your lab. There’s a surplus over there.

Syo: What? Plagiarism! Whoever built that lab, I’m suing!

Byakuya: Stay on topic. So, anyone could have killed Mondo. And since your account is unreliable, your confession is also useless.

Aoi: Does anyone have any other ideas...?

Chihiro: Well... there’s the body discovery announcement when we found Mondo...

Leon: Yeah, what about it?

Chihiro: You see, it’s weird. It triggered after just Mukuro saw it. I didn’t see the body myself until after it happened. And I was thinking back to possibility of Toko and Syo discovering it together and being locked because of it...

Celeste: Ah. That is true. If the body was seen by two people, it supports that theory really well. Although it does not explain other inconsistencies. Such as Syo’s own accounts or unusual murder of Toko.

Syo: Unusual murder? Iuono, murder’s pretty usual for me! Kyahahaha!

Celeste: I mean, the murder method. Even if she was a girl you had vendetta against, why would you forgo your normal methodics?

Syo: Stop questioning me! I told you all I know!

Unusual method of Toko’s murder... Syo’s missing memories... Despair Disease involved... This all connects. Connects into one possibility that makes sense of what we have... but puts all other evidence in a brand new light. That possibility is that...

> Toko and Syo have switched places

Mukuro: What I’m about to suggest will sound a bit crazy... but what if this isn’t Syo here at the stand right now?

Syo: Whaaaat?!

Aoi: Huh?

Makoto: I don’t...

Junko: If you’re going to say it, say it. Before they go on another tangent about ghosts or parallel universes.

Mukuro: Right... What I mean is. What if the person who was dead in the Music Venue was actually Genocider Syo, while ‘Syo’ we’re talking to right now is Toko... infected with Despair Disease.

Celeste: That... would explain why a bloodless murder method would have to be used...

Byakuya: And it would still offer explanation to lapses in memory.

Kyoko: I see. That theory is full of holes, though plausible... Is there any evidence that could support it? If there was, it’d be worth looking into...

Mukuro: There is.

Evidence that supports that crazy possibility is...

> Broken Glasses

Mukuro: Celeste, remember the glasses you said you found in Pharmacy?

Celeste: I do. They were exactly like Toko’s, if I remember correctly.

Mukuro: Now, they definitely were only there recently and you described them as intentionally broken, correct?

Celeste: Indeed. And I see where you’re going with this.

Mukuro: Yes. Since real Syo ditched her glasses a few days back, then only person who could have left them there and broke them would be their owner, thanks to Taka’s rule about destruction of property. And that person would be Toko herself.

Junko: If she was made to believe she was Genocider Syo, she’d try to look the part, so she broke her own glasses to replace them with lenses.

Kyoko: I see. I suppose then it’s worth investigating how exactly the crime could have unfolded under the assumption that at some point after murder, Toko got infected. After all, she would still remember the murder if she were infected before she committed it.

Syo: Hey, is nobody going to ask me? I refuse to be compared to her! This is slander! Slander! I’m not Toko!

Byakuya: Let’s just ignore her. This door opens up several possibilities.

Celeste: I do agree that the idea has some credence to it. However, to me it seems like it creates more questions than explanations.

Aoi: Wait, everyone! I, uh, wanted to ask something for a while, but I have to now before we go further into that whole swap idea...

Makoto: Huh? Hina?

Aoi: I... I need to know something. Did anyone here break quarantine before nighttime yesterday?

And silence. Nobody was answering. Although there is a way to confirm for sure for most people through...

> Kiyotaka’s Account

Mukuro: Well, there’s Taka’s account to consider. You made sure everyone was in their cottages around the time nighttime hit, right?

Kiyotaka: Exactly! Except Syo, who happened to be absent for unknown reasons.

Aoi: Aha! Then she’s the only suspect we can have!

Byakuya: And why, pray tell, is that?

Aoi: Because I made sure nobody could access the Third Island by taking Mondo’s handbook and using his perk! I only did it for nighttime though...

Kyoko: You what?! Why?

Aoi: Well, you said it yourself, Kyoko! You’d enforce the quarantine if you had the means to. So, I came up with some!

Kyoko: I see...

Celeste: Doesn’t that mean that Syo would have to have been the culprit? And if the person in front of us is Toko who believes herself to be her, then she would be the blackened for killing past blackened, no?

Chihiro: But the Body Discovery Announcement was triggered by only one person seeing Mondo’s body... If one was dead and other had memory loss due to the Despair Disease, it would explain why nobody confessed, but...

Junko: ...but if it was anybody else, they would have spoke up already!

Kyoko: I suppose that eliminates Syo as a potential suspect. However, that implicates one other person. Isn’t that right, Aoi Asahina?

Aoi: H-Huh?

Leon: Wait... her? I mean... it kinda makes sense, but her?

Aoi: I already told you everything, didn’t I? I was in the hospital, sleeping all night! I never even left staff room!

There’s something... off about the way she says that. But there’s no way she’s actually the culprit...

Makoto: Hina would never do something like that!

Byakuya: If you’re going to argue for her, use arguments that make sense. Sayaka ended up as the blackened despite her ‘pure-hearted’ demeanor. This situation may be no different.

Junko: Nah. The girl’s awful liar, I’ll give her that, but no way she killed anyone.

Aoi: Thanks, guys...

Kyoko: I do feel like that explanation is insufficient...

Aoi: How many times do I gotta explain it then? I was in my room the whole time!

Hina... I’m not sure why I get that feeling of off-ness... But I’m certain you didn’t kill anyone. Which means I should just force you to play along and help me expose the real culprit... Whatever it takes.

Nonstop Debate Start!

Aoi: I’m innocent! I didn’t kill Mondo!

Kyoko: But nobody else could.

Celeste: We did determine that Syo could not have done it...

Byakuya: And according to the hospital rules, only someone who was sick could enter while Hina was inside.

Syo: Hey, is everyone still ignoring me? I’m getting bored over here!

Kiyotaka: That eliminates every other possible culprit!

Junko: Well, they could be hiding that they were sick during that time, like Toko.

Syo: Hey! I said it before, I’m not Toko!

Aoi: I never left my room! I swear!

Chihiro: But... we can’t prove that, can we?

> Aoi’s Account > Aoi’s Lie

I’ll do what I must...


Mukuro: Aoi... Please. Just tell the truth. Because I know you’re lying right now.

Aoi: You can’t possibly—I mean, I’m not lying!

Mukuro: ...that night... I went to Third Island. And as I had just entered it, I checked my map and what I saw was... Three people inside the hospital and one right outside. I didn’t think to see who it was, as I just assumed you went outside for some reason... But with how insistent on it you are...

Okay... That should do it. Half-truth. I checked my map only on the way back and it was a bit later, not to mention that I saw something different, but if my hunch is correct...

Kyoko: Mukuro, that’s a rather convenient—

Aoi: I’m sorry! I failed!

Makoto: Hina...?

Aoi: I had a responsibility! I was supposed to make sure everyone was alright! But I... I couldn’t even do that! I’m useless!

Leon: Hey, hey, calm down...

Aoi: I couldn’t even sleep because I was so worried... But then! Suddenly, in the middle of the night, someone threw pebbles at my window... So I went outside and there was a basket of supermarket donuts! I thought that someone brought me a gift, so I took it and went back in... But I didn’t even think to check on how the sick were doing. And after that I fell asleep and in the morning... Mondo was dead! He was dead because I... I fell for such a stupid trick!

Byakuya: So, you think the culprit entered the hospital while you were going to find that basket?

Aoi: Yeah! They had to come in, quickly kill Mondo and leave... There’s no other way about it.

Kiyotaka: But why? Wouldn’t sneaking into Hospital be better option here?

Junko: Nope. They had no way of knowing if Aoi was sleepless and patrolling the hallways or not. By luring her outside, they could make sure that she will not spot them. Not to mention, that one thing. That could have prevented culprit from entering at any other moment.

A thing that could have prevented... That has to be...

> Hospital Rules

Mukuro: Junko, you’re talking about the hospital rules, right? Where only one non-sick person can stay in the building at night?

Junko: Yep.

Aoi: See? It’s all my fault!

There’s something off about this. Aoi was lured out, but is that the whole story?

Nonstop Debate Start!

Aoi: Mondo is dead because of my negligence!

Celeste: Yes, we get that. But who could have done that?

Syo: Me! Memememe!

Byakuya: Shut up.

Byakuya: The culprit was only in there for short time, correct?

Aoi: Well, probably. Otherwise one of us would be punished when I returned.

Aoi: After all, I didn’t just eat the donuts outside.

Aoi: I simply grabbed the basket and went back in.

Aoi: It couldn’t have taken longer than a few minutes...

Chihiro: Is that enough to sneak in and commit a murder?

Kiyotaka: One mortal wound would be all that’s needed!

> Kyoko’s Examination Results

No, that’s wrong!


Mukuro: Actually, I think that luring you out was simply a diversion, but not to sneak into hospital. Because the culprit definitely was there for a while.

Aoi: They... were?

Mukuro: Remember, the body was arranged to look like a scene of Genocider Syo murder. And that had to have taken considerable time, right, Kyoko?

Kyoko: That’s correct. I doubt even the real Genocider Syo would be able to make such arrangement in matter of few minutes.

Aoi: But then... how did the culprit stay and not get themselves or me punished?

Junko: Maybe they were a patient.

Celeste: Ahem... Perhaps you forgot but both of us were incapacitated by high fever and unconsciousness. Mondo was the one faring best, so I doubt either of us could have committed that murder.

Junko: Not what I meant. I meant, culprit was a patient from perspective of those rules. They were also sick, and were considered a patient, so they didn’t have to leave.

Leon: Of course! If the culprit had Despair Disease! It makes perfect sense!

Aoi: But then... It had to have been Syo, right? I blocked everyone except sick, myself and Kyoko from passing through between Third and Central Islands at nighttime... And she was the only one not in her cottage.

Junko: Hey, I wonder... How did Mukuro get over to the island then?

Mukuro: That’s right... I did go there... And I feel like I should mention that...

> My Account

Mukuro: That I checked the map twice that night. Once when first entering, as I have, uh, said earlier. But also after I left. And I saw four people inside the hospital.

Kiyotaka: But you entered the Island. Mondo’s perk should have stopped you!

Byakuya: I say we ask the mascots for the explanation.

Monokuma: Uh-oh! Now’s a time to explain how handbooks work with death I guess! Though, I thought you’d put two and two together by now.

Monokuma: The moment someone dies, any effects their perk may have had disappear, and their map marker is gone! Although people can still use their handbook to see what their perk was and what was its last state before their death! Plain and simple!

Junko: Which means that in both times Mukuro looked at her map, Mondo was already dead. Because she could pass the island gates.

Leon: But wait, didn’t she say all people in hospital were accounted for both times? How does that make sense?

Byakuya: The culprit simply stayed in Mondo’s room, probably busy ‘decorating’ it.

Kiyotaka: That means the whole ruse was simply to make Hina think that whoever killed was not sick at all, then?

Junko: Eh, hard to say, and doesn’t really matter. But with all that we’ve put together... Wouldn’t you say we can safely make a proper accusation? You put two and two together yet, Mukuro?

Mukuro: I... Well...

We can make an accusation... That’s right. One person. One person who could have committed every step of the crime... And who has been leading us on this whole time. That person has to be none other than...

Select a person.


This is it. A lot of work went into this one and I feel like for making you guys wait so long between investigation and trial, I'll be releasing the trial chapters at the same time for this occasion. For more words, see next chapter notes and I hope you enjoy~

Chapter 25: Chapter 3 – Lost in Mourning Fever – Trial, Part 2


The trial continues as a staggering accusation is made that turns the case around


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Class Trial Resumed


Mukuro: Kyoko. The obvious suspect we ignored this whole time... Is you.

Kyoko: ...I acknowledge your accusation. I do indeed lack proper alibi for a lot of the night... As do other people. However. I do have clear alibi for time of Toko’s death, as I’m sure you, Chihiro and Makoto can confirm.

Makoto: Yeah, Kyoko did meet with us in the morning...

Junko: How is that relevant again?

Kyoko: Huh?

Junko: You’ve constantly redirected topics whenever we got close to pointing fingers at you and I’m tired of your bullsh*t. We already figured out that one of two crazy clones killed another when they were locked up in the basem*nt by the culprit of Mondo’s death. If you’re that culprit, then you wouldn’t even need to be around. Actually, it’d be perfect time to intentionally go and secure yourself an alibi...

Chihiro: I have to admit... Your reason for coming to First Island was pretty strange...

Kyoko: Hm. So you want the truth? Fine. I’ll give you that.

Kyoko’s attitude got more dismissive... Did we hit a nerve?

Nonstop Debate Start!

Kyoko: I concealed it exactly because it would have led to me being suspected...

Kyoko: But I discovered the scene first. Then came Toko and Syo.

Kiyotaka: You saw the scene? Then why didn’t you alert the rest of us?!

Kyoko: I realized that if I could prevent Body Discovery from happening, I could investigate thoroughly.

Kyoko: But when announcement didn’t trigger, I realized that Syo was the culprit.

Kyoko: So I trapped them both. I couldn’t get them to separate.

Aoi: Why didn’t you just reveal it to everyone then?!

Kyoko: It would be easy to pass blame off onto me. So I instead opted to continue with idea of investigating alone for as long as I could.

Kyoko: And then Mukuro found the body, while Toko wound up dead.

Byakuya: That lie is ridiculous and convoluted. If that story were true...

Byakuya: That piece of evidence would never find its way to Mondo’s patient room.

Junko: Yeah, girl, you’re screwed.

Kyoko: If you have something to say, then say it.

> Bloody Pin

I agree with you!


Mukuro: Byakuya, you’re talking about your pin that we found, right?

Byakuya: Of course. It was planted so obviously, it’s as if culprit wanted us to realize they were badly framing me.

Kyoko: And how does that contradict my story?

Byakuya: That pin could only have been stolen from my cottage. And I can tell you with absolute certainty, that it happened this morning. Sometime between me meeting with the two stalkers and the first Body Discovery Announcement. It would seem a skilled locksmith entered my cottage almost tracelessly... But I have my ways.

Celeste: A skilled locksmith... That does seem to be a kind of skill fitting a detective.

Kyoko: Conjecture. Everything said applies to Syo as a potential culprit. It’s still possible that she killed Mondo at night, then after killing Toko and breaking out of basem*nt, planted pin on the crime scene.

Mukuro: No, that’s impossible. Because Syo was dead after that altercation! Or did you forget that we concluded that it’s Toko, infected with Despair Disease standing before us?

Kyoko: ...

Kyoko: . . .

Kyoko: C o n c l u d e d?

Kyoko: You think you reached some sort of conclusion, do you now?

Kyoko: Ridiculous amateur... It’s about time I reminded you who is the real prodigy here...

Syo: Uh... I was about to make an offended remark about being compared to Toko again, but, uh... She looks pissed so I’ll just keep being hush-hush... Kyah... hah...

Kyoko: How many murders have you solved? Zero, counting on your own. How many did I? Hundreds. To be lectured by inexperienced idiot, to be accused of... murder... by you! You of all people?!

Mukuro: K-Kyoko...?

Kyoko: Hah... hahah... Ahahahaha! This... this is too much... I can’t stop laughing...

Kyoko: But forget amusem*nt. Back to business. So, you ‘concluded’ that we actually found ‘Syo’ hanging there in the Music Venue, and Toko is still alive and well? Okay.

Kyoko: Now let me shatter all the confidence you put into your accusation to pieces with a single piece of evidence.

Kyoko: Monokuma File 3.2!

Mukuro: What about it?

Kyoko: Just read the first line out loud for me.

Mukuro: The victim was Toko f*ckawa, the Ultimate Writing—

Mukuro: Gah!

Kyoko: So. Feeling smart yet?

Junko: Why are you so smug? You’re not out of hot water yet!

Kiyotaka: Class President! Your behavior is abnormally... condescending!

Aoi: Yeah! And Mukuro’s theory totally made sense!

Kyoko: Please. This whole theory was absurd. I simply let you believe it and didn’t reveal the ridiculousness of it in hopes that at least one of you would have smarts to point out something this obvious. But it appears none of you are cut out for this. This is why I’m the best for the position of leader, Junko and Byakuya.

Byakuya: I spotted the contradiction from the start. I simply assumed it was some trick by Monokuma.

Monokuma: No tricks! Genocider Syo and Toko f*ckawa may have extremely shared origin, but for the purposes of the Killing Game they are entirely different people!

Usami: It would be wrong to treat them as same person... When both of them dislike it so much...

Junko: Grh... What are you hiding?

Kyoko: I’m not hiding anything. I’m showing you who here is actually capable of solving murders.

Kyoko: The Monokuma File, a piece of evidence nobody has power of, and that only contains the truth, is the answer.

No, that’s wrong!

Mukuro: Huh? Makoto?

Makoto: Kyoko! You’re wrong!

Kyoko: What? You, now of all times?

Makoto: I... I can’t let you get away with such an obvious lie. I know I promised to myself, to you, to everyone not to do it, but...

Suddenly, Makoto tapped something onto his handbook before presenting it to all of us. It reminded me of how he did it back during the First trial... When he showed us Sakura’s perk. But this time, something else was presented...

Ultimate Detective’s Perk

Autopsy Report

Can alter any Monokuma File freely, even ones yet to be released.


Byakuya: Seriously? Even that is a perk?

Celeste: Well. It appears, our Class President has dug her own grave.

Leon: Yeah, Kyoko! If you were the culprit, and wanted to frame Syo, you could just change the file!

Syo: What what what? Me? Framed? But I’m not a portrait!

Junko: Wow. Mukuro, you know how to pick ‘em, he got her.

Makoto: What do you have to say to that, Kyoko?

Kyoko: ...hah... Do you really think that holds up?!

Makoto: Huh?

Kyoko: No! No, it doesn’t! You proved possibility of me being culprit, I’ll concede that! My perk would allow me to lie as such... But that is not proof of anything! Syo being the culprit is still perfectly on the table! You can’t deny it!

Celeste: And why can’t we? Obviously different murder method was used to kill... the second victim, I’ll say to avoid confusion, and the person in front of us obviously has memory gaps, like someone infected or recently infected would.

Kyoko: Whoever it is, they’d be infected regardless of theory! Both theories rely on that one!

Kyoko pointed her finger sharply at ‘Syo’.

Kyoko: ...to be or have been infected with Despair Disease! That proves nothing! But guess who is not infected at all? Junko and Celeste!

Junko: Don’t drag us into this.

Kyoko: Those two were on deathbeds and suddenly perfect picture of health. Now, do you really think that if that was Toko, she’d still be showing symptoms?! After being perfectly healthy enough to commit a murder of her body double?!

Mukuro: I do! In fact, I can prove it with a section from Monokuma’s Guide!

Kyoko: You’re insufferable! How can you prove anything with that stupid pamphlet?!

Mukuro: Simple. It’s section about...

> Symptom recession

Mukuro: It says right there. The longer victim was infected, the faster symptoms recede. But you know what basic deduction tells me? The opposite is true! Someone infected for a little time would take way longer to have symptoms recede.

Aoi: Holy crap! That totally makes sense!

Mukuro: That’s how it’s possible that it is Toko under effects of Despair Disease!

Junko: Actually, if Kyoko’s the culprit, she would be under effects of it too in order for Mondo’s murder to work... Wouldn’t it be possible for her to forcefully infect Toko after discovering that she killed Syo, putting this whole charade in motion?

Celeste: Forcefully infect...? That is quite a creative way to frame someone.

Leon: But it would explain why she’s acting all weird now too, right?

Kyoko: Weird? Weird?! I’m acting weird? Hah... Hahahah! I’m the only one here who’s normal! The only one thinking like a normal person would! A reasonable person!

Mukuro: Do you still deny it then?

Kyoko: Deny what? You provided no proof! You simply put it down to two possibilities and established that both were fully possible. Either it’s me, and that person is Toko, deluded by Despair Disease... Or it’s not, and it’s Syo and she’s about to get away with a crime without even needing to use her perk!

Kyoko: Facts... Facts is the only way you can solve a case, Mukuro... And you provided no facts! Only possibilities, theories, conjecture... I have supported all my suggestions with facts, and you have none!

Mukuro: I know that so far I only suggested possibilities and followed where they led me, but that did not fail me. And it won’t fail me now. I will give you proof!

Kyoko: I... can’t believe it.... I’m at loss for words... You accuse me of murder... You! This is... too much... Hah... hahah... Fine then. You want to see the reality? Then come. I’ll put you in your place!

Argument Armament Start!

You’re wrong!

You’re incapable of following basic logic...

Rules of deduction escape you.

It’s laughable!

Of all people to accuse...

You pick me? One who led you so far?

Not Aoi, who you so thoughtlessly defended?

Not one of the sick, who might’ve only been pretending?

Not Byakuya, whose pin was found on the scene?

Not even yourself, who confessed to visiting the island?

Not Leon or Taka with their convenient lack of involvement?

And most importantly...

Not the most obvious suspect?

One with most evidence...

Most proof...

Most involvement...

Most suspicion...

How can there be any doubt?!

Culprit is Genocider Syo!

This theory of yours... I regret letting it go so far...

But if you’re committed to willful ignorance...

Then stick with it to the end.

And show me your so-called proof!

Final Blow!

You claim that the person standing with us is not Syo, but deluded Toko? How are you going to prove that?


‘s He



It all ends here!


Mukuro: Genocider Syo and Toko f*ckawa are literally clones, we know that much. And if one truly believed herself to be another to the core, and imitated all mannerisms, we would not be able to tell difference.

Mukuro: But there’s one thing that we can use to find out for sure. We know that Toko’s hemophobia is incredibly deep-seated. Remember how she acted when she was drunk?

Mukuro: Normally quiet and timid, she attacked Syo... But despite being brave due to influence, she still passed out at sight of blood.

Mukuro: So to know for certain, all we need to do is draw some blood here and show it to her! Then all will be clear!

Kyoko: R-Ridiculous! You’re going to wound yourself for nothing!

Syo: Ooh? Blood? Well, girl blood is boring, but anything to stop being so ignored!

Junko: Hey, Mukuro, you do the honors. Catch!

Without more warning, Junko threw a knife directly at me. Same knife she had stashed away in her cottage before... Where was she hiding it all this time? Regardless, I easily caught it with my left hand before it pierced my face... And in process, completely intentionally pushed my palm into the blade. Pain... then wet warmth... I took the knife with my right hand, smearing the blood a little along the palm before showing it to everyone, bloodied.

Syo: Eh. I’ve totally seen and did worse. See? No way... I’m... heh... Toko... She’d already... be....

As Syo was talking, she started swaying in place... Before her eyes roll upwards and she collapses down on the ground, unconscious.

Mukuro: Well? That, before you, is a fact you cannot refute, Kyoko.

Kyoko: To be... outdone... like that... Hah... haaah...

Leon: Wow... That was hardcore!

Kiyotaka: Mukuro, Junko, that handling of sharp objects was unacceptable!

Byakuya: Is now really the time? We’re finished, aren’t we?

Kyoko: Finished... me...?

Celeste: Perhaps it is time to finish it for real. Would you not agree, Mukuro?

Mukuro: Yes. It’s time to draw a conclusion to this. To end this for good...

Closing Argument Start!

The case started at some point yesterday. Killer definitely prepared for their job... Although they brought rather unorthodox supplies. A basket of donuts and a bunch of Genocider Syo’s special scissors. Thanks to their status as one of caretakers for the sick, they were on the Third Island when nighttime started. And that also sealed their fate, because unknown to them, the moment it did, Aoi blocked everyone else from accessing the island, while Taka checked to see that almost everyone was in their cottages. We do not know where Genocider Syo was at the time, but it seems to not be relevant to the case.

With their tools, the culprit got to work. First, they lured out Aoi, who was staying at the hospital... They didn’t have to do that, as they were infected with Despair Disease themselves, but they probably had specific plans, that got derailed by later events. Once Aoi was outside, they made their way in, entered Mondo’s hospital room, and without any hesitation, killed him with a single stab to the neck. And moments after that happened, I entered the Third Island, completely unaware of anything that was happening. All I knew is that by the time I was making my way back, Aoi was back at the hospital, which still had four people as it should. Aoi, Junko, Celeste... and the culprit, arranging scene to look like it was work of Genocider Syo.

It’s unclear what happened when the work was done, but in the early morning, someone else broke the quarantine. At Byakuya’s behest, Toko and Syo were sent to check up on the hospital. Which they did, arriving there and looking through the window... To discover Mondo’s body. Again, we can’t be certain what happened after that, but presumably, the culprit somehow encountered them... And lured them into the Music Venue’s basem*nt, locking them in. Probably to deal with the two later. But the culprit also wanted to establish an alibi, so they made their way to First Island under a false pretense. There, they did two things. They showed their face at the Restaurant, making sure that if murder happened in the basem*nt, they cannot be accused. And that was also most likely the time when they stole a pin belonging to Byakuya from his cottage.

Returning to Third Island, culprit planted the pin at the scene of Mondo’s crime. That is the only time it could have happened, as there is no way it could have been stolen at any point before Byakuya’s meeting with Syo and Toko. Then, the culprit returned to their trapped victims... To find one dead. Toko killed her copy, Genocider Syo, by strangling her with a piece of rope. And that is the one thing that ‘Syo’ remembered clearly in her testimonies. I assume whatever their plan was, that was not according to it, so they improvised... They forcefully infected Toko with disease they themselves had, causing her to act like most hated version of herself... Her alter ego – Genocider Syo, who immediately rushed to ‘restore’ her appearance at the pharmacy, by replacing glasses with lenses. All the while the culprit arranged the body so that it would look like an entirely different murder in the rafters. And to bring it all together, they altered the yet-unreleased Monokuma File, replacing Syo’s name and talent with Toko’s. To support this framing of someone already dead.

This whole crime was arranged by you, Kyoko Kirigiri, the Ultimate Detective! You’re the reason those two ended up dead!


Mukuro: This is it, Kyoko. This is how it happened.

Kyoko: Hah... so many assumptions... So many ‘possibly’... And yet... you somehow got it right... You bested me... Hah... This is... so... so...

Toko: Ngh... Whah... What... happened...

Leon: Oh, hey, she’s awake again.

Chihiro: I think she missed case summary...

Toko: H-Huh? Case summary... Wait... You! K-Kyoko! She’s the killer! She t-trapped me with Syo and—

Usami: Wait! We need to vote now!

Monokuma: Yeah, I kind of delayed the vote waiting for our sleeping beauty to wake up, because Usami didn’t want her punished for not voting, but now’s the time!

Usami: That’s right! And please, please, everyone vote!

Monokuma: Now, as practiced...

Usami: Will you make the right choice?

Monokuma: Or the dreadfully wrong one?

We all voted. As usual, the voting time passed in blink of an eye, and screen came down. Ten votes for Kyoko. One vote for... me. Petty.

Monokuma: Whoops! Looks like the detective was the killer all along! Or was she?

Usami: Don’t play with their hearts like that! Yes she was, good job everyone! Oh, except you, Kyoko... I’m sorry about that...

Kyoko: Hah... hahahah....

Trial End.

Kyoko stood still. Trial was over, but... her expression wasn’t sorrowful regret, like Sakura, or heart-wrenching panic like Sayaka. Instead she raised her head to face me and bore this twisted, malicious grin... Her eyes cloudy, pupils diluted, breathing heavy. Even Genocider Syo’s expressive use of tongue in her expressions didn’t unnerve me, but this... Was something else...

Makoto: Kyoko! Why? Why would you do this?

Byakuya: We figured it out, didn’t we? She was infected with the disease. There’s no other way about it.

Kyoko: Hah... to be defeated like that... To try to build such a fascinating case, only for it to fall apart due to circ*mstance... How... how...

Kyoko: How wonderfully despairful!

Chihiro: What...?

Kiyotaka: C-Class President?

Kyoko: It’s been a while since I felt such... such emotion... Such rush... Adrenaline is pumping, heart is about to escape my ribcage... Execution just behind the corner...

Leon: What the hell kind of disease does that to a person?

Celeste: Perhaps with her being a cold detective, it turned her into a maddened serial killer? Would play well with whole ‘opposites’ thing Despair Disease did.

Kyoko: Well, that is what it did, but not for reasons you think, Celeste.

Celeste: Oh? So you are willing to explain then?

Kyoko: Hmm... Explain... Let me think... Sure. I suppose I can let you in on answers to some mysteries... After all, I remember everything now.

Byakuya: You remember... everything?

Kyoko: Indeed. But before we get to that, let’s go back over what happened with the case. Can you imagine that before being infected, I actually contemplated suicide in order to end the motive?

Mukuro: You... were?

Kyoko: I was stupid. I can’t believe I was that kind of person at one point. Well, Disease saved my life. I wasn’t going to die a stupid suicide, so I killed. Killed before Disease killed me. After all, it is deadly.

Junko: And you were perfectly aware the entire time?

Kyoko: I guess that’s due to it being a Remembering Disease? Ironic... I sought so much to discover the mysteries of this Killing Game... Only for them to be given to me directly. No thrill, no deduction, just all answers on silver platter... So disappointing, yet so intriguing...

Aoi: But why?! Why did you lure me out and kill Mondo?

Kyoko: Mondo? Because if I killed him, I’d eliminate him as a suspect. As for why lure you out? I wanted you to take the fall. Simple as that. I planned to frame you for the crime. And Mondo was the only still-conscious patient... Can’t have him potentially taking the blame or finding bodies early.

Aoi: Me... taking the blame...?

Byakuya: I see... But I assume Syo and Toko got in the way of that?

Kyoko: They did. So I told them same ruse I tried to use. That I want to use the time before discovery as extra time to investigate. I lured them into the basem*nt of the Music Venue and locked them in...

Toko: You... you b-bitch! I was s-so scared...


I passed out when I saw it... Biker’s body nailed to the wall behind the window... The other me shook me awake. And then as we were about to leave we ran into the detective girl... She led us to venue and locked us in the basem*nt...

Kyoko: Now, I think you two probably figured everything out by the fact announcement hasn’t played yet. Can’t have you going around revealing my involvement. So you two are in the time out for now.

Syo: Hey! What the hell! Open up!

She bashed the door... To no effect. Something was holding it from the other side.

Kyoko: Come now. A murder has occurred. And I double-checked... If another murder were to happen, as long as I’m not the victim, I am still the blackened.

She... would still be blackened? That means that anyone killing right now would be able to get away with their murder without punishment... But not escape the island.

Kyoko: I will leave you two be now.

I heard footsteps. She left... There we were. Two of us, looking the same... The other me spoke again...

Syo: You know, she’s really stupid. She actually thinks she can trick me into killing you! After arranging a body to look like I did it! I bet she wants to catch me red-handed, even though I’m not the blackened!

Toko: Y-You think she wants you to k-kill me?!

Syo: No duh! Kyahahaha! Forget it, gloomyface, even if you were a boy, you’d be an uggo. Now, help me get this door broken down! Hiyah!

She started bashing at the door. That’s right... Anyone could kill now... with no repercussions... She... she ruined my life... She would kill people if she got out... I could... I could...

I picked up a length of rope. She was too focused on the door to notice me approaching from behind. I threw the rope around her neck and pulled with all my strength...

Syo: Krgh! Hrhhgh—Whaat... are... you doing....hrghhrh...

Toko: I’m e-ending! The reign of terror! Of Genocider Syo!

She resisted with all her strength too, but our bodies were the same, so she couldn’t escape... And eventually she went limp.

A while later Kyoko opened the door to find us. I tried to fight her to escape, but couldn’t land a blow before I was pinned to the floor. And then...


Toko: I c-can’t! I can’t say it!

Kyoko: I gave her a French kiss. Exchange of fluids was obviously easiest way to transfer my Disease to her.

Toko: No! Not in front of M-Master! He’ll never love an i-impure maiden!

Byakuya: Ugh... Disgusting...

Toko: I’ll wash my mouth with bleach! I p-promise...

Leon: Please don’t...

Kyoko: I will be honest, I was just winging it at that point. Syo caught onto my intentions perfectly though.

Celeste: I see... so that is how it all played out. You killed to not die of Disease and then improvised as things went wrong over time?

Kyoko: A crude way to put it, but not inaccurate.

Junko: Okay, let’s go back to the answering part then. You said you remembered everything...

Kyoko: Yes. All my lost memories... My personality didn’t change at all due to my variety of disease. It simply restored to way it was before I came to the Island.

Kiyotaka: You were such a callous person then? I can’t believe I supported such a Class President!

Kyoko: Oh, spare me, you lot... Oh, but I won’t say too much. Wouldn’t want to spoil fun for Monokuma.

Monokuma Puhuhu...

Kyoko: I will say this though. Monokuma said the truth when he said Usami was the one who took our memories. After all... She is part of World Ender.

Junko: World Ender...

Chihiro: What’s that...?

Kyoko: An organization that Usami is part of. But she would have you know as Future Foundation.

Kyoko: This organization seeks to destroy the world as we all know it, and to build their own vision of the future.

Toko: D-Destroy the... world?

Byakuya: Build their own future...? What the hell are you talking about?

Kyoko: I was robbed of chance to solve all these mysteries, so it’s fair I rob Monokuma of at least some of his enjoyment in making you figure these things out. His fault for making my disease act like that.

Monokuma: Awh... You won’t reveal everything, will you? That would really make life difficult for me...

Kyoko: Of course not. That would just not be interesting at all.

Makoto: I don’t understand! Usami, is that true?

Usami: Uh... well... Hope Fragments?

Celeste: It seems like it is.

Kyoko: Well, there’s definitely a lot of mystery left for you guys, and if you could beat, however botched, a case crafted by me, I’m sure you’ll do fine.

Kyoko: But, for all the unsatisfying answers I got... A new question I never considered arose.

She closed her eyes, dipping her head as she spoke...

Kyoko: Just how are you alive...?

Nobody reacted. Nobody responded.

Makoto: Who... are you talking about?

Kyoko: Oh, they know. But they won’t answer me, I’m certain.

Kyoko: Well, I think all that excitement of defeat was a rather nice preparation, but it’s time for the main event now. Isn’t that right, Monokuma?

Monokuma: Oh? Already? Not going to say much more?

Kyoko: I think I said enough for now. Plus... Such wonderful despair... First of defeat and now... of execution.

Junko: What the hell is it with you and despair all of a sudden?!

Kyoko: Hm? Hah... Ahahahahaha! For you to ask that question...

Kyoko: It’s just the way of my life now. The only driving force, the one thing that kept me going. Maybe if I committed myself properly, the case would never lead to me, but... Where’s the fun in that?

Mukuro: Are you saying you let yourself be discovered on purpose now?

Kyoko: Of course not. I did my best to try and escape alive. Well, I did the best I could without putting all the effort I had.

Toko: Y-You’re just contradicting yourself!

Kyoko: It’s pointless. Monokuma, it’s time.

Monokuma: Okay then, if you’re sure.

Monokuma: Now then, I’ve prepared a very special punishment for Kyoko Kirigiri, the Ultimate Detective!

Byakuya: All you said just now... You’re only trying to mislead us further, aren’t you?

Kyoko: Draw your own conclusions. I have an execution to attend.

Monokuma: Let’s give it everything we’ve got!

Leon: This is sick... Is she really looking forward to it?

Kiyotaka: I just... can’t understand!

Monokuma: It’s punishment time!

Aoi: Kyoko... why...?

Kyoko: Because you’re stupid and emotional enough to sabotage your own case beyond salvaging. I’m surprised you even made it so far.

Kyoko: Now, Monokuma. All this talking has me exhausted...

Kyoko has been found guilty!

Time for punishment!


Shocking Twist

Ultimate Detective Kyoko Kirigiri's Execution: Executed

Kyoko is sitting, strapped in a chair in a desolate room. She is facing a mirror, but it’s a one-way one. On the other side, in front of giant control panel, stand Usami and Monokuma. Monokuma begins to operate the panel, while Usami keeps eyeing a giant red button behind the glass.

As Monokuma starts, machinery extends and grasps at Kyoko, planting a large bowl-like helmet around her head. Then Monokuma gives some lever a pull and...

Lightning crackles around Kyoko, her hair standing up and whole body convulsing. But despite electric shock being obviously painful, a wicked grin forms on her face.

Monokuma is unsatisfied, as he starts adjusting some buttons and switches, a large meter on screen that before said LOW now saying MEDIUM. Another pull of that lever...

And yet again, Kyoko starts convulsing, thrashing against restraints, lightning visibly crackling, even her bones being visible in particularly strong zaps... But it relents. Kyoko still has maddened grin, her eyes clouded in that swirling mist... Even as smoke is coming off her body.

Usami is sweating, watching between Monokuma and the giant button, while Monokuma adjusts a bunch of settings again. With machinery now on HIGH, he pulls the lever...

It’s not just lightning crackles and convulsion. Two coils extend from the ceiling of the room, charging up and striking at Kyoko, as her chair starts rapidly spinning in place, all while her eyes swirl with maddened grin, and her body twitches in obvious agony of powerful electric shock. But it, too, recedes, with Kyoko’s chest still rising and dropping, still alive and breathing.

Monokuma begins adjusting panels again... the screen now says EXTREME, six more coils extend from execution room’s ceiling for a total of eight and start charging up. And just as they are about to strike, Usami takes out her magic wand, slamming it at the big red button, shattering the glass and pressing it...

Instantly charging of coils stops. Kyoko looking confused for a split second, before—


The helmet that put itself on her head in less than a second turns more than ninety degrees... Twisting and instantly snapping Kyoko’s neck. Her body now sits limp completely limp, as inside control room, Usami is weeping, while Monokuma just looks disappointed.


Monokuma: Aww... And here I was hoping to do the final zap... If you let it last so long, you could have at least let me have that!

Usami: No way! You mean, mean Monokuma! These kids are not your entertainment!

Monokuma: Whatever you say... But I doubt they will trust you so much after today, don’t you think?

Usami: Well, I’ll just earn my trust then! Let’s go! Let them rest!

Probably just trying to escape question, Usami took Monokuma and dragged him out of the room.

Aoi: How did... I make it so far...?

Chihiro: Please don’t think about her words, Hina... She was afflicted by Despair Disease, there’s no way she meant that.

Leon: But she remembered who she was, didn’t she? That was the real Kyoko!

Celeste: You’re not helping.

Junko: Is now really a good time to discuss this?

Byakuya: As much as I hate to agree with that stupid rabbit, she was right. We will need time and rest to process this information. We will return to our cottages and discuss everything in tomorrow morning’s meeting.

Mukuro: Yeah... let’s go, everyone.

Toko: S-Stop trying to copy master... you don’t have his l-leadership tone...

Makoto: I still can’t believe everything that happened today...

Kiyotaka: Makoto! We agreed to delay discussion till tomorrow!

That seemed to silence last of the objections. Yes, it’s going to take some time to process everything that happened. We returned back to our cottages, and as it was nearing evening, went back to sleep.


Chapter 3 – End

Surviving Students – 10

Gift Received – Forensic Gloves


Monokuma: Come on now! I tried my best!

???: ...

Monokuma: Now, now, no need for that. You remember that I’m on your side, right?

???: ...

Monokuma: Yeah, yeah, whatever. Not my fault she ended up so unhinged! But I guess she was the sanest one here before infection...

???: ...

Monokuma: Yeah, whatever. And I do hope you didn’t forget the conditions of our little deal?

???: ...

Monokuma: Exactly. All you need to do is to find Usami’s traitor on your own, and kill them!

???: ...?

Monokuma: That I can’t even give a hint of for you, but Kyoko did help you out without realizing today... Whoops! Did I say that out loud?

???: ...

Monokuma: Puhuhu...

Monokuma: Interesting... Well, I’ll definitely be waiting to see the results. This will prove most exciting!


So, hope you guys enjoyed this double-release. I hope I won't need to do that to feel satisfied with way I release any further Trial chapters, but we shall see.

Either way, I do want to apologize for such a wait between investigation and the trial. I do not have much excuse to offer other than mix of lack of creative energies lately and the desire to re-evaluate my general approach to the story moving forward. Don't worry, I won't be making last minute plot changes or switching twists around in attempt to surprise people after they predicted things, but I do want to work on better conveying the ideas I had through the story type I chose. As I worked on Chapter 3 I started to feel like I bit off more than I can chew with complexity of this fic's cases, especially upcoming ones. It results in them feeling like things come out of nowhere or are obfuscated, which is not my intention and if you felt like that about this or either of previous cases, it's mostly my blame.

I do want to put in more effort and finish the story properly and I will do so. But I will also try to take more time ahead of things to plan things out better and, more importantly, work on general presentation of the story so that the cases aren't confusing messes to those who just don't happen to see things through pure imagination and visualization like I tend to.

Either way, this chapter is done with and hoo boy I hope I didn't fall into Chapter 3 curse, but I might've but I still hope it was enjoyable overall. As usual, I thank you all for patience and support you offered me, you guys keep me motivated. And I hope what I deliver is worth the appreciation you show me. As usual, I will see you guys with the the next Chapter... whenever that is!

Chapter 26: Chapter 4 – Perseverance – Daily Life 1


Another trial being over means another island is open for investigation. Will this one bring new answers? Or new questions?


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 4 – Perseverance – Daily Life

Ding-dong! Ding-dong! Ding-dong!

I stood outside someone else’s cottage, ringing their bell, but it seems like despite it being almost to the morning announcement, they didn’t wake up yet.



Finally, the door opened... And...

Aoi: Mukuro... What do you want?

To say Aoi looked bad was to say nothing. Her eyes were darkened and sullen like she didn’t sleep at all... And at the same time, very red like she was crying instead of sleeping.

Mukuro: I just wanted to check up on you. Make sure you... feel alright.

Aoi: Well, I’m not... I don’t think I’ll ever be alright again...

Mukuro: Hey, it’s fine. We—

Aoi: It’s not! Nothing is fine! How can you be okay with what’s happening?!

Mukuro: Huh? I didn’t say that—

Aoi: This is... this is all horrible! Hopeless! Nothing is fine and won’t be fine! Sakura... Sayaka... Kyoko... I trusted them all! I wanted to believe them but...

Mukuro: You couldn’t have known!

Aoi: I did know! They were all good people... But... there’s no way... The way Kyoko changed, it’s...

Mukuro: It was the disease, it wasn’t the real Kyoko, Aoi.

Aoi: No, it was her! The real her! And what’s next...? Are you the next one?

Mukuro: Huh? What’s that supposed to mean?

Aoi: Everyone whom I tried to put my trust in, whom I tried to rely on winds up killing... This island, this Killing Game... There’s no escaping it. If last motive wasn’t enough, then Kyoko’s words were... Fighting is pointless...

Mukuro: Aoi... Come on now. Of course I won’t just go and kill. There’s no way I can do something like that. Not the way things are right now. And... And I don’t want you to just give up either!

Aoi: ...I can’t do this anymore... I... Please... leave me be... Tell everyone at the meeting that too... I just want to be alone...

Mukuro: You can’t just shut everyone out like that! You have to—

But just as I said that... She simply shut the door in front of me. I tried banging on it and ringing doorbell a few more times, but she didn’t respond...

Update! Earned Aoi’s 4th D̵̫̋͑e̷̝̒͝s̸̪͆͊p̷̰̒a̵͌̽̕͜ì̷̹́̕r̶̨͈̯̎̓ Fragragragrag—t.

Ding Dong Bing Bong

Monokuma: Attention! This is a school trip announcement. Good morning, everyone! It is now 8 AM! Get ready for another beautiful day of this killing school trip!

Looks like we’ll be at least one person down at the morning meeting... I just hope that she’ll get better after crying it out enough.


Hotel Restaurant

Thankfully everyone else was in attendance.

Makoto: Good morning, Mukuro!

Junko: Jeez, what took you so long? You’re usually up early, aren’t you?

Chihiro: And... where’s Hina...?

Mukuro: Good morning, everyone. Aoi said she... won’t be coming to the meeting. She wants to be left alone for a bit.

Toko: S-Seriously...? I thought ones l-like her would jump at gathering up...

Celeste: Well, considering what has occurred yesterday, it’s not unreasonable that she would not be feeling most well.

Leon: Yeah... it was a damn mess...

Kiyotaka: Well! In that case we shall give Miss Asahina the space she requires while we proceed with important business.

Junko: What important business?

Kiyotaka: Our group yet again finds itself lacking a leader.

Junko: Lots of good having a leader did us.

Mukuro: Junko!

Junko: Can’t silence the truth. Kyoko’s leadership didn’t help us avoid murders in the slightest.

Byakuya: That’s because you can’t have hands-off leadership like that with a group like this and expect any results. And predicting what Taka is about to propose... I am rising up to the occasion and taking over as the leader. I doubt any of you have objections?

Leon: Huh? You? Seriously? Weren’t you all ‘no way I will lead you idiots’ or something like that?

Toko: Sh-shut up! Stop discouraging Master!

Mukuro: Well, even if you changed your mind, why should any of us trust you with leadership? Didn’t you say you were committed to winning the Killing Game?

Kiyotaka: Indeed! This is an important position and we cannot risk it being abused!

Byakuya: It’s simple. From this point onwards, I renounce this Killing Game. I refuse to participate in some barbaric bloodbath entertainment. I was willing to humor it when I believed it to be a fair challenge, as in a fair challenge I’d undoubtedly prevail. But after the nature of last motive, I don’t see a reason to play along with it any longer. From this point on, my goal is to find whoever is responsible... And make them pay for messing with me.

Junko: That’s quite a proclamation. I could almost taste a slight tinge of sincerity.

Celeste: I’m afraid I will have to cast some doubt as well... Perhaps it is hypocritical of me of all people to do so, but... I’m not sure this speech is convincing enough for us.

Byakuya: I wasn’t done yet. As a leader of the group, I will ensure that no more murders will occur. Assuming that is what everyone wants.

Makoto: Of course that’s what we want! Why would we want more murders?!

Byakuya: Well, I can assist in making sure it goes like that. But, admittedly... I do doubt that this is something you truly want. After a motive like Despair Disease that is.

Chihiro: You’re saying that... Another motive may come where more people will die if no murder happens, than if it does...?

Byakuya: I’d say it’s only a matter of time now. So, I ask you again. Are you willing to follow me as your leader, to fight back against the Killing Game and whoever is behind it, even if it means giving up your lives to defy them?

Makoto: Yes! I mean, I’m sure there’s a way for us all to escape without any more deaths... Which is why we must avoid murders happening at all costs.

Toko: I will f-follow you whatever it is, Master...

Celeste: I can’t say I expected you to actually suggest that... And yet, it seems like it’s for the best. Combining our efforts to seek peace and escape both.

Chihiro: Yeah... As long as we all work together, we can overcome it... I’m sure of it.

Mukuro: Fine... We will see how well you’ll follow this creed you outlined.

Junko: Eh, what the hell, count me in, whatever.

Leon: I don’t really like idea of following you, but if it means no more killing, then I can bear it.

Kiyotaka: Uh... Well! I’m glad then to pronounce Byakuya Togami as our new—

Byakuya: Just please, don’t do the whole Class President nonsense again.

Kiyotaka: I see... Of course. We will be fighting on as equals after all from now on!

Byakuya: As if. Regardless, with everyone having agreed to my terms... We all have an important order of business to attend now, don’t we?

Makoto: What are you talking about?

Byakuya: I checked this morning. A new island has opened up.

Toko: S-So... what are we going to d-do about it?

Byakuya: Well, that much should be obvious. We investigate it for any and all useful clues.

Junko: So, we're exploring this new island? Just like that?

Byakuya: Of course not. With risk of traitors in our midst, we cannot take risks. We'll be investigating in groups.

Kiyotaka: I see! That is good preventative measure!

Byakuya: I will also decide the groups personally. First of all. Leon goes with Taka.

Leon: Huh? Us two?

Byakuya: Celeste goes with Makoto.

Makoto: Okay, I guess? I don't mind.

Celeste: I think I see where this is going.

Byakuya: Chihiro goes with Junko. Mukuro goes with Toko.

Junko: What, not gonna send sisters together?

Chihiro: Do you not wanna be with me, Junko?

Junko: No, it's fine, whatever.

Toko: I th-thought I'd get to go with you, Master...

Byakuya: No. Anyway, since it seems like Hina will not be joining us, I will be going alone.

Leon: Hey, that's kinda unfair. We all gotta pair up, while you get to snoop on your own?

Byakuya: I would have taken Hina with me if she was around. Plus, I am the leader now, and am allowed certain privileges in return for agreeing to lead you lot.

Mukuro: Fine. Still better than just blindly going there, I guess.

Byakuya: Good. The objective is for each group to individually examine every location of the fourth island. We'll reconvene somewhere there after we're done.

Kiyotaka: This plan seems reasonable. Let’s proceed!

Chihiro: Are we not going to do anything about Aoi...?

Makoto: Yeah, it feels wrong just leaving her out like that.

Mukuro: Guys, she... really should be left alone. Trust me. She’s not feeling well.

Chihiro: I see...

Byakuya: We’ll deal with that issue after we’re done with the investigation. Now, let’s go.


Fourth Island

...I don’t like this place. The whole island looks like one giant carnival and in the worst way possible. Extremely bright colors, sweets stands, that annoying repetitive music here and there...

Toko: Ugh... This is s-so gaudy...

Mukuro: Agreed. But I guess it fits the theme of whole place being a resort...

Toko: This looks like s-something for five-year-olds!

Mukuro: ...let’s just go. The sooner we’re over with it the better.


Usami House

We approached a small hut. It was pink. Very pink. Very obnoxiously pink. Covered in hearts and ribbons. I didn’t even need to read the signpost in front of it, I knew whose this was.

Junko: I feel like puking...

Toko: W-Why... Why would anyone do this... Th-these colors...

Mukuro: Ughh...

Chihiro: Come on... I think it’s cute.

Toko: A-aren’t you supposed to be a guy?

Chihiro: Well, I am... But I don’t think it’s that bad.

Junko: Chihiro. Once we’re out of here, I am putting you into punkest gender-neutral outfit I can put together. I don’t even like punk style that much, but you really need some sense of edge.

Mukuro: Hehe... That sounds adorable.

Toko: Hrmph...

Mukuro: ...anyway, to the topic of this place. What’s inside?

Junko: No clue. It’s all locked up.

Chihiro: Monokuma showed up and told us that since it’s Usami’s place, only she can open it... And she keeps it locked.

Mukuro: I see. I guess we’re not getting in there.

Junko: Yeah. Lame.

Mukuro: Fine. Let’s go, Toko. Maybe we can find somewhere that’s not locked.

Junko: C’mon, Chihiro. We should check out some other places ourselves.


Nezumi Castle

This looked out of place. Not because of colors or construction, but because it was just a castle. Not some sort of concession stand or a ride or amusem*nt... Although there may be something inside. And yet, someone seemingly investigating it was simply standing in front of it, staring at the large doors.

Toko: M-Master!

Byakuya: Ugh. You’re here.

Mukuro: Byakuya.

Byakuya: Are you done investigating other locations?

Mukuro: I... don’t think so?

Byakuya: Fine then. Go on. The place we’re reconvening at later is the boarding park.

Mukuro: Boarding park?

Byakuya: You’ll realize when you see it.

Toko: Y-Yeah! Don’t question him!

Mukuro: Fine, fine. I wanted to ask about this building though. What’s it about?

Byakuya: That’s what I’m curious about. It’s locked.

Monokuma: Hey! What are you doing here?

Toko: Gah!

Byakuya: I assume you’re here to explain why it’s locked? Get this over with.

Monokuma: Umm... Actually, I have not the slightest clue. I know it’s not her turn, buuut... Hey, Usami! You useless rabbit, get over here!

Usami: Hello, everyone! Wait, huh? Monokuma! Why were you the one that called me?!

Monokuma: What’s this all about?

Usami: Oh! Uhm... Well, I can’t tell anyone... And if you don’t know then I definitely won’t tell!

Monokuma: Fine! Then I’ll just look inside!

Usami: No, you can’t! It’s scary in there!

Monokuma: Scary? How is it scary?

Usami: Haven’t you seen the Nezumi logo? This is a castle of mice!

Monokuma: M-Mice!? I didn’t realize till just now, but they are... The scariest thing ever!

Usami: They are, they are! Even I can’t bring myself to take a peek inside, lest I see one...

Monokuma: Welp! Sorry, kids, we can’t do anything here! No way we’re going in there!

Usami: Sorry I couldn’t help! But please do try your best to gather some Hope Fragments!

And then both of them were gone.

Byakuya: Hm. It appears both of them are also oblivious to contents of this place. Or at least pretend to. Interesting...

Mukuro: If it’s locked and not even those two can access it... What’s it for?

Byakuya: That’s the big question then.

Toko: If even M-Master doesn’t know... it’s a true mystery...

Byakuya: I will look for other ways in for now. You should proceed to examine other locations of the island.

Mukuro: Sure... See you later at... boarding park, right?

Byakuya: Yes.


Staff Center

On the outside, this building looked like a small, two-story office, but painted bright pink to fit in better with other structures of the island. Seems like it was intended to be some sort of place for workers of the amusem*nt park to stay.

Inside the building, on the first floor there was only a very large breakroom. Couches, coffee machines, TV, a mini-fridge... Everything you’d expect from a well-prepared staff room, really. TV was only showing Monokuma rambling some incoherent attempts at philosophy, though.

In addition to that there were two doors. One seemed to lead to side room, with ultimate lab plaque on it, and another to staircase to second floor.

Toko: W-What’s the point of this place?

Mukuro: Huh? Well, it looks like a staff room for the amusem*nt park.

Toko: I k-know that! But the w-whole island only has us and was prepared f-for us, right?

Mukuro: Yeah, that’s true.

Toko: And we already h-have hotel’s lobby for idiots who l-like to be around other idiots... So why a s-second one?

Mukuro: Huh... I guess that’s a good question. Aesthetics maybe?

Toko: Hmph. Let’s j-just see what else is in there...

Well, let’s start with the obvious ultimate lab. And plaque confirmed it quickly. Ultimate Moral Compass’s Lab. I didn’t even think about it till now, but what would lab of someone with talent like his even look like?


Ultimate Moral Compass’s Lab

This is not what I expected, yet... it seemed to fit. It was a huge lecture hall, seemingly almost two floors tall. With a lectern podium on one end of room and half-circle of seats and tables rising up towards the back end. And behind the lectern was a huge whiteboard, with bookshelves lined beside it.

Toko was already skimming through one of the books...

Mukuro: So, uh... what’s it about?

Toko: ...it’s a t-textbook on workers’ rights h-history... And other books seem to be on similar topics.

Mukuro: Similar topics?

Toko: Politics, history, ethics... S-Social sciences. It’s mostly textbooks too...

Mukuro: Huh. I guess it does fit Taka.

Toko: Hmph. Social s-sciences stuff is pointless. You can’t truly understand p-people...

Mukuro: Really? I thought you’d enjoy social sciences, being a writer and all.

Toko: Of c-course a plebian wouldn’t see any difference b-between creative writing and this stuff!

Well, this is going great. With a sigh, I simply left, and went towards the other door in the main part of center, one leading upstairs.

After going up to the second floor, I was greeted with another ultimate lab door. Ultimate Affluent Progeny’s Lab. Before I could even finish reading it, Toko rushed past me and inside. Well, I guess I’m just following her in...


Ultimate Affluent Progeny’s Lab

When I imagined what CEO’s office would look like, I imagined something with lots of gold, expensive paintings, a dramatic fireplace... Well, this was way more realistic. Sure, it still looked ridiculously expensive, with ornate hardwood furniture, real leather chairs and such, but it wasn’t nearly as gaudy. There were shelves with various books about finances, two work tables, one obviously for meetings, and one with several computer screens on it. And two people other than Toko were already examining this place.

Kiyotaka: Ah! Toko, Mukuro, it is great to see you!

Mukuro: Hey, Taka. Leon. How’s your search going?

Kiyotaka: Fruitful! While most locations on the island seem to be locked, this place contains two ultimate labs!

Mukuro: Yeah we already saw yours...

Leon: I’m surprised how lukewarm you were to see it, dude.

Kiyotaka: My lab has a lot of amazing reading material, however it also implies that I would be in position of a teacher and lecturer. That is wrong! I am a student, on equal level with everyone else! A classroom without a teacher’s desk or a lectern, encouraging mutual learning assistance would have been much better!

Leon: ...eh, well, at least someone isn’t thrilled about their lab and it’s not just me.

Kiyotaka: Leon! You disliked your lab because you refuse to work on your talent, while I merely find my own unfitting for my preferred practice!

Leon: Dude, let’s not.

Kiyotaka: Okay then!

Mukuro: Well, I do think the lectern in your lab wasn’t necessarily for teaching, and more for practicing public speaking.

Kiyotaka: Really? I did not think of it that way. I will have to revisit it on my own time and see if I can draw different conclusion!

Leon: Uh... Toko? What are you doing?

Noticing what was happening while I was talking with the guys, Leon looked over. Toko was pressing side of her face against the seat of what was obviously the chair meant for Byakuya... With a creepy expression.

Toko: Master came t-through here... That means he must have s-sat there too...

Leon: Ew!

Kiyotaka: This is extremely unsanitary!

Mukuro: Nevermind her... By the way, you guys do know where we’re supposed to meet up, right?

Kiyotaka: Byakuya has informed us. The boarding station!

Mukuro: Yeah... I think we’re almost done with the island. What about you two?

Leon: We would have already gone there, but Taka insisted on checking the books this place has.

Kiyotaka: You never know if there is some information hidden in the shelves!

Mukuro: I see... Then I guess you’ll catch up later. Toko?

She was still rubbing her face against that seat. With a sigh I simply grabbed her by a braid and dragged her off.

Toko: No! The w-warmth of Master’s presence!

Mukuro: We’re going, Toko.

Toko: Ugh!

Shaking my hand off of her hair, she angrily stormed out of the room...

Leon: Uh... should I tell her that when Byakuya came by, he only took one look at the room and left? And that it was me who was chilling in that chair for a while?

Mukuro: ...I think it’s better you don’t.

Kiyotaka: You said you were testing chairs for potential hidden mechanisms!

Leon: Hey, have you ever seen a movie? Every evil CEO office has a hidden passage somewhere. Checking every seat is obviously right move.

Mukuro: I’m not sure Byakuya is really evil CEO...

Kiyotaka: Indeed. He is still a student just like us, only preparing to become one!

Mukuro: That’s not what I—Nevermind, I need to go catch up with Toko before she does something stupid. See you guys later.

Leon: See ya!


Boarding Park

This place was some sort of central location for a whole bunch of various rides. Rollercoasters, bumper cars, a tunnel of love, even a kiddie train... And it seems someone else was already waiting for the others to gather when me and Toko arrived there.

Mukuro: Hey, Makoto! And you too, Celeste.

Celeste: Good day. I assume you are done with your investigations?

Mukuro: Yeah, but I can’t say they were too fruitful.

Makoto: Don’t worry. We haven’t found much either.

Celeste: Yes. This island appears to be only entertainment facilities. Although, sadly, not ones I can find myself enjoying...

Makoto: I think some of those rides can be pretty fun...

Celeste: I am not surprised a person of simpler taste can find enjoyment here. But I simply cannot.

Makoto: Simpler taste?

Celeste: Don’t take it as an insult. But it would be the worst lie ever for me to say that we have interest in same kinds of things in life.

Mukuro: Yeah, Makoto, you are kind of... The most normal person here. In a good way.

Toko: I s-sometimes forget he’s even around because of h-how generic he is...

Makoto: Come on, guys!

Celeste: Hehehe... Take no offense. It is a good thing to have perspective of average normality.

And so, chatting about how normal and unassuming Makoto is, to his embarrassment, we spent time waiting for others to arrive. First came Junko and Chihiro, then Byakuya and lastly, Taka and Leon.

Byakuya: Finally. Everyone is here.

Makoto: Well, everyone except Hina...

Byakuya: Well, she’ll have to come out of her hiding tomorrow.

Chihiro: Why tomorrow?

Byakuya: Because, according to Monokuma, two rides in this park have special rewards tied to them. One of them leads to something called ‘Funhouse’, and supposedly it’s a big location to investigate. We already spent half the day examining the island, so we can leave that for tomorrow, since we can only go when everyone is present.

Junko: I get it, I think. What about the other ride?

Celeste: And what of the rewards?

Byakuya: It is supposed to be related to our missing memories, whatever that is. So, before we go, we should visit the first of the rides. It’s that rollercoaster.

Byakuya pointed at the boarding station for what led into... the highest rollercoaster I’ve seen on the island so far.

Junko: Eh, I’ve seen bigger.

Makoto: Wait, are we all going there?

Byakuya: Yes. It doesn’t require everyone’s presence, but Monokuma refused to explain how the reward works. So, we’ll have everyone use it at once.

Chihiro: It seems like a really fast rollercoaster...

Leon: Yeah, uh... I’m not too sure...

Mukuro: It doesn’t seem that bad.

Celeste: This is going to utterly ruin my hair...

Junko: Oh come on, live a little!

Byakuya: This is non-negotiable.

Toko: H-Hear that? Master says you must!

Kiyotaka: It’s only a ride! It cannot be that bad!

And so despite most people’s hesitance, we all boarded the rollercoaster ride... And after a long, slow climb up to huge ramp...


Kiyotaka: AAAAAAAH!

Toko: Nonononoo—

Byakuya: Gah—You—Let go!

Toko: Master, keep me safe!

Byakuya: Don’t touch me!

Celeste: My hair! No!

Makoto: Celeste! Your—

Celeste: Stay silent if you value your throa—AAH!

Chihiro: Hehehe... this is fun!

Mukuro: Yeah!

Makoto: Ugh... urp...

Leon: Makoto, dude, are you—Wait, no, not on me!

Let’s just say it was eventful.

Once we were done, Celeste ran off fuming, one of her giant curly tails missing... And Leon followed right after, to get a change of clothes. And right after those two were gone...

Monokuma: Congratulations on completing the... Ugh... Slide of Hope. Usami’s so lousy at names. Anyway, here’s your reward! And by the way, even one person would have been enough, reward would have been all the same! But I must say, it was entertaining to say the least. Puhuhuhu...

With that, Monokuma handed Byakuya some sort of file and disappeared.

Makoto: Couldn’t we... have asked him... before boarding the ride...

Byakuya: Ugh.

Byakuya shook off Toko, who was passed out, and yet holding onto his arm with tight grip, before opening the file.

Byakuya: Wait... This is...

We gathered around. I took a look inside and—

It was a story of another Killing Game... A killing game that took place inside Hope’s Peak Academy of all things! The students barricaded themselves in there and lost their memories, before being forced to kill one another...

Makoto: This... this isn’t the first time something like that happened?

Kiyotaka: It can’t be! It says it happened inside Hope’s Peak! How could we not know?

Chihiro: ...the missing memories... I mean, maybe it happened in those years we forgot?

Byakuya: Assuming the file is true, that is most likely answer.

Mukuro: Assuming? It has to be. Look at all the photos. And it even lists the people who survived it!

Junko: Hey, Makoto, that guy kinda looks like you.

Makoto: Huh?

Junko: This one. In the hoodie. Looks like an albino version of you. Pale hair, pale skin, but otherwise...

Makoto: It’s just a coincidence, probably. I am often confused for other people...

Toko: Yeah, b-because your face is so... featureless...

Makoto: Hey!

Byakuya: Well, regardless of whether this file is true or false, it offers us little in terms of understanding our own situation better, or helping us escape.

Junko: Actually it does give us idea of something. Remember how Hope’s Peak supposedly brought us to this field trip?

Byakuya: Yes. And?

Junko: And now we learn Hope’s Peak is a deserted shelter ran by a homicidal mastermind organizing a Killing Game? It’s probably same person behind it.

Byakuya: The possibility is undeniable. But this file seems to completely avoid mentioning the mastermind. Other than the fact that in the end they were discovered and ‘defeated’.

Kiyotaka: That is a very concerning fact, but in our specific context it is indeed of little assistance.

Byakuya: I will be keeping the file for more thorough review. If anyone wants to take another look, you can find me in my cottage. Tomorrow we will be visiting the Funhouse first thing after the morning meeting. That will be all.

Not even bothering to wait for an answer, Byakuya left.

Toko: M-Master, wait for me!

And, of course, she ran after him.

Junko: ...hey, wanna ride that thing again?!

Makoto: No way!

Mukuro: Yeah, I think I’m good for now too. It was fun, but my head is still a bit dizzy.

Kiyotaka: This was the most horrifying non-murder-related experience of my life! I do not comprehend how you could enjoy it!

Chihiro: I wouldn’t mind...

Kiyotaka: Chihiro?!

Junko: Hell yeah! Let’s f*cking go!

Grabbing Chihiro by the wrist, Junko ran back towards the boarding for the rollercoaster.

Kiyotaka: This seems extremely unhealthy! In fact, I want to go and find proof of such in the library. Excuse me!

And so, Taka marched off. Leaving only myself and Makoto alone.

Mukuro: So, Makoto. What are you going to do?

Makoto: I don’t know... After uh, what happened, I really feel hungry. Want to come with and try some of the food from food stands around here?

Mukuro: Well, it is almost lunchtime... So, sure!

And so we went raiding the stalls. Thankfully, despite today being Monokuma’s day in charge, he wasn’t manning any and they just had all the food prepared. We ate a bunch of cotton candy, sweet buns, dango and then to add at least something nutritious, grabbed a few hotdogs before choosing to properly eat in the Staff Center.


Staff Center

Mukuro: I don’t think I ever ate so much sweets at once in my life before...

Makoto: Really? Have you never been at any sort of amusem*nt park or carnival?

Mukuro: I... don’t think so. I do lack memory for good portion of my life, but... Somehow this all feels too novel to have been something I went through before.

Makoto: Well, I guess something good came out of this island after all, huh?

Mukuro: What about you, Makoto?

Makoto: We go to a place like this once a year with our family! Me, Komaru and our parents. I don’t handle the big rides that well, but she loves it. And then we always eat lots of sweets like that.

Mukuro: That sounds nice.

Makoto: Heheh...

I couldn’t help but smile at his little story...

Mukuro: Komaru is your sister, right?

Makoto: Yeah. I... I wonder if she’s alright...

Mukuro: What do you mean?

Makoto: Well... all of us forgot several years... And, many things could have happened...

Mukuro: Makoto... Come on. You’re probably the one with least to worry about. With how... normal your daily life was, I’m sure your family’s the same. Whatever happened that brought us here, once it’s done with you can go back to your normal life. That I’m sure of.

Makoto: I... yeah! You’re right. And even if something did happen, I’m sure it’ll turn out alright! I believe in that. Everything will be fine, as long as we keep going forward and do what we believe in, no matter what...

Mukuro: Yeah...

Makoto: And with Byakuya... and even Toko... I think we can actually get through this. For certain. We just have to push forward.

Mukuro: Heh... You’re really good at lifting up the spirits, you know?

Makoto: Am I? I’m mostly psyching myself up if anything...

Mukuro: It’s motivational.

Makoto: Ah... I think I’m embarrassed...

The way he just keeps trying to be positive and determined... The way he giggled with fluster when I pointed it out. I just couldn’t stop smiling.

...man, Junko is going to have a field day when she finds out...

Update! Earned Makoto’s 5th Hope Fragment.

In the end I asked for more stories about him and his family as we ate the hotdogs.. They were all so extremely mundane... But listening to him telling them was fun nonetheless. In the end, he still wasn’t feeling too well. Whether it was food or aftereffects of the ride still lingering was hard to tell, but he went back to his cottage.

As for myself, I wanted to keep relaxing for the rest of the day and went to pay a visit to the Entertainment Center on the First Island. Surely something there will keep my attention...


Ultimate Gambler’s Lab

Well, I did find something worthy of attention as I arrived. Some rather loud and confrontational talks from Celeste’s lab. I carefully approached and opened the door slightly, peeking inside, not wanting to disturb whoever it was just yet...

Kiyotaka: –simply want to come to an agreement!

Celeste: As much as I appreciated the attempts at reconciliation, I am no fool.

Kiyotaka: I don’t understand! I truly do simply wish to come to proper mutual understanding! Hence my invitation!

Celeste: And I am politely declining as I have hard time believing sincerity of your words.

Kiyotaka: Then tell me what I have to do to earn your trust!

Celeste: What you have to do—What? You cannot be that... thick with your skull.

Kiyotaka: Celeste, I am still struggling to see the problem. I know I am rather formal with my way of speaking, but I thought you of all people would be appreciative and receptive with your preference for proper class!

Celeste: Yes. Formalities are wonderful decorations upon our language. And wonderful ways to convey things without needing to state them. One could say they’re a language of its own. And yet when you speak it, I struggle to see what you truly mean.

Kiyotaka: I mean what I say! I pride myself on being straight to the point!

Celeste: You’re—You’re joking. You must be joking.

Mukuro: Am I... interrupting?

Kiyotaka: Mukuro! Finally, someone who speaks plainly!

Celeste: Mukuro! Finally, someone who understands metaphors...

They’re glaring at each other...

Mukuro: So, what... happened exactly?

Kiyotaka: It is simple, really. I invited Celeste to a bonding session, hoping to reach a form of mutual understanding!

Celeste: And I, in return, politely declined, sensing obvious ulterior motives.

Kiyotaka: Ulterior motives? There are none! I do wish to both understand you better as well as have a chance to bond with a fellow student. I managed to reach a form of understanding with Leon, and even if that did not end up being an agreement of any sorts, I’m certain that I can reach one with you as well!

An understanding with Leon? ...man, I really wasn’t focused on group dynamics when disease thing was happening, was I?

Celeste: No. No, I do not believe so. Well, if you really claim that you speak plainly, then excuse me for speaking plainly too. But I do not believe anyone on this island truly desires any sort of bonding with me. Not after all that’s happened.

Mukuro: That’s not true.

Celeste: Not you too, Mukuro.

Mukuro: No, really, why do you think nobody wants to be around you?

Celeste: Is it not absolutely, blindingly obvious?

Kiyotaka: You’re referring to your role in the second trial, correct?

Celeste: Yes. Yes, I am.

Kiyotaka: But you were right! Even if not for your actions, Sayaka’s actions ultimately weren’t at all affected by yours. Therefore—

Celeste: Are you seriously that dense?

Kiyotaka: Huh?

Celeste: Sayaka’s actions were unfortunate little accident. And think of what my actions were and what they would have led to if not for that coincidence.

Kiyotaka: Well, you... would have been the blackened, right?

Celeste: Yes. And had I not been discovered. What would have happened then?

Kiyotaka: Well, uh... We’d be executed and you’d escape?

Celeste: Precisely. A+ mark to you.

Kiyotaka: I understand that precisely. But—

Celeste: And that’s why I don’t believe you do not. There is still this ‘but’ you have. What sort of ‘but’ can you have about someone who tried to kill you and everyone else for their own personal desire of escape?

Mukuro: ...because we get it too, okay?

Kiyotaka: Huh?

Celeste: What.

Mukuro: We all want to escape, really badly. And you aren’t the only one who almost tried something. But what matters is that it didn’t happen. And that you chose something else.

Celeste: And how is that a reason to suddenly trust me? If anything, that’s all the more reason to not believe a word I say.

Kiyotaka: I have to admit, it’s the Despair Disease that made me change my mind!

Celeste: I thought we agreed that we would never talk about the way I—

Kiyotaka: It has nothing to do with way you acted then. Only with way you act normally. It helped me see the person you normally are for better! I believe that everyone can do better than they already do, with enough effort and dedication.

Celeste: Please. Do you really think this whole ‘become a better person’ story applies here?

Kiyotaka: No. In fact, I simply believe that you were a better person from the start! I simply failed to recognize your admirable qualities! And seeing them now, I wish to reach a mutual understanding!

Celeste: Admirable qualities? What... are you talking about?

Kiyotaka: I can see admirable qualities in every fellow student! And your admirable qualities are in your ability to present yourself in exactly the way you wish. If I truly want to pursue a career in politics, that is quality I’d like to develop myself. But more importantly. You are doing that exact thing right now!

Celeste: What ‘thing’?!

Mukuro: You’re villainizing yourself right now. Why?

Celeste: H-Huh?

Kiyotaka: I believe that we can reach understanding despite your previous errors because you are not trying to escape the guilt of it in any way whatsoever! And that is admirable too!

Celeste: Stop that! I’m not villainizing myself. I’m not an idiot.

Mukuro: And yet you went through pain of distancing yourself and reminding us of your would-be murder. Wouldn’t a more beneficial thing for a deceptive and callous person to make use of any bit of trust given and try to work on it, instead of giving them extra reasons to not trust at all?

Celeste: That’s—That was not my intention. What do you two know about me?! My name is Celestia Ludenberg and... And I do not have to stand this! This... foolish... nonsense about trust and... being better! How do you not understand? This is not a good person you’re speaking to.

Mukuro: Who of us is? Except maybe Makoto.

Kiyotaka: Precisely. We do understand what you mean! But mutual understanding requires you to see our viewpoint too! And to be honest as well!

Celeste: Honest.... Honest?!

Celeste’s eye twitched as she took in a long breath... But nothing came. Instead she looked at us with perfect, stone-cold poker face.

Celeste: The evening is close. I have heard enough of your arguments and wish to depart. I hope you have a good night.

And with that, with graceful, yet firm walk, she left the casino...

Kiyotaka: ...I am afraid that I have overstepped some boundaries.

Mukuro: Don’t worry, Taka. I think she... understands. She’ll just need time to process it. I’m surprised you were so insistent on it though.

Kiyotaka: Thank you! I do believe that after seeing Leon’s opinion on his talent, it made me re-evaluate my own. I do not enjoy the idea of talent as something that individual succeeds on, however... My own talent is not that kind of talent!

Mukuro: Hm? How so?

Kiyotaka: As the Ultimate Moral Compass, it is my duty to guide people to better path! It is not myself whose success evolves from my talent, but instead, I help others put in effort where it matters! And that means that I can have this talent and still achieve my own success in life through pure effort and dedication!

Mukuro: I see... Well. I’m glad you found a better way for yourself?

Kiyotaka: And your stepping in to help mediate the situation is entirely appreciated as well! I would never manage to convey my point without that. Only more things to work on in bettering myself!

Update! Earned Celeste’s 4th Hope Fragment. Earned Kiyotaka’s 4th Hope Fragment.

Kiyotaka: Regardless. I will go ahead and proceed with my day. Excuse me now.

And he marched out too. Well, I don’t think I can just stay here now after seeing this, so... I simply returned to my cottage.


Mukuro’s Cottage

In the end I spent most of the day reading the book. I did go to grab so lunch, but otherwise it was uneventful. I ended up going to sleep rather uncertain. A Killing Game at Hope’s Peak? Visit to Funhouse tomorrow? All this hanged on my mind, filling me with unease as I drifted to unconsciousness...


Monokuma Theater

I hate gardening! You wanna know why? Because it’s pointless! Why do you mow down the grass every week just for it to come back? Nobody but you is going to experience it anyway.

I’m not lazy at all, you know. Bears can’t afford to get lazy. We need to hunt for honey and salmon in order to survive. But humans are just too stubborn when it comes to gardening. Do they really think they can out-stubborn grass? Grass is older than both humans and bears! It can’t be out-stubborned, and it will take over your entire lawn anyway!

So, just don’t bother! Unless a bush starts growing and blocks an entrance to your house. After all, you should only care about things that matter to you! That’s the only way to not get into stubbornness contest with grass for no reason!


Late Merry Christmas yes hello I am not dead very thank you for patience. Promise not when next. Hope enjoy.

And as always I thank you all so much for all the support and hope you enjoy it. And I'll see you next time, whenever that is.

Chapter 27: Chapter 4 – Perseverance – Daily Life 2


The group proceeds to the mysterious Funhouse... which may turn out to be more than they bargained for.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Ding Dong Bing Bong!

Usami: Hello, everyone! This is a school trip announcement! It is now 8 AM! Another wonderful morning in tropical paradise! Time to wake up and be ready to cultivate wonderful hope!


I was on my morning run when I heard the announcement; but wasted no time and hurried to the restaurant.


Hotel Restaurant

I was surprised to see a certain someone around when I arrived... Aoi was there! Although she seemed to be sitting in the farthest corner, turned away from everyone. I couldn’t even see her face, although judging from her pose... She was very much sullen still. I’d rather not push her hard for now, so I just joined Junko. After a bit of waiting, Leon and Makoto, later than most as usual, arrived. And once they did...

Byakuya: Now that everyone is here. Once everyone had their breakfast... We’re going to... the ‘Funhouse’. Whatever that is. From what I heard from Monokuma yesterday, it’s a big location that contains the most vital clues to our past.

Celeste: I see. However, I must ask... Is it truly necessary that all of us are present?

Byakuya: Indeed. According to Monokuma, we would only be permitted to enter with all survivors present. Which is why I took extra preparations.

As we ate our breakfast, Byakuya took out a large duralumin case, opening it to present us with... Various survival equipment. Flashlights, length of rope, night vision goggles, knives...

Junko: Are we really going to need all that junk?

Byakuya: Probably not. However. What sort of challenge would you expect Monokuma to present us at mysterious location which only group as a whole can visit?

Makoto: Well... If I had to guess... It’d be something that requires us to work together?

Kiyotaka: I see! Some sort of a trap to escape!

Byakuya: Precisely. With how extra conditional the supposed visit to ‘Funhouse’ is, it makes sense to be prepared.

Leon: Yeah, I get that, but are you sure we’re alright to go? You know...

Leon motioned towards Aoi... Who seemingly wasn’t even paying attention to the conversation or getting involved...

Toko: W-Well, we have no ch-choice but to take her with us...

Byakuya: Don’t bother. I got her to agree to come with us. Although she also said she doesn’t feel like helping either. So once we’re there, do leave her alone.

Aoi: ...I can hear all that you know... Can’t you guys see? This is... pointless...

Chihiro: Hina... Please, don’t say that. I’m sure—

Aoi: I don’t care. I just don’t care anymore...

Kiyotaka: While I will respect the space you require, you look rather sickly! Have you been getting enough nutritional intake and hydration?

Aoi: Just leave me alone...

Byakuya: Stop the pointless bickering.

Mukuro: Yeah, just... if she wants to be alone, give her the space.

Leon: Man... This is just depressing.

Junko: Oookay, back on topic, what are we looking for in that ‘Funhouse’ again?

Byakuya: Another file like one we found yesterday, if I had to guess. Although with the way Monokuma advertised it, I expect it to be information of great significance.

Toko: Th-Then, lead us, Master!

Byakuya: Not that anyone else thought to prepare, of course. Let’s go. We do not know how long this is going to take. This might be as long as investigating a new island.

Celeste: Well, being done by lunch wouldn’t be too bad, no?

Kiyotaka: Of course! Being late for lunch is very unhealthy!

Byakuya: Stop wasting time.

With that, Byakuya motioned his hand and Toko grabbed his briefcase, rushing after him as he left. We all followed with Aoi starting to shuffle as I was leaving the restaurant...


Boarding Park

With everyone here, Byakuya didn’t even need to say anything. Usami showed up on her own.

Usami: Hello, everyone! Have you been doing a good job collecting Hope Fragments?

Byakuya: Don’t waste our time.

Usami: I see... So you guys want to go to the Funhouse right? Uhm, are you certain?

Toko: If M-Master says we’re going, then—

Byakuya: Stop talking.

Toko: Gh...

Usami: Well, uh, you see... Are you definitely, absolutely sure you’re ready to go to Funhouse? Did you have a good breakfast?

Kiyotaka: We did, thank you very much for concern!

Junko: What’s with sudden hesitation?

Usami: Uhm... I can’t say! Funhouse is supposed to be a big surprise after all!

Chihiro: What... kind of surprise?

Usami: I can’t say! But I just want to make sure you that you all definitely want to go there first.

Mukuro: We are. We wouldn’t be there otherwise, would we?

Usami: Uhh... Right, of course! Okay then, if all of you are certain...

Leon: Come on, let’s just get it over with.

Usami: Alrighty! Please board this train!

Usami directed us to what looks like a very childish ride of simple train, which all of us boarded. Aoi was last to do so, taking seat a full wagon away from everyone at the very end.

Junko: Couldn’t it at least be one of exciting ones?

Makoto: I’d rather it be a simple one like that...

Celeste: Indeed.

Usami: Next stop – the Funhouse!

With that the train took off, with cartoony ‘choo-choo’ noises. The train tracks lead to somewhere deeper within the island, and the train moved at slow pace, not much faster than fast walking.

Eventually we approached and entered a tunnel and unlit one at that.

Junko: Oooh! Is it a horror ride?

Makoto: H-Horror?

Celeste: The theming of train wouldn’t match that at all.

Junko: But it could be a trick one! I mean, look, it’s so damn dark in here!

Leon: Hey, I’m not too good with spooks...

Toko: And you c-call yourself a man? Clearly y-you’re nothing like my White Knight...

Mukuro: Guys, can you not bicker?

Leon: Look, I’m just trying to be honest. Ghost stories are fun and all, but when stuff just jumps out at you with loud noises...

Chihiro: Yeah... That doesn’t sound nice...

Byakuya: How long is this tunnel anyway?

Then suddenly, before any of us could react—


Kiyotaka: There’s hissing!

Leon: Where? Where’s it coming from?!

Chihiro: Everywhere... wait, can you smell it?

Byakuya: It is a trap! Damn it—

Celeste: Gah... I think... it’s... a... sleeping... gas....

Junko: Damn... it... worst... ride... ever...

Mukuro: Junko... Makoto... take care...

Byakuya: Gngh....

As gas kept leaking into the tunnel, I could smell an almost noxiously sterile smell. It reminded me of pools; but not in a good way. And as more of it entered, my eyelids went heavy and my head started spinning... Before darkness took over.



When I was coming to, I heard groaning all around me... I quickly rushed to stand up and take a better look around. It looked like a fairly large, dark elevator. And everyone else seemed to be waking up too...

Makoto: Ugh...

Leon: Damn... They got us good...

Byakuya: I didn’t think to prepare a gasmask... To think they’d go this far...

Toko: W-Where... where are we?

Junko: ...if I had to guess... The Funhouse.

Kiyotaka: The way we were admitted does not seem fun in any way!

Celeste: Eugh... My dress...

Mukuro: Okay, is everyone alright?

Chihiro: Yeah... Seems like everyone made it.

Aoi: Hngh...

Byakuya: This is an elevator of some kind. And there are no buttons other than one to open the door. In that case...

Byakuya pressed the button, revealing to us... A world of yellow. A huge room spanned in front of us, lit by yellow lights all over, with images of bananas floating across them... And the floor... And ceiling...

And the only thing that wasn’t yellow in midst of it all was...

Usami: Welcome to the Banana House, everyone!

Banana House

Byakuya: The... Banana House?

Usami: Yep! It’s all part of bigger attraction that is the Funhouse! Now if you look here, on the wall, right by the elevator is the map of Banana House!

She was right... There was a map on the wall, which all of us gathered around...

Danganronpa Class Swap 2 - Jabberwock Island - Heroman3003 (1)

Usami: As you can see, to your right are the toilets; and to the left is the passage to the Banana Tower! A beautiful place to look at. And in the middle of the room is the staircase to the second floor.

Makoto: It looks like there are three floors in total?

Usami: That’s right! On second floor are five guest rooms. They are varied in quality if you would come with me to look!

Aoi simply went back to the elevator and sat in the corner... I decided to let her be and followed everyone else to the middle of the room to go upstairs.

The guest rooms on the second floor were... In the corner. Considering the building was triangular, I guess this is best symmetry they could manage?

Usami: Now, I have to warn you! Not all rooms were built the same. The room in the middle is actually luxurious! It has softest sheets and thickest walls! Then, two rooms beside it are regular. They are like your cottages. And rooms at the edges are... Economy! Yes, let’s call them that. But they are still perfectly livable, despite more limited space and slanted roofs!

Celeste: And what would the purpose of such be?

Usami: Well, when someone has to stay and distribute the rooms like that, their friendship gets challenged. But only by overcoming such challenges can the friendship get stronger, right?

Makoto: I... guess?

Leon: That’s ridiculous. We aren’t even going to be staying here anyway.

Usami: Uh... Anyway! Up to the third floor!

Byakuya: What are you hiding?

Usami: Nothing! Well, I am hiding a surprise but that will only be revealed at the end of the Funhouse tour!

Byakuya: Get on with it then.

With that, Usami led us up one of the staircases to the third floor... At least there was general lounge area between all the rooms, even if it was shaped rather awkwardly.

Good news: on the third floor there was finally something not colored yellow and decorated with floating banana holograms. Bad news: what little of such there was, was Monokuma-themed.

Junko: Is this some sort of Monokuma exhibition?

Usami: Very close! Welcome to Monokuma Museum! All information about Monokuma you wish can be found here! Except restricted files of course...

Chihiro: That... doesn’t seem like a nice place...

Usami: It isn’t! But I can’t do much about it... boohoo...

Kiyotaka: Perhaps we can learn more about Monokuma!

Byakuya: Is this all there is to this place then?

Usami: Not quite! This floor also features a special room... Called Final Room!

Celeste: That sounds more ominous than it does reassuring.

Usami: Well, uh... It was more of Monokuma’s doing, so I have no control, but... That room contains special rewards! If you can beat the game of life and death!

Mukuro: A game of life and death?

Chihiro: That’s...

Usami: I’m so sorry, but if you want to participate, you’ll have to put your life on the line in there! Without it, you won’t be able to get either the Ultimate Weapon or the secret prize!

Makoto: No way! None of us are going to risk our lives any longer!

Kiyotaka: Indeed. It is ridiculous to even consider!

Byakuya: Hmm...

Toko: M-Master, don’t tell me you’re c-considering... Let me go in y-your stead!

Byakuya: No. There’s no need. We’re not falling for another obvious trap. In fact, we’re leaving. It’s through the elevator, correct?

Usami: Uh... That’s right! And it’s almost 9 AM too! Which means that it’s about to activate.

Mukuro: Is it being 9 AM really that significant?

Usami: You’ll see when you guys get there!

And so, we all went right back into the elevator. Aoi was still there, sitting curled up in the corner, head buried in her knees... Inside the elevator there was a clock. And the moment it hit precisely 9 AM, the doors closed and familiar hissing of gas being released filled the room, along with familiar smell.

Celeste: Damn it... not again...

Leon: Ugh... I’m gonna... be sick...

I didn’t even say anything. This was obviously part of whatever sick joke this Funhouse was... so I laid down before I fell over and let the sleep take me...


Blueberry House

Next I awoke, I was again surrounded by groaning of those around me. Aoi didn’t even bother getting up, simply sobbing as she crawled back into her corner. We were still in the elevator, but doors were now open... And outside was blue. A lot of blue. As blue as previous place was yellow. And welcoming us there was...

Monokuma: Hello everyone! And welcome to the Blueberry House!

Byakuya: Joy. Isn’t today supposed to be Usami’s turn ‘in charge’?

Monokuma: For the Funhouse we operate on more “each has their turf” territory. Now, bastards, it’s time for tour of my half of it!

Toko: Your h-half?

Monokuma: That’s right! Right outside the elevator, there is a map of the wonderful Blueberry House!

Looking at the map... The general construction of the house seemed similar to the Banana House. It was smaller, hexagonal building, but other than that... There was still long hallway with a tower, five guest rooms at second floor and some other room on third.

Danganronpa Class Swap 2 - Jabberwock Island - Heroman3003 (2)

Monokuma: If someone wants to do the dirty, toilets are on your left. And on your right is passage to amazing Blueberry Tower!

Byakuya: We got that. Is this house actually any different in meaningful ways?

Monokuma: Hey! Don’t insult this house! It even has a cool statue on the first floor. Look!

Monokuma pointed to statue standing in front of staircase to the second floor. It seemed to serve no purpose other than just being there. Made of what looked like metal-painted stone, it was a statue of a short, portly man wearing a cook’s outfit, holding up a giant serving of meat. At the bottom was the statue’s name – The Ultimate Cook.

Celeste: ...and?

Monokuma: Ugh, fine, to the next floor we go. Jeez, no appreciation for modern art.

Without being given any time to come up with the questions or gather our bearings, Monokuma hurried all of us up to the second floor.

Monokuma: There’s five rooms! One good one, two average ones and two crappy ones. Really sucks to be whoever gets to have the crappy ones! Such little space, and such uncomfortable beds...

Toko: N-Not like we’re planning to stay...

Monokuma: Really now? Well, we’ll see... Puhuhu.... Now onto the third floor! That’s the worst part!

Monokuma was a lot less patient with his tour. Before going up I did note that there was a common area behind the staircase to the first floor... I guess in that regard the two houses were even.

On the third floor was the most abominable combination of this everpresent blue with pink...

Monokuma: Welcome to Usami Museum! If you want to die of boredom or diabetes, feel free to learn about her here! Oh, and since you did come from Banana House, I don’t have to explain much about the timing of elevator or the Final Room, do I?

Byakuya: We had the explanation of the Final Room. But not the timing.

Monokuma: Puhuhu... Well, you see... Elevator operates on strict schedule, making a move once every three hours! And to keep the mystery of the Funhouse interesting, we will gas both houses with sleeping gas every time it moves! Can’t have you figuring out the secret behind relative positions of the houses that easy now, can we?

Junko: That’s ridiculous!

Celeste: Agreed. It appears there is nothing of worth to be found in this Funhouse place.

Makoto: Uhm... How do we leave though?

Monokuma: Oh? Did Usami not tell you about this either?

Mukuro: Not tell us about what?

Monokuma: Puhuhu... Pahahahaha! She really didn’t tell you! Well then, for the first time in the Killing Game, I can present the motive to you all on my own!

Byakuya: The motive?

Monokuma: The motive is the Funhouse itself! You get to stay in it until someone is killed by someone else!

Chihiro: Well... the whole sleeping gas thing seems frustrating, but it doesn’t sound too bad otherwise...

Kiyotaka: W-Wait a second! The maps showed the bathroom, but you never showed us any kitchen or restaurant!

Monokuma: Someone caught on quick.

Byakuya: Do you mean to tell us that we’re forced to stay in this ridiculous clownhouse until we either kill or starve?

Monokuma: Hmm... That’s not what I mean to tell you, but that is what I actually mean, yes! Puhuhuhu...

Junko: Seriously? f*cking what?

Celeste: This... is concerning...

Toko: W-We’re... going to starve...?

Makoto: Everyone! Please don’t panic. I’m sure we can find a way out. We did come in somehow, right?

Chihiro: That’s right... And I remember Hina showing me her perk back when we trained... She can get food for everyone.

Kiyotaka: We should check in with her right away!

With that, the entire group rushed downstairs. She was still sitting in the elevator. Makoto quickly briefed her on our situation...

Makoto: ...and that’s why we really need to use your perk... I know you don’t feel well, but—

Aoi: ...it’s gone.

Byakuya: What?

Aoi took out her handbook and showed it to us...

Ultimate Swimming Pro’s Perk

Locked Perk

Sorry, but current motive prevents you from accessing this perk!

Toko: S-So, we really are stuck with no f-food...

Junko: That’s ridiculous! What’s the point of the perk if you’re just going to arbitrarily take it away?

Leon: No way... Starving to death?

Byakuya: Shut up, everyone. We have a clear objective in mind now.

Celeste: And what might that be?

Byakuya: Finding a way to escape of course. We will split the efforts by two houses. For the duration of however long we get to stay here we will also live in said houses. Amount of rooms matches ourselves perfectly.

Byakuya: Myself, Chihiro, Taka, Makoto and Leon will stay here in the Blueberry House. All the girls will head back to Banana House once the clock hits 12 PM. We will search both houses thoroughly and reconvene tomorrow morning at the Banana House. Or earlier, if escape is found.

Kiyotaka: Skipping lunch, dinner AND breakfast?

Byakuya: If you don’t wish to, I suggest you find escape fast then.

Junko: Ugh... This is horrible.

Chihiro: I can’t believe this...

Makoto: Don’t worry! I’m sure if we look through every corner, we’ll eventually find the escape!

Celeste: What about the Final Rooms in the two houses?

Byakuya: ...avoid those for now. We will consider them should we fail to find anything.

Mukuro: I... guess that’s a plan.

Byakuya’s almost unphased by all of this. For once I am glad for that jerk’s ability to just wave aside something horrific. With his plan presented, we went on to searching through the Blueberry House...


But there was nothing. Only blue furniture, blue walls, blue blueberries floating on those walls... I did get to witness something of interest though. The boys ended up using a game to split rooms. Byakuya simply took the Luxury Room for himself, but the rest were split through a tournament of Rock-Paper-Scissors. Makoto got eliminated first, then Taka. That meant those two got the Crappy Rooms, while Leon and Chihiro went to Normal Rooms.

After a while, I also payed a visit to Blueberry tower, but other than being a tall building with giant blueberry projected onto the floor and a lighter shade of blue, there wasn’t much of worth in it. There was however a door with a banana on the other end of it.

Monokuma: Hey! You’re just in time for tower’s opening!

Mukuro: Opening? What’s that supposed to mean?

Monokuma: Well, you see... The tower operates on schedule too! It’s only open for last 90 minutes of the 3-hour elevator cycle!

Just as he said that, Junko entered too, asking him a question immediately.

Junko: And what about Banana Tower?

Monokuma: Huh? What about it?

Junko: When’s that open?

Monokuma: Well... uh... Oh, come on! Whatever. It’s only open for first 90 minutes of the cycle.

Junko: Hah. Gotcha. Hey, Mukuro, can you drop your handbook in here?

Mukuro: Huh? Why?

Junko: You’ll see later.

Well, not like I had a perk anyway... So I did as Junko suggested before we both left the Tower and went back to exploring the house. I even decided to check the bathrooms, but nope. Girls bathroom had nothing. Ugh.

With that prolonged search the time eventually came. Myself, Junko, Celeste and Toko gathered in the elevator, which Aoi never left... And we were all gassed the moment clock struck 12 AM.


Banana House

Usami: Oh, you’re all back! I’m so sorry! I wish I could—

Junko: Shut up. So, girls how are we splitting the rooms?

Celeste: I think it’s obvious who gets the Luxury Room. I will not yield to compromises either.

Junko: Whatever. But I do get at least a normal one. Mukuro can handle a crappy one.

Toko: Th-Then I will—

Mukuro: Toko and I will be in crappy ones.

Toko: H-Huh? Do you really h-hate me so much?!

Mukuro: It’s not about you. Aoi... needs a room too. And I will not have you guys stuffing her into the bad one.

Toko: H-Hmph... Well... I’m certain M-Master will appreciate a girl with humility... Hehehe...

She’s insane. Without need to play any games to reach agreement, everyone else split to search through this house too. In meantime...

Mukuro: Hey, Aoi... Come on. Let’s get you to your room...

Aoi: I heard you guys... Why can’t I just be left alone...

Mukuro: I’m sorry we dragged you into this. We couldn’t have—

Aoi: This was obviously inevitable by now... Just go. Keep searching with others. I will find my room on my own... Just don’t disturb me.

Well... that didn’t work either. So I went about searching through the Banana House. On my own. With no results. I did run into Celeste hanging nameplates on the rooms at some point... Apparently she made a set for guys’ rooms too back in Blueberry House while we were searching. And as nice as it is to see her contributing, I did not like prospect of staying here long enough to warrant that one bit.

And soon enough Junko approached me.

Junko: Hey! Let’s go get your handbook.

Mukuro: Isn’t it back in Blueberry Tower?

Junko: Don’t tell me you haven’t caught on?

Mukuro: I have. I’m just playing along. Let’s go.

With that we headed into the Banana Tower. It was indeed mostly identical to Blueberry Tower, other than the door on the other end having a blueberry on it; and tower itself being themed after a banana. And on the floor, in the middle...

Junko: Yep, here’s your junk.

Mukuro: My handbook isn’t junk.

Junko: Yeah, it’s just useless. You don’t have a perk after all.

Mukuro: Ugh. Well, we know that towers are the same now... And the houses are probably connected and stand across from one another.

Junko: Yeah, although I do feel like it’s a bit too obvious. Bah, too lazy to think now. Let’s go look if there’s any more nooks or crannies through which we might have been brought in.

And so we looked. And looked. Through entire Banana House.

At 3 PM the house filled with gas. I passed out on spot, but after what felt like a few minutes I woke up... Right where I fell. I went to check on the elevator, but it wasn’t there. The mascots weren’t lying.

Without much else to do... We kept searching... And searching...

At 6 PM it happened again...

And at 9 PM.... By then I was starting to feel peckish. I feel like knowing that there was no food anywhere only made the feeling worse... and eventually...

Ding Dong Bing Bong

Usami: Good evening, everyone! This is a school trip announcement! It is now 10 PM! Another wonderful day has come to an end! Get some good rest in preparation for cultivating tomorrow’s hope! Sleep tight, everyone!


We all gathered in Banana House’s common area on the second floor.

Celeste: There... really is nothing in there.

Junko: I even tried pulling every book in that damn Museum for passageway. Nope. Nothing.

Toko: Th-the boys’ AND girls’ bathrooms have n-no escape... Unless you can g-get flushed somehow...

Mukuro: I haven’t found anything either. Not in the rooms, not in the tower...

Junko: Welp. Looks like we’re staying the night.

Toko: H-How can you say that s-so casually?!

Junko: Not much we can do about it now, is there?

Toko: Y-You don’t have to remind me...

Celeste: And what about Hina? How is she?

Mukuro: She’s moved into her room, but... I haven’t seen her leave.

Junko: If she wants to rest, let her. Conserving energy will get important.

Toko: Can you s-stop reminding us all about th-that?

Celeste: I must concur.

Junko: Ugh, fine. Let’s all go to bed in boring fashion then.

Mukuro: I hope the gas won’t mess with our sleep too much...

Celeste: Quite. The lack of food is damning enough, but lack of good sleep in addition...

Toko: Gah! Y-You’re all insufferable!

On that note, Toko stormed off into her room.

Celeste silently shrugged and went to hers.

Junko: Damn... This is pretty desperate, isn’t it?

Mukuro: We’ll get through this. I’m sure of it.

Junko: Yeah... We will. I’m certain. Anyway, get some sleep, stinky, tomorrow’s big ‘figure out what the f*ck do we do’ day.

Stretching, Junko went to her room...

Left alone, I carefully approached Aoi’s door and tried to listen in on what’s going on inside... And after hearing a light sob, I decided that it’s best to keep her left alone for now.


Mukuro’s Guest Room

The crappy room was as you’d expect – crappy. Sheets with holes, minimal lighting, creaky bed, slanted roof that made it look like room was some closet under a staircase... Read bad magic novels much?

Regardless, the ordeal of the day was rather tiring, and ignoring the slowly building hunger I went to sleep.


Usami Theater

The Funhouse was meant to be a fun adventure! I can’t believe Monokuma would twist it into something so... twisted! An escape room with a secret, what better way to make people work together.

By the way, do you guys want to guess what my favorite kind of puzzle is? That’s right! It’s the jigsaw puzzle! It’s all about many pieces being built together into something big and beautiful. Like friendships or Hope Fragments! It’s also a puzzle that’s great to work on together! I can’t think of a better puzzle!

What’s weird is that Monokuma seems to have some sort of rivalry with jigsaw puzzles! Which makes me like them even more. When I asked his opinion, he said that he only accepts one black-white-red murder trap mascot in the house. I’m not sure what that has to do with jigsaw puzzles, but he was quite upset!

Anyway, I’m certain that you guys will succeed at not thinking about food at all and get through this together! I believe in you!

And don’t forget to brush your teeth and eat your greens!


Map of Funhouse (With Room Arrangements)

Danganronpa Class Swap 2 - Jabberwock Island - Heroman3003 (3)

Danganronpa Class Swap 2 - Jabberwock Island - Heroman3003 (4)


Whew... Well, this is part of reason why getting to this chapter took a while. I decided to make my own spin on Funhouse visuals with cooler shapes, fruits and colors as well as make visual maps for it. Now how well it will work out we shall see.

As usual, thanks everyone for reading and I love you all very much. I hope you enjoy it. And I'll see you all next time, with the next chapter, whenever that is.

Chapter 28: Chapter 4 – Perseverance – Daily Life 3


The group is forced to settle in with some very unsettling circ*mstances


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Ding Dong Bing Bong

Monokuma: Attention! This is a school trip announcement. Good morning, everyone! It is now 8 AM! Get ready for another beautiful day of this killing school trip!

Finally. I woke up early as usual, but there’s no space to go for a run... I needed to conserve energy too. The stupid gas made it hard to sleep too... I kept waking up every three hours, and combined with hunger that I already felt setting in and gnawing, I felt very irritated... Well, we planned to have a meeting in the Banana House in the morning, so...


Banana House

I left my room at the same time as other girls. And to my surprise, all the guys were already gathered in the lounge area in front of the staircase down...

Byakuya: Took you long enough.

Mukuro: What are you doing here? It’s an hour until next elevator move.

Leon: Well, this jerk woke us all up at 6 AM and had us move over here. At least I managed to catch another nap.

Byakuya: If we didn’t go then, we wouldn’t be able to until at least noon. And with our situation, time is valuable.

Celeste: Well, I suppose all of us are gathered now. Well... Everyone who will gather.

Yep... Nine people. Aoi’s absent again...

Junko: So, how did everyone handle a full day without food?

Makoto: Well... It’s not that bad for now. I do feel kinda hungry...

Chihiro: Yeah... I think I can keep going for a while.

Toko: At l-least sinks in r-restrooms have water...

Mukuro: Ugh... I have no clue how you guys are so good with this; I’m feeling like I’m starving...

Junko: Already?

Byakuya: That’s what I was concerned about. You and Hina both.

Kiyotaka: I do not understand. Is something different about them?

Junko: Oooh, I get it. Athlete stuff, right?

Byakuya: Indeed.

Mukuro: Athlete? What does that have to do with anything?

Kiyotaka: I see now! Of course! When your body is used to intense exercise, it consumes a lot of energy you get from food! And of course even if you stop exercising or eating enough, body wouldn’t immediately know to stop!

Byakuya: That about sums it up. I’m not too worried about Leon, as he doesn’t exercise...

Leon: Hey, come on... I know that’s true, but like, you know.

Byakuya: However, it’s clear that Mukuro and Hina are both... used to a lot of energy intake, as well as energy spending.

Celeste: I see. So they would be most affected by the situation...

Chihiro: And Hina... I think she didn’t eat at all since the trial due to her depression... I tried talking to her after we explored Fourth Island, but she refused to answer... If only I could do more...

Mukuro: Relax, Chihiro. It’s fine. I tried too, but... Ugh. I have no clue what to do.

Usami: Sniff... Me neither...

Toko: W-What are you doing h-here?!

Usami: Oh, hello, kids! Sorry for not saying hi!

Byakuya: What do you want?

Usami: Nothing... I just wanted to say that I did try talking to poor Aoi, but she is so grief-stricken... And now she’s stuck in this unfair motive of a Funhouse! So cruel of Monokuma...

Leon: If you really gave a damn, you’d let us out of here.

Usami: I wish I could, but he made the rules of the Killing Game! Both for the students that you see and hidden ones that two of us have to obey... I can’t just interrupt a motive, you know.

Celeste: Then, what can you do?

Usami: Well, I can cheer you on! After all, with nothing else to do, maybe you guys can focus better on gathering the Hope Fragments!

Byakuya: Get out. We’re trying to figure out a course of action.

Usami: Uwah...

With that Usami waddled downstairs. As helpful as she tries to position herself to be, she is very much useless.

Byakuya: Now. Back to relevant topics. Did anyone find anything of use in this part of the Funhouse?

Junko: Nope. Even the whole Monokuma Museum didn’t have anything useful in it. And I imagine you guys already figured out the trick of the Tower?

Byakuya: Of course. Two towers are the same. That much was obvious. I got my confirmation this morning though.

Celeste: Other than some curious factoids about history of Monokuma and his anatomy from the museum, there wasn’t much of use there... If we were to ever confront him directly, that may be useful, but as it is right now...

Toko: S-So it is real... we’re stuck h-here...

Makoto: No! I’m certain there’s a way out. How else were we brought in?

Junko: What about the Final Rooms?

Byakuya: No. These are to remain untouched. It’s obvious that they’re traps in same way whole Funhouse visit was. Putting lives on the line is something that was agreed to be avoided.

Celeste: Then... what’s left?

Leon: Hey, did you think to bring anything edible in that fancy case of supplies of yours?

Byakuya: Unless you consider rope edible, no. I have not. Have you?

Leon: Hey, don’t turn it on me!

Kiyotaka: I understand why everyone is irritated but it’s important to remain collected in situations like that!

Toko: H-How do you stay collected when you k-know you’re going to starve to death?!

Byakuya: If you need a task to focus on, I do have one. You will watch over Mukuro for the day.

Toko: W-What?

Mukuro: Excuse me?

Byakuya: Consider it an order. You are to stay confined to your room and bed, and not spend any energy, due to being particularly susceptible to the motive at hand. And for today, Toko will watch over you. As long as it keeps her busy.

Toko: Master wants me to t-take care of someone... This m-must be the test of my motherly instincts!

Leon: Uh, you do realize we can hear you, right?

Toko: F-Fine. I’ll do my b-best... I’ll prove myself t-to you...

Byakuya: Ugh...

Kiyotaka: What about the rest of us? Surely there must be a way we can all contribute to the common cause.

Byakuya: Continue the search and examinations of the Museums.

Junko: Seriously? Nothing else?

Byakuya: Do you have a better idea?

Junko: Not really, to be honest. This is frustrating!

Celeste: I see... It appears we have no choice but to try our best and... make it through. Somehow.

Chihiro: Yeah... somehow...

Byakuya: With that settled, we shall be returning back to Blueberry House. 9 AM is approaching soon.

Makoto: Already?

Byakuya: Yes. Elevator will go soon.

With that all the guys gathered up and went downstairs to the elevator. As for us...

Toko: C-Come on... If my P-Prince said that you have to rest, then y-you really have to!

Junko: Yeah, sorry, but with you being full workout mode you’ll have to sit this one out.

Celeste: Hopefully we will manage to unearth something of use in meantime.

Mukuro: Ugh... Fine, fine, I’ll rest in my bed for the rest of the day. I’m not even sure why I’d need Toko’s help.

Toko: W-Well... I’ll probably h-have to bring you water to drink...

Mukuro: And what about me needing to relieve myself?

Toko: Y-You... don’t mean that I have to—

Mukuro: I’m kidding, I’m kidding. I am not frail and helpless; I can go myself.

Junko: As amusing as it would be to see Toko running around with jars, it would be disgusting too.

Mukuro: This is going to be a long day...


Mukuro’s Guest Room

This is awkward. Extremely so. I’ve just spent most of the day restless in the bed, messing up the already crumpled sheets as I shuffled around. Hunger was gnawing, but I just laying down without any reason like that was extremely frustrating too. And all throughout, even as we got gassed a few times, Toko sat beside me on the bed. She was surprisingly helpful with water runs, although I suppose it was mostly because of Byakuya’s orders...

Ultimately, I got too bored by the afternoon so I decided to try and strike up a proper conversation.

Mukuro: So... Toko?

Toko: Huh? What do y-you want?

Mukuro: I wanted to ask... Why Byakuya?

Toko: What?

Mukuro: Why are you crushing so hard on him specifically? Why not, I dunno... Literally anyone else?

Toko: L-Like your plain boy Makoto?

Mukuro: Hey, that’s different! I’m not crushing on Makoto!

Toko: Hmph... I m-may wear glasses but I’m not blind... Of c-course yours is nothing like my passion for M-Master...

Mukuro: Whatever, I’m asking about you. Why him?

Toko: W-Well... Since you’re the b-blind one who can’t see... It’s because he’s regal, like a real-life prince!

Mukuro: Prince...?

Toko: The way he carries himself... The way he talks, his mannerisms, his outfit... He’s like a dream come true... And I’m his maiden, waiting for true love’s kiss...

Mukuro: Uh... Toko?

Toko: Once I show him that I can be a wonderful mother, he will definitely show his true feelings...

Mukuro: Toko...? Tookooo?

Toko: Huh? What? What are you doing here?!

Mukuro: This is my room.

Toko: R-Right! I knew that!

Mukuro: You... do realize Byakuya never said a single kind thing to you, right?

Toko: Of c-course! That’s because everyone always l-lies!

Mukuro: Everyone what now?

Toko: W-When they pretend to be friendly... and n-nice to you... I know what they r-really mean... They mean t-to try to trick me, to h-humiliate me... But Byakuya... He isn’t like that...

Mukuro: He doesn’t hide behind lies?

Toko: Of c-course he does! But if he’s s-so rough on the outside, then it must mean, that d-deep inside... He’s kind, gentle and loving soul... And with how much he says to me, it’s obvious he means only good...

Mukuro: Right. ‘Obvious’.

Toko: You w-wouldn’t understand... You p-probably never fell for the worst of the b-betrayals like I have...

Mukuro: Yeah, I doubt we’ll ever really see eye to eye. Just, uh... Do know that when you fantasize about Byakuya you do it out loud?

Toko: Huh? I d-do? Hehehe... I’ll try t-to stay quieter... Can’t have him th-thinking I’m a slu*t or something...

Mukuro: Yeah... that. Totally.

Update! Earned Toko’s 4th Hope Fragment.

Toko: A-Anyway, I need to go to the b-bathroom myself...

Mukuro: You do you, Toko.

With that she left. I checked the clock... It was only 4 PM... Gah... this day is so long...


Mukuro’s Guest Room

Toko finally left after 6 PM knockout. God dammit, I skipped meals for two days and I was already this hungry... I feel like my brain is playing tricks on me. Probably knowing that there is no food anywhere in reach is making things worse... Damn it. Damn it! And the only way to stop this is...

Ugh. I should just sleep. Screw waiting for nighttime announcement and screw the fact that I don’t feel sleepy. I don’t feel hungry when I’m asleep. Although the gas will just wake me up every three hours anyway, I don’t care. Just stop thinking about hunger...


Monokuma Theater

To cook good grilled chicken, first get some chicken fillets and tenderize them real good! Then you let it marinade in marinade of your choice. I could eat it raw, but you humans with your weak stomachs can’t, so I recommend any red marinade, for authentic looks!

Properly bathe it in marinade, vacuum bag it in it, leave it overnight, whatever! As long as those juices make their way into the meat.

Once meat is properly marinated, it’s grilling time! Take out your pieces of chicken and put them on your scalding hot grill! Don’t forget to enjoy the smell! You don’t need to cook that long if it’s hot enough, just a few minutes per side. You don’t want to ruin it, do you?

Best served with some fried potatoes!


Slightly shorter chapter and isn't going to be the only one in a row. Hopefully it's not too disappointing, but Funhouse do be not too fun...

As usual I thank you all for support and attention and I love you all. I hope you enjoyed and I will see you next time, whenever that is.

Chapter 29: Chapter 4 – Perseverance – Daily Life 4


Everybody is trying their best. Not that it's enough.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Ding Dong Bing Bong!

Usami: Hello, everyone! This is a school trip announcement! It is now 8 AM! Another wonderful morning in tropical paradise! Time to wake up and be ready to cultivate wonderful hope!


...I feel weak. This sucks. I definitely still can get out of bed, as I quickly made sure, but I definitely wouldn’t be able to punch someone out if it came to it... Damn it. Is this really all it takes for me to become helpless?


I got back in the bed. Hopefully Toko won’t bother me today... Resting no longer sounds like as boring of a time...


Banana House

I was just leaving the toilet around midday after relieving myself and having a drink when one of time limits has triggered. Perfect for me to end up simply faceplanting into the floor as I passed out. And when the gas receded and I tried to stand back up... Key word being tried. It was weirdly hard. My muscles felt stiff... I definitely could do it by myself when suddenly...

Chihiro: Let me help!

Chihiro was beside me, pulling my arm up and over his shoulder. With his help and a grunt I managed to get myself into an upright position. But as I tried to let go, Chihiro refused to stop supporting me.

Mukuro: I’m fine... I can walk on my own...

Chihiro: I just saw how you tried to stand up, Mukuro... Let me help you back to your room.

Mukuro: No... Just.. upstairs. I can make it from here.

Chihiro: Mukuro...

Mukuro: Please. I’m not that weak yet. I just need to sit down...

Chihiro: Alright...

And so with Chihiro’s help, I climbed the stairs. He helped me into one of the chairs in the lounge area. Ugh, why did these things all have to be made of this glassy plastic? They aren’t even good to rest in. I mean, I guess it’s so that they can be as much of a toxic yellow color as rest of this stupid place. But I just hate it, I hate—

Chihiro: Where are the others?

Mukuro: I have no clue... Upstairs probably. Or in their rooms. Wait, what are you doing here? In the Banana House.

Chihiro: I... I wanted to check up on everyone here... There was an incident in the Blueberry House earlier.

Mukuro: An... incident? There wasn’t an announcement so—

Chihiro: Ah, no, it wasn’t anything like that! I just... it’s Leon... He’s not handling the starvation well... We found him crying... And he tried to attack Makoto too.

Mukuro: What? How’d that happen?! Is Makoto alright?

Chihiro: Mukuro, please, calm down. Everything is alright and everyone is okay. Let me tell you the whole story...

Chihiro: Basically, Makoto went to our house’s bathroom only to find Leon hunched over the sink and shaking. I was on first floor too, so he called me over in case something was wrong. And when we tried to ask Leon what happened, he just screamed and threw himself at Makoto.

Chihiro: I don’t think he tried to kill him... But Taka heard it and he pulled him off Makoto. He quickly calmed down and apologized... He said something came over him for a moment, but I think he... He is just breaking down.

Mukuro: sh*t...

Chihiro: I... I wish I could do more... I am so useless... It was Makoto who showed concern... Taka who helped pull Leon off... And Byakuya is currently giving Leon some ‘talk’, I think... While I was just standing and watching and couldn’t do a thing...

Mukuro: Hey, what could you do? You weren’t the one that found him and I’d definitely not want someone like you in fight with Leon. No offense, but, uh... There’s no way you’d come out unharmed.

Chihiro: Yes, that’s true... But that’s exactly why... I feel like such a... failure.

Mukuro: Huh?

Chihiro: I... I can’t do anything. I want to help... Everyone... But instead... I just... I just stand here and watch as it all gets worse... Over and over... I’m so weak and useless... Even when I do try, I can’t do a thing...

Mukuro: You’re not useless! Yes, you couldn’t do anything, but... Who could? If what you’re saying is true about you, it’s true about rest of us too. And you wouldn’t say we’re all useless, would you?

Chihiro: Huh...? Mukuro? But... you are actually trying your best to end the Killing Game... You! And Byakuya, and Celeste... Even Junko and Makoto... But me...

Mukuro: Sure, you haven’t had a chance yet... But I’m certain there will be something that only you can do. We just... have to stay strong. And we’ll get there. Together.

Chihiro: I... Thank you... You’re right... Maybe I can still help. In some ways... I’ll just do my best.

Update! Earned Chihiro’s 5th Hope Fragment.

Mukuro: Yeah... And now I think I need to rest some more. I can make it to my own room, so...

Chihiro: Yeah. I’ll go upstairs and check if others are there.

With that Chihiro went upstairs... While I managed my way back to bed in my own room. Gah... This sucks.


Mukuro’s Guest Room

I’ve spent most of the day in my room. I didn’t even feel that thirsty anymore, plus I didn’t want to embarrass myself again. Although I did get a visitor later in the day... In the evening.

Junko: Hello, my bedridden maiden.

Mukuro: Junko, what do you want?

Junko: So snappy, with your sister? Eh, I guess snappiness is expected when I look like a delicious piece of lamb, eh?

Mukuro: I know you wouldn’t come here without a reason, so just spill it already, please. I’m not in the mood.

Junko: Ugh, fine, I was just trying to lighten it. We found something upstairs today.

Mukuro: Huh? What was it?

Junko: Remember a computer back from the electronics street on third island? One that didn’t work at all? Another one exactly like that, hidden behind a bookcase. The only difference was that this one was ‘Observer Contact Point Delta’. Still ‘connection lost’, but do you get what it probably means?

Mukuro: ...we somehow missed at least two...

Junko: Bingo! Where the heck are Contact Points Alpha and Beta? Probably somewhere on first two islands, but then again... I only have vague suspicion on what they’re even for.

Mukuro: I see... How did you find it anyway? I thought you looked through everything over past couple of days.

Junko: Toko was way too anxious and annoying so I suggested she reorganize all the Monokuma books. I didn’t expect her to actually go and dump them all off the shelves and then cause a shelf to fall on top of her!

Mukuro: Is she alright?

Junko: Yeah, she’s fine if still annoying. And she did reorganize the books by genre and title. Impressive, considering I couldn’t sit through a paragraph of cringy stories -inducing stories about how Monokuma killed a bunch of plants by drowning them to teach them lesson of too much of good thing or whatever these stupid books were about.

Mukuro: But... no progress on escape then?

Junko: Nope. None. I did tell Chihiro to try the same in Usami Museum in other house, but we won’t know if anything comes of it until tomorrow.

Mukuro: Let’s hope it will be something. I’m not sure I can handle this much longer...

Junko: Yeah. You can’t. Chihiro told us everything.

Mukuro: ...for once, I actually feel as useless as you say I am...

Junko: Well, at least you have an actual excuse this time. Don’t worry. I’ll figure something out.

Not giving me time to question what she meant by that, Junko left my room. Leaving me alone with my thoughts... That I didn’t feel like thinking right now. No. I was too tired. I should just get more rest... I hate that Byakuya was right, I hate this cramped little room with slanted roof that feels like a closet, I hate that I am already this weak, I hate that I can’t do anything about, I hate how fast it feels, I hate this constant gnawing—...


Usami Theatre

Now, I know the situation might look gloomy, but I do believe in everyone’s ability to remain good friends and stay together!

Even if... if it means—

I’m so sorry! I wish I could help but the rules of this Killing Game exist to be obeyed! Evil Monokuma does such horrible things... He can’t even make the motive fair! That’s how absolutely evil he is! If I could come up with a motive, I’d definitely make sure it’s something that strong bonds and power of friendship can overcome!

N-Not that this one can’t! I... still believe in everyone... To the end...

Uh... Don’t forget to—Wait, no I can’t remind you of that now! Don’t forget to wash your hands instead!


Shorter one. As expected...

As usual, I hope you guys enjoyed. Thank you all for attention and love, and I will see you next time... whenever that is.

Chapter 30: Chapter 4 – Perseverance – Daily Life 5


The draining days keep going by. Strength is limited. For some more than others.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Ding Dong Bing Bong

Monokuma: Attention! This is a school trip announcement. Good morning, everyone! It is now 8 AM! Get ready for another beautiful day of this killing school trip!

I slept awful. Constant gas, gnawing pain in the stomach, intrusive thoughts of food...

...I should keep sleeping... Keep the need to think away. Screw you, announcement, I’ll just sleep in...



Celeste: Mukuro, I am coming in now.

Huh...? I was half-awake as Celeste entered the room.

Mukuro: What happened? Did you guys find the exit.

Celeste: None of the sort, I am afraid... But there is something concerning. Toko already went to the Blueberry House at 9 AM. She and all the boys will be back at midday, which is in just few minutes. We believe there is something wrong with Hina.

Mukuro: Aoi? What happened? Is she okay?

I quickly sat up, shrugging off the weakness in my muscles.

Celeste: That is the question. We do not know. As we talked, we realized that she did not leave her room at all since entering it.

Mukuro: What...?

Celeste: Well, either that or she did it without any of us noticing. Regardless, she has the lock engaged, and we need guys to help break it down. I thought that it would be prudent to let you know as well.

Mukuro: I’ll be there.

Celeste: I am not sure that with your condition—

Mukuro: Look, she’s been so screwed over, I want to talk to her properly. I should have done it sooner, but this stupid Funhouse and everything—I want to be there.

Celeste: ...I see. Then allow me to assist.

But just as Celeste stood up and offered me a hand, I heard familiar hiss. The gas. Looks like Celeste at least got used to it as she sat beside me and lay across the bed in preparation for passing out. With little in terms of options, I did the same...


I awoke to being shook. By Celeste. Of course.

Celeste: Are you certain you are in condition to walk?

Mukuro: I am... Just give me a moment.

But that moment took a bit longer than I wanted as I spent several minutes psyching myself up before finally taking Celeste’s hand and using her shoulder for balance, beginning to stumble my way out of the room.


Banana House

By the time we left my room, everyone was already gathered in front of Aoi’s room.

Kiyotaka: --three... four... five! Go!

Taka and Leon together charged at the door and I could hear a loud creak as the lock seems to have remained in place, while door did not. I could even see a crack forming around door handle...

Kiyotaka: Just once more!

Leon: Ugh... Can’t someone here just pick locks?

Byakuya: It’s not as if we have equipment for that. Keep bashing.

Junko: Hey, what are you doing out? Celeste, why did you bring her out?

Makoto: Mukuro?

Mukuro: Shut up... I’m fine. I want to see Aoi too.

Byakuya: Tch. Once we open that door, and check on her condition, you’re returning to your bed. You can barely stand.

Celeste: Mukuro... could I request you use the wall to lean on for a moment? Not that I want to disrespect you, but I do not think I can support your weight much longer.

Mukuro: Sure... Thanks...

I let go of Celeste, who seemed extremely relieved... And stumbled towards the wall, leaning on it instead. Just as the two doorbusters rushed at the door again.


This did it... The door just tore off the hinges and fell forward to the floor. The room was not as dingy as my own, to be expected considering quality differences. Even a bit roomier and comfier. But that was not what caught my attention. What did was that Aoi Asahina, the Ultimate Swimming Pro, was laying on her bed... Completely motionless. I couldn’t even see her chest rise up or down...

I tried to make my way in, but everyone rushed past me first, making sure I was last to enter. And by time I stumbled my way in, I heard Byakuya’s words...

Byakuya: No pulse. She’s dead.

No... Damn it, no... this... is this my fault...?

Junko: They’re awful slow on the announcement this time around.

Leon: Announcement...? sh*t, are you saying she’s been killed?!

Celeste: I... It is regretful, but that would mean freedom from this hellish motive...

Kiyotaka: This... I cannot comprehend why but I find myself agreeing with this, despite the sentiment behind your words being so... impure!

Chihiro: It’s... still not happening...

Usami: Oh... I’m so sorry everyone, but Body Discovery Announcement only happens for murders!

Makoto: Usami, you’re here! Wait—You didn’t bring the files?

Usami: Oh. There is no file for poor Aoi.

Byakuya: What.

Usami: I’m so sorry... But she died something that would qualify as ‘natural death’. Dying by a motive is the only way to receive one on this island... This is so cruel...

Toko: N-Natural Death... Wait, y-you don’t mean to say...

Byakuya: That skin tone. She’s severely dehydrated. Add in accelerated starvation thanks to her normally excessive diet...

Junko: She actually never left her room it seems...

Usami: Poor girl was in such a bad state... It’s almost like she gave up on trying to live and... There’s nothing that I could’ve done, really! Not with this terrible motive in play!

Leon: That means... there won’t be a trial... we’re still stuck like this... damn it.... Damn it!

Celeste: Hah... Hahahah...

Mukuro: Celeste...?

Celeste: No... No, nonono, I’m not dying here... I’m not dying like her! No! I refuse! Get me out of here! I hate this! I hate all of this! I hate everything about this place! I hate the stupid colors, I hate the stupid fruit on the walls, I hate the fact that I haven’t had any tea or crumpets in days and I hate starving! This won’t be how I go! Not like her! Not like this! Let me out! There’s an exit! I know there is! Let me out!

Before any of us could stop her, Celeste rushed towards exit, simply kicking Usami out of the way, laughing nigh-psychotically as she rushed past me and to the third floor.

Mukuro: Celeste! Stop! Please—

I tried running after her but... I stumbled over something. I think. I didn’t remember what it was but I found myself on the floor.

Byakuya: You’re not going to catch her. Chihiro.

Chihiro: Huh? M-Me?

Byakuya: Go after her and calm her down.

Chihiro: Are you sure that I’m—

Byakuya: If you have time to question my orders, you have time to execute them.

Chihiro: Uh, sir, yes, sir!

With that, I saw Chihiro’s legs rush past me as well.

Byakuya: Everyone, clear the room. We’re done here.

Makoto: What about Hina? I mean... her body...

Byakuya: I assume it will now be removed as all the bodies are.

Usami: Unghh...

Usami crawled back to her stubby feet after being punted into the corner.

Usami: I meant to say... The bodies are only removed during the trial.

Kiyotaka: Wait—Do you mean to tell us she’ll just lay there?! Rotting? That’s despicable! And awfully unhygienic!

Usami: Uwah! I understand! But I can’t do anything about it!

Junko: ...can you at least fix the door? So that we won’t have to live with rotting corpse stench?

Usami: Oh, that I can do! And I will do it next time the time limit happens and you’re all asleep!

Byakuya: I see... Well, that leaves only one problem to take care of.

Suddenly I found myself grabbed by arms, and pulled onto someone’s back. A suit. Byakuya.

Byakuya: I’ll get her back to her room.

Makoto: Will you be alright carrying her alone?

Byakuya: Do you think me that weak?

Makoto: Sorry!

As Byakuya started dragging me towards my room, I just didn’t feel like protesting. I needed to lie down properly anyway. To process all that just happened...

As he carried me I heard the remaining people talking.

Kiyotaka: I... We could swap her room with one of us in the Blueberry House. So that girls don’t have to bear it!

Leon: Dude, are you f*cking kidding me? No way!

Junko: Not that it matters. Once door is fixed, we’ll just close it and try our best to not think about what’s behind it.

Toko: Y-You’ll probably remind us constantly with your jokes...

Makoto: Plus, I don’t think treating Hina’s body like garbage to avoid is respectful.

Kiyotaka: I did not consider that! I apologize!

Toko: Ugh... I can’t believe M-Mukuro of all people g-gets to experience closest thing Master would give to embrace...

Junko: Toko, not the time. Seriously.

Leon: Damn it... we’re really screwed in here, aren’t we? For good...

Wherever conversation went next, I did not hear...


Mukuro’s Guest Rooms

Byakuya dragged me all the way to my bed. He dumped me in it. Roughly, though more carelessly than intentionally.

Byakuya: You’re heavier than I expected.

Mukuro: Don’t worry. I’m on amazing weight loss program right now.

Byakuya: ...you really do have same sense of humor as your sister, don’t you?

Mukuro: No I don’t! Why did you not help me go after Celeste anyway? I definitely could talk her out of... doing anything rash...

Byakuya: Because it was unnecessary. Anyone being there and talking to her will calm her down.

Mukuro: Okay, sure, I guess it makes sense then that I wasn’t best choice... Why Chihiro then?

Byakuya: For his own sake, obviously. I hope that much is obvious.

Mukuro: His own...? Wait, Chihiro’s?

Byakuya: Don’t make me repeat myself.

Mukuro: Wait... nevermind. I get it... It’s so that Chihiro himself gets a morale boost...

Byakuya: Indeed. The last few days have been... irritating to say the least. And if I am to stay true to my word, morale maintenance is necessary.

Mukuro: I... didn’t expect you to actually commit to that. I thought you’re just using opportunity to seize control.

Byakuya: Of course I was. And yet, I made a word that I will ensure no more murders occur. I intend to make it remain that way.

Mukuro: Yeah... Even though it looks like the alternative is no better.

Byakuya: Oh, I’m certain we will escape the Funhouse yet.

Mukuro: How... are you so self-confident about it? Preventing murders and escaping both? That’s impossible, that should be obvious by now.

Byakuya: Because I’m me. I’m Byakuya Togami, the definition of perfection. And in my world there are no ‘impossible’ goals. I will find a way. Or opportunity. Whatever it may be.

Update! Earned Byakuya’s 4th Hope Fragment.

Byakuya: Now, stop wasting time or your energy. You barely have any as is. I’d recommend relying on your neighbors for water and not get out of bed anymore.

And so he left... Such a damn prick. But at least a prick dedicated to common good now...

Well, I hate it but he’s right, so with little more to do I made myself comfortable on the bed and closed my eyes for another nap...


It was evening again by the time I got another visitor.


Celeste: I am coming in.

Celeste entered the room. I expected her to look disheveled or nervous... But it seems like she was back to her normal, vaguely fake self.

Mukuro: Celeste... Hey. How are you?

Celeste: Better. I do apologize for the display earlier. It was... unlike me. To lose myself like that.

Mukuro: It’s alright. We’re... all under pressure here.

Celeste: Indeed. That is an apt way to put it.

Mukuro: ...

Celeste: ...

Celeste: Well... Apologizing for way I acted was the main reason for my visit, but I do believe you also deserve an update on... what we did. Once the door got fixed, Junko locked it with Aoi’s key and we had it passed over to the Blueberry House just now. That should... prevent any temptations.

Mukuro: Cool... thanks. Hey, can you... get me a glass of water please?

Celeste: Of course.

Celeste used the out I gave her to stop talking and leave... She did return with the water but didn’t say anything else and left for good after that. I could practically feel heavy awkwardness with her presence...

...none of us are doing good. Some are just better at hiding it. And others show it in different ways. How long can we last...?

There’s not much time left in day and there’s nothing I would do otherwise. I was still bored, but I didn’t have energy to even be antsy about it... And sleep came easy enough now that I got more used to the gassing cycles...


Monokuma Theater

Okay, so, I had this great recipe lined up, it was smoked brisket and it was amazing tease for all you bastards. But come on! You know, this is just too upsetting. A death? Without body discovery announcement? Without investigation? Without trial? Without execution?

That. Is. Outrageous! I refuse to admit it’s my fault too! This motive was perfect, but its Usami’s fault that group is so tightly knit that they didn’t start killing before someone kicked the bucket.

And who the heck just dies due to excessive sad and lack of food for a few days? Incredibly stupid. You kids need to take better care of yourself! As much as I hate agreeing with Usami... You do! How else are we going to maintain a healthy Killing Game environment after all?

Fun fact: People can survive up to three weeks without any food!


Not all disaster and suffering comes with fanfare and spotlight. Sometimes it's quiet and forgotten.

As usual I thank you all for the attention and I love you all. I hope you enjoyed and I will see you with the next chapter... whenever that is.

Chapter 31: Chapter 4 – Perseverance – Daily Life 6


Mukuro enjoys company of a visitor.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

As I was waking up, I realized that I slept through the announcement... I did not care. Morning announcements don’t matter in the Funhouse. Does anything really? I feel like if I try to walk I’ll just fall over, so I don’t even bother getting up. Someone refilled the glass of water I had at some point, so I drank it. Hunger pangs were so constant at this point, I barely felt the pain anymore.



I heard door open unceremoniously and rolled over to look at who just entered. Although just the way they came in, no knocking and slamming the door afterwards, it was obvious.

Junko came over to my bed and sat on the side of it, letting out an exasperated sigh.

Mukuro: Hey.

Junko: Hey.

Mukuro: That bad, huh?

Junko: Nope. Not really.

Mukuro: Oh... so nothing is happening?

Junko: Yeah... This sucks...

Mukuro: Not much we can do about it.

Junko: Yes! Exactly! I hate it! I think I finally decided that I do not enjoy killing games.

Mukuro: Just now?

Junko: Yeah, kinda. I mean, not like I could really ‘participate’ anyway with you around. I have to see your face around enough as is, I do not want it coming to haunt my dreams for rest of my life.

Mukuro: Yes, yes, you love me, get to the point.

Junko: Watch your words, you’re helpless in bed and there’s a perfectly large pillow.

Mukuro: I may be weakened but I still have higher chances here.

Junko: Whatever. Back to the point. Like, this whole killing game schtick? Seemed almost fun at first. First time I felt alive in a while, actually. It sucked getting to know these weirdos and seeing them die, but it didn’t just suck, it... Really sucked. And made me feel like sh*t. And it was something I never expected!

Mukuro: You? THE Junko Enoshima couldn’t expect having conscience?

Junko: The idea of death never bothered me. Life was always a bore that I wanted to spice up. But this whole thing is just... different. It’s special. It’s full of excitement and emotions! Except... In the worst way! And best way! And... You get me, don’t you?

Mukuro: ...yeah. I don’t think we’re on entirely same wavelength here, but... I kinda do. I think.

Junko: But you know what? This sh*t just sucks! Not in ‘finally stirring me alive’ kind sucks, but ‘makes me want to kill myself’ sucks! I’m done with this depressive bullsh*t.

Mukuro: So, it’s starvation that is over the line for you, huh?

Junko: No, it’s not that. The disease too! I mean, I don’t remember much, but it wasn’t some invigorating experience, it was just a depressive period of laying around and hoping nothing bad happens. I thought I finally found something that makes me feel alive, but then... it’s this. We’re sitting and starving and everyone is secretly hoping someone else snaps before they do.

Mukuro: ...yeah. Especially after seeing Aoi... I don’t know if everybody can really hold on much longer. I hate that it feels inevitable. We should be able to get through this without any needless loss, but this motive is just...

Junko: Unfair.

Mukuro: Yes... that.

Junko: We’ll hold out though. Right?

Mukuro: I... I’m not sure. I barely can stand right now.

Junko: See, this is why I’m the smart twin. Because I can see through your bullsh*t.

Mukuro: Junko... don’t try to lie. We both know that if someone else dies of starvation... I’ll be the first.

Junko: No. You won’t be. I have a contingency.

Mukuro: What? What are you talking about?

Junko: Nothing you should think of just yet. You can handle a day or two more. I might be able to get through a week before needing it. We can endure.

Mukuro: Even if you somehow can make us two last through... Whatever it is won’t be forever or else you’d have used it already.

Junko: Yeah. But you know what else is not forever? Everyone’s patience. Leon will snap soon. Celeste... Well, if he fails, she’ll be next. Toko too probably.

Mukuro: Junko...

Junko: I won’t encourage them. Hell, for all I know it will give them only more resolve. I’ll just wait. And so will you. And you have to promise me. Promise me that if someone enters this room and you sense even a hint of danger, you will call for help.

Mukuro: Well—Of course I will. Why wouldn’t I—

Junko: Because you’re an idiot and your time with Little Mister Messy Hair rubbed off on you. Catch you in wrong mood and you’d probably let yourself be killed for everyone’s good.

Mukuro: Junko, no. I’d never... Not with you around. I can’t let myself be killed or kill... Or else, well...

Junko: Yeah, trial rules, whatever. I am not here to argue what ifs, I am here to get a promise. We’ll endure through this, and get out of this stupid-ass place together.

Junko extended a hand towards me. With a single pinky finger stuck out.

Mukuro: Really?

Junko: I’d write a blood contact, but that’s a bit too precious to waste now. Come on.

With a sigh I raised my own hand and hooked my pinky around Junko’s... We curled our fingers and held together for a moment before breaking away.

Junko: Good. And once we’re out of here... I will end it all. I know what I need to know now... I wish I realized it sooner.

Mukuro: Junko, what are you talking about?

Junko: Nothing for you to bother yourself about. Just rest. Let the better sister take care of the complicated thinking.

Mukuro: I hate that you’re right about being a better sister right now...


Junko: Hey! You’re my floor rag, and only I am allowed to call you stupid! Unless I tell you to call yourself stupid.

Update! Earned Junko’s 5th Hope Fragment.

Before I could recover from the slap, Junko stood up and left the room, slamming the door behind her. I did notice something though... She tried to hide it but couldn’t do it entirely. Her feet dragged a bit as she walked. She was growing weak too...


There’s nothing else I can do other than wait. Wait and hope she’s right. Or that she isn’t. Maybe another way will be found after all. I wish I could do something... But all I could do is lay around until the nighttime announcement...


Ding Dong Bing Bong

Usami: Good evening, everyone! This is a school trip announcement! It is now 10 PM! Another wonderful day has come to an end! Get some good rest in preparation for cultivating tomorrow’s hope! Sleep tight, everyone!


It felt like an eternity waiting whole day. I did have Toko refill my water a few times, but... nothing beyond that and constant stupid sleeping gas sessions...

I fell asleep uncertain... But more content. Yeah. As long as Junko and I were still together... We’ll get through anything.


Usami Theater

Now! To distract everyone from how gloomy and depressive things have got, let’s talk about something entirely unrelated!

How about... Oh, I know! How about talking about medicine? After all, it helps lots of people! While also generally not being at all delicious or making you think about food!

But even if medicine is helpful, it’s always important to remember to exercise caution and care. After all, no matter how well-intentioned pharmacists and chemists were, even most innocuous and innocents of medications can be dangerous if you don’t use them right! Or use them wrong, but nobody would ever do that. After all, medicine exists to help people!

There are many things to consider about using medicine. And while usually the instructions list those things, there are a few that are very common, so I’ll mention them!

For starters, there’s overdose. Medicine is something that the rule of ‘never too much of a good thing’ does not at all apply to! Then there’s using medicine when you have conditions that make it do bad things instead of good! But worst of all... is when medicine combines with other things to give bad results! Like other medicine or food... Did you know that sometimes taking certain poison medication when poisoned can lead to poisoning getting only worse?

Oh, I did not mean to talk about that kind of poisoning! Mostly food poisoning! I mean uh— Yes! Medicine is good but always take good care when using it!

And don’t forget to brush your teeth and eat your vitamins!


Resolve comes in all shapes and sizes. You never know how different people experience it.

As always, thank all of you for keeping up on this occasionally bumpy ride. I love you all, hope you enjoyed and will see you next time with the next chapter... Whenever that is.

Chapter 32: Chapter 4 – Perseverance – Daily Life 7


The tireness is overwhelming. But there are things that can break through that...


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Ding Dong Bing Bong

Monokuma: Attention! This is a school trip announcement. Good morning, everyone! It is now 8 AM! Get ready for another beautiful day of this killing school trip!

The announcement doesn’t matter.

The cycle of sleeping gas doesn’t matter.

Nothing damn matters...

I feel so weak... Why am I so weak...

I should just sleep. I can’t do anything else anyway. And giving up... is not an option...




Stand up, evaluate the situation. Scan the area for hostiles. Scan area for cover. No cover, sh*t. My gun, it should be—

Ugh... Damn it... What gun... What am I thinking... Why did I even jump out of the bed like that...

My legs are giving out... so I simply sit on the bed and rub my head. A gunshot... I was woken up by a gunshot. Wait, I was woken up by a gunshot?!


Suddenly, door to my room slammed open...

Leon: Hey, you okay?!

Junko: Don’t you dare be—Oh, you aren’t. Shame.

And I could see Toko behind those two too...

Mukuro: What... Just happened? Was that—

Toko: Y-Yeah... A gunshot...

Junko: It made Leon fall out of his chair.

Leon: Hey, I wasn’t scared! Anyone would get startled by something like that!

Toko: D-Does it matter? Mukuro is f-fine, we need to look for the s-source of the gunshot!

Junko: Uh-huh. Sure. Leon, grab Mukuro. We’re taking her with us.

Leon: What?

Mukuro: Why?

Junko: There was a god damn gunshot just now, Mukuro. That’s suspicious at best and damning at worst. We can’t really afford to leave anyone alone now, can we?

Leon: Fine... Come on, you can lean on my shoulder.

Mukuro: Thanks...

With Junko taking charge and me being unable to think of a rebuttal, I simply stood up, leaning on Leon as he helped carry me out.

Mukuro: Wait... where’s Celeste?

Junko: Last I remember, she went upstairs. Let’s go check...


Monokuma Museum


Junko: Weird. I definitely remember her coming upstairs...

Toko: D-Do you think she...

Toko pointed at the door to the Final Room.

Leon: If she entered and found a way out there... We should go in too! And quick!

Junko: We don’t know that. And didn’t you forget what we were looking for? A source of gunshot. There’s still a lot of house to che—


Junko: Or we can all take a nap. Timely...

Mukuro: Ugh...

Toko: D-Damn... it...

The oh-so-familiar by now daze came over me as Leon fell, dropping me beside him...


Banana House – First Floor

By time I woke up, I was already being dragged by Leon...

Mukuro: Ugh...

Junko: Wakey-wakey. We checked all of third and second floor while you were still waking up.

Mukuro: All of it... even—

Junko: Yes, even in rooms. Well, ones we could access. Meaning, yours, mine and Toko’s. Celeste’s and Hina’s were both locked, obviously.

Toko: W-Well she’s not here either... Did she leave to the other house?

Leon: No way. The elevator just arrived here for this time limit. It wasn’t there...

Mukuro: Could she be in her room then?

Toko: If she is... She is r-refusing to respond to knocks...

Leon: Then she went into the Final Room, right? There’s no other way.

Junko: Let’s check the Banana Tower first.

Leon: That place? What’s the point? There’s no way she could have gone downstairs anyway, not without us noticing.

Junko: Look, let’s just check? I have a nose for these things, and something very off is happening. Leave no stone unturned, or some junk.

Toko: As l-long as we stop just standing and arguing...

With that, we headed to the Banana Tower. Well, they all did, with Leon carrying me over his shoulders...


Banana Tower

I should have known. Should have known the inevitability of it. Should have known that it happened the moment I heard the mysterious gunshot.

But something within me didn’t want to think about it. Maybe it was all the exhaustion of starvation. Or maybe it was a glimmer of hope that things will turn out fine.

But the sight of a decapitated body, positioned to sit in the chair in the middle of the Tower snuffed that hope out. And of course, while I couldn’t see the face with the head completely cut off... The body could only belong to one person. Only one person here was wearing such extravagant, elegant outfit, with so many intricate gothic details...

It was body of Celestia Ludenberg, the Ultimate Gambler, sitting in front of us, head missing.

Ding Dong Bing Bong

Monokuma was making a body discovery announcement. I couldn’t hear it over horrified screams of Toko and Leon ringing through my ears. I heard a thump as Toko collapsed on the floor. And I felt myself being let go of by Leon... falling down beside her...

It’s too much even for me...


It's an extremely short chapter after 2 months wait, and a BDA cliffhanger to boot.

There are reasons it took a while, both related to writing of this chapter's case and related to my completely annihilated ability to focus and stay motivated for writing due to irl circ*mstances. I have started to regain some of that and channeling it again, but I cannot make concrete promises on how long this cliffhanger will keep hanging for. I hope it won't be another 2 months.

Regardless, as usual, I love you all and appreciate all your support and patience. And as always, I will see you with the next chapter... whenever that will be.

Chapter 33: Chapter 4 – Perseverance – Deadly Life


Investigation starts - both into murder and into the Funhouse


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 4 – Perseverance – Deadly Life

I woke up again... back in my room. I realized I was awake, but didn’t want to open my eyes... Celeste was dead. She was... a complicated person. But I could see that she was struggling to understand our trust... And friendship we offered her... And now it seems like she’ll never get the chance to... She—

Wait, what’s that smell?!

I quickly opened my eyes and looked to see... Junko sitting on the side of the bed, chewing on something. Wait, chewing?!

Junko: Oh! You’re awake. And here I thought I’d have to stuff these down your throat to get you to wake up. Here.

She offered me a bun. A bun. Food... I just realized how hungry I was. The numbness in my stomach was replaced by pain as I devoured the thing in just a few seconds.

Junko: Don’t choke on it, you crocodile, and pace yourself! Jeez, there’s enough. There’s milk on bedside table too, by the way.

Mukuro: Mfm... Where... Did you get that?

Junko: Monokuma handed it out. With murder occurring, the starvation motive is over. Well, at least we won’t have to investigate on empty stomachs. Or, well, I won’t.

Mukuro: So... it really is a murder?

Junko: Yep. And since you’re all weak and frail now, I’ll be handling the investigation.

Mukuro: No, just give me a second and a few more buns and I—

Junko: Nope. You’ve hogged the spotlight for way too long. You will stay here and rest and let someone actually smart figure things out like a good girl.

Mukuro: Junko, I—

Junko: Nope. I am taking charge as of... Right now!


Mukuro’s Room

And just like that, I was in charge.

Mukuro: Ugh... Fine. Just make sure to catch me up on everything that you find, alright?

Junko: Totally. I’ll have this thing figured out before you can get done eating.

Mukuro: Good luck then.

Junko: Pft. I don’t need luck. I have everything one needs already!

Waving to Mukuro, I left the room, closing the door behind me.


Banana House

Well, that was a waste of time. Thought I’d have to force feed her. Eugh...

Whatever. The lolita is dead. And brutally dead. There was a gunshot earlier, most likely related... Whatever. Let’s do it one step at a time.

Investigation Start

I guess seeing if, for once, the Monokuma File offers some useful info might be a start...

“The victim was Taeko Yasuhiro, the Ultimate Gambler.

The victim’s body was discovered in the Banana Tower at 12:12 PM.

The victim was decapitated, with head nowhere near the body.

Exact time of victim’s death is unknown.

The victim had no poisons or foreign substances in the body, and they were suffering from severe malnutrition.”

Well, this confirms a very important detail. Even with us losing both reliable coroners, the Monokuma Files will remain useless. Great.

Truth Bullet Added: Monokuma File 4

I tossed the file behind me. I think it hit the wall? Eh, whatever. If I need one, I’ll ask for someone else’s. Everyone gets one anyway.

Now... What to check... The body, duh, but also the third floor. And of course... My secret stash, just in case. Let’s start in order of most obvious to least...


Banana House, First Floor

Those two were still there. At least he had the smarts to drag her out of the tower and not just leave her in the pass-out feedback loop. Both munching on bread buns.

Toko: S-So? How’s Mukuro?

Junko: Since when do you care?

Toko: W-Well, I don’t! I’m just c-curious...

Junko: She’s resting, but she’ll be fine. In meantime though. You know the drill by now.

Leon: Damn... Seriously? We gotta go back in there?

Junko: No, of course not, we’ll just channel her spirit and ask her who killed her.

Leon: Wait, seriously?

Junko: Yes! Go get an Ouija board. I’ll make a candle by condensing the milk.

Leon: Oh. You’re screwing with me.

Junko: Took you long enough to catch up.

Toko: Th-there’s no way I’m going back in there!

Junko: Yeah, I wasn’t really talking about you. C’mon, Leon, I might need some more lifting.

Leon: Gah...

Junko: But... If you want to accept that you can’t handle a little decapitated corpse and will just screech like a little girl at the sight of it, and want every other guy to know about that...

Leon: Okay, okay, fine! I’m coming...

Junko: Good. We do have to examine the body before the tower turns into the Blueberry Tower.

Leon: Oh, right... It switches halfway through the time limit, right?

Junko: Ugh, don’t make me explain it. Let’s just go.


Banana Tower

And we’re back to the gorefest. Great. It stinks of dried blood in here, eugh. And Leon’s looking way too pale again...

Junko: Don’t even think about throwing up! This place is unbearable as is and you literally just ate.

Leon: I... I’m alright... I’m holding it in...

Junko: Maybe investigating first and eating later would have been a better idea...

Well. Here it is... The corpse. Uuugh... I mean, it’s nothing I can’t handle, seen way worse on the internet, but still, sheesh... Who here would be brutal enough to decapitate someone? Well, there are options... Worse yet, the head itself is nowhere to be seen.

Junko: Hey, do you see her head anywhere around here?

Leon: Uh... there’s somewhere in this room to hide it?

Junko: No, that was a rhetorical question.

Leon: It didn’t sound rhetorical.

Junko: Ugh. Just. Stay. Quiet. I never got a good chance to do a monologuing out-loud thinking since I got here because Mukuro would laugh at it.

Leon: Okay...?! You’re the one that wanted me here.

Junko: Forget it. Damn, the hunger made me cranky...

Junko: Anyway... Corpse time.

I lifted Celeste’s hand rubbing it with my fingers.

Junko: Hmm... Cool.

Leon: Cool?! What the hell is cool about this?!

Junko: I meant that literally. Her body is cold.

Leon: O-Oh, right...

Junko: Except it obviously shouldn’t be. Hm... Hey, can you touch the neck stump?

Leon: What?! Why me?

Junko: Because it might ruin my nails, duh.

Leon: Nuh-uh... No way! No freaking way. I am not touching a headless stump!

Junko: Heh. Coward.

With that I put my finger to the bloody stump with which her neck ended. Yep... It was also cool. Blood didn’t cake entirely just yet, but it definitely had some time to rest. Which raises questions...

Truth Bullet Added: State of Celeste’s Body

No other wounds. No nothing. Just awkwardly sitting headless body. Speaking of sitting...

I took a closer look at the seat Celeste was on. It’s... a yellow chair. Just like one from the lounge next to the rooms we stayed in. I guess it’s nothing too suspicious, but...

Truth Bullet Added: Plastic Chair

I took one more look around the room, but... Nothing. Pillars weren’t suspicious or touched. Both doors seemed completely fine... There was absolutely nothing suspicious in this room beyond just the body in the chair.

Junko: Well. I guess that’s it.

Leon: What? Already? Did you figure out who did it?

Junko: No. I’m just saying there’s nothing else in this room. I’m going elsewhere.

Leon: And what about me?

Junko: What about you?

Leon: Should I... do something?

Junko: I’m not your mom. Why are you expecting me to tell you what to do?

Leon: But you—were ordering me around just now! I thought you had some sort of plan!

Junko: Well, yeah, but I got what I wanted so I don’t care anymore.

Leaving the confused idiot behind, I headed out.


Banana House, First Floor

Toko’s just... sitting there by the entrance to the hallway to Banana Tower.

Junko: Uh, what are you doing?

Toko: N-Nothing! I’m not doing anything!

Junko: I can see that. Why the hell are you just sitting? We’re supposed to have, like, an investigation?

Toko: W-Well, I can’t investigate b-because of all the blood...

Junko: What about the rest of the house?

Toko: I a-already looked all over but found nothing!

Junko: You looked ‘all over’ that quick?

Toko: Y-Yes... I did... I c-couldn’t find it, or anything else either...

Junko: ...it?

Toko: Forget it. Not anything important.

Junko: Oh no, girl, you’re not getting off that easily. What was the ‘it’ you were looking for? And how did you even know to look for something specific?

Toko: It h-has nothing to do with the case! It’s m-my handbook. And... it’s gone.

Junko: Seriously? And it has nothing to do with the case? What even is your perk?

Toko: As if I’d t-tell you! Just... I know it c-couldn’t have been used for... murder in any way.

Junko: And you’re totally certain it had nothing to do with murder?

Toko: Yeah... W-Why are you on my case like that?!

Junko: Because it’s suspicious that your handbook disappeared around same time as murder. Duh.

Toko: Well, I c-can tell you that my perk d-definitely couldn’t have helped the culprit even if they did steal my handbook. There. I s-said it. Happy, you vapid idiot?

Junko: Not really. You’re still being weirdly cryptic about your perk, but talking with you is boring and this is going nowhere.

Truth Bullet Added: Toko’s Missing Handbook

Well, that was pointless. Whatever. I have something else to check out...


Banana House, Second Floor

There it is. Hina’s room. My little secret...

I took out my handbook and disabled my perk. With it having been active, I know nobody could have gotten inside, but it was still worth checking, just in case something happened to the body. Once perk was no longer active, I pulled on the door handle and...


What. It’s... locked?

I checked the handbook again... Yep, perk not active. Then why the hell...


I took a quick glance at the lock... It was actually locked. With the actual lock. But when... I definitely kept the lock open and only used my perk’s special locking in its place... And I handed key over to Blueberry House people too. Leon’s here, but key was with Byakuya when he left.

Someone tried to open this door with the actual key, but my perk kept it locked. But when leaving, they left the door locked properly... Hmm. This is getting interesting.

Truth Bullet Added: My Secret

I gave Mukuro’s room a quick glance before proceeding up to the third floor.


Banana House, Third Floor

The final room... Alluring. And yet... No.

Not going in. I know what to expect. Whoever did this whole thing reeks of my kind of ingenuity. And I know there’s no successes to be found inside. Especially in something called ‘game of life and death’. Whatever it is, it’s just a bait. A bait someone may have taken... Maybe even Celeste. But not me. Still... I can’t help but wonder...

What is the Ultimate Weapon...?


Banana House, First Floor

And so I return to first floor, narrating myself dramatically, to see Toko and Leon just... standing there. Silently. Awkwardly.

Junko: So, what happened?

Leon: Huh?

Toko: N-Nothing... Nothing happened...

Junko: Then why such glum and downtrodden looks?

Toko: A-Are you kidding?! There’s been another m-murder! Why wouldn’t w-we be glum?

Leon: Yeah! Plus, I still feel freakin’ tired... Man, for real, the food helped, but I think I lost count of how long we’ve been there.

Junko: Yeah, makes sense, with the knockout cycles and all.

Toko: Even I f-felt my knees trembling from weakness... And I h-have forgotten to eat a lot in the past...

Junko: That explains a lot about your looks.

Toko: Grrhhh...!

Junko: Relax, I’m just making a joke. Still... I wonder. Maybe the gas we were knocked out with wasn’t just sleeping gas?

Leon: Not just sleeping gas? What, some sort of ‘make you hungry’ gas?

Junko: Yeah, like that.

Leon: Wait, that wasn’t a joke?

Junko: No, it wasn’t. Didn’t you notice? We’ve lost energy way faster than we should have, despite minimal activity. Hina starved to death, and while she did get a head start on that before the Funhouse, and had all the will to live of a lemming at a cliff... You know. Would it really be this fast?

Toko: No... I d-doubt that...

Leon: So, wait, there’s really some sort of ‘make you hungry’ gas that exists? I just made it up now!

Junko: Maybe there is. Maybe there isn’t... Or maybe it’s something else. Either way, something’s off about this whole thing.

Truth Bullet Added: Sleeping Gas

Toko: A-Anyway, let’s not talk about starving... It m-makes me feel hungry again...

Junko: Good idea! Let’s talk alibi!

Leon: Alibi... Well, let’s start with you, Toko.

Junko: Let’s not.

Leon: What? Why?

Junko: Go look back into the room with the body again.

Leon: Huh? Okay, I guess...

Leon went through the hallway and into the Banana Tower, clueless to my obvious implication. Before coming back a few moments later.

Leon: There’s nothing new there. Why did you ask me to go there?

Junko: Well, have you noticed anything... y’know. Wrong?

Leon: Other than a headless body and blood all around it?!

I don’t deign the question with a response and simply motion towards Toko.

Leon: ...oh. I forgot. Hey, you could have just told me instead of making me look at it again!

Junko: I could have, but decided that leading you on is funnier. Anyway, Toko’s alibi is that she literally could not have been the one to do this. I doubt any sort of hunger would be able to overcome her extent of hemophobia.

Toko: P-Please, stop reminding me about the body! Or I m-may faint again...

Junko: Case in point. Still, though, where were you?

Toko: I w-was just in my room...

Junko: Welp, that’s no alibi that you can confirm. What about you, baseball boy?

Leon: I’m not a baseball boy! And I was literally there with you the whole time!

Junko: Yeah, you ran into me while I was chilling in the lounge, then Toko came out too when gunshot happened and we all checked on Mukuro together.

Leon: So, neither of them have alibi?

Junko: Mmm... nope, they have. We can confirm both Toko’s and Mukuro’s alibis. We were in the lounge after all.

Leon: And what if one of them snuck out somehow?

Junko: Are you being real right now? Neither of them could kill Celeste. Mukuro could barely stand and Toko would probably be found passed out beside the body had she attempted to do what was done to it.

Leon: I... well... I guess that makes sense.

Toko: C-Celeste went upstairs, right?

Junko: That’s what I saw her do, yes. She came out of her room, gave me a nod and went upstairs. At about... Hm. Actually... Shortly after 9 AM. Leon, you saw it too, right?

Leon: Yeah. I was in the lounge since 6 AM, when I came here first. She’s the only one who left her room since, and Junko was out already.

Toko: And w-why did you even come?!

Leon: Well, uh...

Junko: As he said to me when we met in our lounge, supposedly because he is ‘tired of same faces every day’.

Leon: Look, it’s hard! We were being starved and I don’t just want to die like this! It’s hard keeping the nerves in check... Okay?! I admit it, I was getting too fed up with seeing Byakuya and Makoto and Taka and Chihiro and... How freaking decent they were handling it!

Junko: Ahh... Inferiority complex. Mild, localized to specific situation, but nevertheless...

Leon: Don’t psychoana-whatever me! Byakuya is a psycho, Taka is too stupid to realize how bad situation is, Makoto is too innocent and Chihiro is... I don’t know how he’s handling it so well, but whatever it is, it made me feel like I’m the only one who is actually struggling!

Junko: So you wanted to see how we are struggling over here. Well, I guess that makes sense...

Truth Bullet Added: Gunshot Sound

Truth Bullet Added: Leon’s Account

Toko: S-So? What now?

Junko: We wait, what else.

Leon: Wait for what?

Junko: For the trial. Duh-doy.

Toko: C-Can’t we investigate something else? What if we m-missed something?

Junko: Feel free if you want, but I doubt there’s anything else to be found on this side of the Funhouse.

Leon: Do you think there’s evidence on the other side then?

Junko: Obviously. Culprit wouldn’t have put the body in the Tower that is connected to both houses, if it wasn’t part of their plan. I imagine evidence has been left on both sides. Plus, Banana Tower will soon close... And Blueberry Tower on other side will open. I wonder what the guys on the other side will find...

And in meantime, I have to babysit two most annoying people remaining. Great. I bet Mukuro didn’t have to wait a whole timeskip’s worth of time in her investigations...


Blueberry Tower

Byakuya: -and I doubt the other group has to wait a whole 90 minutes just to investigate the body, while I have to babysit you lot.

Kiyotaka: Byakuya! While I somewhat understand your irritation at currently not being able to do anything, I am certain everyone in this group is perfectly capable of watching after themselves!

Byakuya: I’d hope as much.

Chihiro: ...Makoto? Hey, Makoto!

Makoto: Huh? What?

Kiyotaka: Makoto! Were you spacing out just now? When we just had a body discovery announcement?

Makoto: No! I wasn’t! I was just thinking of what the girls and Leon are doing right now, is all.

...well, maybe I was spacing out a little... Without Leon or Junko or Mukuro, there’s nobody to backtalk Byakuya when he rants... Taka can talk back sometimes, but he’s usually too respectful to actually interrupt.

Byakuya: I really don’t understand the point of keeping the gimmick of the Funhouse going. We all know perfectly well by now that tower is connected on two sides to two houses. Why not just open both doors?

Chihiro: Well, maybe it’s part of some hidden Funhouse rules.

Byakuya: This game has enough regular rules. Hidden ones would be completely destroying the last hints of credibility it had.

Chihiro: That’s not what I meant—Nevermind... I’m sorry.

Kiyotaka: Regardless! Even if we can’t investigate the body, we can still investigate our house!

Makoto: We can, but... Didn’t Celeste die in Banana tower? Why would there be hints here?

Byakuya: No. He’s got a point.

Chihiro: Byakuya? Did you just compliment Taka?

Byakuya: It’s not a compliment. It’s acknowledgement of competence. I may have got a bit less rational and a bit more irritable thanks to annoying hunger, but I still have my role as your leader. And we should investigate this house just as thoroughly, if not more thoroughly than other team does theirs.

Makoto: Well... Whatever happened to Celeste... To leave her in state the file describes. Wouldn’t we already have noticed that much blood?

Byakuya: Blood can be cleaned up easily, and her head is still missing, according to the file. In case it’s not in the Banana House, it can only be here.

Kiyotaka: But how would someone smuggle Celeste’s body or her head between the houses? The killer would surely be spotted instantly!

Byakuya: That question remains to be answered. For all we know the head might still be somewhere within Banana House. We should proceed with investigation if we’re to be sure.

Kiyotaka: Yes, sir!

Chihiro: I’ll do my best.

Makoto: Yeah! We’ll find out what happened!

Investigation Start

First I should take a look at the Monokuma File...

“The victim was Taeko Yasuhiro, the Ultimate Gambler.

The victim’s body was discovered in the Banana Tower at 12:12 PM.

The victim was decapitated, with head nowhere near the body.

Exact time of victim’s death is unknown.

The victim had no poisons or foreign substances in the body, and they were suffering from severe malnutrition.”

Truth Bullet Added: Monokuma File 4

Chihiro: Monokuma didn’t even respect her name...

Byakuya: That is not a relevant topic there. What I am more curious about is her decapitation.

Kiyotaka: That is... such a brutal murder method! Why would anyone do this?

Byakuya: My bigger worry is not the why, but the how. There is nothing in either house that would be able to decapitate without leaving behind a giant mess. We should look for that, first and foremost.

Makoto: Look for a mess?

Byakuya: A very bloody one, yes.

Kiyotaka: I’ll get to it without delay!

Makoto: W-wait, Taka!

Kiyotaka: Yes?

Makoto: Shouldn’t we first take accounts? Like, testimonies?

Byakuya: Well, it is rather obvious that nobody in this house could have done it. But it is true, it’s best to account for everything. Makoto, you start.

Makoto: Wait, me? Uh, sure. Well...

Makoto: I woke up at about 8 AM and went out. Everyone else was already awake by then. And Leon was gone.

Chihiro: Yeah... he went over to the Banana House at 6 AM.

Kiyotaka: That is suspicious!

Byakuya: No. I don’t think it’s that suspicious.

Makoto: You... don’t?

Byakuya: Well, of course he is still a suspect, but seeing how he behaved, it’s not surprising he would seek to find a change of company.

Chihiro: Yeah... Just the other day he...

Byakuya: Continue, Makoto.

Makoto: Well, I met everyone and we were just spending time in the lounge. Then you went upstairs, we all passed out because of gas, then you came back and went to your room and Taka went upstairs instead.

Byakuya: Yes, that is true. I felt like checking the Usami Museum again, but to no avail. Afterwards, I decided to rest in my room.

Kiyotaka: And I wanted to do the same! And that’s that!

Chihiro: And that’s that...?

Kiyotaka: Indeed!

Makoto: Well, we spent time until shortly before midday, and we all heard the gunshot. Taka rushed down and we all went to first floor, but couldn’t find anything. After that we went to fetch you from your room, Byakuya.

Byakuya: I did not hear the gunshot. If I had to guess, soundproofing of my room is to blame.

Chihiro: Well, at least you heard us knocking on the door after we searched the House.

Kiyotaka: Then we all kept searching together until suddenly the Body Discover Announcement sounded! And Monokuma handed out the files!

Makoto: Yeah. That’s exactly what happened.

Truth Bullet Added: Gunshot Sound

Truth Bullet Added: My Account

Byakuya: Well, it appears with this one testimony, supported by Chihiro, we have as much confirmation for movements in the Blueberry House as we can.

Kiyotaka: Indeed! That means there’s only one thing left to do! Split up and investigate!

Byakuya: Yes. Standing around is pointless, get to searching.

They’re right. I have to investigate. I have to help, but... I’m not sure where to even start. I guess the museum would be most obvious.

As I left up to third floor, I saw that Chihiro and Byakuya chose to investigate the second floor, while Taka went down to first floor. It makes sense others don’t want to investigate the Usami museum again, considering two of them already investigated it earlier today

Still... There was one place nobody investigated. The Final Room...

This... was Usami’s museum, right? Surely Final Room in this house can’t be that bad. And, well... If nobody else is going to check there, I have to. I have to find out why Celeste had to die. And help everyone...

With those thought on my mind, I took a heavy breath and entered the Final Room.


Blueberry House - The Final Room

It was... Surprisingly pink. And rather empty. For something containing game of ‘life and death’, I expected... Not that.

Usami: Hello, Makoto!

Makoto: Gah! Usami? What are you doing here?

Usami: Teehee... Well, someone has to oversee this room! After all, in my Final Room, there won’t be creepy puzzles in creepy atmosphere. There will be a literal puzzle!

With that, Usami pulled a box out and put it on the floor.

Makoto: A... jigsaw puzzle...?

Usami: Yes! Solve that, and you get to access the secret of the Final Room!

Makoto: That seems... surprisingly simple.

Usami: Well, it is only fair, after what Monokuma made his Final Room. And if you need help, you have but to ask.

Looks like I didn’t have much of a choice there, so I opened the box and got to work. The puzzle wasn’t even that big, less than a hundred pieces. The only hard part was that there wasn’t a sample image on the box. But I still got it done within less than an hour.

The final picture depicted Usami herself, standing triumphantly over crying Monokuma.

Usami: Congratulations! You solved the puzzle. Now...

Usami pointed to a wall opposite of the door I came through. Only now did I notice a small indent in it, perfectly the size of the puzzle.

Usami: Just slot that in! Don’t worry, I made sure pieces won’t fall apart easily!

Makoto: Alright.

I picked up the complete image and slotted it into the indent. It fit perfectly... But the moment I did, I heard weird whirring sounds... As walls all around me suddenly sunk into ground, revealing old concrete behind them. The room was still empty, but with pink fake walls gone, the atmosphere changed completely. One of walls even had—

Makoto: Wait! Is that a gunshot mark?

Usami: Uwah! Where? I don’t see any gunshot marks! Nope! I am not supposed to help with evidence, I am only here to oversee the puzzle and the game!

Makoto: No, I can see it, right there on the wall!

It was so clear! It might be fresh. Was... This where the gunshot we all heard happened? But does that mean one of us was here, in the Final Room... If so, that means—

Usami: Makoto! Please, don’t get distracted! Even if you have found any evidence already, which I can’t confirm if it is evidence or not because of the rules, you are still not done with game of life and death!

Truth Bullet Added: Gunshot Mark

Makoto: Not done? But I solved the puzzle?

Usami: Uwah... I’m sorry for deceiving you, Makoto, but that was part of the terrible surprise... Well, alongside with the Room not being as pretty as it seemed. You see, solving the puzzle isn’t the game of life and death... It’s just permission to access the game. And game itself is...

As she was talking, in the middle of the room, from the floor arose a pedestal. And on top of it was a—

Makoto: A gun?!

Usami: Correct. A revolver specifically! You see, there is this game Monokuma told me about, called Russian Roulette—

Makoto: I—I changed my mind! I am not going to play Russian Roulette! It’s way too dangerous!

Usami: Uhm... Makoto, I’m sorry to say, but door’s gone.

Makoto: Huh?

I turned back to face where I came from but Usami’s words were true. Pink wall with pink door were replaced by weathered concrete...

Usami: You... Have to play it now that you’ve unlocked it. Otherwise you could spoil the surprise for others.

Makoto: I... have to?

If I had no other choice... I approached the gun and examined it. On closer examination it barely looked like a revolver. It had all the weird devices attached to it. To the spinny ammo part, to the trigger too...

Usami: See? I even made the process automatic in case someone is too scared to pull the trigger themselves! You can actually set a timer on it, after which it will spin the barrel and shoot on its own!

Makoto: An automated... Russian Roulette revolver? Usami, that’s not nice, that’s terrible!

Usami: I-Is it? I just wanted... To make it easier for you... And everyone else...

Makoto: I- I’m sorry. It’s just that... I now have to use it?

Usami: Well, if you don’t want it, you can still shoot it normally, but, I have to warn you—

Makoto: GAHH!

No. I can’t dawdle... I am stuck until I do it. My heart is pounding, my head feels like it’s full of air to bursting and my knees are trembling. But I have to do it. And best way to go is to dive right in. I grabbed the revolver, rolled the spinny part, put it to underside of my chin and—


Usami: ...

As I realized everything was alright, I couldn’t help but simply drop the gun, on the ground...


Makoto: I... I lived? I lived!

Usami: M-Makoto... You... Should check... the barrel...

Makoto: H-Huh...?

Still on autopilot from rush of adrenaline, I picked up the gun and opened its barrel only to see—


Truth Bullet Added: Final Room Gun

Usami: I... was going to... warn you about that... But hey, you survived anyway! So now we can—Makoto? Makoto!


The Outer Circle

Usami: -koto! Makoto, wake up!

Makoto: Huh... Wha...?

Usami: Makoto! It’s dangerous to pass out like that!

Makoto: Where... am I?

Usami: You’re in the Outer Circle! You passed out just as the door here opened, so I had to drag you in.

Makoto: Passed... out...? Wait! I remember! I—I shot... It had... five...

Usami: Yes! I wanted to warn you about that, but it seems like you got lucky anyway! So, you win a very special prize!

Makoto: What? A prize?

Monokuma: That’s right! I am disappointed nobody had the guts to play that difficulty of the game of life and death intentionally, but seeing your reaction to learning that you picked hardmode was absolute gold!

Makoto: You’re here too?

Monokuma: Of course! It is the Outer Circle after all. Domain shared between me and Usami within the Funhouse. But I’m not here to give you clues regarding the case, I’m here to give you this!

Monokuma holds out something to me. It looks like a binder full of individual files. I take it and quickly flip through the files. They’re...

Makoto: Our student profiles... From when we were at Hope’s Peak... In our lost memories...

Monokuma: That’s right! You and only you get to have this. As for what you choose to do with all the precious knowledge in that binder... Well, let’s just say I am very, very interested!

Usami: But now is not the time for that! They’re supposed to be investigating the murder.

Monokuma: Yea, yea, murder-schmurder.

Usami: Monokuma, you can’t dismiss the investigation part like that! The rules are the rules!

Monokuma: Ugh, fine, I’ll stop distracting you. Go ahead and look around the Outer Circle. Although, there is something of a caveat I had to design...

Usami: We! I had a hand in it too!

Monokuma: Yeah. That’s why it’s so boring!

Usami: Mean, mean Monokuma. Investigations are supposed to be fair!

Monokuma: Stop stalling and just say the thing already!

Usami: Well, in favor of fairness, you, Makoto, as well as anyone else who manages to get here... Are not allowed to reveal anything about True Nature of the Funhouse to anyone who didn’t! Until they figure it out themselves, at least.

Makoto: Wait, what?

Monokuma: It’s veeery easy to figure out once you look around here. Way too easy.

Usami: You’re allowed to say what you saw, but not what you learned. Does that make sense?

Monokuma: No, it’s as stupid as your stupid magic stick. But fine, that works.

Makoto: So I can look around, but I can’t just tell others what I’ve found... I can only tell them what I saw in here, and have to let them figure out what it means on their own?

Monokuma: See? Even Mr. Boring Talent over here is better at wording your own rules than you!

Usami: Oh no! The rules! Monokuma!

Monokuma: Huh? What?

Usami: Neither of us played the game of life and death before entering! Ever!

Monokuma: Who cares?

Usami: I do! Let’s go and shoot ourselves! We must! For the rules!

Monokuma: Gah—Don’t drag me by the ear, you stupid rabbit! That’s what I’m supposed to do to you!

With that, panicking Usami dragged Monokuma back into the Russian Roulette room... Weird. Well, I will have to look around and learn what I can to relay it to others. Even if my heart is still pounding so hard my chest hurts.

I should also at least glance over the files... There’s something they definitely have that I was curious about for a long time.



Mukuro’s talent...


Mukuro’s Room

Junko: Mukuro, wake the f*ck up!

Mukuro: Huh?

Junko: God, you’re so slow. Come on, it’s trial time.

Mukuro: What, already? Wait, the evidence! I don’t know anything about the evidence!

Junko: I can share on the elevator ride down.

Mukuro: Okay, good.

I got up from the bed. For the first time in days, I felt... Refreshed. Still not a 100%, but good enough to walk on my own.

Junko: Good! No longer an invalid! Because I was so done carrying you.

Toko: Is sh-she up? Can we go now?

Junko: We’re coming, we’re coming, what’s the damn rush.

Behind Junko, I saw Toko and Leon standing by my open door outside.

Leon: I don’t want to be punished for missing the goddamn trial. And that weird elevator came as soon as we woke up from the gas.

Mukuro: I’m coming. Where’s the elevator anyway?

Toko: It’s in the m-middle of the first floor... It even knocked that statue over and m-m-made it shatter...

Mukuro: I see... I thought it might be some sort of escape we missed previously.

Junko: As if.

With that, we all gathered and went down. In the middle of the Banana House’s first floor there was an elevator, clearly having burst through the ground and shattered the cream-yellow floor. Nearby lay the shards of what once was The Ultimate Cook’s statue. And beside it stood...

Mukuro: Makoto?!

Leon: Hey, how the hell did you get here? The elevator to the other house left this one during last knockout! There’s no way you could have come from that!

Makoto: Well, it has to do with... Wait! I can’t tell you, I’m sorry.

Toko: I k-knew it! You’re the k-killer!

Makoto: No! I’m not! I was just sworn to silence!

Toko: B-By whom?!

Makoto: Monokuma. And Usami. I... I played the game of life and death and—

Junko: You did? You did?

Junko quickly elbows me, mumbling as she leans in.

Junko: Well, well, looks like I underestimated him, he might be a good one for you after all.

Mukuro: Shut up, Junko. Anyway, Makoto, what can you tell us then?

Makoto: Well—

Truth Bullet Added: Monokuma File 4

Truth Bullet Added: Gunshot Sound

Truth Bullet Added: Makoto’s Account

Truth Bullet Added: Gunshot Mark

Truth Bullet Added: Final Room Gun

Makoto: And... well, there’s few things I can tell you about The Outer Circle. First and I think more importantly... I think I found where Celeste was killed. There was a table and it was covered in giant splattering of blood... Since she was decapitated, that had to be from her.

Truth Bullet Added: Blood Splatters

Makoto: And as for The Outer Circle itself... Well. I can say a few things. It was this big circular place around Blueberry House. It was a very cold place, like a walk-in freezer. But it also had a ton of weaponry stored. Real guns, real swords and axes, even explosives and poisons. And some utility stuff that looked pretty military too. Armor, handcuffs, gasmasks... Oh, one gasmask was definitely missing! And then, there was this weird machinery all around the place, attached to walls of the House from the outside. And there were windows to outside too! But I can’t tell what I saw through them either... Nor how I actually got here.

Truth Bullet Added: The Outer Circle

Mukuro: I see... This should be helpful, but it does raise the question. How did you get here after you were done investigating? Leon was right, schedule of the side elevator does not match.

Makoto: That’s... part of what I can’t tell you.

Junko: Ugh... They just had to make it more difficult, didn’t they?

Toko: And w-we have to rely entirely on his testimony... What if he l-lied?

Leon: I dunno. Makoto’s been pretty reliable so far. Well, at least when it comes to being honest.

Makoto: Thanks, Leon.

Toko: F-Fine. Let’s just get in th-the elevator already.

Junko: Well, here goes nothing.

And so we all entered the elevator. As doors closed behind us, Junko started speaking to me in a hushed tone, to avoid others listening in.

Junko: So, to start with—

Truth Bullet Added: State of Celeste’s Body

Truth Bullet Added: Plastic Chair

Truth Bullet Added: Toko’s Missing Handbook

Truth Bullet Added: Sleeping Gas

Truth Bullet Updated: Gunshot Sound

Truth Bullet Added: Leon’s Account

Truth Bullet Added: Junko’s Secret

Mukuro: Wait, what? Why would you—

Toko: What are y-you two whispering about?

Junko: Nothing! Nothing!

Leon: Hey, is it me, or is elevator not moving?

Just as Leon said that... We heard the familiar hiss of gas being let into the room.

Junko: Damn it... you just had to... say something...

Makoto: I knew... I should have... taken a gasmask...

Mukuro: I... hate this...

And the world was dark yet again.


Trial Grounds

As I woke up, I quickly noticed that I was no longer in the elevator. We were at the trial grounds yet again...

Three new portraits adorned the podiums. Kyoko’s, featuring her face with a slasher-killer smile drawn onto her face. Aoi’s, with a water line drawn right above her head and bubbles around her mouth. And Celeste’s... With a simple X crossing her out.

As I looked around more, I also realized that everyone was here, guys from Blueberry House too.

Byakuya: Ugh... Just had to gas us one more time, did they...

Monokuma: Welcome to the Trial Grounds yet again! But uh, we’re not starting yet. You have 15 minutes to share evidence between yourselves. Readysetgo.

Chihiro: So little time...

Byakuya: Should be enough.

Not given time to collect our bearings, we shared all our findings. It looks like the Blueberry House did manage to investigate the body, and then after being knocked out, woke up to elevator being there on their first floor just like we did. And both elevators led here. But something from their story instantly stuck out to me...

Mukuro: Celeste was... facing the entrance of Blueberry Tower?

Kiyotaka: Correct! The sight was... extremely... I have no good word for it!

Byakuya: Disgusting is what it was.

Junko: But it was facing the entrance of Banana Tower too.

Leon: Yeah? And? What’s wrong?

Junko: And you didn’t flip that chair around while I was gone?

Leon: Why the hell would I do that? I didn’t even touch the body after you left!

Junko: Because if our theory that houses are connected through the tower was correct, she should have faced her back towards Blueberry Tower.

Byakuya: Strange...

Leon: I didn’t do anything!

Toko: Then w-who did, huh?

Chihiro: By the way, I wanted to make sure... You guys didn’t find the chair she was sitting in weird?

Mukuro: What was weird about it?

Chihiro: Well, it was blue. I thought you guys in Banana Tower would notice immediately.

Leon: Huh? Are you sure you’re not colorblind? Chair was yellow.

Kiyotaka: I am absolutely certain it was blue!

Toko: It w-was so yellow... Blood w-was so clear on it... Remembering that scene and all the blood... I feel l-like I might pass out again...

Byakuya: It was blue when we investigated it.

Toko: B-Blue it is!

Junko: Stop changing your tune! Well, if body wasn’t moved by Leon, which is now in doubt...

Leon: Hey!

Junko: We have a different chair AND a different position.

Truth Bullet Updated: State of Celeste’s Body

Truth Bullet Updated: Plastic Chair

Mukuro: Hm... There’s just one more thing I want to ask. Who had the keys to Aoi’s room?

Byakuya: What’s that got to do with anything?

Mukuro: I have a hunch it might be relevant.

Byakuya: Fine. Taka has it. I gave it to him the moment we returned back to our House after finding the body.

Kiyotaka: Correct! I kept it on me the whole time! And when sleeping, I hid it under the pillow! And it’s still right here!

Taka fishes a key out of his pocket and demonstrates it.

Junko: Wait, seriously? Byakuya, you didn’t keep the key on yourself?

Byakuya: I did not want anyone getting unnecessary temptations, so I gave it to one who is least likely to get them.

Truth Bullet Added: Key on Kiyotaka

Kiyotaka: Temptations? Byakuya, you have not mentioned anything about that. Explain yourself!

Byakuya: No.

Kiyotaka: But I—

Byakuya: The trial is starting.

Usami: That’s right everyone. Take your places, we’re ready to start!

And that ended our sharing of evidence. If you could call it that, so little pointed towards a potential killer... and yet, that was what we had. And what we’ll work with.

Junko. Mondo. Hifumi. Leon. Byakuya. Yasuhiro.

Celeste was... Getting better. As a person. She did not understand how or why, but she was trying. And now her chances were gone. She was dead. Who would do that... Who would kill her?

Makoto. Sakura. Aoi. Kyoko. Toko. Syo.

Was it survival? The hunger? Or was it something else entirely? This Funhouse has left us all tired and dizzy. But our struggle is not yet over. We have to fight.

Kiyotaka. Celeste. Sayaka. Chihiro.


To make sure her death was not in vain. We have to survive. And find the truth.

Whatever places it will lead us.

Class Trial Start

Evidence Review:

Monokuma File 4

The victim was Taeko Yasuhiro, the Ultimate Gambler.

The victim’s body was discovered in the Banana Tower at 12:12 PM.

The victim was decapitated, with head nowhere near the body.

Exact time of victim’s death is unknown.

The victim had no poisons or foreign substances in the body, and they were suffering from severe malnutrition.

Gunshot Sound

A mysterious gunshot sound was simultaneously heard in both houses at around same time, shortly before noon.

State of Celeste’s Body

Celeste was found sitting in a chair. Her body was completely cool, not a single sign of warmth, and blood has dried and caked up by the time she was found.

For some reason, her body was facing the entrance of both Blueberry and Banana Towers, despite the doors being across from one another.

Leon was the only one who could have moved the body, but he denies all involvement.

Plastic Chair

Chair Celeste was found sitting in.

For unknown reason she was sitting in a yellow chair while inside the Banana Tower, but in a blue one while inside the Blueberry Tower.

Sleeping Gas

Both houses were doused with sleeping gas every 3 hour on the clock. The elevator between the houses moves on the same schedule, moving while everyone is asleep to conceal how exactly it moves.

For some reason, everyone felt hungrier quicker due to exposure to said gas, potentially meaning it was more than just sleep-inducing.

Leon’s Account

Leon was in Banana House lounge with Junko since at least 6 AM. At 9 AM they saw Celeste leave her room and head upstairs. Nobody else passed by until the gunshot made Toko leave her room.

Junko’s Secret

Junko didn’t actually lock Aoi’s room using the key, but using her perk instead. However, when she tried to open the door after the murder, she found out the door was locked with the key.

Toko’s Missing Handbook

After the murder, Toko realized her handbook is missing. She doesn’t know when she lost it, but she insists it had nothing to do with the murder, as her perk in no way could have helped the killer do it.

Makoto’s Account

At 8 AM everyone in Blueberry House, except Leon who was already gone at 6 AM, met up in the lounge. Byakuya went upstairs then, but came back after the gas hit at 9 AM and returned to his room. Kiyotaka went upstairs later and only rushed down when the gunshot happened. Everyone then went down to check first floor, before returning to second floor and getting Byakuya out of his room to join the group. Byakuya claims to not have heard the gunshot.

Key on Kiyotaka

After locking up Aoi’s body, Byakuya handed the key to Kiyotaka, who claims to have always had it on him since.

Gunshot Mark

Inside the Blueberry House’s Final Room there was a clear mark of a gunshot entry on the wall.

Final Room Gun

A special gun, designed for the game of life and death. It has attached trigger-pull timer and an auto-spinner for the barrel, allowing even the meekest to play Russian Roulette. When Makoto took it, it had 5 bullets loaded.

Blood Splatters

Inside the Outer Circle, Makoto found a table covered in cold blood. Presumably that is where the decapitation took place.

The Outer Circle

The Outer Circle, according to Makoto, is a structure surrounding Blueberry House, with windows to outside the Funhouse. It was a very cold weapon storage, having various weapons, and some non-weapon military gear. There was also unknown machinery attached to the walls of Blueberry House from outside. Makoto also noted that one of the gasmasks was missing.

There is some way to traverse between houses within the Outer Circle, but Makoto was sworn to silence about revealing any precise details or his conclusions.


Welcome to two-year anniversary of this fic's publishing. What a way to celebrate, huh? Now, I know I wanted to release three final parts of this chapter in succession, but I feel like I've kept you guys blueballed for too long and I have to give you something. Well, this is my something! And I do hope to get the trial finished up soon.

Motivation to write has been coming back to me slowly after the demotivating devastation that was last february/march. Slowly. I stand by in making no promises about schedules or dates. I do stand by, however, by promise to see this through. I will. I must.

And as always, I am eternally grateful for you, audience. Your sticking with this despite so long without update is a good part of what allowed the motivation to persist and start bettering enough. And I hope that this, if not really worth the wait, is at least enjoyable in its own merits. Thank you and I will see you next time... whenever that is.

Chapter 34: Chapter 4 – Perseverance – Trial, Part 1


Trial begins and as ever there are way more questions than there are obvious answers. And everyone's hunger is putting them on edge.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Class Trial Start

Monokuma: Now that you’re all gathered up, we can get on with the basic explanation of the Class Trial.

Monokuma: During the trial, you will debate which one of you is the killer, and convince everyone else using your evidence.

Usami: At the end, the votes will determine the results of who is chosen as the blackened.

Monokuma: If you vote correctly, then the killer will be punished with an execution!

Usami: But if you do it wrong, then everyone else gets killed. And the blackened gets to escape.

Monokuma: Now then. Let the Class Trial begin!

Usami: The Funhouse wasn’t fun. Not fun at all!

Monokuma: That’s because you’re a total downer! You keep bringing my mood down! I almost enjoyed it, you know.

Usami: Well, I’m glad I could make you NOT enjoy it. And we played the game together!

Monokuma: We both won, so who cares.

Usami: That’s because you played on easiest difficulty!

Monokuma: So did you!

Junko: Are we making things awkward? Maybe we should just leave?

Usami: Sorry, everyone! I did not mean to distract. You can proceed with discussing the case.

Junko: Great. Finally. We can get to it.

Leon: And... get to what? We don’t even have a suspect, do we?

Junko: For once, we do not have anybody immediately suspicious.

Chihiro: Then, maybe... We should start by just deconstructing the case and figuring out what happened?

Kiyotaka: Agreed! I say we start with the most obvious! The cause of death!

Cause of Celeste’s death. Is it really as simple as it looks?

Nonstop Debate Start!

Kiyotaka: Celeste was beheaded! That is a fact.

Makoto: She was... But was that her real cause of death?

Leon: What else could it have been? There were no other injuries.

Byakuya: Nor was she poisoned.

Byakuya: And as we know all too well by now, starvation was not a possibility either.

Toko: All th-the evidence states that it was that...

Leon: So she died by beheading then!

> Monokuma File 4

No, that’s wrong!


Mukuro: Actually, not all the evidence supports her being beheaded. The Monokuma File specifically does not mention the cause of death. It just mentions that she was beheaded.

Toko: It d-does? I never really r-read it...

Junko: And as we know, if something isn’t in the Monokuma File, it’s something that is actually important.

Toko: B-But what if it’s a double misdirection? What if th-they want to make us doubt the obviously right option?

Byakuya: I doubt the stuffed animals are capable of conniving like that, but it is a possibility. Plus, there is still absence of any other wounds that could be lethal.

Junko: Not quite. There is one place the wound could be that we just wouldn’t know about. Her head.

Chihiro: We... never did find it, did we?

Junko: Exactly. If her fatal wound was on her head, then beheading her would actually be a great way to mislead us about her true cause of death.

Mukuro: Not just that. It’s impossible for her to have been beheaded as fatal wound in the first place. The very idea is rather... stupid.

Makoto: Stupid? Why?

Mukuro: It’s near-impossible to behead someone with wild slashing. You’d need to be very skilled and have a very good weapon. While it is possible killer had access to Outer Circle for one, I don’t think anyone here has skill necessary to do just behead someone standing in front of them and not just grievously wound them.

Makoto: Actually... There is, but... Nevermind, that’s not relevant. Sorry for interrupting.

Mukuro: So, if she was not standing, she’d need to be laying down. Now imagine this – you are laying down and peacefully accepting something coming down to behead you.

Leon: There’s no way I’d do that! I’d fight for my damn life!

Toko: Or s-scream for a beautiful knight to come and s-save me...

Mukuro: But there were no signs of struggle on Celeste’s body, nor did we hear any screams. She was not subdued, and she did not resist decapitation. That can only mean she was already dead when it happened.

I look around to see everyone silently staring back at me.

Mukuro: What? Did I say something wrong?

Byakuya: No. Everything you’ve said is perfectly correct. There is nobody here we know of who has the skill to pull off a standing decapitation.

Kiyotaka: And Celeste was absolutely the kind of person who wouldn’t just accept an attack without fighting!

Chihiro: It’s just that... The way you said all that, Mukuro. It was so... natural. Did you—?

Makoto: Let’s not get distracted, shall we?

Junko: Right. We can agree decapitation was not the fatal wound.

Leon: Okay, sure, but then what was?

True cause of death. There is an obvious something we all know about, but the dots aren’t connecting for most yet.

Nonstop Debate Start!

Leon: So, she couldn’t have died by decapitation.

Leon: But then what was it?

Junko: It had to be a wound to the head for starters.

Kiyotaka: A precise blow with a blunt object would be sufficient!

Chihiro: There was a revolver... Maybe she was just shot?

Toko: W-What if... she was simply stabbed in the f-face?

Toko: I’ve s-seen scenes of that... They make me f-feel faint again...

> Gunshot Sound

I agree with you!


Mukuro: That gunshot we heard. It had something to do with the case. It couldn’t have been a coincidence.

Makoto: It did happen shortly before the body was discovered.

Byakuya: And that’s precisely why it’s unlikely to have something to do with her murder directly.

Makoto: Huh? Why?

Byakuya: Right. You weren’t there when we examined the body. Well, let me explain. She was already cold when she was examined. And while it would be understandable if it was only in Blueberry Tower, according to Junko and Leon, she was already cold even back in Banana Tower.

Chihiro: Could her body really have cooled so quickly?

Leon: Hey, did anyone get the time of when the gunshot happened?

Kiyotaka: It’s hard to say, but it was certainly shortly before noon! We barely had time to investigate it before the gas knocked us out!

Chihiro: And according to Monokuma File, the body was found shortly after noon... I see.

Byakuya: And there you have it.

Is that really true? There could be another explanation for that.

Nonstop Debate Start!

Junko: So you’re saying the gunshot had nothing to do with it.

Byakuya: I never said that.

Byakuya: I only said it’s unlikely the gunshot we heard killed her.

Kiyotaka: But what other explanation is out there?

Toko: M-Maybe it was something other than gunshot that killed her after all...

Leon: Or maybe her body really did just cool down?

Kiyotaka: That is unlikely! Too little time has passed.

Leon: I guess we’re back at the start then.

Toko: I’m b-being ignored again..!

> The Outer Circle

I agree with you!


Mukuro: No, I think Leon has the right of it.

Leon: Hell yea! Wait, I do?

Mukuro: Makoto, when describing The Outer Circle, you mentioned that it was cold there, yes?

Makoto: Exactly! Like in a full-body freezer.

Kiyotaka: I see! If she was in there dead even for a short time, it would cool her body really fast!

Toko: B-But can we even be sure she ever w-was in there?

Mukuro: Yes, we can. Because of...

> Blood Splatters

Mukuro: Because of blood splatters Makoto found in there. It was on a table too, which as good as confirms that she was laid there to be decapitated after dying.

Kiyotaka: That settles that then.

Makoto: Wait, I just realized! Does that mean that Celeste went into through the Final Room?

Junko: Not necessarily, I’d say. It’s likely she has, but it’s also possible that she was killed outside of it and killer simply brought her body in there to, y’know.

Kiyotaka: Makes sense. Now that we know her true cause of death, I’d like to propose the next topic! Murder weapon.

For that we don’t even need discussion.

> Final Room Revolver

Mukuro: It was the revolver used for the Russian Roulette.

Leon: How can you be so sure? Makoto said there were tons of guns in The Outer Circle, no?

Makoto: Yeah! Rifles, shotguns, scoped ones too...

Mukuro: But nothing small, one-handed?

Makoto: Thinking about it... No, there wasn’t. There were no pistols, just big guns.

Mukuro: Then it was the revolver. The gunshot we heard did not sound like a rifle or shotgun shot. It was either a revolver or some really powerful handgun.

Byakuya: I don’t disagree, but I do question how you seem to be so certain about that.

Mukuro: I don’t know? I just am, okay.

Junko: Mukuro, did you—

Makoto: So, we now know the revolver was used, yes?

Byakuya: Yes, the gunshot we all heard came from that revolver. If what Makoto says is true.

Chihiro: Makoto has an alibi. He’s got no reason to lie to us...

Byakuya: ...true.

Kiyotaka: Regardless! With murder weapon clear, I think we can also easily figure out that she was killed in the Banana House!

Junko: Huh?

Kiyotaka: It is obvious! She was inside the Banana House, so if the killer wanted to attack, all they had to do was use whatever passage Makoto used to get from Blueberry House to the Banana House using The Outer Circle!

Junko: And what if Celeste did go through the Final Room and entered The Outer Circle herself? That gives her the opportunity to die in there.

Junko: Mukuro, you can reveal the secret now. If he’s going to do us dirty, let’s go dirty.

Mukuro: Junko, are you sure?

Junko: I wouldn’t say it if I wasn’t.

Toko: W-What are you two talking about.

Mukuro: Junko’s talking about...

> Junko’s Secret

Mukuro: Her perk. She revealed it to me early on in the Killing Game. But not to anyone else.

Makoto: That makes sense. You are sisters after all.

Mukuro: Well, I guess Makoto knew too because of his... Anyway, Junko’s perk allows her to lock any door. Literally any door, without even needing to engage actual lock.

Chihiro: That’s a... weird perk to have...

Mukuro: And she used her perk to lock Aoi’s room, not the key.

Byakuya: She what?

Leon: I don’t get it? Why?

Junko: ...I think nobody here is stupid or innocent enough to not know why at this point. But I do think that if we started talking about that, we’d derail the discussion off the murder entirely.

Byakuya: Agreed. As much as it is a surprise... We can’t let that distract us. Although I fail to see what the way she locked the room had to do with the case.

Mukuro: It’s not just that. It’s that after the body was discovered, Junko thought to check on Aoi’s room. And... it was locked not just with her perk, but the key too at that point. Which means... someone with the key tried to open the door and failed, and without realizing why it failed, they left, leaving the door properly locked.

Byakuya: And one with the key was...

Kiyotaka: That was me!

Toko: S-So... you killed her!

Junko: You did tell us you never parted with the key.

Chihiro: It’s also that... you had no alibi for the time gunshot was heard.

Toko: Y-Yes! Everyone said you were on the th-third floor... Where the Final room was! That m-means you could have killed her!

Kiyotaka: Wait! That’s a mistake! I would never kill her!

Leon: No way... Someone like Ishimaru? Killing someone like her? It’s hard to believe.

Junko: Look at the damn evidence. He had the key, so only he could have messed with Hina’s door and he never came here. The only way he could have entered unnoticed was through The Outer Circle. The pieces fit. Now let’s get this over with, I’m so friggin’ tired of this Funhouse business.

Leon: I guess that makes sense...

Kiyotaka: But it’s true! I never went to Banana House after getting the key! And I also never parted with it!

Chihiro: I... I want to believe Taka...

Makoto: So do I. He’s not the type to kill someone.

Junko’s... acting irrational. I can see that. The hunger got to all of us. Makoto described Byakuya’s frustrated rantings, and just like him, she’s cracking too. Not as visibly, but I know her enough to see that. She’s just not seeing the truth and wants to rush through this case.

Mukuro: I agree. I don’t think Taka had it in him to commit a murder like that.

Junko: Not you too...

Mukuro: Junko, you’re not thinking straight. You’re ignoring the bigger picture.

Junko: No, it’s you who is getting caught up in stupid feelings.

Two wrongs don’t make a right!

Usami: Now, everyone! Let’s not argue like that. We can have a healthy and fruitful debate, so for that, let’s activate the Morphing Feature!

The podiums moved as we stared one another down. Feelings or facts, I knew I was in the right and we had no chance of finding the truth of what happened by just jumping to first credible suspect.

Debate Scrum Start!

Question: Is Kiyotaka the killer?

Team Mukuro: No, he isn’t!

Members: Mukuro, Makoto, Kiyotaka, Chihiro, Kyoko, Sakura, Hifumi, Aoi, Sayaka.

Team Junko: Yes, he is!

Members: Junko, Byakuya, Toko, Leon, Mondo, Syo, Celeste, Yasuhiro.


Leon: I’m not too sure, but evidence just kinda fits, doesn’t it?

Kiyotaka: It’s too early to say that! We haven’t reviewed all the evidence we have!

Toko: He’s th-the only one who doesn’t have a c-credible alibi for time of the g-gunshot!

Makoto: It’s still possible that killer fabricated an alibi for the time of the gunshot!

Byakuya: One would need to have passed the Final Room to have committed the crime.

Chihiro: But almost everyone had the time and opportunity to pass the Final Room.

Junko: Are you seriously using judge of character defense?

Kiyotaka: I hold true to my principles! It’s not in my character to commit a murder!

Junko: There are no other suspects!

Mukuro: We may find other suspects if we actually take our time with this case!

Team Mukuro: This is our answer!


Mukuro: Junko. Get your head out of the gutter and think. This is way too simple to be all there is. We are all tired, we are all exhausted but you are not even admitting to that to yourself. We can’t rush through this.

Junko: I... ugh, f*ck, I hate when you are right, I hate it, I hate it! Fine, take the lead, I need to rethink all of this properly.

Mukuro: Thank you, Junko.

Byakuya: Then, let us review the whole situation from the ground up. Any propositions on a new topic?

Makoto: I think you guys should figure out the secret of the Funhouse.

Byakuya: And you saying that as good as confirms that it must have something to do with the case.

Makoto: It... must have. But I can’t say much more until you guys do.

Kiyotaka: So! Where do we start?

Leon: Just like that? We know there’s some ‘secret’ about the whole thing, but how do we figure it out?

Chihiro: Well, there’s question of how body even got where it got, right?

Leon: I guess. Nobody saw a decapitated body being carried past the lounge of either House today, right?

Chihiro: Of course we didn’t. We’d notice right away.

Kiyotaka: Then the question is – how did the killer move the body without being seen?

A way to move the body without being seen...

Nonstop Debate Start!

Kiyotaka: The killer moved the body to the first floor without being seen in either house!

Byakuya: It is possible they simply used a passage we are not aware of.

Chihiro: Like what Makoto used?

Leon: Well, is there any other way?

Leon: They would obviously be spotted if they tried to move through the lounge.

Toko: M-Maybe it happened while we were asleep?

Junko: She was still alive then, you know.

Toko: W-What about asleep from the gas?

Leon: That’s impossible. The killer would be knocked out too.

> The Outer Circle

No, that’s wrong!


Mukuro: There’s a way for killer to have avoided the gas. We know they had access to The Outer Circle. And according to Makoto, one of gasmasks there was missing. With that, they could easily have remained awake while rest of us were passed out.

Toko: See? I w-was right!

Leon: Oh yeah, I forgot about that.

Byakuya: There is another inconsistency present.

Mukuro: What now?

Byakuya: The gunshot itself. How many were there?

Mukuro: Only one, we all heard it.

Byakuya: I didn’t, but that’s besides the point. Everyone confirms that there was only one gunshot. And yet, according to Makoto, there was a bullet hole in the Final Room.

Mukuro: And where are you going with this?

Byakuya: Makoto? Was there any blood in the Final Room?

Makoto: Oh, there wasn’t. Just the hole in the wall with bullet lodged in.

Byakuya: You see the inconsistency, don’t you?

Mukuro: Grh... Yeah. She was somehow killed by a gunshot, and yet there is clearly a gunshot mark that has no blood anywhere near it. Is that what you’re saying?

Byakuya: Indeed. That throws the entire supposition so far off track.

Mukuro: Wait, you mentioned not hearing the gunshot earlier! That’s it. If there were multiple shots, one of which was in a soundproof area...

Byakuya: Makoto, was The Outer Circle soundproof?

Makoto: I... have no idea?

Byakuya: Useless. Well, now we can’t discount that possibility. Still, a hole in the story remains.

Leon: Hey, wait, we’re also still yet to explain how her body moved too! You know, when tower switched from one house to another.

Toko: Well, m-maybe it didn’t move. Maybe the f-floor just spun?

Kiyotaka: The floor was unlikely to spin. With all the bright lights at the edges, it would be a very complicated mechanism to spin!

Toko: Then... m-maybe the house spun?

Byakuya: This is ridiculous.

Toko: I’m s-sorry for being stupid, master!

Mukuro: Hmm... Well, some sort of spinning could explain the way she was facing.

Chihiro: What about her chair then?

Junko: Maybe it was a chameleon chair.

Byakuya: As funny as that is, we really—

Junko: I’m serious right now. It could have been.

Leon: It could? How?

Junko: The light. Both houses were covered in constant, eternal, bright as hell colored light. It got on my nerves almost as much as the hunger. And if chairs were transparent, with crystal-like reflective internal structure, well, they’d look like whatever lighting around them was. Yellow in one house and blue in another. And in the tower, lights were coming from the floor, and were brighter than anywhere else.

Byakuya: It would explain the mysterious color change, but we can’t confirm it now. We don’t have a chair in there to check.

Junko: True. And then there’s a more important question – why would one make chameleon chairs like that? And mysteries don’t end there. There’s something else that’s weird about the Funhouse. Or to be specific, a certain something that was happening in it all the time.

Junko perked up again. She figured something out, but doesn’t want to sound too suspicious, so she’s leading us to her conclusion. She’s talking about...

> Sleeping Gas

Mukuro: You’re talking about sleeping gas making us hungrier, right?

Junko: I am, yes. All that compounds on to form one singular mystery. Moving body, Outer Circle, the chairs, the sleeping gas...

Leon: I don’t... get it.

Junko: I’m sure it all fits together neatly.

Fits together...

Logic Dive Start!

Why was Celeste positioned same way from both houses?

> The entrance in the tower was from the same side

What was the sleeping gas used for?

> To conceal the true nature of the funhouse

Why was starvation in the Funhouse accelerated?

> More time was passing than we noticed

Which house’s chair was used to position Celeste’s body?

> Both at once

I see the connections!


It makes sense... It all makes sense. It connects perfectly... The elevators, the Final Rooms, the living rooms... How did we not realize before...?

Class Trial Suspended


Here it is. The trial. This damn trial... I had to split it a bit unevenly, so Part 2 will be coming alongside this one, as also a way to compensate for such a long wait. I hope it will be worth it!

More detailed notes in chapter immedeately following, as I am releasing them simultaneously.

Chapter 35: Chapter 4 – Perseverance – Trial, Part 2


Trial continues as the mystery of the Funhouse is revealed


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Class Trial Resumed

Mukuro: The houses! They are the same house!

Leon: Huh?

Toko: W-What?!

Junko: Yep, that’s my thought as well.

Kiyotaka: I am not sure I follow!

Mukuro: Does anyone have the maps of the two houses on hand?

Byakuya: I do. While I already understand what you mean, show to those slower to catch on.

Danganronpa Class Swap 2 - Jabberwock Island - Heroman3003 (5)

Danganronpa Class Swap 2 - Jabberwock Island - Heroman3003 (6)

Byakuya passed me the maps. Looks like he hand-drew them off of the ones Monokuma and Usami showed... Useful.

And if you align them like that... yes! I knew it!

Danganronpa Class Swap 2 - Jabberwock Island - Heroman3003 (7)

Perfect overlap...

Kiyotaka: Wait! The houses align perfectly! Well, almost perfectly!

Mukuro: Makoto mentioned weird machinery on the outer walls of the house. If Banana House and Blueberry House are the same, then the main difference between houses is the shape. But raising up a few walls at the corners, like with the machinery...

Chihiro: The triangle turns into hexagon. What a trick!

Leon: Wait, wait, that’s impossible. We were both in two houses at once!

Mukuro: No. We never were. Remember the sleeping gas? We assumed that it made us hungrier thanks to some chemical. But if we instead slept way longer than we thought we did...

Leon: Wait... No way... No freaking way...

Junko: Yep. They took turns switching which house was active.

Kiyotaka: While that is a reasonable explanation, several things on the map still overlap! The staircases in one house are on top of where the guest rooms are in another!

Mukuro: That’s right. But remember how our rooms looked? The crappy ones?

Kiyotaka: Well, they were rather low quality lodgings! The slanted roof was very undesirable as well, making them look worse than they already were!

Mukuro: Exactly! On the rooms on the edge, the roofs were severely slanted, like you were living...

Kiyotaka: ...under a staircase! Of course!

Mukuro: So for staircase in the middle, all you do is switch direction, while for staircases around the edges, you close off the entrances and reveal staircases themselves on the side.

Byakuya: A clever trick indeed. I have a fair guess that the museums on third floor were rather easy to switch out. And on the first floor, the toilets and statue were simply pulled down under the floor when not in use.

Chihiro: Under the floor? What makes you think so?

Byakuya: The elevator we came here on arrived from down there. It only stands to reason there is more space underneath.

Leon: Wait, okay, so, let’s say it was possible to switch layout. But what about the colors?

Toko: Th-that’s obviously all lighting... The w-walls even had holograms of f-fruit over them constantly...

Junko: The lighting really contributed to the whole ‘slowly going insane’ feeling.

Leon: Okay, let’s say all that is true. Let’s say elevator isn’t capable of moving at all and is just a trick, and we were all knocked out only to be switched out with whoever was in the other house. The map you showed, both elevator and the Final Rooms are in same place. But there’s still something that makes no sense!

The map... Leon must be talking about...

> The Towers

Mukuro: You must be talking about the Towers, right?

Leon: Exactly. There’s no way for two towers to be the same if everything else is true.

Mukuro: But both things have to be true, somehow. That explains every mystery we had.

Leon: Mystery?

Mukuro: Such as, why was the sleeping gas all the time necessary in the first place?

Chihiro: It was a very weird thing to do... Constantly making us pass out. But if two houses switched out on schedule, that makes sense. The towers too...

Kiyotaka: The towers?

Chihiro: Oh... I mean, if Mukuro is right, then it makes sense why each tower was only available in the house for half the time, first 90 minutes for Banana and second 90 minutes for Blueberry. It’s to create the illusion that we’re operating on same clock.

Junko: Exactly. And that answers the mystery of the Funhouse, doesn’t it? Monokuma? Usami?

Monokuma: Huh? Oh, uh, I guess it does?

Usami: Good job on solving that mystery!

Makoto: Does that mean I can finally speak again?

Usami: Yes, Makoto! Now you can tell everyone whatever you want about The Outer Circle!

Makoto: Whew... That’s good because I have an explanation about the Towers.

Mukuro: I knew it... There’s some trick isn’t there?

Makoto: Well, first of all, you all were correct. The two houses really are the same. The reason Outer Circle is called like that is because it’s a giant circular room surrounding the shifting houses.

Makoto: It’s also where the currently sleeping people are stored. They used weird pods on the lowest level of Outer Circle for that...

Chihiro: Cryosleep pods?

Makoto: Cryosleep?

Chihiro: It’s a technology that allows one to keep someone alive, but in a stasis of sorts. Their body still processes, but slower, and they are kept asleep.

Byakuya: I heard of it as well, although I wasn’t aware it was already viable for use. Last I heard, it was still impossible to actually cryogenically preserve someone without killing them as well.

Chihiro: Oh, well, what I described is how it is supposed to work in theory. I don’t know how the pods Makoto found work...

Makoto: Well, I don’t know much about that, but let’s assume it’s that. I don’t think it matters what it is, either way.

Makoto: The Outer Circle also had passages from it to anywhere within currently active house. They were only one-way though. If you want to return to Outer Circle afterwards, you have to go through Final Room again, or so Usami told me.

Usami: But you don’t have to play the game a second time once you won it already!

Makoto: And lastly... When I looked outside the window, I saw nothing but the tower. Combined with the gasmasks, the people in pods downstairs and the fact that tower had a giant rail, going around the entire Funhouse under it... I figured out what the trick was.

Mukuro: Wait, a giant rail?

Makoto: Yeah, like a monorail.

Kiyotaka: Are you saying that entire Tower was moved on a giant rail? That is an incredible feat of engineering!

Leon: Impossible, more like, but if that’s the case, then that could really be the same tower in both locations.

Mukuro: Everything fits then. All pieces align.

Danganronpa Class Swap 2 - Jabberwock Island - Heroman3003 (8)

Mukuro: The Funhouse truly looked something like that...

Makoto: Yeah. Oh, and to add, there is no sleeping gas released in The Outer Circle. So I waited it out, and entered the Banana Tower. I hoped me showing up there would be a hint.

Mukuro: It was. Thank you, Makoto.

Monokuma: So you tried to give a hint past our orders of silence? Such insolence!

Usami: Well, we did only forbid him from speaking about the pods or outside, as well as about his conclusions. So that’s fine by me!

Monokuma: Bah, technicalities!

Toko: Okay, s-so we were s-stuck in some weird loop of switching places while slowly starving even in our s-sleep... But how d-does it change anything? Taka is still the only one w-without alibi for the time of the gunshot.

Mukuro: No. It changes our whole understanding of the case. Because...

> There were two gunshots.

Mukuro: We were awake at different times. But both Houses heard gunshots simultaneously. That means there were actually two gunshots, at around same time in perception of each house!

Junko: One when Banana House crew was awake, and one when Blueberry House was.

Leon: But why? Why would killer need to shoot twice?

Mukuro: They probably wanted to keep up the charade of two houses being different buildings. By creating a second shot, they made it look like both houses heard the same gunshot.

Kiyotaka: In that case, let’s discuss the gunshots!

Nonstop Debate Start!

Byakuya: We have two gunshots, with precisely three hours of difference.

Leon: The first was most likely used to kill Celeste.

Chihiro: And the second was most likely a distraction.

Byakuya: The bullet from the killing shot is most likely still inside her head.

Byakuya: Even though we do not know where it is.

Kiyotaka: But that leaves us with the second gunshot!

Kiyotaka: We have no clue where it happened!

Toko: W-We’ll never be able to figure it out...

Makoto: I’m sure it could be that thing...

> Gunshot Mark

No, that’s wrong!


Mukuro: No, we know exactly where the second gunshot occurred. It was in The Final Room.

Makoto: Yeah. Once I solved Usami’s puzzle, room transformed into this dreary place, but the wall right which the gun on pedestal was pointing at had a clear gunshot mark.

Mukuro: In that case, it’s safe to assume that killer didn’t even need to be present to fake a second gunshot.

You’re l-literally wrong!

Mukuro: Toko, wait, let me expl—

Toko: N-No! I can’t just listen to something so stupid being s-said!

Rebuttal Showdown Start!

Toko: A g-gun can’t shoot by itself!

Toko: That is c-completely ridiculous.

Toko: Killer h-had to be there!

Toko: That means only T-Taka could have done it!

Toko: It’s s-so obvious...

Toko: H-How dare you even say something so stupid?!

> Final Room Gun

I’ll cut through your words!


Mukuro: Toko just listen for a moment! That gun wasn’t a normal gun! Did you forget already?

Toko: Wasn’t a n-normal gun?

Mukuro: It was a special gun designed just for Russian Roulette. It could, on timer, fire by itself, after spinning the barrel automatically.

Toko: O-Oh... did Makoto mention that? He said a l-lot, it was easy to forget details...

Mukuro: It’s fine. The important part is that we can be almost certain that that’s what was used to fire the gun.

Leon: Okay, not to agree with Toko here, but why are you so sure the gun wasn’t just fired normally?

It’s simple. Because of...

> Amount of loaded bullets

Mukuro: When Makoto picked up the gun, it had 5 bullets in the chamber. That means it had 6 when last fired. But why? For either Russian Roulette or just firing it normally, you only need one. But if the killer set a timer for the gun and left, they had to make sure that no matter how the barrel rolls, the gun will always shoot successfully. And so, they loaded all six bullets, leaving five for Makoto to stumble into.

Kiyotaka: That makes sense! A way to eliminate all randomness is to make all outcomes equal!

Chihiro: A programmable gun... That’s so awful...

Mukuro: So, as you can see, the killer only fired one shot themselves, and used the gun to fire the other on its own.

Junko: And now we come to the juicy question. When were the shots fired?

Leon: Huh? We know, don’t we? We heard the shots after all.

Junko: That’s not what I mean. We heard two different shots after all. So, which house heard the first shot, and which heard the second?

Byakuya: Indeed. Knowing that will determine which house heard the killing shot, and which heard the distraction.

It’s impossible to tell on our own, but there is one person who can tell us which house’s timeframe came first and which’s came second.

Select a person.

Mukuro: Hey, Makoto? Can you answer this one for us?

Makoto: Oh! Well, I’m not entirely sure, but I am fairly certain that... Banana House timeframe always came first, before Blueberry House.

Mukuro: Really?

Makoto: When I entered the Final Room in Blueberry House, it was the noon to 3 PM timeframe for us. And after gas was released and house shifted, I entered the Banana House to find it in its 3 PM to 6 PM timeframe.

Chihiro: That means that Banana House’s noon to 3 PM timeframe has played out already by that moment.

Makoto: Yeah. And since schedule seems to be what Funhouse is all about, I think it makes sense that Banana House always came before Blueberry.

Leon: So, we at the Banana House heard the killing shot, while guys at the Blueberry heard the fake one. But where does that get us?

Junko: Question of the day, isn’t it? Where does it get us?

Where indeed... Conclusion is so close at hand. I can almost reach it...

Considering all the alibis... All the information we have. There is only one conclusion to be reached. Only one person could have been in The Outer Circle alongside Celeste. And that person is...

Select a person.

Mukuro: ...Byakuya.

Byakuya: Yes? What is it?

Toko: H-How dare you speak his name in this accusatory t-tone!

Mukuro: According to Makoto’s account, you went upstairs between 8 and 9 AM for your house’s time and came back after 9 AM. Is that right?

Byakuya: Yes. After that I returned to my room to rest. Is there some sort of hole in my alibi? If so, spit it out.

Mukuro: Yes. There is a hole. Because, let’s say for a moment, that when you went upstairs, you also entered the Final Room and Outer Circle.

Byakuya: A supposition game? Alright. Let’s suppose I have. What would this supposed me do there?

Mukuro: He would wait. Until gas hit and the Banana House became active. Then he would remain there, hidden and most likely forming a plan, when... Someone else would enter The Outer Circle. Someone from Banana House. Celeste.

Toko: Sh-shut up! Don’t say another word, you whor*!

Mukuro: ...and then the supposed you kills her by shooting her. That’s the shot Junko, myself, Toko and Leon heard. After that, you’d simply need to use the next gas hitting to move the body downstairs and into the Tower without being spotted, before returning to his room from Blueberry House’s third floor, but not before setting the gun up to fire in 3 hours.

Byakuya: I see. So that’s the basis of your accusation.

Mukuro: It is. And do you deny it?

Byakuya: Why would I?

Leon: What?

Makoto: Byakuya, are you admitting to it?

Byakuya: Of course not. I’m not going to admit to anything that easily. It’s simply that your argument is rather flimsy. If you wish to pin it down on me, I need—

Toko: It was him! The h-honor student! He had to h-have done it!

Toko refuses to back down. But if I want to shoot her down, I’ll have to listen to what she has to say.

Nonstop Debate Start!

Junko: Are you really putting more nonsense to the discussion!

Toko: Sh-shut up, it’s not nonsense! M-Master couldn’t have done it.

Toko: You s-said so yourself – the swimmer girl’s door had b-been locked with the key somehow.

Toko: B-But key was always on Taka! So h-he’s the only one who could have done it!

Kiyotaka: Wait a moment! While I did carry the key on me...

Kiyotaka: I did not kill anyone!

Leon: Well, she’s right about the key...

Leon: Maybe someone stole it from you?

Toko: N-No way! It’s impossible n-not to notice a theft like that!

Makoto: But then... how did the room get locked?

Toko: B-Because he did it!

> Toko’s Missing Handbook

No, that’s wrong!


Mukuro: But we already know that such stealing is possible. You yourself had your handbook stolen!

Toko: Ghh—! That doesn’t m-mean anything!

Mukuro: You carry it on you all the time just like the rest of us, right?

Toko: I... w-well... Yes, but that d-doesn’t matter...

Mukuro: So if you had it stolen, it’s entirely possible for Taka to have had key taken from him too. And then returned all without him realizing.

Toko: Even though I d-don’t know what happened to my h-handbook... There h-had to be some moment when the killer could s-steal it. But there w-wasn’t!

Mukuro: No, there was. While we were all asleep from the gas. Because the culprit could operate in the Houses even when the gas was present. Remember, we are sure that they were the one who took the missing gasmask from inside The Outer Circle. Now, Toko, are you satisfied with my answer? Taka could not have been the killer. Only Byakuya could.

Byakuya: A better accusation now, however—

Toko: S-Suicide! It could still have been a suicide! She p-probably just killed herself...

Kiyotaka: Celeste killing herself? I find that doubtful.

Chihiro: Yeah, I don’t think she was that type of person...

Toko: B-But it’s possible, isn’t it? That h-has to be it!

Byakuya looks... annoyed. And at us, but at Toko specifically. He’s barely even fighting... Which means I have to refute Toko’s arguments to get through to him.

Nonstop Debate Start!

Toko: Th-the second shot for the gun... Was set ahead of t-time.

Toko: That means she c-could have done it before shooting herself!

Leon: What about the locked door to Hina’s room then?

Toko: She h-had access to Outer Circle. She could h-have done that too.

Kiyotaka: But what did she shoot herself with then?

Kiyotaka: The gun had six bullets in it, maximum it can hold!

Toko: There were m-more guns in there, weren’t there?

Makoto: Well, there were, but...

Toko: Then sh-she used one of those.

Junko: That’s all well and good.

Junko: But there was something that only other person could have done.

Toko: Sh-shut up! Master is innocent!

> State of Celeste’s Body

I agree with you!


Mukuro: Toko, stop ignoring the evidence and look at facts directly. She could have done everything, except the final part of the crime – setting the body up in the tower!

Toko: Ghhhh!

Mukuro: It would be impossible for her to do that. Not to mention that even idea of her committing suicide is so uncharacteristic...

Toko: Then it’s possible M-Master just found her body and set it up!

Byakuya: Why the hell would I do that if I was not the killer?

Toko: Huh?

Byakuya: I will not stand for stupidity. Give me a reason.

Toko: W-Well... maybe it’s to test... who is the m-most threat to you?

Byakuya: That would only make sense if I was still participating in the Killing Game proper. Which I renounced. Perhaps at the start, it would be a prudent move, had opportunity presented itself, but at this point, even if I was still participating, I already know who is to watch out for.

Byakuya: So stop spouting moronic idiocy out of your trash can of a mouth.

Toko: No!

Byakuya: What did you just say?

Toko: I won’t! I won’t l-let you die! I won’t let it h-happen no matter what! You d-did just discover her corpse and set her up!

Byakuya: You’re not seeing the contradiction. Both shots were fired out of handgun. And Makoto confirmed the only handgun present was the Roulette gun. Meaning, suicide with another weapon was impossible. So, while I do agree that claiming she wouldn’t commit suicide is a foolish character judgement, she simply couldn’t have.

Junko: Are you arguing for your own guilt right now?

Byakuya: No. I am arguing for logic and sanity.

Toko: Th-Then I have another idea!

Junko: Again?

Chihiro: Toko, please...

Leon: It’s obvious by now that Byakuya’s the killer.

Toko: No! Y-You’re wrong! You’re all wrong! I’ll sh-show you!

Mukuro: No, Toko. It’s you who is wrong. Only Byakuya could have done that.

Toko: No! No, no, no! You’re wrong! You’re all w-wrong!

Does she... really love him genuinely? I can’t say I understand it... But I have to shoot down whatever theory she has now. Even she’s on her last defenses, I can tell. I have to make sure there’s zero doubt.

Argument Armament Start!

You’re all wrong!

So stupid!

H-How can you accuse him?!

Master w-would never do something like that!

He’s a k-kind soul at heart...

You all j-just hate him!

Same way you hate me!

My love is telling me the t-truth...

That’s he’s innocent!

He didn’t k-kill anyone!

He s-simply moved the body...

And m-maybe cut her head off...

And set the fake g-gunshot up....

B-But you can’t say with certainty...

That he killed her!

He probably did it to test us...

You can never appreciate him!

His wisdom...

And even if stupid lolita didn’t k-kill herself...

It’s still possible M-Master just found her body!

Final Blow!

If she lost at the R-Russian Roulette, she’d be dead for M-Master to find, that’s how it h-happened!





It all ends here!


Mukuro: Celeste couldn’t have died by the gun in the Final Room when playing Russian Roulette. She had a special perk that allowed her to manipulate the chances of any machine that uses chance!

Chihiro: Oh! And because the gun was programmable...

Mukuro: Exactly. The one person who couldn’t possibly lose was Celeste herself.

Toko: N-No... no way... I can’t...

Junko: Shut up and deal with it. Can’t we just finish this now? We have the vote advantage over two of them regardless.

Mukuro: No. Not just yet. I want to first dispel any lingering doubts about it.

Byakuya: Go ahead. I will not stop you.

Mukuro: You still refuse to admit it?

Byakuya: I would not be Byakuya Togami if I did.

Mukuro: Fine then. I will tell everyone exactly how you committed this crime!

Closing Argument Start!

It all started in the Blueberry House, between 8 and 9 AM. The culprit, seen by Taka, Chihiro and Makoto, headed upstairs and entered the Final Room. After completing the puzzle and playing the game of life and death, they learned the truth of the Funhouse. That in reality, it’s not two separate buildings, but one shifting building, and that we took turns using it, with sleeping gas creating the illusion of two houses with their inhabitants being present simultaneously.

The culprit remained in The Outer Circle surrounding the Funhouse as it turned into Banana Tower. But then something unexpected happened. Someone from Banana House went through the Final Room as well. That person was Celeste. She met the culprit in The Outer Circle, and the outcome of that was... Her getting shot by the revolver used for the game. The shot was head by everyone in the Banana House, but before we could even investigate the whole house, the gas came and we were knocked out, while house shifted back to Blueberry.

Once house has shifted, culprit set their plan in motion. They set up the automatic gun to fire at the same time in Blueberry House’s timeline as when they shot Celeste in Banana House’s timeline. This was to create illusion that gunshots heard by two houses were the same gunshot. And as that was done, they returned to their room in the Blueberry House, not rising any suspicion.

Once the automatic shot fired, everyone in Blueberry House was alerted, except for the culprit, who was inside their soundproof room. That only added credence to their faked alibi. But because the gunshot happened so close to the gas hitting, before the other people in the Funhouse could get them out of their room, they used the secret weapon – a gasmask they got from The Outer Circle. This allowed them time to go and prepare the arrangement. They took key Taka was holding and entered the Circle again, and decapitated Celeste there. Then before everyone woke up, they positioned her body in the Banana Tower, and disposed of the head, hiding the evidence of her being killed by gunshot to mislead us. Lastly, they took Toko’s handbook for reasons we do not yet know, and attempted to enter Hina’s room using the key, incriminating themselves without realizing, as it was actually locked with Junko’s perk.

After their preparation was done, culprit returned back to The Outer Circle and simply waited out until Blueberry House was back, and rejoined their own group like nothing had happened.

There were very few physical traces of the crime left. The locked door, the missing handbook, the gunshot mark on the wall... If we didn’t know the truth of the Funhouse, we would never be able to connect them all. But we do.

And the only person who could have done such a crime is you, Byakuya Togami, the Ultimate Affluent Progeny. This entire plan was of your doing.


Mukuro: There. That should sum up everything you’ve done. Is that enough for you to admit it?

Byakuya: Don’t make me repeat myself. I have no interest in admitting to anything. However, I do encourage the voting to start. We might as well get this over with.

Toko: W-Wait, no!

Junko: Ugh, again? What now? We’re done with your stupid theories on how he maybe not have done it.

Toko: It’s not that! M-Master, I know you have my handbook... Please, g-give it back!

Byakuya: I will. Once the voting is over.

Toko: No, no, I need it now, please!

Byakuya: ...no. I know what you plan to do, and I will not accept that. Not from the likes of you. Now, Monokuma? Usami?

Monokuma: Well, you’re not confessing, but I guess everyone’s mind has been made up, soooo...

Usami: It’s time to vote!

Usami: Will you make the right choice?

Toko: Nonono, I just need m-my handbook, please—

Monokuma: Or the dreadfully wrong one?

Ignoring Toko’s pleas, the voting has started. And soon... 6 votes for Byakuya. 1 for Taka. And 1 absentee... Byakuya himself, most likely.

Usami: And you’re correct! Congratulations, everyone!

Toko: No! It c-can’t end now! No!

Byakuya: Sigh... Finally.

Trial End.

Byakuya looked... relieved. And Toko was on the verge of tears...

Junko: What was that at the end? About the handbook? Is it related to her perk?

Byakuya: It is. She was planning to use it. I did not let her.

Byakuya fished a handbook out of his pocket and quickly flicked its screen, demonstrating a perk to us...

Ultimate Writing Prodigy’s Perk

Bittersweet Ending

If used before end of a successful voting, can take place of the current blackened in execution.

Leon: Wait, what? You stopped her from using that? Why?

Byakuya tossed the handbook in Toko’s direction. She failed to catch, scrambling to pick it up.

Byakuya: Because I did not need pity or charity. I am not going to go down sniveling and groveling for my life. I did my best and was outsmarted. Plain as that. And I especially wouldn’t accept a sacrifice from someone like her.

Toko: Why.... w-why wouldn’t...

Byakuya: Because you disgust me. And not just your appearance, or your smell or even your manner of speaking about me. It’s who you are that disgusts me.

Toko: M-Master—

Byakuya: Do not call me that. I have countless servants and every single one of them is thousand times more dignified than you have ever been. You don’t deserve to call me that.

Byakuya: You claim that there is some love in you, and you so desperately cling to notion that I could ever love you back. That is impossible. Nobody will ever love a creature who is so vile and disgusting, it’s incapable of showing affection even to itself, much less those around her.

Toko: M—Byakuya... B-But...

Byakuya: Your foolish dreams of true love are garbage, nonsense. I lived through the real world and I learned the harsh truth. Only the human can shape their own life, with their own effort. And you are the absolute opposite of that. You let your very dignity rot, your self-respect degrade, while hoping life will hand you the love of your life. That is why you, the way you are, will forever disgust me.

Byakuya: You can take those words to heart and improve your life, or you can embrace being a repulsive creature you see yourself as and be forgotten by everyone. I couldn’t care which you do anymore.

Toko: I... w-why... why....

Toko falls to her knees and breaks down crying...

Kiyotaka: Byakuya! That was way too harsh!

Byakuya: It was the truth she needed. Let’s change the subject. I’m sure you have more interesting questions than Toko’s delusions.

Makoto: Byakuya... Why? Why did you kill Celeste?

Byakuya: I killed her to survive. Is that not obvious? Although, I will say, I never broke my promise.

Chihiro: Your promise?

Byakuya: I promised I won’t let there be another murder. And there wasn’t. As much as I am her killer, calling it a murder would be wrong.

Mukuro: Just what happened between you two in The Outer Circle...?

Byakuya: You were correct. We met after she went through the Final Room. Supposedly, Monokuma’s was an escape room, not a jigsaw puzzle. And just like me, she played the Russian Roulette.


Celeste: ...I did cheat of course. I used my perk.

Byakuya: I see. And that leaves the two of us here.

Celeste: Indeed. Quite the conundrum, wouldn’t you agree?

Byakuya: Yes. We’re both here for same reason. I did not expect anyone else to have the resolve to go through a Final Room.

Celeste: Then, it seems, you have underestimated me. We’re both here because we are both survivors. The types who can never give up on fighting till the end. And we both came here knowing there would be no escape. Only death. Either one’s own... or someone else’s

Byakuya: And of course, neither of us can use the knowledge we obtained. The moment one of us tried to do that to commit a murder, the other would reveal the truth.

Celeste: It doesn’t have to be that way. We could resolve it. And if you will humor me, I do have a perfect way to do that.

She raised the Final Room gun, still in her hand. She spun the barrel with her own hand and aimed it at me.

Celeste: A game of chance. Do you agree?

Byakuya: And what if I refuse? You kill me?

Celeste: Nothing so barbaric. We walk out of here. And eventually starve to death.

Byakuya: I was planning to agree regardless of what you responded, but that is the stupidest bluff ever.

Celeste: The hunger is making us all off our game.


She pulled the trigger. It did not fire. And so she flipped the gun over, offering it to me.

Celeste: Your turn.

I took it. I already had to play once today. I had no fear. Nor hesitation. I aimed the gun at her.



I flip it over and give it to her.

Celeste: I see you have some honor.

Byakuya: Nothing so sentimental. I do not need to break the rules of the game to win. Giving you first shot is advantage enough.

Celeste: So this is it. My luck of a gambler versus your resolve of the progeny.

She aims the gun at my head.


She hands gun over to me.

I aim it at her.

Byakuya: The odds are not in your favor. And yet you’re doing this. Feel like explaining it?

Celeste: Well, same reason you are doing this. Is it not obvious?


I hand the gun over to her. She aims it at me.

Celeste: Four chambers down. It’s a coin flip now. These could be your last words. And I would like to hear it from you. Why?

Byakuya: Because I am me. I made a promise to prevent a murder from happening. And I will never let my word go to waste. Since we’re both putting our lives on the line willingly, it will not be a murder.

Celeste: Even though one will kill another?

Byakuya: Yes.

Celeste: Your morality is fascinating. And your own mask is cracking.

Byakuya: Your bluffs won’t work on me.

Celeste: This is no bluff. As a gambler, the only skill more important than lying is spotting lies of others. As much as I’ve broken down my own lies lately... I never lost my edge at seeing through others. We’re both in such denial about the simple truth.

Celeste: We’ve let ourselves grow attached after all.

Byakuya: Believe what you will. You’re taking too long.

Celeste: Very well.


Her hand starts shaking. But... she lowers the weapon and flips it over, handing it to me.

I pick it up and steadily aim it, squarely at her forehead.

Celeste: I... I see. I’ve lost.

She dropped her accent.

Celeste: I won’t lie. This feels liberating.

Byakuya: Your hands are shaking. Your makeup is running with sweat. You’re scared.

Celeste: I am. And yet... I’m glad this nightmare is finally over. What are you planning to do with your victory?

Byakuya: I will do my best to survive with my own strength. Same as I’ve done my whole life.

Celeste: Haha... I see. You won’t win, you know. The sisters will expose you. As they would expose me, had I won.

Byakuya: Then it will be their victory. For now, it is mine. Now. Do you have anything else you wish to say?

Celeste: Yes. When you lose... Tell them I wished we could have been friends. Maybe, in another life... We really will be.

Byakuya: You’ve already buried me.

Celeste: I figured the sisters out. As I did you. And I know I am no match for any of you.

Byakuya: At least you are honest with that.

Celeste: And, one last thing...

Celeste: Make it look... dramatic. Please. I do not wish to be remembered as Taeko Yasuhiro, the boring girl who never amounted to anything. I want to be remembered as Celestia Ludenberg. And I wish that my death looks the part.

Byakuya: I’ll see what I can do, as long as it doesn’t get in the way of my plans.



Byakuya: After that... Well, Mukuro put it rather eloquently already. No need to repeat that.

Chihiro: You played a real game of Russian Roulette... With each other... but why?

Byakuya: I can’t speak for her reasons. But I was fighting because that is what I’ve always done. Fight. Survive. And prevail. I do not know another life. And I cannot comprehend the idea of just letting myself die. Or, worse yet, taking my own life.

Makoto: It... sounds like Celeste thought the same. She did play by rules of the game you chose to set up, just like you did...

Byakuya: Believe what you will. I always said not to judge others on your own merits. I am no fool, and I don’t do that myself either.

Leon: Damn... But her head? What did you do with it?

Byakuya: At first I planned to hide it in Hina’s room. Since Taka had the key, limited investigation time meant it wouldn’t be found. But after I failed to get in, I assumed that Usami was the one who locked it. I had no idea a perk like that existed. So instead, I realized an even better solution – I tossed it out of the Outer Circle window.

Kiyotaka: You just tossed it out?!

Byakuya: A dead body is an object. And I used that object to my full advantage. Obscuring the murder method and creating a shocking scene to try and divert attention. It worked about as well as it could have, I’d say.

Junko: And in process, you honored her final wish.

Byakuya: Not that it mattered with her being dead.

Makoto: But... why? Why kill each other at all? I don’t understand...

Byakuya: I put myself in situation where I had the most chance to survive while keeping my word. Had I lost and been killed by her, I would not be responsible for anything that happened after. As a leader, I’d have kept my word to my death. Had I been not found guilty, I’d live on, while no more murders have been committed, only executions. A dirty technicality, but still a way to keep my word. And this outcome too, is me keeping my word.

Junko: So you put your life on the line just to make sure you keep your word?

Byakuya: What? Are you surprised I have ideals too? I hold pride in my superiority. And that pride, that certainty in things I say is what makes me Byakuya Togami. Just as foolhardy moralism makes Kiyotaka Ishimaru or naïve idealism makes Makoto Naegi.

Byakuya: My word is absolute. In the name of my family, I will never sully my reputation.

Junko: I see. Looks like even I didn’t anticipate how... honorable you really are.

Byakuya: Please spare me that word. It reeks of idealism, despite you using it in correct way.

Leon: Hey, not to derail the conversation, but I was curious... With all the talk about perks, what was yours?

Byakuya: Did me voting to reveal all the perks back when we first gathered not give it away? The most useless perk in the whole Killing Game, most like. It was back when I first learned of it that I suspected some sort of unfair play.

Byakuya took out another handbook, his this time, and displayed the perk for us.

Ultimate Affluent Progeny’s Perk

Family Fortune

Has access to an infinite supply of monocoins.

Leon: Seriously?

Byakuya: Indeed. The game is rigged. Well, at least it’s over for me now.

Chihiro: But... Byakuya... Now you...

Byakuya: Will be executed? No. As I said, I am Byakuya Togami. And I am the one in charge of my own fate. That’s why I stole Toko’s handbook from her – she revealed her perk to me earlier and I was not about to accept her stupid delusions as reasons for my survival. And if I have to go, then it will be on my terms as well.

With that, Byakuya procured yet another thing from his jacket. A small bottle, which he quickly brought to his lips. He almost sipped the liquid inside when—

Usami: You can’t!

Some sort of pink projectile hit the bottle, knocking it out of Byakuya’s hand and tossing it down on the floor, spilling the liquid before it even touched his lips.

Byakuya: What the hell?!

Usami: You can’t drink that! That’s poison from The Outer Circle!

Byakuya: I know that, you moronic reprobate! I wanted to avoid the ridiculous execution!

Usami: H-Huh? But killing yourself... It’s wrong... That’s not what I—

Monokuma: Puhuhu... Bahahahaha! Thanks a lot, Usami! Without you, he’d already be dead, and without any intensity, suffering or suspense! Now we get to do the fun s stuff! An execution!

Byakuya: Gh... Don’t think I’ll go down in fear. To the very end, I will not bow to anyone.

Monokuma: Are you so sure? We’ll see!

Toko: B-Byakuya... I...

Monokuma: Now then, I’ve prepared a very special punishment for Byakuya Togami, the Ultimate Affluent Progeny!

Toko: I will listen to your words... I w-will... improve myself...

Leon: Damn it... The stupid rabbit... Now we have to watch another execution!

Makoto: Byakuya...

Junko: Damn. Didn’t expect you to show some balls at the end.

Byakuya: You managed to best me. You can best whoever is behind this too. Of that I am certain.

Monokuma: Let’s give it everything we’ve got!

Kiyotaka: I am sorry for your fate, new class president!

Chihiro: Why... why is it happening again...

Toko: I swear! I w-won’t let your words be in vain!

Byakuya: I am Byakuya Togami, the heir to the Togami family. And to the very end, I stand tall, above all others. And I refuse your despair!

Mukuro: Damn... Looks like you weren’t such a bitch after all...

Monokuma: It’s punishment time!

Toko: I swear! F-For your sake! I won’t let th-this sacrifice of yours be forgotten!

Byakuya has been found guilty!

Time for punishment!


Down With The Ship

Ultimate Affluent Progeny Byakuya Togami’s Execution: Executed

Byakuya has been carried away, out to the sea, where he stands alone on a big, old-timey wooden ship. On top of his head is a blue tricorn, which he promptly discards by tossing it into the sea. He approaches the edge of the ship and looks down to see a swarm of sharks circling around it. And as he looks to horizon, he sees another ship, flying a pirate flag.

On that ship Monokuma, wearing captain’s hat, extends his arm, giving the order. Usami, wearing a bandana quickly runs up to a cannon, using her magic stick to light the fuse. And in a few seconds...


The cannonball hits Byakuya’s ship, causing it to start sinking and fast. In search of safe place, Byakuya begins climbing the mast, just barely outrunning the speed at which the ship sinks. And as he reaches the top, he is stuck there, holding onto the wooden pole and staring out at the pirate ship, as his position gets closer and closer to shark infested waters, when...


Another cannonball is fired and flies directly at Byakuya, who stares it down with a glare until...


It hit where Byakuya was. As smoke and splash of water clears, there’s nothing to be seen but a few pieces of driftwood at first. But soon after... Water where he just was starts turning crimson red. And finally, from that crimson water, up floats another piece of driftwood, a pair of broken glasses stuck on it, owner gone to the waters and beasts in them.


Monokuma: Puhuhu... I mean, come on! We’re out on an island, did you expect me not to do a pirates-themed execution at some point?!

Usami: You’re so evil! Pirates are supposed to be cool guys, sailing around, enjoying freedom, not murderers!

Monokuma: Bah, what do you know. Whatever, we’re done there. Finally! When making the Funhouse, I couldn’t imagine that it’d last so long. So many times I had to carry you lot around from pods to where you passed out and back!

Usami: I made sure to take extra care when helping!

Monokuma: Well, it’s over now. Elevator will now lead you to Monokuma rock.

Usami: Make sure to have a proper dinner! You’re all still pretty weak!

And with that those two were gone. We, in turn, were simply left dumbfounded. We were finally free from the horror of the Funhouse, but... Celeste and Byakuya were both lost. Neither was a particularly pleasant individual, all in all... But if they didn’t do what they did, we wouldn’t be here, alive. And even past all that happened... I couldn’t help but appreciate that.

Toko: Th-they’re right... We should go and eat...

Chihiro: Toko...? Are you sure you’re okay?

Toko: I am... M-Mas... Byakuya. He was r-right... And I w-won’t let his words go to waste. I will... l-live a better life. For myself. For him.

Junko: Huh. If not for the stutter, that would almost be motivational.

Toko: Sh-shut up, you bimbo! What do you know about s-stutter!

Makoto: Hey, come on, there’s no need to fight.

Mukuro: Yeah, let’s just go. We all could use a rest and another meal.

Leon: Man, I didn’t realize till now, but even after those buns we got, I’m still hungry enough to eat a cow!

Kiyotaka: A cow is a good source of meat, but just eating beef is unhealthy! We have to maintain a proper diet, even in aftermath of malnutrition.

Leon: Do you always have to be a party pooper?

Mukuro: Come on, everyone.

We all entered the elevator. And we were riding up, when Makoto started speaking.

Makoto: By the way, Mukuro... Back in the Outer Circle, I managed to find something out. Remember how I accidentally used 5-shot-loaded revolver? Well, Monokuma revealed some things to me. And one of those was your talent.

Leon: Hey, what? Really?

Kiyotaka: That is incredible! Good job, Makoto!

Junko: Damn, finally! I am eager to know!

Toko: I’m c-curious too... Not that I really care...

Mukuro: Why didn’t you tell me earlier?

Makoto: I just didn’t want to overwhelm you before the trial. Anyway... According to what I learned...

Makoto: Your talent is the Ultimate Soldier. You were a mercenary.

Mukuro: ...huh.

And then there was a very loud explosion of excitement and confusion from everyone else present.


Chapter 4 – End

Surviving Students – 7

Gift Received – Affluent Glasses


It was night. I couldn’t sleep. I kept thinking about my revealed talent.

The Ultimate Soldier...

It’s not like a bunch of combat memories flooded back to me when Makoto said it. Things just... clicked.

My knowledge of weaponry. My athleticism. My tactical thinking. It just... makes sense. It feels natural. Perfectly normal.

Even though it should feel like such an out-there talent...

I took my handbook out and checked the perk...

It’s there. My perk is there. Makoto revealing my talent unlocked my perk.

Ultimate Soldier’s Perk


Perk’s owner is not affected by Rule 12. If there are only two people left alive, and perk’s owner is one of them, both are considered winners and are released from the Killing Game.


So it took a long time. But now, Chapter 4 is finally over. We're entering final stretch. It might be quite a stretch... but we will get through it. All I hope is that it will be enjoyable despite the wait, even though said wait might not have entirely been worth it.

As always, I thank you all for sticking with me for so long. I hope to see you next time... whenever that is!

Chapter 36: Chapter 5 – Hope, Despair, And Other Lies That Keep Us Going – Daily Life 1


Mukuro is faced with talking about her talent, and everyone is faced with exploration of new island. Tensions are as tense as ever.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 5 – Hope, Despair, And Other Lies That Keep Us Going – Daily Life

Ding Dong Bing Bong!

Monokuma: Attention! This is a school trip announcement. Good morning, everyone! It is now 8 AM! Get ready for another beautiful day of this killing school trip!

Monokuma: Also, since the whole Funhouse business threw off our ‘take turns every day’ schedule with Usami, we’re resetting it and starting with me again. Not that it matters to you bastards! Have a murderous day!


I’ve been out jogging. I know I shouldn’t be doing that as I’m still recovering from malnutrition, but force of habit and inability to sleep made me get up early as usual. Well... Announcement rung. Here goes nothing. Time to meet everyone in the restaurant...


Hotel Restaurant

And of course because I was out running, I am the last to arrive.

Chihiro: Good morning, Mukuro!

Junko: Ugh, were you running again? Seriously? You know, you stink of sweat after you do that.

Kiyotaka: Morning runs are a healthy routine, Junko!

Junko: Yeah, then why aren’t you doing them?

Kiyotaka: Because as a student, it’s critical that I get proper amount of rest, and otherwise my schedule of studying is too filled for extra runs! As healthy as they are, they are not worth sacrificing studying for.

Leon: Dude, can we not start a morning with your lectures?

Kiyotaka: It was not a lecture, just me being honest about my lifestyle!

Toko: Y-You can be honest without yelling all the time...

Makoto: Come on, Toko, Taka’s just trying to help.

The conversation is as casual as it can be. Yet the sense of certain awkwardness hangs in the air.

Yesterday, after Makoto revealed my talent... I ended up avoiding the questions and rushing off. And now it seems nobody has the bravery to bring the topic up aga—

Junko: So, are we not going to talk about Mukuro?

Of course.

Chihiro: Do... do we have to?

Leon: Well, I didn’t want to be one to bring it up, but yeah, kinda.

Toko: You’re the Ultimate S-Soldier! How could you p-possibly not know that?

Mukuro: I told you before. I don’t remember. I still don’t. I still have no proper memories of anything that happened in last few years,

Makoto: No proper memories?

Chihiro: Does that mean you remember something else...?

Mukuro: No. It’s hard to even call it memory, and it’s not something I’ve remembered just now either, it’s... instincts. Muscle memory. Subconscious decisions. When I try to distract myself, firearms come to mind. When I feel threatened, I become hyperaware of my surroundings. Stuff like that.

Kiyotaka: It appears that whatever skills you’ve developed weren’t wiped in the slightest! Only memory of you having them at all.

Junko: Hmm... Interesting. So that’s the limit to the memory wipe’s ability...

Toko: B-But why would they wipe your talent l-like that?

Leon: Well, that one’s obvious. If she remembered she’s the Ultimate Soldier, she’d win the Killing Game easy! That’s a natural advantage.

Toko: And S-Sakura wasn’t at an advantage?

Leon: Well... Maybe?

Makoto: But her memory wasn’t wiped when Killing Game started. It was wiped when... when we first came to the Island. When it was still a Heart-Throbbing School Trip.

Usami: Did someone say Heart-Throbbing School Trip?

Chihiro: Usami... What are you doing here?

Usami: Well, I wanted to tell you all that me and Monokuma decided to let you guys have free reign over all of the islands now. But you are talking about Heart-Throbbing School Trip instead!

Junko: But it’s not that anymore, is it? It’s a Killing School Trip now.

Usami: Yeah... Monokuma turned it into a Killing Game! And I have no choice but to play along.

Leon: Hey, can’t we all just work together to get rid of Monokuma?

Usami: That’s too dangerous! Plus, even if you succeeded, there’s no way to return back to the way things were..,

Chihiro: Why not...?

Usami: It’s because... No, it’s too terrible to even say! I won’t!

And so, in puff of pink smoke she disappeared. Usual.

Kiyotaka: I see. So we have a new goal!

Toko: N-New goal?

Kiyotaka: Investigate the fifth island, of course! The only island we’ve yet to search!

Junko: Do you really think we’ll find anything that will help us escape there?

Kiyotaka: It is possible! Not likely, but we cannot know until we go and look.

Chihiro: I do think it’s a good idea to investigate, even if we know there’s no escape there.

Makoto: Plus, it’s not just way to escape that we’re looking for, right?

Leon: Just a way to contact someone outside the island would be nice.

Mukuro: And also, answers to some of the mysteries around this situation in general.

Junko: Fine, fine, geez, I wasn’t even really objecting, just trying to bring the excessive optimism down a bit.

Toko: W-Well? Let’s just go... There’s no point just standing here and t-talking about the island...

Leon: Yeah. Plus, maybe optimism will pay off after all.


Fifth Island

And yet again, with new island, the feeling it gave off was completely different from ones before it. First Island was mostly living necessities, Second Island resembled a more traditional island resort, Third Island made me think of a tourist trap town in an arid desert and Fourth Island was a giant amusem*nt park. But this... this was just a giant industrial complex. There was absolutely no nature, or greenery to be seen and the only spot of remotely bright colors was the set of food stalls in small street food vendor alley. That’s where we agreed to meet up after investigating the rest of the island.

...my lab will be somewhere here... Ultimate Soldier’s Lab, huh... I wonder...


Plushie Factory

This place was a special kind of morbid. A giant production line just for making Monokuma plushies. Who’d even want a Monokuma plushie?! Besides Junko, that is.. She’d probably find those cute. Well, Toko and Makoto were here, so I guess I should ask them if they discovered anything.

Toko: This p-place is awful...

Mukuro: Agreed. Do you think this is where spare bodies for Monokuma are being made?

Makoto: I don’t think so. I’ve checked that giant crate where finished ones go and it was just... Plush. I pressed really hard but there was nothing inside.

Toko: I t-told you that you should have just c-cut one open to check.

Makoto: It just felt wrong to cut it open, you know. It may be Monokuma, but...

Mukuro: Why didn’t you do it, Toko?

Toko: ...I don’t like holding sharp things.

Makoto: But I did squeeze the plushie really hard, and it definitely didn’t have anything solid inside.

Monokuma: Well, now that’s just rude!

Makoto: Gah! Where did you come from?

Toko: Ghhh! I hate how he shows up l-like that...

Mukuro: What do you want, Monokuma?

Monokuma: What I want is to correct your grave mistake! For you see, all the Monokumas produced here are perfectly functional spare bodies for me. All they lack is, well, my personality!

Mukuro: ...I guess that’s why they’re not nearly as infuriating.

Monokuma: Oh, why you—

Makoto: Mukuro, please, don’t antagonize him.

Mukuro: Oh, he can’t do anything, because I’m not breaking the rules. Right, Monokuma?

Monokuma: Gah! Shut up! Brat! I’m leaving. And here I thought you kids needed help figuring this place out.

And so, he was gone.

Toko: I h-hate that thing...

Makoto: Mukuro, I know you don’t like Monokuma, nobody really does... But he could have had some important information.

Mukuro: Really? Like one of these plushies apparently being a functional spare body to a robot like him?

Makoto: Well, maybe he just puts his skeleton in them...?

Mukuro: That makes it a spare skin then, not a spare body. He is clearly just trying to mess with us again.

Toko: Y-Yeah... That’s what Monokuma always w-was about, right? Trying to g-get us all confused...

Makoto: I... see your point. I guess it really doesn’t make much sense, huh? I think I just kind of... believed him.

Mukuro: It’s okay, Makoto. Just, remember, Monokuma is a manipulator, and you shouldn’t trust his every word. Or be nice to him for that matter.

Toko: Is th-that why you and your sister talk... Like you t-talk?

Mukuro: What’s that got to do with anything?

Toko: Nothing! Forget I a-asked...

Makoto: Ahem... Back to the search, we haven’t really found anything around here, other than plushies. There was a warehouse, but it was just Usami and Monokuma plushies all over.

Mukuro: Usami too?

Makoto: Yeah. I guess they change what factory makes every day too? I can only assume from seeing how many there were of both.

Mukuro: Hm... Well, I’ll go see other places, you keep looking.

Makoto: If we find anything, we’ll make sure to report it.

With that, I left Makoto and Toko to their devices. A plushie for a spare body... That’s so stupid. What’s the point of coming up with such an obvious lie?


Robotics Facility

This looks like some sort of a factory too, although much more sophisticated than the plushie factory. Designed to work with precise machinery, the large hall containing large mechanical limbs to manipulate whatever is in the middle of the room. And if familiar parts seen at the edges of the room are any indication, the Monobeast maintenance happens in here. I tried poking at the control panels, but they didn’t do anything. With little else to do or examine, I proceeded into the only other location of note within the building.


Ultimate Programmer’s Lab

This place is... Underwhelming actually. I expected some large room filled with advanced supercomputer, but instead it seems like the stuff at the sides of the room are just server racks, and there is only one functional computer setup in the room, except for...

Mukuro: That terminal... It looks just like one from Third Island’s Electric Avenue!

Indeed. Large terminal, looking fully identical, down to smudged dust on the screen and text. Only difference was that it said “Observer Contact Point Epsilon - Connection Lost”, while other one was Gamma.

Leon: Yeah... worst part is, we can’t even get it to work. It just says this “Connection Lost” and refuses any interaction.

Chihiro: I’ve been trying ever since coming here, but it’s locked down, just like the other one. I’m sorry... It appears like this one was used too...

Mukuro: It’s not your fault, Chihiro. Whoever put these all around the place is probably just trying to mess with us.

Chihiro: I... don’t think that’s the case. But I don’t know what the terminals are supposed to actually mean either. This seems to be Epsilon Contact Point. And one on Third Island was Gamma.

Leon: Ep-si-lon... Gam-ma... E-G? Maybe it’s some sort of a secret message?

Mukuro: Uh, those are just letters from greek alphabet. Gamma is third letter and Epsilon is fifth.

Leon: Huh? Why would greek letters be used there?

Chihiro: It’s common to use those in maths, as variables.

Mukuro: They’re also common military callsigns.

Leon: So... it’s not a secret code then?

Mukuro: No, it’s probably not. Seems like the letters correspond to islands these consoles are on.

Leon: Damn... And here I thought I was onto something.

Mukuro: Well, it does make me think if it’s possible there were others on islands be-fore? Alpha, Beta and Delta.

Chihiro: I don’t think so. We have searched other islands thoroughly multiple times, after all, right? The ones we found were in obvious places, wouldn’t others be too, if they existed?

Mukuro: Yeah. I suppose that’s true. Anyway, Chihiro, what do you think of your lab?

Chihiro: It seems alright. Nothing is connected to internet, obviously, and there aren’t even any devices I could use to try getting satellite signal... And computer itself is... alright, I suppose. I’m not sure I could do anything useful with it though... I’m sorry.

Leon: Hey, don’t worry, it’s at least more useful than my lab. That’s been gathering dust since it opened. Are there any games on that computer?

Chihiro: No, just various compilers and programming suites.

Leon: Oh, lame.

Mukuro: Leon! Chihiro, I am sure you will figure something out.

Chihiro: Thanks, Mukuro. I’ll definitely try.

Leon: Uh, yeah! Maybe you can make games for it yourself!

I threw Leon a glare, but Chihiro let out a relaxed laugh. At least it seems we’ve got him out of self-flagellant mood.

Mukuro: Okay, whatever. I’ll go look for my own lab. It has to be somewhere on this island.

Leon: Good luck! We’ll search the rest of this building to see if anything’s missed.


Ultimate Soldier’s Lab

This is a full on military base. Just because someone put an ultimate lab plaque on the chainlink fence surrounding it doesn’t make it into a lab! Does it...? I guess most labs are just normal locations with plaques slapped on top but still... How is this whole place a lab--


Gunshot. Came from that building in the base over there. Before I could consider the possible implications, I already was at the door, slowly peeking inside.

There I saw Junko, holding a smoking gun... and Taka, yelling very loudly about something. Since situation seems clear, I decided to come in.

Mukuro: Hey, what just happened?

Kiyotaka: Mukuro! Good timing! You are a firearm expert, correct? Please explain to your sister that it is not acceptable to fire a loaded gun in random direction to test whether it’s real or not!

Mukuro: Junko...

Junko: What? It’s fastest way, right? Plus it’s not like I fired at you, right?

Kiyotaka: That doesn’t make it any less dangerous!

Junko: So you’re saying if I aimed it at you, it’d have been the same?

Kiyotaka: Well- No, but- Of course it’d be worse! Don’t aim weapons at people!

Mukuro: Junko, trigger discipline.

Junko: Bah, spoilsport.

With that Junko spun the gun on her finger, making Taka duck and cower, before tossing it aside.

Junko: Anyway, we’ve been looking over your lab. Definitely better than mine, that’s for sure.

Mukuro: Is it?

Junko: It’s much bigger, for starters. Seems like entire military base is your own lab. Hey, does that make it the biggest lab of all?

Kiyotaka: It appears so, yes.

Mukuro: Huh. I don’t imagine the jets and choppers outside work, then?

Kiyotaka: That’s the first thing we have investigated! However, all aircraft seems to have key internal components missing, just like in the First Island’s airport.

Junko: But I’m pretty sure the tank is real! This spoilsport the second here didn’t let me try starting it though.

Kiyotaka: I do not mean offense, but I believe of all the students, you are the least qualified to drive a military vehicle!

Mukuro: So they left the weaponry and ground vehicles intact, but destroyed the aircraft that we could use to escape... I see, that does make sense.

Junko: I’m almost surprised the guns work, you know. I expected them to be replaced by airsoft or something.

Kiyotaka: It’s extremely irresponsible! All the weapons are just exposed on racks! We can’t even secure them in gun cabinets!

Mukuro: Are you worried about someone using one?

Kiyotaka: Of course! Using a gun without experience is dangerous! They could hurt themselves!

Junko: Yeah. Themselves. Totally.

Kiyotaka: Well, they could also accidentally hurt others too! You nearly shot me just now!

Junko: First, it wasn’t an accident, I shot completely intentionally. Second, I literally had my back turned to you, and shooting at opposite wall, how in the world could I hurt you?

Kiyotaka: Ricochet!

Junko paused, blinking and looking at the gun on the floor, before looking around at concrete walls and floors.

Junko: ...you know what, fair point I guess.

I couldn’t help but snicker at that.

Junko: You shut up! I forgot that’s a thing, okay.

Mukuro: Junko, just don’t touch the guns anymore.

Junko: I can’t believe it! I let you touch all the outfits in my lab, and you are upset at me touching just a single pistol in yours. So unfair...

Mukuro: Junko, I never touched any of the outfits, I don’t care about that.

Junko: But I let you touch them, that’s the point! Just because you didn’t doesn’t make me any less of a saint!

To that I simply rolled my eyes.

Kiyotaka: Regardless! We’ve been investigating long enough. I believe we should go ahead and reconvene at our meeting spot to discuss the next course of action!

Junko: Eh, sure. Since I can’t actually try the guns, there’s nothing else to do here.

Mukuro: Well, in that case, let’s go.


Vendor Street

When we arrived, everyone else was already waiting for us. It took a bit, but we all exchanged the information we found.

Leon: So, all the aircraft at the base is empty? Damn, I thought for sure that was our ticket out.

Chihiro: I am a bit concerned about the plushie factory... If what Monokuma said there was true...

Kiyotaka: There’s no way! It makes no logical sense!

Toko: H-Hey, so does that lab you found at the base confirm that Mukuro really was the Ultimate S-Soldier...?

Junko: As if we needed any more confirmation.

Mukuro: It does, I suppose. I still don’t remember anything of my time there, but... It just makes sense. It just does.

Makoto: Well, a talent is more than regular set of skills, right? It’s more like something deeply ingrained in you.

Leon: I suppose that’s true. I mean, I never trained and yet I can throw perfect pitch in my sleep.

Kiyotaka: Lack of training is not brag-worthy, Leon!

Makoto: Guys, please, don’t start arguing again.

Junko: Hey, Chihiro, there’s a question. What was that about that terminal in your lab?

Chihiro: It’s the same as terminal on the Third Island. It was recently used and completely refused any attempts at getting it to work. Whatever the two terminals were... Well, it seems like they’re hard-locked to shut down after being used once.

Junko: Observer contact points... Do you think traitor might have used them as communicators of some kind?

Chihiro: It’s... possible? I really don’t know for sure...

Leon: Are we still on that traitor business?

Junko: Obviously. We’ve got two people working with the stupid toys that run this game. And while it is possible that at least one of them got offed by now, I doubt that’s the case. And at least one is still around for certain if the used terminal is any indication.

Kiyotaka: What do you suggest us do then? Assuming traitor is still around, that is.

Junko: Nothing yet. Just pointing out that we’re not in the clear because we developed some bonds over shared loss or whatever. Someone in the group is still working with the enemy.

Makoto: No, Junko, we can’t fall into suspicion of each other again. That could lead to another murder happening!

Junko: Would it be so bad if a traitor died?

Makoto: Of course it would!

Makoto yelled surprisingly loudly there... Louder than I’ve ever heard him before. Junko just raised an amused eyebrow at him.

Toko: Makoto... a-are you...?

Makoto: No, I’m not the traitor, I swear, it’s just... I doubt traitor wants to hurt others. I mean, as far as we know, the only reason we even suspect traitor being there is because Monokuma and Usami revealed them to us. Otherwise, they haven’t even done anything, right?

That got everyone lowering their heads in thought. Is it true? Did traitors really not do anything so far...?

Mukuro: The terminals. They used terminals for something. I don’t know what, but they did. If the terminals really were contact points, then it could be sabotage of our attempts to communicate with outside.

Junko smiled at that. I don’t like nurturing seeds of doubt she’s sown, but it’s only logical to bring up all possibilities.

Mukuro: And then... Then there is whatever destroyed the game during the second motive.

Leon: You mean... the monster you saw?

Toko: Are we s-sure it’s even real? Maybe it was j-just some nightmare...

Mukuro: It might have been, but fact is, the game was destroyed and with such brutality that nobody here could have physically done.

Kiyotaka: It could have been a Monobeast! Mondo’s perk could control those right?

Makoto: No, Mondo’s perk could only get them to block island entrances, nothing more. He had no ability to give them actual orders, just mark which gates should be blocking which people.

Leon: And if it was his perk, what reason would he have to hide using it?

Mukuro: Exactly. Clearly whatever was used to destroy the arcade cabinet... Wasn’t something the person that did it could reveal to others. Such as...

Junko: Such as some advantage only a traitor would have.

Makoto: Even so... Destruction of cabinet was for the best, right?

Junko: Eh, it didn’t stop a murder from occurring. I wouldn’t call it something successful or even positive, really.

Kiyotaka: I would say destroying a murder motive was at least an attempt at positive influence!

Toko: And what about the m-monster part? Or was that just M-Mukuro’s imagination then?

Junko: It could have been.

Mukuro: I saw what I saw. I know I saw it, even if I’m not sure what it was.

Leon: So, they can shapeshift into a monster? That’s...

Mukuro: I never said anything like that. I only said I saw weird shape that was...

Junko: Monstrous?

Mukuro: Junko, please...

Kiyotaka: If monster is real, then they’re the traitor? That doesn’t seem realistic!

Makoto: The monster part isn’t even relevant! Maybe Mukuro just mistook some shadows, but traitor clearly destroyed the cabinet to try and help!

Junko: When did we conflate destruction of cabinet, the monster and the traitor into one entity again?

Mukuro: Junko, it was you who led us to this point.

Toko: W-Well, if they’re a m-monster, then they don’t need to be a t-traitor to destroy the cabinet, right?

Leon: No, they gotta be same thing! Two traitors and a hidden monster? That’s way too many things to deal with!

Kiyotaka: I still find it hard to believe monster was a thing!

Junko: So, you’re doubting Mukuro?

Mukuro: Junko, what are you trying to accomplish here?

Junko: Don’t take accusatory tone with me, I wasn’t one who just insinuated you were lying.

Kiyotaka: I didn’t insinuate anything! It’s just...

Toko: You always insinuate l-like that...

Kiyotaka: I do not! I am an upstanding model student! I wouldn’t resort to such underhanded insults. If I have something to say, then I say it. Such as me saying I don’t believe the monster exists!

Leon: Well, that does mean you don’t believe Mukuro then, right?

Kiyotaka: I believe Mukuro was just confused about what she saw! She did lose consciousness, right?

Mukuro: Don’t talk about me like I’m not here.

Makoto: Guys, again, monster part isn’t relevant here. I’m trying to say, it’s clear the traitor tried to help! Maybe they’re against the game, same way Usami is!

Toko: They d-did collaborate with her to kidnap us in the f-first place, right? And to take our memories...

Junko: Yeah, that doesn’t seem like good guy behavior.

Makoto: We don’t know the whole story! We shouldn’t make them feel too scared to come out and reveal themselves, because then we’ll definitely never get to the bottom of what’s happening.

Leon: Get to the bottom? We should just focus on getting out of here.

Toko: I d-don’t know... I definitely would like to k-know... why all this happened. Why M-... Byakuya had to die...

Leon: Well you can do that on your own after we have left.

Toko: Why you...

Kiyotaka: Leon! That was insensitive!

Leon: We’re still trapped in the murder game! I just think that’s the most pressing concern here.

Junko: So you don’t want to know why it happened?

Mukuro: Junko, I swear to--

Chihiro: Everyone SHUT UP!

That got the argument quiet. Everyone stared at each other with varying levels of frustration, but nobody spoke another word.

Chihiro: I’m... I’m... I’m sorry for being so loud, just... This is wrong... This whole thing is wrong. We aren’t supposed to be fighting... we’re supposed to be working together... But instead we’re fighting over literally nothing...

Everyone quietly lowered their heads. What did start this argument anyway? The terminals, right...

Mukuro: Chihiro’s right. Thing is, all we can do is speculate that traitor was one to destroy the second motive and to use the Observer terminals, whatever they are. We don’t know which traitor it was, and we don’t even know if they were same one. Junko’s right in that it’s not time to relax and lose our caution. But Makoto’s also right, that it’s not time to fight over who traitor is, considering we don’t know if they’re a real threat or not.

Junko: So? What are you suggesting?

Mukuro: I’m suggesting we carry on as normal. There’s not much we can do, but investigating the islands over time might yield more clues. And even if we don’t find anything, we shouldn’t have these pointless accusation fights. It’s not a god damn Class Trial here.

Kiyotaka: Mukuro! I sincerely apologize for getting heated!

Leon: Yeah, I lost my cool a bit here... Sorry, everyone.

Makoto: I just... I just wanted to help...

Junko: I was just trying to be the voice of reason.

Toko: S-Sorry...

Mukuro: Fine. We should go back to the cottages. Some time apart to cool our heads. Everyone okay with that?

Leon: Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.

Chihiro: Sorry for yelling... I...

Mukuro: No, Chihiro, you’re fine. If you didn’t intervene, things would probably have just kept getting more heated until fight became literal.

Makoto: Let’s just go for now.

Junko: Yeah, if there’ll be a plan, we can discuss it tomorrow morning.

With that, everyone began heading out from the vendor street. This... was not a good sign. Without any other ideas on what to do, I went ahead to my lab, to try and get better stock of it, and to take my mind off of this stupid argument.


Ultimate Soldier’s Lab

It didn't take long to take full stock of the armory that was the Ultimate Soldier's Lab. I didn't bother documenting it. Not like anyone else will care, and if something is taken and used for a murder, however unlikely it is, I'll know. Still, holding these weapons in my hands. Rifles, pistols, shotguns. Explosives launchers and handheld explosives. Combat knives of many varieties. Just picking up and holding any of it felt... right. It didn't feel off or alien or unusual. But would it feel like that to a normal person? Was she normal herself?

With those thoughts, I found myself instinctually slipping out of just taking stock of weaponry and right into maintenance. Cleaning the guns, part by part, making sure knives were sharpened, double checking safety of explosives. I didn't even realize that's what I was doing until way into it and by that point I just let my instincts fully take over and do their thing.

Eventually my body was telling me that I was done with regular maintenance. Not sure if I completed all necessary tasks or not, I chose to trust my gut. Still there was one more thing I wanted to try.

I went to the firing range, and prepared some targets. The only ones available were human shaped, except with either Monokuma or Usami faces on them. Eh, that works. I prepared three and went to the line. Yet again I trusted my gut and took the shots. My hand moved in less than a second and three gunshots rang out. And as I realized what I had just done, I was starting at three targets, each with a perfect hole right in the middle of the head. I wasn't even actively aiming there...

For a moment a thought crossed my mind. There’s seven people left. Minus me. Minus Junko. That’s just two more shots than—

No... No, stop that. There’s no reason to do it. Even if perk says the truth...

I don’t have to kill anyone. There’s no imminent need to do anything drastic. And even if there wasn’t... I should at least consider ways that don’t involve killing. This isn’t the disease or starvation... yet. So, as long as it stays that way, I don’t have to—

???: ...hello?

Instinct took over, just as it did when I shot at the targets. It took a few moments to realize that I turned around in a moment and was now pointing the gun at the new arrival... Chihiro, who was staring down the pistol’s barrel in complete horror.

Mukuro: sh*t—I’m sorry, you scared me!

I quickly lowered the weapon and put it aside, stepping out of reach in case some other stupid instinct makes me grab it...

Chihiro: No... I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have snuck up on you...

Mukuro: You didn’t sneak up on me, Chihiro, I was just... thinking.

Chihiro: ...is that why I heard gunshots?

Mukuro: Uh... No, that was... nevermind. What are you doing here anyway?

Chihiro: Well, I was looking for you, and you weren’t in hotel or restaurant, and didn’t seem to be in your room. So I thought to check your lab. And then I heard gunshots, so I rushed over and...

Mukuro: I see. What did you need?

Chihiro: I... wanted to ask something. Are you remembering anything from the memories you lost, now that you remember your ultimate talent?

Mukuro: I don’t know. It’s all just as vague and unclear as it was before. It’s frustrating. The skills I have, they make sense, I can even call up on them, now that I recognize what those weird pieces of muscle memory are, but I have zero memory of learning any of it.

Chihiro: I see... Sorry, I was just worried...

Mukuro: Well, wouldn’t me getting my memory back be a good thing?

Chihiro: Maybe... But then there’s Kyoko. When she remembered everything, she... changed.

That’s right. Whatever happened to Kyoko, the experiences she went through and lost turned her from cold, collected, yet helpful and focused friend into a nigh-psychotic killer...

Mukuro: ...it’s memory of our time at Hope’s Peak Academy we’re all missing, right? Maybe something happened to her at school. I wonder if it’s related to her dad... Hmm, no, probably not, she did say she got the tape of him dying from that second motive.

Chihiro: Well, I was just concerned. I don’t want anyone else to end up like Kyoko. Maybe... Maybe it’s better if we don’t even remember what happened, if it makes something like that happen...

Mukuro: Well... Maybe you’re right.

Chihiro: Really...? You agree?

Mukuro: But. It’s not that simple for me. I’m missing more than that for some reason. My memories with Fenrir.

I looked over the tattoo on my hand. It’s become a weirdly comforting symbol for me.

Chihiro: I’m sorry...

Mukuro: Why are you apologizing? You didn’t do anything wrong.

Chihiro: I should... I should have been doing better. Doing more. Every time there is a motive, I try to do something to help everyone fight it, even if it’s just talking, but it either backfires or doesn’t work at all... And I always wonder if maybe I would have just done more, maybe more people wouldn’t get hurt...

Mukuro: ...I think you’re taking too much on yourself.

Chihiro: Huh...?

Mukuro: You’re just one of us. You shouldn’t be trying to shoulder responsibility for us all. That’s what Kyoko tried. That’s what Byakuya tried. You saw where that got them. Even discounting Kyoko’s disease, the responsibility was crushing both of them. Both of them chose death over abandoning it.

Chihiro: But... I’m so useless... I can’t just leave everything as it is... The fight today, it’s like a sign that I have to keep helping.

Mukuro: Then do so. Keep helping. Just don’t worry about trying to save literally everyone. Just try to help as many people as you can.

Chihiro: And... Even if that leads to my other friends getting hurt?

Mukuro: Well, the important part is trying to do right thing I guess? I’m sorry, I’m not good at all this motivational speaking. That’s more Makoto or Taka... Hell, even Junko would do much better if she felt like it.

Chihiro: Yeah... But I don’t know if I want a motivational speech. I am just worried about my friends.

Mukuro: You really consider us all friends?

Chihiro: Of course! We’ve been through so much together. And, even if we fought, that fight wasn’t really a murderous one, not like when Leon jumped Makoto in Funhouse.

Mukuro: I guess that’s true, yeah.

Chihiro: I... I never had many friends. Few people I knew better than strangers always... Made fun of me. For being such a small and weak guy. I hated that. I hated the feeling of being seen as weak. But I also felt actually weak, so I chose to lie. Instead of becoming stronger, I chose to pretend like I’m supposed to be weak. And it worked. When I revealed the truth to all of you... It was liberating. It was the best moment of my life. And then... Then...

Mukuro: Hifumi...

Chihiro: Yeah. People died and kept dying. And I am still weak. And I can’t help but wonder... If I’m pretending to be weak, and lying to everyone still... If I really am that powerless...

Mukuro: Chihiro, I can’t claim to understand what’s going on inside your head. If I ever had such issues, I lost memory of that. But I do know that you’re no more powerless than any of us. We’re all trapped here, and none of us can do anything about it. So don’t beat yourself up about it, okay?

Chihiro: I’m sorry...

Mukuro: Oh, stop apologizing. You’re not at fault for anything. It’s all the fault of stupid Monokuma and stupid Usami.

Chihiro: That’s true... but...

Mukuro: Look, remember when we talked at the Funhouse? I said that if you’re useless, we’re all equally useless. Well, that wasn’t me trying to get you to think everyone’s down on same level as you. I was trying to say you’re up there with us. You’re a friend to me too, and I’m sure others would agree. So please, stop always beating yourself up for things outside your control. And if you feel so responsible as a friend, well... Just do whatever your heart tells you is right, consequences be damned. That’s how I go about doing what I do and I am doing fine so far.

Chihiro: I... Thank you, Mukuro. You... I have a lot to think about. I’m sorry, I came here concerned for you, but you’re the one who ended up helping me instead...

Mukuro: What did I tell you about apologizing?

Chihiro: I’m— I... I’ll try to do it less.

Update! Earned Chihiro’s Final Hope Fragment.

Skill Unlocked: Cheat Code.

Chihiro: Mukuro, I’ll be going now, but I have to ask... You aren’t planning on... bringing any guns to cottages with you, right?

Mukuro: Oh, no, of course not. I was just... testing my skills. If I have them, I might as well know what I’m capable of, yeah?

Chihiro: I see... That makes sense. I do trust you, it’s just...

Chihiro eyed the gun that I aimed at him just a short while back warily.

Mukuro: Heh... Yeah, still sorry about that. That’s precisely why I probably shouldn’t carry one around. Not until I get those instincts under better control, at least.

Chihiro: That’s good to hear. See you around, Mukuro.

With a smile and a small bow, Chihiro left, leaving me alone. Yeah, what the hell was I even thinking about shooting people up. I’m not a maniac or a serial killer. Even if I was a soldier and killed before... There’s just no reason to do it now.

I took the pistol, emptied it of ammunition and returned it back to weapon storage. It’s safer in there.

With that done, I decided to do some cleaning. Not just on guns anymore, but the place in general. It is my lab after all, and not like I have much else to do for the rest of the day... And for lunch and dinner, I can have one of MREs from the storage room! I love those things, convenience in a box.


Ding Dong Bing Bong!

Monokuma: Attention! This is a school trip announcement. Good evening, everyone! It is now 10 PM! Nighttime has officially come, so go and get some sleep to be energetic for tomorrow’s murderous plans! Sleep well!


...oh, it’s dark outside, huh? Turns out cleaning up an entire military base that has been untouched for at least two weeks was a much more time-consuming ordeal than I expected. Well, the only thing I didn’t really do is polishing the aircraft, and that’s extra unnecessary with how grounded things were without engines. So instead I headed back to the cottages. I could see lights in everyone else’s, so they were probably getting ready to sleep, and I simply went to mine and did the same.


Monokuma Theater

You know what I love the most about going to a theater? The buffet! What, did you expect me to say actors, or the music or the decorations? Please, that’s much better in the movies! And the movies even have explosions in them! But buffet at the movies is so much worse. Popcorn isn’t even a real food!

Huh? Live performance? Yeah, right, there is nothing ‘live’ about the way those people move. Sure, some snooty aristocrat types say being able to act in front of people and create emotions is somehow an art. Well, you know what, I don’t believe in actors! They are all terrible! But at least ones in the movies have other things to prop them up, and never act out of character!

Theater actors constantly enter the stage, leave it, they bow at the end! How am I supposed to be immersed in that? Not to mention the stage itself! Yeah, that thing. You can play the most convincing role you think you can play, but if you do it on stage, you’re announcing to the whole world that it’s just a game of pretend! As a very intelligent bear, I cannot simply ignore something that obvious.

Suspension of disbelief is just being stupid. Don’t lower down to that level!


It begins. I cannot promise you quick and overly regular updates, but I will say that I've been sitting on this specific part complete for a few weeks, hoping to develop a backlog. But with New Year starting, I am going 'screw it', and returning to life. Let's make it a resolution for this year to finish this fic!

As always, I am thankful for your love and support. Wouldn't be here without you all. And will see you next time... whenever that is.

Danganronpa Class Swap 2 - Jabberwock Island - Heroman3003 (2024)


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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

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Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.