The Baltimore Sun from Baltimore, Maryland (2024)

18 THE SUN, Saturday, April 11, 1970 AUTOMOBILES MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE (81) MOTORCyCUS, BlcrtltS, ilC. (78) FOR SALE (81) EVERYTHING FOR MOB1I HOMES TOP SOIL Premium grade loam. Regu- CARPETS RIIGS-Bargalns on "too AUTOMOBILES (71) AUTOMOBILES (71) SPRING SPECIAL Conv. 4 ip. Inspected.

323- THAVf-l, TKAII.KKS A r. rv a PARTS SERVICE Si REPAIRING THE CUSTOM COACH CO. Tf SALE (Ji RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT Hot point deep fryer. Globe silcer. AB soda fountain.

Carrier 5 ton air cond. Hobard dishwasher. Stlmson shredder. Cory coffee maker. Pie case.

4 slice toaster. "Booths, tables, stool, Potato peeler, col-landers. Dbl. coffee urn. 2 compartment nnt alnlr O'vA' SUwIn rnnlpr Rnlo broiler quality cai-pets.

See our warehouse showroom save. Edward's Carpets 6l9SPulaskl St 566-8840. REGISTER Naiional electric. tlSK Ca 243-4660 lar or snreuaca a nciecneu oy ine cuoia Harford farms 879-2340 TRACTOR- Hnlens 7 il l), lawn mower Implement hitch. $195.

252-3811. '65 Ford Custom $775 '65 Chevy Belair $775 Olffll'S 8332 PULASKI HWY. 687-7200 CHAIRS -Bclgfam Modern all purpose, C' "RVAIR '66-2 dr. hdtp. stick.

Needs lit- tie, Reas, 644-0652, TORVAIR r62 2 dr. Monza. 4 speed. Md. insp.

pert. $275. VA. 5-3672. "CONCUR '69-2-dr.


400. Electroliix vacuum. Stlmson Tru- '66 Fury III H.T. $1,395 '65 Fury Wagon $959 CHAIRS-Llv. rm (2 matching red.

RECREATION VEHICLES (73A) exc. n-s-jiii auto, sn, timeo im, wwi, welght scale. Univej vegetable peeler. Mexa hot Bar-B-Q by permeation. 4'xll' tnplal fcvninff 4'y4' metal awntnfF.

Bowl Cloc mameX grandfather TRACTORS LOADERS BACKHOES $1495 to $4800 SCHMIDT FORD SALES INC. 664-6500 etc, Insp, Sac, ja.700. Prl. 647-6751, cougar'To xr Air. p.s.

PB7. Clocks, 6ill-71tl0. '65 New Yorker H.T $1,295 '65 Fury III $959 AM PM. 484-7384. air CLOTHES DR'i'ERGas YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD AT JOHNNY'S WE FINANCE OUR OWN Service Personnel Out-of-Towners Welcome 70 PONTIAC.

"Air." Like new. Every Day is Save Day At Jiffy 'THIS WEEKS" SAVT DAY SPVPtATJtl CB-750-20 IN STOCK 4240 REISTERSTOWN RD, 664-6509 ing lane section. 114). One floor space. One porcelain sink drain cabinet.

One milkshake mixer with stainless cups. McNIcol China dish set. One portable steam table (4 wells), One Bakery mixer. Large decorative bird cage on floor stand. 2 bowling alleywood benches.

150 folding wood chairs 200 metal W'F wrLL ARRANOF FINANCING FOR FULL DETAILS COME TO PENN BROS. TRAINS Buy, sell, trade, repair 20 Ft. 8 Cont. Motor Home $6 995. Hardtop tent trailer $595.

DODGE '69 POLATU gta. 9 V-8. std. transmission, power steering, 9,000 actual miles, balance of warranty transferable. Total price only $2,489.

just call 768-4400. ADMIRAL PONTIAC RITCHIE HGW GLEN BURNTE finnr.E '68 G.T. Hto. I cylinder. Automat 70 CHEV.

"Air." Like new. 4101 Reisterstown Rd. 664-7100 Used Hardtow W'Ktt SW95 LKntJSKUS tlUHBX Briur 5o22BELtIRR 254-344. TRAlNS-ATl gtiages and accessories, if It's hard to find we have It. FUNKS709-17 Fleet St.

OR. B-474 TRAINS Sold bought. Too dollar paid. 70 FORD. Air.

Like new. 70 CADILLAC. Air. Like new. 70 CHKV.

Malibu. Air. 69 CHEV. Wagon. Air.

Like new. 69 CHEV. Air. Like new. usea camper coacn 11.2ns.

Truck Caps $199. See the all new Rainbow Crank up tent rowing chairs, can oe seen Mon. through Fri. from 9-6 or by appt. Over-lea Caterers, 6809 Belair Rd.

NO. 4-6060, ic transmission, power steering, new M. u. k'ay, -oi7. '69 MODELS FROaOl.800 RENTAL CAR AGENCY SALE SLIGHTLY USED CARS.


to 5 P.M. '69 BUICK. Air. Like new. ORGAN Hammond Chord wreverb, rhythm bar and 2 bass pedals.

Like new, bench. Call 795-0442 aft. 6 P.M. Price $330. white wan tires.

total. DONNELL PONTIAC 2709 Frederick Ave. 233-3200 DODGE DART 1966 Economical 6 automatic with power steering. Absolutely like new. $1,095.

We finance. trailer. Lexington truck canine 8-11 ft. Norrls Volunteer travel trailers. "Check our quality and low Prices" "Low Prices is our Motto" RENT A MINI HOME TRUCK CAMPER HARDTOP OR TRAVEL TRAIT.ER MAKE RESERVATIONS NOW 69 FORD.

Air. Like new. '69 PONTIAC. Air. Like new.

'69 PLY. Wagon. Air. Like new. '68 CADILLAC.

Air. Like new.'er. yau Cl-ll, aOTHINQ-BEAUTIILT vVETDTfJ3 Cll 6t-5. COIN SALE Bel Air Galleries, Sat.

April 11 at 7 P.M. Dealers Collectors welcome. Located on 13 Ellendnle Bel Air, Harford Co. on Rt, 24. 1 block past Acme Store.

ColNS U.S., variety of singles, seta and rolls, 766-2451. ES KS Office. Students. Steel ft wood. $18.

243-2000 DESKS Lie. selection new used office sire. $10 up. ME" 3-5219. Del.

Avail DINETTE SET-6 pc. mod. mahog. $125. Call 323-1080.

D1N1NO RM. FIRE SALE. 47 beautiful sets. Early American, French Provincial, Spanish. Modern, Danish.

All in excellent condition. Save 7-piece groups as low as $188. Paramount Furniture. 6505 Pulaski 485-6000Mr. Clark.

DINING ROOM SET Lane walnut 4 chairs, oval table, lge. hutch. Open stock. Exc. cond.

$400 945-4833. DINING RM. SET Limed oak, table. 6 chairs, buffet china. $75.

866-2082. ANTIOUE-1930 Ford coupe. $1,300. Call ALL MODELS IN STOCK Immed. del.

Easy Financing Insurance Available Large Selection of Used Blkea OPEN Dally 9-9: Sat. 9 6 5mjlITCHIE HWY. 789-3200 "NOW ON DISPLAY READY FOR DELIVERY THE ALL NEW KAWASKT 350 BIG HORN AMERICAN CYCLE CENTER 5820 RITCHIE HIOHEAY BROOKLYN PARK 636-4700 9 TO 9 DAILY ORGAN Thomas AR-1. color glow key a mnnthTkeep it 12 months you own It. Cash $39.

Ken Si Ray, 25 North ave. "TYPEWRITER, ADDING MACHINE Sales, Service Rentals. 5525 Harford John JEnochL 254-0 K) 26-9305. TYPEWRITER ADDING MACHINES. new used.

328 S. Broadway. 732-2717, TYPEWRITERS Over Too from $19. Buy like rent. 9 A.M.-5 P.M.

4670 York Hd. '68 CHEV. T. Air. Like new.

DOLFI ELD MOTORS. E64-9PBO. board, walnut snlnet w'benrh. Exc. cond.

$450. Call owner aft. 6 P.M. 465- SW-11HV. FRESH NEW CAR TRADES ASHLEY CHEVROLET.

BROADWAY AT HAR- DODGE '69 Charger 383 REESE DRAWTTTE 03,4, fUKU. fart, air cond. $2,700 or best offer. Call after 4 P.M. DODGE '65 Dart V-8, auto.

879- NATIONAL AUTO SALES ORGAN Baldwin Spinet, model 41. orga-sonlc. 2 keyboards. 8 pedals. 1 extires, slon pedal.

27 stop tabs. Like new cond. VACUUM CLEANERS $12.95 Si up. Hose. mi rUHD hdt.

Air. Like new. 68 GTO. Air. Like new.

68 OLDS. Air. Like new. 67 CHEV. Air.

Like new. 67 CAD. Eldorado. Air. JOHNNY'S 4801 HARFORD ROAD OVER 100 TO CHOOSE FROM 5-125, 661-7157.

so 5iparts. ou-3u. nninco. rureign Lars our aiieciauy. Cars Wired.

If the Factory doesn't make a hitch for you. WE WILL, ft JIFFY TRAILER ft 2105 N. Monroe St. 523-0440 Open Daily 8-7, Sunday ORGANS Combo $239. reg.

$595. Now I DODGE MONACO, 1965 Loaded. Exc. cord, top. 8,1.050 944-0073.

DODGE '68 Charter, Auto. 440 cu. in. 3303Washington Blvd. 242-4344 KELLY PONTIAC 5825 Belair Rd.

CLi4-8811J HA. 6-0942 HUGHHaNLEY SALES 6229 BELAIR RD. HAS7700 WESTVIEW DODGE, INC. 5717 Baltimore Natl Pike 744-7411 can get you Faillsa, Vox. Hammond, etc.

cheap. You name It. Santo's. call 7 VIOLIN CASE Perfect condition. Call 668-6273.

WALK IN COOLERS Si FREEZERS NEW USED 27505 WALK-IN FREEZER, COOLERS Or Combs. Easy to erect. HA. 6-5223. nays.

913-6874 DODGE '66 Charger. V-8. auto, trans. 5VEN SS Rotary 12 pan, gas fired. Com PS air-c r-cono.

ti.aj HA. 6-7221 mercial. 044-21M4. DODGE '63 Coronet. Exc.

condition. $5o0. GLADDING CHEVROLET 435 RltchleHw. OVENS (21 Cehnrieh jus-fired re-clrctl WASHER Kenmore Whirlpool. PETE'S CYCLE iatmg, wcenveyor track.

Call 666 080 CBll t68-6260. DODGE DART '63 Auto. 6 cyl. St. Insp.

VALLEY CHEVROLET 11003 YORK RD 666-0403 Good cona. $, m. DISHWASHER G.E. Cabinet model. Nev- exjisjii79-4974J DRUM OUTFIT red pearllzed incl.

bass drum wpcdal. torn torn snare block, bell cymbal. Like new. Call for details. PALLETS Used 48 46 clean 752-4664 OLDS.

'65 CUTLASS "442" 2-dr. Htp. Auto. Spotless. 100 PC guarantee.

No cash needed. 644-1022. ADMIRAL PONTIAC RITCHIE HWY. GLEV BURNE1 HONDA tV B.S.A. DODGE '66 Dart, GT hcltp.

V-8. 4 spd Exc. cond. Sac. $830.

233-4161, DODGE '59 Good $150. Paint Monterey 1.00 Gallon CHIEFTAIN PONTIAC ui ormg car to you 467-78118 1630 York Rd. VA. 5-7800 T64-J04 DRUMS Ludwig. Best offer.

CENTRAL INC. (Bel Air St Balto. onlvl (3 stores) YAMAHA (Sevema Park OnW) Md. Largest No. 1 Dealer PINAC.tNO INSURANCE 1mm.

Del. DODGE DART 440 hdtD. V-3 Call 426-331)6 OLDS. '66 Wagon. Vista Cruiser, 9 pass.

Wagon, power, fac. air, luggage rack. Financing arranged. Call 644-9550, DICK McCULLOH 3616 WILKENS AVE 5-3797 nil catneerai st. MIL Paint Lucite, Cheap.

Paint Brushes, loc. Palmolive Soap, 3c. bar. Unclaimed Freight Co. 13 Pratt St.

PIANO Yamaha Baby Grand, Cherry wood. Best offer. Oriental-reproduction rutf 41s.8W7 DRUMS Selling out most models. No auto, van wj-sun SHERWOOD PLYMOUTH EDSEL '58-2 dr. hdtp.

reas. oner reiuseq. act-am. 5108 YORK RD. ID.

3-3080 Bel Air, Rt. 1 761-3570, DRYERS 2 Huebsch 37 AB cabinet type MILLER MOTORS BUICK 5001 Harford Rd. 254-3100 9 vr. guar, we oei. install.

White If fin Sr)52(Vl WASHERKenmorer'WhbtpooT-r'ebullT. Lfte new. Honest prices, honest warranty. $65. del.

437-0739. WASHER Late mod. GE. NorgeTKen-more ft Whirlpool. Del $45.

284-9710 WASHER Easy auto, like new. $100 or best offer. 969-4116. WASHERS Auto. Perf.

cond. Free dellv- cry. 5yr.guar.$35 u. 837-5871, WASTE RECEPTACLES-Life" time cast aluminum, ideal for shopping centers Marina Operators. For sale or lease.

Call H. 269-0210. WEDDING GOWN Worth abouTWOtTwuT sell reas. Call Mon. OR.

5-0659. WELDERS ACDC Hellarc. New ii used. Banas Watson, 242-0126. WELDERS 60 Rebuilt or 20 new.


Air eonHI. 5937 Belair Road HA. 6-1200 Severna ParkKlt.chie Hrr. 647-8292 CHARLE'S CAMPING CENTER, Inc. 2ND ANNUAL RECREATIONAL VEHICLE SHOW April 9-10-11 SFE TUB LATEST IN MOTOR HOMES.


566-3290 922-14HZ. tinning, automa tc transmission, radio x- CHESAPEAKE MOTOR CO. gas heated dryer, ureenwaia Meter me. WASHERS 8 Frigidalre commercial WCOF 25c slide, aqua color. Immed.

re. moval. 282-4948. 8 A.M. to 5 ELEVATOR, STAIR Sedgewick, S3 1 PIANO Upright, Exc.

cohl Ideal for stu- IT'S HERE heater, nice car. 1 owner. Stu Berger NO. 2 EASTERN AVE. 682-3333 dent or clubrm.

666-7571. uiasmocne, 717 York Rd. 828-8800, NEW USED CAR-Mover Motor Co. OLDSMOBILE '6898 Town sed. Air conZ uoright, tuned.

PIANO-Small 3401 Reisterstown 358-7700 Del. 75. 685-6426 FAIRLANE '67500. 2-Dr. H.T..

White, black vinyl roof. 8, A T. S. B. RAH.

5 new ww tires. glass Fac. air. Must be seen. $1,745.

PARLETT FORD HO. 5-1300 FAIRLANE '68 Fstbk. Red blk. interior. W.W.

tires. S. Low milease. 1 owner. Show room new.

$1,995. PARLETT FORD HO. 5-1300 FAIRLANE Gt '66390, 4-spd. Must sacri-fice. Call 465-3347.

story. $250. 323-1153. 922-6208 PARK CIRCLE CHEVROLET ENCYCLOPEDIA SET 14 volume en vinyl root. exc.

cond. St. insp. Must sac. lmmed.

for 1st reas. offer around KAWASAKI 350 CC BIG HORN MOTOR SPORTS CENTER PIANO Player. Oood $300 Aft, 6. all rtov ulpiuls 744.918.V 2800 Druid Park Dr. FO.

7-2600 1U, HU. CADILLAC EAST New Spinet, $900 value, only S599 1737 E. JOPPA RD. NO. 1-5454 OLDS.

98 '632 dr. snort cupe, all power, exc. cond. 465-1728 aft. 5 P.M..

all day cyclopedia, i volume unaDnagea qiciioii-ary. 10 volume children's books, 16 volume great books. All 1969 editions. Walnut bookcase lncl. Call after 4 P.M., 356-4581.

FILES Large selection at Big Discounts, 4106 Plnkney Rd. 764-3294 MARSDEN CHEVROLET or $4.99 wk. no cash down. z-a-Jiu. PIANO Stieff upright." Fine cond.

$225 aat, sun. SPECIAL YAMAHA ENTJUWS" For 725-31 York Towson. VA. 3-9000 WANTED ADDING MACHINE Need OLDS 68 Vista Cruiser. 6 passenger, ful- Call 833-3Z44, elec.

or manual. VA. o-3b65. less than you think. Full line on display.

Guaranteed lowest prices. All PIANOS KawaTSpring Festival uenv. avail. iy equip, low mileage: original owner. Priced to sell.

Call 467-4849. TRUCKS, TRAILERS, ETC. (73) New consoles reduced to stuo KinVtel 113 Karatnua 752-5996 parts in stock. Frankie Johnnie, 3826 North Pt. Blvd.

2 mi. below East. OLDSMOBILE '65 Cutlass. Inspected. OFFICE EQUIPMENT (81A) Call SO.

6-8423. FORKLIFT Clark. 1 ton capacity. Call 354-0082. FURNACES-Installed.

Gas or OiTTNew or used (guar I do my own work. 25 Yorktowne Plaza, Cockevsyille 666-7110 point284-5335J CHEV. '65 Ton panel, same as new. must see what a buy; Chev. '63 Corvair, double ride and rear hill doors.

Watson aluminum 4 hvdrauhr. lift caies PACKARD '56 Clipper nerf. running order, body bad. will buy or sell. WI.

7- FALCON 1965 2-DR. I cylinder, automatic transmission. SALE PRICE $795 LEN STOLER FORD 11275 REISTERSTOWN RD. 833-4300 FALCON 1966 Futura. Economical 6 automatic, looks run like new.

We finance. DOLFIELD MOTORS, 664- 9000. AUTOMATIC TELEHONE ANSWERING 1QUP New A- used. 539-3766, RECONDITIONED DESKS-Chalrs. files, safes and water coolers.

5224 Falrlawn yrs. exp. NO. g-1783. fit any truck $125.

Maryland Truck PIANOS AND ORGANS Balto. 's only discount center. Bernie Shofer. 828 S. Charles.

MU. 5-3424. PIANOS-New used. Tuning it repairing. pEABODY PIANO 319 W.

PLYMOUTH '69 ROADRUNNER 4 S.P, sales, 4nm fuiasui Hlgnway MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE As low as $22 down, for yearly premium. Preferential Insurance Agency. 484-3375 or 484-3376. CHEVROLET '66. 14' Van truck.




Patterson Park. Quick sale. $1150. Call PIANOS We rent, sell or buy. MUSIC USED MACHINERY 1 JO.

CENTRE, 1126 N. Charles. LE, -ffl Clark Forkllft 6000 lb. low mast. TWO WHEELS, INC.

Custom cycles repairs. 3602 W. Rogers PtANns Wnrlit7prs from $599. CHEV. '68108 van, only 25000 ml.

Still in PLYMOUTH '69 Custom Suburban Station wagon. Air cond. P.S.. P.B., 2700 miles, other extras. $3,400.

Aft. 7.30 P.M. 1-457-5630. FURNACES Gas $150. Oil $250.

Air Si wa- ter steam. Will Install. 426-4243. FURNITURE 3 beautiful rooms from our Lav-Awav Dept. Take over for unpaid balance.

Can be bouuht on terms to suit. Includes attractive living room suite. 3 decorator tables and lamps, lovelv 5 pc. dining room set, handsome 8-pc. modern bedroom set incl.

top-brand mattress spring. PARAMOUNT FURNITURE MFG. CO. 6505 Pulaski Hwy. 9.30 A.M.

to 9 P.M. 485-6000 MRS. WILLIAMS warranty. new cond. Must sell izo wortiunginn compressor Worthington Track drill Houuh Loader Ave.

764-9134. open HHP JASONS 411 N. HOWARD ST. 685-3606 print, tables New 7' Brunswick. Dlst.

lmmen. S42-7349. TRIUMPH YAMAHA CENTER 2" Mid-Whirl Pump CHEV. '65 Panel 3. w1 Ton rntlnir for BRUNSWICK FISHER.

General BOUTWELLS CYCLE CENTERS 229 S. Bwv. ODen PE. 2-2802 Keaay tor worg, soya. Berwick Motors, Billiards.

Howard Biddie. uhih. 440 auto, P.S.. vinyl top, mag. wheels, bucket seats, console, excel, cond.

$1,800. 6047. FIRE BIRD '69 COUPE "400" engine AMFM Radio, Rally II wheels, liood tac. P. Steering, P.

Brakes, rally gauge cluster, custom sportsteer wheel. 3 spd. fir. shift trans. ONLY $3195 MCKENNA PONTIAC 2033 EASTERN AVE.

avuu aeiatr Kd, POOL TABLES Brunswick Distributor Cockeysvllle Open Eves 666-1212 SPECIAL 4x8 slate $625 installed, ca- MINI BIKE Maverick Shock. Chrome CHEVY 'i-Ton Pickup '69. Air cond. P.S.. P.B.

V-8, clean. Reas. 472-4261, OPEN HOUSE gles, 80)7 Hartord Kd, 668-Z72H, piatect. 3 H.P. exc.

cona. 31a mos. old. FURNITURE -New, unclaimed 3 rooms. 7 POOL TABLE 4x8, Brunswick, not slate 5173.

Call PLYM. '68-Conv. 17.000 ml. A-l cond. Small cyl.

auto. $1,750. 666-8479. 7.30 A.M.-12 noon PLYMOUTH VIP '66 Fully equip, lncl. air.

Federal Motors Mercury, 3200 E. CHEVY '59 'j ton Dickup. Runs good. '56 TRIUMPH. SUZUKI.

HODAKA. BULTACO April 10, 11, 12 FREE Absolutely FREE top, i yrs. old, must sen, sou. itio-iiau. POOL TABLE 6 ft.

Exc. condition. $175 dodge "a ton utuity. Runs good. J125 UftL INC.

7H7-37H0 ea. nm-3133, Call 821-7361 LIBERTY ELDERSBURG. MP Monument at. att. b-jjw.

CHEVY 653; t. stake, dual wheels, FORD '66 GALAXIE 500 Convert. All WSffixflY VOLKSWAGEN VA. 3-80O0 801 N. YORK TOWSON Beltway exit 26 S.

3 blocks A CAMPSITE 40 foot 100 foot. To be Given Away at our Open House. Coffee-cokes-goodies-prizes-gifts. Take Ritchie PLYMOUTH '68 FURY III 4 dr. sedan.

HONDA 175. '69 Black, chrome wheels. Elec. starter. 4.200 ml.

Accept best of- SB95. Prl. 665-3684 POOL TABLE Brunswick VIP. by 9, all accessories. $700.

Call 761-6859. POOL, TABLES New. used, bought, sold, 318. p.s., factory air R.sH.. Very CHEV.

'621 T. St'en van. Very good Masier 10110 Jumping Jack Master C12 Compactor Electric Vibrators Electric Submersible pumps Master Kerosene Heaters STEMS RENTAL SALES OO. Union Ave. Clipper Mill Rd.

Baftimore Md. 21211 Phone: 889-7420 IF NO ANSWE CALL: 592-8613. SPRAYER Air. Myers Row Crop Good cond. Highest also one HARVESTER.

Bean. Chisholm. Ryder. '60 model. Good cond.

with extra new parts. Reisterstown. Md. Call 30L374-2531. Crawler tractor wltfiTh-ott 4 In 1 bucket or INT 150 crafler tractor with Drott In 1 bucket.

Your choice onlv $8,000. 761-1100. MOTOR OR ADER Caterpillar 12-E, serl-al NO. 99E3308. Exc.

cond. $13,500. 879- gooq cono. siwiu. 2j2-ui6o art, a p.m.

conq. new engine, stuo. ba-wisu. repaired. 40 S.

Howard. SA. 7-6126 TRIUMPH '68-250 cc. Trophy. $400.

323- PLY. '69 Roadrunner. 4 R. H. Hwv.

So. from Bait. Route 29 ml. So. of Annapolis.

CAMPING WORLD, HARWOOD, MD. 867-1500 CHEV. '65 1 ton Cab chassis. 1 owner. -u A-l Shape.

825-9189. i-xcei. cond. new tires, Best oner. 7t4- 0718; pc.

living room, pc. peoroom, a pc. dinette, including lamps, tables, bedding. $350, $2o down, $3 per week. Fleet Furniture.

1736 Fleet St. Open Fri. 10 A.M. 'til 8.30 P.M. only.

FURNITURE 4 "pc. dining set w6 chairs; 1 vinyl covered sofa bed; 1 slumber chair W'ottoman; 1 vinyl occcasional chair; 3 cushione glider. 252-8399. FURNITURE Lge. red wing chair, like new.

$100. Mahog. cocktail table. $j0. Mahog.

Windsor chairs, mahog. arm chair. 323-1159. FURN Living stereo. Complete or will sell separate.

Like new. 644-8326. FURNITURE The latest in modern. Plex-iglas. Custom made tables, lamps, etc.

Reasonable. Call Mr. Siamon any eve- POOL TABLES Moved, closeout sale, Chris Novelty. 429 Patasco354-0O82 POWER TOOL Shdpsmlth multi-purpose GLEN BURNIE Cycle Trlurmib sales CHEVY '61 Vi T. Good shape.

$395, service. 122 Craln Hwr 761-0759 PLYM. '67 Fury II air. PS, auto. w4-va40.

HOBELMANN ASSO. Featherlitft. SDrinff Travel Trailers FORD '68 WAGON OUST. "500" Auto. V-8 100 C.

guarantee. $1,790 full price. Will trade finance. 644-1022 or 3810 Southwestern Blvd. power tool model No.

10E R. on RfrH. very good cond. si.wio, Z82-i6l, '68 Triumnh 650 cc. TR-6R like new Kent in garage.

465-1851. CHEV. TRUCKS (2). '57 '61 $450 for stand. Reasonable.

LO. 6-7T2 alter 3 PLY MOUTH GTX, '69. Fact, air, p.s., vl- SALES RENTAL and all dav Sunday nyi top. pri. 46-autio, botn.83ljs.

caroime stj32-6085. CHEV. '67 CAPRI 4 hdtp. fact, air. GARAGES GARAGE BUILDERS (79) ITCH IE HWY.

AT MTN. HP. Vbl-0364 PROJECTOR Sound. 8mm. Bell How PLY '604 dr.

V-8. Md. insp. Runs GARAGE WANTED n- exc. 43-0407.

24' "WELLS CARGO" Office trailer. 12' office. 12' storage space. Reg. nrice fen.

Mice car, shj. va. ell. Zoom cartridge loading camera, lenticular screen. Call 235-0579 9 A.M.

to 7 IN S.W. B.ALTO. AREA 3 CARS OR MORE PLYMOUTH '69-2 dr. hdtp. low ml.

254- FORD '68 HTP. GALAXIE "500." 4-dr. Fact. air. Loaded.

Full guarantee. $2,090 full price. Will trade finance. 644-1022 or 3810 South- 2310. CUMMINS Eng '66.

220. $1.200. 355-1958. $1995. Sale $1650.

city Chev. Co. Howard P.M 2882. 94.1-333a 24th StS. 243-3883.

RADIO-Pollce, Fire calls. Nothing down PLY. '67-Fury III. 4 dr. hdtp.

Low mi. PIMLICO 3300 Belvedere rear. WANTED 1 8-ft. hand brake, 1 lockform-er. One 36 In.

foot shear. All in good cond, 821-5773. nillg 316-4492. or 44-040. uri vi.

ravette st. sa. 7-1134, DEALERS WANTED For Adventurer Tent Trailers one of North America's westernJBJvd pr). 51.275, A 'C. 282-0623.

LIBERTY HGHTS. AVE. Nr. Gwynn RAILING 96' Aiiimlhum with spindles, (New) $1.65 ft. BE.

5-4778. PONT. '69 GTO CONVERTIBLE 400 CT5. uas, Dote, as. -utjio.

DODGE 1964 VAN 1 ton st.eo-tn Van. 4 speed. SALE PRICE $595 LEN STOLE FORD largest selling campers, laancnises now available. Call 716-627-2351 GARAGE Wanted FURNITURE Clean used stock, sold bv Trailer loads. Terrific bargains M.

Fried 82Jh N.Y.C. (212) LT 1-9660. FURNITURE FR. EARLY REA MACHINISTS TOOLS-New Si used. Best offer.

anytime. JOINTER Craftsman, new cond. FORD GALAXIE CONV. '67-White with contrasting red vinyl Interior. V-8.

auto. full power. Showroom $1,495. We finance. DOLFIELD MOTORS, 664- Brookly Park 789-6796.


POWEB STEERING, power disc, brakes, many other access. New car title factory warranty sticker price W. 411. 52. Your price, only $3,374, just call 768-4400.

ADMIRAL PONTIAC SONABLE. T.D. 6 International Bulldozer. Com- RAILROAD TIES-(15). DODGE '68 Va-ton pick Up.

$1295. Call MU. ABERDEEN MD. 272-0435. pressor.

Leroi. wi. 3-6WI0. FURNITUREr Liv. rm.

washer, mirrors, small rugs, VA. 5-7394 Call 761-2361 FORD '66-Galaxle 500, 2 dr. Hardtop, V-8, automatic. Fully equipped, vinyl top. $1,189.

EXECUTIVE PONTIAC D-4ZU3. Fox Chevrolet. 2020 S. Hanover ST. POWER BOATS f83) Kenmore.

CaTl RANGE Gas 42" or DR7-8201. TRAVEL TRAILERS Norrls Volunteer Tent trallers-Camei Rainbow Hitches Installed St cars wired JIFFY Trailer TO FIX" VETERAN APPROVED Hlnson Airways Flight School CESSNA DEALER Friendship Airport. P.O 8709 Dav, 761-1123; Nite, 284-7617 866-2082. DODGE TOW TRUCK '60300 Series with RITCHIE HGWY. GLEN BURNIE 320(1 Relsterstown Rd.

542-5176 FURN. Victorian, Gentleman's chair, settee, end table, fern stand, library table. weliouut rig. 51600. Good cond.

Ask for 2105 N. Monroe 523-0440. REFRIGERATORS Used. In exc. cond.

All name brands. Fullv guar. lO'i cu. ft. Jim.

64-63UD. side chair, in exc. conn, iimnt. BENSON'S CAMPING CTR. S89.95.

Paramount Furniture, 6505 Pulas- DODGE '60 STEP IN VAN-V, T. Runs 17' RUNABOUT Parsons fibreglass. 60 h.n., tilt trailer, conv. top. fully equipped, elec.

start. $1,600. Pri. 661-5180 or 661-2324. '6815' Larson All American with 55 P.

Evin. and trailer, canvas, etc. Like new, $1,795 full price financing available PONTIAC '67-Grand Prix Convertible FLIGHT TRAINING FURNITURE Chippendale sofa chair, good cond. Slip covers incl. $80.

823-2713. Kl Mr. Clart, 48o-60UO. Pasadena. Md, like brand new, sjbo.



WAG. Red. Luggage carry on top. Sm. 292 eng.

Runs everv day. Priv. party. Cash sale. RI.

4-1949. Sat. aft. 12.30 sun, only FAA VA APPROVED MULTI-ENGINE TRAINING TTA5TtPRN ITT ccDi.f-w APACHE '69 Tent camper. "New." Sleeps 8.

$1,600 value, now only S1.395. DIB, dr. $69. 284-9716, White wblack ton black vinyl Interior. Bucket seats, console, automatic transmission, power steering, power brakes, radio, heater wire wheels.

1 owner. 828-8800. Stu Berger Olds, 717 4 wheel drive. Call 465-1882. ECONOLINE '63 Priv.

party, recondi REFRIGERATOR FREEZER $100. 823- Call 477-9373 ESSEX SKY PARK 682-3444 4731 9-11 A.M. aft. 6 P.M. tioned for priv.

use. new paint ork Iowson REFRIG. WASHER Repairs Reasona- tires, a real buy at 473J. win guarantee. FURNITURE Moving.

Will sac. din desk, chairs, etc. 944-1214. FURNITURE From model home dte Plays. Mrs.

Manners. 477-1212. FURN. Warehouse ctr. Save 20 to 60 P.O.

Famous brands. 744-7444, ext. 290. FURN. New Used Repossessed ROGERS 2020 N.

Charles MU. 5-1330 PRIVATE GROUND SCHOOL Register now. course begins Apr. 14th. ESSEX SKY PARK 682-3444 PONTIAC 1966-LeMans Convertible, V-8.

744-6421 oie prompt service. 2B1-9HH. 1967 FORD CAMPER Special, 1969 Ov-ance 11! a Ft. Self-contained camper. 477-3539.

CAMPER Nimrod, 3 yrs. old, cordova top, good w'family 2 burner SLOOP, 30 FT. Sleeps 4, Head, galley, roller reefing. Ratsy nylon sails. $1,700.

272-6577. OUACHITA ALUMINUM up. Eska outboard motors. $119.95 up. ECONOLINE '63 $550.

REFRIGERATOR Auto. defrost. $50. AT. 4-2475 '66 SKYHAWK-Green white, factory automatic trans.

4 power steering, Ca- Eary yellow with contrasting black vinyl ticket seats. $1,295. We fuiance. DOLFIELD MOTORS. 664-9000.

stove, sing, capmets, 46j-jB46, Washer, $10. 488-0622. REFRIG. 20 with cross too" Treezer. $4X Dlb.

dr. $69. 284-9716. FORD '70 Pickups. Brand new at used oiamrner oport enter, zoo-tfim.

ruui nrs. Aosoiute -jrream pun l0 FORD '69 Galaxie 500 conv. 8 A WW Tires. Very low mileage. $2,495.

EARLETTXORD HO. 5-1300 FORD '66 Cty. Squire. V-. AT.

S. PB. Tglass. Fac. air cond.

1 owner. $1,595. PARIJSTT FORD HO. 5-1300 truck prices. Lltaker Ford.

5603 Baltn HOLIDAY TRAVEL TRAILER '65 PONTIAC '68 LeMans. SotCpe. Silver Nat I IKe. 747-8800 SEE the Chrysler 24' Cruiser. Sleeps four.

Warranty as long as you own the boat. Stlckell Marine Products Co. 766-2612 STINSON 108-1-VsTSMOIt. all metal, VH 477-J305 22 FURNITURE 3 rooms $299.00. ASH SALEWesldeJShopiiCEJ1000.

GAS "RANGES All sizes, guar. From $25. REFRIGERATOR, WALK-IN-Approx, it. 14 ft. Bareain.

947-5502. runu ch van. bal. uuiiu-, TRAVEL '68, 19', elf-con- a i auiu. QO0-HJ3 1 uray, wblk.

vinyl top. v-8. a ps. glass. Fac.

air cond. WW tires. M.195. HYDROPLANE Jtr trnilpr. 145 rlnss TP A CTPDXT rrnn tained, sleeps $2293.

W7-4223, walk room, 10 It. body. Great camper or lor cca rBll Hetngs. Monument, mm. ou vj- fc Camninff As Snort Ctr FfiRn '68

500 hdtop By org owner. rmiMT 1WSTKUCTIONS 761 9220 GAS RANGE Real Host. Good cond. PARLETT FORD HO. 5-1300 REFRIGERATOR 8x9x20 ft.

Steel in. Very reas PL. 2-3245, REFRIGERATORS New ci Chean. FORD '60 F-350. 1 ton stake truck 4 speed.

8560 Pulaski Hwy. 682-8929 PONT. '66 H.T. Air. SDotless.

Low dn. LUMBER BUILDING SUPP't (80A) auai rear, M.S. tires, uoug Griffith. 9213 COLIE'S TRAVEL TRAILERS Sales. GOLF CLUBS Arnold Palmer St Wilson less engine.

Best offer. Ask for Jim. 6476309. IO complete Evlnrude fiberglass trl-hull $1,995. Trailer, $125.

$4,200 new. 1967. 789-5874. THUNDERBIRD Cruisers. Itio.

CobTi M.F.G. Aqua sport sallfish sunfish. nariorq paymt. we tinance our own. Will gladly bring to your home to try out.

Immedi- Milton Buck. 1814 Fleet St. 327-3117 rentals. Jessup. Md PLYWOOD PANELING V-8.

P.S.. Vinyl roof, radio. Excel, cond. Bal. of Factory Warranty.

VA. 5- 6151 FORD "68 FALCON 1 OWNER, IMMACULATE SPECIALLY PRICED $1495. JERRY'S GOVANS SCHOOL BUS 60 passenger, converted to ate approval. Crown Motors. CH.

3-4497. PREFINISHED IN SELECTIVE WOOD FORD '59 'a Ton ptckupTV-8, trailer hitch. Runs good, body rusty. $300. 833- 2348, camner, Nice tor Hunting chip.

Z47-raw. RUGS Used new. All sizes. W.W.. orl-entals.

Open only Thurs. Si Sat. 10 to 3 P.M. Frank Just, 427 E. Norts PONTIAC Where the best buys on used uHALiio oneeis 53.40 ea.

1966 OVANCE TRUCK CAMPER Sleeps 5211 YORK RD. ID. 5-ZOIO. cars are found, see today's specials. PONTIAC INC.

stall, exc. conn, ma-ram. GOLF CLUBS (Snald top-fllte) 9 Irons. 3 woods bag. $50.

HA. 6-8551. GRAVEL Attention gravel wash plants. An extensive deposit of excellent gravel near Denton on the Eastern Shore. Large stream to facilitate washing high, well drained ground for easy work- jenKins Marine, 76M-30UO.

(uku 03-'a Ton pickup, v-8. runs Ave Flywood Uutlet Co. 6.exc conn. i-8iio. VW '67 CAMPER Like new, 21,000 ml, RUGS 9x12 nylon.

Plush twists, all col- 28th fc REMINGTON AVE. 235-6508 gooa gooa tires. 530U. Berwick Motors, 5700 Belair Rd. FORD 68 Fastback.

vinyl ton, 8 AT, S. PB, R.iH. W.W. tires. Fac.

lr r.nnH. TBlass. 1 owner. $2,005. 9718 PULASKI HWY 687-7455 5826 RITCHIE HWY.

789-3445 $2,300. 3205 Chesley Ave. 426-5502. PONT. '62 H.T.

Sootless. Low dn. Davmt ors values to 570. now 534, s. BEN'S, 527 N.

CHESTER ST. 342-4644 FORD '696. DlckiM. V. hndv.

15.000 ml 23' 1967 John Allmand fiberglass IBOB. Fully equip. Can be seen Sun. afternoon. 254-3447.

Mercs St arcraft Arlstocraft Carlson Theiss 4251 Harford Rd. HA. 6-8421 K1NOSVTM.E CAMPING CENTER KrUoXEKSTOWN KD 833-6494 PARLETT FORD HO. 8-1300 good cond. A.M.

call Al, 462-1111 or 947. we finance our own. win gladly bring to your home to try out. Immediate ap- lng. Box MM134QJ aun Belair Rd.

"Starcraft Vega" 592-902S Vonn '69 Ranch Sta. Wag. Full power. SAFE Practically new, Remmington Rand. 4 hr.

fire rating, 64" wide lpH anytime. GUITAR Fender Jaguar whardshell case provai. urown Motors, cti. STARCRAFT CAMPINGTravel trailers, tin iteisterstown) ALL STORES OPEN Fri. 9 A.M.-9 P.M.

12.000 ml. 1 owner. $2,900. 437-0806, after FORD ECONOVAN '65 Exc. cond.

Regu upen uauy sat, raurs. g. 32 deep 4o high, wlegal files plus Thelss, 4251 Harford Rd. HA. 6-8421, small J3U.

lau ait, a r.ivi. 484-2560. 4. larly serviced. ha, 6-5223.

earn ledger drawers. 36-ua). HAWTHORNE TENT TRAILER Sleeps 4, Sat. 9 A.M.-5 P.M. Pulaski Hwy.

Ritchie Hwy. stores open FORD PICKUP-Half-ton 5 to choose FORD '67 Cty. Squire wagon. V-8. A.T., PS.

Financing arranged. Call 644-9550. 1IK), 232-0147 SEWING MACHINE GUITAR-Mosrite Celebrity HI Bass. Am-peg. bass amp.

(2) 15" sneakers. $300. from 4411 E. Monument St. PI.

2-430O frunoay 11-4 1966 Glasspar G3 60 P. Johnson and Trailer, top speed 40 mph, full price financing arranged, 391-5000; 195042 Owens DCFB recent power nicely equipt. $9900, McDaniel Yacht Basin (1) 287-8121. 1969 HI-LO TRUCK CAMPER Demo DICK McCULLOH 3616 Wilkens Ave. FORD '51.

Pickura. Call 644.05.V1 Singer port. $18.88 Singer Consoles $27 Call 687-3356. Reg. S2.495, Now only 51.850.

477-9373 NEW LUMBER CHEAPER THAN USED Mahog. Plwd. 4x7 Prefin. $3.49 Singer Zig Zag $43 1969 Zl? Zag Console Dick McCulloh 3616 Wilkens Ave. PONT.

'64. 2 dr. hdtp. Bonneville. Hurst 4 on the floor.

Custom Interior, bucket seats. 1 owner, pri. party. Excellent cond. Must sell.

569-9067. PONTIAC '65-Catalina 4-Dr. H.T.. 8 cyT, AT. PS.

B. WW Tires, Low mileage. $1,095. PARLETT FORD HO. 5-1300 PONTIAC '68-Le Mans 2-dr.

H.T. 1 owner Inspected. Fully equip. $150 dn. We finance 683-7708.

J. R. Motors. 1309 sac. FORD '65 Fairlane V-8, automatic, power steering.

Priced for quick sale. GUITAR Italian made, $48 Cash or Credit. Bring this ad to 3412 AUTO REPAIRS, PARTS, TIRE5 (74) FORD '59 Pick up Va good cond. SKl'o. S50.00.

Call 668-5115. GUITAR Fender Gibson amp. All for Eastern Ave. Worth So on the Anove Mahog. Plwd.

4X8 Prefin. $399 OPEN SAT. TIL 2 ATLANTIC MILL LUMBER CO. txe as. cpy-trc STAHL HEADERS For '55 Chev.

$100. FORD '55 "a Ton Pick-Uo. '61 eng. Fir. New 391 ring pinion for '69 '70 road FORD '64 Sta.

Wag. 8 cvl. Std. transm. Country Squire.

Pri. party. Good cond $150. 254-319Q, att. 9O0 Blk.

S. Caroline St. PL 2-0085 SEWING MACHINE Singer equipped to make buttonholes, etc. Left in lavawav. Bal.

$24.88, Cash or Credit. BR 6-0866 sum, $475. 358-2100. GUITARS $16 up.

Now I can get you Gibson. Fender, Vox cheap. You name It. FORD TRUCK Headquarters. New FOR SALE (81) FORD Also '36 Bulck.

AddIv wanington Blvd. Useq. TUWEK OKU. Santo's. Call 7 days.

940-6874. runner $40. 69 H.D. mopar 4 sod. trans.

(Hemi). Just rebuilt $175. will sell or trade for hdtp. for '61 or '62 Vette. 356- .3297.

CORVETTE '62 Body parts, frame, rear end. seats vinyl top. Also rebuilt. ACCORDION Franklena Italian Piano ac eves, after 4. 220 Houcksville reoit uept.

SEWING MACHINE Elec. New. All at- tachments. Reas. 488-7626.

FORD '66 N600 w16' Van body. Rollun GUN 7mm Mauser Short Rifle $12.95. romion. Mine A- white Mnlhpr of Pparl Hampstead, Hampstead. noor.

rriceq 10 sen. PONTIAC LeMANS '62-4 so. 1 owner. Very low mileage. Must see drive to appreciate.

Will sail very reas. 327-2407. in red velvet-lined case wmusic 14 FT. ALUMINUM RUNABOUT-35 HP motor. Trailer.

Many extras. Ready to go. 661-9161. TROJANS Drift-R-Cruz Carri Craft VI-king Colonial, Jackson Marine Sales. 1907 Old Ea stern 687-7255.

40' WHEELER FB Twin diesei. Auto, pilot. SS. F. Pressure water.

Elec. re-frig. 666-7752. 1952. 32' Richardson.

In heed of repairs. Call 821-7666. 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. during week.

Ideal for "Do it yourselfer." 1969-32' Gibson Houseboat, sle. 6. 225 50 gal. additional Fuel. elec.

coin- li, ft; w. -auo. r. i-toov F5RD '67 Sia. country sed.

6 pass 390, V-8. auto. P.S., fact, air insp. $1,800 SEWING MACHINE Sineer touch sew portable. Exc.

cond. 944-6356. stanq. call Mon. UK.

a-nta, Clievy 283 engine. MU. 6-0154, FORD '63 Econoline, good cond. $450. 255-8314.

GMC-'64 Vk TON VAX ACCORDION Iorio. Brand new. Ladles 4 I-W04 MG MIDGET '69. eng. trans.

1275cc, Him. 2.12-3654, FORD '68 Galaxie 500. air, full set of 4 wire wheels tires. also rear ADDER Victor elec. 10 key.

New $69.00 Guns Bought Sold Traded MARVINS SPORT CITY 313 Eastern Essex. 6R7-1667 Ritchie Hwy. Shpg. Cntr. 789-1144 Wash.

D.C. Iverson Mall. 423-6336 GtTNS-Glenbrook Rifle Assn. Range PONT. '64 4-DR.

REPOSSESSED-FULL PRICE $445. 4 dual rear. 12' body side rear 4H3j Keisterstown tig. All metal pts. As- doors, mis mnnev-maKer Is bv far the cleanest '64 truck aver to erace nnr Int.

sume paymts. call 48J-2jjQ. Dir. ADDING MACHINES USED S39 Brand new all steel S88. Rent 'em till you own FORD '64 Galaxie 500 2-Dr.

Hdtp. Auto. transJP. S. P.B.

Exc. cond FORD '69 Galaxie, assume bal. Com Dletely equip. 254-6349. axie assembly.

'69 Honda ibo parts, wheels forks.all aftSun. 338-0697J FORD '63-390 rear eng. trans, recently overhauled. $100. Call Sat, until 4 P.M..

all day sun. 944-7251. GOODYEAR TIRES 4 whitewall. 13" You must see It drive It to appreciate pass, DF like new, $10,500. 687-7255.

PONTIAC '63 Catalina. 4-Dr. H.T. V-8. A'T.

PS. State inspected. Excel era. Ken Kay 25 w. North ave.

Open to the Public Sun. April 12th 1 to 5 196837' Post FB 2265 P. Palmes, PWC, SS. power watch. ns vaiue.

LITAKER FORD-747-8800 transportation. S695. ADDING MACHINE SCM, $35. New Vic- lent FORD '64 3944 spd. Best offer.

SHELVING, STEEL With Uprights, Sides or Back UNITED IRON METAL 2545 WILKENS AVE. 947-5600 P.M. site in your ruie. soiiey na. a.

HO, 5-1300 roitu tor Elec. $69. 4670 York Ra. tubeless. 5.000 mi.

use, exc. cond. $20 L-au ait. o.ou f.lvl. i-oo-dohi.

ijow uuurs, in mint cond. bgy-yaoo. Co. 242-3593. 5603 BALTO.

NAT'L PIKB ea. 823-9259. AIR COMPRESSORS cnaln saw3. FORD Fairlane 500 Sta.

Wag. '67, very GUNS Authorized dealer. Browning, Colt. Georgetown Yacht Basin, Georgetown, Md. 21930.

Phone 301-648-5112. GMC '54 Va ton pickup. Very good cond. TIRES (2) VW 600x156 PR W.W gooq. cona.

aio.u or uesi uuer generators, iorklifts, etc. Rental Tools Equint. Co. 1708 Sulphur Spring Rd. 242.

Stammer's sport center, zaa-auj. two, can wu. M-ivpi. PONT. Spotless.

Low dn. paymt. We finance our own. Will gladly bring to your home to try out. Immed.

approval. Crown Motors, CH. 3-4497. PONTIAC '67-Grand Prix, air mounted on 4 stud rims. Less than 500 pacemaker Alelas HAIR STYLER Westinghouse.

$10. Also FORD MODEL 1926 Ford Touring Exc. cond. Call 655-4586. mis.

4M-tK7 ait. rM. INTERNATIONAL SCOUT '68 Fully equip, w'or without snowblade. 9000 Tovar Tress hairpiece, ivory Dionae, a MAGS -Set of 4. rocket wheels 14" Chrvs FORD '67-Falrlane radio.

AIR CONDITIONERS-CENTRAL Condenser A Coil. IV2 ton only $240, 2 ton Call484-4742 P.B.. P.S.. vinyl, top. Owner sale $2,000 ler compact with lugs nuts.

285-0598 shoii. kio-. uito, orig.mues. rteas. i43-w3l.

472-4261. INTL. TRAVEI.ALL '68 Air cnnH. PS omv Musi sen. att.

a. FORD FAIRLANE '67 Wagon. Alr-cond. P.B. Inspected.

$2,600. Call 366- SKIS Fischer Alu-steel metal with Solomon competition bindings. Used 8 times NEED RIGHT FRONT FENDER left STAR Cor. Eutaw Mulberry 539-4200 AIR CONDITIONING UNITS Central,oo.iiH-if.. FORD '65 Conv.

Auto. V-8. PS. stereo or oesi oner. att.

r.M. PONT. '69 Firebird, air stand. green w-blk. deluxe 6 cyl.

Exc. cond. $2300. 358-7109. PONT.

'67 LeMans, gold w'blk. vinyl ion, console, bucket seats, air-cond. Exc. or. tor 1363 Dodge Dart 2-dr.

sedan Please call 467-4869. HOT WHEELS 13 cars wcase for $10. 43 straights $15. 2 single 2 double super Chargers $18. 34 connectors for S2.

7 full curves $5. 13 Vi curves $8. All for S45. Call 747-5763. ICE CUBE-ICEFLAKE MACHINES BUY RENT-LEASE PLAN INTERNATIONAL '59-1, Ton, racks, new frizn rH men SOFA Avacado green.

3 cushion, uphol witn a-cou, 1 h.p. 5273. Ail sizes. WUl install. Fitz Co.

426-4243. tapejnsp. pri, owner, GRAND PRIX 70 All power, air cond. KEYSTONE (2) Mags. 2 Fenton INTERNATIONAL-(3) '66.

10 wheel stered. fcXC. COnO. 377-4137. SOFA-6 ft.

Broyhill, Colonial. Good cond. $i0. 465-6405. AIR PURIFIER, NEW.

REGULAR PRICE $99.95, NOW $29.95. CALL 233- 4.000 mi. $4.500. 666-2049. chrome rims $60.

(1) 8-track tape player. $30. 768-3717. si. mo.

By owner. 2HJ-2144. nump irucxs, good cond. 465-0728 044 INTERNATIONAL WALK-IN VAN "'6710 SOFA Sectional IMPERIAL '69 contemporary. 3 pc.

1970 BROADWATEES 28' '67 Broadwater Exp. HT $6,200 Cedar Point Marina (1) 827-8282 23' CHRIS CHAFT-Cavalier. 185 re- centlv rebuilt. $2,595. Marine Basin, 1900 Old Eastern 686-3696.

1962 CHRIS CRAFT-27' Skiff. Exc. cond: man other extras. $4.500. 4844167.

eves 311' 1960 $4,800 25' '47 Chris Craft 296's $2,200 Lou Dnetsch 255-7. 195923' Revel Craft Fisherman 109 Gray solid hull, good engine, $1095 full price. Financing available, 255-54110. 21 FT. Offshore G-G runabout, 210 h.n.

Chrysler inboard-outboard wtraller. 333-4860. '59 RICHARDSON 24' wood plank, runa-bout. 160 H.P. Gray Marine.

Call 833. 06ol. CAOER SS Deep dish mags. 15" $55 for CAREY SALES 945-7878 AMPLIFIER Magnatone. Cost $950 ask Ford, wnew tires.

S240. 682-6196. it. rew eng. uood cond.

51.3110. 760-5051, ICE CUBE, cublet flake machs. that 4 dr. fully equipped formally owned ing $600. 7 mo.

01a. excellent cond. 288- PONT. '66 Tempest 6-cyl. hdtp.

P.S. lnspec. Perf. cond. $950.

Pri. party. VAJ-5076. PONTIAC '66-Te-Tinest 2-dr. Fac- torv air.

$1295. PENN BROS. or best offer. Call 686-5224. SOFA Blue.

$95. 484-3291 JEEP '60 'a ton pick up "4 wheel drive, 283 CHEV. END. auto, trans. Trans.

Dv local executive, insp. van 486-1733, Dir. Huns pertect. mho. newiy nvernauien.

are serv ice jree. ma. ICE MAKERS All sizes Cube flake Priced right. Meter plan. Bh.

6-0770. INCUBATORS (2) 20D 11D. Edward METRO '59 Step van. Magnesium valves. JUNK CARS HAULED AWAY AMPLIFIER Fsnder.

Showman 15 bass or organ. 1970. $350 or best offer. Call SOUND SYSTEMS-Hall auto, types, rented-traded, Lewv Sound. 728-7000.

426-2636 JAVELIN SST '691800 ml. Exc. Aft. 7 exc. cona.

won Arunaei cove Ave. alt 5 P.M. 4101 Reisterstown Rd. 664-7100 4 dr. hdtp.

Catalina. Exc. att. P.M. ZJJ-74(I3, ENGINE TRANSMISSION For '62 P.M., 633-ZD83.

Hiener. Kinzsvuie, Ma. zusn, STEREO Console $89.50. walnut console wAM-FM multiplex radio, 4 spd. BSR AMPLIFIERS S25 up.

Now I can get you MOUNTAINEER CONVERTA CAP '69- cona. t.H3 jtnei wooaiawn, 21207 cnevy. can 477-0230. uioson, renaer. vox cnean.

you name wi. 4-3iua txc. cona. Ju4a. custom camper sales, 465-5537.

cnanger. 4 speaker solid state wbuilt In antenna for easy tuning, new in the it. santos. can 7 nays, B4-674, TRUCK WA NTED(75 PONTIACS All models JEEPS JEEPS 4 WHEEL DRIVE. NEW USED ANTENNA ROTOR By Alliance at Mid- KITCHENETTE Used.

1 drop leaf table w4 or 6 chairs. As Is. Reas. Call 664- 4601. KNIT MACHINE Double bed, Passap Duomatic.

Orig. cost $435. Sell $250. Incl. stand varn.

instruction book les- TRAILERS STORAGE (2) 40' S-A vans McKenna Pontiac Eastern Ave St Chester St oiesex cjiectronics mu e-uooo-oi ANTIQUES Round oak table, sideboard, 4 PONT. t-35 si van. tivajuii, WHITE DIESEL '61-COE-S-A, $1,995 675-0774. '67-LeMans. Bucket seats, like Only $1,695.

Al Packer Lincoln box. Fully guar. Terms. Call 679-5489. STEREO SPECIALS Scott 384120 watt solid slate AMFM rec.

Reg. nrice $399 sale $249.95. Scott 388B 180 watt solid state rec. reg. $499 sale $299.

STEREOLAND new. cnairs. rranKiin tirepi. stove. Oak leather Living rm.

suite, warrirohes 16' CRESTLINER CRUISER Top side curtains, 2 bumps, pilot seat. 2 Jump seats, $1.995. Nolands, 5501 Pulaski Hwy CHRIS CRAFT Cutlass. '69. Ainibre tlass.

230 h.n. Sleeps 2. Complete with sons. 367-2698. alter a WE WILL PAY TOP 63's to '70's MOTORS 4001 E.

MONUMENT ST. EA. 7-2900 Mercury, 727-4180. 67 Gladiator 3 4 ton P'U, V-8 S1995 '67 Jeepster Commando S'W V-S $2195 '64 Wagonecr 4 '61 Jeep 4 W'D P'up. 6 cyl $995 '59 Jeep CJ3B 4 D.

Full cab $795 '64 Jeep Gladiator P'up $1295 LAUNDRY PRESSES A.IAX Hishboy with mirror. Used bedrm. suite STORAGE TRAILERS Sale or Rent FREIGHT TRACTORS FOR SALE 54" air. 22" Mushrooms. Priced right.

PONT. '68 GTO, low best of- fer over $1.900. 252-4169. Dins vanea pieces, call ait. p.m.

796- 2831. qii ttuciaui ie.v ao.ntiu. qf-qs 276-47J0 Towson Plaza. Ingleside shonning SA. 7-3351 HU.

4-4388 '60 Jeeo CJ3B wsnowplow $149o See the No. 1 Rated Brands ANTIQUES Wanted to buy. Old beer 'n w. Baito. Eastpoint Mall.

LAWN MOWER Gravelv, w30" rotary mower Si 75" gang mowers, $295, 944- PONTIAC '68-2-dr. hardtop. Ventura. $1,895. 866-1853.


INC. sieins. especially iweiuacns. Exc. prices paid.

Call or write to S. .1. Katrpf. 321 Kl. STEREO SYSTEMS RECORDERS Electro Voice.

Norelco, other brand consumer Keports at 647-5304 Smith Marine CE. 2-5445 SEA RAY-S8 flberglas 18'. All accesso-' Plats, vans open tops sp. Best offer. 24j-8U3.

LAWN MOWER Toro, reel. 187ee it. Box 763. Annapolis, Md. 21404.

1-263-4391 310W. 889J719 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL MARK III 70 Prlcad right, phone 768-2800. names, special sale, can now, 230-4577, uij ram. tall OKS-7264. 11 buy it.

$2. clmi47 STEREO-Portable, BOB DAVIDSON FORD 3 wis. old. was $80, or naito. exciiange 269-0462.

ANTIQUES American. French. Chinese, Flimitlirp. StlUPr Phlna lamnc mir. 6720 Owens Skiff.

185 H.P low 1966, '67 '68 '69's TOP DOLLAR ARCHWAY FORD 945-3600 PONTIAC '653 spd. ps. pb. Must sacri fice. $900.

288-4476. PONT. '65 Catalina conv. Insp. Std.

shift Fully equip. Only $995. 796-2209. PickUD Truck Headquarters sac. $4').

889-02. New car warranty, run luxury equipment plus every extra made for that type car. Orig. List Pr. $9144, Sale STEREOS-Custom Music systems.

106 W. rows. Saturday ldU P.M. '2831 O'lionnell Joppa Rd. Pkwj.

661-6400 AUTO CAR TRACTOR With Cummins" LAWN MOWERS Trade, buy. sell, repair. Village Belair Rd. 488-9735. LAWN TOOLS 3 lawn mowers, 2 lawn rollers, 2 edgers.

1 trimmer lots of other garden tools. Call anytime aft. 11 Price S7H93. can am-omn worm Ave, ve. 7-3900.

PONTIAC P.S.. P.B., Execu ai. zone Z4. diesei eng. si 24 trailer, si.auo.

Lau zjo SWIMMING POOL. SPARTAN IN clean, $4,995. 255.5-100. SAMOSKY '58-14' Runabout Steering Controls. $150.

462-6236. 1969 LARSEN-VOLERO IT motor trali- erNewJ33jl34, 9 to 3. 16' INCRAFT OUTBOARD-35 h.p. Mercl tive. EXC.

cond. 81.600. 253-0554. BABY CRIBS SDrings mattresspis ili LINCOLN CONTINENTAL 702 dr new car warranty, exc. cond.

6277, GROUND 16x32. Compl. with filter PONTIAC '66 LeMans. 4 sod. chests, $25, strollers, $11, swing-o-matics A.M.467-3932J LARGE SELECTION USED TRUCKS throughout, fully equip, with vinyl ton.

too sKimmer. $1190. 308-0400. rtii new. Mcoiriown, btoK-onnK trans.

Strjj. Call NO. For more Information telephone 761-2016. SWIMMING POOLS 20'x40'. Last 1969 PON HAC '65.

2 dr. hdtp. Pri. clean. rvrnT rrivTTVrVTiT 'C7 full tv monei, pig discount.

LIVING RM. FIRE SALE. 67 suites. All styles. Early American, French Provincial.

Spanish, Modern. Danish. All in excellent condition. Save V2. Priced as low as $88.

Paramount Furniture. 6505 AMERICAN TRUCKS lOOOO PuIaski Hwy. S86J800 BULLDOZER Allls Chalmers. HA DUE. also Lowboy tractor trailer.

1 758-0685. BABY FURN. Si Accessories Exc. cond. RO.

4-0067. BABY FURN. Crib, mattress, playpen. er. 2 new irt.


644-1925 or 744-4817 Mod, P. 1411. New, $2j0. 661-7073. automatic, RAH.

really clean. Total oainireite, rocmng norse. 433-zwu, centen-iiie. Md. LINCOLN CONTINENTAL '68 1 dr.

se TAPE RECORDER CLEARANCE SALE Pulaski Hgwy- Mr. ciarn. 4o-wmi BASEBALL PITCHING. MACHINE Iron only i4o. win finance.

BILL KIDD'S AUTO SALES BR ANDYWINE AUTO RALES 3Hfl USED TRUCKS-792-9158 dan, (liny equip, vinyl root, very Clean, Priced right. Call 795-0825 or 787-3838. iniKe.Muu an bbt-B-a. BED BUNK NEW $29 .95. FOR BOTH Kevox stereo lO'V Reel $369 .95 AMPEX Auto-rev.

Stereo $199.95 Bell Howell Auto. Reverse $179 95 Roberts 4 Tr. Stereo $179 15 enesaneaKe Ford Truck Sales TOLLY CRAFT HURRICANE B6ATS Stoney CreekYacht PENGUIN SAILBOAT ETtZ 5001 BELAIR RD. 4R8-5R80 RAMBLER cyl. auto.

Reclining Top Dollar Paid 542-3004 BED $3 Chest, dresser, cribs. $10. All LIVING ROOM SET Gold sofa, end tables, coffee table, lamps. 1 chair. $150.

Call 644-4940. LIVING ROOM SET Mediterranean. $250, 435-3056. VA. 5-9330.

LIVING RM BEDRM. KIT. Good HS4n uv 682-4000 Bell 3 motors stereo $149 95 1960 INTERNATIONAL With 10 ft. new 1-0-34X6 itinas mrn. apis.

Kooms, snores. A.A-B. 1726 N. Charles. PL.

2-0824 LATE MODEL USED CARS WANTED CONTACT ELZIE MARTIN st ake body. A 1 cond. $700. 235J963. H-K 3 heads stereo deck CHRIS CRAFT 33' Concord 4 TR Stereo $119.95 3023.

BEDDING SAVE TO 40 P.C. seats. 4-Dr. very good cona jjoo cash as is. Corner Seneca fc Schmidt Rds.

Call 335-81121. RAMBLER '63-Classlc. straight stick. 2 dr. Very clean, low mi.

Runs except. AT. Ext. 263 '69 DODGE Pick up. 'a ton.

V-8. service- cond. 354-1332. 60 95 WE NEED 100 clean used cars. Ton men transferred.

Must sell. 799-4037. wonensax noun Sony 4 Tr. Stereo Deck LIV. RM.

SET 9 Pes. $400 value, only MERCURY '67 Colony Pk. Sti. Wag -9 pass. fact.

air. P.B 1 owner. Low mil Fact, warranty. Federal Motors Mercury. 3200 E.

Monument St, BR. 6- J366, MERCURYS '70's All Demos Reduced For Quick Sale THOMPSON MOTORS 477-24QQ MERCURY '64-Air P.B.. $950. Prl. party MERC.

'69 Colony Park Wag. Loaded. must sell. 828-5949. 49.95 New Innerspring mattresses $22 95 New Roll-away Beds W'mattress $22 95 New bed.

spring, mattress All for 829.95 New Sofabeds Reg. $89.95 $64.95, dir, goon, sac. Y.t-.Hin, S199. new. S2 WK.

SA. 7-2900, 19J9r2-5' BROADWATER Exp. Equint $6,795. (ll 287-8848 WBl. NEW LARSON-14'.

Chryslermotor trailer. $1,095. 426-6536. Cassett Recorder ACDC 39.95 PENN MOTOR CO. Hanover SL 3000 S.

TOP DOLLAR FOR CLEAN CARS. 355-1400 Emerson Portable LOADER 2 yd. ca 1000. best offer. 3900 29 95 $14.50 b44-lliZ-J MOBILE HOMES (73) HIGHEST CASH FOR YOUR CAR MATTHEWS Crnispr dV.T-CA' 2.99 Hartge Towson Ford.

950 York.Rd. VA. 3-4077 iai-m iarn U) Hb7-Z1KK. Police Radio. Fire.

AM 3600' Mylar Tape 7" reel 1800' Mvlar TaDP 7" reel 1200' Mylar Tape 7" reel 8 Track Cart. Tane 64 min. INSTANT CRirniT-TFPMR BANK NEEDS Responsible parties to assume paymts. on repossessed Mobile Homes. Mobile Home Sales Rit 1.69 .99 FOR THE BEST PRICE on your car.

call ringers, win n. Liiaries MU. 5-1330 BEDROOM FIRE SALE. 42 suits. Earlv American.

French Provincial, Spanish, Modern. Danish. All in excellent condition. Save 'a. priced as low as $88.

Paramount Furniture. 6505 Pulaski 485-6flO0. Mr. Clark. RAMBLER '68 Orig.

owner, stick shift. Clll 663-3589. RAMBLER '68 SST 6 cvl. good cond. CallMnnJhru FriLJ85-00011 TEMPEST dr.

P.S., Good cond. Reas. 252-4577. T-BIRD '57 Classic, black. 2 rebuilt eng.

trans, new carburator. bat-terv. tires, muffler, shocks brakes. 1.49 lorapproximateprlce. chie Hwy.

A- Ordnance Rd. at beltway I WILL buy a good used car from a 22'-Cabln Cruls- $1,700. CaTl "68 FIBERGLASS SEA RAYTif cond. $3,175. 235-2655 motor' $450' 682'3479 or'iirJ.

Jack Fives. 4255 Park Hts. Ave. LI. 2-1776 MUSTANG 1967 cylinder, automatic transmission, beautiful condition.

SALE PRICE $1,395 exu 3 onn. uien curme. upen 789-0660. private party for cash. 655-2000.


87 mattresses box springs. Save 'a on Scaly, Serta. Eclipse, some tickings, don't match. As low as $19.95. Tremendous values.

Paramount Furniture, 6505 Pulaski Hgwy. 485-6000. MrClark. MEAT. Dairy 'it Frozen Food Cases New used Terms.

Meter plan. Premier Re-frig 227 Highland Ave 342-1900 MEAT CASE Gondolas. reach-In. open Hairy produce. Walg-in coolers MIRROR Picture-Frame Reduction sale.

Echo Thrift Shop. 414 E. 31st St. MISCELLANEOUS 30 cu. ft.

chest freez 197012" WIDE 3 bfdrms bii roomv WMKI. Call 286-4614 or 477-0890, TAPE RECORDER Video, camera, monitor. 5 to 1 zoom lens, professional Am-pex dolly, lights. Must sell quickly. 235-0579 9 A.M.

to 7 P.M. for the entire family. Reduced for quick ULRICHSEM RIT4 svnrue CLEAN USED CARS NEEDED. Any make, any model. Call 512-7411.

Seward's Point Marina 1 827-8101 T-BIRD 1965 Landau, full power, clean $1,195. We finance. DOLFIELD MOTORS. 664-9010. necuea.

run price omv wK. Pimlico Furn. 5216 Reisterstown Rd. 542-3461. BEDROOM SET Walnut.

CnmplT Maple bed. dresser mirror; Biggs twin beds compl. spreads; Pull-up chairs; other TAPE RECORDER Lafayette Solid State JUNK CARS WANTED Will pick up. No COME SEE the new at Jack. '66 CONVERTIBLE Yellow wilh black ton.

standard transmis. sion. Radio-Healer. ONLY $1.095 S'ereo Kit 840 M( west baito. calls.

K2-5314. T-BIRD '67 Full power. Fact. air. $2,200 TOP DOLLAR PAID for used cars.

sqn Marine COMMODORE CRUISER Like new" Call collect. 1-838-0026. or pest niicr. ii.vam TAPE RECORDERS 4 track, eo. Roberts 997.

828-9210. scnuite Ford. 7be-3600. sale 10 sj.tod. see tnis bargain today.

Mobile Home Sales Corp. Ritchie Hwy. A- Ordnance Rd. at beltyav exit 3 N. Glen Burnie.

Open 9 8 30 789-0660. AAA MOBILE HOMES SEE US before you buy any mobile home. 2901 Dorsey Road. Gien Burnie. Md761-6440.

HOLIDAY RAMBLER Terry. Swincer. Tag-a-Long. Amerigo. Chesapeake Mobile Homes.

6901 Washington Blvd. THUNDERBIRD 69-Low all power BEDRM. 3 pc. Walnut $49 00 eomn. AH.

5 P.M.. 922-7018 HP ChrysTeT-JnT er $5. brown stretch wig. $10 frosted fall, $15. French doors.

$4 built-in B4j ureenmcunt Avt. LE. 9-4062 T-BIRD '63 full power, air cond. Exc. TELEVISION IMPORTED MOTORCARS 4412 Reisterstown Rd.

542-5000 BED (H.illywoodi. dresser, sewing mach. msnwasner. yo. Cond 550.

7'W-426j. BALTO'S rnTiPni nest nner. 4.13-Boy att. o. MISC.

Aquarium 70 air conditioned. Chesapeake Marine Service CASH FOR CLEAN USED CARS MOBILE DINERS Equipped. Call 531- 5872 (Ellicoit City). MOST JUNK CARS 4 TRUCKS to S5QQ 764 1590 WANTED From private party. Clean la'e model car.

Have cash. 358-T777. WILL BUY TOD AY Autos in ANY cond. 833-CT BEDROOM SUITE-3 pc.

S89. Moses MUSTANG '65 Convertible, powder blue COLOR or Port, or consoles AU brands Terms Deliver Now. Towon Furnl'uf" Appliance Center. 208 York Rd 87747 'til 9. typewriter sofa bed.

483-3740 after 5 ELLISON. 6.M0 Belair Rd 254-4111 196757' CHRIS 171'. iy oreenmount Ave. with blue interior white top. 8.

ANDERSON OLDS Vorheas- Yacht (11 27-6" 23 Oaens Exp. V8 kv- BICYCLES 1 2 Girl's 26 Chrome. Never MISC. Singer Featherweicht portahle. like new.

Microscope. Exc. cond. 435- HO. 7-8800 Howard ZJtn si.

1RAILER 3 hedrm. Fxc. cond Loc. Simdowner Mobile Ct. North Ocean City $3,000.

Lot rent $125 per yr. incl. radio, heater. shut. FACTORY AIR CONDITIONING.

An honest value at S1295. North Motors, in.15 w. 41st St. between Falls Rd. Roland Ave.

in the Chrvsler-PIvmouth 1 LVLun run, cmrrvn. muioruii. no-Zenith. Curtis Mathes. Warehouse to you; a' uen.

mj, ea. 33-ioS4. BOILER Oil burner unit. Cvciotherm. re-Ceiitly rebuilt, guar.

Mr. Nathan 732-20O0 "1 103O0 York Cockeysvllle. 666-9600 16' RUNABOUT-75 HP Johnson B7DI pooi gas. ir.t-j..u alt. I n.JJJB nr 17 heart ol Hampden.

BE. o-tnQ3. AUIO AND TRUCK RENTALS (76) AUTO RENTAL LEASING Bv dar week, year. Charlie Irish Ciev 28-2'tyi savings. Chesapeake Furniture Centers, or VA.8-8100.

TV Color. 1 year old. Sewing machine. Singe-. Zigzag with cabinet.

761-0652 ait- Titan 52x10. 2 bedrm. air cond washer stove, storage shed, liv. rm. A- 2 bedrun.

unfurn RO. 4-3054. 391- H6l'sE- HOLDS. TABLES. LAMPS, 484- 1239, OFFICE FURN.

New used. Bought sold. exch. 309 N. Calvert LE.

er 6 p.m. 1970 TR.OJANp.arrl CTait Jackson Mar-me. North East. Md. (1) 287-6336.

LARSON World's Largest Seilirg Fibre? lass boats. Bic Discounts. 42-6536 MOTORCYCLES, BICYCLES, ETC. (78) BSA LIGHTNING '68 EXC. COND.

TV $30. Good playing cond. Call any BROOKS BUICKS Yt0York Rd. VA 3-868s DULANEY MTRS. Lincoln.

Mercury Cougar. 223 York RdVA 3-H8S8 MONAHCH LINCOLN-MERCURY Pike 744-4300 STU BERGER OLDS. Used carj. 717 N. York Towson.

ORIOLE RAMBLER 44QS Belair Rd. 485-5909 time. 27H-9824 OFFICE FURNITURE Si Equin. for Sale. Must sac.

Call 655-7937. 300 MI. $900. 796-127 BOLEX REX 16mm. all lenses Must sen 80 oil paintings.

16mm Koda cone projector. 35 mm. exacta. 3 lenses. Great Books, enrvrlopedia GE relr color TV.

double bed. Call 889-0581 aft. 7 pm and all SatA Sim. BRACELETS (3) Value $850. Sac.

$300or best offer. 945-2008 aft. 5 P.M. BULLDOZER-H D. 9 All's Chalmers HD-1 11 Loader, good cond.

730-8493. CABINET Leslie. Take over payments. 667-3356. BLUE MOON '6555x10 3 bedrm.

Air cond. Awning On lot Nr. NSA. $2700. 35J-0550.

267-8418. JUST REPOSSESSED! W-Crmmofon aluminum 1050. Can he seen at 6726 Wash- BSA 500 '67-Exc. cond. $700 ait.

5.30 M. 2 12-156T TV-Radio Phono comb. 23" color. Air-line 668-8179. spkrs.

amp. $150 or best offer. May TV 17" RCA Good cond. 525.00. 21" Moto- MUSTANG 1965 Hardtop.

V-8. automatic power steering FACTORY AIR CONDITIONING, clean $1195. We nance. DOLFIELD MOTORS. 66-1-9H00 MUSTANG '65 H.

2 dr. hdtp. '67 Mustang motor, 3 spd on the floor. Very clean in out Very low nil. Will sell very reas.

276-2C0. MUSTANG MACH I '69-4 speed. 390 engine. Never raced. $2,895.

251-3157. Call aft. 5. MUSTANG-'68 GOOD COND SPECIAL $1595. JERRYS GOVANS 5211 YORK RD.

ID. 5-20WI. MUSTANG '65. Macn 1. 1 owner.

twuio. P.S.. P.B. Auto, trans. Air cond.

HONDA '65160. $225 or best offer. Call 828-1398. st'araieiy. tii.yz rola.

A-l. No. 60. 947-8484. ivqjrcai! X4-IM20 ORGAN" Wurlitzer.

model "4500. $1,500. TWIN" AUTO SALES Finer used cars 46x10 2 Bdr. Full price $995. TV Color.

Used. $150. A-l. Used TV $30. New color $290.

AT. 4-04W. 4.1-1 Hd can ii-w4i BICYCLES 2 Girl's 26" Chrome. Never used $45. ea.

233 1584 BMW '66 Exc. cond. accessories $900. 26' TROJAN SEDT-210 SS. DF "679: 2211 or (1) 676-Q66fl 11' SEA SNARK SAILBOATS S109 lm rial White Marsh eiffip- A D.

ANDERSON CITY OLDS ORGAN -Hammond A- be-ch plus Leslie tone cabinet. Call 945-9420. 418 Edmnnrison LP. 6-8BO0 51x10 2 BDR GOOD BUY CALL 761-6U2. 3 BDR CUSTOM.

LIKE TV Floor model, color. $600 value. Brand new. $350. 254-5391.

TV COLOR Low as wk CAMERA Bell Howell. 8 mm. nroiec-tor. editor, splicer 81 screen. $50 for J.44.M55.

Aft. 4 P.M MOTOR SALES BUICK 70x12 NEW GO CART '69-14 HP. MC 91A. S265 or pest offer. 647-6235.

CALL 761-6440 STAR cor. Eutaw ft Mulberry 539-4200 14' SEA KING 10 P. Evin Tra.r $635. HH7-7275. CAVALIER MOBIL HOMES Sears, blk.

8r solid marie. cream null. 744-4el'3. 2209 Howard t. 727-6227 MILLER CHEVROLET 5VttWa.hB;d.

796-2700 A ANDERSON CHEVROLET 4608 Ave. LO. S-Sfino Glen Burnie. Ml. 761-8n MUSTANGS All years, makes, models.

Star Meters. 823-77HQ. CAMERAS Eieiy well known make at very low prices. Stark Films. Inc.

(Since Iflv Howard Centre S's. CAMFRAS-S4LES-RFPAIRS RENTALS SERVICE PHOTO SUPPLY CAP PET ROLL BALANCES remiunis 1 Wall-to-wall or room sirs K'l colors e-'als. Caroetowne Factory outlet Closed Wed Colonial console. Like new. $95.

435-6722. 1963 16' Chris crsjt Ir. 40 TILE-'." thick. $4 .99 case. Calva' Dis- Johnson.

Trailer. $1,595. 687-7275. count Center. FO.

7-7785. CONCORDE DEALER Ver.tnor TIRES Snow reg. tread. Any sire S4 88. 255-41 garae'eed.

PA. g-9221. '6133' CC Connie 2 183s, loaded. $75T 1969 YAHAMA 250 cc. $445.

Laurel. Md. 1-408-6741. HON A '60-450 cc. exc.

cond M. TFIUMPH '68 650 cc. Good cond. $850 Call 2if4-t764 '68 FONDA 305 dream. Exc.

cond. $435. 6otl2 2 BDR EXCELLENT CONDITION CALL 761-6442. '6950x12. 2 bedrm.

ftirn. air rond" utll shed. Setup ui Airnapnis. 757-4778. MUSTANG '66 6-cyl.

Std. trans Runs good looks good. 23.3i8 TO? CI'ALITY Used Cars 63 Rd. FL 8-6484. AL PACKER FORD 565 Be'alr Rd.

To Place Sun-Ads Call 539-7700 7 A.M. TO 11 P.M. Sunday Sun Ads Accepted Until 1 P.M. Saturday Home Delivery 539-1230 Other Deps. 539-7744 joslii Essex area On lot park.

Awning ii. u. piy new tires. a t. la i-'it.

THE CHESAPEAKE CADILLAC I'fl EGYPT FARMS reduced $8 647-24-7 TOP SOIL 69 AMER1CAN-12 by "0 3 bedrms. Best MUSTANG '652-2. red nr 3 sod 6 cyl. offer. 542-6991 MUSTANG 7 cvl.

auto. CaU 477-8131 after 5 RM MUSTANG 69-Mach I 428-4 speedTWili sac. 655-7679 '42 29n St HO. 7-1130 RICH LOM. 335-37rO FT.

TROJAN- Bixir!" wFB" I Ito hn. Ak for Lou Markel 477-3445. TRIANGLE CHRVST FP HARLFY DAVIDSON '67 FLH. fcvl mi Best offer. Call Sat, ft Sun HAK! L'Y DAVIDSON PvTTO Loch Raven '69 YAMAHA Scrambler.

125 CCrEiT cond. S300. 264-532L CARPET A- RUGS-Wall to wall. 3 $159. Save up to 50 PC.

Call aft. 12., Sncp-At-Home Service. 669-77X1. CARPETS Rugs cut. bou-d A- serged at our warehou-e ft J.

Carpe' Services. Ire 649 S. Pulaekl 56e-t50. Hrs. 9l to 5 P.M.

ROTTED COW ANURE TOP SOIL Seeding. Grading Tres, Shrubs. Tan Bark. (Wl.rin. 5-5x102 Bedrro' din.

rm. exc. cond. Bfst offer. 7O9-2140.

5l2Bdr. Must see to appreciate. Call 801 E. St. TOJfSW RFA KEECH BUICK 3333 Frederick Ave.

CE 1-3000; fiOVA 6 2 dr. sedan, must aeh Aft. 828-6603. TRAVELIFT SERVICE AVAIL -DcTyour own wrk in pur va-d FCR EVT GrarRuoe. Md.

Instructions. 302-655-7660. TOP SOIL From Worthirion Vallev. Lge. 4i sm.

orders 771-4187. f..

The Baltimore Sun from Baltimore, Maryland (2024)


What is the nickname for Baltimore Maryland? ›

Baltimore has been a city of many nicknames: the moth-eaten “Monumental City,” the wishful “City That Reads,” the disparaging “Mobtown,” and the truly disheartening “Bodymore.” And, of course, to this day, there is still “Charm City.”

Where did The Baltimore Sun come from? ›

Founded in 1837, the newspaper was owned by Tribune Publishing until May 2021, when it was acquired by Alden Global Capital, which operates its media properties through Digital First Media. David D. Smith, the executive chairman of Sinclair Broadcast Group, closed a deal to buy the paper on January 15, 2024.

How do I submit a story to The Baltimore Sun? ›


To give The Sun newsroom a general tip, email or call 410-332-6100. To submit a news release, email it to a specific reporter or editor listed in this directory, or send the newsroom a fax to 410-332-6455.

How do I stop Baltimore Sun delivery while on vacation? ›

To temporarily suspend delivery of your paper while you're on vacation click here. You will need to provide a resume delivery date within 30 days of the stop date. If you don't know when you want delivery to resume or you need to hold delivery longer than 30 days, please call Customer Service at 443-692-9011.

What is the Baltimore accent called? ›

A Baltimore accent, also known as Baltimorese and sometimes humorously spelled Bawlmerese or Ballimorese, is an accent or sub-variety of Delaware Valley English (a dialect whose largest hub is Philadelphia) that originates among blue-collar residents of Baltimore, Maryland, United States.

What is Maryland old name? ›

Officially, the new "Maryland Colony" was named in honor of Henrietta Maria of France, wife of Charles I. Lord Baltimore initially proposed the name "Crescentia", the land of growth or increase, but "the King proposed Terra Mariae [Mary Land], which was concluded on and inserted in the bill."

Does the Baltimore Sun still exist? ›

The Baltimore Sun, founded in 1837, is the largest daily newspaper in Maryland and owns the Capital Gazette and the Carroll County Times. Our mission is to deliver the truth every day.

What is the slogan of the Baltimore Sun? ›

The newspaper's motto, after all, is “Light For All,” an elegant and egalitarian expression of the desire to keep Baltimoreans and Marylanders as informed as good citizenship requires. Arunah Abell, the top-hatted founder of The Sun in 1837 (at center in photo), charged only a penny for daily enlightenment.

Is Baltimore a historically black city? ›

Majority white for most of its history, Baltimore transitioned to having a black majority in the 1970s. As of the 2010 Census, African Americans are the majority population of Baltimore at 63% of the population.

How much does the Sun magazine pay for a story? ›

The Sun Magazine: Spotlight Market

The magazine has more than 70,000 subscribers. The editors say, "We've been described in many ways: celebratory, fierce, unflinching, thoughtful, truthful, dark, darkly funny, tender." They do pay $300-2,000 for personal essays and short stories; $100-250 for poetry.

How much is The Baltimore Sun newspaper? ›

Please review your subscription information below.

You can cancel your subscription anytime by calling 443-692-9011. After the $9 for 1 year introductory rate, you will be automatically charged $19.96 every 4 weeks. Maryland residents will have 6% sales tax added.

Can I sell a story to The Sun? ›

Yes! Once you tell us a little about your story, video or photos, our team will read your submission and get back in touch with to find out a bit more. After that, if we feel the story or content is suited to the Sun (or any other newspaper you choose), we will contact the Sun and negotiate a deal for your story.

Can I get the sun newspaper delivered? ›

As a loyal Sun Savers member, we don't want you missing out on the latest news and your Sun favourites. So if you haven't already, try our Home News Delivery service with six weeks' free delivery!

Does Baltimore Sun deliver? ›

Home Delivery

The Baltimore Sun delivered directly to your door complete with comprehensive sections on politics, sports, business and culture.

Who is the reporter for The Baltimore Sun Transportation? ›

Peter Jensen, a veteran editorial writer, joined The Baltimore Sun as its Eastern Shore correspondent in 1986. As a reporter he has covered Anne Arundel County, the State House, transportation (as both reporter and commuter columnist) and the environment.

What are other names for Baltimore? ›

Ask any one person to identify Baltimore's nickname, and it's likely you'll get a different answer each time. There are the “official” monikers, such as Charm City and the City That Reads. Then there are the ones that inevitably are co-opted by snark, a la Harm City and the City That Bleeds.

What are 3 nicknames that Maryland has? ›

Maryland's nicknames: "America In Miniature," "Old Line State," "Free State"

What is the slogan of Baltimore city? ›

The city's current slogan, "Baltimore: A Great Place to Grow," was chosen by Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake in 2011. Trash cans throughout Baltimore featured slogans. There were various Maryland slogans through the years. Bookmarks with the familiar slogan.

Is Baltimore still called Charm City? ›

And even though “Charm City” hasn't been an official city slogan for many years, it has stuck around in the hearts and minds of residents and travelers. So, let's talk about how Baltimore's charming nickname came to be. Long before it was Charm City, John Quincy Adams dubbed Baltimore “the Monumental City” in 1827.


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Author: Terrell Hackett

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Author information

Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

Phone: +21811810803470

Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.